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Total No. of Questions : 10] SEAT No.

PA-2594 [Total No. of Pages : 4

S.Y. LL.B. (Semester - IV)
(Second Year of Three Years Law Course)
LO-0806 : Competition Law
(2017 Pattern) (Paper - B)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answer any three questions from Part - A. Each question in Part - A is for 15
2) Answer any two question from Part - B. Each question in Part - B is for 10
3) Answer question no. 10 from Part - C as directed. The question No. 10 is for
5 marks.

PART - A [3 × 15 = 45]

Q1) Discuss in detail constitutional aspect of competition law with respect to

human rights and social justice.

Q2) Explain development of competition laws in USA and UK.

Q3) Discuss pro-competitive and anti-competitive effects of joint ventures.

Q4) Explain relevance of sector specific competitive dynamics on dominant


Q5) Explain establishment, constitution, powers and functions of competition

commission of India.
PART - B [2 × 10 = 20]

Q6) Explain Competition appellate tribunal.

Q7) Describe International Trade and competition Law.

Q8) Explain Jurisdiction of the competition commission of India.

Q9) Explain predatory pricing.

PART - D [3 × 5 = 15]

Q10) Write short notes on (any three) :

a) Penalties and enforcement under director general of investigation.
b) Domestic nexus.
c) Conglomerate mergers.
d) Dominance in relevant market.
e) Cartel.


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