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1-Fill in the spaces with the correct words to complete the simple past sentences. (Preencha os
espaços com a palavra correta para completar as frases no passado simples).
1. I ____________________(play) video games last night.
2. Michael ______________(jump) on the sofa.
3. We __________________(go) to school yesterday.
4. Dana _________________(watch) a movie yesterday.
5. Last night, it ___________________(rain) very hard.
6. He ____________________ (write) his name on the book.
7. The computer __________________(break) 2 weeks ago.
8. The girls ______________(make) a sand castle at the beach last weekend.
9. I ________________(open) the door 3 minutes ago.
10. He ________________ (forget) his jacket at his house.

2- Write the past forms of the irregular verbs. (Escreva a forma do passado dos verbos irregulares).
a) leave → b) sell → c) bring → d) shut → e) spend →

3-Write the negative and interrogative (Escreva na forma negativa e interrogativa):

a) We opened the door.
b) I read a book yesterday.
4- Choose the right alternativa (Escolha a alternativa certa):
1. He __ soccer yesterday. 6. John __ to New York last month.

plaied goed

plaid going

played went
2. I __ 50m last week. 7. I ___ to Tom last night.

swam writed

swum wroted

swimmed wrote
3. She __ too much chocolate. 8. Mary __ TV all day!

eated watched

ated watch

ate watching
4. Who __ the match? 9. He __ very fast in the race this morning.

wan ran

wun run

won runs
5. I __ here last year as well. 10. She __ the newspaper on the train.

came read

comed readed

come red

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