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ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 2002, 63, 1153–1162

doi:10.1006/anbe.2002.3017, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

Cannibalistic behaviour spread by social learning


*Center for the Study of Animal Well-being, Department of Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology
and Physiology, Washington State University
†Program in Statistics, Washington State University

(Received 2 April 2001; initial acceptance 7 June 2001;

final acceptance 29 November 2001; MS. number: A9030)

We hypothesized that social learning is involved in the spread of cannibalism in domestic fowl Gallus
gallus domesticus. To investigate this hypothesis without harming birds, we used an inanimate chicken
model as our cannibalism stimulus. We randomly assigned flocks of 12 White Leghorn pullets to one of
two treatments: (1) flocks with two trained demonstrators (N=9) and (2) control flocks (N=8). Demon-
strators were trained to pierce a membrane covering a dish of chicken blood and consume the blood. To
assess the effect of access to the cannibalism stimulus during demonstrations, we randomly assigned
observer pairs to one of two observer treatments: (1) observe stimulus through a wire mesh partition and
(2) observe stimulus within the same enclosure. We conducted five 10-min demonstration sessions, each
followed by a 10-min test of each observer pair in the absence of demonstrators, over a period of 15 days
when the birds were 41–55 days of age, and two further tests at 63–64 and 91–92 days of age. Pairs that
observed demonstrators piercing a membrane and consuming blood were more likely to perform this task
when tested than control pairs. Learning of the task was enhanced by direct access to the cannibalism
stimulus rather than observing it through a wire mesh partition. Blood consumption during tests was
increased by direct access to the cannibalism stimulus during demonstration sessions. The birds made
bigger holes in the membrane when tested after observing trained demonstrators and after having direct
access to the stimulus. Our results provide the first experimental evidence that social learning can
contribute to the spread of cannibalistic behaviour in domestic fowl. We suggest that stimulus
enhancement and observational conditioning were the social-learning mechanisms involved.
 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Social learning refers to situations in which observation Cannibalistic behaviour is widespread in the animal
of, or interaction with, another animal or its by-products kingdom, both in wild and captive populations (Elgar &
facilitates the acquisition of a new pattern of behaviour Crespi 1992). In poultry, cannibalism involves beak-
(Galef 1988). Social learning allows behavioural inno- inflicted damage followed by the consumption of blood
vations to spread rapidly through a population, thereby and other tissues of conspecifics, either while they are still
facilitating adaptation to different environments and alive or after death. Cannibalism constitutes a serious
unpredictable conditions (Boyd & Richerson 1988). Social welfare and economic problem when live birds are
transmission of foraging behaviour has been reported in a injured and killed. Although variable between strains and
wide range of animals (Palameta & Lefebvre 1985) includ- among flocks within strain, mortality due to cannibalism
ing junglefowl, Gallus gallus spadiceus, and their domesti- above 30% has been reported in flocks of laying hens
cated relatives, G. gallus domesticus. Junglefowl show with intact beaks (Craig & Muir 1996; Gunnarsson et al.
feeding site preference and a shorter latency to feed if 1999). It appears that bleeding resulting from feather
they have previously observed a conspecific demonstrator damage during bouts of feather pecking or from damag-
forage successfully from a marked dish (McQuoid & Galef ing pecks to other body parts such as the cloaca or toes
1992, 1993) and social transmission of key pecking for a can stimulate cannibalism (Hughes & Duncan 1972;
food reward has been reported in domestic laying hens Cuthbertson 1978; Cloutier et al. 2000). Mechanisms
(Nicol & Pope 1992, 1993, 1994, 1999). underlying the development of feather pecking and can-
Correspondence: S. Cloutier, Department of Veterinary and Compara-
nibalistic behaviour in poultry are poorly understood.
tive Anatomy, Pharmacology and Physiology, Washington State Uni- Recent evidence (Huber-Eicher & Wechsler 1997, 1998)
versity, P.O. Box 646520, Pullman, WA 99164-6520, U.S.A. (email: supports the hypothesis that feather pecking and canni-
scloutie@vetmed.wsu.edu). J. R. Alldredge is at the Program in Statis- balism represent foraging behaviour that becomes
tics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3144, U.S.A. redirected towards conspecifics in the absence of
0003–3472/02/$35.00/0  2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

adequate alternative pecking stimuli within the captive main compartment (9191100 cm high), where
environment. the birds were housed, and a smaller compartment
In poultry husbandry, it is considered important to (3091100 cm high) separated from the main com-
remove eggs and dead birds from the flock as soon as partment by a wire fence. Each compartment had a water
possible so that the birds do not learn to eat them. It has cup, and a food trough and wooden perch running across
been suggested that deleterious behaviour may be copied, its full length. The floor was covered with wood shavings.
leading to rapid proliferation of the behaviour within a Each flock was visually isolated from adjacent flocks by
flock (Appleby et al. 1992; Nicol 1995). Among laying solid walls. We provided food (standard pullet mash) and
hens, there is a significant trend for one death from water ad libitum. The duration of the photoperiod was
cannibalism to be followed by more in the same cage 12 h. The ambient temperature was 29 C in the first week
(Allen & Perry 1975; Craig & Muir 1996) and adjacent and then gradually decreased to 21 C. The average light
cages (Tablante et al. 2000). Within a cage, this finding intensity at the level of the feeder was 9420.7 lx in the
could be accounted for by the same bird attacking mul- brooders and 726.8 lx in the floor cages.
tiple victims. Cannibalism in adjacent cages in a limited During week 6, we adopted out some males that had
area within a poultry house could be due to individual been incorrectly sexed at the hatchery and redistributed
learning of the behaviour by birds exposed to specific females from one flock to the other flocks so that there
environmental conditions in that location, such as rela- were 17 flocks of 12 birds. To facilitate individual identi-
tively bright lighting. Alternatively, or additionally, can- fication, we marked each bird with plastic leg bands and
nibalistic behaviour may spread among birds through a coloured mark on her back. We visually monitored the
social learning. Recently, Zeltner et al. (2000) have birds for health problems at least twice daily. Any sick or
reported evidence of a social influence on proliferation of injured bird was immediately separated from her flock-
feather pecking in chickens. We were interested to deter- mates and given veterinary care until fully recovered.
mine whether social learning could be implicated in Although the birds had been vaccinated for Marek’s
outbreaks of cannibalism. disease, one bird developed symptoms and was eutha-
We hypothesized that social learning contributes to the nized at 56 days. After the experiment, the birds were
spread of cannibalistic behaviour in poultry and that adopted out to a private farm where they were kept under
social learning is enhanced by direct access to victims free-range conditions.
of cannibalism. We investigated these hypotheses in
chickens of a strain selected for high egg production
Experimental Design
using an inanimate model (a dish of chicken blood
covered by a membrane) to which cannibalistic behav- Within each flock, we selected two demonstrators (see
iour similar to that used in cannibalistic attacks on live below). The remaining 10 birds were randomly divided
birds (damaging pecking followed by consumption of into five pairs of observers. We used pairs of demon-
chicken blood) could be directed. In previous exper- strators and observers for the experiment because isolated
iments, naïve chickens and pheasants, Phasianus colchi- fowl may engage in prolonged periods of distress vocal-
cus, avoided dishes containing conspecific blood (Jones & ization and remain immobile (McQuoid & Galef 1992).
Black 1979; Jones & Faure 1981, 1983), suggesting that We randomly assigned flocks to one of two demonstrator
our model would not initially be recognized as a food treatments: (1) flocks with naïve demonstrators (Control,
source. Thus, we considered our experimental construct N=8) and (2) flocks with trained demonstrators (Trained,
to be ecologically valid for investigating the acquisition N=9). In the Trained treatment, the demonstrators were
and diffusion of cannibalism within a population. We trained to pierce a membrane covering a dish of chicken
predicted that observer chickens given the opportunity to blood (see below) whereas, in the Control treatment, the
watch trained demonstrator chickens pecking open the demonstrators received no such training. This condition
model and ingesting the blood would be more likely to controlled for the probability that the task could be
perform this behaviour subsequently, and to learn the learned individually. To assess the effect of access to the
behaviour more quickly, than control chickens not given dish of chicken blood during demonstrations, we ran-
this opportunity. We also predicted that observers able to domly assigned the observer pairs to one of two observer
interact directly with the model and trained demonstra- treatments: (1) observe through a wire mesh partition
tors would be more likely to learn the behaviour, and (O1) and (2) observe within the same compartment (O2).
learn it sooner, than observers physically separated from
the model.
Chicken Models
To avoid unnecessary harm, we used ‘chicken’ models
MATERIAL AND METHODS rather than live birds to test our hypotheses about social
Animals and Husbandry transmission of cannibalistic behaviour. A chicken model
was a clean petri dish (9 cm diameter, Pyrex, Corning,
We obtained female White Leghorn chicks from a Corning, New York, U.S.A.) containing 32 g of chicken
commercial hatchery and randomly divided them into 18 blood covered by a smooth membrane of nontoxic para-
flocks of 12 individuals. We housed them in wire-floored film (Parafilm M, American National Can, Menasha,
brooder units until 4 weeks of age. At this time, we Wisconsin, U.S.A.). To prevent the dish from being
transferred them to enriched floor cages having a large turned over and to contain any spillage, we attached the

dish to a clean plastic tray (23 cm in diameter) using The demonstrators assigned to the Control treatment
Velcro. Whenever the chicken model was presented, a were not presented with a chicken model during training
clean sheet of brown paper was placed under it that periods and were given access to food and water ad
covered the whole floor area. Although the experiment libitum, as were the remaining birds in their home cages.
could have been conducted using whole dead chickens,
we were concerned that behaviour directed to carcasses
would be too easily generalized to live birds. We could Trials
have provided chicken meat or internal organs in a
membrane-covered dish, as these are consumed during Trials were conducted in cages similar to the birds’
cannibalistic attacks, but we chose to use blood as it home cages and situated in the same room. We con-
provides the first sign of injury in a cannibalistic attack. ducted the first five trials over a 15-day period when the
Also, a bird pecking at a bleeding wound appears to birds were between 43 and 55 days of age. In these trials,
attract others to join in the attack. We obtained the blood a demonstration session was followed by a test of each
from chickens humanely slaughtered at a commercial observer pair in the absence of demonstrators. Trials 6
abattoir and desanguinated into a heparinized container and 7 were conducted when the birds were 63–64 and
to prevent coagulation. The blood was stored at 70 C 91–92 days of age, respectively. In these trials, we tested
until needed for the experiment. the observer pairs without a preceding demonstration.
Because food deprivation of observers hinders social
learning (Nicol & Pope 1993), we did not deprive ob-
Selection and Training of Demonstrators
servers of food prior to demonstration sessions (trials
Since high social status of demonstrators can enhance 1–5). We did withhold food during trials 6 and 7, when
social learning (Nicol & Pope 1994, 1999) but dominance only tests for retention were given, by removing the food
relationships in female chicks do not become fully estab- trough before the lights came on in the morning.
lished before 9–10 weeks of age (Rushen 1984), we used a For the O1 demonstration sessions, we placed the three
‘worm running’ competitive test (Rogers & Astiningsih pairs of O1 observers from a flock together in the main
1991) to select the demonstrators. We scored competition compartment of a cage. For flocks on the Trained treat-
among birds to pick up and run with a piece of wound ment, we placed the pair of trained demonstrators for
white pipe cleaner, 30 mm in length and approximately that flock in the adjacent smaller compartment of the
3 mm in diameter, during 10-min tests at 8, 10 and 12 cage and introduced a chicken model for 10 min. The O1
days of age. At each 5-s interval, we recorded the identity observers were, therefore, able to observe the demon-
of the bird carrying the pipe cleaner. Birds were ranked strators pierce the membrane and consume chicken blood
according to their cumulative score over the three tests. by watching them through the wire mesh partition. For
We selected the two highest-ranking birds in each flock to flocks on the Control treatment, we placed a model in the
be the demonstrators. Familiar demonstrators were used small compartment without any demonstrators. The six
because hens tend to avoid unfamiliar conspecifics when observers could look at the model through the wire mesh
possible (Nicol & Pope 1999). partition but received no demonstration. For the O2
We conducted demonstrator training during 13 train- demonstration sessions, we placed the two pairs of O2
ing sessions between 21 and 40 days of age. Demon- observers in the large compartment along with the pair of
strators were food deprived before training sessions by demonstrators. We then introduced a chicken model for
removing the food trough in the morning before the 10 min. The O2 observers on the Trained treatment were,
lights came on. Once the lights were on, we moved each thus, able to observe the demonstrators cannibalize the
pair of demonstrators to a separate, visually isolated cage chicken blood at close range as well as having the oppor-
for a 30-min period. At the end of each training period, tunity to peck and pierce the model and to scrounge on
we washed off any blood adhering to demonstrators and blood exposed by demonstrators or fellow observers. The
returned them to their home cages. Food (apart from that O2 observers on the Control treatment had the oppor-
provided by the chicken model) was withheld from the tunity to peck and pierce a model and to scrounge on
demonstrators assigned to the Trained treatment during blood exposed by one of the five other birds present.
the training sessions. To habituate these demonstrators to After the 10-min demonstration sessions, we tested
blood, we introduced a chicken model minus a mem- each observer pair sequentially in a random predeter-
brane and with some (familiar) food mixed into the mined order that differed for every trial. Tests were
blood. In five subsequent training sessions, we reduced conducted in the small cage compartments but with
the proportion of food to blood until the birds readily ate brown paper covering the wire mesh to prevent any birds
the blood with no added food. On the seventh training in the main compartments from observing the tests. A
session, we presented a chicken model with a membrane chicken model was placed in the centre of the compart-
in which we had made two incisions. In subsequent ment with the observers for 10 min and their responses
sessions, we reduced the number and size of the incisions were recorded on videotape. We limited the duration of
until the demonstrators were using their beaks to pierce exposure to the chicken model to minimize the chance
the membrane by themselves. Demonstrator training that any birds becoming contaminated with blood would
continued until the birds reached a high level of ef- become targets of cannibalistic pecking. We washed off
ficiency (<60 s latency to pierce the membrane upon any blood adhering to birds’ beaks, feet or feathers before
presentation of the model in the 13th training session). returning birds to their home cages.

Table 1. Effects of demonstrator type (Trained versus Control) (D), observer type (O1 versus O2) (O), trial (T) and
their interactions on responses of pairs of observer chickens to a dish of blood covered by a membrane*

Peck membrane (proportion)

F 7.99 7.15 1.22 22.95 1.33 2.22 0.60
P 0.01 0.02 0.29 0.0001 0.24 0.04 0.73
df 1,15 1,15 1,15 6,180 6,180 6,180 6,180
Pierce membrane (proportion)
F 5.56 6.96 0.01 8.94 1.25 1.35 0.76
P 0.03 0.02 0.91 0.0001 0.28 0.24 0.60
df 1,15 1,15 1,15 6,180 6,180 6,180 6,180
Latency to peck membrane (s)
F 6.37 5.84 4.16 39.93 1.09 4.38 0.50
P 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.0001 0.37 0.0002 0.81
df 1,15 1,15 1,15 6,525 6,525 6,525 6,525
Latency to pierce membrane (s)
F 5.19 9.61 0.04 13.99 1.36 2.60 0.83
P 0.04 0.007 0.84 0.0001 0.23 0.02 0.55
df 1,15 1,15 1,15 6,525 6,525 6,525 6,525
Membrane score†
F 5.48 9.83 0.13 13.40 1.92 0.48 0.72
P 0.03 0.007 0.73 0.0001 0.08 0.82 0.64
df 1,15 1,15 1,15 6,515 6,515 6,515 6,515
Blood eaten (g)
F 2.64 6.34 0.66 20.86 1.35 2.52 0.44
P 0.13 0.02 0.43 0.0001 0.23 0.02 0.85
df 1,15 1,15 1,15 6,505 6,505 6,505 6,505

*Mixed model analysis of ranked data, with trial as a repeated measure.

†1=No damage, 2=indentations, 3=hole(s) less than 5 mm long, 4=hole(s) at least 5 mm long.

Measurements demonstrator type were random terms in the model. The

subjects were the observer pairs. We used the compound
Before and after each test, we weighed the chicken
symmetry covariance structure where possible but the
model so that we could determine the amount of blood
PS(POW) covariance structure provided a better fit to the
disappearing from the model during the test through
data for the membrane score and the proportion vari-
ingestion by the birds and any spillage, designated as
ables. Because the residuals were not normally distrib-
‘blood eaten’. After the test, we assigned a membrane
uted, we applied the mixed linear model to both
score, where 1=no damage, 2=indentations but no holes,
untransformed and ranked data. Similar results for the
3=one or more holes less than 5 mm long, and 4=one or
two analyses indicated reliability of the analysis on the
more holes at least 5 mm long. The following data were
ranked data (Zar 1996). Only results from the analyses of
collected from the videotapes of each observer pair by a
the ranked data are presented for these variables. To assess
human observer blind to the treatments: latency for the
rates of learning in each treatment combination, the
first bird of the pair to peck the membrane with or
cumulative proportion of pairs performing pecking and
without making a hole in it (peck latency) and latency for
piercing behaviour at each trial were summarized by
the first bird of the pair to make a hole in the membrane
linear (Proc GLM) and nonlinear (Proc NLIN) regression
as a result of pecking at it (pierce latency). If the behav-
models (SAS Institute 1999). We used SAS Proc NLMIXED
iour was not performed, a maximum latency of 600 s was
to construct confidence intervals to allow testing for
recorded. We also determined the proportion of pairs that
differences in learning rates. We excluded trials 6 and 7
performed pecking and piercing. We noted isolated inci-
from the models because these trials tested retention
dents in which a bird broke the membrane by scratching
rather than acquisition of the cannibalistic behaviour. To
at it or landing on it with her claws but these events did
determine whether the birds generalized from the model
not occur more than once within the same flock and were
to real birds, we used SAS Proc GLM to assess the effect of
too rare for statistical analysis.
demonstrator type (Trained or Control) on the frequency
of cannibalistic events occurring in the 5 weeks following
Statistical Analysis the demonstration trials (1–5).
We used the mixed linear model (Proc Mixed) of the
SAS Institute (1996), with trial (1–7) as a repeated
measure, to assess effects of demonstrator type (Trained Results of the mixed model analysis on the proportion of
or Control), observer type (O1 or O2), trial and their pairs, and latency, to peck and to pierce the membrane,
interactions on the measured variables. Flock within the quantity of blood eaten and the membrane scores are
demonstrator type, and observer type within flock and shown in Table 1. A higher proportion of observer pairs

1.2 (a)
(a) 600




Latency (s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1.0 (b)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 1. Mean proportion (±SE) of pairs of chickens in which one or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
both chickens (a) pecked and (b) pierced a membrane covering a Trial
dish of blood (chicken model) during seven 10-min trials following
demonstration sessions in which they could see: two trained dem- Figure 2. Mean latency (±SE) (s) of the first bird of a pair of chickens
onstrators behind a wire partition piercing the membrane of a to (a) peck and (b) pierce a membrane covering a dish of blood
chicken model and consuming blood (TDO1: ); two trained (chicken model) during seven 10-min trials following one of four
demonstrators with a chicken model in their own cage (TDO2: ); a demonstration sessions (TDO1: ; TDO2: ; CO1: ; CO2: ; see
chicken model behind a wire partition without demonstrators (CO1: Fig. 1). The demonstrator, observer and trial main effects, and the
); or a chicken model in their own cage without trained demon- observer*trial interaction, were significant (mixed linear model on
strators (CO2: ). The demonstrator, observer and trial main effects the ranked data, P<0.05).
were significant for both peck and pierce the membrane, and the
observer*trial interaction was significant for peck the membrane
(mixed linear model on ranked data, P<0.05). 4

from the Trained, than the Control, treatment pecked

Membrane score

and pierced the membrane (Fig. 1). Observer pairs from 3

the Trained treatment pecked and pierced the membrane
with a shorter latency than Control pairs (Fig. 2) and had
higher membrane scores (Fig. 3). The quantity of blood
eaten did not differ between pairs from the Trained and
Control treatments (Fig. 4).
A higher proportion of observer pairs with direct access
to the chicken model during demonstrations (O2), rather 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
than contact through a wire mesh partition (O1), pecked
and pierced the membrane when subsequently tested
(Fig. 1). The O2 pairs had shorter latencies to peck and Figure 3. Mean membrane score (±SE) of pairs of observer chickens
pierce the membrane than the O1 pairs (Fig. 2). The O2 during seven 10-min trials following one of four demonstration
sessions (TDO1: ; TDO2: ; CO1: ; CO2: ; see Fig. 1). The
pairs also had higher membrane scores (Fig. 3), and
membrane score could range from 1 (no damage) to 4 (hole(s)
ingested more blood (Fig. 4), than the O1 pairs.
≥5 mm long). The demonstrator, observer and trial main effects
The proportion of pairs that pecked and pierced the were significant (mixed linear model on the ranked data, P<0.05).
membrane, the membrane score and the amount of
blood ingested all increased over time (trials 1–7),
whereas the latency to peck and pierce the membrane proportion of pairs pecking the membrane, latency to
decreased over time (Figs 1–4). There were significant peck and to pierce the membrane and the amount of
interactions between observer treatment and trial on the blood eaten (Table 1, O * T). There were no significant

15 1.2
Blood eaten (g)

9 0.8


Cumulative proportion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Trial 0.0
43 45 47 49 51 53 55
Figure 4. Mean quantity (±SE) of blood eaten (g) by pairs of
observer chickens during seven 10-min trials following one of four 1.0
demonstration sessions TDO1: ; TDO2: ; CO1: ; CO2: ; see (b)
Fig. 1). The quantity of blood eaten was not measured in trial 1. The
observer and trial main effects, and the observer * trial interaction 0.8
were significant (mixed linear model on the ranked data, P<0.05).
interactions between demonstrator and observer treat-
ments (Table 1, D * O) or between these two treatments 0.4
and trials (Table 1, D * O * T).
For all treatment combinations, the logistic model
(Y=A/1+eBKx where x is the age of the bird in days)
yielded the best fit to the cumulative proportion of pairs
that pecked the membrane as a function of time for all 0.0
43 45 47 49 51 53 55
conditions (Y=0.9984/1+e(21.0673–0.4679x); Y=1.0121/
Age (days)
1+e(25.4806–0.5661x); Y=1.0068/1+e(23.7920–0.5601x);
Y=1.0286/1+e(12.6117–0.3018x) for Control O1, Control Figure 5. Best-fit curves for the cumulative proportion of pairs of
O2, Trained O1 and Trained O2 conditions, respectively) chickens that (a) pecked and (b) pierced a membrane covering a
(Fig. 5a). The location of the inflection point on the dish of blood (chicken model) during their first five exposures to a
chicken model (between 43 and 55 days of age), each occurring
X axis, calculated as x=B/K, indicates that learning to
immediately after one of four demonstration sessions (TDO1: m;
peck the membrane occurred significantly (P<0.05) TDO2: ; CO1: _; CO2: ; see Fig. 1).
more rapidly in the Trained O1 and Trained O2
conditions (B/K=42.5, 95% confidence interval,
upper=42.7, lower=42.3 and B/K=41.8, upper=42.4, DISCUSSION
lower=41.2, respectively) than the Control O1 (B/K=45,
Response to Trained Demonstrators
upper=45.3, lower=44.8) and Control O2 (B/K=45,
upper=45.3, lower=44.8) conditions. Polynomial regres- Across trials, observing trained demonstrators peck and
sions best fit the cumulative proportion of Trained O1 pierce a membrane to access and consume chicken blood
pairs (Y=0.550480.031516x+0.0005407x2) and Con- consistently increased the proportion of observer pairs
trol O1 pairs (Y= 16.4206+1.1018x0.0245x2 + performing the same task, and the size of the holes that
0.00018x3) piercing the membrane over time (Fig. 5b). they made in the membrane, when tested in the absence
The logistic model adequately summarized the cumula- of the demonstrators. In addition, the latency of the
tive proportion of Trained O2 pairs (Y=0.8019/ observers to perform the task was consistently lower than
1+e(16.8116–0.3831x)) and Control O2 pairs (Y=0.4108/ that of the control birds who did not observe trained
1+e(33.8674–0.7155x)) that pierced the membrane as a demonstrators. Our results are in agreement with those of
function of time (Fig. 5b). The Trained O2 pairs learned to Nicol & Pope (1992) who showed that observation of a
pierce the membrane significantly (P<0.05) faster trained demonstrator facilitates learning of a novel feed-
(B/K=43.9, 95% confidence limits, upper=45.0, ing task in domestic fowl. There are previous reports of
lower=42.8) than the Control O2 pairs (B/K=47.3, 95% spatial clustering of cannibalistic events in the same and
confidence limits, upper=48.0, lower=46.7). adjacent cages (Allen & Perry 1975; Craig & Muir 1996;
There was no significant effect of the demonstrator Tablante et al. 2000) and there has been speculation that
treatment on the frequency of cannibalistic attacks cannibalistic behaviour is socially transmitted (Appleby
(N/group/day) occurring in the 5 weeks following the et al. 1992; Tablante et al. 2000). Our results provide the
demonstration trials (F1,16 =2.48, P=0.14), although the first experimental evidence in support of this hypothesis.
frequency was numerically higher in groups with trained Social learning requires that the naïve observer retains
demonstrators (XSE, Control: 0.070.029 and and reproduces the demonstrator behaviour in the
Trained: 0.160.041). absence of the demonstrator (Nicol 1995). This condition

was met in our experiment. The pairs of observers per- strators to bystanders. In our O2 condition, once
formed the task efficiently even in trial 7, at least 36 days observers had learned the task, they, too, could be dem-
after their last demonstration (in trial 5), indicating that onstrators for remaining observers, thus increasing the
the birds had retained the task in their long-term ratio of demonstrators to observers and, potentially,
memory. increasing the rate at which the task was learned by the
Even though pairs that had watched trained demon- remaining observers. By contrast, in the O1 condition,
strators were faster at pecking and piercing the mem- observer pairs that had learned the task could not act as
brane, there was no significant difference in the quantity demonstrators for the remaining observer pairs. Another
of blood eaten by these pairs and the control pairs. Given factor that may have contributed to the difference in
that the birds were provided with a nutritionally com- task acquisition between the O1 and O2 conditions was
plete ration ad libitum, they were probably not motivated the opportunity for the birds in the O2 condition to
to consume large amounts of blood within the brief time coordinate their behaviour with demonstrators.
frame of the tests. Other factors that may have influenced Despite physical separation, pairs observing trained
the amount of blood consumed include aggressive demonstrators were consistently more likely to peck and
defence of the blood source by one member of the pierce the model than pairs observing the chicken
observer pair, exploration of the test arena and model alone. Research on chicken vision (Dawkins &
fear reactions resulting from being placed in the test Woodington 1997) suggested that observers would see
enclosure. the chicken model and demonstrators most effectively if
located within 30 cm of them. The observers in the O1
condition were within that range when standing by the
Response to Access to the Chicken Model
wire partition. It was apparent during the trials that,
The ability to make close contact with the chicken when trained demonstrators were present, O1 observers
model during demonstration sessions (O2) increased the stood by the wire partition and watched the demon-
proportion of pairs pecking and piercing the membrane strators. However, they did not appear to pay much
during subsequent tests compared with the condition in attention to the chicken model when it was presented
which the observers were separated from the chicken alone. Although not investigated in our study, auditory
model by a wire mesh partition (O1). The opportunity to (McQuoid & Galef 1993) and olfactory (Galef 1996)
interact directly with the chicken model also decreased contact may have contributed to acquisition of the task.
the latency to peck and pierce the membrane, increased We minimized the possibility that olfactory cues persisted
the size of holes made in the membrane and increased the beyond each test by washing the chicken model compo-
quantity of blood consumed during subsequent testing. nents between each use, applying a fresh membrane each
Thus, direct access to the chicken model facilitated acqui- time, changing the paper on the floor and washing off
sition of cannibalistic behaviour towards the model. any blood adhering to birds before returning them to
There were no significant interactions between exposure their home group. Jones & Black (1979) and Jones &
to trained demonstrators and access to the chicken Faure (1981, 1983) suggested that olfaction might play a
model. These two factors, thus, had additive effects, with role in initial aversion to blood. Our results indicate that
the greatest learning response occurring in the condition any initial aversion to blood was overcome, especially
in which observers had close contact with both the when birds had the opportunity to investigate blood in
chicken model and trained demonstrators. the presence of flockmates actively consuming blood
Nicol & Pope (1994) observed a decrease in acquisition from the same source.
of a key peck response by hens when seven observers were
in physical contact with a single demonstrator and the
Rate of Learning
apparatus, possibly because only three out of the eight
hens could stand side by side in the response box where In all treatments, the proportion of pairs acquiring the
the key was located and, thus, the key was easily defend- task increased over time, indicating that the cannibalistic
able by one bird. In our study, six birds were together behaviour directed at the chicken model was learned.
during observation sessions and the chicken model was Many of the control pairs learned to perform the task
not easily defendable by a single bird. Although we did even though they were not exposed to trained demon-
not quantify agonistic interactions during observation strators. This finding indicates that individual learning
sessions, there was no indication that the birds were occurred in the absence of social learning. As observer
competing for access to the chicken model at this time. pairs learned the task, they made bigger holes in the
Rather, the presence of one or more birds at the model membrane to access the blood, suggesting that, as the
appeared to increase the confidence of other birds birds learned about blood as a food source, they became
to approach the model. Contrary to the findings of more motivated and more efficient in accessing the
Giraldeau & Lefebvre (1987), scrounging does not appear blood. Apparently the task was easy enough for the
to have impaired learning in our study since a greater inexperienced birds to learn independently. In future
proportion of pairs from the O2 condition learned the experiments, a stronger membrane could be used to
task than in O1 condition where scrounging was not increase the difficulty of the task.
possible. Acquisition of the task was enhanced by exposure to
Lefebvre & Giraldeau (1994) reported that the rate of trained demonstrators, indicating that, in addition
learning increased with an increased ratio of demon- to individual learning, social learning was occurring.

Although social learning was not necessary for the expres- ing, when presented to observers in the test enclosure.
sion of cannibalistic behaviour, it increased the rate of It would also explain why the cannibalistic behaviour
diffusion of the behaviour. The learning model of Cavalli- did not generalize to real birds. Zeltner et al. (2000)
Sforza & Feldman (1981) predicts sigmoidal diffusion of a found that feather pecking increased in groups of
socially transmitted behaviour. Sigmoidal models best fit chickens to which feather-pecking chickens (demonstra-
our data on pecking the membrane and on diffusion of tors) were added compared with groups where
piercing behaviour in the O2 condition, whereas poly- nonfeather-pecking chickens were added. They sug-
nomial models, as used by Lefebvre (1986), best fit our gested that feather pecking could have been socially
data on diffusion of piercing behaviour in the O1 con- transmitted through stimulus enhancement. However,
dition. Our data are based on the first bird of an observer since they did not test their birds in the absence of the
pair to perform the task and are, thus, not affected by demonstrators or at other locations or times, any effect
interference and scrounging that could alter the shape of of stimulus enhancement on the transmission of feather
the learning curve (Lefebvre & Giraldeau 1994). pecking cannot be separated from contagion and local
Performance of the cannibalism task was still high enhancement. The design of our study provides more
when the birds were tested in trial 6, at least 8 days after definitive evidence for stimulus enhancement in the
their last demonstration (in trial 5), and in trial 7, at least social transmission of a deleterious behaviour pattern in
27 days after their most recent previous exposure to the domestic fowl.
chicken model (in trial 6). Our results extend those of Stimulus enhancement alone may not have been suf-
McQuoid & Galef (1992) who showed that fowl were ficient for acquisition of the cannibalism task. Palameta
attracted to a feeding site where they had seen con- & Lefebvre (1985) found that observer pigeons were
specifics feeding 48 h earlier. The enhanced performance sufficiently motivated to pierce through a paper lid on a
of the task in trials 6 and 7 relative to earlier trials, and the dish of food only when they saw demonstrators pecking
increased amount of blood ingested, might have been through the lid and then eating the seeds beneath. The
affected by overnight food deprivation of the birds prior pairing of the stimulus with a reward may be of crucial
to these two trials, resulting in an elevated motivation to relevance for the observers (Akins & Zentall 1998). The
consume blood. mechanism by which a demonstrator’s behaviour is
paired with a secondary reinforcer is termed obser-
vational conditioning (Zentall 1996; Fritz & Kotrschal
Mechanisms of Social Learning
1999). Chickens have been found to pay attention to the
Three processes can be ruled out as possible mech- responses of others towards novel foods (Johnson et al.
anisms of social transmission of the cannibalism task in 1998). Thus, our observers may have learned about a
our study. Contagion, in which the performance of a novel food source (blood) not just through stimulus
more or less instinctive pattern of behaviour by one enhancement but also by attending to the consumption
individual acts as a releaser for the same behaviours in of blood by the demonstrators. To investigate this possi-
others (Thorpe 1956), operates on an immediate basis. bility in future research, it would be necessary to vary the
Although it could have occurred between birds during contingency between the demonstrators’ behaviour
observation sessions, it could not have been responsible towards the model and reinforcement with conspecific
for the timing of the first performance of the task by one tissue.
observer of a pair when tested in the absence of the
demonstrators. Local enhancement, in which a demon-
strator draws attention to a specific location or object
with which it is interacting (Thorpe 1956), cannot Our results suggest that we were successful in designing
explain our results because the observation and testing an ethical construct for investigating cannibalistic behav-
sessions occurred in different locations and because dem- iour that did not result in generalization to live birds.
onstrators were not present during tests (see Palameta & Nevertheless, we feel that the results are applicable to
Lefebvre 1985; Galef 1988; McQuoid & Galef 1992). cannibalism in poultry flocks since the same type of
Social facilitation, in which the mere presence of behaviour was involved (damaging pecks followed by
conspecifics influences the response of an individual consumption of conspecific blood) although directed to a
towards a stimulus (Zajonc 1965), was possible in our different target. Our results indicate that cannibalistic
experiment since the observers were tested in pairs. behaviour is a learned response that is enhanced by
However, it cannot explain differences in learning observing other birds engaging in the behaviour. We
between the control pairs and those exposed to trained contend that stimulus enhancement and, possibly, obser-
demonstrators. vational conditioning are involved in social transmission
Stimulus enhancement occurs when the observers’ of this behaviour. Our results provide the first experimen-
attention is drawn not only towards a particular object tal evidence that social learning can contribute to the
with which the demonstrator is interacting but also to spread of cannibalistic behaviour in domestic fowl. This
objects of the same type at other locations and to the finding has important implications for preventing canni-
same object at other times (Spence 1937). Stimulus balistic behaviour in poultry. Furthermore, given that
enhancement would explain enhanced attention of cannibalistic behaviour is widespread in the animal king-
observers to a chicken model similar to that with which dom (Elgar & Crespi 1992), our results suggest that the
trained demonstrators were previously observed interact- social transmission of cannibalistic behaviour could be

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the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension availability of foraging materials on feather pecking in laying hens
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