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Combat SkySat: A Solution to Marine Corps Long-Range Radio Communications Limitations

Captain Kevin Soeder

Argumentative Research Paper

March 30, 2015

Expeditionary Warfare School

Major Schweers/Conference Group 14

Soeder 2

The long-range radio communications capability is as important to the Marine Corps now

as ever. As Marines continue to operate within disaggregated command structures in austere

environments, long-range radio communications is required to enable redundant and reliable

command and control (C2). Currently there are few solutions readily available Marine Corps-

wide to bridge the existing gaps in long-range radio communications, each of which present

access, availability, resource, operator, and monetary challenges. One military tried and tested

resource for expanding traditional long-range radio communications networks to operate over

hundreds of miles is Combat SkySat (SkySat), which utilizes hydrogen or helium-filled balloon

technology to relay ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio waves.1 SkySat technology should be

leveraged Marine Corps-wide to augment currently existing long-range radio communications

capabilities and facilitate C2 in the expeditionary environment.

Presently the U.S. military, and Marine Corps in particular, have a tremendous reliance

on long-range, beyond line of sight (BLOS) radio communications capabilities. BLOS refers to

a greater distance than what a ground-based, non-amplified radio can communicate; normally

around 12 miles in flat, open terrain. The most reliable method of achieving BLOS radio

communications continues to be UHF SATCOM;2 however, this method of communications has

its drawbacks. UHF SATCOM is a limited resource with availability that cannot meet current or

forecasted future demand requests. Since the technology first supported military operations

during Operation DESERT STORM, UHF SATCOM requests have increased over 75 percent,3

with unit demand continuing to increase. The long-range radio communications need continues

to remain valid within the Marine Corps. An example of the requirement’s importance was

validated with a recent 1,100 mile proof-of-concept experiment by Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey,
Soeder 3

which successfully supported “a long-range operation from Twenty-nine Palms, California to

Fort Hood, Texas.”4

The few Marine Corps units fortunate enough to have readily available access to UHF

SATCOM have other issues to contemplate. Overreliance on existing UHF SATCOM networks

is setting a dangerous precedent due to the potential of adversarial attack on actual satellite

systems in orbit.5 Also, even though UHF SATCOM satellite coverage areas extend across the

globe, network availability is often limited as there are a finite number of channels available.

Although UHF SATCOM is an effective means for accomplishing BLOS communications,

doing so while on the move is extremely difficult and more often than not results in unreliable or

at best intermittent communications.6 Adding to these issues is the fact that UHF SATCOM on

the move antennas are not a program of record in the Marine Corps, requiring all units that are

interested in the capability to purchase the necessary antennas via organic procurement means.

The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee has been briefed on UHF SATCOM

availability problems, most notably by U.S. Army General John Abizaid, the former Deputy

Commander of U.S. Central Command during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.7 General

Abizaid’s testimony made all services aware of their obligation to “aggressively pursue new

technologies and system designs that take into account this limited critical resource.”8

Furthermore, the Expeditionary Force 21 (EF-21) concept, the Marine Corps’ plan for readying

the service for future maritime requirements, places an even greater reliance on BLOS

communications capabilities. EF-21 identifies that “landing forces and support craft will require

beyond line of sight, over the horizon, and networked on the move systems capable of operating

in a degraded communications environment.”9

Soeder 4

The SkySat concept encompasses technology that can be applied to meet current and

future Marine Corps-wide long-range radio communications requirements. SkySat was

developed in 2006 by the Space Data Corporation, a commercial communications company

based in Chandler, Arizona.10 "This system solves the problems faced by troops on the ground

where mission requirements place them in situations where distances exceed terrestrial line-of-

sight and where satellite and airborne communications aren't available."11 Available in both low

and high-altitude versions, SkySat utilizes tactical repeater technology to extend traditional UHF

frequencies. High-altitude SkySat augments current UHF SATCOM radio communications

capabilities, while the low-altitude variant effectively doubles current ground coverage distance

capabilities of both very-high frequency and UHF non-amplified radio sets.

High-altitude SkySat is a relatively compact package that includes the following: a 2000

gram balloon, an attached six-pound payload system, and an eight foot ribbon antenna that

receives and transmits the UHF signal by way of radio relay.12 Onboard global positioning

system (GPS) processing allows for the real-time tracking and control of the balloon platform

once airborne. Using GPS data and a flight computer control mechanical flight control systems,

the SkySat platform maintains its operational altitude via the release of lift gas and ballast as

appropriate. More specifically, “The SkySat Platform provides a short range two-way

communication link between itself and the suspended payload to support command and control

of, and low-rate telemetry from, the lower payload, all through the SkySat Platform's command

and control link with its standard ground station.”13 The high-altitude SkySat system can be

launched and tracked from ground and ship-based environments, when and where it is needed,

making it ideal to support Marines in the expeditionary environment.

Soeder 5

The high-altitude SkySat system is capable of up to sixteen hours of flight at a cruising

altitude of 60,000 to 85,000 feet above sea level, creating a UHF radio communications coverage

diameter in excess of 500 miles.14 The SkySat system is “compatible with standard tactical

radios including the PRC-148, PRC-152, PRC-117, ARC-210, and other FM-capable military

radios, supporting both encrypted and non-encrypted communications.”15 No part of the high-

altitude SkySat system contains classified material or sensitive electronics, so there are no

security or technology transfer concerns if the payload is not recovered after use. All encryption

and decryption is applied within the ground-based UHF user radio sets only. Low-altitude

SkySat has similar application benefits and associated technology as the high-altitude version,

and likewise benefits traditional BLOS Marine Corps communications capabilities.16

Low-altitude SkySat uses the same components as the high-altitude variant, minus GPS

tracking technology. This tethered method is reliant on the ability to raise and lower the balloon

and communications elements, which is typically accomplished most expediently via a winch

system to elevate and retrieve the balloon. The low-altitude SkySat system’s winch is typically

mated to a vehicle that allows for both timely transport as well as the ability to consolidate the

storage of spare helium tanks and balloons for future application. Capabilities of existing

ground-based UHF radio communications equipment extend network coverage to line of sight

capabilities, which are limited to antenna elevation and terrain considerations. By duplicating

the extreme elevation normally associated with aerial radio relay capabilities by aircraft, low-

altitude SkySat provides a better, more adaptable option to ground forces. However, most

tethered systems are limited to elevations of a few thousand feet, cannot be used with surface

winds exceeding 20 miles-per-hour (MPH), and require restricted operating zone approval.
Soeder 6

Enclosure One provides comparison pictures of actual low-altitude and high-altitude SkySat

systems being prepared for launch.

SkySat is a combat-proven capability that has been successfully utilized by select Air

Force, Army, and Marine Corps units. Both low and high-altitude SkySat systems have and

continue to fill the void created by oversaturated UHF SATCOM networks and associated

resource non-availability. Five Marine Expeditionary Units (MEU) self-procured and used

SkySat technology in training and real-world applications during multiple deployments.17 In

2011, the 26th MEU’s Battalion Landing Team from 3rd Battalion, 8th Marines used low-

altitude SkySat during combat operations in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in

Afghanistan.18 Later in the same year the 26th MEU Command Element utilized high-altitude

SkySat to provide radio communications redundancy in support of Operation ODYSSEY

DAWN, specifically during a Tactical Recovery of Aircraft Personnel mission that resulted in

the rescue of a downed U.S. Air Force pilot in Libya. Colonel Desens, the 26th MEU

Commander, remarked on the versatility of SkySat in supporting the unit’s wide-range of

exercises and operations stating “SkySat fills a great niche. It’s a simple re-transmitter on a

balloon; it works.”19 Enclosure Two provides a depiction of the 26th MEU’s high-altitude

SkySat coverage in support Operation ODYSSEY DAWN and details common system coverage


Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One, the aviation development and

doctrine lead within the Marine Corps, has also both experimented with SkySat and used the

system to enhance instructional scenarios since 2010. After-action reports from Weapons

Tactics Instructor training has shown that SkySat technology “provides an important capability

set to any agency or platform that is limited by line of sight communication issues.”20 Currently
Soeder 7

multiple U.S. Army units are utilizing SkySat systems, to include the 25th Infantry Division’s

4th Brigade Combat Team and elements of the 7th Special Forces Group.21 The successes that

select U.S. military units have had with SkySat prove that the system has the potential for Marine

Corps-wide application.

SkySat is a more effective Marine Corps-wide means to expanding of long-range radio

communications than UHF SATCOM for many reasons. Although routinely planned for, in

reality the use of aircraft for radio relay purposes is a difficult process. Utilizing valuable

aircraft, often in short supply and high-demand, for this purpose is not cost effective and

potentially impacts other mission requirements. Using aircraft for radio relay puts pilots and

their crews in danger, and adverse weather conditions and unplanned maintenance requirements

provide additional impacts to the feasibility of radio relay by way of aircraft. Instead, high-

altitude SkySat is a more efficient and cost-effective option that provides a similar long-haul

radio communications capability to all elements of the Marine Air Ground Task Force.

Enclosure Three provides cost analysis details for high-altitude SkySat and other available forms

of long-range communications.

Perhaps the most readily available and tenured BLOS communications means within the

Marine Corps is high-frequency (HF) radio communications. The military use of HF radios in

long-range communications dates back more than 80 years.22 However, HF radio

communication is often times unreliable, is subject to unpredictable changes in the ionosphere,

and requires a high degree of training and continued practice to maintain proficiency. Also true

to UHF SATCOM, HF radio communications are extremely difficult to achieve while on-the-

move and cannot be relied upon to communicate effectively in this manner.

Soeder 8

Critics argue that wide-spread adaptation of SkySat technology by Marine Corps units

will take a sizeable cost and training effort. Both high-altitude and low-altitude SkySat variants

will cost in excess of $100,000 each for all required systems, and the expendable nature of

balloon technology and helium gas will require the frequent re-ordering of items. The long-term

benefits of SkySat outweigh cost concerns, with initial and sustainment costs to invest in the

technology far less than relying on currently existing methods for BLOS radio communications

networks. The approximately $12,000 per high-altitude platform cost provides otherwise

unavailable BLOS communications for less than $1,000 per hour.

SkySat training is another concern that must be addressed as the system does require

education to properly utilize. SkySat training methodology exists and can easily be adapted to

Marine Corps training and readiness standards at both formal Marine Corps Communications

training institutions: the Marine Corps Communications Electronics School and regional

Communications Training Centers. Proficiency requires minimal SkySat training for both high-

altitude and low-altitude variants; typical initial training is five days in length, emphasizing

hands-on experience. A formal training curriculum is ideal and would facilitate future “train the

trainer” methods, allowing Marines who have completed the formal training version to then train

and educate their subordinates to become proficient with SkySat.

SkySat is a combat-proven technology capable of augmenting currently existing long-

range radio communications shortfalls that plague the majority of Marine Corps units. Through

the use of SkySat the Marine Corps can better achieve C2 with secure, reliable, and redundant

long-range radio communications between dispersed forces operating within an expeditionary

environment. In an operational environment that continues to rely heavily on expensive and

technically advanced communications systems that remain in short supply, SkySat is a tangible
Soeder 9

option that provides both added flexibility and realized cost savings to UHF SATCOM and other

long-range radio communications methods. Leveraging SkySat for long-range radio

communications will bridge the long-range BLOS communications gaps that currently exist

across the service and better posture the Marine Corps to support future C2 requirements.
Soeder 10


1. Space Data,

2. Timothy Shroyer. “Satcom-On-The-Move: Why One Size Doesn’t Fit All”.

3. U.S. Senate, Statement of Vice Admiral James D. McArthur, Jr., Commander, Naval
Network Warfare Command before the strategic forces subcommittee of the senate armed
services committee on fiscal year 2008 Defense Authorization Budget Request for space
activities, 2007 (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 2007), 10.

4. Sergeant Tyler Main, “Marine infantry officer students conduct 1,100 mile raid.”
5. Captain Christopher S. Tsirlis, USMC. “Over reliance on SatCom” Marine Corps
Gazette September 2011. (11
September 2011).

6. Mission Need Statement for a UHF Surrogate Satellite Relay System, September 1,

7. U.S. Senate, LTG Abizaid Senate confirmation hearing questions and answers, 2003
(Washington, D.C.: GPO, 2003), 12.

8. Ibid.

9. U.S. Marine Corps, Expeditionary Force 21 (Washington, D.C.: HQMC,

2014), 34.

10. Space Data,

11. Ibid.

12. Space Data: SkySat,

13. D.J. Montoya, “SkySat Balloon, Payload Launch Impresses Army Officials.” Last
modified 16 October, 2012. 89278/SkySat_balloon_payload

14. Space Data: SkySat UHF Retrans System,


15. Ibid.

16. Jerry Quenneville, e-mail message to author, December 7, 2014.

Soeder 11

17. Ibid.

18. U.S. Marine Corps, 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26 MEU) After Action Report
(Quantico, VA: Marine Corps Lessons Learned, 2012), 12.

19. Ibid, 17-18.

20. U.S. Marine Corps, Combat SkySat demonstration (TACDEMO) final report Marine
Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One, (Yuma, AZ, 2010), 10.
21. Jerry Quenneville, e-mail message to author, December 7, 2014.
22. Radio Communications in the Digital Age, /Radio %20
Soeder 12


Main, Tyler Sergeant, Captain, USMC. “Marine infantry officer students conduct 1,100 mile

Mission Need Statement for a UHF Surrogate Satellite Relay System, September 1, 1992.

Montoya, D.J., “SkySat Balloon, Payload Launch Impresses Army Officials.” Last modified 16
October, 2012. SkySat_balloon_payload_launch

Radio Communications in the Digital Age,


Shroyer, Timothy. “Satcom-On-The-Move: Why One Size Doesn’t Fit All.”

Space Data,

Space Data: SkySat,

Space Data: SkySat UHF Retrans System,


Tsirlis, Christopher S., Captain, USMC. “Over reliance on SatCom” Marine Corps Gazette
September 2011. http://www.mca overreliance _on_satcom (11
September 2011).

U.S. Marine Corps, “Combat SKYSAT demonstration (TACDEMO) final report”

Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron (Yuma, AZ, 2011), 10.

U.S. Marine Corps, Expeditionary Force 21. Washington, D.C.: 2014.

U.S. Marine Corps, Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Operations: Lessons and
Observations from the 26th MEU Deployment. Quantico, VA: MCLL, 2012.

U.S. Senate, LTG Abizaid Senate confirmation hearing questions and answers, 2003.
Washington, D.C.: GPO, 2003.

U.S. Senate, Statement of Vice Admiral James D. McArthur, JR. Commander, Naval
Network Warfare Command before the strategic forces subcommittee of the senate armed
services committee on fiscal year 2008 Defense Authorization Budget Request for space
activities, 2007. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 2007.
Soeder 13

Enclosure One

Real-world low-altitude (tethered) and high-altitude (free-floating) SkySat system launches.


Enclosure Two

Graphical representation of SkySat usage during the 26th MEU’s 2011 deployment.
Soeder 14

Enclosure Three

Cost comparison data between SkySat and other long-range communications options.

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