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1. Copy reference chart of depreciation

Give chart of depreciation your company code enter and save.

Go back 1 step
Double click on 2nd line

Click on position give chart of depreciation enter

Change the des as macimun valuation for ur company.

Enter and save and go back 1 step

Double click on copy/delete chart of depreciation.

Give chart of depreciation, enter

Select all dep areas except book depreciation clik on delete

Net book value : all values allowed

Acquisition value : all values allowed

Enter and save.

2. Step:

Assign tax codes for non taxable transactions

Click on position give company code, enter, give input tax V0, output
tax A0 enter, enter and save.
3. Step

Assign chart of depreciaton to company code

Click on position give chart of depreciation, enter, assign chart of

depreciation.enter and save.
4. Step

Specify account determination

Click on new entries

Give account determination and description.

Enter and save.

5. Step

Create screen layout rule.

(Path is same)
Select 2000 click on copy as

Give your own rule enter and save.


Define number range interval

Path is same
Give company code click on intervals , click on interval, give no 01,
frm nuumber 1 to number 100 enter and save.


Define asset classes

Path is same.

Click on new entries,

Give asset class, description, account deternination , screen layout

rule, number range interval.enter and save.

8. step
Create 7 G/L accounts:

A . Machinery a/c

a/c group: assets

sht text : machinery long text: machinery a/c

Recon.acct type: Assets

Tick line item display sort key : 018

Field status group; G067

Enter and save.

B. Sale of an asset

a/c group: incomes

sht text : sale of an asset long text:sale of an asset a/c

Tick line item display sort key : 001

Field status grp: G052

Enter and save.

C. Profit on asset

a/c group: incomes

sht text : Profit on asset long text:profit on asset a/c

Tick line item display sort key : 001

Field status grp: G001

Enter and save.

D. Loss on asset:

a/c group: expenses

sht text : loss on asset long text loss on asset a/c

Tick line item display sort key : 001

Field status grp: G001

Enter and save.

E. Scrap a/c

a/c group: Expenses

sht text : Scrap long text: Scrap a/c

Tick line item display sort key : 001

Field status grp: G001

Enter and save.

F. Depreciation a/c

a/c group: Liabilities

sht text : Depreciation long text: Depreciation a/c

Re con.acct type: assets

Tick line item display sort key : 018

Field status grp: G067

Enter and save.

G. Accumulated depreciation a/c

a/c group: Liabilities

sht text : Accumulated Depreciation long text: accumulated

Depreciation a/c

Re con.acct type: assets

Tick line item display sort key : 018

Field status grp: G067

Enter and save.

9. step:

Assign gl accounts

Give the chart of depreciation enter

Select chart of depreciation , double click on account determination,

select account detemination click on balance sheet ;a/cs
Enter , double click on depreciation a/cs

Give the a/cs enter and save.


Define maximum amount method

Click on new entries give max amt (any name)

Enter save select method created double click on max amounts

New entries

Enter, enter save.


Define multi level methods path is same

New entries
Give details enter and save

Double click on levels

Enter and save.


Maintain period control methods. path is same

New entries

Enter and save.


Set chart of depreciation

Give chart of depreciation will get a msg on status bar

Specify max amt for low value assets

Double click on 1st line

Select ur asset class click on low value assset chek give value 0.

Enter and save.


Specify rounding of net book values. Path is same.

Click on position, give company code. Select company code click on

rounding specifications

Enter and save.


Specify account assignment types for account assignment objexts

Click on position

Give company code

Select company code click on depreciation areas select book

depreciatrion click onaccount assignment objects click on new entries]
Enter and save.


Maintain depreciation key

Click on new entries

Enter , double click on assignment of calculation methods

New entries

Enter go back 4 steps select depreciation key created click on activate.

Enter and save.


Determine depreciation areas in the asset class

Click on position give asset class

Select asset class click on depreciation areas

New entries
Enter and save.


1. Create asset (AS01)

Give asset class, company code
Click on time dependent tab
Give business area
Click on depreciation areas tab

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