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Frida Daniela Ontiveros Rosas

What is culture for me?

It is what distinguishes us as human beings, it is the way in which a society faces life
from beginning to end. It is everything that we have created or transformed, such as our
beliefs, customs, lifestyle, and behaviors that give meaning to the world in order to
understand both it and us.
Culture includes all the knowledge that we have acquired in society through the process
of enculturation, where the older generation transmits a way of thinking and acting to
the younger ones.
Ethnocentrism makes us think that our own culture is the most important or the most
"normal" compared to others, but it is important to consider that each culture is the
result of different natural and historical conditions, so each one must be studied
separately to understand its unique context and way of life.
Culture makes us who we are, culture is everything.

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