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Midterm Exam Review

1. Types of leadership styles/approaches and their characteristics

Democratic: make their final decision , but they include team member on the decision
making process . as a result team member tend to have high job satisfaction and productivity .

Autocratic: make decisions without consulting team members ,it will work if the leader
needs to take decision quickly ,when there is no need for team input .however this style can
lead to high level of turnover .

Laissaiz-Faire: they give their team members a lot of freedom in how they do the job
,and how they set their deadlines it will work if the team member have enough
knowledge , time management, self-motivated .

Skills approach

 Administrative Skills: The competencies needed to carry out the purposes and
goals of the organization Involve planning, organizing work, and coordinating
work activities Managing People, Recourses

• Interpersonal Skills: the skill that is needed to interact with people and showing
Emotional Intelligence which means : a person’s ability to understand his or her own
and others’ emotions and Managing Interpersonal Conflict.

• Conceptual Skills: it is the mental abilities to think ,solve problems and strategic

a. Behavior approach

Task oriented leadership Relationship oriented leadership

• Relationship-oriented people
find meaning in being rather
than in doing.
• Instead of seeking out tasks,
Task-oriented people are goal- relationship-oriented people
oriented. want to connect with others.
• They want to achieve. • They have strong orientation in
• Their work is where they find the present and find meaning in
meaning. the moment.
• Reaching a goal is a positive
expression of who they are. Use empathy to relate to others
Fouces on deadlinies and getting the Put interaction with others above
job done deadlines, HOW TO MAKE

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b. Traits approach

Intelligence: having a good language skill, reasoning abilities. it is hard to change IQ results
but it is possible to obtain knowledge.

Confidence is the most important leadership trait and it has to do with positive feeling about
one’s self and ability to succeed.

Charisma : it is a magnetic charm that gives leaders influence and charm and to increase it
we need : strong model role for values, gain followers trust ,inspire others ,show confidence.
Determination : know where to go and how to get there , focus on tasks .
Integrity: Honest and trustworthy with strong principle, Inspire confidence because it creates

Sociability: The capacity to establish pleasant social relationships, Friendly, outgoing,

courteous, and diplomatic

c. Path-goal theory

Identifying and pursuing just and worthy goals are the most important steps an ethical leader
will undertake.

The goals incorporate many perspectives:

The interests of others in the group or organization

The interests of the community

The larger culture in which they work

An ethical leader tries to establish goals on which all parties can mutually agree.

2. What is vision? Visions imply change and challenge people to reach a higher standard of
excellence, giving meaning and purpose to people.
3. Types of power

Referent power is based on follower’s identification and liking for the leader.

a. Ex.: a college professor who is highly admired by students

Expert power is based on the followers’ perceptions of the leader’s competence.

b. Ex.: a person with strong knowledge about a software program

Legitimate power is associated with having status or formal job authority.

c. Ex.: a judge presiding over a court case

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Reward power is derived from having the capacity to provide benefits to others.

d. Ex.: a supervisor who can give bonuses to employees

Coercive power is derived from being able to punish or penalize others.

e. Ex.: a professor who can lower a student’s grade for missing class

4. Your personal leadership traits: strongest and weakest.

My strongest leadership traits are Determinations, I keep myself motivated to reach my goal
and I do what it takes and finish it. my weakest leadership trait is charisma. sometimes I
think I need something to influence people without having to prove or express myself. I have
to build my charisma skills. In my opinion charisma make life easier for leaders.

5. Your own personal leadership style:

The easiest leadership style, in my opinion, is authoritarian style because I am the older sister in the

home and I considered my younger brothers and sisters as employees. I give them orders, policies,

and instructions and they do what I ask them to do. For example, I ask my sister to clean her dishes

after she eats and she does it.

6. Your own orientation to task and relationship behaviors

I am high range task-oriented person for some reason. Firstly, I like to organize my time by writing
what I have to do and when on my calendar. Also, I like to finish my work before the deadline.
Moreover, I enjoy crossing things on my list. When I would choose between to go with my friends or
to do my assignment, I choose doing my assignment first then if I have extra time I meet my friends. I
think my main strengths is managing my time and organized things from the most important to the
less important and my weaknesses is when I want to be social but I have things to do I face stress.

7. Your own types of leadership skills

I am high range interpersonal leader for some reasons. First of all, I prefer working with groups rather
than individuals. Also, I am effective at my workplace because I have a great positive attitude. In
addition, I have the ability to understand the feeling of others. My administrative skills tend to be a
medium range. I enjoy using technology in my workplace it makes the work easy for me. Moreover, I
have the ability to solve problems. My conceptual skills also tend to be the medium range. I am able
to find creative solutions to solve the problems.

8. How would you motivate your followers?

Give relevant support.

Let people know that they are competent.

Make sure the outcome people expect from their effort is achievable and will likely occur.

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Help others see the value in their work performance through monetary rewards, positive
personal feedback, or special achievement awards.

1-set small goals

2- let them know I trust their abilities

3-give a reward based on feedback

4-let them know I am available if they need help or have a question

5- ask for team feedback

6-correct mistakes in private and praise in public

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