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Accepted Manuscript

Crustal evolution in the western margin of the Nilgiri Block, southern India:
insights from zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf data on Neoarchean magmatic suite

Qiong-Yan Yang, M. Santosh, A.P. Pradeepkumar, E. Shaji, R.S. Prasanth, S.G.

Dhanil Dev

PII: S1367-9120(15)00093-0
Reference: JAES 2266

To appear in: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

Received Date: 21 December 2014

Revised Date: 14 February 2015
Accepted Date: 24 February 2015

Please cite this article as: Yang, Q-Y., Santosh, M., Pradeepkumar, A.P., Shaji, E., Prasanth, R.S., Dhanil Dev, S.G.,
Crustal evolution in the western margin of the Nilgiri Block, southern India: insights from zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf
data on Neoarchean magmatic suite, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), doi:

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Crustal evolution in the western margin of the

Nilgiri Block, southern India: insights from
zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf data on Neoarchean
magmatic suite

Qiong-Yan Yang1,2, M. Santosh1,2,3*, A.P. Pradeepkumar4, E. Shaji4, R.S.

Prasanth4, S.G. Dhanil Dev4
School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences Beijing, 29

Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083, China

Centre for Tectonics Resources and Exploration, Dept of Earth Sciences, University of
Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia

State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest
University, Xi'an 710069, China

Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Kariavattom campus, Trivandrum 695

581, India

Corresponding author e-mail:

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Extensive magmatism along convergent margin settings marks the late Neoarchean

tectonics in the northern segment of the Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) in

Peninsular India. Here we investigate a suite of magmatic rocks (tonalite-trondhjemite-

granodiorite [TTG], charnockite and amphibolite) together with accreted banded iron

formation (BIF) from the western margin of the Nilgiri Block. The petrologic features of

these rocks including the presence of primary amphiboles in all cases suggest

crystallization from calc-alkaline magmas, typical of those derived from slab melting.

The zircon grains in all the rock types investigated in this study show clear magmatic

features including well-crystallized prismatic form, oscillatory zoning and high Th/U
values. Zircons from two TTG gneiss samples show identical Pb/206Pb mean ages of
2521±13 Ma 2522±17 Ma. Those from amphibolites display Pb/206Pb mean ages of

2590±13 Ma and 2470±17 Ma, with the cores of some grains preserving 2.6 Ga ages.
Zircon grains from the charnockite yield Pb/206Pb mean age of 2601±25 Ma whereas
a single grain from the BIF shows Pb/206Pb age of 2493±17 Ma. The age data

converge to indicate late Neoarchean magmatism between ca. 2.6 and 2.5 Ga. The Lu-

Hf isotope data on zircons from the rocks show positive εHf(t) values ranging from 2.3 to

9.3. The remarkably consistent and positive εHf(t) values suggest magma derivation

from juvenile components, with no significant crustal participation. The mean TDMC

values of zircons fall between 2674 and 2815 Ma, with the oldest at 2913 Ma,

suggesting Meso- to Neoarchean juvenile components in the magma source. Our data
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indicate major crustal building events in the late Archean similar to those reported

globally from other regions. The magmatism was a manifestation of melt generation

along multiple subduction zones that assembled continental blocks into coherent

cratonic architecture in southern India.

Key words: Zircon U-Pb geochronology; Lu-Hf isotopes; Magmatic suite; Subduction

tectonics; Nilgiri Block

1. Introduction

The Southern granulite terrain (SGT) in India preserves some of the oldest crustal

nuclei and also records multiple crustal growth from Eoarchean through

Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic (Santosh et al., 2014, 2015; Plavsa et al., 2012).

The crustal blocks in the SGT to the south of Dharwar Craton are composed of different

continental blocks ranging in age from Mesoarchean (3.2 Ga; Santosh et al., 2015) up

to late Neoproterozoic – Cambrian (Santosh et al., 2009, 2003; Plavsa et al., 2012;

Collins et al., 2014; Praveen et al., 2013; Shaji et al., 2014; Samuel et al., 2014; Kröner

et al., 2015). The southern periphery of the Dharwar Craton is straddled by several

Archean crustal blocks including Coorg, Nilgiri, Salem and Madras (Santosh et al.,

2014, 2015). Among these, the Nilgiri Block preserves excellent records of Neoarchean

convergent margin processes with evidence for subduction-accretion tectonics, and

accreted remnants of ocean plate stratigraphy (Samuel et al., 2014). At the southern

periphery of this block, around the Nilambur region, the charnockites and associated
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rock suites have been correlated to subduction-related magmatism (Shaji et al., 2014).

Praveen et al. (2013) reported felsic volcanic tuffs from this area, the zircons from which

yielded Neoarchean ages. Samuel et al. (2014) reported geochemical evidence for

volcanic arc affinities for most of the magmatic suites of Nilgiri Block, suggesting

magma genesis in a convergent margin setting. From the southern flank of the Nilgiri

Block, Santosh et al. (2013) reported a well-preserved suprasubduction zone ophiolite

suite in the Agali Hills. The lithological association here represents a 2.6 to 2.5 Ga old

ocean plate stratigraphy, imbricated and accreted onto the continent during the

subduction-collision tectonics. The Mesoarchean charnockites from the Biligirirangan

hills, north of Nilgiri block, also suggest formation in an active continental margin setting

and crustal accretion event in the Dharwar Craton (Tomson et al., 2013). Recent

integrated studies on the Coorg Block and surrounding regions have revealed multiple

magmatic events and crust building from Eoarchean to latest Neoarchean (Santosh et

al., 2014, 2015). Thus, the crustal blocks and their intervening sutures in the SGT

provide important insights into continent building in the early history of the Earth.

In this study, we focus on the western margin of the Nilgiri Block, in and around the

Calicut region in the state of Kerala (Figs. 1, 2). We present systematic geologic,

petrologic, and zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf data on a metamorphosed magmatic suite

including charnockites, amphibolites, TTG (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) gneisses

as well as from the associated meta BIF (banded iron formation) which provide

additional constraints on the Neoarchean crustal evolution history in Peninsular India.

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2. Geological setting and sampling

2.1 Geological background

The Coorg–Nilgiri–Biligirirangan–Salem–Madras Blocks were grouped together in

previous studies, and considered to have witnessed a common Neoarchean (ca. 2.5

Ga) granulite facies metamorphism. However, recent precise isotopic geochronological

studies (Santosh et al., 2014, 2015) revealed extensive Eo- and Mesoarchean crust

formation history from the Coorg Block and that this block might be an exotic entity in

the absence of the widespread 2.5 Ga pervasive regional metamorphism widely

represented in the surrounding blocks. The Nilgiri Block lies to the south of the Coorg

Block, and is dominantly composed of charnockites and their variants, together with

metagabbros, TTG gneisses and slivers of BIF. The Moyar-Bhavani shear zone (MBSZ)

defines the northern and eastern limits of the Nilgiri Block. The thin layers of

metasediments accreted on to the margin of the Nilgiri Block are represented by a

mixed package of both pelagic and continental detritus and include BIF, kyanite-bearing

gneisses and quartzites. Chardon et al. (2008) from structural investigations proposed

N-S shortening and E-W stretching of the Nilgiri Block against the Dharwar craton and a

possible dextral movement from the late Archean Shevaroy hills.

The present study area is located along the western margin of the Nilgiri Block and is

sandwiched between the Moyar shear zone and Bhavani shear zone. The region is

immediately north of Palghat-Cauvery Suture Zone (PCSZ- considered as the trace of

multiple ocean closure during Neoarchean and latest Neoproterozoic (Santosh et al.,

2013; Collins et al., 2014), south of which is the Madurai Block (Fig. 1). Previous
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geological mapping in the study area identified high grade metamorphic rocks that were

correlated to the Peninsular Gneissic Complex, Charnockite Group and Migmatite

Complex gneisses (Geological Survey of India, 2005). Wide distribution of charnockitic

rocks are especially found in the northeast and south and they show compositional

variation from orthopyroxene-biotite gneiss, biotite-hornblende-orthopyroxene gneiss

and hornblende-orthopyroxene gneiss (Geological Survey of India, 2005).

Metamorphosed BIF (termed Banded Magnetite Quartzite; BMQ) occurs as narrow

linear layers and have been reported from several localities including Cheruppa,

Eliyottumala, Chakkittapara, Nanminda, Naduvallur and Alampara (Mani, 1970, Rao

and Reddy, 1972a,b,c). Several linear and folded meta BIF bands varying in width from

2 m to 60 m and in length from a few tens of meters to 2.6 km are seen in and around

Calicut. Some of these bands show thickness up to 145 m at fold hinges and these form

the major iron ore deposits of Kerala. Preliminary investigations in the area have been

carried out by several workers (Rao and Reddy, 1972a,b,c; Rengamannar et al., 1984;

Vidyadharan and David, 1982; Mani, 1970; Ghosh et al., 2004; Nambiar et al., 1991).

Mafic granulites (garnet-bearing metadioritic to gabbroic rocks) in the Calicut district

have yielded peak metamorphic temperatures of 860°C and pressure of 10.5 kbar with

retrogression at P-T conditions of 640°C and 6.5 kbar (Nambiar et al., 1991).

2.2 Geology of the study area

The sampling localities are shown in a detailed geological map in Fig. 2 (modified after

Geological Survey of India, 1995). Representative field photographs from these

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localities are shown in Fig. 3. A summary of the locations, co-ordinates, rock types and

general mineralogy of the samples used for geochronology is presented in Table 1. A

brief description of the various rocks types sampled in this study is given below. The

major rock types are hornblende biotite gneisses (TTG), charnockite, two pyroxene

granulites (metagabbros), amphibolites and metamorphosed banded iron formation


Hornblende-biotite gneiss (TTG) constitutes the most extensive rock type in the area.

The rock shows migmatitic texture with compositional variation from hornblende gneiss

to biotite-rich gneiss. Enclaves and rafts of amphibolites are common and those of

metaultramafics and minor metasedimentary rocks also occur in some places. The TTG

gneisses are exposed well in Alampara (samples ALMP) - Kakkayam area. Inter

bedded outcrops of TTGs, BIF and amphibolites with average width of 80 m are seen in

the Alampara area. In the southern part of Kakkayam, the BIF bands occur in close

association with amphibolites. Similar units are also observed at Nanminda where

amphibolite bands occur in close association with quartzites and BIF. Younger dolerite

dykes cut across these units at Peruvannamuzhi.

The next major unit is charnockite and its variants as exposed in the north-eastern and

southern part of the study area. The charnockite is medium to coarse grained and

shows typical greasy green appearance with visible clots of orthopyroxene. Bands and

boudins of mafic granulites (metadioritic to metagabbroic composition) occur within the

charnockite in some places. Several charnockite quarries are located in Cheruppa and

Koliattumala (sample KLTM in this study). The rock types in Cheruppa area include

charnockite, amphibolites, BIF and TTG gneisses. All the rocks show E-W trending
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foliation. The BIF bands in Cheruppa show plunging synforms and antiforms, and are

associated together with dioritic charnockites. Biotite-rich charnockite is exposed in the

southern part of the Koliattumala area with prominent ENE-WSW trending foliation.

In Eliyottimala, the BIF band strikes NE-SW and is interbedded with biotite-hornblende-

bearing TTG gneisses and Opx and Cpx bearing charnockitic rocks. The amphibolites

and the BIF are enclosed within the gneiss and these are well foliated striking NNE-

SSW. Quartz veins with thickness of 30 cm are associated with the BIF.

The BIF in Naduvallur (sample NDLR) which occurs in association with meta volcanics

(amphibolite) extends for around 2 km along NE-SW. Amphibolites occur on either side

of the BIF bands, which are exposed on the hill slopes. In some places, boudins of the

amphibolites also occur within well foliated TTG gneisses. A younger gabbro dyke

occurs as a discordant intrusion along a fault plane trending NW-SE. Quartz veins are

common in the area and often occur sandwiched between the BIF and the TTGs.

2.3 Petrography

A brief description of the mineral assemblages in the rocks dated in this study is given

below. Representative thin section photomicrographs are shown in Fig. 4.

Hornblende-biotite gneiss (TTG)

Hornblende-biotite gneiss (TTG) is the most abundant rock type in the study area.

The rock is medium to coarse grained and dominantly composed of plagioclase and

hornblende, with K-feldspar, quartz, biotite and opaque minerals (mainly ilmenite and
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pyrrhotite). The TTG gneisses show well developed banding and NE-SW foliation.

Alternate light and dark coloured bands vary in width from 0.1 to 1.5 m.

In thin sections, the gneisses show equigranular granoblastic texture with quartz and

plagioclase grains often showing triple junctions. Gneissosity is defined by the

alignment of hornblende and biotite grains in mafic bands. Quartz grains show wavy

extinction indicative of deformation. The major minerals are quartz (25-35%), calcic

plagioclase (20-25%), biotite and hornblende (30-40%), and minor K-feldspar (2-5%).

Zircon, ilmenite, apatite, and titanite are the main accessory phases with chlorite,

occurring as secondary mineral.


The charnockite from Koliattomala is a dark greenish gray massive rock composed

of quartz (25–30%), plagioclase (20–30%), K-feldspar (10–15%), orthopyroxene+

clinopyroxene (5–15%), biotite (5–10%), hornblende (1–2%), and Fe–Ti oxide (ilmenite

and magnetite, 1–4%). Accessory minerals are apatite and zircon. Although no obvious

gneissosity/banding can be seen in hand specimen, a closer examination shows

compositional layering with pyroxene + biotite rich mafic bands within the quartz-rich

felsic matrix. The rock shows medium- to coarse-grained (0.4–2 mm) granoblastic

texture. Orthopyroxene is sometimes highly coarse-grained (~3.1 mm) and elongated

along the rock foliation. Intergrowths of hornblende and biotite occur around

clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene.

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The amphibolite samples for this study were collected from Alampara. The medium

to fine grained plagioclase patches in the rock typically resemble salt-and-pepper

texture. The amphibolites in these localities occur either as massive blocks or as bands

(width of 6-10m). The foliated amphibolites show a general trend of N65oE with

southerly dips varying from 35o to 60o. At some places plagioclase pools are seen

within the amphibolites. Layers, lenses, and boudinaged fragments of amphibolite occur

within the TTG gneisses and are composed dominantly of greenish hornblende with

minor plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxides. In thin section, the rock is characterized by the

assemblage of hornblende (30-40%) and plagioclase (20-35%) (An>17), epidote (5-

10%), biotite (5-10%), clinopyroxene (2-5%), with minor quartz (1-3%). The rock shows

nematoblastic texture dominated by acicular, yellow green to olive green hornblende.

Pale green clinopyroxene (diopside) coexists with plagioclase and hornblende in some

domains. All the samples contain minor quartz and poorly twinned prismatic

subidioblastic plagioclase. The few biotite grains present show brown colour, strong

light yellow to dark brown pleochroism, and perfect basal cleavage. Sphene, magnetite

and pyrite and zircon occur as accessories.

Metamorphosed BIF

Sample NDLR is composed of broadly sub-equal amounts of quartz and magnetite. The

accessory amphiboles are cummingtonite-grunerite. The rock is characterized by thin

alternation of quartz and magnetite layers, probably reflecting original sedimentary

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structure of banded iron-formation. The quartz layers and medium grained aggregates

(~0.6 mm) show metamorphic recrystallization.

3. Analytical techniques

Fresh rock samples for zircon separation were crushed and milled, followed by

gravimetric and magmatic separation and hand picking of zircon grains under a

binocular microscope at the Yu’neng Geological and Mineral Separation Survey Center,

Langfang City, Hebei Province, China. Individual zircon grains were mounted in epoxy

resin disks along with the standard TEMORA1 (417Ma; Black et al., 2004). The mount

was polished and cleaned to reveal mid-section, and followed by high-purity gold sputter

coating. In order to investigate the internal structures of zircons, cathodoluminescence

(CL) images were obtained using scanning electron microscope (JSM510) equipped

with Gantan CL probe at the Beijing Geoanalysis Centre, and transmitted and reflected

light images were examined by a petrological microscope.

The high spatial resolution zircon U-Pb isotopic analyses were performed on a laser

ablation inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) housed at the State Key

Laboratory of Continental Dynamics of Northwest University, China. The detailed

analytical procedures are same with those described in Yuan et al. (2004). On an

Agilent 7500a ICP-MS instrument, the laser spot diameter and frequency was set to be

30 μm and 10 Hz, respectively. Harvard zircon 91500 was used as external standard

with a recommended Pb/238U age of 1065.4±0.6 Ma (Wiedenbeck et al., 2004) to
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correct instrumental mass bias and depth-dependent elemental and isotopic

fractionation, the standard silicate glass NIST 610 and GJ-1 were used to optimize the

instrument. U-Th-Pb concentrations were calibrated by using NIST 610 as an external

29 207
standard and Si as an internal standard. The isotopic ratios and ages of Pb/206Pb,
Pb/238U, 207
Pb/235U were calculated using the GLITTER program, and the concordia

diagram and weighted mean calculation were computed using ISOPLOT software.

In situ Lu-Hf isotopic compositions of zircon were obtained using the same instrument at

the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics of Northwest University, China. The

detailed analytical procedures were the same as those described by Yuan et al. (2008).

A stationary spot adjacent to the U-Pb dated domain was used for analysis with a beam

diameter of 45 μm. The energy density of laser ablation used was 15-20 J/cm2 and
Helium was used as the carrier gas in the ablation cell. Recommended Lu/175Lu ratio

of 0.02669 (DeBievre and Taylor, 1993) was used to calculate 176Lu/177Hf ratios, and the

Yb/172Yb ratio of 0.5886 (Chu et al., 2002) was used to calculate mean βYb value

172 173
from Yb and Yb. Zircon 91500 was used as the reference standard, with a

weighted mean Hf/177Hf ratio of 0.282306 ± 10 (Woodhead et al., 2004). Calculation


of initial Hf/177Hf was based on the reference to the chondritic reservoir (Blichert-Toft

and Albarède, 1997). Hf model age (TDM1) was calculated with respect to the depleted
mantle with present-day Hf/177Hf = 0.28325 and 176
Lu/177Hf = 0.0384 (Griffin et al.,

2000), and two-stage Hf model age (TDM2) was calculated with respect to the average
continental crust with a Lu/177Hf ratio of 0.015 (Griffin et al., 2002), using the 176

decay constant of 1.865 × 10-11 year-1 (Scherer et al., 2001).

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4. Results

4.1 Zircon morphology


Zircons from the TTG rocks (samples ALMP1-A and ALMP1-B) are well developed

crystals showing prismatic morphology. Most of the zircon grains from these samples

are colorless and some are light brownish. The zircon grains range from 150-

500μm×80-150μm in size with aspect ratios of 5:1 to 3:1 and display clear oscillatory

zoning in the CL images. Some grains show core-rim texture, although the rims are too

thin for U-Pb dating (Figs. 5a and b).


Zircons from the amphibolites (samples ALMP4-A and ALMP4-B) also are well

developed crystals and show prismatic to stumpy morphology. Most of the zircon grains

from these samples are colorless and some are light brownish. The grains range from

80-150μm×50-100μm in size with aspect ratios of 3:1 to 2:1, some of them show long

prismatic morphology with up to 300 μm in length and length-width ratios up to 4.5:1.

In CL images, most of the zircons display clear oscillatory zoning, and some of them

show core-rim textures (Figs. 6 a and b)

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Zircons from the charnockite (sample KLTM1) display well-developed prismatic

morphology. Most of the zircon grains are colorless and some are light brownish. They

range from 120-300μm×80-150μm in size with aspect ratios of 3.5:1 to 2.5:1. In CL

images, the grains display clear oscillatory zoning, and some of them show core-rim

texture (Fig. 7).


The BIF sample NDLR1 contain only few zircons (only 9 grains were obtained) and are

too small (<50μm in length and 30μm in width). Some of these grains show well-

developed prismatic morphology with oscillatory zoning. But most of them are

structureless and show partly rounded shape or stumpy morphology.

4.2 U-Pb age data

The LA-ICPMS U-Pb data on zircons from all the samples analyzed in this study are

given in Table 2 (Supplementary Data). The results and the computed ages are briefly

presented below.



Thirty four zircon grains from this TTG sample were analyzed for U-Pb age dating. The

data fall along a well-defined discordia and define an upper intercept age of 2526±15
Ma (MSWD=1.02; N=34). The results show weighted mean Pb/206Pb mean age of

2521±13 Ma (MSWD=0.44; N=24; concordance>90%) (Fig. 8a). All the zircons show high
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Th/U ratios up to 0.88, suggesting magmatic origin. The ca. 2.52 Ga age is taken to

represent the crystallization age of the protolith.


Thirty zircon spots were analyzed from zircons in this sample, and the data mostly

cluster around the concordia with some of the zircon grains showing Pb loss and falling
along the discordia. The results yield Pb/206Pb ages ranging from 2451±17 Ma to

2607±18 Ma and define an upper intercept age of 2517±17 Ma (MSWD=8.7, N=30).

The zircons with high concordance (>90%) display Pb/206Pb mean age of 2522±17

Ma (MSWD=4.7, N=22), similar to the upper intercept age (Fig. 8b). Their Th/U ratios

range from 0.21 to 1.58 which are higher than those of the zircons in sample ALMP1-A,

typical of magmatic origin. The ca. 2.52 Ga age is taken as the emplacement age of the

magmatic protolith, which is identical to the crystallization age of ALMP1-A, and

suggests that the TTG magma was emplaced at ca. 2.52 Ga during latest Neoarchean.



Thirty five zircons were analyzed from this sample and the data show high concordance

in the range of 93-100% with most of the values above 95% (Table 2, Fig. 9a). The data
cluster around the concordia with no major lead loss and define Pb/206Pb mean age

of 2590±13 Ma (MSWD=1.2, N=35) with high Th/U ratios of 0.30-0.99. The zircon spots
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with highly concordance (>95%) display Pb/206Pb mean age of 2590±13 Ma
(MSWD=1.09, N=31), which is similar to the Pb/206Pb mean age of the whole

population of zircons analyzed in this sample. Together with their high Th/U ratios, the

ca. 2.6 Ga age is considered as the crystallization age of the basaltic protolith.


Thirty two zircons from this sample define an upper intercept age of 2501±22 Ma

(MSWD=2.3, N=32; Fig. 9b). Most of the analyzed zircon spots show high concordance

(>95%) and fall close to the concordia although some grains show Pb loss and
discordance, and few are reversely discordant. The data yield Pb/206Pb mean age of

2470±17 Ma (MSWD=1.5, N=30; Fig. 9b). The Th/U ratios of these zircons can divided

into two group, one showing very low contents of Th and U and low Th/U values (<0.1)

and other displaying high Th/U ratios ranging from 0.23 to 0.91 (Table 2). Some zircon

cores show old age up to 2.6 Ga whereas others with Pb loss show slightly younger

ages at ca.2.4 Ga. The dominant zircon U-Pb ages are in the range of 2.45-2.55 Ga.

The zircons with high Th/U ratios show high concordance (96-100%) and yield
Pb/206Pb mean age of 2479±26 Ma (MSWD=1.8, N=14) which is similar to the
Pb/206Pb mean age. Therefore, the ca. 2.5 Ga is considered to represent the

crystallization age of the protolith, and the 2.6 Ga might represent inherited zircon cores

from an older batch of magma as represented by the zircons in sample ALMP4-A.

Charnockite (KLTM1)
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Thirty five zircon grains from this sample and the data fall along a well-defined discordia

line with an upper intercept age of 2615±14 Ma (MSWD=0.95, N=35; see Fig. 10). Most of

the analyzed spots show lead loss featured by their plots along the discordia. The
zircons showing high concordance (>95%) yield Pb/206Pb mean age of 2601±25 Ma

(MSWD=0.99, N=7; Fig. 10). All the 35 zircons analyzed from this sample display high

Th/U ratios in the range of 0.41-1.06 (Table 2), and together with their clear oscillatory

zoning, suggest magmatic origin. The age (2.6 Ga) thus corresponds to the timing of

emplacement of the magma.


Only one zircon grain from this sample had adequate size (80μm x 40 μm) for U-Pb

analysis. The data show 207Pb/206Pb age of 2493±17 Ma with Th/U ratio of 0.13 (Table 2).

This age is consistent with the age data obtained from the amphibolite.

4.3 Lu-Hf isotopes

Lu-Hf isotope analyses were performed in the same magmatic domains from where U-

Pb age data where gathered. The results are presented in Table 3 and plotted in Fig. 11.

A brief description of the data and their interpretations are given below.


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Six zircons from this rock show initial Hf/177Hf values tightly between 0.281281 and

0.281333 and positive εHf(t) values ranging from 4.3 to 5.5 (average 5.0), when
computed based on the individual Pb/206Pb age of each zircons. All the 6 analyzed

spots for Lu-Hf isotopes show crustal residence ages (TDMC) ranging from 2676 to 2766

Ma with the average value of 2721 Ma (Table 3, Fig. 11). The data indicate that the TTG

magma was derived from Neoarchean juvenile components.


Six zircons from this rock show initial Hf/177Hf values in the tight range between

0.281247 and 0.281326 and positive εHf(t) values ranging from 2.3 to 4.8 (average 3.3),
when calculated based on the individual Pb/206Pb age of each zircons. All the 6

analyzed spots for Lu-Hf isotopes show crustal residence ages (TDMC) ranging from

2702 to 2856 Ma (mean = 2815 Ma) (Table 3, Fig. 11). The data indicate that the zircons

in this TTG rock were derived from Meso- to Neoarchean juvenile components.



Six zircons from this rock show initial Hf/177Hf values in the restricted range between

0.281262 and 0.281355 and high positive εHf(t) values ranging from 4.7 to 7.3 (average
of 6.3), when calculated based on the individual Pb/206Pb age of each zircons. All the

6 analyzed spots show crustal residence ages (TDMC) ranging from 2605 to 2781 Ma
P a g e | 19

(average 2674 Ma) (Table 3, Fig. 11). The data indicate magma derivation from

Neoarchean juvenile components.


Six zircons from this rock show initial Hf/177Hf values between 0.281243 and

0.281379 and positive εHf(t) values ranging from 2.9 to 7.3 (average 3.4), when
calculated based on the individual Pb/206Pb age of each zircons. The 6 analyzed

spots show a wide range of crustal residence ages (TDMC) from 2569 to 2913 Ma with an

average of 2775 Ma (Table 3, Fig. 11). The data indicate magma derivation from Meso-

to Neoarchean juvenile components.

Charnockite (KLTM1)

Six zircons from this rock show initial Hf/177Hf values between 0.281224 and

0.281375 and high positive εHf(t) values ranging from 4.0 to 9.3 with the average of 6.2,
when calculated based on the individual Pb/206Pb age of each zircons. The Lu-Hf

data define crustal residence ages (TDMC) ranging from 2664 to 2848 Ma (average 2734

Ma) except one grain (spot 31) that plots above the depleted mantle line and showing

TDMC value of 2520 Ma (Table 3, Fig. 11). The data indicate magma derivation from

Meso- to Neoarchean juvenile components.

5. Discussion
P a g e | 20

The major rock types from the western margin of the Nilgiri Block as reported in our

study comprise TTG gneisses, charnockites, metavolcanics (amphibolites), and meta

BIF. These rock suites possibly represent oceanic units (basalts and BIF) accreted on

to an arc (continent – as represented by TTG, charnockites and their variants). The

bimodal nature of arc magmatism is also suggested by the occurrence of metadioritic

and metagabbroic enclaves within the TTG and charnockite, where underplated mafic

magmas derived through slab melting in a convergent regime invaded felsic magma

chambers resulting in magma mixing and mingling. The petrologic features of the rocks

including the presence of amphiboles in all the rock types investigated in this study also

suggest crystallization from hydrous, calc-alkaline magmas typical of those derived from

slab melting. Similar rock types, field relations and mineral assemblages have also

been reported from other segments of the Nilgiri Block (Samuel et al., 2014) as well as

from some of the Meso- and Neoarchean crustal blocks of SGT (Santosh et al., 2013,

2014, 2015; Shaji et al., 2014; Praveen et al., 2013) which were all correlated to

subduction-accretion process in convergent margin settings.

The zircon grains in all the rock types show clear magmatic features including well-

crystallized prismatic form, oscillatory zoning and high Th/U values. Some of them

display core-rim structure and thin overgrowth mantles that developed during

subsequent metamorphism. The majority of zircon grains from the magmatic suites

show high concordance with only limited Pb loss. Zircons from the two samples of TTG
gneisses display identical Pb/206Pb mean ages of 2521±13 Ma and 2522±17 Ma.
Those from the two amphibolites show Pb/206Pb mean ages of 2590±13 Ma and
P a g e | 21

2470±17 Ma. However, some of the cores of the zircons in the sample that yielded

mean age of 2.47 Ga preserve 2.6 Ga ages, and thus indicate multiple pulses of mafic
magmatism. Zircon grains from the charnockite yield Pb/206Pb mean age of 2601±25
Ma which is identical to the oldest ages from the amphibolites. The single Pb/206Pb

age of 2493±17 Ma from the zircon grain in the BIF is similar to the younger group of

ages from the amphibolites. Since BIF is a chemical sedimentary rock, the zircon

grains in these must have been inherited from the coeval oceanic basalts on which

these sediments were deposited, or formed during the high grade metamorphism.

Overall, the age data converge to indicate late Neoarchean magmatism between ca. 2.6

and 2.5 Ga.

The Lu-Hf isotope data on zircons from the rocks analyzed in this study show positive

εHf(t) values. Zircons in the TTG gneisses possess εHf(t) in the range of 2.3 to 5.5,

those from the amphibolites show 2.9 to 7.3, and those from the charnockite lie in the

range of 4.0 to 9.3. The remarkably consistent positive εHf(t) values suggest magma

derivation from juvenile components, with no significant crustal participation. The TDMC

values of zircons from the TTG gneisses are in the range of 2721-2815 Ma, those from

the amphibolites lie between 2674 and 2775 Ma, and those from the charnockite show

2734 Ma. The oldest TDMC values of 2848-2856 Ma are recorded from zircons in the

TTG gneiss and charnockite. The oldest TDMC values from those zircons in amphibolites

are in the range of 2884-2913 Ma. These values clearly indicate that the 2.5 to 2.6 Ga

magmatic suite was derived through the melting of Meso- to Neoarchean juvenile

components, suggesting that the Nilgiri Block might be underlain by older basement
P a g e | 22

where juvenile components are stacked. These could be part of a prolonged

subduction-accretion cycle that lasted until the latest Neoarchean.

In a recent study, Samuel et al. (2014) reported zircon 207Pb/206Pb ages of 2490±12 Ma,

2500±30 Ma and 2448±16 Ma from volcanic tuff, metasediments and metagabbros from

an imbricated sequence along the northern margin of the Nilgiri Block. All the spots

used for these age computations are from the cores of magmatic zircon grains and thus

represent the crystallization/formation ages. They also estimated the time of

metamorphism as ca. 2428 to 2463 Ma from low HREE zircons that crystallized in

equilibrium with garnets in metagabbro. The average TDMC ages computed from zircon

Lu-Hf isotope data for the tuff, garnet-kyanite metasediment and metagabbro are 2933

Ma, 2902 Ma and 2829 Ma respectively. The ca. 2.5 Ga magmatic ages and ca. 2.8 to

2.9 Ga crustal residence ages are similar to those obtained in the present study.

However, the zircons in the three rock types analyzed by Samuel et al. (2014) show

both positive and negative εHf (t) values (-5 to +5) suggesting the mixing of magma

from an older component with the source magmas derived from a depleted mantle.

Since majority of zircon grains from their samples show positive value, Samuel et al.

(2014) interpreted that the rocks crystallized from magmas that evolved from a residual

depleted mantle source. The latest Neoarchean – earliest Paleoproterozoic

metamorphic ages were taken to represent the culmination of the subduction process

and collision.
P a g e | 23

Neoarchean suprasubduction zone assemblages including ophiolite suite have been

described from the southern and western margins of the Nilgiri Block (Santosh et al.,

2013; Praveen et al., 2013). Evidence for subduction-related magmatism has also been

identified from amphibolites and associated rock suites from Nilambur Gold Belt along

the western boundary of the Nilgiri Block (Shaji et al., 2014). Previous studies proposed

that the suturing of Nilgiri Block to the Dharwar Craton to the north might have occurred

during latest Neoarchean (Raith et al., 1999; Santosh et al., 2013). To the south, the

Palghat-Cauvery Suture Zone defines a complex zone of multiple ocean closure, both in

the Neoarchean and also in the latest Neoproterozoic (Santosh et al., 2012; Mohan et

al., 2013a; Collins et al., 2014).

Similar to the global crust building events in the late Archean – early Paleoproterozoic

(e.g., Zhai and Santosh, 2011; Yang and Santosh, 2014), the Neoarchean witnessed a

period of extensive magmatism and continental crust formation in southern India (e.g.,

Clark et al., 2009; Plavsa et al., 2012; Peucat et al., 1993; Mohan et al., 2013a,b;

among others). Accreted arcs, suprasubduction zone complexes and felsic volcanic

suites have been widely reported from this region including the ca. 2.54 Ga gabbro and

trondhjemites and 2.5 to 2.6 Ga felsic tuffs from Attappadi (Santosh et al., 2013;

Praveen et al., 2013), the 2.54 Ga anorthosites from Sittampundi (Mohan et al., 2013b),

the ca. 2.53 Ga charnockites from the Salem Block (Clark et al., 2009), and the 2.53

2.54 Ga trondhjemites from the Devanur Ophiolite Complex (Yellappa et al., 2012),

among others. It is possible that arc accretion along multiple subduction zones of
P a g e | 24

different polarity resulted in the amalgamation of a number of crustal blocks and their

eventual evolution into a coherent cratonic architecture.

6. Conclusions

• Magmatic suite along the western margin of the Nilgiri Block including TTG

gneisses, amphibolites and charnockites, together with accreted remnants of

banded iron formation, all subjected to high grade metamorphism

• Petrologic features and mineral assemblages in the magmatic suite are

comparable with those reported from elsewhere in the Block, and correlated to

convergent margin magmatism.

• The zircon grains in all the rock types show clear magmatic features including

well-crystallized prismatic features, oscillatory zoning and high Th/U values.

Their Pb/206Pb mean ages show a range of 2470±17 to 2601±25 Ma, and a

single zircon from the BIF shows 207Pb/206Pb age of 2493±17 Ma.

• The age data suggest major late Neoarchean magmatism between ca. 2.6 and

2.5 Ga.

• Zircon Lu-Hf isotope data show consistently positive εHf(t) values ranging from

2.3 to 9.3, and together with TDMC values in the range of 2674 to 2815 Ma, with
P a g e | 25

the oldest TDMC at 2913 Ma, suggest magma derivation from Meso- to

Neoarchean juvenile components.

• The late Neoarchean magmatism correlates with global events and suggests

amalgamation of crustal blocks along multiple subduction zones and their

subsequent evolution into coherent cratonic framework.


We thank Guest Editor T. Tsunogae and Journal referees V.O. Samuel and Y. Saitoh

for constructive suggestions. This study was funded by the Talent Award to M. Santosh

under the 1000 Talents Plan of the Chinese Government. Field work component in India

was partly supported by UGC-SAP DRS II.


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Figure captions

Fig. 1 Geological framework of the Southern Granulite Terrain, India (after Santosh et

al., 2015; Collins et al., 2014). The study area is marked by box.

Fig. 2 Geological map of the Calicut district showing sample locations of present study.

Fig. 3 Representative field photographs. (a) TTG gneiss with distinct compositional

banding. (b) Amphibolite enclaves within TTG. (c) Charnockite. (d) Banded Iron


Fig. 4 Thin section photomicrographs of the rocks analyzed in this study. (a)

Representative mineral assemblage in TTG gneiss. (b) Representative mineral

assemblage in amphibolite. (c) Representative mineral assemblage in

charnockite. (d) BIF showing compositional banding. (a) and (d) in open nicols;

(b) and (c) in crossed nicols. Mineral abbreviations: Qtz- quartz; Opx-

orthopyroxene; Hbl- hornblende; Bt- biotite; Pl- plagioclase; Amp- amphibole

(cummingtonite-grunerite); Mt- magnetite.

P a g e | 33

Fig. 5. Representative Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of zircon grains from TTG

gneiss samples ALMP1-A (a) and ALMP1-B (b). The yellow circles represent spots

of LA–ICP-MS U–Pb dating and red circles represent spots of Lu-Hf analyses.

Zircon U–Pb ages (Ma, numerator) and εHf(t) values (denominator) are also


Fig. 6 Representative Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of zircon grains from

amphibolite samples ALMP4-A (a) and ALMP4-B (b). The yellow circles represent

spots of LA–ICP-MS U–Pb dating and red circles represent spots of Lu-Hf

analyses. Zircon U–Pb ages (Ma, numerator) and εHf(t) values (denominator) are

also shown.

Fig. 7 Representative Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of zircon grains from

charnockite sample KLTM1. The yellow circles represent spots of LA–ICP-MS U–

Pb dating and red circles represent spots of Lu-Hf analyses. Zircon U–Pb ages

(Ma, numerator) and εHf(t) values (denominator) are also shown.

Fig. 8 Zircon U-Pb concordia plots and age data histograms with probability curves for

TTG gneiss ALMP1-A (a) and ALMP1-B (b).

Fig. 9 Zircon U-Pb concordia plots and age data histograms with probability curves for

amphibolite samples ALMP4-A (a) and ALMP4-B (b).

Fig. 10 Zircon U-Pb concordia plots and age data histograms with probability curves for

charnockite sample KLTM1.

P a g e | 34

Fig. 11 εHf(t) versus 207Pb/206Pb plots for zircons in the rocks analyzed in this study.

The fields of zircons in Sittampundi anorthosites (after Mohan et al., 2013b) and

those in Attappadi felsic tuffs and related rocks (after Praveen et al., 2013) are

also shown for comparison.

Table 1. Summary of the rock types, locations and mineral assemblages in the samples

analyzed for zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf in the present study.

1 KLTM -1 Koliyattomala 11o 25' 29'' 75o48'30'' Charnockite Pl Kfs Qtz

Opx, Cpx, Mt

2 ALMP 1A Alampara 11o37'48'' 75o50'04'' TTG Plg,

Qtz, Mt

3 ALMP 1B Alampara 11o37'48'' 75o50'04'' TTG Plg,

Qtz, Mt

4 ALMP 4A Alampara 11o37'48'' 75o50'04'' Amphibolite Pl, Hbl Bt Ttn

Ep Scp

5 ALMP 4B Alampara 11o37'48'' 75o50'04'' Amphibolite Plg,


6 NDLR Naduvallur 11o23'47'' 75o48'25'' BIF Mt, Qtz,


Mineral abbreviations: Pl-plagioclase; Kfs- K-feldspar; Qtz- quartz; Opx-orthopyroxene; Cpx-

clinopyroxene; Hbl-hornblende; Amph-amphibole; Bt-biotite;

Mt-magnetite; Ttn-titanite; Ep-epidote; Scp-scapolite.

Table 3. Zircon Lu-Hf isotopic data from TTG, amphibolite and charnockite.
176 176
No. Age Yb/ Lu/1 176
Hf/1 1s 176
Hf/1 eHf( eHf(t TDM TDM fLu/H
177 77 77 77 C
(Ma Hf Hf Hf Hfi 0) ) (Ma f
P a g e | 35

) ) (Ma

ALMP 254 0.006 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 5.4 264 270 -
1- 6 23 288 323 007 309 51. 5 6 0.9
A.01 2 9

ALMP 254 0.005 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 5.2 265 272 -
1- 9 003 235 314 008 302 51. 3 0 0.9
A.02 6 9

ALMP 252 0.007 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 5.3 263 269 -
1- 8 001 325 334 006 319 50. 2 8 0.9
A.07 8 9

ALMP 254 0.006 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 4.4 268 276 -
1- 7 604 293 296 009 281 52. 2 6 0.9
A.11 2 9

ALMP 252 0.005 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 4.3 266 275 -
1- 3 678 261 305 010 293 51. 7 7 0.9
A.15 9 9

ALMP 251 0.008 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 5.5 261 267 -
1- 2 588 389 352 010 333 50. 3 6 0.9
A.16 2 9

ALMP 258 0.014 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 4.0 272 282 -
1- 1 638 585 276 009 247 52. 9 0 0.9
B.05 9 8

ALMP 255 0.015 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 3.6 272 282 -
1- 9 475 651 283 008 251 52. 4 5 0.9
B.11 7 8

ALMP 246 0.019 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 2.3 269 283 -
1- 8 934 81 31 009 272 51. 8 8 0.9
B.22 7 8

ALMP 252 0.009 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 2.8 272 285 -
1- 7 103 415 269 010 249 53. 6 0 0.9
B.29 2 9
P a g e | 36

ALMP 251 0.010 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 2.6 272 285 -
1- 5 065 488 273 009 250 53. 5 6 0.9
B.32 0 9

ALMP 249 0.006 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 4.8 262 270 -
1- 7 038 281 339 009 326 50. 3 2 0.9
B.33 7 9

ALMP 255 0.012 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 7.1 258 260 -
4- 4 77 57 381 008 354 49. 5 5 0.9
A.05 2 8

ALMP 254 0.012 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 7.0 258 260 -
4- 3 737 527 381 011 355 49. 3 8 0.9
A.06 2 8

ALMP 258 0.013 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 4.7 270 278 -
4- 4 096 561 291 010 264 52. 6 1 0.9
A.12 4 8

ALMP 257 0.017 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 7.3 259 261 -
4- 5 356 751 381 009 344 49. 8 3 0.9
A.14 2 8

ALMP 261 0.013 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 5.3 270 276 -
4- 3 915 583 291 011 262 52. 8 6 0.9
A.22 4 8

ALMP 259 0.016 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 6.5 264 267 -
4- 0 997 735 349 009 313 50. 0 0 0.9
A.31 3 8

ALMP 249 0.001 7.08E- 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 2.9 269 281 -
4- 1 673 05 278 008 275 52. 0 6 1.0
B.03 8 0

ALMP 251 0.000 2.91E- 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 4.2 265 275 -
4- 0 677 05 3 010 298 52. 9 4 1.0
B.15 1 0

ALMP 248 0.001 3.67E- 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 4.4 262 271 -
4- 0 016 05 326 009 324 51. 4 6 1.0
B.25 1 0
P a g e | 37

ALMP 242 0.004 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 0.9 270 288 -
4- 2 723 222 274 010 264 53. 5 4 0.9
B.27 0 9

ALMP 244 0.003 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 0.8 273 291 -
4- 9 485 14 249 010 243 53. 3 3 1.0
B.29 8 0

ALMP 252 0.000 1.94E- 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 7.3 255 256 -
4- 2 543 05 38 011 379 49. 1 9 1.0
B.30 2 0

KLTM 259 0.018 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 6.5 264 267 -
1.33 6 372 829 349 007 308 50. 7 7 0.9
3 8

KLTM 261 0.011 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 4.0 275 284 -
1.05 6 346 49 248 006 224 53. 9 8 0.9
9 9

KLTM 261 0.022 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 5.6 269 274 -
1.08 3 083 977 319 007 271 51. 7 8 0.9
4 7

KLTM 254 0.018 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 6.0 261 266 -
1.19 3 811 844 371 008 330 49. 8 4 0.9
6 7

KLTM 260 0.020 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 5.7 268 273 -
1.28 7 404 927 324 008 278 51. 7 5 0.9
2 7

KLTM 261 0.014 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.281 - 9.3 255 252 -
1.31 3 647 683 409 006 375 48. 5 0 0.9
2 8
P a g e | 38

Graphical abstract

Research Highlights

 Magmatic suite along the western margin of the Nilgiri Block

 Zircon U-Pb ages of 2.6 to 2.5 Ga suggest major late Neoarchean magmatism

 εHf(t) values ranging from 2.3 to 9.3 suggest magma derivation from juvenile


 Amalgamation of crustal blocks along multiple subduction zones during end


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