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Checklist for Organizing a School / Access program Spelling Bee

1-2 Weeks Prior to the Bee

  Pick a location, date and time and get approval of it from your principal or director 
 Use the downloadable poster to publicize the event in your school and community 
  Notify other English and foreign language teachers in the school 
 Line up volunteers to serve as officials 

Week Prior to the Bee 
  Print out registration forms, score sheets, certificates, results, and evaluation forms 
 Give the official word list (confidential!) to the pronouncer to practice. 
 Make sure you have the chairs, tables and supplies necessary for the event. 

Day of the Spelling Bee

Two hours prior to the bee

  Check your room and make sure chairs and tables are arranged as you want 
 One and one-half
half hours prior to the bee 
 Volunteer Meeting – Explain each person’s role. Go through registration and score sheets to make
sure they will be filled out correctly. Cover
ver the rules and procedures for both the team 
and solo bees.
30 minutes prior to the bee
 Have registration and host/security volunteers in place. You and the other judges will be
available to talk to spellers and hold pre-bee
pre meetings. 
 Give participation awards to all spellers as they register. 
 Prepare score sheets for team bee. 
Team Bee
  Hold a pre-BeeBee meeting for spellers 
 Speak to the audience to explain what they will witness and warn them NOT to cause
distractions or provide help in any way. 
 Conduct the team bee (with 2 unscored practice/demonstration rounds if you wish) 
 Awards – give certificates and any other prizes tto top finishers. 
Break – 15 minutes
 Prepare Score sheets for solo bee 
 Solo Bee 
  Hold pre-BeeBee meeting with all spellers. Review the rules. 
 Speak to the audience 
  Conduct the solo bee 
 Awards – give certificates and other prizes to top finishers. 

Post Bee
 Collect all Spelling Bee Morocco Materials. 
  Clean up the room. 
 Present the District Bee Information and Permission slips to the top 3 qualifiers & 3
alternates. 
 Complete the Results form then load it into the online form on
 
 Help your qualifiers and alternates fill out the participant profile, then load those forms
into the online form on 
 Notify parents of top p finishers to make arrangements for their participation in the District
Bee 
  Write press release announcing the results of the Team and Solo Bees 
 Make sure there is a coach chaperone to accompany spellers to the District Bee

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