47th and 48th Street Exit Survey Comments

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ID Date 5. Is there anything you want to share with the project team?

No turn off 47th St come down Linmore speeding. Markoe St needs a

1 9/18/2023 bump.
2 9/18/2023
3 9/18/2023
4 9/18/2023
5 9/18/2023
6 9/18/2023 The meeting was so chaotic, with no overall explanation.
Thank you so much -- 47th and Kingsessing is a frightening
7 9/18/2023 intersection.
8 9/18/2023 Option One
9 9/18/2023 Slow traffic is priority
10 9/18/2023
11 9/18/2023

Please consider traffic calming measures on streets intersecting 49th

st. Streets is repaving 49th which will make it a death trap. Alhtough
cannot put on 49th because of trolley tracks put adjacent to it at
12 9/18/2023 intersections.
I maybe in favor of rsh hour traffic one way but not 24/7. Frank
13 9/18/2023 Williams Jr redacted phone number
14 9/18/2023
Concerned about plastic bollards trashing neighborhood. Concerned
15 9/18/2023 about spreed bumps creating more "" truck spots.
16 9/18/2023 Lots of daylighting!
17 9/18/2023 Enforce speed laws
18 9/18/2023
19 9/18/2023
20 9/18/2023 Speed bumps on both 47th and 48th

I wish our concerns about rerouting waste management trucks off 48th
st wiykd have been addressed. Im no convinced byciclists will only go
southbound on 48th St which will cause confusion & continue to
21 9/18/2023 create a dangerous situation.
22 9/18/2023
Concerned this will create an even more dangerous situation on 46th.
Currently no traffic lights & obstructed stop signs at 46th and
23 9/18/2023 Springfield. Already very busy + chaotic.

The intersectuibs need immediate help -- and there needs to be a
culture shift with drivers who constantly run the stop sign. This
engagement did feel perfunctory & at certain points condescending. It
made me feel less confidenc ein the second option because questions
were punted to the next person and to the next. Many of them went
unanswered and some of the speakers' tones were condescending. It
24 9/18/2023 med me lose confidence in the organization.
25 9/18/2023 The streets will be negatiely impacted!
26 9/18/2023
27 9/18/2023 We need safety of street also ""
Paschall Avenue at 48th is a forgotten block! This is unfair to our
28 9/18/2023 residents.
29 9/18/2023 Kids walk to Lea + biking
Please consider ways to truly segregate bikers from traffic - protected
bike lanes with bollards, etc. I want to utilize the streets fully but it
30 9/18/2023 feels so unsafe.

Do not make 47th one way north. We will get lots of southbound
traffic on 48th. Add a traffic light at the corner of 47th and
Warrington, The light should oprate exactly in parallel with the light
of 47th and Baltimore, i.e. it would be operationally the same signal.
31 9/18/2023 That would allow Warington traffic to turn left onto 47th safely.

The meeting format didn't work well in this space. Use another space
32 9/18/2023 in the future. Tremendously hard to hear, congestion in front of signs.

33 9/18/2023 Would be good to see one-way on 46th or at least speed cuchions.

34 9/18/2023 We need flexposts + bumpouts at 47th and Kingsessing.
Two way bike lanes are better than one. Land value tax would solve
35 9/18/2023 this.

36 9/18/2023 Interested in more radical solutions. Bus only lanes? Bike only road?
37 9/18/2023 Thanks for engaging the community.

I'd echo the concerns a lot of folks chared tonight about neglecting the
38 9/18/2023 one-way blocks at 47th and Woodland. We need 47th repaved ASAP.
39 9/18/2023 Put more paint at 48th / Baltimore
Why is this taking so long? Why are you wasting time with an
undemocratic process? Just go ahead and fix the road so I don't get hit
40 9/18/2023 by a car. Also please do 49th + 50th next.
Appreciate your efforts! Meeting room was small. Doing a portion
41 9/18/2023 outside would have helped.
Thank you for your work! This is kind of thankless. I appreciate you
42 9/18/2023 guys!

43 9/18/2023
44 9/18/2023 The sooner the better! Please consider bus bulbs / islands.

45 9/18/2023 We need big changes! I want to walk / bike on 48/47 and feel safe!

46 9/18/2023 Noise + litter are also problems. Concerns re: speed bump issues.
47 9/18/2023
48 9/18/2023 Need speedbumps across all street - not multiple pads.
Represent and drive through to get home. If possible look at the
49 9/18/2023 intersection off 49th toward the bridge.
50 9/18/2023 Do good!
51 9/18/2023
Congestion on 47th north is already backed up past chester during
52 9/18/2023 school drop-off & pick-up.
53 9/18/2023 Thank you for listening to the community who asked for this!
54 9/18/2023

55 9/18/2023 Add a crosswalk at 48th and windsor. Streets seems non-responsive.

56 9/18/2023
Instead of crosswalks in the middle of the street, they should be at the
57 9/18/2023 crosswalks! Less noise pollution.
58 9/18/2023 thw white bollards are ugly. Can we change what is installed?
59 9/18/2023
60 9/18/2023 Consideration for all equally.

61 9/18/2023 I would really love 47th to stay a 2-way from Paschall to Baltimore.
62 9/18/2023
I'm dissapointed in the rejection of the 2-way PBL option for 48th1
63 9/18/2023 Which is the safest and simplest option.
64 9/18/2023
I liked the format of the meeting! Okease invest in the safety of our
65 9/18/2023 community by choosing option 2!

66 9/18/2023 Open gate on 49th St at RR crossing so community has access to SRT.

I live at address redacted. Had a car accident crossing 48th St from
4700 block of Windsor. We need at lest a stop sign on 48th for
67 9/18/2023 Windsor.
68 9/18/2023 the NB bike lane changing sides at Kingsessing is bad
69 9/18/2023 option two is the way to go!

What will the impact be on 46th and 49th? Whel will they be
improved. The stop signs are disregarded and people constantly run
red lights -- How can you improve the intersections to improve this
hazard? Double parking is very common. Narrower streets (which are
good!) will make this issue more problematic. Can loading zones be
added to the mix? The bicycle lanes should all be two-way. People
will "salmon" the wrong direction. Elimate slip lane at 47th and
Baltimore. Add crosswalks at 48th and Windsor, 47th and Warrington,
etc. Will there be safe and convenient bike path from south (2-way)
70 9/18/2023 bike path on Grey's Ferry Bridge to 47th?
71 9/18/2023
72 9/18/2023
Traffic north on 47th from Greys Ferry Bridge is too heavy. Need
73 9/18/2023 diverter at Kingsessing or Chester to 46th or 48th.

south bound no coordination with water dept + paving re-physical

improvements (bumpouts - so many trees trenches gone in). Re: south
bound bike path below woodland: If I'm going to cross the bridge I
don't want to climb the bridge / hill between woodland + Paschall only
to then navigate a difficult crossing - I want to bang the right on
Woodland and left on 48th to Grey's Ferry. Eliminate the slip lane at
74 9/18/2023 47th and Baltimore. Lines don't slow drivers in this city!
75 9/18/2023 need specific safety measures at 47th and Kingsessing
76 9/18/2023 More bike safety is always good!
Philadelphians don't respect paint on the ground. Bollards or concrete
77 9/18/2023 are needed to protect pedestrians + bikers.
78 9/18/2023 I think we can do even better than option 2 for bike + ped safety
79 9/18/2023
80 9/18/2023 Excited for the big changes to make a big difference!
81 9/18/2023 Please keep walkers and bikers safe with option 2!
82 9/18/2023
83 9/18/2023 We want to bike safely in our neighborhood!
84 9/18/2023 We're excited about parking protected bike lanes!

S. Rheerhardt address and phone number redacted, recent high

speed fatal car accident at the intersection of 48th and Kingsessing
are, also, very high pedestrian hazard also closing any of the 3
intersections at 48th at Kingsessing Ae. Not sure about option #2,
making 47th St one-way going N. Option #1 may be more desireable,
if it includes speed bnumps at the 3 intersections @ 48th + Kingsesing
and / or adapting the traffic lights to include turn signals after
intersections. Thank you in advance to everyone involved int he
process. But let's get this done as soon as possible. Our lives are at
85 9/18/2023 stake!!

Hope measures are put in place at lots of intersections for pedestrians.
86 9/27/2023 We are concerned about traffic flow on 48th, but it seems worth it.
87 9/27/2023 Center people, ban cars!
88 9/27/2023 Please! A stop sign + cross walk at 45th + Warrington.
89 9/27/2023

Why is there no curve ahead sign on 48th approaching Baltimore?

Want to be able to park in front of house without danger of side swipe.
90 9/27/2023 Not looking froward to seeing the stockade fence outside my window.
91 9/27/2023
92 9/27/2023 More police warnings i.e. tickets
93 9/27/2023 Slow traffic on Kingsessing Ave E/W
94 9/27/2023 Thanks! More curb extensions! Favor bicyclists
Concerned about cars turning into bikes at intersections. Need
95 9/27/2023 enforcement of traffic laws
Exiting froms streets like Windsor is extremely difficult. Wills this
96 9/27/2023 improve visibility?
97 9/27/2023 Add traffic lights for bikes. What about raised bike lanes?
98 9/27/2023 Great work! More protected bike lanes.
99 9/27/2023 Add speed bumps to Windsor, 4700 block
100 9/27/2023
101 9/27/2023
102 9/27/2023 EV charging with protected bike lanes?
103 9/27/2023 We need speed cushions on 48th!
Hiding cyclists behins speed cushions will not slow traffic. More
104 9/27/2023 speed bumps. Do not trap cyclists in danger.
105 9/27/2023 ""
More visible stop signs. More stop lights if possible, red light cameras
-- the accidents from speeding & running red lights are so many!
106 9/27/2023 People being hit!

I live on windsor and am conerned about cars spedding. Can you add
107 9/27/2023 pedestrian crossings and stop signs at all intersections?

Please address the csx crossing that is at grad on 49th st - this should
108 9/27/2023 be safe for bikes and pedestrians to use to get to SRT + Bartram
109 9/27/2023 Car charging across sep bike lane??
110 9/27/2023
111 9/27/2023
I have three children. Their safety, and human safety, need to be the
112 9/27/2023 priority.

If 47th is converted to 1-way, that will displace southbound traffic to
46th st as well, and that is not being addressed here. Vehicles travel
very fast on 46th S. of Baltimore where the street is wide. Those
blocks are already unsafe for pedestrians (And vehicles). Displacing
more vehicles there will make it even less safe. Therefore, if 47th st is
made 1-way, 46th st should recieve the same traffic calming
113 9/27/2023 interventions -- speed tables, daylit intersections, etc

114 9/27/2023 Ass crosswalk over 48 at windsor.

115 9/27/2023 Please, please, please put speed cushions on Locust st 46-47

We need speed cameras. They will stop rackless drivers. They will
make the city money. For funding, issue "child safety bonds." Profits
will fund high yields and city improvements. Advantages: 1) Reckless
drivers have incentive to stop 2)Worst drivers will fave penalties 3)
Low maintenance / labor 4) They can be moved 5)Provide video
evidence for hit and runs 6) they pay for themselves 7) investment
incentives 8) citizenz make money 9) no racial bias 10) will actually
116 9/27/2023 work
More bike infrastructure = safer streets for all + less car traffic Also
117 9/27/2023 there needs to be more of a penalty for reckless drivers.
118 9/27/2023 47th needs to be repaved too!
Have you adequately assessed how this will affect traffic going north
119 9/27/2023 at 47th + Springfield - a difficult corner?
120 9/27/2023 Looking forward to it

Speed cushions seem to be create aggressive drivers to become more

aggressive & then swerve more. When conducting an analysis make
sure rader units get good sun. 48th and Windsor - action is need to
calm traffic to prevent people swerving when coming out from 47th.
Crosswalks for pedestrians needed. Two way traffic on 48th is needed.
A forum for public speaking would have been great. This format was
not that great. Station has representatives speaking loudly or even
talking to engage / entice quiet people who need others to speak +
121 9/27/2023 inform before someone develops a question.
I'm concerned about the intersections and side streets along the project
122 9/27/2023 A LOT

Slowing traffic on 48th feel a priority. I bike and walk and feel much
less safe as a pedestrian crossing 48th. I've taken to hanging back on
the corner until no cars are visible because the speed and aggression
123 9/27/2023 feels very unsafe!
124 9/27/2023 More traffic calming on 48th.

Only make changes you can maintain. Repave first, esp 47th and
Paschall. Block shoulders of alleys & small streets to maintain sight
lines. Need better stop sign enforcement. Make them light up. 48th
125 9/27/2023 and Baltimore is best shoulder design. Use that.
If you add bike lanes, keep them clear + clearly marked. If you push
traffic to 46th, be aware that alley visibility is poor between
126 9/27/2023 Larchwood and Pine.
I don’t feel safe on my bike right now. I am worried I will get hit
again. Make the planters + curb extensions at 48th & Baltimore
127 9/27/2023 permanent.
More durable infrastructure at 48th / Baltimore. Paint and planters are
128 9/27/2023 not enough.

1) Desperately need a stop sign at Windsor if nothing else. 2) Switch

bike lane to northbound 48th for easy xing at Baltimore w/ SB bike on
47th. 3) Protect bike lanes with curbs, not plastic bollards. Eliminate
visual clutter and make parking easier. 4) Bulb out curbs at Baltimore
129 9/27/2023 south side where planters are now.
Please also consider ways to discourage double parking -- causes
130 9/27/2023 accidents!
131 9/27/2023 More traffic calming measures! Especially on small streets.
132 9/27/2023
Address pedestrian crossing safety at 48th + Baltimore- bumpouts -
address danger of traffic entering illegally into intersection traveling
133 9/27/2023 1-way on Florence Ave
134 9/27/2023 Need safety measures east/west on 47th/49th intersections
I am adamently opposed to making 47th street one way. It won't slow
traffic down and it will interfere with access to my house and will
135 9/27/2023 interfere with major bridge access
136 9/27/2023
137 9/27/2023 Thanks for the work!

138 9/27/2023
139 9/27/2023
140 9/27/2023 Great job, thanks.

1) I'm a 4-day a week bicycle commuter who lives on 48th st. I love
parking separated bike lanes. But I will travel northbound in the
southbound-only bike lanes on 48th. 2) I would lvoe pedestrian bump
outs at all intersection because they make me feel safer + slow down
cars even though I know they're expensive 3) I don't have any strong
feelingd about making 47th one-way even tho it will liekly increase
traffic on 48th, where I live 4) For a future project: can you forcr CSX
141 9/27/2023 to allow ped traffic to go from 49th st to SRT?
142 9/27/2023
Option 2 underestimate impact on Kingsessing ave 48th + 49th to
greys ferry bridge. Many children walk between rec center + clark
143 9/27/2023 park on kingsessing.

The #1 problem is enforcement. IF laws were enforced against

speeding, passing, passing SEPTA vehicles, double parking, parking
in bus lanes, failure to come to complete stops, tinted front windows,
neither options would ne necessary. If 47th is one-way make it
southbound. Let traffic get off grey's ferry and go west or east nefore
144 9/27/2023 woodland. No bike bumpouts at 5-way intersections.
145 9/27/2023

146 9/27/2023 Make sure stop signs are visible. Enforce no parking in bike lanes.

The city has not proven itself to be trustworthy & committed to the
ongoing maintenance of bike lanes -- paint the lanes and keep that up
would be a great start. Not interested in bollards. 2) So speed cushions
147 9/27/2023 affect plows and ability to clear snow?

I am in favor of traffic calming methods incldusing speed rumbles that

go across the width of the street. Some cars try to avoid the speed
cushions. I would like to see rumble strips across the whole street,
bike lanes included. In driving aroudnt he city -- I noticed that the bike
lanes painting has faded -- I am concerned that wether the bike lanes
are painted or bollards put up they will not be maintained. I have seen
stop signs in the near suburbs that light up -- I think those would help
148 9/27/2023 motorists see the stop signs
149 9/27/2023
150 9/27/2023 Please hurry
151 9/27/2023 Also consider daylighting and traffic enforcement
152 9/27/2023
153 9/27/2023 Thank you for working to create a safer community.
Terrible format incoherent -- cannot give feedback something I
154 9/27/2023 Cannot allow
155 9/27/2023 Concern over traffic on 48th.

Love safe, separated bike lanes that are maintained and kept clean. 2)
Put in a real sidewalk along 47th st side of park / traffic island at 47th
and Baltimore 3) I understanf there would need ot be loading zones
for trucks / deliveries on 47th, but don't want to lose too many parking
spaces for residents. SOem daytime parked people who drive in from
suburbs, park + take the trolley downtown. If car parking is limited to
156 9/27/2023 night hours that will eliminate the problem somewhat.
157 9/27/2023 Increased traffic on 48th.
158 9/27/2023 Only had one accident. It was on 47th. Driver ran through Red.

I own the building on 4800 Baltimore. Olease don't put all kinds of
159 9/27/2023 ugly things on historic blocks like 800 block of south 48th.

160 9/27/2023

I'm concerned about the width of the 48th st bike lane. Is it intended to
be one-way, but in my expereince of philly cyclists I expect people
will travel both directions. IS the bike lane width wide enough for to
bikes to pass each other when tha happens? I love the big bump-outs
at 48th and Baltimore. But long before the current repaving, every
time, any time anyoend oes work there, the barriers have been moved
back. How do we prevent that in the future. My fanatasy for Florence
161 9/27/2023 between 48th and 49th has always been to dig up a lane + plant trees.
Pedestrian safety has to be the TOP priority in this, we are at the
162 9/27/2023 mercy of both motorists & bicyclists.

The changes proposed by option 2 are too lagre to implement without

a full traffic study in oarticular regarding additional east/west traffic
163 9/27/2023 on cross streets due to converting 47th to one-way.
164 9/27/2023
165 9/27/2023
166 9/27/2023 Please implement the safest option quickly.
167 9/27/2023
Many neighbors on 48th st are unaware of the porposals and don't
understand how protected bike lanes work. 48th st is not wide enough
168 9/27/2023 to accommodate.

I think even the second option doesn't go far enough for pedestrian
safety but does at least help bikers. I have almost been run over at the
4-way stop signs on 48th almost monthly despite being cautious. Is
there a way to enforce people stopping who dont? I worry that bikers
will be difficult for pedestrians to see but do think a protected lane is
till important. Will there be ways to protect all from car doors in the
parking lanes since this affects pedestrians and bikes? The 48th ans
Baltimore intersection is extremely dangerous as it currently is. Is
there anything that could discourage cars from trying to make U
turns? Please put enough speed bumps to protect us. Many don't know
169 9/27/2023 how to properly go through a 4-way stop.

Please have epedestrian corsswalks painted from Chester to Baltimore

ave on 48th. Please begin a similar project for 48th-49th Florence
Ave. Our one way street is dangerous due to cars going the wrong
170 9/27/2023 way.

1-way on 47th north is a horrible idea: will make speedway for out of
neighborhood drivers heading west. -- traffic from W will not stop for
stop signs - Keep 47th 2-way south of Baltimore - If 47 has to be one
way, make it south - 47th southbound is the major exit for our
neighborhood. Northbound will cause significant extra driving for
residents - please consider St Francis schol which has much SUV
transport that double parks at 7:30 and 2:30 -- Since most traffic
through the nieghborhood is headed east, traffic patterns should
encourage diversion to Woodland east through the abandoned
171 9/27/2023 pharmacy school

172 9/27/2023 I am excited to see improved bike infrastructure protected from cars.

173 9/27/2023 Option 2 would be best, but I am in favor of keeping traffic lights.

174 9/27/2023 I'd like to know how school drop-off & parking will be impacted.
175 9/27/2023 Include 49th street! Solidarity!

176 9/27/2023 Only option 2 would make a significant difference in terms of safety.
177 9/27/2023

Please address Florence Avenue safety as part of the project. Main

concerns with option 2 1) lack of ability for the city to maintain 2)
eliminating ways to bike on 47th st to connect w/ the SRDC due to the
one way nature of the bike lane. Also regarding 4800 block of
florence: the block is not in favor of angled parking on our block as a
178 9/27/2023 solution.
179 9/27/2023 Thank you!

180 9/27/2023
181 9/27/2023 I hate the bumps, in favor of other traffic slowing.

From my window facing 48th + Kingsessing intersection there is way

more southbound traffic on a daily basis. People fly in both directions.
I think adding a 4-way stop at 48th St + Kingsessing would help with
driver + pedestrian safety. It would force people to stop before making
a fast, blind right turn from Kingsessing onto 48th and from 48th onto
Kingsessing. People seem to drive on Kingsessing even faster now
that it's been repaved. Especially at night, when cross traffic is more
limited, people treat the stretch from Warrington to Kingsessing like a
182 9/27/2023 raceway.
I would favor increased pedestrian protection beyond option 2, with
183 9/27/2023 built out crosswalks.
184 9/27/2023 I am in favor of option 2 w/o the one-way street on 47th

Option 2 is ok but doesn't go far enough: -- bike lane layout is

confusing. Will there be wayfinding? -- will it lead to salmoning when
the 2-way on 48th ends? -- parking is being over-prioritized, not
everyone has or needs a car -- remove parking lane for full bi-
directional bikeway on 48th -- also, meeting format was bad. too
185 9/27/2023 many people all at once. Do a normal meeting or spread them out!
Concenred that one-way bike lanes in option 2 will results in cyclists
186 9/27/2023 riding the wrong way, causing bike collisions.

I understand the increased safety factr of one-way bike lanes, but

when casually biking the directions of where to go in the opposite
direction are not clear - forcing people onto the streets, sidewalk, and
going in the wrong direction on the one-way bike lane, making those
reasonable suggestions on paper not reasonable in real life. Either
drastically improve signage for one-way bike lanes in both directions
187 9/27/2023 or don't have them at all.
Terrible Format! Should have had a presentation first to explain plans
188 9/27/2023 then breakout to talk. Chaos.
Anything needs enforcement with penalty for non-compliance. What
about changing traffic pattern for commuters who have no business in
189 9/27/2023 neighborhood & are just traveling through?
190 9/27/2023 Only one person took notes.

For option 2, on the blocks of 47th St with schools, consider removing

parking on the side opposite the schools to preserve 2 lanes of 1-way
travel norhtbound - would facilitate having a way for thru traffic to
191 9/27/2023 move while parents are double-parked for drop-off or pick up.
You haven't addressed parking - perhaps truning 48th streets around
192 9/27/2023 into timed free parking.

193 9/27/2023 Traffic calming. Bike lanes please.
194 9/27/2023 Protected bike lanes :)
Take it even further! These are dangerous roads for everyone. Make
the crosswalks shorter. Full stops for cars and actual bollards -
195 9/27/2023 concrete / metal not plastic
196 9/27/2023
What about the trees in the greenway project - especially 47th and
197 9/27/2023 Springfield to Woodland?

Yes, how will the next to curb bike lane be shoveled, raked etc? When
will flooding at 48th and Springfield and Warrington be addressed?
Why are the Garden Ct & Walnut Hill groups making decisions re:
48th St South of Baltimore which has very different issues to address?
It doesn't seem homeowners in this neighborhood were consulted w/re
soltuions. Also, we already have 4-way and all-way stops here. The
bikers speed through them w/out stopping more than cars. Seems that
198 9/27/2023 issues should be raised in the biking community 1st.
Option 2 for 47th St devotes too much space to parking - more space
than any other single use. Cut one lane of parking. Overall, option 2 is
199 9/27/2023 confusing.
43rd and Spruce is so dangerous. Please do something to slow traffic
200 9/27/2023 down on Spruce.
I walk and bike every day on these roads and would feel much safer
201 9/27/2023 with option #2.

202 9/27/2023
203 9/27/2023 Incorporate GSI if possible
204 9/27/2023 Biz owner

Speed cushions should be paved, not removable like the ones on

Springfield. - Day lighting shall be concrete, not paint and flex posts. -
205 9/27/2023 Raised intersections could help slow through traffic

Speed cushions should be paved not bolted down like on Springfield .

The ones on Springfield are broken (bolts sticking up) and hard to
bike over. - In option 2, switching from one side of the street to the
other on bike seems a little dangerous, people driving already don't
look or use their mirrors to check for bikes / pedestrian. - Daylighting
should be concrete but paved is a good start - Flex posts don't stop
people from going over them there needs to be a better options -
206 9/27/2023 Addition of raised intersections would be a benefit to all! slows traffic
207 9/27/2023 We need to slow traffic on 48th St now. Not wait till Spring.
208 9/27/2023 I favor speed bumps on Windsor Ave.

This was not a community meeting or discussion. Community
concerns were not heard or given the chance to be heard. There are
many schools along this route that it would greatly impact drop off
and pick up procedures. If the streets are changed to change
directions/flow/bike lanes it puts children at risk of having to go
between cars and then over bike lanes. Who will be enforcing the
parking to stay in the pakr lanes? Who will enforce bikes riding only
north or only south? How will cross streets be changed for stop signs /
209 9/27/2023 cross walks
210 9/27/2023 Thank you for looking out for bike safety!
211 9/27/2023
212 9/27/2023 Maintain same

Your "" is not very clear for options to choose. Too many variables
w/o ''" make for the choice. I'm writing my specific choices. 1) Option
1: Signs to slow down the speed of speed cushions and turning. No
need for concersion signs if it will be one-way from 47th to Paschall
2) Option: 1)one-way street for 47th from Paschall to Market st 2)
Parking possibilities for residents on both sides of the street 3) bike
lane must follow one-way street to 47th st 3) town hall meeting of the
213 9/27/2023 all reaction are gathered ""
Option 2 will change the culture of a hectic / dangerous situation.
214 9/27/2023 Please do it!

Not qualified to speak to issues. Safety is priority. Too many speeders.

215 9/27/2023 Need a visual presentation. Bike lanes "" for busy streets
Working on "" speeding is more important! Adding bike lanes should
216 9/27/2023 not be a top priority.
Next meeting should be a program where you can hear what others
217 9/27/2023 have to say.
218 9/27/2023
219 9/27/2023
220 9/27/2023 Connection to river / Bartram's would make these better
The format of the 9/27 meeting seems unimpactful and unorganized
221 9/27/2023 please consider more narrow drive lengths on 48
222 9/27/2023 Protected lanes are the best!
223 9/27/2023 Protecte lanes are a must!

There should be some further conversation. 1) Changing traffic flow
on 47th is likely to Add additional traffic south bound on 48 2) I do
not believe this plan takes into consideration the delivery of packages
on 48th The narrowing of buses, deliveries, trash pickup I believe will
create serious challenges 3) If plan 2 is chosen could we not do plastic
bollards. They create visual clutter and within a brief period of time
look trashy and ugly. I have worked for 47 years to keep the block
clean and neat. I will not work around the bollards to rake, shovel, and
224 9/27/2023 clean.
1 traffic lane only on 47th, as narrow as legally permitted to slow
225 9/27/2023 traffic

Thank you for your responsiveness to neighborhood concernes. We

live opposite St Francis + it is scary. Our poast woman has been hit in
her truck + it is treachrous for kids going to school. I think making
226 9/27/2023 47th one way will help.
A 10ft travel lane seems tight to me. People speed up to catch light at
227 9/27/2023 Spruce st (from Pine).
I am terrified that I an my two small children will be killed by
someone running a light or top sign on 48th. Why aren't we policing
228 9/27/2023 this behavior all over the city?
229 9/27/2023
230 9/27/2023
231 9/27/2023 This forum was dissapointing.
232 9/27/2023 Ideally, I wish there could be 2-way bike lanes throughout.
233 9/27/2023 This is a terrible survey.
More communication about other areas where this has been
234 9/27/2023 successful.
235 9/27/2023
Glad this is getting looked at seriously. Don't want to unduly restrict
236 9/27/2023 traffic flow, but these options look palatable.

237 9/27/2023 47th & Baltimore is a bad intersection. 49th will get more speeding.
238 9/27/2023 The safest option please, I got struck by a car on 48th.
239 9/27/2023 4 years ago I got hit by a car on 48th St
240 9/27/2023 Thanks for prioritizing traffic safety in this neighborhood.
Please do option 2! Don't be dissuaded, this will be a game-changer
241 9/27/2023 for north-south bike mobility in west!
Stop signs at Windsor / 48th would be very helpful for vehicles and
242 9/27/2023 pedestrians

243 9/27/2023 So many kids cross 48th to get to Lea School - as safe as possible.
Don't forget about pedestrians in addition to bikes! Thank you for
244 9/27/2023 your work!

245 9/27/2023 I like to keep it as it is.

246 9/27/2023 Please pick option 2! Slower traffic, safer traffic for everyone.
247 9/27/2023
My children cross both streets to reach UC swim club - 48th an dPine
248 9/27/2023 is especially dangerous for them.
The intersection at 48th + Kingsessing needs extra provisions for
249 9/27/2023 pedestrian safety - curb bump outs or raised crosswalks.

Please consider how the bike network will connect to Bartram's

250 9/27/2023 Garden and the eventual connection to the Schulykill Trail.
The intersection of 48th + Kingsessing is disastroudly dangerous -
especially for pedestrians - and fatal as evidenced only a couple weeks
251 9/27/2023 ago.

Any option other than option 1. Right now is crazy! Skeptical about
city's commitment to maintain protected bike lanes. Consider: -
different plans for north and south of Baltimore Ave - Rethink access
to Grays Ferry Bridge in Option 2 - perhaps keep 2-wau for cars south
of Woodland. Presently bycicle traffic on 48th south of baltimore is
very light, so bicycle lanes as presently configured are more than
adequate. - Start over with a more balanced set of inputs from all
252 9/27/2023 affected parties. Semmes that bicycle folks have dominated to date.

4. Neither 1. How do you fe2. Are you in fa3. Are you in favor of the changes presented in Option 2: Complete street
0 2 2.92307692308 3.5
1 1.66666666667 3.09302325581 3.66666666667
2 1.67857142857 2.37037037037 4.03571428571
Grand Total 1.72289156627 2.8313253012 3.76829268293

resented in Option 2: Complete streets to address the traffic calming needs on the streets? (Average)

4. Both 1. How do you feel about traffic safety on 47th and 48th Street today? (Average)
0 1.74545454545
1 1.67857142857
Grand Total 1.72289156627

y? (Average)

4. Work on 47th1. How do you feel about traffic safety on 47th and 48th Street today? (Average)
0 1.7358490566
1 1.7
Grand Total 1.72289156627

y? (Average)

4. Live on 47th 2. Are you in favor of the changes preentred in Option 1: Light touch to address the trafic calming needs
0 3
1 2.79411764706
Grand Total 2.8313253012

ch to address the trafic calming needs on the strets? (Average)

4. Both 2. Are you in favor of the changes preentred in Option 1: Light touch to address the trafic calming needs
0 3.05357142857
1 2.37037037037
Grand Total 2.8313253012

ch to address the trafic calming needs on the strets? (Average)

4. Live on 47th 1. How do you feel about traffic safety on 47th and 48th Street today? (Average)
0 2
1 1.66176470588
Grand Total 1.72289156627

y? (Average)

4. Work on 47th2. Are you in favor of the changes preentred in Option 1: Light touch to address the trafic calming needs
0 3.03703703704
1 2.44827586207
Grand Total 2.8313253012

ch to address the trafic calming needs on the strets? (Average)

4. Work on 47th3. Are you in favor of the changes presented in Option 2: Complete streets to address the traffic calming
0 3.67307692308
1 3.93333333333
Grand Total 3.76829268293

streets to address the traffic calming needs on the streets? (Average)

4. Both 3. Are you in favor of the changes presented in Option 2: Complete streets to address the traffic calming
0 3.62962962963
1 4.03571428571
Grand Total 3.76829268293

streets to address the traffic calming needs on the streets? (Average)

4. Live on 47th 3. Are you in favor of the changes presented in Option 2: Complete streets to address the traffic calming
0 3.35714285714
1 3.85294117647
Grand Total 3.76829268293

streets to address the traffic calming needs on the streets? (Average)

1. How do you fe2. Are you in fa3. Are you in favor of the changes presented in Option 2: Complete streets to address the
1.72289156627 2.8313253012 3.76829268293

ion 2: Complete streets to address the traffic calming needs on the streets? (Average)

Live on 47th

Work on 47th


Live on 47/48, reaction to Option 1

Work on 47/48, reaction to Option 1

Both, reaction to option 1

Live on 47/48, reaction to Option 2

Work on 47/48, reaction to Option 2

Both, reaction to option 2


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