Pete302 S23 L01

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Department of Petroleum Engineering


Lecture [01]

Course Information and Policies
General Information

• Textbook:
Required: none

Suggested: See list of suggested references

• Handouts
(will be posted to class webCT)
Summary Notes (Slides)
Journal Papers

General Information
• Instructor:
Name : Rahul Gajbhiye
Office : 76-2147
E-mail :
Tel. : 013-860 (2511)

• Lectures:
PETE-302 (02): 11:00 – 11:50 (UTR)
Location: 76-2152

• Office Hours: TBD(To be decided)

Evaluation Components
• Course grade:
The final grade will be based on the following distribution
Assignments 15%
Attendance 5%
Project 10%
First major Exam 20% (TBD)
Second major Exam 20% (TBD)
Final Examination 20%
Participation & quizzes 10%
Total 100%

• Homeworks:
Regular HWs (total 10 HWs)
No late HWs! unless prior arrangement is made

• Exams:
Time and Location TBD

• Course Prerequisite:

– Background in:
» Introduction to Petroleum Engg. Or Drilling
» Basic Eng. Math.
» Linear Algebra (will be reviewed when needed)
– Familiarity with:
» Programming (language of your choice)
» MATLAB or Mathematica are recommended
» Software that are used in calculations, excel and visual-
basic will be of great use.

Course Policies

• Academic Integrity:
– No Collaboration is allowed in doing HWs, you must present
your own work!
– Make sure you understand Plagiarism:
• “the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of (or
incorporating material from) someone else's written or creative work,
in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate

• Copyright:
– “All the material generated in the course are copyrighted.”
– Prior permission from the instructor is needed for copying or
distributing the course material.

Course Policies
• Attendance:
– University policy will be followed! (more than 9 absentees
will be assigned DN)
– Do not come late for the class
– Two late attendance→ One absentee

• Class Environment:
– “Do not use cell phones/mobile/laptop in class room”
– “Do not try to make noise or side talk/gossiping etc.”
– “Do not use other course material in the class”
– “Do not enter or exit during the class hour”

“Violation of course policy will be assigned

grade “DN” without prior Warning”
Suggested References
List of main References
1. Jonathan Bellarby. Well Completion Design. Elsevier Science; 1st
Edition. (2009).
2. Wan Renpu. Advanced Well Completion Engineering. Gulf
Professional Publishing; 3rd Edition. (2011).
3. W. L. Penberthy and C. M. Shaughnessy. Sand Control. SPE Series on
Special Topics; Vol. 1. (1992).
4. W. T Bell. Perforating. SPE Henry L Doherty Series; 1st Edition.

List of Supplementary Materials

1. Well Completions. SPE Reprinting Series; Vol. 5a, 2nd edition. (1980).
2. Michael J. Economides (Author), Larry T. Watters (Author), Shari
Dunn-Norman. Petroleum Well Construction. Wiley; 1st Edition.
3. Michael J. Economides , Daniel A. Hill, and Christine Ehlig-
Economides. Petroleum Production Systems. Prentice Hall; 1st
Edition (1993).
Course Content
1. Introduction
2. Basics of Well completion: types and
3. Completion Equipments & Materials
4. Horizontal & Multilateral well
5. Well tubing design and stress analysis
6. Inflow performance
7. Perforating operation
8. Sand control
9. Completion fluids
10. Remedial cementing
11. Formation damage: causes and
12. Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention
13. Well stimulation

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