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How I got many people to join

my group and sell TDC to them

without paying for ads by Abdulmalik

This ebook is strictly for TDC pioneers

What you will learn in this ebook

1 What pushed me to start creating the group and get it filled

2 My story in getting the group filled
3 The challenges I faced
4 How you can also get started

........Before I'll go into the major content one after the other, I believe you're reading
this ebook because you're one of the TDC PIONEERS and you really also want to
grow like our great mentors in the business like Mr Oruka, Miss Progress, Mr
Samuel and many other people. The first thing I'll tell you is to make sure you're
open minded to people in the group and join any groups that they might create for
enlightenment on tips to earn massively from the business because I'm also fortunate
to join many groups of such and it's one of them that I join that am writing on now......
So let go into the major contents.

1 What pushed me to start creating the group and get it filled

What actually get me motivated in creating group and get it filled comes from Mr
Oruka when he created a group and named it 10 downline/week.
Then I have no single downline because I just started putting consistent work to
TDC. But I really thank God that I joined the group.

It's now in the group that Mr Oruka gave us an assignment to watch some videos
through a link he sent to us and summarize it to the group. so that people that do the
assignment will be moving to the next challenge

But those that didn't do it were not added to the next group of the challenge and
I really thank God I did the assignment then and submit and am able to qualify for
the next round of the challenge. This is where the journey begins....

And in the next challenge he gave us two options for it that either we should focus
on our own skills and teach people for free to generate more lead (Audience) or
affiliate for his 7 in 1 offer

Mr Oruka told us then that the minimum people to join the group before he can
come for the presentation is 200. I felt like how can I get 200 people to join my group
but he gave us four benefits that we'll enjoy by affiliating for him

1). Firstly, is to generate more people to save our contact and get more status view.
2). Secondly, is to get 50% from the sales of his 7 in 1 offer.
3). Thirdly is to make TDC presentation to the people there and automatically the
people will join under us
4). The forth one is that he promised to give us what we will post, during the time
that he'll be selling to them in the group to make people come to our DM and ask
about TDC

And you know what am super excited because I get every single benefits he
promised us.

The real journey now begings....

2 My story in getting the group filled

This is when my journey really begins.....

After my conclusion to start affiliating for Mr Oruka with few other people in the
group while the rest people agree to model their own product. Joining to affiliate for
Mr. Oruka is one of the best steps I've taken since I've joined TDC

I have to go through the guidelines to create the group i.e The write up to use
and the profile picture to use e.t.c.

I also need to sit and reason on how it'll be possible to get the group filled to 200
members before the presentation start according to the lay down guidelines
And you know the amazing part "I've never get a group filled before then in
my life".

But thank God I normally help some of my tutors from different groups I've been
into before to post their products and group link to my status.
There's even one of them I normally help to post on my Instagram. All I did was
that I sit and think about all of them, so I start messaging and begging them one after
the other to help me post my group link and write up to their status.

This is where the real challenge started because some accept to help me post it and
gradually the group started rising with member..

And after I get the group filled with people and the presentation start something very
amazing started happening to me

And for the first time my status view then increase from 20 to 60 viewers. When
I saw that am very Impressed and excited. And for the very first people start coming
to my DM and praising me that my status is enlighten them more that how can they
join TDC. And from there many more people are rushing to my DM and learn from

3 The challenges I faced while getting the group filled

This is one of the most important part you should take note in this ebook. That I've
also helped some people post and do some other thing doesn't mean all the people
that I messaged will help me post, see some of what many people will do to you also
when you message them to help you post:

1 Some people will say you should tell them all you want to do in the group before
they can help you post it confidentially to their status,
When I was asked this question all I do is that I'll just send the group course outline
to them so they'll see by them selves and know it's real, so some will accept to while
some won't.

2 Some people will abuse and say you're a scammer, all I do to such people is that
I try to explain it's not Soo but if they insist that I want to scam them, I just ignore
such a person.

3 Some will agree to post, they'll ask me to send the write up and link but they'll
later ignore.

4 Some will lie that they've help me send to a friend to post that they can't post
such a thing on their own status.
But many that will post will still post some friends even help me post to their
Facebook timeline.

You know what " As am asking people to help me post on their status am still asking
the people that join the group to also message me, get my contact saved and share
the group link out for people to repost.

Then after that they're to send the screenshot of all this to my DM and get gifts.

BOOM BOOM!!! the group members started increasing a lot and my status

The most amazing part is that I don't even know that I've done a lot of work untill
Mr Oruka messaged me at night of the first day that he's very amazed about my work
"because I'm able to get 64 members join the class in the first day without paying a
naira for ads"

Whole 64 out of 200 in the first day. That's when I also started putting a lot of hard
work for more people to join. And BOOM the group get filled and we started the

But after the first group get filled, I started using little of the money I get from the
group to place advert for the other groups since we'll definitely sell from the group
alot for the 7 in 1 and at the same time my TDC. So even if I still use my own money
am not loosing anything since people will join TDC and buy the 7 in 1 offer.

4 How you can also get started

Since we all know the best way to start making alot of money online even as a
pure begineer is through AFFILIATE MARKETING since you don't need to have
product before earning.

So after going through this ebook let more TDC pioneers also get it and you can
also start affiliating for Mr oruka also to build your self up till you have your own
And instead of disturbing Mr Oruka for how to get the group flyer and other
needed things to create the group you can Message me and I'll guide you through it.
All you need is to get the group filled to 200 members and invite Mr oruka to come
and and sell his product and after that the group is yours and the 50% from Mr
Oruka sales

The most amazing part is that I've gained a lot from him and very sure you'll also
make it.

If you Don't have ways to get the group filled without placing ads you can even start
with placing ads since you'll sell a lot from the group and get more than your money

Am very proud of you for going through to the end but to be fully proud of you don't
just read it make sure you take your time and implement. Message me now and start
your implementation to the greater heights. Here's my contact for full mentorship on
it (08107725140)
I'll be more proud of you to hear from you

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