Dufour 2006

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Proceedings of GT2006

Proceedings of GT2006
ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea and Air
ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea and Air
May 8-11, 2006,Barcelona,
8-11, 2006, Barcelona,Spain





Guillaume Dufour , Xavier Carbonneau , Jean-Bernard Cazalbou and Patrick Chassaing∗

Département de Mécanique des Fluides, ENSICA
1 pl. Émile Blouin, 31056 Toulouse Cedex 5, FRANCE
Email: gdufour@ensica.fr

ABSTRACT γ = Specific heat ratio.

This article focuses on the practical use of the similarity D = Impeller outlet diameter/characteristic length.
principle for centrifugal compressor design, i.e. geometrical Π = Nondimensional similarity variable.
scaling of existing impellers to meet new specifications. Ba- π = Total-total pressure ratio
sic principles of similarity are first used to derive scaling laws. α, β, λ, σ = Parameters of the scaling laws.
Then, the analysis of typical specifications and the use of par- ns = Specific speed.
tial similarity (neglecting the Reynolds-number effects) allows φ, ψ = Flow and head coefficients.
the use of the pressure ratio–specific speed diagram so that a
compressor can be scaled along its best-efficiency operating line.
A practical method is proposed to use these scaling laws in a de- INTRODUCTION
sign context, in order to define the scaling potential of an existing Centrifugal compressors are widely used in industry for a
stage as the ensemble of specifications that can be met by scal- large range of applications. Even in a specific field, the operation
ing. Finally, the scaling potential of an industrial compressor is requirements can greatly vary and thus cover a large design enve-
evaluated and represented as a surface in the 3D space defined lope. This increases costs if a new design has to be made for each
by the similarity variables, with the associated efficiency varia- new specification. For this reason, as stated by Japikse [1], scal-
tions. ing of existing stages based on the similarity laws is a valuable
and cost-effective procedure when it can be applied. We shall see
further this method is reliable because it can be based on expe-
NOMENCLATURE rimental data. Although stage scaling has long been applied by
industrial compressors manufacturers, there is little available in
the open literature regarding the practical application of similar-
Pt1 , Tt1 = Inlet total pressure and temperature. ity in a design context.
R = Ideal gas constant. Numerous text book [1–4] on turbomachinery present the
ṁ = Mass flow. application of the similarity principle. They mainly provide the
N = Rotation speed. theoretical basis for the derivation of nondimensional variables.
µ = Dynamic viscosity of the fluid. In the technical literature, similarity is mostly used for map scal-
ing procedures (see references [5] and [6] for instance). That
is to say, test are carried out on a single-stage model or proto-
∗ also at INPT-ENSEEIHT-Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, type stage at variable operating conditions, and the nondimen-
UMR 5502 CNRS, France. sional characteristics obtained are then scaled to different oper-

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ating conditions and sizes of multistage machines. To this end, 1.1 Similarity analysis of centrifugal compressors
the scaling procedures presented in the key reference of Dalbert, The first step in the application of the similarity principle is
Casey and Schurter [5], are applied for two cases: (i) extrapola- the selection of the dimensional quantities that govern the prob-
tion of test results to different operating conditions and (ii) inter- lem at hand. In agreement with Lakshminarayana [4], we select
polation of performance for intermediate values not measured. the following dimensional quantities: inlet total pressure (Pt1 )
In connection with this practice, the impact of parameters that and temperature (Tt1 ); mass flow (ṁ) and rotation speed (N);
can not be scaled –such as Reynolds number, roughness, thick- and gas properties (R, µ, γ). Here, we assume that the physi-
nesses or tip clearance– have been investigated by Henssler & cal properties do not vary with temperature, which is a reason-
Bhinder [7], Pampreen [8] and Skoch & Moore [9] for example, able approximation for compressors with moderate pressure ra-
so that corrections to the map scaling procedures can be made. tio (below 3:1) and inlet conditions. Once all these quantities are
fixed, the operation of the stage is entirely and uniquely defined,
Altogether, it comes out that similarity and scaling are ap-
that is to say, the pressure ratio (π) and the efficiency (η) of the
plied to estimate the impact on performance of some scaling fac-
compressor simply result from its geometric definition. Since
tors. In other words, scaling factors are the inputs, and perfor-
we consider geometrical similarity, the definition of a stage is
mance the outputs. In the present paper, we tackle the “inverse
given by a single characteristic dimension (D), usually taken as
problem”: the input is the target performance, and the outputs
the outlet diameter (though it can be any representative length
are the scaling factors that allow an existing stage to be scaled
of the compressor). This can be summarized by the following
to meet the new specification. In this context, we set two main
objectives: (i) the derivation of practical procedures to scale an
existing stage to meet a new specification, and (ii) as a corol-  
lary, the identification of the “scaling potential” of an existing = f (Pt1 , RTt1 , ṁ, N, µ, γ, D) , (1)
stage. By scaling potential, we mean the range of specifications η
that can be met by the application of scaling laws to an existing
stage, represented in a suitable set of nondimensional variables. where R and Tt1 have been grouped so that temperature is no
For a given specification, the practical interest of the scaling po- longer a dimensional unit of the problem [4]. Therefore, only
tential is to help selecting a candidate for scaling in a database of mass, length and time remain.
existing compressors. The power of the Π-theorem is to reduce the number of
quantities needed to define the state of the system by the number
In the first part of the paper, we shall see how the classical
of units involved. The combination of the original dimensional
principle of similarity can be used to derive scaling laws, which
quantities into Π-products, namely the similarity variables, re-
are viewed as transformations with some degrees of freedom, de-
duces the number of variables to four:
pending on the type of scaling. In the second part, interpreting
typical industrial specifications as a number of constraints will 
enable the use of these scaling laws to meet the requirements of ṁ RTt1 ND
Π1 = , Π2 =  ,
a new specification, as well as to identify the conditions under Pt1 D2 γRTt1
which they can be applied (this is the first step in the definition ND2 Pt1
of the scaling potential). Finally, the scaling envelope of an exist- Π3 = , Π4 = γ .
ing stage will be considerably enlarged by the use of the specific
speed–pressure ratio (n s –π) diagram, which proves a useful tool
when scaling is applied along the “best-efficiency line” of a com- Whatever the values of the original seven quantities, if their com-
pressor map. bination is such that the four similarity variables are equal for
two flows, then the nondimensional solutions (pressure ratio, ef-
ficiency) are strictly identical (this holds only for geometrically
similar machines). This can be expressed as

= g(Π1 , Π2 , Π3 , Π4 ) . (2)
In this section, the classical principle of similarity (also
called the Π-theorem [10]) is applied to centrifugal compres-
The four Π products selected for the present study can be inter-
sors. After the identification of the relevant dimensional quan-
preted as follows:
tities and the derivation of the governing nondimensional vari-
ables, a mathematical formalism is used to derive general scaling Π1 can be regarded as a mass flow coefficient (or as an inlet
laws. Mach number based on total quantities);

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Π2 is the blade tip Mach number (at the outlet if D is taken as in the system of equations yields
the diameter). It is often referred to as a stage Mach number
Mu2 ;   −2 
Πs1 ṁs RTt1s /Pts1 Ds2 ṁs Ds
Π3 is a Reynolds number (Re); =  =1= βα−1 , (3)
Πb1 ṁb RTt1b /Ptb1 Db
2 ṁb Db
Π4 is the ratio of specific heats, which characterizes the gas.

Πs2 N s Ds / γRTt1s N s Ds 
It can be noted that these parameters are listed here according to =  =1= β , (4)
their hierarchy of importance. Moreover, there is no unique set Πb2 N b Db / γRTt1b N b Db
of similarity variables, since any linear combination of the four  2
Πs3 N s Ds2 Pts1 /µRTts1 Ns Ds
variables can be used. For instance, the flow coefficient φ is often = =1= b αβ−1 . (5)
used in place of Π 1 . Section 3 on Mach number effects will show Π3b 2
N b Db Ptb1 /µRTt1b N Db
how it relates to the Π products. The flow coefficient ψ will then
be introduced as a key non-dimensional performance indicator to Therefore, the solution to the problem is expressed as
be used in place of π when compressibility effects are to be taken
into account. Ns Ds  ṁs 
For the rest of the study, we shall consider that the same gas =α , = α−1 β , and = α−1 β . (6)
Nb D b ṁ b
(air) is used, and therefore µ and γ will be considered as con-
stant, thus Π4 will be omitted of the similarity variables. For this In other words, if we choose any value for the two para-
reason, only 5 dimensional quantities and 3 similarity variables meters α and β, and if the remaining three variables are derived
remain. according to Eqn. (6), then the scaled compressor is in exact sim-
ilarity with the baseline compressor, and strictly identical per-
formance can be expected. We can conclude that exact similar-
1.2 Derivation of scaling laws ity offers two degrees of freedom, which can be measured by 2
We consider an existing impeller, whose dimensional char- scale factors chosen freely among those defined by the five di-
acteristic quantities will be denoted by an upper ‘b’ (‘baseline’). mensional quantities.
Ptb1 , RTt1b , ṁb , N b , Db are therefore fixed quantities, corresponding
to the specification and the geometry of the existing compressor Partial similarity: Re-free scaling. Strictly speaking,
at hand. We want to scale this baseline compressor to derive the theorem can only be applied if all the similarity variables
a new compressor, whose dimensional characteristic quantities are identical. However, it has long been recognized that the
will be denoted by an upper ‘s’ (‘scaled’). Therefore, Pts1 , RTt1s , Reynolds-number effects may remain small if the range of vari-
ṁs , N s and Ds must be obtained from the application of the scal- ation is not too large. In other words, if only Π 1 and Π2 are con-
ing laws that are to be derived now. served, the compressor can still be operated with ‘similar’ per-
formances. This is what Japikse [1] refers to as ‘level 1 design’,
or ‘stage scaling’. Therefore, we can apply the same reason-
Exact similarity. We consider here the case where the ing as for the exact-similarity scaling-law derivation. However,
baseline and the scaled compressors follow strict similarity. In since the Reynolds number (Π 3 ) can vary, only two equations
other words, the dimensional quantities of the scaled compressor remain, and thus 3 mathematical parameters are needed. To il-
must be such that their combination yields the same Π products lustrate the solution of this problem, Pts1 /Ptb1 = α, RTt1s /RTt1b = β
as the baseline compressor. Therefore, the problem is defined by: and ṁs /ṁb = λ will parameterize this solution. Introducing these
three parameters in the system of equations yields
5 known quantities: Ptb1 , RTt1b , ṁb , N b , Db ;
5 unknowns: Pts1 , RTt1s , ṁs , N s , Ds ;  s −2 
Πs1 D
3 equations: Πbi /Πsi = 1 for i = 1, 2, 3. = 1= λ βα−1 , (7)
Π1b Db
Πs2 N s Ds −1/2
Since the number of unknowns is greater than the number of = 1 = β , (8)
equations, we have to select 2 parameters on which the solution Πb2 N b Db
to the problem will depend (note that the word ‘parameter’ is
used to refer to the parameterization of the solution of the under- and, the solution of the problem is expressed as
constrained system of equations). To illustrate the solution to
this problem, Pts1 /Ptb1 = α and RTt1s /RTt1b = β can be selected as Ns Ds
the parameters of the solution. Introducing these two parameters = α1/2 β1/4 λ−1/2 and = α−1/2 β1/4 λ1/2 . (9)
Nb Db

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We can conclude that Re-free partial similarity offers three de- 2.1 Analysis of a typical specification
grees of freedom. Furthermore, the change in Reynolds number A standard specification for single-point design, in its most
can be expressed as Π s3 /Πb3 = α1/2 β−1/4 λ1/2 . The change in per- general form, imposes the following quantities: Pts1 , RTt1s , ṁs , N s
formance resulting from the partial-similarity scaling is governed and πs . Most conveniently, the superscript ‘s’ can indifferently
by the ratio of the scaled to baseline Reynolds number. refer to ‘specification’ or ‘scaled’, since the objective of scaling
is to meet the specification. The isentropic efficiency η of the
compressor is not strictly imposed, but constrained to be the best
1.3 Reynolds number impact on performance possible trade-off for the problem at hand (including operating
range, mechanical and possibly acoustic constraints).
The evaluation of performance decrements due to the In some sense, the geometry D is the result of the design
Reynolds-number impact on performance has received consid- process, its variability (which should be further completed by all
erable attention. Many correlations based on experimental data geometrical characteristics of the machine) reflects the variabil-
have been derived, as reviewed by Wiesner [11]. Casey [12] ity of design practices. Therefore, besides this variability, D is
is the first to take into account the geometry of the impeller, somewhat imposed by the specification, which is reflected by the
in terms of outlet blade height and radius: i.e., D 2 should be fact that relation (1) can be re-arranged to yield
replaced by D 2 · b2 for the definition of Π 3 . A more recent
review by Wright [13] concluded that the scaling proposed by  
Casey [12] is one of the most effective. An important point was D
= f (Pt1 , RTt1 , ṁ, N, π) . (10)
made in these studies: there exists a limiting Reynolds number η
beyond which performance is no longer influenced by changes of
Π3 . In a very recent study, Schleer and Abhari [14] showed that,
Therefore, the nondimensional similarity variables Π 1,2,3 are (at
in a limited range of Reynolds number, the stability and range of
centrifugal compressors is not affected by Re-free scaling. least indirectly) imposed. However, since D is not directly avail-
able, a more tractable measure is needed that should reflect the
specification but should be free from the diameter D (since it is
not imposed by the specification): this is precisely the particu-
Summary larity of the specific speed n s (see Balje for instance [3]). The
We can provide now a first picture of the scaling potential specific speed is defined as
of an existing stage. In the 3D map defined by the three simi-
larity variables, representing the scaling potential of a baseline 
N ṁ/ρt1
compressor amounts to placing the points defined by the scaled ns = , (11)
compressors. Full similarity restricts the scaling potential to the ∆ht−is

single, baseline point. Using Re-free partial similarity, the scal- N ṁ0.5 (RTt1 )0.5 (γ − 1)0.75
ing potential materializes as a line, passing through the baseline =  0.75 , (12)
point and aligned with the direction of the Π 3 axis. The extent of 0.5 π γ − 1
(γRTt1 )0.75 Pt1
the line (to lower Reynolds numbers) is limited by the acceptable
performance decrement due to the Reynolds-number effects.  0.75
= γ−1 Π0.5
1 Π2 , (13)
π γ −1


In this section we shall examine what are the practical con- where ∆ht−is = γR/(γ − 1)Tt1 π − 1 . Equation (12) shows

ditions under which these scaling laws can be applied to meet the that all the parameters directly imposed by the specification are
requirements imposed by a new specification. We consider that a included in the definition of the specific speed. Therefore, n s
database of (existing) compressors is available, which represents summarizes a specification.
the range of products of a given company (the larger the data-
base, the more relevant it is to resort to scaling for design). Here,
the task is to identify which candidate of the database (baseline) 2.2 Scaling for specifications where N is not imposed
is suited to be scaled to meet the specification. After discussing We consider here the specific case where the rotation speed
the constraints imposed by a typical specification, we consider N is not imposed by the specification, that is to say, only 4 con-
the particular case where the rotation speed N is not imposed, straints remain: Pts1 , RTt1s , ṁs and πs . The first task is the selection
and then discuss the case where N is also a constraint. of a possible candidate in the database. Since we have considered

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so far transformations where the pressure ratio π remains con- obtain
stant (exact similarity) or nearly constant (Re-free partial simi-
larity), it naturally comes out that the baseline compressor must Nb (λ)0.5
have the same pressure ratio as the one imposed by the specifica- = . (15)
Ns (β)0.25 (α)0.5
tion. If such a compressor exists, it is the baseline. As a matter of
fact, π is ensured, so only 3 scaling constraints remain, and since
partial similarity offers 3 degrees of freedom, the scaling law Rearranging this equation yields
derived earlier can meet all the constraints of the specification.
Using the results of section 1, we find that the baseline compres- Ns
= λ−1/2 β1/4 α1/2 , (16)
sor is to be scaled by a factor α −1/2 β1/4 λ1/2 , and operated at a Nb
rotation speed N s = α1/2 β1/4 λ−1/2 · N b . The scaled compressor
performance is then identical to that of the baseline in terms of which is indeed the same as Eqn. (9). It must be emphasized
efficiency and meets all the requirements of the specification. here that relation (16) is obtained as a result of the selection
Two important points can be emphasized here: of a baseline candidate such that n bs = nss and πb = πs , as op-
posed to Eqn. (9) which is obtained by expressing that Π 1 and
1. The specific speed n s of the scaled compressor will be iden- Π2 are conserved. Therefore, if the geometrical scaling relation
tical to that of the baseline (apart from a slight modification Ds /Db = α−1/2 β1/4 λ1/2 is applied and the compressor is oper-
due to the Reynolds-number-induced change in pressure ra- ated at the rotation speed N s , then the two similarity variables
tio). Therefore, if more than one compressor of the data- Π1 and Π2 are conserved. In other words, if the candidate of the
base have the same π as the specification, the best candidate database has the same n s and π as the specification, then upon ap-
would be the one designed at the optimum n s (see Baljé [3] plying the geometrical scaling relation D s /Db = α−1/2 β1/4 λ1/2 ,
and Rodgers [15]). it comes out that the scaled compressor is in partial similarity
2. Altogether, this shows that for specifications without N im- with the baseline compressor and meets all the requirements of
posed, a database with only one axis is needed: the pressure the specification. The following conclusions can be drawn:
1. If a compressor of the database has the same specific speed
ns and pressure ratio π as those imposed by the specification,
2.3 Scaling for specifications where N is imposed then it can be selected as the baseline.
As discussed in the previous section, the candidate of the 2. Altogether, this shows that for specifications where N is im-
database must (at least) have the same pressure ratio as the one posed, a database with two axes is needed: n s and π. There-
imposed by the specification. Since N is imposed, 4 scaling con- fore, taking advantage of the fact that the couple {n s ,π} is
straints have to be met. Given that partial-similarity scaling of- implied by a specification, a baseline (if it exists) for scaling
fers 3 degrees of freedom, not all the constraints can be met a can easily be chosen as the projection of any compressor of
priori. Therefore, the solution is to select the baseline in such the database onto the n s –π plane that is superimposed to the
a way that the fourth constraint is met by the criteria used to point defined by the specification.
choose the candidate and not by the scaling law itself. Since the
specific speed remains roughly constant during the Re-free scal-
ing process, the natural choice is to select a baseline compressor 3 MACH NUMBER EFFECTS ANALYSIS
that has the same pressure ratio π and specific speed n s as those The previous section has shown that the fact that the
imposed by the specification. Using the definition of the spe- Reynolds number effects are limited is central in the practical
cific speed (12) and taking into account the fact that n bs = nss and application of the scaling laws. Although numerical and experi-
πb = πs yields mental studies exist on the impact of Mach number on aerody-
namics ( [16, 17]) and design features ( [18, 19]) of centrifugal-
 0.5 compressor flows, little can be found in the literature from a si-
ṁs milarity or scaling point of view. In this section, we try to derive
Nb ṁb
=  0.25  0.5 . (14) a similarity analysis framework for Mach number effects, so that
Ns s
RTt1 s
Pt1 the possibility of taking advantage of these effects in a scaling
RTt1 b
perspective is examined.

We now apply the same procedure for scaling the baseline to the 3.1 Similarity analysis for Mach number effects
specification, that is to say we let α = Pts1 /Ptb1 , β = RTt1s /RTt1b Going back to a basic physical interpretation of the simi-
and λ = ṁs /ṁb and introduce them in the preceding equation to larity principle, exact similarity between two flows (including

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boundary conditions, i.e. the geometry for our case) means that,
at any location in the flow field, the following nondimensional
physical quantities take the same values for the flows: (i) relative Quantity Value specified
flow angles; (ii) Mach numbers; (iii) Reynolds number; (iv) ther- Inlet total pressure 41000 Pa
modynamics properties of the fluid. This means that, for the two Inlet total temperature 293 K
flows, angle of attack, compressibility, viscous and thermody- mass flow 0.630 kg/s
namics effects must be identical. Although we do find the same Rotation speed 38000 RPM
number of nondimensional variables from this physical analy- Total-total pressure ratio 2.5
sis as from the purely dimensional analysis of the first section,
the physical meanings are slightly different. Indeed, both Π 1
and Π2 relate to compressibility effects, as they both involve the
definition of a Mach number of some kind: Π 1 ∼ Vm /a0 and 3.2 Mach-free scaling
Π2 ∼ U2 /a0 , where Vm is a characteristic velocity based on mass As partial similarity with respect to Reynolds number was
flow, and U2 a characteristic velocity based on peripheral wheel used to derive scaling laws, we derive here a scaling law that
speed. Therefore, we see that angle-of-attack effects are not di- defines a transformation where the flow coefficient φ remains
rectly reflected by the classical set of similarity variables. Intro- constant while Mach number Π 2 varies. The formalism pro-
ducing the flow coefficient φ, defined as posed allows the possibility of Reynolds number Π 3 variations.
We use the following four parameters: Pt1 s /Pb = α, T s /T b = β,
t1 t1 t1
ṁ /ṁ = λ and N /N = σ. Translating into mathematical form
s b b s
ṁ/(ρD2 ) ṁRTt1 the fact that φ should remain constant yields
φ= = , (17)
ND Pt1 ND3
Ds βλ
we can actually show that φ = √1 Π1 .
Therefore φ is a true nondi- = , (21)
γ Π2 Db ασ
mensional variable for it can be expressed as a linear combination
of the nondimensional basic similarity variables. Further, evalu-
ating this expression with the characteristic lengths just defined with this additional relation to maintain the Reynolds number
yields constant:

∼ arctanβm , (18) λ= . (22)
U2 1 Db

These relations allow a baseline compressor to be scaled with the

where βm 1 is a 1D-averaged value of the inlet relative flow angle. sole impact of the Mach number.
Thus, φ proves to be the appropriate nondimensional similarity
variable that characterizes flow-angles effects. If the similarity
variables triplet {Π1 , Π2 , Π3 } is now replaced by {φ, Π 2 , Π3 }, 3.3 Analysis of a compressor map
Π2 is the single parameter that characterizes both compressibility We consider here an industrial centrifugal compressor,
and rotation effects. whose design-point specification is presented in Table 1. Ex-
It is common practice to use φ in conjunction with the head perimental results for this stage are available. They are obtained
coefficient ψ, which is defined as in an industrial test facility; the compressor is run by a turbine,
and put in an altitude chamber to set the inlet pressure. Experi-
  mental data are acquired at the inlet (just before the intake) and at
γRTt1 / (γ − 1) π γ − 1 the outlet (in a pipe located after the scroll). Temperature is mea-
ψ= = , (19) sured using PT100 probes (three probes are azimuthally located
U22 N 2 D2 in each of the two measurement sections), and static pressures
  are acquired with annular settling chambers on the periphery of
π − 1 /(γ − 1)
the measurement sections. The total pressure is then deduced
= . (20) from the knowledge of the mass flow and sections.
Π22 A specificity of the experimental procedure was that the
altitude-chamber pressure, hence Pt1 , was adjusted for each
We shall see in the next paragraph the specificity of this flow speed line data acquisition. The specification (and highest) speed
quantity. line (N=38000 RPM, Π 2 =2.4) was run with Pt1 = 41000 Pa, and

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ilarity point of view, the comparison of the two operating points
defined by {φ = 0.032, Π 2 = 0.6} and {φ = 0.032, Π 2 = 0.9}
shows that they are a particular case of the partial-similarity
Mach-free scaling, where Eqns. (21) and (22) are solved for
Total-total isentropic efficiency


Ds /Db = 1 at the two operating points. In other words, the fact
that these two points have a performance variation of about 0.3
efficiency point is a validation of the constant-φ scaling for the
0.725 case of very small Mach number variations.
0.7 From a practical standpoint, this shows that constant-φ scal-
RPM ) ing can be applied to make small adjustment of the performance
Pi2=1.9 (30000 RPM)

RPM) characteristic of a compressor. If the best-efficiency point (for a
Pi2=0.9 (15000 RPM)
nominal speed line) is obtained at a slightly different mass-flow
0.02 0.03
Flow coefficient
0.04 0.05
than that of the specification, Eqn. (21) can be used to scale the
geometry so that the best-efficiency point becomes the nominal
(a) point.
Analysis of the other speed lines shows that, when Mach-
number variations are large, the impact on isentropic efficiency
is also large. As a matter of fact, this effect is twofold: (i) the
maximum efficiency on each speed line peaks at about Π 2 = 1.6
and (ii) the value of φ at which efficiency peaks on each speed
line increases with Π2 .
Head Coefficient


Finally, the φ–ψ map shows that the head coefficient is

0.045 a more appropriate flow quantity than the pressure ratio to
examine Mach number impact on the pressure rise. This is in
Pi2=2.4 (38000 RPM)
0.04 Pi2=2.2
line with the procedure of reference [5]. If the map had been
plotted as φ–π, the speed lines would not have shown the same
0.035 ‘similarity’ as they do in Fig. 1. Again, comparing each line
0.02 0.03
Flow coefficient
0.04 0.05 provides a qualitative assessment of Mach number effects.

(b) We can conclude from this study that Mach-number-free

scaling can only be limited to a very restricted range of Π 2 . The
Figure 1. MAP OF THE BASELINE COMPRESSOR: φ–η and φ–ψ. next section will show how this issue can be circumvented, so
that scaling over a range of pressure ratio is possible.

the lowest speed line (N=15000 RPM, Π 2 = 0.9) at Pt1 = 75000

Pa. The effect of this procedure is to limit the Reynolds number
variations. As a matter of fact, the 38000 RPM speed line is op-
erated at Π3 = 4.106, and the 15000 RPM speed line is operated
at Π3 = 2.106. For comparison purposes, if the test had been As summarized at the end of the section 1, a candidate for
made at a constant pressure of Pt1 = 41000 Pa, the 15000 RPM scaling must have the same pressure ratio as the specification.
speed line would have been operated at Π 3 = 106 . This is because only the design point of a baseline compressor is
For the Mach number assessment, the compressor map is considered. However, the design point is not the only operating
plotted in terms of isentropic efficiency and head coefficient in point where a compressor exhibits good performance as we have
Fig. 1. For the analysis of the map, we neglect the impact of the seen in the previous section.
Reynolds number. Therefore, each speed line being a constant- In this section, we shall first analyze the map of the base-
Π2 line, comparing one line to the other gives an incremental line compressor and identify its “best efficiency line”. Then, us-
perspective of Mach number effects. ing the similarity framework set before, we shall see how this
The lines at the two lowest speeds are very close to each best efficiency line can greatly enlarge the scaling potential of
others, which shows that for the smallest values of Π 2 the Mach an existing stage, and prove to be a practical alternative to the
number effect is low. Indeed, maximum efficiency are obtained constant-φ scaling. Finally, an illustrative scaling exercise will
at the same value of φ = 0.032. Considering this map from a sim- demonstrate the practical interest of the method proposed herein.

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2.6 2.6
Pi2=2.4 (38000 RPM)
Pi2=2.2 (35000 RPM ) Baseline specification
Pi2=1.9 (30000 RPM)
2.4 Pi2=1.6 (25000 RPM) 2.4 Best efficiency line
Pi2=1.2 (20000 RPM)
New specification
Total-total pressure ratio

Total total pressure ratio

Pi2=0.9 (15000 RPM)
Pi2=0.6 (10000 RPM)
2.2 Best efficiency line

2 2

1.8 1.8

1.6 1.6

1.4 1.4

1.2 1.2

1 1
0.05 0.1 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9
Π1 ns


4.1 The best efficiency line of a compressor map

The map of the baseline compressor corresponding to the line), it naturally comes out that the scaling laws can be applied
specification given in Table 1 is again presented in Fig. 2: total- to any point of the best efficiency line.
total pressure ratio is plotted as a function of the nondimensional Given the fact that the conditions required to find the scaling
mass flow Π1 . A feature of this performance map, typical of cen- candidate for a new specification is that it must have the same π
trifugal compressor, is that good efficiency is not restricted to the and ns as those imposed by the specification, the n s –π diagram
speed line corresponding to the design-point rotation speed. As is again a valuable tool to represent the scaling potential of the
a matter of fact, maximum efficiency is obtained at a lower rota- baseline compressor. Indeed, it is a simple matter to transfer the
tion speed (as can be observed on Fig. 1). The thick black line best efficiency line from the Π 1 –π diagram to the n s –π diagram,
on the map represents what we call the “best efficiency line” of using Eqn. (13) with the knowledge of Π 2 for each speed line.
this compressor, and is obtained by linking in the points corre- This is represented in Fig. 3.
sponding to the maximum efficiency on each speed line. It can be Regarding the scaling potential of the baseline, the picture
stated that efficiency decreases slowly in the immediate vicinity is significantly different. Recalling that a specification defines a
(in term of mass flow) of this line, further away (towards surge unique point in the n s –π diagram, exact similarity and Re-free
at lower mass flow, and choke at higher) the efficiency gradient scaling restrict the scaling potential to a single point in this di-
is steeper. These last two remarks hold for all the speed lines agram. Using the best-efficiency line, all the specifications that
represented. fall on the line represented in Fig. 3 can be met, which shows the
Therefore, it makes sense to consider that all the points of scaling potential has been increased.
this best efficiency line represent satisfying operating conditions
for this baseline compressor. For this reason, we shall now con-
sider the scaling potential of the stage along this line. 4.3 Example
The practical interest of the method is now illustrated by an
example. We first define a new specification in Table 2. Compar-
4.2 Scaling to meet a specification ing Tables 1 and 2, at first glance, they seem to refer to very dif-
Considering that each point of the best efficiency line defines ferent machines. However, if the new specification is interpreted
a new baseline point in terms of dimensional quantities: Ptb∗ 1
, in terms of specific speed, we obtain n s = 0.72, for π = 1.35,
RTt1b∗ , ṁb∗ , Db∗ and πb∗ (the star simply denotes that we do not which is the diamond point in figure 3. Therefore, using the re-
consider the design point only, but any point of the best efficiency sults of the preceding section, we can conclude that our baseline

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Quantity Value specified

Inlet total pressure 235000 Pa
Inlet total temperature 365 K
mass flow 1.95 kg/s
Rotation speed 18000 RPM
Total-total pressure ratio 1.35

compressor can be scaled to meet this new specification. This

will roughly amount to operate the baseline compressor on its
(original) 20000 RPM speed line, but with a different Reynolds
number. An important note is to be made here: the scaling re-
lations are not applied to the design-point conditions, but to the
conditions that correspond to the closest point in the n s –π dia-
gram, i.e.: N=20200 RPM for ṁ = 0.369 kg/s with Pt1 = 65000
Pa and Tt1 = 294 K.
Therefore, the following scaling procedure is applied: ties remain constant (see references [7–9] for the practical lim-
itations). Therefore, with exact similarity, the scaling potential
1. First, we evaluate the scaling parameters: restricts to the single point denoted by η ref in Fig. 4.
α = 235000/65000 = 3.61; β = 365/294 = 1.24 and The representation of the best efficiency line in the {Π ∗1 , Π∗2 ,
λ = 1.95/0.369 = 5.28. ∗
Π3 } 3D map forms the basis for constructing the full scaling
2. Second, we have to evaluate the scaling factor: potential of the baseline. This is the central thick (black) line
Ds /Db = α−1/2 β1/4 λ1/2 = 1.28. This means that the in Fig. 4, with the experimentally measured points denoted by
scaled compressor will roughly be 30% larger than the squares. The variations of η along this line is due to the Mach-
baseline compressor. number effect.
3. Last, we can validate the selection of the candidate based on Furthermore, with Re-free scaling, constant-Π 3 lines can be
the specific speed criteria. If the scaled compressor is to be drawn from this skeleton. Since it is a partial similarity scaling,
in partial similarity with the baseline compressor, it must be efficiency variations will occur, and the lower boundary of this
operated at a speed N s = (λ)−0.5 (β)0.25 (α)0.5 · N b . Evaluat- line can be set in terms of efficiency decrement: we set -5 pts as
ing this expression gives: N s = 0.87 ∗ 20200 = 17650 RPM. an arbitrary lower limit. The upper limit is somewhat arbitrary
This confirms that only a small difference (less than 2% of since the Reynolds-number effect saturates when Π 3 increases.
relative difference) with the ideal partial similarity condi- We define this limit as the Reynolds number beyond which no
tions will exist when the scaled compressor is operated at further significant change of performance is observed. We evalu-
18000 RPM, which reflects the distance between the new ate the limiting Π3 values on each line with the law proposed by
specification point and the baseline compressor best effi- Casey [12]. Therefore, the limit is approximated by an empirical
ciency curve in the n s –π diagram. correlation, but it can be noted that it is possible to evaluate the
Reynolds-number-induced efficiency variations by experimental
means. These lines are represented as dashed lines in Fig. 4.
5 Synthesis: the scaling potential of a centrifugal As a conclusion, we can claim that the scaling potential of
compressor a baseline centrifugal compressor has been quantitatively evalu-
The compressor tests have enabled the identification of the ated, and materialized by a surface in the 3D map of the simi-
best efficiency line of the baseline. This line is initially defined larity variables: the surface delimited by thick red line in Fig. 4
by an ensemble of data points in terms of {Pt1 ∗ , T ∗ , ṁ∗ , N ∗ , plus represents the ensemble of operating points where the compres-
∗ ∗
π and η }. These data points are also equivalent to an ensem- sor exhibits good performance.
ble of points in terms of { Π ∗1 , Π∗2 , Π∗3 , Π∗4 , plus π∗ and η∗ }. From a practical standpoint, based on available experimental data
By strict application of the Π–theorem for exact similarity, any and/or correlations, a database of compressors can be organized
flow configuration that yields the same values of the Π-products in the {Π∗1 , Π∗2 , Π∗3 } space as an ensemble of surfaces.
will exhibit identical performance. This includes the application If Reynolds number can be neglected, it is even more convenient
of geometrical scaling, provided all geometrical and gas proper- and directly tractable to represent the database in the n s –π dia-

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