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Topic/Title Confucianism
Grade Level Grade 12
Time Allotment 60 minutes
Learning Competencies/Objectives:

The leaner will be able to :

A. Identify the founder of Confucianism
B. Describe the five basic relationships (king to subject, father to son, husband to wife, elder brother to
younger brother and friend to friend) HUMSS_WRB12II/IVe-12.1

Activity 10 minutes Materials

Activity: It takes two to Tango!
 The teacher will ask the students to find a partner with the same interests or
the same gender and get 1 whole sheet of paper.
 In 5 minutes, list down at least three relationships you are involved right now Slide Deck Presentation
and identify the power relations in these relationships by stating if you are a
subordinate, superior, or equal position in each relationship.
How do you feel with your current relationships?
What are the pros and cons of the said relationships?
Why is it important for you to have a relationship?
 The teacher will ask a volunteer to discuss their work.
Note: The students will share their real story of their current relationships and will
answer the following questions by pair.
Analysis 5 minutes
 Ask:
 How did you find the activity?
 What were your thoughts during the activity?
 Why is it important for you to know your power relations in your
 Do you think Chinese people give importance with the power relations in
their relationships?
 What do you think is our lesson for today?

Note: From the activity and analysis, the teacher will introduce the lesson.
Abstraction 15 minutes
• The teacher will discuss the lesson using power point presentation.
CONFUCIANISM Slide Deck Presentation
Definition of Terms:
Duty – a moral or legal obligation
Humanity – the quality or state of being human



 Confucianism is a philosophy since it gives primary attention to human

relationship, this advocating social values and ideals which should serve as the
foundation of the Chinese society.
 Confucianism is a religion because its ideals were inspirational, not in the
supernatural sense but in the sense of aiming for excellence in one’s
relationship with others.
Founder of Confucianism: Confucius
Life of Confucius
• Born in 551 B.C.
• Died in 479 B.C.
• Tried to convince warlords to lead their people by example.
• They ignore him.
• Returns to home-town to become teacher
• Teaches future leaders his ideas on ethics.
• They go on to change Chinese society.
• Followers write the Analects
• Confucius believed there is an order in the universe.
• Humans must act in harmony with this order.
• Two basic ideas:
• Duty
• If everyone does their duty to the fullest, then society will
• Humanity
• Compassion and empathy for others.
Confucius’ Teachings : Two Basic Ideas
Five Constant Relationships
1. Parent – Child
Parents love children
Children respect parents
In the 10 commandments, Honoring your father and your mother is very important in
our society.
2. Husband – Wife
Husbands fulfill duty to wife
Wife are obedient
In religion, the sacrament of matrimony is one of the seven sacraments of Christians.
3. Older Sibling – Younger Sibling
Elder sibling should be a kind teacher
Younger sibling should be respectful
4. Older Friend – Younger Friend
Older friend should be considerate
Younger friend should be deferential/respectful
5. Ruler – Subject
Rulers should be benevolent
Subjects should be loyal
In Philippine politics, the President always extends his arms to the Filipino people
especially when there are calamities. On the other hand, Filipino people support the
decisions of the President because they are loyal to him.
In entrepreneurship, owners should have their organizational chart to be able to show
the hierarchy with the line of authority and for the employees to know their immediate

Golden Rule
• “Do not do unto others what you would not wish to be done to yourself.”
In other religions, the Golden Rule is like the Law of Karma in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Ask: How can you apply the concept of Golden Rule in your everyday lives?

(Note: Answers may vary due to the different personalities and experiences of the
students. For every answer, the student will be given a smiley that will serve as a
recitation points)
Application 30 minutes

To check students’ mastery, let them do the following activities: Metacards

Manila paper
Masking tape
A. Ring that Golden Bell!
1. With your group mates, the teacher will distribute jumbled words and the
students should arrange the words to have the GOLDEN RULE.
2. Student should ring the bell and read loudly the Golden Rule.
3. The first group to finish the task with correct answer and ringed the golden bell
will get the plus points.

“Do not do unto others what you would not wish to be done to yourself.”

B. REALationship
1. The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups according to their strengths (the
leaders are those in top 5 and the members will be distributed among the 5
2. The teacher will have 5 different pictures and let the leader of the group
choose 1 picture that will be the subject of their presentation.
3. The 5 groups shall have 3 minutes preparation for the activity and 2 minutes to
present their output.
4. Each group will present their output showing the chosen topic by tableau or
reporting where they can show or share their talents using their own and real

1. Parents love children. Children respect parents
2. Husbands fulfill duty to wife. Wife is obedient.
3. Elder sibling should be a kind teacher. Younger sibling should be respectful.
4. Older friend should be considerate. Younger friend should be deferential/respectful
5. Rulers should be benevolent. Subjects should be loyal.

Content and Relevance to the Topic - 20
Organization - 10
Presentation – 10
Cooperation - 10
Total: 50 points
Ong, J. A & Jose, M. (2016), Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems. Vibal Group Inc. Quezon City
Pages 119-132
Cornelio J., Calano, M. & Sapitula,M. (2016), Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems. REX Bookstore Pages

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Sto. Rosario National High School

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