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Romeo and Juliet

What is a drama?
A drama or play is a literary work that has been written for
performance on the stage.

Aspects of a drama that you should understand:

• The narrative (What happens throughout the story.)

• The timeline (What happens when)

• Pace (How quickly or slowly does the story line move?)

• Plot (Why do events in the story unfold this way?)

• The subplot(s)
• The five-part structure of a play:
• The exposition: when the setting and main character are
• The rising action: When the main character starts to work
towards his/her goal and conflicts develop
• The climax: the most exciting, effective or important part
of a story
• The falling action/anti-climax: the events after the climax,
when the tension has been released.
• The resolution/denouement: how the story is wrapped up
• Stage directions (How do these influence how the play is
• Characterisation: descriptions of characters, their points of
• Conflict: the struggle that arises between characters
because of opposing desires or values
Dramatic Techniques
• Dramatic irony- when the audience knows a character is
making a mistake, because the audience has more information
than the character.
• Imagery: the kinds of pictures that are described, in both
literal and figurative language.
• Symbols: signs or images that represent something else( for
example, in Romeo and Juliet the stars represent destiny’s
control over the lovers’ fates)
• Tone: the manner in which the story is told or the lines are
• Mood: the “vibe” that the store creates for the reader.
• Themes: the ideas explored in the play, such as love or
• Messages: the statement that the playwright is making
through the vehicle of the play.
• Ironic twists/ending: unexpected endings that are opposite
of what is expected
• Setting (time and place)
• Background (Every playwright has a background, which
could be a time, place and culture that is very different to
the setting of the play but which influences how the
setting and plot are dealt with.
The Montagues
Romeo- a young man (immature). Lord Montague – Romeo’s father.
Thinks he is in love with Rosaline. Noble man, in a fued with the
His love for Juliet seems to make Capulets. Stubborn and not willing to
him mature. Sensitive and forgive
romantic. Over dramatic about his
feelings, impulsive and aggressive.

Lady Montague – Romeo’s mother.

Doesn’t like violence, doesn’t seem
close to Romeo but dies after
Romeo’s death.
The Montagues

Friar Lawrence – Secret adviser to Mercutio- Romeo’s friend. Clever

both Romeo and Juliet. Kind man. with words, energetic and lively.
Tries to help the couple but his plan Makes fun about Romeo’s romantic
fails. Partly the cause of the lovers’ passions. Loves an argument, quick
tragic fate. to get angry and fight

Benvolio- Romeo’s cousin. Tries to

keep peace. He is kind and gentle.
The Capulets

Lord Capulet- Juliet’s father. Noble

Juliet- privileged, sheltered young man, family hates the Montagues.
woman. 13 years old, brave, determined, Juliet is his only child. Controlling
more matured than Romeo. Practical, father. Easily angered. Moody,
realistic, immaturity shows through hypocritical and selfish
impulsive decisions

Lady Capulet- Juliet’s mother. Only 28

years old. Not too involved in her
daughter’s life and shows little
understanding of Juliet.
The Capulets

Juliet’s nurse- Over talkative. Looks Tybalt – Juliet’s cousin. Arrogant,

after Juliet since she was born. troublemaker. Picks a fight with
Faithful friend and confidante to Romeo. Kills Mercutio
Juliet, Doesn’t understand Juliet’s
love for Romeo.

Count Paris – a relative of Prince Escalus.

Seems to love Juliet. Creates conflict in
the plot as Juliet’s parents want him to
marry Juliet.
The End.

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