Islamiyat P1

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Paper 1
Ms Noshaba Andleeb

An Introduction to the Holy Quran and its Characteristics
The Holy Quran was revealed on the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in 23 years. After the
declaration of His prophet hood at the age of 40. This is the most sacred book
among the three others, Torat, Zabur and the Bible. Besides these four Holy Books,
other small Sahi-fas were also revealed on other prophets.
• By Quran means collecting, living beside and the recitation. By Quran,
Allah means reading it again and again.
• Allah named the Holy Quran in the following manners: Kitab, Al-furqan,
Kalam, Zikar., Huda, Shifa, etc.
• There are 114 Surah’s in the Holy Quran while by Surah means status,
height, pitch, boundary, ‘elevation and mercy. By Surah, it is meant to be
a chapter. In every Surah, there are verses called ayahs. By Ayah means
sign or miracle. It means every Ayah of the Holy Quran is a sign of the
Greatness of Allah. And every Ayah is a miracle in such a way that no
creature among men, jins and angels can create such an Ayah.
• The Holy Quran is divided into 30 parts called Paras and 7 Divisions each
called Manzil.
• It was revealed on ‘the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬through Wahi by the Great angel
Jibrael .
• The Holy Quran first started revealing at the age of 40. While the Holy
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was in cave Hira three miles away from the Holy Mecca.
• Up to 13 years the Holy Quran was revealed ‫ ﷺ‬in Mecca. When the Holy
Prophet remained there after the Declaration of His prophethood. For 10
years the rest of the Quran was revealed in Madinah after he migrated to
Madinah. Those Surah’s revealed in Mecca were called Mecca and those
revealed in Madinah were called Madni Surah’s.
• As soon as the verses of the Quran revealed. The followers of the Holy
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬learnt by heart and started following upon them.
• The present Quran which we have’ in our hands is just the same copy of
the Quran which is in LOHI MEHFUZ. Nobody could and even can not
change even a single word. Because Allah himself has taken the
responsibility of safeguarding the Holy Quran. While the other Holy
Books like Torah, Zabur. And the Bible have been changed by the past
generations to such an extent that most of their original matters have lost
their originality of meaning and the text.
• The Holy Quran can be introduced with the most important traits that no
book can parallel it in his universe.
Characteristics Of The Holy Quran.
1. The Quran is in the words of Allah:
. No book can claim to be in the language of Allah except the Holy Quran. This
book is a relationship between man and God through the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. This
Book being the Book of Allah has its elevation to such an extent that nobody can
judge of it.
2. Its Words are a Miracle:
The words of the Quran in the shape of verses are in such form that nobody can
claim to construct such words and this is the great miracle which has been
announced by Allah in the Holy Quran. It is also true that how the brain of the
creature can compete the wisdom of Allah who is the Creator of all.
3. The Quran is Concise:
The matter in the Quran has been described in such a manner that it logically
explains every relevant matter. Moreover, unnecessary and irrelevant things have
been left out. There is repetition of certain events which have been happening in
the previous generations. These events have direct effect and relationship with the
circumstances around us today. “…..Nothing have We omitted from the
4. There is Depth in the Subject:
Though the language of the Holy Quran is simple yet there is great depth in the
words. Every verse has a direct relationship with the events happening around us
today and till the Doom! S Day. Moreover, every verse is a clear directive towards
man’s life.
5. The Holy Quran Creates Mental and Social Revolution:
The Holy Quran is a book of revolution It is against dull life, lethargy, weakness
and dishonour in life. It leads the Muslims toward progress and change. By
progress Quran means economic mic and social progress, the Quran does not allow
the Muslims to remain slave of others. The Quran orders them to adopt Jihad and
break the bonds of slavery and bring out a social revolution in this world till they
get command of this whole universe. They are ordered to break the forces of Shirk
and bring down the great powers which are not Muslims till they accept Islam. The
clear proof of this statement is that the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his followers fought
more than 105 battles within ten years after the declaration of Jehad.
For a Muslin there is no rest. The Sahabah whenever came back from a war they
were ordered by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to go on another battle and in this way à chain of
wars and battles is found in the history of Islam during the period of the Holy
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the Khulfa-i-Rashidin. Actually it is the greatness of Muslims that
they are accepted by Allah as His warriors. It is due to Jihad that Islam is found
today in all the corners of the world. It is due to absence of Jihad that that a large
part of world has not seen the light of Islam.
6. – The Holy Quran is the syllabus of Social Life:
The Holy Quran contains all matters social life beginning from family, passing
through the education, politics, economy and ending up to religion. It discusses all
the social institution of life, the Quran does not hesitate to discuss the husband and
wife relationship and their delicate bonds in which they have been tied. The Holy
Quran discusses on all economic matters pure, and impure and creating a fast line
between them one for the Muslims and other for the non-Muslims. There are
parent-children relationship; neighbour-hood principle, old and young relationship,
ruler and ruled relationship and all the matters whatever come to happen in the life
of man. Hence the Quran: can be called to be a syllabus of man’s social life.
7. The Holy Quran is a Guide to the Righteousness:
The Books describes two ways in this universe. One leads to the hell. This way
passes through those actions and attitudes and beliefs which have been forbidden
by Allah. The other way leads to the Heaven passing through the beliefs and
behaviours dictated by Allah and the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. In this way, this book is the
true guide bf right and wrong for man on this earth.
8. There is no doubt in this Book:
This book is free from all doubts and suspicions. It is free from all mistakes and
falsehood. This book is true in words and actions. Whatever has been said is free
from all proofs and experimentation. If anybody finds any doubt about the Book,

there is doubt in his brain. He tries to find out mistakes in this Great Book it means
he has been led astray and fallen away from the true, path.
If he tries to make experimentation through observation of his eyes he will fail in
his mission use, there is order in the Holy Book that the believer’s belief in the
Holy Quran unseen i.e. without experimentation and observation. Because
experimentation observation is related to material objects only. The spiritual
matters are free from physical observations. They are only to be believed only by
order of Allah. And this is called faith OLIM. in Islam. This Book creates a group
of faithful people called Mominin and these are the Muslims the words of Quran,
and the beliefs in the unseen
9. The Book is Shifa for the People:
In the words of the Quran, “there is Shifa for the people in this (Book)”. It means
the Shifa has not been specified in certain diseases. It means the Book is Shifa for
all the diseases of man when he believes in the Book. Especially those diseases
which are not controlled by; the modern medical therapies have been controlled by
the Holy Quran, the mental and heart diseases in the form of disruption, frustration,
despair, restlessness and suicide etc. are those serious conditions of man” life
which have been directly controlled by the recitation of the Holy Quran.
When you feel a trouble of this type you open the Holy Book, read it with love and
keenness with the faith that no Book is superior to it in this world, then you find
the result after a few moments that the clouds of ill health are removed from the
brain and the heart. N therapy can claim to the solution of such diseases Such
diseases are getting in large number due to the increasing modern technology in
our life. Dissatisfaction and disorder is growing commoner in our life due to dis-
satisfaction of social needs of people So in this period of frustration and
aggression, the Holy Quran presents a very useful and simple treatment of the
10. The Book invites towards faith and willfulness:
The Holy Quran is against: despair and cowardice. It creates the forces of hope and
directs towards the true path. This makes the Muslims to be an invincible power
that is why he not hesitate to face even the greatest power if Kufar and Shirk. The
Book creates the forces of bravery in its followers and makes them a dauntless

power in the world. The Book invites the people toward Islam and the Muslims are
given the force of truth. The weakness of falsehood and cowardice is removed
from them.
As soon as they get into Islam by reading the Holy Kallima. “There is no deity
except Allah, and Muhammad (SAW) is the Prophet of Allah” he gets a power
within himself that the darkness of Kufr and Shirk is removed and he feels alight in
his brain and heart. This light is the power of Islam, true guide, faith and Iman.
This light remains a guide throughout life for the Muslims in this world.

The difference between the Makki and Madni Surahs
Number of makki surah: 86
Makkan revelations are defined as all verses and chapters of the Quraan which were
brought by Jibreel to the Prophet before the Hijrah (i.e. before the Prophet’s
migration to Madeenah). These include verses which were revealed in Taif as well
as those revealed in other areas outside of Makkah. These revelations represent the
first stage of Islaamic movement in which its fundamentals were established.

1. Tawheed:

When Islaam was first presented to the people of Makkah, they were in a state of
disbelief. Most of them believed in Allaah (as the Lord, Creator, the Sustainer), but
they did not worship Him alone. Rather, they put between themselves and Allaah
many intermediaries. They made idols to represent these intermediaries and
worshipped them instead of Allaah. Thus, the early revelations taught the people
about Allaah’ s unity (Tawheed) and power over all things. They told the people that
Allaah was without parents, offspring or any partner who shared His powers. They
also pointed out that idols could neither bring good nor hold back evil. And they
questioned the logic of worshipping things which could not even see or hear.

2. Salaah:
After the first verses of revelation came informing the Prophet that he had been
chosen for prophet-hood, Allaah sent Jibreel to teach him the correct method of
prayer. This was necessary because the correct method of prayer could not be arrived
at by logical reasoning. Therefore, even the Prophet himself had to be taught the
correct method of worshipping Allah. Thus, the early verses called upon the
Prophet and his early band of followers to make their Salaah regularly.

Since the kuffars of Makkah were in the habit of worshipping idols in the belief that
these home-made gods would carry their prayers to Allah for them, the early verses
were also aimed at clarifying this misconception. The verses taught that Salaah
should only be made for and to Allaah, as He is the only one who can answer them.
Great stress was placed on Salaah because of its relationship to Tawheed. Correct
Salaah directed to Allah alone is the most basic way of putting Tawheed into

3. The Unseen:

Since there was no way that human beings could possibly come to know about the
unseen world, the early verses taught them about its wonders, its mysteries, and its
horrors. The verses described Paradise and its pleasures in order to encourage the
believers to continue to do good deeds and to assure them of a reward. They also
described the Hell-fire and its torments in order to encourage the believers to strive
to avoid evil deeds. Description of the fire and its inhabitants also reassured the
believers that those who do wrong in this life will not escape Allah's
punishment. Such descriptions were also aimed at scaring the disbelievers into
reconsidering their position before it became too late. Some of the verses also
reasoned with those who could not accept the resurrection by giving them examples
from nature, such as rain falling on dead earth bringing it back to life.
{And it is Allah Who sends the winds, so that they raise up the clouds, and We
drive them to a dead land, and revive therewith the earth after its death. As such
(will be) the Resurrection!} [Surah Faatir (35): 9]

Others pointed out logically that the recreation of life would be easier than its
creation, although it is all the same to Allaah.
{And He it is Who originates the creation, then He will repeat it; and this is easier
for Him} [Surah al-Room (30): 27]

4. Allah’s Existence:

There were some individuals among the Makkans who were in the doubt about
Allaah’s very existence. Thus, some of the early verses presented logical arguments
proving Allaah’s existence. Sometimes proofs were taken from nature and the
creatures common to the society. Allaah asked the Makkans:

{Do they not look at the camels, how they are created. And at the heaven, how it is
raised. And at the mountains, how they are rooted. And at the earth, how it is
outspread} [Surah al-Ghaashiyah (88): 17-20]

At other times, straight logic was used. Allaah asked them if they were created from
nothing or if they created themselves:

{Were they created by nothing or were they themselves the creators} [Surah al-Toor

The answer had to be one or the other. Since they knew they had not created
themselves, they had to realize that they were created. Even if they said that they
came from their parents and their parents came from their parents and so on. The
numbers eventually decreases to one who came from nothing. Thus, Allaah, the
Creator, has to be accepted for our own existence to make sense.

5. Challenges:
In order to prove to the Quraysh that the Quraan was from Allaah and that
Muhammad was a Prophet of Allaah, some of the Makkan verses challenged the
Arabs to imitate the Quraan. Many of the chapters began with individual letters like
in order to tease the Makkans with the same letters of the alphabet that they made
their flowery speeches and poetry with. Allaah revealed the Quraan with the same
letters, but they could not just imitate it. Since the Arabs were unable to produce
even a chapter resembling the smallest chapter of the Quraan, the miraculous nature
of the Qurâan and its divine origin were clearly proven to the people at that time.
However, many of them preferred to look at the Quraan as a magical spell, and the
Prophet as a master magician.
6. The People of Old:
The Makkan verses often mentioned historical examples of earlier civilizations, like
the `Aad and the Thamood. They were mentioned in order to warn those who had
rejected the message of Islaam. The verses spoke about the wonders of the ancient
civilizations. They listed the many blessings which Allaah had bestowed on the
peoples of those civilizations. Then they (the verses) recounted how the people
disobeyed Allaah and denied His blessings, and how Allaahâ’s punishment caught
them when they were totally unaware of what could become of them if Allaah so
willed. These examples were quite familiar to the Arabs because ruins of such
civilizations could still be seen. For example, the stone tombs of Maddain al-Saalih
were directly on the trade route to Syria.

7. Eemaan:
Very few laws were revealed in the Makkan verses. Instead, the verses concentrated
on the principles which would build the Eemaan of the early Muslims. These verses
spoke of the importance of fearing Allaah and being aware of His presence and
knowledge of all things. They were often filled with advice about being patient,

perseverant, truthful and trustworthy, in order to build the moral spiritual character
of the early Muslims who were in a minority and under a lot of pressure from
Makkan society.
8. Short Verses:
The Makkan Surahs usually had short verses, catchy rhymes, and a very strong
rhythm. These qualities were meant to catch the attention of listeners who were
basically opposed to the message of Islaam. The verses had to be short because the
audience would not be willing to listen to long, drawn-out statements. As soon as
they heard any of the Quraan, they would stick their fingers in their ears and turn
away. Thus, the verses often had to strike home immediately.


Number of madani surah: 28

Madeenan revelations are all those verses and chapters of the Quran which
were revealed after the Hijrah. This includes verses which were revealed during the
battles, as well as those revealed in Makkah and Minaa during and after the
Farewell Pilgrimage. All of these verses are considered Madeenan because they
represent the revelations of the second stage of the Islaamic movement in which
the consolidation of the Islaamic state took place.

The following are some of the main characteristics of Madeenan verses:

1. Laws:
Once Madeenah had become the new center of the Islaamic movement, the
Islaamic state was born. The Prophet became the ruler over the Muslims of
Madeenah, as well as the Jews and the Arab idol-worshipers who lived there. A
constitution was drawn up and a system of justice was established. Thus, the verses
during the Madeenan stage contained many social, economical and spiritual laws
which were necessary for the organization and the development of an Islaamic
state. Zakaah, Sawm, and Hajj were revealed. Likewise, it was during this period
that drinking alcohol, eating swine, and gambling were all forbidden.

2. People of the Book:

In Madeenah, Muslims came in contact with the Jews for the first time. In order to
try to shake the beliefs of the Muslims, the Jews used to ask the Prophet various
questions about Allaah, the earlier Prophets, and the unseen. They asked questions

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about the origin of the soul and what it was made of. Thus, a number of Madeenan
verses represented answers to the many questions raised by the Jews. The Muslims
of Madeenah also came in contact with the Christians on a larger scale. As a result
of that, we find a number of Madeenan verses clarifying Christian misconceptions
about Prophet `Eesa (Jesus) and Allah. They pointed out that `Eesa’s birth was not
greater than that of Aadam who had neither father nor mother.
{Verily, the likeness of `Eesa before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him
from dust, then said to him: "Be!'' and he was} [Surah Aal-`Imraan (3): 59]

They also stressed that the miracles of `Eesa, such as bringing the dead back to life,
were only by Allaah’s permission. Thus, `Eesa was not a god nor the son of Allah,
and Allah was not the third of the three.

3. The Munafiqoon:

For the first time since the beginning of the final message we find people entering
Islaam, yet not believing in it. In Makkah, Muslims were oppressed and attacked, so
no one would enter Islaam unless he truly believed. On the other hand, the Muslims
of Madeenah were strong and they ruled the city. Thus, we find some people entering
Islaam in order to benefit from its strength and to oppose it from within. `Abdullaah
ibn Ubayy ibn Salool was about to be crowned King of Madeenah when the Prophet
arrived. The Prophet was made the ruler of Madeenah and Ibn Saloolâs hopes were
ruined. Since the Muslims were strong and he could not openly oppose them, he
accepted Islaam and worked against it from within. He eventually became the head
of the Munaafiqoon (hypocrites). Thus, the verses of the Madeenan stage warned the
Muslims about the dangers of the hypocrites and taught them how to deal effectively
with them.

4. Jihaad:
The right to fight against the enemy was given for the first time in al-Madeenah.
During the Makkan period, Muslims were forbidden to fight back. This was for two
basic reasons: (1) The Muslims were a minority and could easily be wiped out, and
(2) only the strong could survive the test. The Makkan period prepared the
foundation of the Islaamic movement to come. It was during the Madeenan stage
that a series of battles were fought against the forces of disbelief until finally Makkah
was conquered and the whole of the Arabian Peninsula came under the rule of
Islaam. Thus, a number of the Madeenan verses taught Muslims the Islaamic

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principles of war. For example, they taught how to deal with prisoners of war and
they forbade retreat during an attack except as a trick to trap the enemy. They also
encouraged the Muslims to prepare themselves with the best weapons and battle gear
they could find.

5. Long Verses:
The Madeenan verses tended to be longer than those of Makkah. In fact, there are a
number of Madeenan verses which are longer than the whole Surahs of the Makkan
period. The longest verse of the Qur’aan is the verse on loans in the Madeenan
Surah, al-Baqarah (2): 292. This verse contains approximately 143 words. The
shortest Surah of the Quraan is the Makkan Surah al-Kawthar, which contains a total
of only 11 separate words in its three short verses. The need to catch the attention of
unwilling listeners was no longer there because Islaam had become strong and its
followers were many. Thus, the audience at this stage was quite willing to listen
attentively to longer verses teaching the vital laws of Islaam.
6. Order of the Surahs:
Although all the Makkan verses were revealed during the same period, they were
neither memorized nor written in the same order of which they were revealed. Verses
from various Surahs were revealed at once. Whenever single verses were revealed,
the Prophet would tell his scribes to write it in the Surah to which it belonged. If a
new Surah was revealed, he would recite the Surah in the order it was to be recorded.
Once the Madeenan verses and Surahs began to be revealed, the Prophet would tell
his companions to place them before or after certain Makkan Surahs and verses.
Thus, when the revelation of the Quraan was complete, Makkan verses could be
found within the Madeenan Surahs and Madeenan verses within the Makkan Surahs.
The Prophet recorded the verses and the Surahs of the Quraan according to Allaah’s
command. The reason for that was that the verses were revealed according to the
needs of a developing community, whereas the order for reading purposes needed to
be varied so as not to make the Quraan seem one-sided in its presentation. The
mixture of verses and chapters from the two stages gives the reader a more balanced
picture of the message of Islaam. (And Allaah knows best)

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Revelation of Quran Between 610 to 632 AD

➢ Quran was revealed to the Prophet over the period of 23 years.

➢ The first revelation came in the year 610 AD.
Call to Prophethood/Account of First revelation/Experience of first revelation

➢ The youth of the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was pristine and stainless.

➢ At the age of forty, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬started retiring age in the cave of Hira.
➢ With the growing understanding he became aware of the corrupt society
around him.
➢ He didn’t believe on polytheism and was in search of his forefather’s God. He
realized that there is a true force which is controlling the universe.
➢ The first signs which indicate the arrival of Prophethood were the true dreams,
whatever vision he would have in his sleep would occur exactly in reality as
he had seen in the dream.
➢ He usually spent days in the cave of Hira with the supply of dates dry food
and water in a nearby mountain called Hira.
➢ This spells of loneliness become more frequent as he approached to the age
➢ Experience inside the cave
➢ One day, in the month of Ramadan, 610 A.D, Angel Jibrael appeared before
him in the shape of an old man. He asked him to read. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬replied: “I
cannot read”. He hugged and squeezed the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and again asked to read.
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬again replied “I cannot read”. Again the angel hugged and squeezed
the Prophet so hard. Until the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬felt the suffocation. It happened
thrice. Now the Prophet was afraid of being hugged for forth time. So he
asked: “What shall I read”. Angel Jibrael then recited the first five versus of
Surah Alaq/Iqra. Angel recited the flowing versus:
➢ “Proclaim (or read) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created.
▪ Created men, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood.
▪ Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,
▪ He who taught (the use of) the pen.
▪ Taught man that which he knew not”(96:1-5)

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➢ Muhammad recited these verses after the angel, words were being printed on
his mind.
➢ It was the beginning of the Prophethood and revelations.

Experience outside the Cave

➢ Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was greatly shaken by the experience inside the cave. He ran
out of the cave. Suddenly he heard a voice. He saw the Angel Jibrael again
but now in its real shape. He was filling the whole horizon. Jibrael said:
➢ “O, Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬you are the messenger of Allah and I am the Jibrael.”
➢ Wherever may he looked, he saw the same vision and heard the same voice.
➢ He stood there until the angel disappeared.

➢ After the experience he ran toward home. He narrated this event to Hazrat
Khadija. She comforted him and assured him that:
➢ “No harm comes to a man of his nature and that Allah would protect him from
all the evils.”
➢ She took him to her cousin Warqh bin Naufil who was a Christian scholar.
After hearing the event. He said:
➢ “It was the Angel Jibrael, Who has always brought revelations to the previous
messengers of God.”
➢ He confirmed his Prophethood in the light of Bible.
➢ He also informed that: “Your people will persecute you and they will throw
you out of the city or you yourself will migrate.”

• The revelation were stopped for a period, after the first revelation which cause
the prophet to worry.
• Once they started again they came strongly and frequently.
• The last revelation was received by him was in the plain of Arafat, after he
performed Hajj and delivered the sermon:
• “…. This day I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon
you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion …” (5:3)

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Manner and Forms of Revelation/different ways of revelation/ Experiences of

The Holy Qur’an was revealed to the Holy Prophet (saw) in a variety of different

1. In the form of dreams:

Prophet Muhammad (saw) would sometimes receive divine revelations of the Holy
Qur’an in the form of dreams. Ayesha (ra) narrates that the beginning
of Wahi began in the form of true dreams. Whenever the Holy Prophet (saw)
would see a dream its true meaning and significance it would become clear by the
morning (Bukhari).

2. Revelation revealed directly into the heart :

The Holy Prophet (saw) also used to receive revelation directly into the heart.
Imaam Hakim narrates that the Holy Prophet (saw) stated:

“Angel Gibraeel conveyed a message into my heart. That no man can die until
his ‘rizk’ or resources have been completed. So Man should fear God and try all
means to achieve his resources. If there is a delay in receiving your due then do
not go astray to achieve it for whatever you will receive will be through Allah
and what he has already ordained”.

3. Revelation disclosed upon the sound of a bell:

Another method of revelation was at the sound of a bell. The Holy Prophet (saw)
would hear the ringing of a bell or a musical sweet sound, which would be
immediately followed by divine revelation. According to Hadrat Ayesha (r.a) once
the divine revelation began, Angel Gibraeel (a.s) would come at various times with
different ayahs of the Qur’an. According to her, the Holy Prophet (saw) himself
stated that:
“Sometimes wahi comes to me after a bell rings and that is a heavy time for me”.

This method of revelation appears to be the most difficult type for the Holy
Prophet (saw) to bear. If he (saw) was mounted on a camel and received revelation
after the ringing of a bell, the camel would be unable to bear its weight and be
forced to come down upon its knees. On another occasion it is narrated by Hazrat
Zaid bin Thabit (r.a) that the Holy Prophet’s (saw) thigh was resting on his thigh

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at the time of receiving wahi. The force of the revelation was so strong that it felt
as if his own thigh was breaking.

Hadrat Ayesha (r.a) also reports that during these occasions the Holy Prophet’s
(saw) brow would sweat or that his face would become very red.

4. Revelation Brought by an Angel in the Form of a Man:

One of the most common ways of receiving revelation was through Angel Gibraeel
(as). The Holy Qur’an states:

Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gibraeel – for he brings down the (revelation)to thy
heart by Allah’s will, a confirmation of what went before , and guidance and
glad tidings for those who believe, - Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His
angels and apostles, to Gibraeel and Michale, - Lo! Allah is an enemy to those
who reject faith”( Al-Bakarah: 2:97-98)

Angel Gibraeel (a.s) would sometimes come to the Holy Prophet (saw) in the form
of a man. Hadrat Umm e Salma (r.a) reports that: “once I saw Dhaya Qalbi in
front of the Prophet (saw) talking to him. The Prophet (saw) then asked me: “Do
you know who this man is?” I replied: “That was Dhaya Qalbi” By God I
thought it was him but the Prophet of God (saw) later announced in his Kutbah
it was the Angle Gibraeel”.

5. Revelation Through an Angel in his True Form:

Angel Gibraeel also came to the Holy Prophet (saw) in his actual angelic form.
Hadrat Abdullah ibn Masood (r.a) narrates that Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
“When I saw Angel Gibraeel he had 600 wings”.

6. Revelation Directly from God:

God has directly communicated with some of His Prophets as with Prophet Musa
(a.s) on Mount Toor. The Holy Prophet (saw) spoke directly with Allah (swt)
during his ascent into the heavens, the Miraj. There, Allah (swt) gave divine
revelation to his Holy Prophet (saw) concerning the obligatory prayers.

It is interesting to note how the differing methods of communication reach their

climatic end with ‘Kalam Elahi’, Allah directly speaking to His beloved. Initially
Allah (swt) beckons His Prophet (saw) gently through dreams. Then revelation is
communicated directly into his heart. Thereafter the Angel Gibraeel (a.s) comes

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with revelation in the form of a man. As the Holy Prophet (saw) draws closer and
closer to Allah (swt) Angel Gibraeel (a.s) is shown in his full glory to him. Finally
Allah (swt) calls His beloved Prophet (saw) to the heavens and talks to him
directly in the finale of the Miraj-un-Nabi. Last two verses of surah Baqarah and
gift of five daily prayer was given at the time of Miraj.

• The revelations were not within his control (75:16-19).

• He had no idea when they were coming, and they were safeguarded by

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Compilation of Quran
During the lifetime of the Holy Prophet(pbuh):
• During the lifetime of Prophetpbuh Quran does not exist in a single copy.
• The Quran was revealed in portions.
• According to this condition though it could not until the last verse was
revealed, it was never without some form of arrangement.
• Every verse and clip was given its place in the book either was a revelation
was received by the Prophetpbuh he would summon on his literate
companions and dictated the text to them; he would then ask him to ensure
the perfect accuracy.
• He would also ask them to memorize the verses in order to recite them in
their daily prayers.
• The divine scribe was written about 40 in number.
• The Quran was written on thin and flat tablet of stone wood, branches of
palm trees, bones of camel, and the piece of leather and of clothe.
• The verses and chapters of Holy Quran were not compiled in the order of
revelation rather the arrangement of different verses and chapters of the
Holy Quran were done under the guidance of Hazrat Jibrael.
• According to Hazrat Usman every portion of the Quran was written down
and given its specified place at the bidding of the Prophetpbuh.
• It was customary with the messenger of Allah, when the verses of different
chapters were revealed to him.
• He would call one of his scribes and say to him write this verse in the
chapter were such and such verse occur?
• The Quran exist in a written form but no complete did copy existed at the
• Nor could such a copy be made, while the Prophetpbuh was alive and still
receiving revelations the whole Quran.
• One arrangement was safely preserved in the memories of Hufaz.
• They recite loudly the text of the Quran every year in the month of
• He went over the Holy Quran with Jibril every night in Ramadan.

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• Those companions who have written it down used to bring their many script
and to compare it with the version of Holy Prophetpbuh so that they could
check the text and order of the Surah.
• In last year of Prophetpbuh life few months before his death.
• The Holy Prophetpbuh read out the complete text of the Holy Quran twice.
• This is how the divine message was recorded in scripted form and learnt by
heart to be preserved for coming generation during the lifetime of

During the Khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakr:

• At the time of Holy Prophetpbuh Death no official copy of Quran existed
perhaps no one possessed the complete written text.
• As Hazrat Abu Bakr assumed the Khilafat office a war was waged against
the false Prophet Musailma of Yamama.
• About 600 to 700 Hufaz were martyred.
• Hazrat Umar realized that those who had memorized the Quran would
gradually from the world either owing to natural death or martyrdom in
future battles.
• Therefore it is necessary for the government to device a system to preserve
the Quran for future generations it would meet the same fate as the previous
• Therefore Hazrat Umar suggested Hazrat Abu Bakr that the Quran should be
compiled in a single official copy.
• Hazrat Abu Bakr hesitated and said:
➢ “He would not do the job left unfinished by the Holy Prophetpbuh”
• Hazrat Umar argued that under the circumstances the compilation of the
Quran had become an absolute necessity.
• According to Hazrat Abu Bakr:
➢ “Umar went on persuading me to accept his suggestion till I was
convinced that he was right so I accepted his suggestion.”
• Hazrat Abu Bakr directed Zaid-bin-Sabit, one of the scribe divine
revelations to collect the Quran verses from the every part of the Islamic
empire and compile them in a standard book form.
• Zaid-bin-Sabit has reported to have said that:

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➢ “When Hazrat Abu Bakr asked him to start the work, felt that it
would be far easier to carry a mountain on his head then to
shoulder such a great responsibility.’
• Hazrat Abu Bakr persuaded him until his opinion become same.
• A commission of 20 to 25 people was being appointed headed by Zaid-bin-
Sabit to compile the Quran.
• Zaid-bin-Sabit traced out and collected the chapters of the Holy Quran from
every person.
• He collected from palm leaves, stones, piece of wood and the people who
had committed it to memory.

Authentication tests on verses by Zaid-bin-Sabit:

• When written verse was brought to him, he would verify its authenticity by
putting four vigorous tests:
1) He tested its reliability against his own memory and then of other Hufaz.
2) No written verse accepted until two trustworthy witnesses have testified to the
fact that particular verse had been written in the presence of the Prophetpbuh.
• As Surah Ahzab verse 23 was present in the memory of Zaid-bin-Sabit
but no one possess the written text of it except Khuzaima-bin-Sabit Al
Ansari but he could not provide witness. So the verse was accepted in
reference with the Hadith that Prophetpbuh has given him the title Zush-
Shada-Tain (witness equal to two).
3) The verses were matched with the collection that different companions had
prepared for themselves.
4) On the matter of doubt. Ijma was being exercised no one has written
Tasmiyah before Surah Tooba. It was compiled without Bismillah by
exercising Ijma.
• Each Surah was written in separate foils and so the copy prepared by Zaid as
called “Umm”.
• The verses were arranged in accordance with the order identified by the
Prophet but the Surah’s were not so arranged.
• After preparing the Menu script, it was recited loudly in the mosque of
Prophet to eliminate all the death.

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• The Script / Mashaf / Umm (Mother Copy) prepare by Zaid remained with
the first Caliph and after his death was transferred to Hazrat Umar.

During the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar:

• During ‘Umar’s caliphate, he took steps to ensure the Qur’an was taught and
memorised to ensure it was not corrupted.
• During his Caliphate, Umar took steps to ensure that the teaching of the
Holy Quran was spread extensively, and that a large number of persons
learnt the text by heart so that there could be no possibility of any corruption
in the text.
• Under the orders of Umar, hundreds of schools were opened throughout the
length and breadth of the islamic world for the teaching of the Holy Quran.
Highly qualified teachers were appointed for the purpose, and they were
given good salaries.
• Such Companions who had learnt the Holy Quran by heart were sent to
distant places to teach the Holy Quran. Muadh b. Jabal; Ibada b al Samit;
and Abu Darda were prominent companions who knew the Holy Quran by
heart. They were sent to Syria where Ibada headed the school at Hims: Abu
Darda at Damascus; and Muadh at Jerusalem.
• Umar took pains in promoting and popularising the study of the Holy Quran.
Special stipends were granted for the learning of the Holy Quran. In his
instructions to the Army, Umar exhorted the men to read and memorise the
Holy Quran.
• Umar was very particular the correct pronunciation of the words in the Holy
Quran. In his instructions to the teachers of the Holy Quran, Umar said:
• "Teach them the vowels of the Quran, as you teach its learning by heart."
• Umar also laid down that no one who was not versed in Arabic lexicology
should be permitted to teach the Holy Quran.
• He managed the learning of Quran During Taraweeh prayer.
• After his death the Mashaf was given to Hazrat Hafsa a widow of Holy
Prophet and daughter of Umar.
• The copy of Quran which was in the position of Hazrat Hafsa come to be
known as Mashaf-ul-Hafsa.

During the Khilafat of Hazrat Usman:

• The Khilafat of Hazrat Umar was a phase of Quick conquest.

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• Imam Bukhari has narrated on the authority of Anas-bin-Malik that Hazrat
Huzaifa ibn ul Yamman reported after conquest of Syria and Iraq that new
converts of these countries recited Quran indifferent ways.
• This disturbed Hazrat Anas who went to Hazrat Usman, to take an
immediate action for the removal of these differences otherwise it might
create a rift among the Muslims.
• Hazrat Usman acquired the copy of Quran from Hafsa.
• He appointed Zaid along with 3 other knowledge companions.
• Abdullah-ibn-Zubair, Saad-bin-Aas and Abdur Rehman-bin-Aris who
assisted to make copies of Quran from originate text from Quraishi dialect.
• As the Quran has been revealed in this dialect.
• The Quran was read out loudly in Masjid-e-Nabwi to remove shadow of
• The copies were then dispatched to the optical of every province with
instructions that in future copies should be made only from the official
authentic text.
• Hazrat Usman also ordered that if anyone had copy with different text
should be destroyed by fire for this Hazrat Usman is known as Jami-ul-

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• Quran is the most important & fundamental source of Islamic law.

• Provides guidance in all walks of life:
• The Qur’an was the first source of law and its passages were accepted
unanimously as being authentic.
• However, there were some differences of opinion in interpretation of some
of its passages.
• The legal or practical contents of the Qur’an constitute the basis of what is
known as Fiqh al-Qur’an, or the Juris corpus of the Qur’an.
• There are close to 350 legal ayat in the Qur’an, most of which were revealed
in response to problems that were encountered
“This is the Book; in it is sure guidance, without doubt, for those who fear God”
• The Quran further declares:
“Nothing have We omitted from the Book” (6:38)
“And We have sent down to you a Book explaining all things” (16:89)
• Quran instructs its followers to rely on it in working out details of Islamic

“Judge between them by what God has revealed and follow not their vain desires.”

• Code of laws in an Islamic state is the Quran:

“Follow only that what has been revealed to you by your Allah Almighty.” [Surah
Al Araf]

• It encompasses all related to individual and communal Muslim conduct.

• Some were revealed with the aim of repealing objectionable customs such as
infanticide, usury, gambling and unlimited polygamy.

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• Others laid down penalties with which to enforce the reforms that the Qur’an
had introduced.
• Overall, the Qur’an confirmed and upheld the existing customs and
institutions of Arab society and only introduced changes that were deemed
(1) Crime and punishment: Quran prescribes the simple rule of “an eye for an
eye” for many criminal matters:

“Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth and wounds
equal for equal. But if anyone remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an
act of atonement for himself”. (5:45)

It prescribes punishment for fornication and libel/slander:

“The woman and the man guilty of adultery, flog each of them with a hundred
stripes” (24:2)

• Slander or false charge of adultery:

“And those who launch a charge against chaste women and do not produce four
witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes” (24:4)

(2) Guidance for personal behavior:

• Quran commands Muslim to shun drinking, gambling and other un-Islamic

“O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, sacrificing of stones and arrows
are all abomination of Satan’s handiwork: shun them so that you may prosper.”

• Similar guidance is found in the Quran about Islamic food laws:

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“Do not eat anything on which God’s name has not been pronounced.” (6:121)

Lawful to you are all beasts of cattle, with the exceptions named.” (5:1)

(3) Quran also provide guidelines about law of inheritance:

God direct, you concerning your children: to the male a portion to that of two
females” (4:11)

(4) several injunctions of the Quran which set as guidance for individuals:
“Come not nigh to the orphan’s property except to improve it”. This verse
explicitly speaks on the importance of how to treat an orphan’s property.

(5) Quran prescribed legal punishment for a thief, is to cut off the thief’s hand.
The following is a compilation of the various verses in the Qur’an which
shed light on stealing:
“[As for] the thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands in
recompense for what they earned [i.e. committed] as a deterrent [punishment]
from Allah. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.” [Quran 5:38]
Quran also Instruct:
And eat up not one another’s property unjustly (in any illegal way e.g.
stealing, robbing, deceiving, etc.), nor give bribery to the rulers (judges before
presenting your cases) that you may knowingly eat up a part of the property
of others sinfully. (Quran 2:188)

(6) Finally Quran guides Muslim about acts of worship, e.g.

“And be steadfast in prayer, and give the poor due and bow down your heads
with those who bow down.” (2:43 etc).

“And establish regular Prayer and pay the poor due”.

“Fasting has been prescribed to you” (2:183)

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• It is important to note that Quran does not provide all details of all
matters. For this, Sunnah/Hadith is employed together with the Quran.
• Collectively the Quran and the Sunnah are called the primary sources
of Islamic law.

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The Quran and the Sunnah / Hadith as sources of legal thinking
• Sunnah: literally, tradition. In Islamic law it means Prophet’s tradition.
• Hadith: literally: news or story; Hadith of the Prophet is the medium or
channel through which Sunnah has reached us, e.g the Hadith Books.
• Now, both are interchangeable terms.
• Quran & Sunnah are collectively called primary sources of Islamic laws.

Quranic support for using Sunnah in Islamic legal thinking

• Many verses support use of Sunnah

(1) “And obey God and obey the Messenger and those charge with authority
among you”. (4:59)
• Here Obey God means God’s Book, the Quran; obeying the messenger
means Prophet’s Sunnah
(2) “ So, take what the Messenger gives you, and refrain from what he
prohibits you”(59:7)

The Prophet’s approvals/disapprovals are binding on Muslims.

(3) “He who obeys the Messenger, obeys God” (4:80)

• It means obedience to God (Quran) and obedience of Holy Prophet
(Sunnah) are inter-related and both can not contradict each other.

Instruction of the Prophet himself regarding use of Sunnah.

(1) His instruction to various newly converted tribes in Madina:

“Remember this (Prophet’s teachings) and report it to those whom you
have left behind”
(2) His stress on the Sunnah during the Farewell Sermon, “Let him that is
present tell it to him that is absent”

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(3) In another Hadith he highlighted the close relationship between Quran and
“Judge upon the Book of God. If you do not find in it what you need, upon
the Sunnah of the Prophet.
(4) His wife Ayesha aptly remarked:
“His (Prophet’s) conduct is the Quran”

Examples of the sue of Quran and Sunnah in making Islamic Law:

Sunnah supports Quran either by fully interpreting the Quranic teachings or by

supplementing them; both can’t contradict……..

(1) Quran commands observance of the pillars of Islam: “And establish

regular prayer and pay the poor-due” (2:43)
• No details about: exact timing, format & similar details regarding daily
• When the Prophet was asked about this by the companions, he replied:

“Say your prayers you have seen me say”

• He then demonstrated all acts and postures involved in a single Rakat.

• He provided additional guidance by saying:

“There is no prayer for the one who does not recite the Opening Chapter of the

He also guided about the manners concerning the daily prayer, “When a person is
drowsy in his prayer, let him go to sleep until he knows what he recites”

(2) Similarly, the Quran is silent about how much one’s wealth (Nisab) is to be
paid as the charity tax (Zakat) since it simply commands Muslims to pay Zakat
and enlists those entitled to receive it (in 9:60)
28 | P a g e
• The Prophet gave all details, e.g. 2.5% of the wealth equivalent to 87.3
grams (7.5 tolas) of gold or 611.1 grams (52.5 tolas) of silver etc. he
furtherelaborated rate of Zakat on various other assets:
“No charity by tax I due on property amounting to less than five Uqivya of
silver, and no charity tax is due on fewer than five camels, and there is ho
charity tax on fewer than five Wasq of dates or grains”
(1 Wasq = 425 pounds/135 Kg; I Uqiya – Pound / 128 grams)
• He further instructed:
“Neither the property of different people should be hered together nor should
the joint property be spilt for fear of Zakat”
• Once some companion presented some dates of his farm to the Prophet
who was sitting with his grandson Hasan. Before accepting the dates,
he inquired whether they were being presented as charity or as gift and
declared that he and his descendants could not receive any charity; he
thus clarified details of Zakat regarding those who were not entitled to
receive it.
(3) Quran forbids practice or charging Riba (usury/interest) but gives no details
about the nature of Riba e.g.
“But God has permitted trade and forbidden Riba” (2:275)
• The Prophet after carefully observing the markets of Madina , Makka
etc concluded:
“The bartering of gold for gold is Riba, it it is from hand to hand and equal in
amount (and quality), and wheat grain for wheat grain is Riba except if it is
hand to hand and equal in amount (and quality). “ May clever traders used to
earn unfair profit by giving inferior quality commodities (dates, grains etc) in
exchange for superior quality commodities. This was one of the earliest from
of Riba/usury.
29 | P a g e
“O You believe! Intoxicants and gambling, sacrificing to stones and
diving of arrows are an abomination of Satan’s handiwork: shun them.”
• The Quran, however, mentions no punishment for drinking.
• The Prophet prescribed a punishment of whipping 40 stripes to a person
found guilty of drinking wine (later caliph Umar doubled this penalty)
• The Prophet applied this penalty in his life time e.g. by punching
Nauman Bin Bashir.

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Literal meaning: agreeing upon, uniting in opinion

• In Islamic Law: consensus of Muslim scholars on an issue / challenge about

which when the Quran and Sunnah are silent.
• 3rd source of Islamic Law: may refer to consensus of scholars, companions or
the community in general.

Quranic support for Ijma:

1) “And obey God and obey the Messenger and those charged with authority
among you” (4:59) here “authority” means scholarly or political body that
makes collective efforts to tackle new challenges.
2) “If you do not know, ask of those who possess knowledge” (16:43) This
means that matter should be referred to the competent scholars for finding a
3) “Thus have We made you a community justly balanced” (2:143) Balance can
only be attained by consensus, avoiding division and rifts, while solving
4) “If anyone contends with the Messenger even after guidance has been plainly
conveyed to him, and follows a path other than that becoming to men of faith,
We shall leave him in the path he has”. (4:115) this verse highlights the
importance of following an agreed opinion that is based on the divine
guidance conveyed to us by the prophet.
• It also warns of consequence of not following the agreed decision.

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Hadith/Sunnah’s supports for Ijma.

I. “My community will never agree in error”. The Prophet expressed his good
faith about the outcome of joint efforts of his followers in exercise of law
II. “Hand of God is on the community”. Prophet’s assurance of God support for
collective working of his community.
III. “Avoid the branching path and keep to the general community.” It is Prophet’s
instruction to guard against division among the Muslim and stress on
following the tradition of the community.
IV. Prophet’s custom of consulting his Shoora (Advisory Council) on all
important matters e.g. Salman Farsi’s advice of digging ditches around
V. “Gather together the righteous from among my community and decide the
matter by their council and do not decide it by any man’s opinion.” This
implies the Prophet’s stress on working together on important and legal

Type of Ijma:

I. General agreement of the Muslims regarding articles of faith & pillars of

Islam: Tawhid, prophethood and finality of prophethood of the Holy Prophet,
belief in the Quran & other scripts; daily prayers and fasting etc.
II. Consensus of Muslim scholars on legal matters and new challenges. This may
be: Ijma of the companions, the Madinian Muslim community of earlier times
or the Muslim jurists etc. Such type may / may not be changed by the next
generations of the community. (Shia community believes that the Imams
(Prophet’s descendants) are also entitled to exercise Ijma.
III. Ijma of people i.e. general body of Muslim community.
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Who can perform Ijma?

Only Muslim Mujtahids or jurists can perform Ijma. He must possess the following
➢ Knowledge of Quran
➢ Knowledge of Sunnah
➢ Knowledge of Ijma
➢ Knowledge of Qiyas
➢ Knowledge of Maqasid-al-Shariah
➢ Knowledge of Islamic Jurisprudence
➢ He must be trustworthy
➢ He must be an adult
➢ He should be a Muslim
➢ He should be able to interpret Quran and Sunnah
➢ He must have knowledge of Arabic language
➢ He should be able to differentiate between false and authentic Hadith
➢ He should be wise and pious person

Examples of Ijma:

A: Quran and Ijma:

1) Share of grandfather in inheritance on the death of an orphan grandson:

“It is prescribed when death approaches any of you, if he leaves any goods,
he should make a bequest to parents and next of kin” (2:180). Now,
grandfather is not mentioned in the verse but it was agreed by Ijma that he
would take the father’s place.
2) Prohibition of marriage with grandmother or granddaughter: “Prohibited to
you (in marriage) are: your mothers, daughters, sister” (4:23) No mention of
granddaughter and grandmother in the verse, but it was agreed that they, too,
are enlisted in the same.
3) Election of Abu Bakr as the first caliph: “And obey God and obey the
Messenger and those charged with authority among you”. (4:59)

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• On Prophet’s death the companions agreed there should be a successor
(caliph) to the Prophet to act as an authority for Muslims. Eventually, most of
them agreed on the choice of Abu Bakr.

B: Sunnah and Ijma:

1. An additional Azan for the Friday prayer. Single Azan was introduced by the
Prophet, and this tradition continued by the first two caliphs. Reports of many
Muslims missing the Friday prayer in the noise of market activity, due to
prosperity among Muslims. Caliph Uthman consulted the community and it
was agreed that an additional Azan should be delivered.
2. Compilation of the Quran, 633 AD. When all companions agreed that Quran
should to collected in a single Book, after the battle of Yamama during Abu
Bakr’s caliphate.
3. Funeral of a miscarried foetus. If in a miscarried foetus life is established by
its movement, a funeral prayer should be offered for it. It tells that on
observing life signs (heartbeat etc), funeral of miscarried foetus is to be
offered, but it does not specify what if life signs were not find. By consensus
of scholars, it was agreed upon that if life sings were not found in a miscarried
foetus then its funeral would not be offered and it would be simply buried by
wrapping in a coffin.

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• Literal meaning: measuring by comparing with some set standard.

• In Islamic Shariah: ability of an individual legal expert to reach a decision by
comparing a new situation (Far) with the principles contained in the Quran &
Sunnah (Asl).
• 4th source of Islamic law, used when the Quran, Sunnah & earlier examples
of Ijma are silent on a new Issue.

Support / Justification by the Quran and Sunnah:

• The Quran repeatedly commands its reader to ponder, observe & analyze:
i. “Then take admonition O you with insight” (59:2)
ii. “There are signs in this for people who understand” (13:3)
iii. “And We have put forth for men, in this Quran, every kind of parable
(similitude) so that they may receive admonition” (39:27)
• In fact, scholarly men can well understand various parables given in the Quran
and are also able to link them with new situation.
• These verses urge & encourage Muslims to understand the Quranic teachings
more deeply in order to apply them on various challenging situations.
iv. “Marry women of your choice: two or three or four; but if you fear that you
shall not be able to deal justly, then only one” (4:3) Now, a man himself will
know whether he can do justice or not, by exercising personal reasoning &
v. Prophet’s dialogue with Mu’adh bin Jabal while appointing him governor of
Yemen. He gave him permission to exercise him own opinion when no answer
was found in the Quran & Sunnah.

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vi. Prophet’s saying: “ Judge upon the Book of God, if you do not find in it what
you need, upon the Sunnah of the Prophet, and if you don’t find in it also, then
use your personal opinion”
vii. Signing of the treaty of Hudaibiya: Makkan chief’s insistence to write,
“Muhammad bin Abdullah instead of “Muhammad, the Messenger of God.”
Prophet made no objection to Ali’s exercise of personal judgment. Ali had
respectfully refused to erase the wording “the Messenger of God.”

Examples of working of Qiyas:

• Important terms:
i. Asl or the fundamentals (Quran & Sunnah) with laws contained in them.
ii. The new issue/challenge/matter: Far’
iii. The effective cause / similarity between the Asl and the Far’: Illah.
iv. The final judgment thus made: Hukm

A-Quran & Qiyas:

i. “O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday, hasten
to the remembrance of God and leave off business…..” (62:9)
• Setting aside business on Friday for the prayer: Asl (fundamental law)
• Far’: what about other (non business) transactions?
• Illah: all transactions (business & non business) tend to distract believers from
remembrance of God.
• Hukam: all transactions to be set aside for the Friday prayer.
ii. “And if you find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand and with it rub
your face and hands” (4:43).

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• Asl: permissibility of using clean sand to attain purity (by Tayammum instead
of Wudu)
• Far’: can other impurities on body/clothes be removed by clean sand, when
no water available?
• “Illah: water is better but sand has similar properties to rub of dirt/pollution.
• Hukm: clean sand to be used (in emergencies only) to remove impurity.
iii. “O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, sacrificing to stones and
arrows are an abomination of satan’s handiwork: shun them so that you may
prosper” (5:90)
• Asl, declaring khamr (intoxicant) as forbidden for Muslims. The Prophet also
stated that all intoxicants were khamr.
• Far’: new forms of drinks with intoxicating properties, regardless of way of
manufacture (heroine, hash etc)
• ‘Illah: ability of such drinks to intoxicate.
• Hukm: all such drinks are khamr because they intoxicate.

B- Qiyas & Sunnah

1. Asl: Prophet appointed Abu Bakr as leader of the prayers & pilgrimage.
Far’: Death of the Prophet & need of a leader.
‘Illah: Abu Bakr’s leadership qualities: one who leads in the prayers can lead
the community in general.
Hukm: Abu Bakr was chosen as 1st caliph (Successor to the Prophet).
2. A man asked the Prophet about performing pilgrimage on behalf of his late
father who had failed to fulfill the vow for pilgrimage.
Prophet: “What do you think you would do if your father died owing a debt?”

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Prophet used the analogy (‘Illah) of paying off debt for the dead fathe rand
thus instructed the man to perform pilgrimage on behalf of his father.
3. Dried flour on Ayesha’s nails: her wudu was invalid. In modern time, wudu
of a woman would be invalid with nail polish on nails.
4. Punishment for drinking: Umar was advised by Ali to double the penalty (80,
instead of 40 stripes) for drinking, as the Quran prescribes 80 lashes for

“And those who launch a charge against chaste women and do not produce four
witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes” (24:4). An intoxicated person may level
charge against chaste women, so, he should receive the same punishment as for

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Q. Why Some Scholars Reject Qiyas?
Ans. Some of the Scholars such as Zahris & Shia reject Qiyas because of
several reasons….
1. A verse of the Qur'an says: "0 ye who believe! Put not yourselves forward
before God and His Apostle...." [Qur'an 49 : 1) These Scholars claim that Qiyas
(analogy) means "putting yourself forward‘
2. There are many sayings of the Companions in which they have condemned the
use of ra’i/ (personal opinion), and analogy is personal opinion.
3. Analogy leads to discord among the Muslims, because it does not lead to exactly
the same opinion when different jurists are exercising it and what leads to
differences should be shunned.
4. It cannot be said that the ahkam of the shari'ah are based
upon similarity and equality.
Arguments in favour of Qiyas
1. Quran repeatedly asks us to ‘use our reason’
2. Hadith of Mu'adh ibn Jabal
3. There are many cases in which the Prophet gave answers in a form that was
quite similar to analogy (eg Hajj on behalf of Mother)
4. The Companions used to settle cases by performing analogy & there are sayings
of the Companions to this effect.
5. The cases in the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah are limited and the cases that
are faced by human beings are unlimited, therefore there has to be some way of
extending the law in these sources to cover new cases as well so that the new cases
are settled according to Islamic legal norms.
6. New issues come forward that were unimaginable in the time of the Prophet

Practical Importance of Qiyas

1. The main point here is that the judge has to give relief to the litigants who come
to him.
2. It is not possible for him to say to them that "I cannot find anything in the Qur'an
and the Sunnah
3. to settle this case, therefore, I cannot help you."
4. The presumption is that a solution exists in the shari'ah and the judge has to
adopt some method of legal
reasoning to extend the law from the limited number of texts that he can employ
5. As long as he is required to do so, analogy is a good and strict method of legal
reasoning that maximises the chances of the discovery of the intention of the

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Importance of Ijma
1. It answers the queries of the people in various situations with logical reasoning
2. If something is explained very briefly in the Quran and Sunnah, Ijma can be
done for clarification
3. Since it is done by those who are scholars so there is no doubt in their work
4. Through Ijma the principles of Quran and Sunnah can be extended to new
5. Ijma is source of uniting Muslims on new issues
6. It is a source of making the religion applicable to all times and places

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Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

By: Ms Noshaba Andleeb

Life of the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬before Islam

➢ Holy Prophetpbuh took birth in the house of Hazrat Abdullah and Amina
on 12th Rabi-ul Awal 571 A.D.
➢ His grandfather Abdul Mutlib gave him the name Muhammad, which was
a unique name in Arabia. Abdul Mutlib said:
➢ “I have named him Muhammad, so that his name may be praised on
Earth and the heavens”
➢ After Birth Abu Lahab’s slave girl Sobia nursed the
Prophet .( She also suckled Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib and Abu Salma bin Abdul
➢ As per the Arab tradition he was given to a Bedouin woman Haleema
Sadia, who belong to the Banu Saad family of Hawazin tribe for nursing,
upbringing and to acquire the pure Arabic dialect and manner for few years.In
later years Prophet said:” Verily, I am the most eloquent Arab amongst you;
my descent is from the Quraish and I speak the tongue of Banu Sa’ad.”
➢ He uses to call her ‘My Mother’.
➢ At the age of four, One day, Prophet‫ ﷺ‬was playing with his foster sister
Sheema. Hazrat Anas · narrates that “Jibril ‫ ء‬took hold of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and
threw him to the ground, then opened his chest and took out his heart, from
which he took a clot of blood and said, “This was the Satan’s share of you.”
Then he washed it in a vessel of gold that was filled with Zamzam. Then he
put it back in its place (in Prophet’s chest).”When Haleema approached
Prophet was safe except His colour turned pale.
➢ Haleema took the child back to Makkah but due to the spread of epidemic
disease took back the Prophet again.
➢ He remained with Haleema Sadia for six years in the desert.
➢ At the age of six Haleema brought him back to his mother.
➢ At the age of six, Hazrat Amina took Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬along with her
and went to Yasrib to visit his father’s grave and to meet her maternal
relatives. On the way back she felt ill and died at Abwa.
➢ Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬was brought back by Umm-e-Aiman, the slave girl of
Hazrat Abdullah.
➢ Prophet was then entrusted to the care of his grandfather, Hazrat Abdul
Mutalib who raised him with love and affection, but his guardianship lasted
for two year and he died. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was eight years old.
➢ Abu Talib his uncle took the responsibility of his upbringing. He proved
to be very caring toward his nephew.
➢ Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬was very intelligent, of loving nature, love solitude and
didn’t indulge in playful activities.
➢ He didn’t receive any formal education.
➢ At the age of twelve, Abu Talib accompanied him for the trade journey to
Syria. Where he met a Christian monk Bahira at the place Basra.
➢ Bahira recognized the sign of Prophethood and suggested Abu Talib to take
him back, So that the Jews may not kill him. Therefore, the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
came back to Makkah with his uncle.
➢ At the age of fifteen, a sacrilegious war broke out known as Harb-ul-Fijar
between the Quraish and Hawazin tribes at the fare of Ukaz.
➢ Prophet‫ ﷺ‬didn’t took part actively but collected the arrows thrown by the
enemies and gave it to their uncles.
➢ Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬experience the miseries, took military experience and realize the
suffering of war.
➢ In a result of Harb-ul-Fijar Quraish made a peace pact known as Half-ul-
➢ Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬took active part in it.
➢ Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said:
➢ “I was present at the house of Abdullah bin Juddan at so excellent a
pact that I would not exchange my part in it for a herd of red camels;
and if now in Islam, I were summoned unto it, I would gladly respond"

In his early age Prophet‫ ﷺ‬work as a shepherd and as a trader and earned the title
of Al-Sadiq(The truthful) and Al-Amin(The trustworthy). This is the Sunnah of
Allah that most of the Prophets were herdsmen. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “I used to
work for others as a herdsman in Ajyad area around Makkah.”
➢ His business partner Hazrat Saad said:
➢ “I was the partner of Muhammad in business. I always found him very
honest in his dealings; he never picked quarrels, nor made any false
➢ Hazrat Khadija a rich widow of Makah hired the Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬for her
trade trip.
➢ She also sent her slave Maisara along with him. On return he praised the
Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬a lot.

➢ She sent a proposal of marriage to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, through her friend Nafisa
which was accepted by Abu Talib on behalf of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
➢ At the time of marriage Hazrat Khadija was forty year and the Holy
Prophet‫ ﷺ‬was of twenty-five.
➢ At the age of 35 Kaabah was flooded by rain water. It was decided to
rebuild the Kaabah by Quraish.
➢ When time came to place the Hijr-al-Aswad. A dispute arose between the
chiefs of Makah. Everyone wanted the owner of fixing the Black Stone.
➢ A wise man Abu Ummaya Makhzumi suggested that tomorrow the first
who will enter into the Kaabah will fix the stone.
➢ Next morning, Prophetpbuh came out of the Kaabah and the people of Makah
agreed to accept his decision.
➢ The people were very pleased and they call out. “Here is the most honest
person, we fully agree, here is Muhammad.”
➢ He spread a cloth and placed the stone. He asked the leader of different
tribes of Quraish to hold the corners of a sheet. Then he placed the Black
Stone in the middle of the sheet and asked them to lift it up together. When
the sheet reached the proper height, he lifted the black stone and laid it in its
proper place with his own hand. Thus an explosive situation was resolved
➢ With the growing age Prophet began to live a retiring age and love
solitude. At the age of forty. Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬got the first revelation and
there was a call of Prophethood.

Call to Prophethood

➢ The youth of the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was pristine and stainless.

➢ At the age of forty, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬started retiring age in the cave of Hira.
➢ With the growing understanding he became aware of the corrupt society
around him.
➢ He didn’t believe on polytheism and was in search of his forefather’s God.
He realized that there is a true force which is controlling the universe.
➢ The first signs which indicate the arrival of Prophethood were the true
dreams, whatever vision he would have in his sleep would occure exactly
in reality as he had seen in the dream.
➢ He usually spent days in the cave of Hira with the supply of dates dry food
and water in a nearby mountain called Hira.
➢ This spell of loneliness become more frequent as he approached to the age
➢ Experience inside the cave
➢ One day, in the month of Ramadan, 610 A.D, Angel Jibrael appeared
before him in the shape of an old man. He asked him to read. Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
replied: “I cannot read”. He hugged and squeezed the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and again
asked to read. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬again replied “I cannot read”. Again the angel
hugged and squeezed the Prophet so hard. Until the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬felt the
suffocation. It happened thrice. Now the Prophet was afraid of being
hugged for forth time. So he asked: “What shall I read”. Angel Jibrael then
recited the first five versus of Surah Alaq/Iqra. Angel recited the flowing
➢ “Proclaim (or read) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created.
▪ Created men, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood.
▪ Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,
▪ He who taught (the use of) the pen.
▪ Taught man that which he knew not”(96:1-5)
➢ Muhammad recited these verses after the angel, words were being printed
on his mind.
➢ It was the beginning of the Prophethood and revelations.

Experience outside the Cave

➢ Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was greatly shaken by the experience inside the cave. He

ran out of the cave. Suddenly he heard a voice. He saw the Angel Jibrael
again but now in its real shape. He was filling the whole horizon. Jibrael
➢ “O, Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬you are the messenger of Allah and I am the Jibrael.”
➢ Wherever may he looked, he saw the same vision and heard the same
➢ He stood there until the angel disappeared.

➢ After the experience he ran toward home. He narrated this event to Hazrat
Khadija. She comforted him and assured him that:
➢ “No harm comes to a man of his nature and that Allah would protect him
from all the evils.”
➢ She took him to her cousin Warqh bin Naufil who was a Christian
scholar. After hearing the event. He said:
➢ “It was the Angel Jibrael, Who has always brought revelations to the
previous messengers of God.”
➢ He confirmed his Prophethood in the light of Bible.
➢ He also informed that: “Your people will persecute you and they will
throw you out of the city or you yourself will migrate.”

Preaching of Islam
1. After receiving the first revelation, the revelation stop for some time.
• Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬remain restless and in anxiety.

2. One day, He saw the Jibrael again. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬become frightened and ran
toward home.
• He asked Hazrat Khadija to cover him up.
• Then he received the second revelation of Surah Mudassir as follow:
➢ “O thou wrapped up (in a mantle)!
Arise and deliver thy warning!
And thy Lord do thou magnify.”(74: 1-3)

3. The period of preaching in Makah can be divided as follow:

I. Secret Preaching = 3 years
II. Open Preaching = 4 to 10 years
III. Outside Makah = 10th year till Hijrat

I.Secret Preaching:
• After receiving the second revelation.
• In obedience to the command of Allah. Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬invited his friends
and relatives.
• The first person to believe in him was his wife Khadija and followed by
Hazrat Ali a ten year old Prophet’s Cousin.
• The first free slave to accept Islam was Zaid bin Haris.
• The first person and friend outside the family accepted Islam was Hazrat
Abu Bakr.
• Within the period of three years of secret Preaching. About forty righteous
and God fearing people accepted Islam. Among these were: Usman, Talha,
Zubair, Abdur Rehman bin Auf, Saad bin Abi Waqas and Abdullah bin Masood.
II.Open Preaching:
• Another revelation came and Allah ordered his Prophet ‫ﷺ‬:
➢ “And admonish thy nearest kinsmen.”

• In order to carry this command Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬invited his relatives for a feast to
his house and said to them:
➢ “Allah has ordered me to call you to Him, so who amongst you will help
me in this affair and be my friend, my adviser and my deputy?”
• No one responded except Ali. Who said:
➢ “O, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah I shall be your helper, I will fight him, who fights
• The people laughed and disappeared making fun of him.
• Soon Afterward, He received another revelation. In which Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
was given the order to:
➢ “Expound openly what thou art commanded and turn away from those who
join false gods with Allah.”
• Following this command Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬assembled the people of Makah
at Safa hill and said to them:
➢ “O Quraysh, If I were to tell you that a large army has collected on the
other side of this mountain and is ready to attack you, would you believe me?”
• They all said, “Verily they would”. Since they had never heard him telling a
lie. But when the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked them to believe in one Allah and his
Prophethood. They become angry and shouted you have gone mad.
• Abu Lahab the Prophet’s uncle cursed him and said him:
➢ “May Allah destroy you and did you assemble us for this.”
• After this all of them disappeared.
• Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬now started addressing in public and in private gatherings.
III.Outside Makah preaching:
• At the end of tenth year, After Am-ul-Huzan (year of grief).
• Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬visited Taif but the result was gloomy.
• Then he started to sit on the roots use to appeared to Makah for the
pilgrimage. People of Yasrib accepted Islam.
• His efforts were successful and people started embracing Islam.

Persecution Faced by the Holy Prophet‫ﷺ‬

1. When the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬declared his mission in public.

• He called upon the people of Makah to adopt it as a faith and way of life he
moved into a new stage in the history of preaching Islam.
• Until now, the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his followers had confined themselves
to preaching Islam to a limited number of people. The Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬and his
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) declaration of his message, however, changed
the picture as the whole society was not only asked to pay homage to Allah
instead of their idols, but they were also asked to bring about a complete change in
their political thought and influence.
2. Quraish formed a committee of 25 chiefs headed by Abu Lahab to
persecute the muslims.
• The Quraish disbelievers gathered to make a unanimous plan to oppose the
Message. Various people made followings suggestions to label the Prophet
(a) He is a mad man, or
(b) He is a magician, or
(c) He is a poet
Their most learned person Waleed bin Mugheerah said, “None of these title is
suitable for him.” The people asked, “What is your advice?” After lot of
reflection and soul searching he said, “The Prophet’s message is a form of magic
which brings about separation between the father and the son, brother and
brother, husband and wife, and in families and tribes.”
They agreed upon it and in order to alarm people about it they stationed many
volunteers on different routes of the pilgrims of Makkah.
• Tariq bin Abdullah teased him by words and threw stones on him.
• Aqba bin Abi Moeet put filth on the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬neck while he was praying.
• Opposition increased rubbish and thorny bushes were thrown on the holy
Prophet and abuses were held at him. Once when he was praying in Kaabah while
prostrating Abu Jahal placed filth on his neck, his daughter Fatima removed it.
• They call you a mad man a poet and a magician.
• Abu Lahab used to follow the Prophet’s activities in markets and other
places to poison people against the Prophet.
• Abu Lahab’s two sons Utba and Utaibah were married to two daughters of
the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬. His sons divorced Ruqaiyah and Umm Kulthum.

• Urwa/Umm-e-Jameel Abu Lahab’s wife used to place thorns on the path of
the Prophet to injure his feet. As neighbor, they used to throw the uterus of goat
on the Prophet or in the Prophet’s cooking pot. The Prophet said, “What kind of
neighbors are you?”
• When the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬second son Abdullah died in infancy Abu Lahab
rejoiced and called the Prophet ‫“ ﷺ‬abtar” a man without male offspring.
• One day some Quraish disbelievers suddenly attacked the Prophet in
Masjid-il-Haram and choked him by wrapping a sheet around his neck.

Abu Bakr defended the Prophet .Abu Bakr said, “Do you want to kill a
person just because he says my Creator is Allah.” Quran mention this event in
Surah Al-Mu’min 40:28
• The Quraish used the various tactics against the Prophets. They made fun
of him by putting various labels on him. Al-Hijr 15:6
“And the disbelievers (of Makkah) said [to Prophet Muhammad]: “O you, to
whom the Qur’an is sent, youare, indeed, a mad man.”
• Sometimes Quraish disbelievers gave combined labels out of frustration,
As-Saffaat 37:36
”And (they) said: “Should we abandon our gods for the sake of a mad poet?”
• The Quraish demanded for some miracles although they had Qur’an as the
biggest miracle with them. Allah showed them splitting of the moon as a
miracle as mentioned in Qur’an. Al-Qamar 54:1-2
“The Day of Resurrection has drawn near, (and to confirm this fact) the moon
did split.” [Prophet Muhammad showed this miracle to the people of Makkah to
prove his Prophethood].
3. When insult and persecution had no effect on him the one of the pagan
leader Utbah bin Rabi tried to bargain the holy Prophet by giving him a large
fortune or to make him a king, they even promise to marry him to the fairest girl
in the land if he gave up preaching.
4. These threats worried Abu Talib and he tried to stop Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬from
preaching because he did not have strength to oppose his people. To this the Holy
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬responded by saying,
➢ If they place the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left hand,
and ask me to stop preaching the word of God to the people, I will never accept
what they say. I shall persist in it until Allah enables me to discharge it fully or I
perish in the attempt”.

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• When Abu Talib saw the determination of his nephew, he told him to
continue with his mission. He also pledged to help and support him and asked the
Banu Hashim to protect the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬against the Quraish. All of them
pledged to do so, except, Abu Lahab, who openly declared his enmity.

• For 3 whole years, all the people of Bani Hashim except Abu Lahab were
forced to leave in a secluded valley in the outskirts of Makkah. A total
boycott, social and economic was done with them so much so that they
had to survive on boiled leather for food.

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Persecution Faced by the Early Converts/Prophet’s Companion

Most of the early converts to Islam were “poor and weak.” But there were a few
rich Muslims also like Hudhayfa bin Utba and Arqam bin Abil-Arqam. And all
those men whom Abu Bakr brought into Islam – Uthman, Talha, Zubayr, Abdur
Rahman ibn Auf, Saad ibn Abi Waqqas and Abu Obaidah ibn al-Jarrah – were
also rich and powerful. They were members of the various clans of the Quraysh.

Bilal, the Ethiopian slave of Umayya bin Khalaf. Umayya and other infidels
tortured him in the savage glare of the torrid sun of Makkah, and they tortured
him beyond the limits of human endurance. When his master asked him to
renounce his religion he just said AHAD,AHAD. He dragged him in the scorch
heat of desert, put heavy stone on his chest, and ask the mob of children to drag
him in the streets of Makkah But he was fortified by inner sources of strength and
courage which never failed him. Love of God and the love of His Messenger
made it possible for him to endure torture with cheer. Abu Bakr bought him from
his master and set him free.
Khabab ibn el-Arat was a young man of twenty when he accepted Islam. He
was a client of Banu Zuhra the slave of umm e Anmar. The Quraysh tortured him
by lying on burning coal day after day. He migrated with the Prophet to Medina.
Suhaib bin Sinan had been captured and was sold as a slave by the Greeks.
When he became a Muslim, the Quraysh beat him up savagely but could not
shake his faith.Suhaib eventually lost control of what he said due to extensive
Abu Fukaiha was the slave of Safwan bin Umayya. He accepted Islam at the
same time as Bilal. Like Bilal, he was also dragged by his master on hot sand
with a rope tied to his feet until his tongue dropped out Abu Bakr bought him
and emancipated him. He migrated to Medina with the Prophet but died before
the battle of Badr.
Lubina was a female slave of Mumil bin Habib. Amin Dawidar writes in his
book, Pictures From the Life of the Prophet (Cairo, Egypt, 1968), that Umar bin
al-Khattab, the future khalifa of the Muslims, tortured her, and whenever he
paused, he said: “I have not stopped beating you out of pity. I have stopped
because I am exhausted.” He resumed beating her after he had rested. Abu Bakr
bought her and set her free.
Zunayra was another female slave. When she declared her faith in Islam, Umar
ibn al-Khattab, and Abu Jahl, took turns in torturing her until she became blind.
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Amin Dawidar states that many years later she recovered her sight, and the
Quraysh attributed this recovery to the “sorcery” of Muhammad. Abu Bakr
bought her and set her free.
Nahdiyya and Umm Unays were two other female slaves who became Muslims.
Their masters tortured them for accepting Islam. Abu Bakr bought them and gave
them their freedom.

• There were some other Muslims who were not slaves but they were “poor
and weak.” They too endured torture. Among them were Ammar ibn
Yasir and his parents. The parents were of Hazrat Ammar Bin
Yasir were tortured to death. In fact, his mother Hazrat Summayah was the
first female martyr of Islam.

Musab bin Umair belong to a rich family. When he embraced Islam his mother
stopped his daily meals and kicked him out of her home. The torture on him
damaged his skin and his appearance.

Another member of this group was Abdullah ibn Masood, a young Muslim.
It is reported that when Surah Rahman (the 55th chapter) was revealed, the
Apostle of God asked his companions who among them would go into the Kaaba
and read it before the infidels. Other companions hung back but Abdullah ibn
Masood volunteered to go.
He went into the Kaaba and read the new chapter out aloud. Next to the Apostle
himself, Abdullah ibn Masood was the first man to read Qur’an in the Kaaba
before a hostile crowd of the infidels. The latter mauled him repeatedly but could
not intimidate him into silence.

• Hazrat Abu Bakr himself was tied with a rope along with Hazrat Talha.
• Hazrat Usman was tortured by his very own uncle.
• Hazrat Talha and Zubair were dragged in streets and suffocated.
• Abu Zarr Ghaffari was attacked by a crowd of nonbelievers and he fell
down senseless.

• For 3 whole years, all the people of Bani Hashim except Abu Lahab were
forced to leave in a secluded valley in the outskirts of Makkah. A total
boycott, social and economic was done with them so much so that they had
to survive on boiled leather for food.

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Reasons for opposition
1. Islam had come to revolutionized man’s approach to the basic values of
human conduct and aimed to uproot the existing system of life, and
re-establish it according to the divine laws. Rigid as the Quraish were, they
found it hard to accept the change. As consequence, they joined hands in
opposing the massage of Islam.
2. Islam preached the message of equality, justice and fraternity. Since the
Quraish were class conscious people, charged with the desire to exert
superiority over others, they did not want to level their social differences and
equal themselves to the slaves.
3. The basics of Islamic faith are belief in the doctrines of Tauhid and Risalat.
Although the Quraish believed in the existence of Allah, Yet they refused to
bend down from their tradition of associating partners with Allah. This was an
integral part of their ancestral practices. As for as belief in Risalat was
concerned, the Quraish chiefs found it hard to surrender to the authority of a
person as an apostle of Allah, who was very much an ordinary human being,
since the decline to embrace the fundamental doctrine of Islam. Allah says”
they say we shall not believe in you until you cause spring to gush forth for
us from the earth”.(43:31)
4. Rivalry between the Banu Hashim and Banu Ummayad clan had very deep
roots. During the time of Abdul Mutalib, Banu Hashim had edge over the
Ummayad clan. However, after his death, this superiority was transferred to
Ummayed clan. To accept the religion of a man belong to the Hashimities
meant that the Banu Hashim would once again have their dominance restored.
This suggested why the Ummayads took the lead in opposing the message of
5. Islam prohibits all vices i.e; adultery, drinking, gambling etc. the inclination to
do which ran in their veins along with their blood. They could not even
imagine a life without them, since these habits were now branded on their
6. Open condemnation of social customs of the Quraish, their ideas and lifestyle
turned the Makkans hostile towards Islam and Prophethood.
7. The Quraish also feared that if more and more people entered the fold of Islam
with the continuation of the mission, the number of disbelievers, would be
reduced to minority. This would naturally lead to the establishment of an
Islamic state in which their evil social setup would fall to ruins.
8. Islam was also a threat to the unity of their tribes. The more the people of any
tribe accepted Islam, the weaker it became rendering it incompetent to other

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9. They also foresaw possible economic losses arising from the establishment of
an Islamic state, which they feared. Kaabah was a source of income for them
and also they would no longer be able to drive income through illegal means
such as bribery, corruption, imposition of heavy interest rate on debtors etc.
10.They were not ready to accept as Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was an orphan. They
believe that Prophet should be an influential person or leader of Makkah. In
Quran Allah says “Also they say why not this Quran is sent down to some
leading man in either of the two chief cities?”(43:31)

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Migration to Abyssinia
Event of migration:

1. When disbelievers of Makkah continued their oppression and torture of Muslims.

Allah sent down a verse pointed towards the migration, the event is mention
Az-Zumar (39:10).
[O Muhammad] Say: “O My slaves who believe (in the Oneness of Allah)!
Fear your Creator. There is an excellent reward for those who do good deeds in
this world. Allah’s earth is very spacious (hence if necessary, migrate to other
part of the land). Indeed, the patent are given full and unlimited reward.”
2. Hence in 5th year of the Prophethood in the month of Rajab, Prophet (PBUH)
advised Muslims to migrate secretly to Abbissinia or Habsha in 613 AD. Negus
(Najashi), Ashamah ibn Abjar was a Christian king of Abyssinia who was a just

The first group was consisted of eleven man and four women, Including Hazrat
Usman and his wife, Ruqaya.(Prophet’s daughter). The Prophet said, “After
Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Lut , Uthman and Ruqayyah were the first
couple who migrated in the path of Allah.”
• 1. Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas
2. Jahsh bin Riyab
3. Abdullah bin Jahsh
4. Uthman bin Affaan as Group Leader
5. Ruqayyah bint Muhammad Uthman’s wife
6. Abu Hudhayfah bin Utbah
7. Sahla bint Suhail wife of Abu Hudhayfah
8. Zubair bin Awwam
9. Musab bin Umair
10. Abdurrahman bin
11. Abu Salamah a.k.a Abdullah bin Abd-al-Asad
12.Umm Salamah), wife of Abu Salamah
13. Uthman bin Mazoon
14. Amir bin Rabiah
15. Layla bint Abi Hathmah
• All the Muslims were given asylum by Negus (Najashi)
• One day the Prophet recited surah An-Najm near Kaabah. He prostrated
after the verse regarding prostration. All disbelievers present there also
made prostration due to the influence of Qur’an. This news reached the

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Muslims in Habashah and they thought that the disbelievers of Makkah
have embraced Islam. (Bukhari)
• Hence the Muslims immigrant in Habashah travelled back to Makkah
during the month of Shawwal. On their arrival near Makkah they learnt
that the disbelievers of Makkah have not embraced Islam yet. So, some of
them returned to Habashah and a few of them managed to enter Makkah
under the patronage of some Quraish.
• The persecution of Muslims by the disbelievers of Quraish intensified.
Prophet advised them again to migrate.
• Second group consisted of seventy-nine men and seven women inclusive
of Jafar bin Abu Talib, Who was son of Abu Talib, Prophet’s Cousin, was
eloquent and brave and went as a spokesperson of the Muslims.
• According to traditions, Hazrat Abu Bakr also migrated but return back
from half of the way.
3. Muslims went to Abyssinia, Negus (Najashi) was a Christian king of Abyssinia
and may have a place of refuge for them due to the knowledge of Bible.
• Cruel disbelievers of Quraish could not tolerate this escape of Muslims.
Quraish didn’t want influence to spread so they sent deputation of Amr
bin Al-Aas (very eloquent) and Abdullah bin Rabi to Najashi. (King of
• They (Quraish) bribed the courtiers and his religious advisors with gifts
asked the Najashi the Muslims to be returned.
• The delegation said to the king,
“Some of our people have runaway to your country. They have coined a
new religion. Please hand them over to us so that we can take them back to
their country.”
• The advisors of the king supported the cause of the Quraish delegate. The
Muslims immigrant were brought in front of the King and his bishops
to hear the story from their side.
4. Najashi was a kind and just man. So he called the Muslims for their point of
view. Hazrat Jafar represented them. He outlined the state of ignorance they were
in. How a person of well-known of lineage Truthfulness, Trustworthiness
claimed to be messenger of Allah and called them toward the worship of one
God. Abstinence from vice and treating others well. He preached them

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righteousness; at this their people treated them harshly and persecuted them. Till
they were forced to migrate to Abyssinia, He said:(Hazrat Jafar’s speech)
➢ “O king we are plunged in the depth of ignorance and barbarism, we
adored idols, we lived in chesty, we ate the dead bodies (of animals), and
spoke abominations. We discharged every feeling of Humanity, and the duties
of Hospitality and neighborhood were neglected, we knew no law, but that
of strong. When Allah raised among us a man whose birth truthfulness,
honesty and purity, we were aware and he called to the oneness of Allah and
taught not to associate anything with him. He forbade us the worship of
idols and he enjoined us, to speak the truth and to be faithful to our trusts
and to regard the rights of the neighbors and kith and kin.
He forbade us to speak the evil of women and to eat the substance of
orphans. He ordered us to fly from the voices and to abstain from the evils. To
offer prayer , to render alms(sadqa) and to observe fast. We have believed in
him, we have accepted his teachings and his injunctions to worship Allah and
not to associate anything with Him. We have allowed what he has allowed
and what he has prohibited. For this reason people have risen against us,
have persecuted us, in order to make us forsake the worship of Allah and
return to the worship of idols and other abominations. They have tortured
and injured us, until finding no safety among them we come to your country
and hope you will protect us from oppression.” (Al-Raheeq-Al-Makhtum)
5. Seeing the situation worsen in the favour of the Quraysh, Abdullah bin Rabi said:
➢ “Muslims have very wrong belief about the Merry and the Jesus.”
• Hearing this Najashi asked him (Jafar) to recite something of what had been
revealed to their Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Hazrat Jafar prudently recited the opening
versus of Surah Maryam which greatly moved Najashi.
• He cried so much that his beard soaked with tears. He said:
➢ “Merily this (Quran) and Bible are the lights of same candle.”

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He then refused to return the Muslims to Makah and bade them to live on his land.
Najashi returned the gifts brought by the leaders of Makah. Thus the mission failed and
Quraish returned totally disappointed.

Significance of migration

1. It is an important event in the History of Islam. It was the first political move
taken by the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
• Allowed Muslims to practice their religion freely.
• Away from the birth place their feeling of brotherhood strengthened and they
formed a closed knit society. They learned how to manage their affairs in the
absence of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
• This was so that people learned the Islam sent to last; it was a religion to be
followed the first after the Prophet too.
2. This was the first major step of Muslims toward the community formation and
also first time they stepped out of Arabian Peninsula.
• This worried the Quraish. As wanted to curb the religion, in Makah only and
did not wanted it to spread for personal gains.
• Muslims came to know that there were places where they could seek shelter
and protection from the persecution.
• It eventually led the major migration towards Yasrib.
• When these people who had migrated, came back at the Khyber expedition.
They were given the share from the booty.
• Depicting that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬considered them to be on the mission of Jihad.

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Conversion to Islam of:
Hazrat Hamza(R) and Hazrat Umar(R)
Hazrat Hamza:

1. Hazrat Hamza, uncle of the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was a good wrestler and hunter. He
didn’t take interest in day to day life of the city.
2. One day, in sixth year of the Prophethood. Prophet (PBUH) was sitting in Masjid-
ul-Haram. Abu Jahal used very offensive and vulgar language and rebuked the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬as much as he could. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did not say a word and quietly went
to his home. The slave girl of Abdullah bin Jidaan saw this misbehavior of Abu
Jahal from the roof of her house. In the meanwhile, the uncle of the Prophet,
Hamzah , returned from his hunting trip holding his arch in his hand. The slave girl
described the scene to Hamzah. .
3. It made Hamzah furious. He found Abu Jahal sitting in as assembly near
Kaabah. Hamzah hit Abu Jahal on his head with the arch and hurt his head badly.
Hamzah also said angrily, “How come you cursed my nephew. I have accepted the
religion of Muhammad. Now onward no one should dared enough to insult the
4. All the night he remain restless on his announcement.
• Next day Hazrat Hamza accepted Islam.
• Hamzah migrated to Madinah in 622 A.D. and the Prophet made him the
brother in Islam of Zayd ibn Harithah ·
Hazrat Umar-bin-Khattab:

1. Hazrat Umar was an influential person of Makah, a brave wrestler and was of
fiery nature.
• He was among the persons who laid the persecution.

2. One day, He came out with a naked sword with the intention to kill the Holy
Prophet (PBUH).
• In the way, A man named, Naeem-bin-Abdullah inquired about his intention,
He(Umar) told that:
➢ “I am going to kill the Holy Prophet.”
• Naeem replied:
➢ “Go and see you Sister Fatima and brother in law (saeed bin Zayad).”
• Hazrat Umar readily approached to his sister’s house and saw that his sister and
his brother were reciting Quran.
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• He beat them brutally. When he exhausted he left them.
• He asked them what they were reciting.
• Hazrat Fatima asked him to make ablution and she (Fatima) recited the first 14
versus of Surah Taha.
• It turned the heart of Umar.
• On hearing this Khabbab the teacher of Fatimah and Saeed · , came out of
hiding and said, “O Umar, by God, I heard the Prophet imploring earnestly
just last night about you.” The Prophet said, “O Allah, strengthen Islam by
Abul Hakam (Abu Jahal),Umar bin Hasham or Umar bin Khattab.” Khabbab
said, “I hope that Allah will bless you with His Prophet’s du’a.”
3. Hazrat Umar ran towards the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to the house of Arqam and accepted
• He accepted Islam three days after Hazrat Hamza.
• According to tradition, day before his (Umar) acceptance of Islam. Holy
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬prayed to Allah that:
➢ “Oh, Allah strengthened the Islam with one Umar.”ie;Umar bin Khatab or
Umar bi Hasham(Abu Jahal)
• After his acceptance of Islam, the Muslims prayed openly in Kaabah for the
first time.

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The Boycott and Year of Grief
1. When the Quraish came back from Abyssinia. They were enraged and
• They saw the respect with which Najashi treated the Muslims.
• After the acceptance of islam by Hazrat Umar, Muslims power
increased in Makah, for this Quraish were greatly upset.
• Quraish demanded from Banu Hashim to withdraw the protection
from the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and to handover the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to them.
• On the other hand, they will face the complete social and economic
• This demand was turned down by Banu Hashim.
2. In the seventh year of Prophet hood about forty leaders of Quraish drew up
a joint agreement that enforced a total social economic boycott with Banu
The terms were:
1. There will be no financial dealing with them.
2. None should marry in Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib.

3. No food should reach them.

• This agreement was written by Mansoor bin Aqrama and was hung
inside the Kaabah.
• With the exception of Abu Lahab all the Banu Hashimities were
forced to live in a valley (Shaib-e-Abi-Talib).
• All the roots led to the valley were blocked. They could come out
only in the season of Pilgrimage. This agreement was signed by all the
important leaders of Quraish and no one could dare to violate it.
3. Whatever they had to eat was finished. They were even not allowed to take
water from Makah. Their condition became awful that children cried with hunger
and thirst.
• Even adults fed on boiled leather, leaf of trees and bark of trees.
• The Valley was echoed with cries of Helpless people.
• Occasionally Muthim bin Adi and Hakim bin Hamza nephew of
Hazrat Khadija sent grains loaded on camels to Banu Hashim.
• Once Hazrat Saad bin Waqas found a piece of leather boiled and
ate it.
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• Hazrat Ali covered a long distance to fetch water.
• This condition continued for three years.
4. There were some soft hearted people among the idolaters. One day,
Hashim bin Umar from tribe Banu Amr met with Zubair bin Ummaya and
asked him to help the Banu Hashim by breaking this agreement. Then they met a
third person Matam-bin-Addi and the fourth man was Zama-bin-Massood the
fifth person Abu Bakhtari.
• In this way they made a party of five, to brake the agreement.
• When they approached to the Kaabah , they announce to break the
• Abu Jahal tried to stop them, Matam-bin-Addi fought with Abu
• As they open the agreement, by the miracle of Allah, all the words
were eaten by termite except the name of Allah and his Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
• In this way the sufferings of Banu Hashim came to end.
Year of Grief:
1. Hazrat Khadija due to the sufferings faced during the boycott.
• Soon after, Abu Talib also passed away that is why this year was
called Amm-ul-Huzan.
• The deaths of both personalities provide the opportunities to the
enemy to harm and to persecute the Holy ProphetPBUH.
• Marriage of ProphetPBUH with Sawdah and Aisha was also in Year of

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Visit to Taif

1. In 619 AD, 10th year of Prophethood. After the death of Abu Talib and Hazrat
Khadija, Quraish doubled the persecution.
• Now the situation was more bitter and critical for the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
• He could not stay in Makah with any hope of victory as makkans were of very
harsh nature.
• Prophet‫ ﷺ‬decided to explore the new avenues in search for support.

2. In this connection he left for Taif along with his adopted son (Zaid-bin-Harris).
• Taif was densely populated by Banu Saqeef tribe.
• Secondly, the leaders of the Taif were three brothers Massood, Habib and Abad
Yalail, they used to worship mainly “Lat”.
• Prophet stayed there for several days and preached the message of Islam.

3. The people of Banu Saqeef insulted him and Abad Yalail sent a mob of notorious boys
to pelt him with stones, asked them to throw the Prophet out of city.
• The mob abused Him and stoned Him (especially aimed his ankles).
• Due to stoning Holy Prophet’s shoes were filled with blood.
• Zaid-bin-Harris tried hard to defend and shield the Prophet from the stones.
While defending his head was badly wounded.
• The mob followed them three miles outside the Taif.
4. Until, He (Prophet) sought refuge in the orchard or wine yard, belonged to the two rich
brothers of Makah, Utba and shaiba. Son of Rabi.
• Seeing the condition of Prophet, they sent their slave Adaas with the bunch of
• As Prophet‫ ﷺ‬took the grapes. He recited Bismillah.
• Adaas said:
➢ “I never heard these words before.”
• Prophet‫ ﷺ‬asked him:
➢ “Who are you, and to which religion you belong to?”
• Adaas replied:
➢ “I am the Christian from the city of Nanwa.”
• Prophet‫ ﷺ‬said:
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➢ “You reside in the city of Yonus bin Matah,
Adaas asked, how do you know?
Prophet replied: He (Yonus) and I are the Prophetic brother.”
• Listening to this Adaas kissed the Prophet‫ﷺ‬.
• Seeing the situation, Utba and shaiba said to each other:
➢ “Our slave has gone mad.”

5. While resting in the orchard, Angel Jibrael came and said to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬:
➢ “Oh, Prophet‫ ﷺ‬of Allah, You wish so I will crush these people between the
two mountains.”
• Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬replied:
➢ “Why should pray for destruction of these people. I hope that this posterity
will certainly be among believers of one Allah.”
• And Prophet‫ ﷺ‬prayed to Allah to show the right path to people of Taif.
• In a Hadith Aisha (R.A) asked the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬Was there any day harder on you
than the day of battle of Uhud?”
The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬replied, “Yes, the day of preaching Islam in Ta’if was the most
difficult day.”

6. On the way back, Prophetpbuh stayed in the valley of Nakhla for some days.
• Where some jinns had accepted Islam, after listening the Holy Quran and this
was a sigh of relief for the Propher ‫ﷺ‬.
• Quran has mentioned this event in Surah Jinn, verse (72: 1-2).
• [O Muhammad] Say: “It has been revealed to me that a group of Jinn listened
to (this Qur’an). Then they said (to their community): ‘We have heard a
wonderful (recitation of) the Qur’an. It guides to the Right Path; hence we
have believed in it, and we shall never join any partners (in worship) with
Allah”. (72, 1-2).
• Then Jinn went to their people and invited them to Islam.
“O our people! Obey Allah’s caller [i.e. Muhammad], and believe in him. Allah
will forgive you some of your sins, and will save you from a painful torment.”
Surah Ahqaf, verse (46:31).
• According to the laws and customs of that time the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬needed someone’s
protection in order to re-enter Makkah. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent messages to Akhnas

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bin Shareeq and to Suhail bin Amr to seek their protecton. Both refused with
some lame excuses.
• Then he (Prophet) sent a message to Matam-bin-Addi and asked for the
protection from him.
• Matam-bin-Addi announced his protection for Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬among the people.
Abu Sufyan asked, “Are you giving him protection after accepting his religion?”
Matam said, “No, I am only giving him protection.” Abu Sufyan said, “Then it is
acceptable to us.” So Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬entered in Makah performed Tawaf and went to
• In 9 A.H all the people of Taif accepted Islam.


➢ This took place in 10th or 11th year of the Prophethood. The idolaters of
Makkah said, “If we see a big miracle, we will embrace Islam.” Abdullah
bin Masood · narrated that on the demand of the idolaters for a big miracle,
the Prophet showed them the splitting of moon. They saw that there was
mountain Hira between the two parts of moon. (Bukhari: 3868)
➢ Allah mentioned this miracle in Qur’an Al-Qamar 54:1-2
“The Day of Resurrection has drawn near, (and to confirm this fact) the
moon did split. [Prophet Muhammad showed this miracle to the people
of Makkah to prove his Prophethood]. And if they see a miracle, they
turn away, and say: “This is a magic which is continuously coming from
earlier times.”
➢ Hence the idolaters did not embrace Islam even after witnessing the
miracle. Allah consoled the Prophet An- An’am 6:111
➢ The idolaters simply said,:
“We are effected by the magic of the Prophet. We should wait and see
what news the outsiders bring to Makkah.”
➢ They saw that all the outsiders testified the splitting of moon. Even then
they did not believe in the Prophet due to their social, ancestral and tribal

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Isra Wa Mi'raj
The Isra and Mi'raj : are the two parts of a Night Journey or Shab-e-Me`raj
that, according to Islamic tradition, on 27 of Rajab in 11th year of prophethood
the prophet of Islam, Muhammad took to during a single night around the year
621. The Isra is the part of the journey of Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem.
In the second part of the journey, the Mi'raj (an Arabic word that literally means
“ladder”, Buraq takes him to the heavens, where he tours the seven circles of
. It has been described as both a physical and spiritual journey.A brief sketch of
the story is in sura 17 Al-Isra of the Quran, and other details come from the
Hadith, It is one of the most significant events in the Islamic calendar.
Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-
Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs.
Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. Quran, Chapter 17 (Al-Isra) verse 1
And [remember, O Muhammad], when We told you, "Indeed, your Lord has
encompassed the people." And We did not make the sight which We showed you
except as a trial for the people, as was the accursed tree [mentioned] in the
Qur'an. And We threaten them, but it increases them not except in great
transgression. Quran, Chapter 17 (Al-Isra) verse 60
Also mentioned in Quran, Chapter 53 (An-Najm), verses 13–18
According to Ahadith Prophet was sleeping in his cousin’s house Umm-e-
Hani,angel Jibrail came. that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: I
was brought al-Buraq Who is an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but
smaller than a mule, who would place his hoof a distance equal to the range of
vision. I was taken to Masjid ul Haram, my chest was being cut, and heart was
washed with ZamZam and was filled with Noor and Wisdom. I mounted it and
came to the Temple (Bait Maqdis in Jerusalem), then tethered it to the ring used
by the prophets. I entered the mosque and prayed two rak'ahs in it, lead the prayer
of Prophets Got the title Imam ul Ambiyah and then came out and Gabriel
brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk. I chose the milk, and Gabriel
said: You have chosen the natural thing.
Then he took me to heaven. Jibreel then asked the (gate of heaven) to be opened
and he was asked who he was. He replied: Gabriel. He was again asked: Who is
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with you? He (Jibreel) said: Muhammad. It was said: Has he been sent for?
Jibreel replied: He has indeed been sent for. And (the door of the heaven) was
opened for us and at first heaven we saw Adam. He welcomed me and prayed for
my good.
Then we ascended to the second heaven. Again, the same conversation repeated
as mention above between the Jibraeel and the gatekeeper. The gate was opened.
When I entered 'Isa b. Maryam and Yahya b. Zakariya (peace be upon them),
cousins from the maternal side. Welcomed me and prayed for my good.
Then I was taken to the third heaven and I saw Yusuf (peace be upon him) who
had been given half of (world) beauty. Then he ascended with us to the fourth
heaven, and lo! Idris was there. Allah, the Exalted and the Glorious, has said:"
We elevated him (Idris) to the exalted position" (Qur'an 19: 57).
Then he ascended with us to the fifth heaven I was with Harun (Aaron) for my
Then I was taken to the sixth heaven. I was with Moses (peace be upon him).
Then I was taken up to the seventh heaven. There I found Abraham (peace be
upon him), all the prophets prayed for my wellbeing, then reclining against the
Bait-ul-Ma'mur and there enter into it seventy thousand angels every day, never
to visit (this place) again.
Then I was taken to Sidrat-ul-Muntaha whose leaves were like elephant ears
and its fruit like big earthenware vessels. Jibrail Said o, Prophet of Allah, from
here you would travel alone if I accompanied you my wings would burnt out.
From here Prophet travelled on Ruf Ruf and met with Allah Almighty.
Three Gifts by Allah:
Then Allah revealed to me a revelation of last two verses of surah Baqarah
and He made obligatory for me fifty prayers every day and night, whoever will
believe in Allah and His Prophet Muhammad will eventually enter Paradise.
The muqhimat (major sins) of the people from the ummah of Muhammad were
forgiven except those who associated partners with Allah.
Visited the heaven and Hell, also heard the foot prints of Hazrat Bilal in heavens.
Then I went down to Moses (peace be upon him) and he said: What has your
Lord enjoined upon your Ummah? I said: Fifty prayers. He said: Return to thy
Lord and beg for reduction (in the number of prayers), for your community shall
not be able to bear this burden as I have put to test the children of Israil and tried
them (and found them too weak to bear such a heavy burden).
He (the Holy Prophet) said: I went back to my Lord and said: My Lord, make
things lighter for my Ummah. (The Lord) reduced five prayers for me. I went
down to Moses and said. (The Lord) reduced five (prayers) for me, He said:
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Verily thy Ummah shall not be able to bear this burden; return to thy Lord and
ask Him to make things lighter.
I then kept going back and forth between my Lord blessed and Exalted and
Moses, till He said: There are five prayers every day and night. O Muhammad,
each being credited as ten, so that makes fifty prayers. He who intends to do a
good deed and does not do it will have a good deed recorded for him; and if he
does it, it will be recorded for him as ten; whereas he who intends to do an evil
deed and does not do, it will not be recorded for him; and if he does it, only one
evil deed will be recorded.
I then came down and when I came to Moses and informed him, he said: Go back
to thy Lord and ask Him to make things lighter. Upon this the Messenger of
Allah remarked: I returned to my Lord until I felt ashamed before Him.
In the morning, he told Makkans about Ascension near the Kaaba. They asked for
evidence. He told them about the caravans he had seen on the way. The
Qurayshis went out of Makkah to meet the caravans. They saw the caravans in
the same state as the Prophet had informed them but they did not embrace Islam.
However, they asked the Prophet (pbuh) proof after proof that he went there.
When the Prophet (pbuh) told them that he went to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem,
the Qurayshis objected to him by saying, “How could Muhammad go to a place
that takes a month to go and return in one night?” Then, those who had seen
Masjid al-Aqsa before asked him, “Can you describe Masjid al-Aqsa to us?”
The Prophet narrated the talk between them as follows:
“I was very tired of their denial and questions. In fact, I had not experienced
such difficulty until that moment. Just then, Allah showed me Baytu’l
Maqdis. While looking at it, I described every detail one by one. They even
asked me, “How many doors does Baytu’l Maqdis have?” However, I had
not counted its number of doors. When I saw Baytu’l Maqdis across from
me, I began to look at it, count each of its doors and told them the number.”
Thereupon, the polytheists said, “By God, you perfectly and correctly described
it.” Nevertheless, they still did not become Muslims.
Meanwhile, Hazrat Abu Bakr came; the polytheists informed him about the
situation. Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “If he said this, then it is undoubtedly true..”,
confirming what he said. Then, Hazrat Abu Bakr was given the title “Siddiq (the
Truthful)” by the Prophet.

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Q Explain the importance of this event (Miraj) to the Prophet (sw) himself.

Q How did this journey help the Prophet (sw) in his mission?
The journey of Miraj was important for the prophet (sw) in many ways. He had
the deepest believe in his prophethood but this journey provided him a physical
proof of his claims. He saw paradise and hell and met Allah, and now he could
invite people with complete confidence that he was true.
The journey took place when Islam was at the peak of persecution and
Mohammad (sw) was facing disappointing events. Khadija (ra) and Abu Talib
had died, mission to Taif had failed and there was no progress of Islam in
Makkah. In this situation, Allah gave him confidence and gave him the message
that the most powerful Allah is behind him and he should not be disappointed and
afraid. The journey showed him that Allah had not left him and He was with him.
Mohammad (sw) also enjoyed the respect given by the angels and the prophets.
He led the prayers of prophets which was a symbol of the leadership of
Mohammad (sw). His meeting with prominent prophets, meeting with Allah, and
watching the amazing world increased his confidence and belief.
Journey to Heavens was a physical proof that the paradise and hell is a reality.
For the Muslim belief it was important because Muslims should strive for
paradise and do good deeds in order to be away from hell.
Among these prophets, there were some who were also given books and
scriptures. Ibrahim (as) was one of them. Essa (as) was the last one among the
prophets of Bani Israel. From the race of Ismail (as), the other son of Ibrahim
(as), Allah chose Mohammad (sw) as the last prophet and gave him his last
complete book the holy Quran. With the Quran and the life of the Prophet
Mohammad (sw), a complete code of life designed by Allah Himself, is with us
and the human beings are responsible to accept this code because it is the best
solution to all human problems. If they refuse, they are responsible to answer
Allah after their death.
Therefore, all human beings are responsible to follow the way of Allah. If they
follow the path of Satan, they will be responsible for their own deeds. Every path
is against Allah which is against the last book of God, the holy Quran and also
against the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (saw).
Above all Allah has gifted the Prophet and Muslim Ummah “the Gift Of Five

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Pledge of Aqabah
The Messenger of Allah offers himself to the tribes :
The Messenger of Allah contacted members of various Arab tribes when they
came to Makkah during their festivals. He explained the beliefs of Islam to them
and asked them to protect him from his enemies, saying, 'O people! I am your
Messenger of Allah. He commands you to worship Him and not associate
anything with Him and to abandon the worship of those you consider equal with
Him. He commands you to believe in Him and confirm Him and to protect me so
that I may make clear what Allah has sent to me.'
When the Messenger of Allah finished speaking, Abu Lahab usually got up to
say, 'O people! This man calls on you to abandon al-Lat and al-Uzza and your
allies among the jinn for this innovation and misguidance he has brought! Do not
obey him and do not listen to him!'

The Ansar accept Islam :

The Messenger of Allah was at Aqabah during the festival He came across a
delegation of six people who came from Yathrib in the 11th year of the
prophethood (620) in Aqabah, a desolate place in Mina. The Prophet spoke to
them about Islam. These people accepted Islam. One of them, As'ad ibn Zurarah
promised that he would turn back to Yathrib and convey the new religion to both
his tribe and to the Avs tribe and that he would meet with the Prophet again in
Aqabah one year later.

The First Pledge of Aqabah :

In 12 year of prophethood, twelve Ansar attended the festival in Makkah. They
met the Messenger of Allah and gave him their pledge. The terms of the pledge,
known as the First Pledge of ‘Aqaba, included the following:

We shall not associate anyone with Allah (The One God): whether in worship,
His attributes, His power or His authority, not to indulge in adultery, fornication,
not to steal or rob anyone’s property, not to practice the custom of killing
children, backbiting. We shall not disobey you in good deeds and just cause.
We shall always follow you, be it hard or easy, to our liking or not, and we shall
act according to your commands. We shall follow and obey your decisions even
if it be against ourselves and in favor of others.
We shall not participate in opposing the deserving persons of authority or

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We shall support the truth and justice and stand firm under all circumstances. In
matters of Allah’s religion, we shall not be afraid for our name, disrepute,
disgrace, or blame.

After concluding this pledge, the prophet (pbuh) said: “If you fully comply with
these promises, you will have the right to paradise; but if you fault, you will not
have the right to paradise. Allah may punish you or He may forgive you.”
When they left, the Messenger of Allah sent Mus'ab ibn Umair with them. He
commanded him to read the Qur'an to them, to preach Islam and to instruct them
in the religion. He also led them in prayers. He was called 'The Reader' in
Madinah where he stayed with As'ad ibn Zurarah.

Islam spreads throughout Madinah :

Islam began among the people of the Aws and the Khazraj in Madinah. Sa'd ibn
Mu'az and Usaid ibn Huzair became Muslims. They were the leaders of their
people, the Banu Abdul-Ashhal of Aws. They were convinced of the truth
because of the wisdom and kindness of those who had become Muslims before
them, particularly by the excellent presentation of Islam by Mus'ab ibn Umair.
All the people of the Banu Abdul-Ashhal became Muslims, and not a household
of the Ansar remained in which some men and women had not accepted the faith.
The Second Pledge of Aqabah :
Mus'ab ibn Umair returned to Makkah the following year and a number of the
Muslim Ansar accompanied those of their people making hajj who were still idol-
worshippers. The Muslims arranged to meet the Messenger of Allah at Aqabah.
When they had finished the hajj, they met in the valley near Aqabah late at night.
There were seventy-three men and two women. The Messenger of Allah came
with his uncle, al-Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib who was still an idol-worshipper at
that time.
They pledged their allegiance to him. They asked him to promise that he would
not leave them and return to his people. The Messenger of Allah gave his
promise, 'I am from you and you are from me. I will fight those you fight and will
be at peace with those with whom you are at peace.'
He chose twelve leaders from among them: nine from the Khazraj and three from
the Aws.

The Hijrah to Madinah begins:

Once the Messenger of Allah had taken this pledge, the Muslims had more
security and some from Makkah took refuge with the Ansar. The Messenger of
Allah ordered his Companions and those Muslims who were with him in Makkah
to leave for Madinah, and to join their brothers among the Ansar. He said, 'Allah

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has given you brothers and an abode where you will be safe.' They soon began to
leave Makkah.
The Messenger of Allah, however, remained in Makkah waiting for Allah's
permission to emigrate to Madinah.
The emigration of the Muslims from Makkah was not easy. The Quraysh put
many obstacles in their way and subjected the emigrants to considerable stress.
However, the emigrants were determined to go. They did not want to remain in
Makkah. Some, including Abu Salamah, were forced to leave their wives and
children behind and to travel alone. Some had to relinquish all they had earned in
their lifetime. Suhaib was among those who lost all their wealth.
Umar ibn al-Khattab, Talhah, Hamzah, Zayd ibn Harithah, Abdur-Rahman
ibn Awf, Zubair ibn al-Awwam, Abu Huzayfah, Uthman ibn Affan and
others emigrated (may Allah be pleased with them) and the emigration continued
apace. None were left in Makkah with the Messenger of Allah except for those
who were imprisoned or awaiting trial, apart from Ali ibn Abi Talib and Abu
Bakr ibn Abi Quhafah.

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Migration to Yasrib
Causes of Migration:
1. After the pledges of Aqaba, Prophet‫ ﷺ‬got the idea of the migration to Yasrib.
• The people of Makah were harsh and ill tempered.
• On the other hand. People of Yasrib were tender hearted and considerate.
So the environment of Yasrib was more suitable for the propagation of
• The Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬was hated and persecuted by his own people, but the
people of Yasrib warmly welcomed him.
• The priests of Makah oppose Islam from very beginning.
• However, in Medina, there was no priests’ class.
2. In Yasrib, Aus and Khizraj tribes had been in war for years.
• They were looking for a strong leader, who could establish peace on their
• The Jews of Yasrib were aware of the last Prophet‫ﷺ‬. Due to their Holy
• So, they were eager to receive him.
• The aggressive attitude of the Quraish and their persecution, especially after
the death of Abu Talib was the main factor for the migration.

Event of Migration:

3. When the Quraish came to know about the development at Aqaba. They redoubled the
persecution of the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬and his followers.
• Therefore, Prophet‫ ﷺ‬advised his followers to emigrate to Yasrib secretly.
• Thereafter, families after families left for Yasrib expect Hazrat Abu Bakr, who
asked permission from the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬to be his companion in migration and Hazrat
• Quraish held a meeting in a council hall, Dar-un-Nadwa. Where they selected
one person from each tribe to kill the Prophet‫ﷺ‬.
• As Banu Hashim would not be able to take the revenge.
• The Holy Prophetpbuh was informed of this plan by Allah and was told to leave
Makah at same night:

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➢ “Remember how the unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in
bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out (out of home). They plot and plan, and
Allah too plans, But the best of planners is Allah.”(8:30)
• On the midnight of 27th Safar of 14th year of Prophethood (when year is started
with Muharram) or on 12-13 September 622 A.D.
4. The Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬asked Hazrat Ali to sleep on his bed and return the valuables to the
• As he stepped out from his house. The people appointed by the enemy were standing
outside his house.
• Prophet‫ ﷺ‬took a pinch of sand recited the verses of surah Yaseen (36:9) and blow
in the air, by the miracle of Allah Quraish eye sight was been captured and they
were unable to see.
• “And We have put a barrier in front of them (i.e. made this life attractive to
them) and a barrier behind them (i.e. they are totally heedless to the Hereafter).
So We have covered them hence they cannot see. (This is another example to
show the
state of mind of the disbelievers).” (36:9)
• He left home unnoticed by anyone. Accompanied by Abu Bakr. He stayed in the
cave of Saur for three days and nights.
• Hazrat Abu Bakr entered first cave and clean the cave and closed all the holes by
tearing his clothes.
• While in cave Hazrat Asma bint-e-Abu Bakr brings food at night.
• Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Abu Bakr roomed around the city, all day and collect the
news and gave it to the Prophetpbuh.
• In the morning, a free salve Amar-bin-fahira came with the goats and removed
the foot prints of Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Abu Bakr and Hazrat Asma-bint-e-Abu
Bakr provide milk to the Holy Prophetpbuh and Hazrat Abu Bakr if needed.
5. On the other hand. When the chiefs of Makah entered the house of the Prophetpbuh with
the intention to kill him, they found Hazrat Ali on the bed they become furious.
• They announced the reward of 100 camels for the one who will capture
Muhammad dead or alive.
• Many young men went out in the search of the Holy Prophetpbuh.
• As they came close to the cave, Hazrat Abu Bakr trembled with fear and expected
them to break into the cave. Abu Bakr said to the Holy Prophetpbuh:

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➢ “If anyone of them looks down they will find us.”
• Prophetpbuh replied:
➢ “Oh, Abu Bakr, How can you fear for two men whose constant
companion is Allah himself?”
• The incident is mentioned in Quran chp 9, verse 40. As:
➢ “……..for Allah did indeed help him, when the unbelievers drove him
out: he had no more than one companion: the two were in cave, and he
said to his companion, ‘Have no fear, for Allah is with us.”
6. Some members of the party climbed up to the cave, by the miracle of Allah, a cob web
covered the entrance with its web.
• A wild pigeon makes its nest and the tree covered the cave entrance with its
branches. So seeing this, the party returned back.
7. On the third Day, when they were sure that the Quraish given up their search.
8. The Prophet and Abu Bakr started their journey from cave Thur towards Madinah
assisted by Amar bin Fuhairah and a guide Abdullah bin Uraiqit, an expert of routes
to take up a journey
9. Several events took place during this journey.
10. In the way, a person named, Suraqah-bin-Malik, the head of Bani Madlig tribe
chased the Prophet‫ﷺ‬. As he came near to the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬his horse was stuck into the sand,
it happened twice. As he tried for the third time, he saw unusual signs of sandstorm.
• Realizing that he asked the pardon and amnesty letter from the Prophet‫ﷺ‬.Amar
wrote on a piece of parchment.
• About 130 kilometers from Makkah, they came across a tent of Umm Ma’bad .
The Prophet‫ ﷺ‬asked her,“Do you have something to eat?” She said, “Nothing.
Even my goats are far away otherwise I would have offered you their milk.” The
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬saw an old goat sitting in a corner there. The Prophet asked, “Does this
goat have some milk?” She said, “It is too old to have any milk.” The Prophet
‫ﷺ‬said, “May I milk it?” She said, “You may try.” The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬touched its
udders with his hand and made a supplication. The udders filled up with milk. The
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬and his Companions drank it to their fill and left some milk in a
container for the family of Umm Ma’bad. When Umm Ma’bad’s husband came
home in the evening after grazing their herd, she described the noble features of
the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬in detail and told him in detail about the milk. Her husband said, “It
is the same person who is claiming his Prophethood.” Later on in their life both of
them embraced Islam.
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• The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬also met Zubair bin Awwam on the way. Zubair was in a trade
caravan and he presented some white clothes to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬.
• On his way to Madinah, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬met Abu Buraidah. He was one of those
who were trying to capture the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬for the reward from the Quraish. When
he met the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and talked to him, he was highly impressed by the Prophet‫ﷺ‬
. He and his eighty men embraced Islam and prayed Isha with the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬. They
returned to their territory and stayed there. They came to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬after battle
of Uhud and they took part in Bait Ridwan
• Prophet‫ ﷺ‬stopped at Qubah for fourteen days. Where he waited for Hazrat Ali and
built the first mosque of Islam named Masjid-e-Qubah. The virtues of this masjid
are described in Qur’an 9:108
• He left for Yasrib, in the quarter of Banu Salim, Holy Prophetpbuh offered the
Friday prayer and delivered the first Friday sermon.
11. As the news approached to Yasrib. They warmly welcomed the Holy Prophet.
• Everyone offered their hospitality to the Holy Prophetpbuh. But the Prophetpbuh
said: He would stay at the place where his camel would stop.
• The camel stopped in front of the house of Abu Ayub Ansari.
• And the plot where camel settled, Masjid-e-Nabawi was being built there.
• And the city of Yasrib was now called, Medina-tun-Nabawi and the year was
called first year of Hijrat.
• After a few days Abdullah bin Abu Bakr ,came to Madinah with Hazrat Aisha ,
Hazrat Saudah ,Hazrat Fatimah ,Hazrat Umm Kalsum ,Hazrat Usamah bin Zayd ·
and Hazrat Umm Ayman .
• This was the mark of the beginning of Islamic calendar.

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Importance of Hijrah

It has been over 1400 years since the Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬migrated from
Makkah to Madinah. This important event would change the world forever, here
are some significant points about the Hijrah:

1. It highlighted the perseverance of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the early Muslims through
difficult times.

2. It marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar known as the Hijri calendar.

3. It was after the Hijrah that the laws of God could be established bringing
justice and peace.

4. It is significant in tracing and following important events, milestones and

trends in Islamic History.

5. It demonstrates that for people with faith, there is hope for ease after

6. It was the occasion when Muslims of different backgrounds were united when
the brotherhood between the Muhajirun (emigrants) and Ansar (helpers) was
formed thus practically displaying Islam’s system of brotherhood and equality.

7. It marked the beginning of the Islamic State which would become a global
force for centuries to come.

8. It also marked the liberation of humanity from racism, inequality

and injustice in a global scale.

9. It availed the warring communities of Yathrib (Madinah) and unified them

under a single leader, paving the way towards the unity of the Arabian peninsula
and beyond.

10. It brought about personal, social and societal stability for the citizens of the

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Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

By: Ms Noshaba Andleeb

Events at the arrival of the Prophet journey to Yasrib

1. These four parties were the resident of Medina: Muhajirin, Ansar, Munafiqin and
• Banu Nazir and Banu Quraiza had allegiance with Aus tribe (Agriculture
occupation and both Jews tribes)
• Most fertile land belongs to these tribes.
Banu Qainyqa had allegiance with the Khizraj. There were goldsmith and
loan sharks.
• Abdullah-bin-Ubay from the tribe Khizraj , at the time of Holy Prophet‫ﷺ‬
Abdullah-bin-Ubay was about to be crowned. But with the arrival of Prophet‫ﷺ‬
people accepted the Islam and they chose Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬as their
result he became the leaders of Hypocrites. He only paid lip services to Islam.
• Prophet‫ ﷺ‬stayed in the House of Abu Ayub Ansari decided to build a mosque.
In the plot which was in front of the house of Abu Ayub Ansari belongs to the
two orphan brother, Sohail-bin-Amr and Sahil-bin-Amar and their guardian
was Muaz-bin-Arfa.
• Although they wanted to gift the plot to Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬but Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬turned down
this offer and Hazrat Abu Bakr paid ten dinnars for the land. The mosque was
known as Mosque of the Prophet or the Masjid-e-Nabwi.
• It is referred to in the Quran:
➢ “--, there is a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on
piety; it is more worthy of thy standing forth (for prayers) therein. In it
are men who love to be purified, and Allah loveth those who make
themselves pure.” (Chp 9 verse 108)
2. The walls of the ‘Mosque of the Prophet’ were made of unbaked bricks.
• The roof was of mud and date palm leaves and trunks of the date palm tree were
used for pillars.
• Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬himself took part in the building of mosque along with his companions.
• A large platform with a thatched roof was built on the one corner of the mosque
known as Sufah.
• It became the training center and also a shelter for poor Muslims who were the
emigrants from Makah.
• After the Holy Kaabah, Masjid-e-Nabwi is the Holiest mosque.
• Then a few simple huts were built near Masjid Nabawi and the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
moved into these huts from Ayyub’s home.

Azan and call of prayer

1. In order to call the people for the prayer become a problem for the Muslims and
for the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬himself.
• Companions complained to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬for not reaching on time at the
time of the prayer.
• Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked suggestions from his people.
• Some suggested beating the drum, to ring the bell but it resembled to the
Christians. Some suggested blowing the shank. Some suggested to light the
fire or to raise flag.
• All the offers were turned down.
• With the passage of time. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬became more restless on this issue.
2. One day, Abdullah-bin-Zayad among Ansar had dreamed for the words of Azan.
• He approached to the Prophe t‫ ﷺ‬and told the words of Azan to the Prophet
. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬conformed his dream.
• Meanwhile, Hazrat Umar also came and he confirmed that he had dreamed
the same words.
• Prophet‫ ﷺ‬asked Hazrat Bilal to stand along Abdullah-bin-Zayad and recite
the words of Azan.
• In this way system of Azan was introduced and Hazrat Bilal was appointed
as the first Muezzin of Islam.

Settlement of Muhajirin
1. The Muslims in Medina belong to the two categories.
• Those who had migrated to Medina from Makah known as Muhajirin.
• The Muhajirin arrived in Medina in a deplorable condition.
• Most had left their families, children, friends, houses and money behind for the
sake of Allah. They had no food and shelter.
• The term Muhajir is not applied to the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬himself. But only those who
migrated with or before him or later.
• Later Muhajirin made a large portion of a population in Medina.
• Prophet describes them as favourites of Allah as they will receive the splendid
reward. As the Quran says:
➢ “Those who believed and those who suffered exile, and fought in
the path of Allah; they had a hope of the mercy of Allah.” (Chp 2,
verse 218)
2. The Muslims of Medina, who received and helped the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬after his migration from
Makah, were called Ansar-un-Nabi.
• The emigrants were generally poor and mainly dependent upon the support and
help of Ansar of Medina.
3. In the first year of Hijrat. Prophet assembled the Ansar and Muhajrin in the house of
Hazrat Anas-bin-Malik and created a unique bond between Ansar and Muhajirin known
as Mawakhat.
• Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬himself tied about sixty people. In to the bond of brotherhood.
• As Hazrat Hamza became the brother of Zaid-bin-Haris.
• Hazrat Abu Bakr became the brother of Kharja-bin-Zaid.
• Hazrat Umar became brother of Ataban-bin-Malik.
• Usman bin Affan became brother of Aws bin Sabit.
• Hazrat Abdur Rehman-bin-Auf became brother of Saad-bin-Rabi Ansari.
4. Hazrat Ali asked the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬:
➢ “You have arranged brothers among your companions. But you
have not arranged brother between me and anyone else.”
• Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬said to him:
➢ “You are my brother in this world and hereafter” (Tirmizi)

5. Ansar took their Muhajirin brothers to their houses and treated them hospitality and
shared all their possessions. The Holy Quran mentioned this in these words:
➢ “Those who believed and adopted exile, and fought for the faith,
with their property and their possessions, in the cause of Allah, as
well as for those who gave (them) asylum and aid, these are (all)
friends and protectors, one of another.” (Chp 8, verse 72)
• Soon Muhajirin took to trade and grew rich them; even the Ansaris had divorced
their one wife to settle their Muhajirin brothers.
• The emigrants and their hosts were united into a bond of brotherhood. This
proofed in practice to be a stronger then real brother.
• Even the enmity between the two tribes, Aus and Khizraj was forgotten, As
mentioned in the Holy Quran:
➢ “....And remember with gratitude Allah’s favour on you; for ye
were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His
grace, ye became brethren..... (Chp 3, verse 103)
6. Example of brotherhood:
• After creating brotherhood, Hazrat Saad-bin-Rabi took Abdur Rehman-bin-Auf to
his house.
• He was ready to divorce one of his wives and share his half of his wealth with
Abdur Rehman-bin-Auf.
• But Abdur Rehman-bin-Auf turned down his offer and said, Show me the way to
• He started his own business and soon became prosper in Medina.

The Charter of Madina

The Charter was basically divided into three parts:

I. Political Clauses.
II. Civic Clauses.
III. Religious Clauses.
Political Clauses:

• Muslims and Jews constitute one political Ummah against the whole
• The valley of Madina would be a place of peace for its citizens, Muslims or
• Muhammad (PBUH) would settle differences, controversies and disputes
between people.
• If there is any mischief, guidance will be sought from the Prophet (PBUH).
• No one in Madina could declare war without the permission of the Prophet
• Duties of War and Peace War and Peace shall be in common.
• The Jews and Muslims will help each other if someone attacks Madina.
• If the Jews and Muslims fight side-by-side, each will bear the cost.
• If either the Muslims or the Jews make peace, both will have to make
peace, except for religious wars.
• During Jihad, no Muslim will make peace with the enemy without others’
unanimous consent i.e. Muslims will be one body during war or peace.
• There will be love, faithfulness and fidelity between the Muslims and Jews.
• None may offer refuge to the life or property of the Quraish of Makkah.

Civic Clauses:
• Muhajirin and Ansar will be responsible for their own wards.
• Payment of blood money will be cooperative, while each will ransom their
prisoners separately.
• Muslims will rescue those deeply in debt.
• No Muslim will enter into direct relations with one who has already entered
into contract with another believer.
• Muslims will unanimously rise against tyranny, oppression and evil.
• No Muslim will assassinate another Muslim on behalf of an infidel, nor will
he help a non -Muslim against a Muslim.
• Whosoever kills a Muslim intentionally shall be retaliated against, unless
the victim’s relatives agree to accept blood money.
• No Believer will harbor a murderer, nor will he encourage him.
• He who has received a minor injury will not be stopped from retaliating.
• Whosoever murders will be responsible for his tribe and himself.
Religious Clauses:
• Muslims are brothers and will defend and offer refuge to each other. If a
Jew becomes a Muslim, he is equal to other Muslims and he will not be
• Muslims are in a political alliance with the Jews and are one with them.
• There is to be tolerance of religion between Jews and Muslims.
• Whoever breaches this clause is responsible for him and his family.
Effects of the Charter of Madina:
• Brought out complete transformation of the political, religious and civic life
of Madina.
• Established political unity and transformed a city of warring tribes into a
peaceful state.
• Introduced a complete civil and criminal law, gave equality to the common
• Protected the life and property of every man in Madina.
Significance of the Charter of Madina:
• It has been called the Magna Carta of early Islam.
• Through this Charter, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) planned to integrate Jews
who had fortified themselves in their castles and were trying to form a rule
of their own into the city-state of Madina. They could not be allowed to
start a civil war by breaking away from the state.
• The old system of loyalty to the tribe was to be replaced, as a tribe could
not guarantee protection beyond its own small confines. Also, tribes waged
wars without any law being imposed on them. This charter bound every
man in Madina to owe his allegiance to the state and the state alone on
matters like warfare and law and order. This effect went beyond just
Madina and eventually united the whole of Arabia.
• This Charter also bound the Muslims tightly into a single community, who
would live and die together.
Important Points about Madinah Treaty
1. According to this treaty, Muslims were considered as an Ummah and Jews were
considered as an Ummah and both had the equal rights.
2. Each group had total religious freedom.
3. No one will be punished for what he is but he will be punished for what he did.
4. Madinah became an Islamic federation and Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was its ruler.

Events of 2nd year of Hijrat

I. Fasting:
1. During the first year of Hijrat the fast were not enjoined for the Muslims.
• Muslims kept fast on Ashura (9th or 10th of Muharam) in second year of Hijrat, at
the end of the 18th month of HijratFasting was established as an obligatory ritual
in the month of Ramadan.
• The Quran says:
➢ “O you who believe fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to
these before you. So that you may learn self-resistant.” (Chp 2, verse 183)

II. Zakat:
1. The payment of Zakat was also made obligatory upon all Muslims. In the
following words:
➢ “And spend of your substance. In the cause of Allah do good for Allah love
those who do good.”(2:95)
2. The Sadiqat al Fitar was also enforced and the first congregational Eid Prayer
was also offered in the same year. Furthermore the sacrifice on the occasion of Eid ul
Azha was also prescribed. The Holy Prophet offer Eid prayer and sacrifice a goat.

III. Change of Kiblah :

In Makah, the Muslims used to pray facing the direction of the mosque of Al-
Aqsa and Jerusalem. According to Abdullah bin Abbas the Qibla was Masjid Aqsa
when Salat was made obligatory in Makkah.
• In Medina they continued to do so, over sixteen months.
• In 2 A.H, Where the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬was leading the Asar prayer. He was ordered
to pray facing the direction of the Kaabah.
• Hence, Kaabah became the religious centre for the Muslims. The Holy Prophet‫ﷺ‬
and the congregation immediately turned their faces towards Kaabah.
• The mosque is known as Masjid-e-Qiblah Tain. The Quran says:
➢ “We see the turning of your face for guidance to the heavens. Now shall we
turned you to a Qiblah that shall please you turned then you face in the direction of
the secret mosque.” (Chp 2, verse 144)

Battle of Badr


1. During the first thirteen year of his mission. The Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬had to deal
with one enemy, the pagans of Quraish. They eventually forced him to leave
• But in Medina, he had to face the enemies from the three sides.
• First were the Quraish, who were determining to crush the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his
followers. As they have seen their raise in prestige.
• So as the custodian of Kaabah it was the social and economic threat for them. They
demand the Ansar of Madinah to drive the Muslim out. Their demand was turned
down by the Ansar, which enraged the Quraish.
2. Secondly, there were the Jews who had entered into a treaty with the Holy
• But Jews were working against the interest of the treaty.
3. The third were the Hypocrites in Medina, Who only paid lip services.
• But they were working against the Muslims.

4. Quraish wrote a letter to Abdullah-bin-Ubay either to kill the Holy Prophet‫ﷺ‬

or to expel them from Medina.
• Quraish hired Qurz-bin-Jabair, Who was a Bedouin chief to raid Medina.
• But he was failed to gain any success another important fight took place at
Nakhlah. It lies between Makah and the Taif.
• As Qurz-bin-Jubair raid Prophet‫ ﷺ‬sent a party of eight men headed by Abdullah-
bin-Jash to keep an eye on the Quraish.
• And Quraish also came with a caravan headed by Amr-bin-Hazrmi a prominent
Quraish leader.
• Abdullah bin Jash and his companions came across with this Quraish caravan.
• Quraish Chief Amr-bin-Hazrmi was killed and two of his companions were
captured but one escaped to Makkah.
• Abdullah bin Jash returned to Madinah with the prisoners and booty.
• The Holy Prophet was displeased with him for fighting.
• As the events were fast moving Muslims were given the permission often the Jihad
against the unbelievers.
➢ “Fight in the cause of Allah, those who fights you.”
5. Abu Sufyan, a rich and influential leader of Quraish was returning from Syria with
a caravan.
• Carving merchandise, he sent a man “zam zam-bin-Umar” with a letter for help.
• He asked Quraish to send an armed expedition to escort him to home, as he did not
want to take risk of interference from the Muslims.
• On his way Quraish dispatched an army of 1000 men join the sufyan is in Syria
under the leadership of Abu Jahl.
• Once Abu Jahl insisted on advancing to Medina. Quraish stopped at Badr which
was a village.
6. Badr was a village about eighty miles from Medina.
• They came with a huge amount of food supply,
• They have arrived at Badr first so they occupied all the important positions.

Events of War

1. On the other hand, When the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬learnt that the Quraish were advancing
towards Medina, with intention to attack.
• He immediately called the Muslims to take necessary steps.
• There were only 313 men, all with 2 horses, 70 camels and few sowrds.
• While the Quraish had 200 horses, 700 camels and an equipped army.
2. Prophet‫ ﷺ‬appointed Ibn-e-Umm-e-Makhtum as deputy in Medina.
• He announced Hazrat Musab-bin-Umair as a general commander.
• And divided the army into the two parts Muhajirin and Ansar.
• Muhajirin flag was given to Hazrat Ali-bin-Abu Talib.
• Ansar flag was given to Saad-bin-Muaz and marched toward Badr.
3. When the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬and his companions reached Badr they were ill
equipped and the place which they occupied had no water.
• Before the Battle started Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬prayed to Allah to help them against
enemies of Islam.
• The prayer was heavenly accepted and heavenly assistance was promised in these
➢ (Remember) when you made a humble supplication toAllah for help and Allah
granted your supplication (saying):“I will help you with one thousand angels
coming one after another in succession.” (Chp 8, verse 9)
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• Meanwhile, there was a heavy rain and Muslims collected sufficient water.
• On the Muslims side the land was sandy it, became cool due to the rain.
• Quraish were encamped on hard soil, so their land became marshy.
4. Before the battle started Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬prospered before Allah and prayed:
➢ “O Allah, If this small band of men perish, there will be no one alive to
worship You, and Your faith will be destroyed forever.”
• As the Battle started with Mubazarat (1 to 1 contest or fight)
5. From the Quraish side Utba, Sheeba, Waleed-bin-Utba came out.
• From the Muslim side Abu Ubayda, Hamza and Ali fought respectively.
• Muslims won this contest.
• Afterward the general battle started.
6. Muslims fought courageously. Regarding these two ill-matched army the
Quran says:
➢ “There has already been for you a sign in the two armies that met (in
combat): one fighting in the cause of Allah, the other resisting Allah; these saw
with their own eyes twice their number. But Allah doth support with His aid
whom He pleaseth---.” (Chp 3, verse 13)
➢ Ali narrated that the Prophet said to me and Abu Bakar · “One of you had
Jibril and other Mikail) with you and Israfil is noble angel who comes to battles
also.” (Musnad Ahmad)
➢ Ibn Abbas · narrated: “One Muslim was fighting with a disbeliever in the
battle of Badr, the Muslim heard the sound of lashes being inflicted upon the
disbeliever. Then the disbeliever fell dead. The Muslim saw that the nose and
face of the disbeliever were broken as if someone has inflicted lashes upon him.
This Muslim related the matter to the Prophet. The Prophet said, “What you are
describing is true, it was help from Allah.” (Muslim)
• Allah granted victory to the Muslims, Quraish flooded by this order by leaving a
large number of dead and wounded Quraish people on the battlefield.
7. In all the battle seventy of the Quriash were killed including Abu Jahl, Who
was killed by Muaz-bin-Umro and Muaz-bin-Afra and beheaded (cut off neck) by
• Utba, Sheeba, Waleed and Umaya-bin-Khalaf were killed.
• Umaya bin Khalaf was killed by Hazrat Bilal.
• Seventy were taken prisoners.

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• As Holy Prophet’s uncle Abbas, Hazrat Ali’s brother Aqeel, Prophet’s son in law
Abul Aas and son of Abu Jahl, Shurabil., Aqba bin Abi Moeet.
• In this battle fourteen Muslims became martyrs. Six were emigrants and eight
were from the Ansar.
8. The Quran remember this victory in these words:
➢ “Allah had helped you at Badr, when you were a contemptible little force.”
(Chp 3, verse 123)
• Muslims got a heavy amount of booty.
• In Medina, the captives were dealt with mercy all those who paid ransom were
freed after payment.
• The poor and the old were freed without ransom.
• Those who could read or write were charged with the duty of Muslim students
against their freedom.

Effects and Importance of Battle of Badr:

1. Victory of good forces over the evil.

• This battle was a struggle between the forces of the old paganism of the Jahliya
period and the new social and political order of Islam.
• If the Quraish won the battle they would have destroyed Islam and left Arabia in
Jahliya period.
• As a result, Arabia has not flourish as a centre of Muslim culture. It was a deceived
2. This battle was one of the most important battles in the world. Never before had
such a small found a man brought about such a change in the history.
• This was the first time went superior tragedy hold back the brute force of number.
3. Consolidation of Islam:
• This battle gave Islam a glory and prestige that for way looked and way of Islam
had proven self against the Makkans that it could not be browbeaten into
• In Medina, Prophethood of the Holy Prophetpbuh as only Gods hand could have held
• Such a strong force of the pagans of the Quraish.
• Muhammad’s rule was finally absolute.

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• Many nomadic tribes since the changing winds, and flopped under the banners of
4. Decimation of the Quraish leadership:
• Some eleven leaders of the Quraish were killed.
• Abu Lahab, Who didn’t participated in the Battle of Badr he also died due to the
fever a week later.
• Since the ruling clan, Banu Makhzum, had lost so many leaders, in result the
leadership of Makah temporarily pass on to the Banu Ummaya.
• Banu Ummaya surviving chief, Abu Sufyan was now the leader of the Makans.
• Quran describes this day as the day of testing.(Chp 8, verse 14)
• And a sign of Allah (Chp 3, verse 13)

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Battle of Uhad

1. Revenge; after Badr Muslims got firm footing in Medina and the importance of the
city became to raise the Quraish consider this raise a threat to their political and
commercial interest.
• Quraish could not forget their defeat at Badar and they wanted to take the
revenge of their leaders. They donated all the assets of Abu Sufyan’s
caravan which consist of one thousand camels and fifty thousand dinars.
Allah mentioned about it in the Qur’an Surah Al-Anfal 8:36.

• Jews of Madinah with their jealousy and treacherous activities, and the
hypocrites with their mischiefs became more bitter enemies of Muslims. Al-
Maidah 5:82
➢ “Among the people you will surely find the strongest in enmity to
the believers are Jews and idolaters.”
• The mourning ceremonies continued for the whole year and they used all
their resources to prepare another avenging fight.
• Kaab bin Ashraf of the Jewish tribe of Banu Nazir went to Makkah to join
the mourning ceremonies.

• He and the other Jewish poets instigate the Quraish to fight against the
Muslims in order to take revenge by writing poems.
• Hazrat Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib informed the Prophet about it by a letter.

2. Abu Sufyan, the Quraish leader went to the Jews of Banu Nazir for seeking help
and Banu Nazir promised to help them.
• Some other tribes were also invited to join the war.
• Finally the force of 3000 men left for Medina.
• There were also eight women as cheer leaders and to excite the men for
• When the Holy Prophet came to know he consulted with his companions.
• Majority were in the favor that we should go out of Medina to meet the

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• The Prophet’s opinion was that the Muslims should fight against the enemy
by staying in Madinah. Abdullah bin Ubbay had same opinion although his
intention was completely different. He wanted to stay away from war
without others noticing him.
• Although, Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬have the different opinion.
• By accepting the majority opinion. Prophet‫ ﷺ‬prepared the army of 1000 men
leaving Ibn-e-Umm-e-Makhtum as deputy in Medina.
• On the other hand, Quraish encamped at the foot hill known as Uhad.
• On the way, Abdullah-bin-Ubay, deserted with 300 of his men on the excuse
that the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬had turned down suggestion.
• This alarming incident left the Muslims with only 700 men.
• Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬moved his army unobserved to the higher ground on the
western slop.
• This had two advantages:
i. The enemy would have difficulty in advancing through the rising
ground, while the Muslims could attack with ease and in case of retreat
Muslims could ascend the uphill.
ii. The Quraish had to face the sunlight, while attacking on the Muslims.

Prophet Used a very sound war plan.
3. Prophet divided the army into three parts:
i.Muhajirin. ii. Ansar
(Ansar was further divided into: )
ii.Aus ii. Khizraj
• The flag of Muhajirin was given to Hazrat Musab-bin-Umair.
• The Aus flag was given to Hazrat Usaid-bin-Huzair.
• The Khizraj flag was given to Hazrat Khubab-bin-Munzir.
• Prophet‫ ﷺ‬appointed fifty archers to protect the past of Uhad under the
command of Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Jubair.
• He instructed all the archers not to leave the pass under any
• So that the enemy may not attack from behind.
4. Abu Sufyan was the Commander in Chief.
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• Khaled bin Waleed, Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal, Safwan bin Umayyah, and
Abdullah bin Rabia were his commanders.
• Abd Al-Dar family carried their flag.
• Abu Sufyan said to Ansar, “Leave us alone to fight our cousins. In that
case we will not fight you.”
• The Ansar gave him a very bitter answer.
• In the meanwhile, Quraish women started exciting their army with their
songs and the battle started.
5. Battle started with Mubazarat (1 to 1 contest).
• Hazrat Ali killed Talha of Abu Ad-dur family.
• Hazrat Hamza killed Talha’s brother Usman.
• Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Hamza, Hazrat Zubair fought courageously and
• They killed and wounded many worriers of the Quraish even the
Quraish started to flee away from the battlefield leaving a great deal of booty.
• Khalid bin Waleed attacked the Muslims army three times with his
horsemen but the archers performed very well and thwarted his strong
• Idolaters were defeated and there was no one from them even to carry
their flag.
• The archers, appointed in the pass Uhad left their places, without
following the instructions of the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬to collect the booty.
• Khalid-bin-Waleed, the head of the enemy cavalry found the opening
in the mountain undefended. He attack from behind, the Muslims force was
taken by surprise.
• Now, the Prophet had two options:
(a) To flee for his life and abandon the army
(b) At the risk of his life, he gathers the Muslims and try to take
shelter in Uhud Mountain.
• He followed the second option and called out the Muslims loudly although
he knew his voice will be noticed by the idolaters before it reached the
Muslims. The idolaters recognized him and reached that position even before
the other Muslims could do so.
• The enemy tried to reach the Holy Prophet‫ ;ﷺ‬Utba bin Abi Waqas hit
the Prophet with stone, while Abdullah bin Shahab injured the Prophet
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forehead. Abdullah bin Qamiah hit so hard that two rings penetrated in to
Holy cheek.Where the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬was wounded in the head and face and
lost one of his teeth.
• There were nine companions like Saad bin Abi Waqas, Talha bin
Ubaid Ullah, Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali, and Abu Dujana made a defensive circle
around the Prophet‫ﷺ‬.
• With the death of Hazrat Musab-bin-Umair, his face was familiar
with the Holy Prophet‫ﷺ‬. The enemy raise the cry that the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬was
killed and confusion increased
• However, the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬stood firm and reassembled the Muslims.
• Soon more support came and Prophetpbuh was taken to the protected
6. In this battle Hazrat Hamza was brutally and treacherously killed by
Wahshi-bin-Arab (the slave of Hinda and wife of Abu Sufyan)
• Hinda mutilated the bodies and chewed the liver of Hazrat Hamza.
In order to avenge her father Utba, killed by Hazrat Hamza in battle of Badr.
• Hazrat Hamza got the title of “Syed-du-Shuhda”.
• The fighting was less one sided.
• Both parties were extremely exhausted and soon prepared to leave the
battlefield. When Abu Sufyan was leaving, he climbed on mount of Uhud
and said, “We will meet again at Badr next year.”
Participation of Muslim Women
• When the fighting was finished some Muslim women came to the
battlefield carrying water bags on their shoulder and they served water to
the wounded people.
• Among them were Aisha, Umm Sulaim, Umm Saleeth, and Umm Ayman.
• “Fatimah washed the wound of her father while Ali poured water from a
• The Holy Quran mentioned this battle in these words:
➢ “Allah did indeed fulfil His promise to you, when ye, with His
permission, were about to annihilate your enemy, until ye
flinched and fell to disputing about the order and disobeyed it
after He brought you in sight (of the booty) which ye covet.
Among you are some that hanker after this world and some that
desire the Hereafter__.” (Chp 3, verse 152)
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Effects and importance:
(For Muslims)
7. Several Muslim leaders has fallen or died/martyred in the battlefield.
• Like Hazrat Hamza and Musab-bin-Umair.
• The fall in prestige of Muslims, Due to this the Quraish immediately
exploit this.
• The Quraish roused Bedouin tribes against Muslims; as a result, some
cancelled their alliance with Medina and defected to Makah.
• The Quraish offered strong reward to those who would kill Muslims.
• As the tribes of Banu Amir and Banu Salim invited seventy Muslims
teachers to preach among them, but murdered them at the well of Mauna.
• If Badr had enhanced the confidence of Muslims, Uhad sobered and
chastened them.
• It taught them that the inherent, Arab love of plunder was less
important than the Holy Prophet’s order. The Quran says:
➢ “Be not cast down neither be ye grieved. Ye shall be yet
victorious, if ye are the true believers.” (Chp 3, verse 133)
• This defeat brought the home, the supreme fact of Muhammad’s
mortality. The Quran says:
➢ “Muhammad is no more than a messenger: many were the
messengers that passed away before him. If he died or were slain
will ye then turn back on your heels?.....” (Chp 3,verse 144)
(For the non-Muslims)
8. Even though their personal motive of revenge were satisfied. They had not
assaulted Medina and destroyed Islam from the routes.
• A lot of money of spent on preparing for the battle was wasted because
there primary objective to capture of Medina, was not completed.
• The post Badr anger and hated of makan population for the Muslims
was spent and they could never be roused up into such a favor again.
• Medina could stilled deny them passaged for their caravan.

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Was the Battle of Uhud a Victory or a Defeat?
1. If we only look at the number of people killed on each side, then it was a
defeat for the Muslims (70 martyrs from Muslims, 22 killed from disbelievers)
2. If we examine the goals and objectives of both sides, then the goal of the
Muslims was to defend Madinah which they achieved. The goal of the idolaters was
to totally finish the Muslims which they did not achieve.
3. Which side stayed in the battlefield till the end? Muslims or disbelievers?
From this point of view the Muslims were not defeated.
4. Muslims took one disbeliever as prisoner and the disbelievers could not take
any Muslim as prisoner.
5. After the battle of Uhud, the Muslims pursued the disbelievers and not vice
versa. Hence Muslims were superior to the disbelievers in this respect.
6. Muslims stayed in there for three days while the idolaters/disbelievers
continued their way back home to Makkah. Hence those who stayed were superior
to those who travelled back to their land.
7. The trade route of idolaters remained the same. So, their problem was not
8. According to Ibn Qayyum, the confession of Ikrimah, the leader of
disbelievers (i.e. they did not achieve their main goal and also did not win the hearts
of their women) is the most important proof of the defeat of the disbelievers. Hence
the battle of Uhud was neither a victory nor a defeat, since Muslims did not achieve
what they wished and the disbelievers did not achieve anything.
9. Last but not the least, Umar bin Khattab · said to Abu Sufyan at the end of
the battle, “Our martyrs are in Paradise and the dead bodies of disbelievers are in
Hell”, shows the ultimate success of the Muslims.

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1. In Badr the unclean people were the idolaters and in Uhud the unclean people
were the hypocrites and the disbelievers.
2. Allah said about Badr in Al-Anfal 8:8
“That He may prove the (real) truth clearly and prove the falsehood as false,
even though the criminals (disbelievers) hate it.”
Allah said about Uhud in Ale Imran 3:167
“And also to let the hypocrites be known (openly).”
3. Hence Allah saved the Muslims from the dispute when they obeyed Allah with
sincerity in Badr.
Note that dispute is always a bad thing but it is terrible in a battlefield.
In spite of the disobedience of Muslims in Uhud, Allah said at the end of the verse
“Allah has, indeed, forgiven you, and Allah is Most Gracious to the believers.”
For example, Saad bin Mu’adh said to the Prophet in Badr, “Even if you take us
into the sea, we will follow you.”
On the other hand, Abdullah bin Ubay said to the Prophet at the time of Uhud,
“You did not follow my advice; hence I do not want to follow you.” And after that
he returned to Madinah with his three hundred followers and caused confusion
among the Muslims. Moreover, the Muslims had only a few weapons in Badr
even then they were willing to fight against the enemy. While in Uhud, Muslims
had lot of war equipment, but some of them were affected by worldly greed when
some archers started collecting booty.
5. At the time of Badr, most of the leaders of idolaters were killed. It was a
miracle of Allah. On the other hand in Uhud, the many leaders of idolaters
eventually embraced Islam (e.g. Khalid bin Waleed, Abu Sufyan, Ikrimah bin Abu
Jahal, Safwan bin Umayyah).
Only Allah knows who will get guidance and when. Khalid bin Waleed became
“the Sword of Allah”.
6. Even the best Muslim has to work hard to achieve success. For example, even
the Prophet, who is the best human being, was struggling hard even when he was
injured. Hence to taste a success we have to go through several hard tests.
7. The most important lesson of the battle of Uhud is that if we disobey Allah and
His Prophet and prefer the worldly life, then defeat and shame will cover us.

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Battle of Trench (5 AH)
1. In response to Abu Sufyan challenge at the battle of Uhad, Muhammad took an arm
force of 1500 men with wares and merchandise went to Badr.
• The Muslim maintained a camp for eight days. But the Quraish did not meet the
• The Muslim traded and bartered there merchandise and earned a heavy profit.
• When Quraish came to know about the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬stay at Badr, they became
2. After the battle of Uhad the Muslims were able to regain their formal position.
• The Quraish could not reconcile themselves with the growing power of Muslims
because they felt it was a threat to their social and religious position as well as
their commercial prosperity.
• The exiled Jewish tribe of Banu Nazir which had settled in Khyber allied itself
with Quraish.
• With the help of Jews and their own gold, the Quraish succeeded in forming a
formidable of alliances.
• Banu Ashja, Banu Murra, Banu Fezara, Banu Salim and Banu Ghatafan
joined the Quraish with army of the 10000 men under the command of Abu
Sufyan. Quraish marched to Medina.
• Friendly tribes of Banu Khuza informed Muhammad of departure of allied army.
3. Friendly tribes of Banu Khuza informed Muhammad of departure of allied
4. The eastern and the western side were not suitable for fight as the surface of
the land consisted mainly of volcanic stony rocks.

• The southern side of Medina was also ill-suited threatened as Abu Sufyan also
asked Banu Quraiza to attack from inside.
• When the news came to the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬he consulted his companions in the council
of war and ask for suggestion.
• Hazrat Suleiman Farsi gave a suggestion to the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬that:

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➢ “O Messenger of Allah, when we were attacked in the land of Farris
(Persia) and we feared the approach of horses and when we were
surrounded, we would build trenches around us.”
• So the Muslims dug a trench along the northern part of Medina.
• Its depth was fifteen feet and length was three mile.
• Prophet‫ ﷺ‬himself participated in the digging of the trench.
• The trench was barely finished within 9 to 10 days.
5. The allied forces were confident of an easy and quick victory. They advanced
determinedly upon the city.
• They came to an abrupt halt when they found a deep and long trench they were
puzzled and surprised.
• They thought that this was a cowardly un-Arabic way to fight.
• The siege of Medina lasted for 30 days.
• The Bedouins who had expected a quick victory and bountiful plunder were
dishearten and left them.
• There was a mighty attack on Muslims from all side for this reason this battle is
also called Battle of Ahzab or the Battle of Allies. The Holy Quran says:
➢ “Behold! they came on you from above you and from below you, and
behold! the eyes became dim and the hearts gaped up to the throats,
and ye imagined various (vain) thoughts about Allah! In that situation
were the Believers tried: they were shaken as by a tremendous
shaking.” (Chp 33, verse 10-11)
• To counter the situation Abu Sufyan asked Banu Quraiza to help
• At this alarming situation, Hazrat Saad-bin- Muaz remind them the charter of
• Hazrat Saad also informed Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬about this situation as a precautionary
Prophet osted a small detachment to keep on the Jewish movement.
6. One day a party of a Quraish tried to cross the trench on horseback at a weak spot
but they were repelled.

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• One day a Quraish wrestler Umar-bin-Abdu tried to cross the trench. But was
killed by Hazrat Ali.
• Allah sent the help for Muslims in the form of Naeem-bin- Masood, from tribe
Banu Ghatafan, he met with the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬secretly and accepted Islam.
• He asked the Holy Prophet that: what he can do in the interest of Islam. Prophet‫ﷺ‬
proposed him to sow the seeds on disunity between Jew and Quraish.
Miracles during Digging of the Trench
1. Jabir bin Abdullah noticed the signs of extreme hunger on the Prophet. He
sacrificed a small goat and baked bread with about 2.5 kilo barley and then invited
the Prophet to his home. He requested the Prophet to bring with him a few of his
Companions also. The Prophet however, took one thousand of his Companions
with him to Jabir’s home. The Prophet made dua. All the Companions ate to their
fill and still there was left over meat and bread. Jabir’s tribe was Banu Haram)
These days there is a masjid at this site of Banu Haram called masjid Banu Haram.
2. Naaman bin Basheer’s ( sister brought some dates for her brother and maternal
uncle to the battlefield. The Prophet borrowed those dates from her and spread
them on a piece of cloth and then invited the participants of this battle to eat from
these. When the Companions ate those dates, they increased in number
automatically and were even falling outside the edge of the cloth.
3. Bara bin Azib narrated: “We came across an unbreakable rock during the
digging of the trench. We reported this problem to the Prophet. The Prophet took
the spade and struck the rock after reciting the Name of Allah, one third of it was
broken. The Prophet said, ‘I have been given keys of Syria. By Allah, I am seeing
the red palaces of Syria.’ The Prophet struck the rock second time and two third of
it broke and the Prophet said, ‘I have been given keys of Persia. I am seeing white
palaces of Madain) (.’ Then the Prophet struck the rock third time and the rest of it
broke into pieces and the Prophet said, ‘I have been given the keys of Yemen. I
swear by Allah, I can see the gates of Sana) (standing at the spot here.” In other
words, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬predicted that the Muslims will conquer powerful dynasties
of Syria, Persia and Yemen.
7. Abu Sufyan lacked the will power to carry an aggressive and massive attacks to cross
the trench moreover they had shortage of food.
• The siege lasted for a month during which Muslims had to face hunger, cold and
constant attack from the enemy.
• Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬prayed for help to Allah. Allah, however, came to the help of the
Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬and the Muslims.
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• One night, there was piercing blast of cold wind, the enemy tents were turn up.
The fire was extinguished, the sand and rain beat in their faces.
• The enemy sicken by cold and terror from the serve storm and withdrew in cutter
• Holy Quran mentioned this in the following words:
➢ “O ye believe! Remember the Grace of Allah (bestowed) on you, when
there came down on you hosts (to overwhelm): but when We sent
against them a hurricane and forces that ye saw not. But Allah sees
(clearly) all that ye do.” (Chp 33, verse 9)
Expulsion of Banu Quraiza:
• As the people of Banu Qurayza had exhibited open betrayal and hostility
• Muslims at the time of the Battle of the Ditch which was a violation of the
pact that they had signed with them, Muhammad (PBUH) besieged their
fortresses for 25 days.
• Bani Qurayza offered to leave Madina on the same terms as the other two
Jewish tribes,but this offer was rejected.
• Their allies, Aus, pleaded with Muhammad (PBUH) to be lenient with the
Bani Qurayza.
• Muhammad (PBUH) offered the Jews a chance to be judged by a person
from their allied tribe, Aus.The Holy Prophet (PBUH) nominated Hazrat
Saad bin Muaz for this task.
• Hazrat Saad, according to the Torah, sentenced all the Jewish men to death,
and declared that the women and children be sold as slaves.
• Accordingly, 600-700 Jewish men were executed for their treachery.
• Allah, the Exalted, says in the Holy Quran:
“And those of the people of the Scripture who backed them (the disbelievers),
Allah brought them down from their forts and cast terror into their hearts,
(so that) a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them) you made
captives And He caused you to inherit their lands, and their houses, and
their riches……” (33:25-27)

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Reasons for the Quraishite defeat:
• Lack of reconnaissance and intelligence before the Quraishite
army set out for war.
• The ditch was a puzzling and disheartening obstacle for the
Quraish. Once again, superior strategy stood the test of numbers.
• The Quraishite did not carry enough food supply to provide for
the army over a long period of time.
• Despite their large numbers, there was no unity between the
various tribes. Only the lucrative prospect of plunder kept them
united for some time.
• Secret agents of the Muslims had sowed disunity between the
Jews and the Quraish.
• Abu Sufyan lacked the will power to carry through an aggressive
and massed attack to cross the ditch in force.
Effects of the Battle of Ditch:
1. This war impoverished the Quraish and they had no funds left to fight
another major war.
2. The prestige of the Quraish fell sharply and their allies abandoned them
with disgust.
3. The aggressive spirit of the Quraish was finally and completely spent.
4. Madina still held the jugular of the Quraish, the Syrian trade routes, in its
5. This disastrous defeat brought about a silent revolution in the leadership of
the Quraish. The Makhzum once again replaced the Umayyads. The hostile
Makhzum prevented the pacified Umayyads from making a settlement with
Muhammad (PBUH).
6. Expulsion of Jews from Madina.

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• Bani Nadir and Bani Qurayza had the best agricultural lands in Madina.
• The Jews of Madina had close relations with the powerful settlement of Jews in
• Pre-Hijrat Arabs of Yasrib clashed with the Jews because:
I) Bani Qaynuqa, who were goldsmiths and bankers, were loan sharks. They
practiced usury, which was banned in Islam.
II) Bani Nadir and Bani Qurayza had the best lands; the land-hungry Arabs
yearned for a fair division of the extremely fertile lands around Madina.
Muhammad (PBUH)’s attempts at a settlement with the Jews:
• According to the Charter of Madina:

I) Muslims and Jews formed one political Ummah or State.

II) The allies and clients of Jews enjoyed the security and freedom given to the

III) Jewish citizens would have the same rights as Muslims citizens of Madina.
IV) Jews could practice their religion as freely as the Muslims.
• Besides, these provisions were made to strengthen the bond between Muslims
and Jews:
I) The Jews’ holy city, Jerusalem, was the Qibla of the Muslims.
II) Muslims kept fast on Ashura.
III) Muslims also prayed at the time of Jewish mid-day worship.
IV) Muslims were allowed to eat food with Jews.
V) Muslims were allowed to marry Jewish women.
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Jewish attempts to provoke the Muslims:
• Jewish poets satirized Muhammad (PBUH), the Quran and Muslim women.
• Jews intentionally mispronounced the Quran, changing its meaning and
committing blasphemy.
• Finally, these steps were taken against the Jews, before extraditing them:
I) Qibla was changed from Jerusalem to Makkah.
II) Fasting was enjoined in the month of Ramadan.
III) Jews were denounced for altering the words of their Torah and corrupting
their own religion.

Expulsion of Bani Qaynuqa (February, 624 AD) – After Badr:

• Bani Qaynuqa were goldsmiths and bankers. They lent Muslims money and
charged heavy interest on it, which was against the Muslim law.
• A Muslim woman went to a Qaynuqite goldsmith’s shop to buy some gold
ornaments; A Jew pinned her skirt to her dress; when the woman got up, her back
was bared and nearby Jews jeered lewdly; on this, a Muslim man killed a laughing
Jew; the rest of the Jews killed the Muslim man.
• Muhammad (PBUH) hoisted the white banner with which the Muslims had
fought at Badr and lay siege to the fortress-houses of the Jews.
• After a siege of 15 days, Jews surrendered.
• Muhammad (PBUH) gave all 400 men a death sentence. Abdullah bin Obay
came to their rescue.
• Finally, Bani Qaynuqa was expelled from Madina.
• Muslims received the Jews’ goldsmith tools and household goods.
• Allah, the Exalted, says in the Holy Quran :
• “O you who believe! Take not as your advisors those outside your religion since
they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely.
Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is
far worse…..” (3:118)
Expulsion of Bani Nadir (June, 625 AD) – After Uhad:
• The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and a number of Companions went together to
Banu Nadir, one of the three Jewish tribe of Madina.
• Their purpose was to ask them to help pay blood money for two people that were
killed from Banu Amir tribe.
• The giving of such help was binding upon Banu Nadir; one of the conditions of
the peace pact they made with the Muslims was that they would help in the matter
of blood money.

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• Apparently the Jews showed willingness to help the Muslims, but when the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) was sitting beside the wall of one of their houses, seeing how
vulnerable he was, their leaders said to one another, “Indeed, you will never again
find the man to be in a similar situation. Who among us will climb this house and
throw a large stone at him, thus freeing us from him.”
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was informed of this plan through revelation. He
instantly left the place and then sent Muhammad bin Maslamah Ansari to convey
to them the message that he knew precisely what it was that they were plotting.
• Muhammad (PBUH) gave the Jews an ultimatum telling them to leave Madina
within ten days, with half of the agricultural produce of their lands.
• After a siege of 14 days, Jews departed with as much as they could carry on their
• Their lands were divided between the Muhajireen and 2 destitute Ansar.
• Some of the Bani Nadir settled in Khyber and later conspired with the Quraish
before the Battle of the Ditch.
Expulsion of Bani Qurayza (March, 627 AD) – After Battle of the Ditch:
• As the people of Banu Qurayza had exhibited open betrayal and hostility
towards Muslims at the time of the Battle of the Ditch which was a violation of
the pact that they had signed with them, Muhammad (PBUH) besieged their
fortresses for 25 days.
• Bani Qurayza offered to leave Madina on the same terms as the other two Jewish
tribes, but this offer was rejected.
• Their allies, Aus, pleaded with Muhammad (PBUH) to be lenient with the Bani
• Muhammad (PBUH) offered the Jews a chance to be judged by a person from
their allied tribe, Aus.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) nominated Hazrat Saad bin Muaz for this task.
• Hazrat Saad, according to the Torah, sentenced all the Jewish men to death, and
declared that the women and children be sold as slaves.
• Accordingly, 600-700 Jewish men were executed for their treachery.
• Allah, the Exalted, says in the Holy Quran:
“And those of the people of the Scripture who backed them (the disbelievers),
Allah brought them down from their forts and cast terror into their hearts, (so that)
a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them) you made captives And He
caused you to inherit their lands, and their houses, and their riches……” (33:25-

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Treaty of Hudaibiya(6 AH)
1. After the battle of trench, Quraish power was completely broke down.
• A year after in 628 A.D,6 AH, Prophetpbuh saw a dream of his visit to Kaabah.
• Therefore he decided to go to Makah for the performance of Ummrah. The Quran
➢ “Truly did Allah fulfill the vision for His Messenger: ye shall enter the
Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills, with minds secure, - and without fear
.” (Ch 48, verse 27)
• He told the Muslims that they were to go with him to Makah to perform Ummrah.
• This news filled the Muhajreen with joy as they had not seen their cities for the
past six years.
• Muslims wore the traditional pilgrim garb. With only a sheeted sword for the self-
defense, which was the usual attire of pilgrims in those days.
• Prophet took 70 camels with them to sacrifice to Allah.
• About 1400 Muslims left for the pilgrimage.
• Some villagers whose faith was weak were left behind.
• Ibn e Umm e Makhtom was made the incharge of Madinah.
• They set out for Makah in February 628 A.D, 6 A.H in the month of Zulqada.
• Hazrat Umm e Salma also accompanied the Prophet.
• When the Prophet and his Companions reached Dhu Al-Hulaifah, they put
on Ihram (the pilgrim’s clothes)
• On the other hand, Makans refused to allow Muslims entry into Makah and
backed their claim with arms.
• This was unusual because Makans didn’t even keep their worst enemies away
from the Kaabah.
• Bloodshed was not allowed in the Holy months.
2. Proceeding towards Makah a detachment of the Makan cavalry was sent out under the
command of Khalid-bin-Waleed was sent out to intercept the Muslims who avoid
• Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬led his followers off the main road at a place called Hudaibiya, 3
miles away from Makah.
• The Holy Prophet’s camel stopped off on account, at the place Thaniyat Al
• Takings this as a sign from Allah, Muslims made a camp at this place.
• Hudaibiya is just inside the sacred perimeter around the Holy Kaabah.
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3. To negotiate with the Quraish Prophetpbuh sent Khirash-bin-Ummaya as a messenger
towards the Makans.
• When Khirash didn’t returned, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent another messenger. But he as
well did not return.
• Then Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent Hazrat Usman-bin-Affan, Uthman conveyed them
the Prophet’s message but they refused to permit Muslims to perform
• They, however, permitted Uthman to perform Umrah but Uthman declined
it saying, “It is not befitting for me to perform Umrah when the Prophet is
denied to perform it.”
• A rumor broke out that he had been killed.
• At this critical movement. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬realized that the Quraish were bent on
spilling the Muslim’s blood.
• As the Muslims were unarmed except, for their sword.
4. Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬collected all of his followers near the oasis of Rizwan.
• Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬took from the oath that they would lay down their lives in the way of
• Prophetpbuh himself took oath on the behalf of Usman, The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬put
his one hand over the other hand and said, “This is Uthman’s hand.”
• This oath is known as Bait-e-Rizwan.
• Regarding this oath the Quran says:
➢ “Allah’s Good Pleasure was on the Believers when they swore fealty
to thee under the tree: He knew what was in their hearts, and he sent
down tranquility to them: and He rewarded them with a speedy
victory.” (Chp 48, verse 18)

Terms of Treaty of Hudaibiya:

5. When the Quraish saw the firm determination of Muslims and the came to know about
Bait-e-Rizwan, they sent Sohail-bin-Umero for negotiation.
• After the several Quraish leaders arrived and the negotiation began.
• After a heated discussion,they agreed upon the following terms and it was called
treaty of Hudaibiya.
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i. Muslims would return to Medina this year.
ii. They would be permitted to come for the pilgrimage next year but would stay
only for 3 days in Makah.
iii. If a Quraish from Makah should join Muslim without permission. He would
be sent back to Makah.
iv. But if a Muslim from Medina went to Makah he would not be sent back.
v. Both parties were free to ally themselves with whomever they wished.
vi. There would be no fighting for 10 years.
vii. Whosoever wishes to join the Prophet, or enter into a treaty with him is
allowed to do so. Similarly whosoever wishes to join Quraish, or enter into a
treaty with them is allowed to do so. [According to this Banu Khazah joined
the Prophet and Banu Bakr joined the Quraish].
• Hazrat Ali wrote the treaty.

Disappointment of Muslims:
6. Many of the Muslims including Hazrat Umar were disappointed with the treaty because
on the actual document Quraish had refused to recognize Muhammadpbuh as the Prophet
of Allah and refused to write Muslim Tasmia. Instead they wrote ‘In the name of God’.
• Secondly they would have to return to Medina this year even though their beloved
city was in plain city .The clause regarding repatriation of people fleeing from
Makkah, in their eyes, was unfair and unjust.

Incident of Hazrat Abu Jandal:

• Moments before the treaty was actually signed, a Muslim escapee named
Hazrat Abu Jandal bin Suhail from Makkah reached Hudaybia.
• His father demanded his immediate return in the light of the new treaty.
• Even though Abu Jandal showed the Muslims his torture marks, they were
helpless and he was returned to his torturers.
• Muhammad (PBUH) consoled him and told him to put his trust in Allah.

Finishing State of Ihram

• Due to anger Muslims were not ready to perform the rights of Umrah but on
the suggestion of Hazrat Umm e Salmah Prophet himself started to perform
the rights of Umrah.
• Following the Prophet, Muslims performed the rites of Umrah at Hudaybia.

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• On the way back to Madina, Muhammad (PBUH) told the disheartened
Muslims that he had received this revelation from Allah, which filled
Hazrat Umar and the Muslims with joy:
• “Verily We have given unto thee a clear victory.”
• This treaty lasted for only 2 years and was broken by Quraish

Consequences of the Treaty:

1. “A clear victory”:
• On the way back to Madina, Muhammad (PBUH) told the disheartened
Muslims that he had received this revelation from Allah, which filled
Hazrat Umar and the Muslims with joy:
• “Verily We have given unto thee a clear victory.”

2. Settlement of the Iyes:

• After the Treaty of Hudaybia, Hazrat Abu Basir, a young Muslim, escaped
from Makkah and reached Madina. His captors came to Madina an received
him from the helpless Muslims. On the way back, Hazrat Abu Basir killed
one of them and escaped to the Red Sea cost, called Iyes. Soon, many other
Muslim escapees joined him and their band looted passing Makkan
caravans. They were beyond the jurisdiction of Madina and Makkah. This
forced the Makkans to cancel the repatriation clause.

3. Rise in prestige of Madina:

• As the Quraish had formally recognized the sovereign status of Madina, the
two states of Makkah and Madina were now equal in the eyes of the
Bedouin tribes who keenly started observing which way the balance of
power would tilt.

4. Punishment of Jews/Conquest of Khyber:
• Since the Quraish had become neutral in the struggle between the Jews and
Muslims, Muslims attacked the Jewish settlement of Khyber which had
become the hub of conspiracies against them and took it with ease in 7 A.H.

5. Recruitment of new converts:

• Since there was no longer a state of war between Makkah and Madina,
many Makkans came to Madina and mingled with the populace. Most
converted to Islam. Thus, Islam won many important people like Hazrat
Khalid bin Walid and Hazrat Amr bin al-As.

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6. Creation of conducive atmosphere for preaching Islam to Rulers around
• As the hostilities had ceased and the ten-year truce between the Quraish and
the Muslims brought much awaited peace and normalcy, Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) could now put across his message to the rulers of
Abyssinia, Bahrain, Roman Empire, Persian Empire,
• Oman, Damascus and Yamanah. It was something which was totally
inconceivable before this treaty was signed with the bitterest enemies of
• The proof of this “clear victory” is that though Muhammad (PBUH) went to
Makkah with 1400 men in 628 AD, three years later he went with 10,000.

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Letters of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to different Rulers asking
them to Embrace Islam (7.A.H.)
1. Letter to Chosroes, The Emperor of Persia
• Contents of the Letter: “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
merciful. From Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, to Chosroes the
emperor of Persia. Peace be upon those who follow true guidance and
believe in Allah and His Messenger, and bear witness that there is no God
except Allah, with no partner or associate, and that Muhammad is His slave
and Messenger. I invite you to the call of Allah, for I am the Messenger of
Allah (PBUH) to mankind, so that I may give warning to him who is living
and that the word (or the charge) may be established against the
disbelievers. Become Muslims and you will be safe, but if you refuse then
the sin of the Magians (Persians) will be upon you.”
• It was delivered to Chosroes at Ctesiphon (Al-Mada’in), the capital of
Persia by Hazrat Abdullah bin Huzafah.
• Chosroes took the letter and tore it up. When the news of that reached the
Messenger of Allah (PBUH), he said: “May Allah tear apart his Kingdom.”
• Chosroes wrote to his Deputy in Yemen telling him: “Send two strong men
to this man in the Hijaz to bring him to me.”
• When they met the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Madina, he told them: “My
Lord has killed your Lord this night.”
• When they came back to Yemen, the news of the murder of Chosroas at the
hands of Sherwaih was confirmed. So Badhan, the Ruler of Yemen, became
Muslim alongwith the descendents of the Persians settled there.
2. Letter to Muqawqis, the Ruler of Egypt
• Contents of the Letter: “In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.From Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, to
Al-Muqawqis the ruler of Egypt. Peace be upon those who follow
true guidance. I invite you to the call of Islam. Become Muslim,
you will be safe; become Muslim and Allah will give you a
double reward. But if you turn away, the sins of the Egyptians will
be upon you.”
• It was delivered to Muqawqis by Hazrat Hatib.
• The reaction of Muqawqis towards the letter was healthy. He sent
back the following reply to the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
• “In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. To
Muhammad ibn`Abdullah from Al-Muqawqis the ruler of Egypt.
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Peace be upon you. I have read your letter and understood what
you said in it and to what you call (people). I know that there is a
Prophet still to come, and I thought that he would appear in Syria.
I have honoured your envoy and I am sending to you two girls
who are of high status in Egypt, and some clothes, and a mule for
you to ride. Peace be upon you.”
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) married Hazrat Mariya Qibtiyyah who
became the mother of his Son Ibrahim while the other girl,
Shireen, was married to Hazrat Hassan bin Sabit.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) kept all the gifts but he sent the doctor
back to Egypt saying: “Go back to your people, for we are a
people who do not eat until we get hungry and when we eat, we
do not eat our fill.”
• Hazrat Mariya Qibitiyyah came from Hafn, a village on the
outskirts of Ansyna in South Egypt on the bank of River Nile.
• Hazrat Amir Muawiya spared the people of this village from
having to pay the Khiraj tax during the days of his Governorship,
as an honour to Hazrat Mariya.

3. Letter to Heraclius, The Caesar of the Byzantine Empire

• Contents of the Letter: “In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious,
the most Merciful. From Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah to
Heraclius the ruler of Rome (Byzantium).Peace be upon those
who follow true guidance. I invite you to the call of Islam.
Become Muslim and you will be safe, and Allah will give you a
two-fold reward, but if you turn away then the sins of the
Arisiyyin will be upon you.”
• The letter was delivered to Heraclius by Hazrat Dihya Qalbi.
• Reaction: After ascertaining the facts from Abu Sufyan and
another person who both happened to be in Gaza in connection
with trade-business, Heraclius who himself was on way to
Jerusalem from Constantinople to pray there in thanksgiving for
his victory over the Persians said: “I knew that he (the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) would appear but I did not think that he would
be from among you. If I knew that I would be safe, I would take
the trouble to go to him, and if I were in his presence I would
wash his feet.”

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• If only Heraclius had understood what the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
said in his letter:“Become Muslim, you will be safe,” and realized
that this applied in a general sense, both in this world and in the
Hereafter, and had become Muslim, he would have been safe from
all that he feared.
4. Letter to Najjashi, The Ruler of Abyssinia
• The letter was delivered to him by Hazrat Amru bin Umayyah. Najjashi
embraced Islam.
5. Letter to Munzir bin Sawi, King of Bahrain
• The letter was delivered to him by Hazrat Alab bin Al-Hazrami. Munzir
embraced Islam.
6. Letter to the Two Rulers of Oman, namely Jafer and Abd who both were
• The letter was carried by Hazrat Amr bin Aas, both the brothers embraced
7. Letter to Manzir bin Haris, The Ruler of Syria
• The letter was carried by Hazrat Shuja bin Wahb Al-Asdi. The Ruler of
Syria received the envoy with courtesy but he did not accept Islam.
8. Letter to Hawza bin Ali, The Ruler of Yamamah
• The letter was delivered by Hazrat Sulait bin Amr.Hawza did not convert
to Islam.

Important points about Prophet’s Letters

1. The purpose of these letters was to invite the kings of various dynasties to Islam.
2. The letters are very brief but are very eloquent and comprehensive. The Prophet
quoted Ale Imran 3:64 in the letters sent to the People of the Book. Hence we
should invite the People of Book to the common points between the parties during
preaching of Islam.
3. Although letters did not make an immediate impact, but these letters had far
reaching goals and objectives.
4. The Prophet addressed the kings very respectfully with their titles. We should do
the same.
5. According to the custom of that time, the Prophet made a seal for these letters.
Hence there’s no harm in following the customs of the time which do not violating
the instructions of Qur’an and Sunnah.
6. The Prophet started his letters with Tasmiyah (Bismillh) hence it is a Sunnah to
start the letter with it.

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The Conquest of Khyber
The Location and strength of Khyber
• “Khyber” means “fortified”.
• Khyber was 70 miles to the north of Madina.
• It was a cluster of some 20 fortresses, around which lay farms and palm

• The renowned ‘invulnerable’ fortress of al-Qamus was situated in the heart

of Khyber.
• This was the seat of Kinana, the chief of Khyber.
The Importance of Khyber:
As long as Khyber stood unconquered, it could support the pagan tribes of
Najd against Madina.
Khyber was the seat of the Jewish power in Arabia. If it fell, other Jewish
settlements like Fadak, Ayala etc. would also capitulate.
March on Khyber:
• After the treaty of Hudaibiya, the malice of the Jews increased to a greater
intensity. This treaty led them to think that the Muslims were weak.
• They imagined that their acceptance of such humiliating terms could be due
to nothing but weakness.
• The Jews of Khyber contacted the people of the Ghatafan tribe, who were
known to be mercenaries for hire. As a reward for fighting the Muslims,
they were offered a percentage of their yearly produce of fruits and dates.
• They also entered into alliances with the tribes of Fadak, Taima and
Wadi Al-Qura, together they were to launch a surprise attack on Madina.
• They sent special messengers to the Quraish of Makkah and other tribes
asking them to prepare for a massive attack on Medina and provided
financial support for this purpose.
• They held secret negotiations with Abdullah bin Ubbay, the leader of the
hypocrites, against the Muslims.
• The Battle of Khandaq, when hosts of the enemies from all parts of the
country besieged Madina, was mainly caused by the intrigues and
financial assistance of the Jews of Khayber.
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• Having been informed of their secret plan, the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
traveled to Khyber two months after treaty of Hudaibiya with 1600 men
and 200 cavalry.
• Prophet appointed Saba bin Arafat as deputy in Madinah.
• Abdullah bin Ubbay, the leader of the hypocrites informed the Jews about
the advancement of the Muslims.
• As the Muslim army changed its route and passed by the quarters of Banu
Ghatafan, they thought that Muslims had attack on them so, they returned
back to save their houses.
• When Muslims approached to Khyber the Jews fortified themselves.
Prophet laid siege of different fortress.
• Out of a number of forts which were spread over Khyber in clusters, Na’im
was the first fortress to be over taken by Muslims, while Al-Qamus (seat of
Kinana) was the greatest and most formidable of Khyber’s fortresses. There
were about 20,000 Jews inside the fort who fortified themselves and hurled
the stones and showered the arrows on Muslim army.
• The Holy Prophet siege the fort for twenty days. As the Prophet did not
wanted to prolong the siege, at night Prophet announced “Tomorrow I will
give the flag to whom Allah and his Prophet love and he love his Allah and
his Prophet. To whom Allah will bestow victory upon him”. Next morning
Prophet gave the flag to Hazrat Ali, but he refused due to sour eyes. Prophet
put his saliva in his eyes and he immediately recovered.
• Seeing Hazrat Ali the famous warrior of the Jews “Marhab” came out and
said, I am Marhab, The famous warrior of the Jews. On this Hazrat Ali said
“My mother gave me the name of Haidar (lion) with this, he cut the neck
of Marhab with first blow”. A furious battle started, Jews surrendered and
Muslim captured the fort. Hazrat Ali used the front door of fort as a shield.
• Prophet gave the title of Haidar Qarar to Hazrat Ali.
• As for other fortresses such as Al-Watih and As-Sulalim, they were
surrendered peacefully.
• During this entire period, no one came to the help the Jews of Khyber.
• According to the pact which was agreed upon, Khyber was allowed to
remain in the hands of the local inhabitants, on the condition that half of
the annual harvest of all planting and date trees would be paid as Jizya.

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• All other Jewish settlements and cities around Khyber also agreed to the
same terms.
(B) Submission of pagan tribes
• As Makkah and Khyber, the mainstays of the pagan tribes of Najd, had
been neutralized; these tribes were isolated from their heaviest sources of
• First Bedouin tribe to submit to Islam was the Bani Ashja.
• From the west of Madina, several tribes submitted to Islam including:
I) Aslam. II) Daws. III) Saad.
• In 8 AH, a year after Hudaybia and Khyber, many northern tribes
accepted Islam, including:
• Dhubyan, Ghatafan, Murrah
(C)Thus, before the Fall of Makkah, all tribes of the Najd had accepted Islam.
II) Submission of Christian Tribes
• Christian tribes were located in frontier regions of Syria and Iraq.
• Some Christian tribes: Ghassan, Kalb, Bali.
• Reasons for opposition:
I) Their religion, Christianity.
II) Their allegiance to the Byzantine Empire.
These tribes were vassal states of the Byzantine Empire and had defended the
• Empire for centuries against Arab marauders.

Poisoned the Prophet by Roasted Sheep

After the conquest of Khaybar a Jewish lady,Zaynab bin Harith, presented the
Prophet poisoned roasted lamb. The Prophet put a piece of it in his mouth and
then spat it out saying, “Meat has told me that it is poisoned.” However Bishr bin
Bara swallowed a piece of this meat and died of this poison. When the Prophet
asked Zaynab about it, she said, “I thought if you are a king, we will get rid of you
and if you are a Prophet, Allah will inform you about it.” The Prophet forgave her
but she was killed because of the death of Bishr bin Bara.

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Performance of Ummrah(7AH)

1. According to the treaty of Hudaibiya signed in the sixth A.H. Prophetpbuh went to
perform Ummrah.
• Prophetpbuh appointed Abu-Raham Gafari as deputy in Medina.
• They took sixty camels for slaughter and called the people, and said:
➢ “O people of treaty of Hudaibiya! Prepare for Ummrah.”
• 2000 people went to perform Ummrah.
• Before, leaving he asked his companions not to take arms with them. They
allowed to enter Makah, where they performed Ummrah.
• Prophetpbuh wore Ihram, at the place Zulhalifa.
2. Prophet was riding on His she camel Qiswa as they were entering Makah. The
idolaters of Makkah put their tents on the surrounding mountains to observe the
Muslims. The idolaters believed that the fever of Madinah has made the Muslims
physically very weak.
3. They heard the voices of the residents of Makah that Muslims are weak in
health. They could not perform the rituals of Umrah.
• So Prophet‫ ﷺ‬order Muslims to perform three circles of Tawaf in running and
remaining four in brisk walk.
• He also order for Iztaba (opening of the night arm)

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Battle of Mutah

Mutah is a city in Jordan, near Balqa
1. In 7 A.H the Holy Prophetpbuh sent letters to the kings and leaders around Arabia.
Inviting them to embrace Islam.
• Hazrat Dahya Qalbi was sent to byzantine as a first messenger.
• Prophetpbuh sent letter by Hazrat Haris-bin-Umair to Basra as messenger.
• The Roman governor, Shurabil-bin-Amr Ghusani, the Christian governor
of Balqa and a close ally to Ceasar of the Roman Empire stopped Hazrat
Haris at Muatah and killed him.
• Note that killing envoys and messengers is considered as a big crime and it
is like a war declaration in all ages. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was shocked to here this
• As the Prophet came to know, he prepared the army of 3000 men to save
the prestige of newly Muslim state. He sent 3000 men to punish these
transgressors. It was the largest Muslims army ever sent except in the battle
of Ahzab.
2. He appointed Hazrat Zaid-bin-Haris as the commander of Muslim army.
• As the Holy Prophetpbuh knew that Muslims were to confront Romans, so he
explained, if Zaid-bin-Haris were martyred the command be taken over by
Jafar-bin-Abi Talib.
• And in case if he too martyred then Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Rawahah should be
• As the Muslim fighting force was no match to the formidable strength of
Romans numbering 100000.
• For this reason it was also known as Badr Sani (Badr two).
• Two armies met at Mutah.
3. Hazrat Zaid-bin-Haris fought courageously and martyred.
• After his death Jafar-bin-Abu Talib took the command and fought bravely.
• While fighting his right arm was being cut. And he hold the flag in his left arm,
them his left arm was being cut.
• He hold the flag against his chest with remaining arms.

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• Hazrat Jafar received 90 wounds.On the front part of his body. He did not
receive a single wound on his back.
• Hazrat Jibrael informed the Prophetpbuh that Hazrat Jafar is being awarded by
the wings from the heavens.
• Prophetpbuh gave him the title of ‘Tayyar’.
4. After Jafar’s martyrdom, Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Rawahah led the troops but soon he
• Then Hazrat Sabat-bin-Arqam raised the Muslim banner.
• By the end of the day, he asked the Muslims to choose the commander.
• Muslim choose Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed as new leader who was able to
manage a tactical withdrawal without suffering anymore.
• As he took the charge. The next day he reshuffled his army. He changed the
left flank with the right and vice versa. Similarly he switched the rear
flank with the front one.
• In this way, the enemy got the impression that new troops have arrived. In
doing this he also gradually retreated the Muslim army.
• The enemy considered it a tactic to draw them into the heart of the desert.
Hence the enemy did not pursue the Muslims army.
• With this smart strategy Khalid saved the Muslims from heavy loses.
• After this safe retreat, the Muslims army went back to Madinah.
• Seeing this the Roman army started to flee away.
• Twelve Muslims became martyr in this battle, while the enemy suffered heavy
losses. Both sides did not take any prisoner.
5. In this battle nine swords had been broken in the hands of Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed.
• But he continued fighting with a Yemeni dagger.
• He use to report it was as the dagger was stacked to his hands.
• Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed got the title of Saif-ullah.

• No doubt, the Muslims had to retreat in this battle but it did show that they were
now a fast coming up force which could no longer be ignored even by the mighty
enemies like Romans. This Battle was the first battle in North,it opened the door
for the contest of Roman territories.
• This battle is also known as Badar Sani (second Badr).

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• As a result of this battle, all enemies became, somehow, scared of the
• Romans were so much affected that they did not even show up later on for
the battle of Tabuk.
• Many stubborn Arab tribes softened the enmity. Some of them i.e. Banu
Salam, Ashja, Ghatfan, Dhaban and Fazarah embraced Islam.

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Conquest of Makah

1. After the treaty of Hudaibiya, tribes were free to join to alliance of Muslims or
of Quraish.
• Banu Khuza joined the Muslims, while the Banu Bakr became an ally of the
• One of the term of treaty was that neither party would fight an ally of the other
• Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza were old and bitter enemies.
• The Battle of Mu’tah encouraged the Bani Makhzum clan of the Quraish to
incite Banu Bakr against Banu Khuza, a clear breach of the terms of the Treaty.
• When some of the men of Banu Khuza ran into the Kaaba, the ancient
sanctuary, Banu Bakr even violated this holy place and slaughtered them.
• In violence of this clause of the treaty, Quraish along with the Banu Bakr
attacked and killed the men of Banu Khuza.
• Amr-bin-Salim Khuzai came to the Holy Prophetpbuh and asked for his aid
and protection.
• The Holy Prophetpbuh promised him for help on the other hand, when Quraish
violated the treaty Abu Sufyan was out of the city of Makah.
2. On returning back, when he came to know about the incident, he readily went
to Medina to see the Prophetpbuh and to refresh the treaty.
• In this reference he met with his daughter and Holy Prophet’s wife Umm-e-
Habiba. (She refused to help)
• Then he met Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatima.
All refused to help him.
• Then he went back to Makah.
3. Holy Prophetpbuh sent message to the Quraish offering them the three
alternatives as follows:
i. To pay compensation or blood money for their men of Banu Khuza.
ii. To dissolve their alliance with Banu Bakr.
iii. To declare that the treaty of Hudaibiya stood dissolve.
• The Quraish took the third option.
• The Holy Prophetpbuh decided that there was no alternative but to fight against
the Quraish.
• Prophetpbuh therefore ordered preparation for Jihad.

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4. The Holy Prophetpbuh left Medina on the 10th of Ramadan in 8 A.H(630 AD)
with an army of 10000 men.
• Holy Prophetpbuh also prayed to Allah to keep it as a secret.
• Abu Raham Ghafari was made in charge of Madinah.
• Hatib bin abi Balta tried to give message to Quraish but was captured.
• The Holy Prophetpbuh dispatched the army into small groups, With Instructions
to together the valley of Fatima, outside Makah.
• In the way Hazrat Abbas-bin-Abdul Mutlib met with Prophet‫ ﷺ‬and accepted
5. On reaching at the valley of Fatima, camped at Mar Az-Zahran Prophet‫ﷺ‬
instructed all of the army to cook their own food.
• Prophet‫ ﷺ‬himself cook his own food.
6. After returning back from Madinah Abu Sufyan daily keep on watching on the
different routes which led to Macca to ensure the arrival of Muslim army.
• As Muslim army approached to the valley of Fatimah he was caught spying
nearby mountains by Hazrat Abbas.
• He was taking him to Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, his voice was recognized by Hazrat
Umar, who was the guard of the night, Hazrat Umar tried to kill Abu
Sufyan but saved by Hazrat Abbas.
• He was taken to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬but Prophet refused to see him and met him
next morning.
• Next morning Abu Sufyan accepted Islam and Prophet announced,
➢ “No harm to him to a man who will take refuge in the house of
Abu Sufyan. No harm to him who will take refuge in Masjid ul
Haram. No harm to him he who will not open the doors of his
7. Prophet divided the army into four parts:
• Under the command of khalid bin Waleed , Zubair bin Awam, Abu
Ubaidah Al Jarrah and He himself commanded the fourth unit.
• The strategy was that if a Muslim column came under attack, another
column could strike at the enemy from the rear.
• The commanders were given orders that they would resort to arms only if
unavoidably necessary.
• Hazrat Saad bin Ubadah was relieved of command when he was heard
planning the slaughter of Makkans. He was replaced by his son.

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• Hazrat Khalid bin Walid was to take the area of Banu Makhzum. He
encountered resistance, but swept the enemy away. Losses:

I) Muslims: 2 men.
II) Makhzum: 13 men.
• Muhammad (PBUH) entered Makkah on 11 February 630 AD, 17 Ramzan
• Prophet entered in Makkah on his camel Qiswa, along with Usamah bin
• After the complete conquest of Makkah, Muhammad (PBUH) bowed his
head before Allah and offered him his thanks.
Breaking of Idols in Kaaba:
• Muhammad (PBUH) immediately performed Tawaf of the Kaaba. He took
the key of Kaabah from Usman bin Talha and went inside the Kaabah.
• Then he prayed inside the structure of the Kaaba.
• Next, he broke all 360 idols in the Kaaba. After breaking each idol, he
➢ “Say, the Truth has come and Falsehood has vanished. Surely,
Falsehood is bound to vanish” –(34:49)
• Hazrat Bilal gave Azan on the roof of Kaabah.
• Then, he gave the keys of the Kaaba to Usman bin Talha and awarded
him by announcing, him and his descendants as the care taker of Kaabah.
• Sermon on Safa and conversion of Quraish:
• After this, Muhammad (PBUH) gave a sermon on Safa. There, he asked
the Quraish whether they knew what punishment he was about to give to
them. They replied:
➢ “you are a noble brother and the son of a noble brother.”
• In reply, Muhammad (PBUH) granted all of them amnesty by saying:
➢ “No blame on you be this day. Go, you are free.”
• Struck by his generosity, almost all of the Quraish accepted Islam,
I) Hinda.
II) Ikrima bin Abu Jahl.
III) Suhail bin Amr.
• Only four of the Quraish were put to death for having satirized the Prophet
(PBUH) and tortured the Muslims.
• Muhammad (PBUH) stayed in Makkah for 20 days.

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• During this stay, idol-temples around Makkah were destroyed, i.e. the
temples of Uzza, Manat etc.
Ansars were concerned, after the conquest of Makkah will Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬remain with
them. When Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬came to know about it,Prophet cleared their doubts and
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to them, “I seek protection of Allah, my life and death is with
you.” Hence Ansar were very pleased.
• He appointed Attab bin Usaid as a governor of Makkah.
• Hence after the conquest of Makkah, the Arab tribes embraced Islam in
large numbers as mentioned by
• Allah Almighty has mention this event in An-Nasr( 110:1-3)
• During his stay in Makkah Prophet received the news ,that the Hawazin
and Saqeef tribe are preparing for war in the valley of Hunain.
• So, Prophet left Makkah and proceeded for Hunain.

Effect of Fall of Makkah:

• Start of Muslim southern expansion.

• Start of the ultimate goal of unification of Arabia and outward expansion.
• Addition of fearless and completely loyal Quraish to the Muslim State of
• Since Muhammad (PBUH) had converted his own people (Quraish), most
Arabs now admitted that he was a true prophet.
• Conversion of the Quraish led to the end of polytheism in the Arabian
Peninsula as in the following year (9 A.H.), delegates came from all over to
announce their conversion to Islam, so much so that the year had its name
as “The year of Delegates”.
• The victory was significant militarily, to be sure, but was also significant on
another level as well: the Holy Prophet (PBUH) now won over the hearts of
Quraish’s leaders and citizens.

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Battle of Hunain
1. Before the Holy Prophetpbuh could leave Makah for Medina, he received reports
that Hawazin and Saqeef tribe are preparing a large army for attacking the
• Hawazin was a large and a very powerful tribe dwelt in the south east of
• While Saqeef was a powerful clan of Hawazin lived in Taif. They
worshipped a mother goddess called Al-Lat.
• When Quraish were defeated in Makkah, the fierce, powerful and proud
Hawazin tribes and Banu Thaqeef of Taif had two goals in mind.
• They intended to defeat the Muslims and become the in charge of Kaabah
in place of Quraish.
• They feared that Muslims may completely wipe out idolatry; hence they
considered it very important to crush the monotheists who worshipped
Allah alone.
• Prophetpbuh sent Abu Hadar to know the exact condition and situation He
informed the Prophet “The enemy has their women and cattle with them
too.” The Prophet smiled and said “This will inshallah be our booty
• Malik-bin-Auf the enemy commander also sent a spy to reported that:
➢ “We saw white people on white horses.”
• They were trembling and said:
➢ “You can see our condition.”
• According to traditions, In Fact they have seen Jibraeel (As)
2. When Hawazin tribe heard the Muhammad(S) marched toward Makah. They
started preparation for war.
• They expected a long struggle between Makah and Medina.
• Both of which were their enemies.
• They would strike, when both parties were weakened by war.
• As they heard the news of Conquest of Makah, They quickly dispatched
20000 men to advance towards city.
• Muhammad(S) left with the 12000 men to intercept the Hawazin army.
• Rich Quraish men served the army with supplies and money.
• Muslims were now proud of their numbers.

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• After 3 days march Muslim’s camped near the narrow pass of Hunain in
the evening.
• The Hawazin were skilled in archery.
• Hawazin commander Malik-bin-Auf already appointed archers.
• Muslims caught unaware by enemy archers and were put to route with
heavy casualties.
3. Hazrat Muhammad(S) was left alone with his companions in an extremely prone
with the enemy advancing towards him.However, Muhammad(S) soon realized the
situation and he recollected the people.
➢ “Truly saying I am the Prophet, I am (grand) son of AbdulMuttalib.”
(Muslim: 4389)

• He asked Hazrat Abbas to call the people, as he has a loud voice.

• Meanwhile, Abu Sufyan-bin-Haris and Hazrat Abbas shielded and
protected you with their sowrds.
• After the reassembling Muslim gave a mighty attack to the enemy and in
result, after defeat the enemy ran towards Taif, Nakhlah and Otaas.
• Abu Amar Ashari was sent to chase the party of Otaas
• Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed was sent toward Taif.
• Muslim received a heavy booty, 24000 camels, 40000 goats, 6000 men
captured and heavy amount of gold and slver.
• The Quran says:
➢ “Assuredly Allah did help you in many battlefields and on the day of
Hunain: Behold! your great numbers elated you, but they availed you
naught; ...... and ye turned back in retreat. But Allah did pour His calm
on the Messenger and on the Believers and sent down forces which ye
saw not:__” (Chp 9, verse 25, 26)
Siege of Taif

After the defeat of the disbelievers in Hunain, they fled in different directions. The
Prophet ordered to follow them.

1. One group ran towards Awtas. Abu Amr Ashari followed them. Enemy was
defeated but Abu Amr became a martyr.

2. Second group ran towards Nakhlah. Rabia bin Rafi killed Duraid bin Simmah
in it.

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3. The largest group ran towards Taif along with their commander Malik and
fortified themselves there.

• The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent 1000 men under Khaled bin Waleed to Taif and then
joined them there. The disbelievers threw arrows and stones at the Muslims.
• The siege of the fort was prolonged and victory was not in sight. Many
Muslims were martyred on daily basis. The enemy could survive in the fort
for even one year with plenty of food supplies with them.
• In light of these circumstances the Prophet announced to lift the siege. The
siege of the fort was between 10 to 20 days according to different

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Tabuk Expedition (9AH)

1. When Prophetpbuh Muhammad returned from Makkah, news reached him of the
build-up of a large number of Christian troops near the Syrian border commanded by
emperor Hercules.
• Hercules was planning to attack the capital of Islam, Medina.
• This was a dare threat to the Muslims-held or Muslims-controlled areas of
northern area.
• In dealing with the threat the Holy Prophetpbuh had two choices:
I. Wait for the Romans to launch an attack on Medina.
II. Go to the Romans in what would be a preventive war.
2. For Medina, this was a difficult time to wage war because there was a drought and
famine in Hijaz.
• Summer was extremely hot and it was the time for picking of dates.
• Bedouins were reluctant to fight with the Byzantine troops after the defeat of
Muslim’s forces at the Battle of Muatah.
• The hypocrites were spreading seeds of dissention and fear with in Medina.
3. As the Muslims did not have enough supplies and arms, Muhammad(S) gave call for
• In result, Hazrat Usman gave 900 camels loaded with the grains and 100
• Hazrat Abdur Rehman-bin-Auf gave 29.5 kg of silver.
• Hazrat Umar gave half of his wealth.
• Hazrat Abu Bakr donated everything that he had.
• When Prophetpbuh asked Hazrat Abu Bakr that:
➢ “What do you have left for family?”
• Abu Bakr replied:
➢ “The name of Allah and His Prophet (pbuh).”
4. Muslim army was 30000 in number. There was only one camel for 18 people.
• Prophet appointed Saba-bin-Arfa as deputy in Medina and he left Hazrat Ali-
bin-Abu Talib for family protection.
• Hypocrites mocked Hazrat Ali, not to go for the war and called him coward.
He chased the Prophetpbuh and requested him to take with him. But the
Prophetpbuh said:
➢ “Will you not be pleased that you will be to me like Haroon to Musa,
except there will be no prophet after me.”
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5. When the Muslims reached at Tabuk they found that Romans army had ran away.
• After the gathered forces of Romans became scattered and divided.
• Prophetpbuh sent Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed at Dama-tul-Jandal.
• Aialia ruler Yahiya-bin-Ruba accepted to pay Jizya.
• Prophetpbuh stayed at Tabuk for 20 days and returned back.
Effects of the Tabuk Expedition:
• Muhammad (PBUH) made new allies in the region.
• When Muhammad (PBUH) returned to Madina successfully, he finally put
an end to the Munafiqeen’s power.
• Muhammad (PBUH) proved that Muslims were now a power to be
reckoned with as they had mustered the courage to challenge the Romans
far away from Madina right on their own borders.
Some of the most important things that took place during the Tabuk
• The Muslims set out to fight the Romans in spite of the drought and the
extreme heat.
• When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) made the announcement that people
should get ready to depart for the Tabuk expedition, a number of
Companions came to him and said: “O Messenger (PBUH) of Allah, carry
us (i.e. provide us with mounts so that we can come with you.)”
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
➢ “By Allah, I can find no (mounts) to carry you on.”
• They turned back, and their eyes flowed with tears of sincere grief.
• A group of 82 men from Banu Ghaffar made lame excuses to avoid the
expedition which has been condemned in the Holy Quran as under:
➢ “….They destroy their own selves, and Allah knows that they are
surely liars…. Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day would
not ask your leave to be exempted from fighting, with their
properties and their lives, and Allah is All-Knower of the
• The three hesitated in their intention, and despite the fact that they were
true, sincere Muslims, they ended up staying behind. After the Tabuk
expedition, the Muslims were ordered to boycott them to neither greet nor
speak to them though they were free to go wherever they wanted.
Ultimately, they were forgiven:
➢ “…. Then, He forgave them (accepted their repentance), that they
might beg for His Pardon….” (9:117-118)
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) finally put an end to the Munafiqeen’s
(hypocrites) power.
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The Farewell Sermon

• In 9 AH Prophet did not went to perform Hajj,he sent Hazrat Abu Bakr as
Ameer - e- Hajj.
• The 10th year of Prophet hood is Known as Aam-ul-Wafad (The year of
Deputation) because numerous of Arabia, came to the Prophet and Joined
Announcement of the Last Pilgrimage:
• In the month of Zul-Qada Muhammad (PBUH) declared his intention to
perform Hajj. As it was the Prophet first and last Hajj
• All Muslim areas responded to the call and Muslims from all over
journeyed towards Makkah.
• Muhammad (PBUH) left for Makkah from Medina on 25th Zul-Qada.
• He was accompanied by 90,000 Muslims.
• This Hajj was performed, in total, by 124,000 Muslims; there was not even
a single pagan.

Pilgrimage begins:
• On the 8th of Zul-Hajj, the Hajj began. At mid-day, Muhammad (PBUH)
gave a sermon to the congregation.
• On the 9th of Zul-Hajj, they set out for Mina.

The Farewell Sermon:

• On midday of 9th of Zul-Hajj, Muhammad (PBUH) gave his sermon at
Mount Arafat, now a days where is masjid e Namrah.
• In the afternoon, he entered Arafat on his she-camel Qaswa. There was a
crowd of 124 thousand or 144 thousand people around him. Then the
Prophet made a very eloquent address
• His every word was repeated loudly by Hazrat Rabia bin Umayya to the
• In the beginning of this address, Muhammad (PBUH) said:
• “O people! Listen to my words, for I do not know whether I shall ever meet
you in this place again after this year!”
His sermons emphasized on the following:

▪ Sacredness of a Muslim’s life and property

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▪ The importance of propagating this message to all others (A Muslim’s
responsibility thus does not end by following the religion)
▪ A reminder that everyone is fully accountable for their deeds and Allah (God)
will take every person into account. If everyone heeded to this fact alone, the
world would be a much better place today.
▪ “Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.” These words of the prophet are
▪ The prohibition of dealing with interest (Numerous accounts in Quran and
Hadith prohibit taking, giving or being a part of any transaction dealing with
▪ “You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity.” These words of the prophet
are self-explanatory.
▪ The awareness of satan and how satan can work to deviate us from the right
path and doing evil things.
▪ Rights of women over men and rights of men over women.
▪ Treatment of women with kindness.
▪ Modesty and chastity in women.
▪ The importance of worshiping Allah (saying your five daily prayers (Salah),
fasting during the month of Ramadan, giving charity (Zakat) and performing
pilgrimage (Hajj).
▪ Equality amongst all (blacks, white, Arabs, non-Arabs, etc.)
▪ The need to establish justice.
▪ Islam is the final divine religion (Last prophet and Last Book).

Following passage describes the importance of social equality in Islam:

“O’ ye people! Allah says: ‘We created you from one male and one female
and made you into tribes and nations, so that you can know one another.
Verily in the sight of Allah, the most honored among you is the one who is
most God-fearing. There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab and
for a non-Arab over an Arab or for the white over the black or for the black
over the white except in God-consciousness.’”
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) denounced interest taking and eliminated this evil
which is one of the major causes of social and economic inequality.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“All interest and usurious dues accruing from the times of ignorance stand
wiped out. And the first amount of interest that I remit is that which Abbas ibn
Abd-al Muttalib had to receive. Verily, it is remitted entirely.”
Describing the importance of private property rights, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

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“O’ people! Verily your blood, your property and your honor are as sacred and
inviolable as the sacred inviolability of this day of yours, this month of yours
and this very town (of yours). Verily, you will soon meet your Lord and you will
be held answerable for your actions.”
Describing the women rights in Islam, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but
they also have rights over you. If they abide by your rights, then to them belongs
the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be
kind to them, for they are your partners and committed helpers.”
Describing the concept of Muslim brotherhood, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
“O’ People! Every Muslim is the brother of every other Muslim, and all the
Muslims form one brotherhood. And your slaves; see that you feed them with
such food as you eat yourselves, and clothe them with the clothes that you
yourselves wear.”
Thus, it can be appreciated that Islamic viewpoint on social equality, brotherhood,
individual liberty and mutual cooperation is a guiding light for humanity as
reflected from this last public sermon by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which He
gave to us fourteen centuries ago.
O People, listen to me in earnest, worship God, perform your five daily prayers,
fast during the month of Ramadan, and offer Zakat. Perform Hajj if you have
the means.
O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be
born. Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey
to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah,
and if you follow these you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to
others again; and it may be that the last ones understand my words better
than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O God, that I have
conveyed your message to your people."
Thus the beloved Prophet completed his Final Sermon, and upon it, near the
summit of Arafat, the revelation came down:
"…This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My Grace upon
you, and have chosen Islam for you as your religion…" (Quran 5:3)

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Illness and death of the Holy Prophetpbuh

1. By the 11th Hijri, faith prevailed all over Arabia and peace was established throughout
Arabian Peninsula.
• During the last six months of your life false Prophethood was emerged in
• Prophetpbuh met with Musailma who asked to divide the rule in two parts.
• Muhammad(S) called him Musailma (The Liar).
2. During Prophet’s last days. He was busy on preparing an expedition under the
command of Usamah-bin-Zaid against some Christian tribes on the Syrian border.
• As Muhammad(S) was poisoned by a Jewish woman at Khyber, the poison still
lingered in his body and was showing its death effects on his health.
• In the month of Safar, Holy Prophetpbuh became ill on the fifth day of his illness
he was shifted to the apartment of Hazrat Aisha.
• Prophetpbuh was ill for 15 days.
3. On Monday, the 29th Safar 11 A.H. the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬returned from a burial ceremony in
Baqee cemetery. He developed very severe headache and his temperature rose very
high. He tied up a bandage on his head. High temperature could be felt even by
touching his bandage. This was the beginning of his illness.
4. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬lead Salat for 13 or 14 days with this illness.Before dying when
Prophetpbuh grew too much week to lead the prayer, he appointed Hazrat Abu Bakr as
Imam of prayers.
• On the fifteenth day of illness, Muhammad(S) felt better and went to Masjid-e-
• This exercising exhausted him and he returned back to Aisha’s home.
• He breathe his last on 12 Rabi-ul-Awal.
5. Hazrat Talha dig up the grave of the Holy Prophetpbuh.
• Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Usman, Hazrat Abbas and his sons (Fazl and Qum), Hazrat
Saleh, Hazrat Aus-bin-Kholi Ansari gave you the funeral prayer in groups.
• Hazrat Ali, Fazl-bin-Abbas, Usamah-bin-Zaid and Abdur Rehman-bin-Auf
lowered you on grave.


Umar’s Reaction
Umar · could not digest this news. He said to the people in his speech, “By Allah
the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has not died (Umar said later, by Allah, this was my firm thinking
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at that time).He went to his Creator just like Musa ‫ ء‬went to his Creator and he
was away for forty days. Musa ‫ء‬, however, returned to his people, although it was
propagated during his absence that he had died. By Allah, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬will
come back and he will cut off the hands and legs of hypocrites who claim his
Abu Bakr’s Attitude
Abu Bakr returned from his house in As-Sunh on a horse and went straight to
Aisha after his arrival in Madinah. Abu Bakr · saw that the Prophet’s body was
covered with a Yemeni piece of cloth. He uncovered his face and kissed him and
then cried. Then he said, “I sacrifice my father and mother for your sake. Indeed,
Allah will not cause you to die twice. The death, which Allah has written for you,
has occurred.”
Then he came out of the Prophet’s hut and he found Umar · making a speech to
the people in the Masjid. He said to Umar, “Sit down!” Umar · ignored it. He said
again to Umar, “Sit down!” Umar · ignored it again. Then Abu Bakr started giving
a speech and the people gathered around him and Umar · also starting listening to
him. Abu Bakr · said,
“Whosoever from you worships Muhammad, Muhammad has died now. And
whosoever worships Allah, He is Ever Living and He never dies. Allah say: (Ale
Imran 3:144)
“And Muhammad is only a Messenger (not God who cannot die or be killed).
Many other messengers have passed before him. Hence, if he dies or becomes a
martyr, would you turn back on your heels (i.e. quit Islam or quit Jihad)? And
he who turns back on his heels will not harm Allah in any way. And Allah will
soon give reward to those who are grateful (and remain steadfast in Islam and
On hearing that the Companions realized that the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬had actually died. Ibn
Abbas · said, “It looked like people has forgotten the above verse of Qur’an. With
this reminder, everybody started reciting this verse (in the Masjid).”
Saeed bin Musaiyab said that Umar used to say, “By Allah, as soon as I heard Abu
Bakr · recite this verse, I fell to the ground and my legs became so weak that they
could not carry me. Hence I collapsed when I heard the verse since I realized that
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has actually died.” (Bukhari 2/640-641)

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Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
Outstanding Qualities

Ms Noshaba Andleeb

Outstanding qualities of the Prophetpbuh

• The Holy Prophet was the Symbol of Steadfastness Patient. The Makkan
period of the life of the Prophet is replete with examples of firmness of faith
and patience and perseverance in the face of ever - worsening circumstances
and intensifying opposition of the Quraish. The Holy Prophet was tortured and
teased both physically and mentally, but he remained unshaken in his faith
which indeed was strengthened despite the increasing hostility of the
Makkans. He was labelled as an insane person and a crafty poet by the
Makkans but the Prophet would remain engaged ( absorbed ) in his mission
because he had complete faith in God's support that came in with such
assurances and consolations as :
➢ “By the Star when it goes down. Your Companion ( Muhammad ) is
neither astray nor being misled nor does he say of his own desire.”
(Surah Najam, 53:1-3)
• He was mocked by his own uncle Abu Lahab and other Makkan chiefs, over
the death of his son and this saddened him. But his faith was bound to be
strengthen when God promised him the abundance of spiritual children.
➢ “We indeed have granted you the Abundance”.(Surah Kausar, 108: 1)
• Then the Quraish approached the uncle of the Prophet , Abu Talib and asked
him to pressurize his nephew to abandon his mission. The Holy Prophet reply,
however , was even more frustrating for them when he said: “ O my uncle By
God , if they put the Sun on my right hand and the Moon on my left on the
condition that I abandon this course, I would not abandon it until God has
made me victorious or I perish therein”
• Thus, the Quraish would redouble their opposition and the Prophet would
remain unmoved and uninfluenced. After the conversion of Umar bin Al -
Khattab and Hamzah bin Abdul Mutalib , the Quraish changed their strategy
and sent Utbah bin Rabiah to negotiate with the Prophet and offer him
marvelous worldly attractions - chiefdom of Makkah , immense wealth or
marriage with the most beautiful woman . Utbah , too , was disappontied when
the Prophet flatly refused all the offers.
• We find the Prophet absolutely firm and resolute during the three years of the
Social Boycott imposed jointly by the Makkan Chiefs when he and the
members of Banu Hashim had to live (besieged) for three years in the Shi'b (
Gorge ) of Abi Talib under sub - human conditions .
• Similarly the Prophet is seen as a fully determined man having complete
reliance in Allah during his three - day - stay in the cave of Thaur together
with Abu Bakr during the journey of emigration to Madinah . At the most
critical juncture of their stay the Prophet is seen to comfort Abu Bakr by
➢ " Do not grieve, verily , God is with us . " ( Tauba ; 9:40 )
• The Prophet continued to set examples of firmness throughout his
Madinite life and during his clashes with the Makkans till he had gained
the decisive victory by conquering Makkah .
• Event of Taif:
• When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was maltreated at Taif, the angel of
mountains greeted him and said:
• “O Muhammad, Allah listened to what your people had said to you so
that you may give me your orders. If you wish I will bring together the
two mountains that stand opposite to each other at the extremities of
Makkah to crush them in between.”
• But Allah’s Messenger said: “I rather hope that Allah will raise from
among their descendents people as will worship Allah the One, and will
not ascribe partners to Him (in worship).” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).


• The generosity and the kindness of heart of the Holy Prophet was house
whole word.
• During month of Ramadan he would give away so generously that he
left nothing for himself.
• He never kept money with him overnight if he had nothing left before
night fall, he would give it to the poor and needy.
• If he come across someone who was starving, he would give his meal
and remain hungry himself.
• Once a man who had embraced Islam asked Prophet for some goats and
sheep. It happened or that at the time the Holy Prophetpbuh that
recently been given a great abundance of these animals. He gave the
man so mercy that they filled that between two hills.

• The Holy Prophetpbuh was once given 29000 dirhams which he became
to distribute among the beggars, soon the whole amount was exhausted
after all the beggars had departed an old asked for alms.
• The Holy Prophetpbuh had nothing left to give but he did not want to
send him away empty handed he therefore borrowed something from
another gave it to him away empty hand he therefore borrowed
something from another and gave it to him.

Justice and Equality:

• Muhammad (pbuh) was a just man, he never considered himself above
anyone.He sat among people like an ordinary man; worked like an
ordinary laborer with his companions in the construction of the mosque
of Madinah. He also participated in digging the trench around Madinah
with other Muslims at the time of the Battle of Allies. Once the
Muslims were on a journey, everyone took the charge of doing a certain
duty. The Prophet (p.b.u h) took the charge of collecting wood from the
jungle. Abbas (R.A), the Prophet's uncle and Aas his son in law were
taken prisoners during the Battle of Badr. They were treated the same
way, the other prisoners were treated. The Companions asked the
Prophet (p.b.u.h) to free them without taking ransom, but he refused to
treat them differently.
• The Prophet (p.b.u.h) treated people with fairness and never
discriminated between the Muslims and the non-Muslims in matters of
justice. The Jews used to come to him to have their disputes settled. A
Muslim went to Khayber and was killed by the Jews, his sons
complained to the Prophet, he said, "If you swear as to who has
committed the murder, you will have the right to take your right from
the murderer." said, "How should we swear if we did not witness the
murder or see the murderer?" (Sahih Bukhari) The Jews were the only
people who lived in Khayber and there was no doubt to the fact that they
had killed the man, but since there was to eyewitness, the Prophet
(p.b.u.h.) did not ask them anything, and paid the blood money from the
state treasury."

• In doing justice, the Holy Prophetpbuh was equitable.He treated as friend for
(enemy) Muslim and non-Muslim equally.

• From early childhood he was noted for his honesty and fear dealing and
many would come to him to settle their disputes.
• In Medina, he was accepted as the arbitrator by both the Jews and idol
worshippers in all their disputes.
• In a case, between a Jew and a Muslim which came before the Holy
Prophetpbuh, he decided in the favor of the Jew because he found the Jew
to be right.
• When a woman belong the tribe of Makhzum was found guilty of theft.
• All her relatives went to Hazrat Usama-bin-Zaid of whom the Holy
Prophetpbuh was very fond, begging him intercede with the Holy
Prophetpbuh to set her free.
• The Holy Prophetpbuh refused by saying that it would not be Justice and
added that: If his own daughter Fatima had committed theft, she would have
been punished in the very same manner.
• He treated all the men in a just way regardless of dignity of rank.
• Slave and free men were accorded the same treatment as those belonging to
or rich and noble tribes.

• The spirit of sacrifice is most prominent in the character of the Holy
• On one occasion all that the Holy Prophet had in his house was a sack of
• A companion of his was to be married.
• But he was a poor man and had nothing to entertain his friends with his
house and ask his wife for the sake of flour.
• The sack was given and there was nothing left in the house of the Holy
Prophet for the meal.
• A women once offered the Holy Prophet a piece of cloth to cover
himself with.
• As it was just the thing badly needed.

➢ “What a lovely cloth.”
• The Holy Prophet saying that the man also needed it.

• The Holy Prophet never assured or insulted anyone.
• He held everyone in great respect.
• The Holy Prophet was quicker in forgiving people that the fast winds that
carry clouds.
• The Holy Prophet was complete example of forgiveness and mercy, as
mentioned in the Holy Quran:
➢ “Keep to forgiveness (O’ Muhammad) and enjoined kindness and
turn away from the ignorant.”
Mention the event of Taif

• Abu Huraira reported:

➢ “The Holy Prophet was asked to curse the infidels.”
• He said:
➢ “I have not been sent to curse people, but as a mercy to mankind.”
Forgiveness at the time of conquest of Makah.

• Allah, the Exalted, says:

• “Let them forgive and Passover (the offence). Do you not desire that Allah
should forgive you?” (24:22)
• “Repel evil with that which is best.”(23:96)
• A great quality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was that he never took revenge
from anyone, so much so that he forgave even his bitterest enemies. When he
conquered Makkah, the city where he and his followers were subjected to ruthless
torture, humiliation, insults, boycott and persecution for thirteen long years, he
pardoned everyone by granting general amnesty to all, something which hardly
has any parallel in world history.
• When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was maltreated at Taif, the angel of mountains
greeted him and said:
• “O Muhammad, Allah listened to what your people had said to you so that you
may give me your orders. If you wish I will bring together the two mountains that
stand opposite to each other at the extremities of Makkah to crush them in
But Allahs’s Messenger said: “I rather hope that Allah will raise from among their
descendants people as will worship Allah the One, and will not ascribe partners to
Him (in worship).” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
• In the Battle of Uhud, when the face and head of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) were
bleeding, his Companions asked him to curse the enemies, but he said that he was
not sent to curse but to invite people to the path of Allah.
• Only a man of his sterling personality could have forgiven Wahshi, who killed
Hazrat Hamza in the Battle of Uhud or Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, who had
torn out and chewed Hazrat Hamza’s liver.
• Whenever he dealt with any situation, he always kept in view the commands of
Allah who says:
• “Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish.”
• “So overlook (O Muhammad) their faults with gracious forgiveness.” (15:85)
• “And Verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives, that would truly be from
the things recommended by Allah.” (42:43)

Honesty and Truthfulness.

• The Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬had established a strong repute in his youth in

Makkah.All the people in Makkah appreciated and recognized his honesty
and truthfulness and used to call him Al-Sadiq, The Truthful and Al-Amin –
The trustworthy.
• Hazrat Khadija married him because of his qualities of honesty and
• Even the bitterest enemies of Islam, Abu Jahl and Abu Sufyan, admitted that
Muhammad (PBUH) was not a liar; they just thought that what he said, they did
not deem to be right and so they opposed him.
• When he started preaching Islam publicly for the first time and asked. “O
Quraish! If I say that an army is advancing on you from behind the mountain,
would you believe me?” They all unanimously said: “Yes, because we have never
heard you tell a lie.”
• He practiced these qualities all through his life, no matter what the
circumstances were and this was acknowledged by all, even those who were hell-
bent to eliminate him one-way or the other.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Truth leads to piety and piety leads to Jannat.
A man persists in speaking the truth till he is enrolled with Allah as a truthful.
Falsehood leads to vice and vice leads to the Fire (Hell), and a person persists on
telling lies until he is enrolled as a liar.” (Al-Bukhari & Muslim)

Humility and Modesty:

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Allah has revealed to me that you should
humble yourself to one another. One should neither hold himself above nor
transgress against another.” He practiced it to an extent that he disliked if anyone
stood up when he entered a room, for he never wished to be treated as a ruler.
When Hazrat Ayesha was asked what did Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) used to do
inside his house, she said: “He used to keep himself busy helping members of his
family and when it was time for salat, he would get up for prayer.” (Al-Bukhari)
• It shows how humble and modest the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was because he
never deemed it as an insult and indignity when he extended his cooperation to
women in household affairs.
• When he entered Makkah as a conqueror, he exhibited humility, gentleness and
modesty and not pride, arrogance or self-conceit, in line with what has been
commanded in the Holy Quran:
• “And walk not on earth with conceit and arrogance.” (17:37)
• “And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence
through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not any arrogant boaster.” (31:18)
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Every religion has a distinctive quality and the distinctive quality of Islam
is modesty. (Ibn Majah)…. Modesty is part of faith, and faith is in Paradise
and indecency is from evil and evil is in Hell.”(Ahmad and Tirmizi)
• All the Messengers of Allah practiced and preached humility. The Holy Quran
• “Before thee we sent (messengers) to many nations, and we afflicted the
nations with suffering and adversity, that they might learn humility.”(6:42)
• “And be kind and humble to the believers who follow you.” (26:215)
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) not only himself lived a simple, modest life but
taught his followers to be humble, kind and courteous to all.

Fulfillment of Promises and Honoring the Covenants

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) always fulfilled his promises, so much so that people
used to keep their valuables with him for safe keeping. He was so meticulous in it
that when he secretly migrated to Medina to avert the murder plan of the Quraish,
he left Hazrat Ali behind so that he could return the trusts that people had left with
• When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) wrote a letter to Heracleus, the Caesar of the
Byzantine Empire, inviting him to embrace Islam, the Roman Emperor checked
up the credentials of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) from Abu Sufyan who, like him,
happened to be in Palestine at the given point of time. What a tribute it is to the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) that even his worst enemy confirmed to Heraclius that the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) had never broken his promise and that allover he was
reputed to be a trustworthy and truthful person.
• It certainly speaks of the perfection of character when we visualize the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) returning Abu Jandal, a Muslim from Makkah, who escaped
prison and managed to reach the place where the Treaty of Hudaibiya was being
written, to the enemies saying:

“O Abu Jandal ! Be patient, we can not break the treaty. Allah will soon find a
way for you.”
• The same he did when he disallowed two of his Companions to participate in the
Battle of Badr because they had pledged to the Makkahns that they would not
fight on the side of the Muslims while seeking release from them.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
• “For everyone who breaks his covenant, there will be a flag on the Day of
Judgment, and it will be said: `This is (proof of) betrayal by so and so.” (Muslim).
• “Allah Almighty said: “I will contend against three (types of) people on the Day
of judgment: A person who has made a covenant in My Name and then has
broken it……..” (Al-Bukarhi)
• “Whoever possesses these four characteristics is a hypocrite; and anyone who
possesses one of them in fact possesses a trait of hypocrisy until he gives it up:
When he is entrusted (with something), he proves dishonest…. When he makes a
covenant, he breaks it….”. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
• By his personal example, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) set an example for all
mankind. The Holy Quran says: “O you who believe! Fulfill (all) obligations.”
(5:1)…. “And fulfill the covenant, for the covenant shall be questioned about.”
• The Holy Prophetpbuh was always true to his words.
• He was given the title of Al-Sidiq and Al-Amin in Makah.
• Long before the declaration of his Prophethood.
• He always kept his promises and contracts at all costs even with his
• Once the Holy Prophet promised Abdullah-bin-Abi Hathimal.
• To be present market of Medina.
• The man forgot to reach the place as appointed.
• Three days later he suddenly remembered his promise and want to the place.
• Where he found to his astonishment that Holy Prophet had been waiting for him
for last three days.
• Allah Almighty says:
• “and the(believers) are those who regard their trusts and then
convenient” (Chp 23, verse 28)

Sincerity and Dedication:

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was always sincere in his mission. He never doubted
it nor did he ever falter in carrying it out and he never sought any reward or favor
for it. The Leaders of Quraish gave him temptations of wealth, kingship, marriage
with the most beautiful lady of Makkah but he refused them all telling that he had
a Divine Mission to accomplish. The very fact that he rejected all the offers of
riches, honor and kingship made by the tribal chiefs and chose instead to bear
their persecution, insults and ridicule at Makkah, and wars and killings at Madina,
is sufficient to demonstrate to any genuine observer his extreme sincerity and
earnestness in his Mission.
• Allah, the Exalted, says:

“And no reward do you ask of them for this: it is no less than a Message for all
creatures.” (12:104)….. Say, O Muhammad: No reward do I ask of you for it. I
only ask of him who will, to adopt the Way of his Lord.” (25:57)

Love, Kindness and Compassion to all people

• The Holy Quran mentions his kind and gentle behavior in these words: “O
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Messenger of Allah! It is a great Mercy of Allah that you are gentle and kind
towards them, for had you been harsh and hard-hearted, they would all have
broken away from you.” (3:159)
• Once the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to Hazrat Ayesha: “Never turn away any
needy man from your door empty-handed….. Love the poor, bring them near to
you and Allah will bring you near to Him on the Day of Resurrection.”
• He never used harsh words towards anyone. The worst expression he ever used
in his conversation was: “What has come over him? May his forehead become
darkened with mud.”
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was extremely kind, tender-hearted and affectionate. He
took great interest in the welfare of all people and had great compassion for the ones
in trouble. His love and kindness was not confined to Muslims alone, but was shown
to all, including animals, birds and insects.

Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬as a Dynamic Leader a Superb Administrator and Statesman:

• Another wonderful quality of the Holy Prophet was his leadership and
administration. The Prophet possessed enviable qualities of head and heart. He
remained calm yet steadfast in the hostile environs of Makkah and then he
established his worth as a successful and strong leader at Madinah .
• He took several daring decisions in order to promote peace and tranquility in
Madinah. He, for example, managed to unite the mutually hostile tribes of
'”Aus and Khazraj” on the one hand and the Muslims and the Jews on the
other ( during the early years ) .
• He established a new kind of brotherhood ( Mawakhat ) between the
Muhajireen and the Ansar .
• He was the best strategist and could therefore fight any enemy even many
times stronger than the Muslims. According to him, " War is nothing but
deception ".
• His great success was to foil the attempt of the Allies to win over the Jews of
Banu Qurayza during the siege of Madinah in 5 A.H. If that attempt had
gained success, it might have brought destruction for Madinah.
• Inspite of his own genius he was in the habit of consulting his shoora, the
body of his advisors, on all important occasions. This is a habit that should be
followed by all Muslim leaders of modern times.
• The Prophet similarly, set several examples of dispensing justice without
prejudice e or discrimination. In Madinah often, cases were brought before
him by the non - Muslims against the Muslim citizens of the same town.
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• The prophet, in many instances, gave strong rulings even against some of the
noted companions. A companion, Abdullah bin Abi Hadrad Ansan was
Indebted by five Dirhams to a Jew. Abdullah was in a state of sheer poverty
but the Jew was not willing to give him any concession and he appealed in the
court of the Prophet for the recovery of his debt . On Prophet's orders
Abdullah sold one of his garments for three Dirhams and borrowed two
Dirhams from another companion to return the debt of the Jew.
• In Madinah , it was a custom among the issueless women that they vowed to
God that if a child was born to one she would devote the child to Judaism.
Now after conversion to Islam several Muslim women wanted to get their
children back and make them Muslims. When the matter was brought to the
Prophet he gave his verdict that it was up to the choice of the children
themselves and they could not be forced by Muslims.
• The Prophet took special care of the rights and protection of the non - Muslim
citizens of the Republic of Madinah. He declared " Whoever committed any
excess against a non - Muslim or used force against him unjustly, I will
advocate against such a Muslim on the Final Day “.
• Non - Muslims were never forcibly recruited in the Muslim army and they just
had to pay a nominal tax (Jizya) in return for the security provided to them by
the Muslim government.
• Even in this regard the Prophet's statement over the death of his son Ibraheem
(from the Coptic wife, Maria ) is worth quoting " If Ibraheem had survived
, I would have exempted all the Coptic ( Egyptian Christian ) population
from the payment of Jizya”.

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Behavior of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Towards Others

Behavior Towards Companions:

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was always very sweet, kind, considerate and
helpful towards all of his Companions. Each one of them had a direct rapport
with him, for he not only gave individual attention to all of them but was also,
otherwise, concerned about the overall well-fare of each member of the Muslim
Community. A Companion said of him: “When Allah’s Messenger was asked
for anything he never said `No to anyone.” (Bukhari and Muslim). There is
hardly any other example in history where the devotees would go to the extent
of sacrificing their lives for their leader as was in his case.

Behavior Towards Enemies:

• A great quality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was that he never took revenge
from anyone, so much so that he forgave even his bitterest enemies. When he
conquered Makkah, the city where he and his followers were subjected to
ruthless torture, humiliation, insults, boycott and persecution for thirteen long
years, he pardoned every one by granting general amnesty to all, something
which hardly has any parallel in world history.
• When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was maltreated at Taif, the angel of
mountains greeted him and said:

“O Muhammad, Allah listened to what your people had said to you so that you
may give me your orders. If you wish I will bring together the two mountains
that stand opposite to each other at the extremities of Makkah to crush them in
between.” But Allah’s Messenger said: “I rather hope that Allah will raise
from among their descendant’s people will worship Allah, the One, and
will not ascribe partners to Him (in worship).” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
• In the Battle of Uhud, when the face and head of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
were bleeding, his Companions asked him to curse the enemies, but he said that
he was not sent to curse but to invite people to the path of Allah.
• Only a man of his sterling personality could have forgiven Wahshi, who killed
Hazrat Hamza in the Battle of Uhud or Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, who had
torn out and chewed his liver.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was also very kind, just and fair to the Jews who
missed hardly any opportunity to exhibit their contempt and hostility towards
the Muslims in general and their leader in particular. Once a Jew complained
to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that a Muslim had slapped him, the Holy

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Prophet (PBUH) immediately called that person and scolded him there and
then. It is also recorded in history that he stood up as a mark of respect when
the funeral of a Jew was passing.

Behavior Towards Women:

• Holy Prophet (PBUH)’s behavior towards women was especially very
compassionate. He gave them un-matched honour, dignity and respect and
made them feel master of their own fate. He set-aside a special day for them
when he would enquire about their problems and answer their queries. He
motivated the women to acquire knowledge and become the nucleus of their
families in all respects. He would encourage them to interact with his wives so
that they could feel at ease while seeking guidance and clarification from

Behavior Towards People in General:

• He was very loving and affectionate towards all people, be they believers or
non- Muslims, merely for the sake of Allah. His heart really ached within him
when he saw the corrupt and miserable state of the people. It was the same love
and affection of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that made him free 70 prisoners of
war in Badr on payment of ransom etc., more than a hundred of Banu Mustaliq,
and six hundred from the Battle of Hunain, all without any ransom money.
• He was often worried and grieved for people, even before his Mission of
Prophethood. The Holy Quran mentions his grief for his fellow-beings in
these words:
• “It may be you are killing yourself with grief, that they do not
become believers.” (26:3)
• “You would perhaps fret yourself to death, following after them in grief, if
they believe not in this Message.” (18:6)
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “The best of you are those who when seen
are a means of Allah being brought to mind.” (Ibn Majah)….. “The action
dearest to Allah Most High is love for Allah’s sake and hatred for Allah’s
sake.” (Ahmad & Abu Daud)
Behavior Towards the Orphans, the Poor and the Needy:

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was exceptionally kind and friendly to the
orphans, the poor and the destitute, and commanded his Companions to show
utmost regard and kindness to them.

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:

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• “I and one who takes care of an orphan, will enter Paradise together like this”
and he raised his forefinger and middle finger together, leaving no space
between them. (Bukhari)

• “He who works hard on behalf of old women and the destitute is like a
Mujahid (a warrior) fighting in the Cause of Allah; or like a person standing in
prayer who never tires, or like one who observes the fast and does not break it.
(Bukhari and Muslim).

• “The worst food is the food served at a walimah dinner to which rich persons
are invited and from which poor people are excluded.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

• “Allah, I declare sinful any failure to safeguard the rights of two kinds of
weak ones: orphans and women.” (Nasai)

• “The best house among the Muslims’ houses is one which contains an orphan
who is well-treated, and the worst house among the Muslims’ houses is one
which contains an orphan who is badly treated.” (Ibn Majah).

• “If anyone provides food and drink for an orphan, Allah will absolutely
guarantee him Paradise, unless he commits an unpardonable sin.” (Transmitted
in Sharh as-Sunnah).

• If we reflect on the fundamental teaching of the Holy Quran, we notice that

the welfare of the have-nots and their betterment is its most important object as
is evident from the following:

• “Therefore, treat not the orphan with harshness, nor repulse the beggar.”
(93:9- 10)

• “See you one who denies religion? He is the one who repulses the orphan
(with harshness) and encourages not the feeding of the needy.” (107:1-3)

• “Treat with kindness…. Orphans and those in need.” (2:83)

• “But if, at the time of division (of inheritance)…. Orphans or poor are
present, feed them out of the (prosperity), and speak to them words of kindness
and justice.” (4:36)

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• “…. That you stand firm for justice to orphans. There is not a good deed
which you do, but Allah is well-acquainted with it.” (4:127)

• It should be borne in mind that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was himself an
orphan as his father had died before his birth, his mother left for the eternal
abode when he was just six years old and even the next protector, his
grandfather, expired when he was barely eight years old. So, right from
beginning, he knew it very well what orphanage meant and to what torture and
grill one is subjected if the father and the mother are not alive in one’s early life.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) often used to pray: “O Allah! Keep me alive as
a poor man; make me die as a poor man and resurrect me in the company of
the poor.”
• Once the Holy Prophet (PBUH) came to know that Hazrat Abu Bakr had
treated Hazrat Bilal and Hazrat Salman harshly. As both of them were poor, he
felt annoyed. On knowing this, Hazrat Abu Bakr went to both of them and
asked for their forgiveness.
• On other occasions, whenever the Holy Prophet (PBUH) saw any needy
person in distress, he would gather the Muslims to help their brethren.
• He ensured that those who were deprived and dilapidated were looked after
and rehabilitated effectively, both by the believers in their individual capacity
and the State as a collective entity, not as a favor but as a religions obligation.

Behavior Towards Children

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH)’s love and kindness towards children was proverbial.
• He was so considerable that if he heard any baby crying, he would shorten
the prayer for fear that the mother might he distressed. He told his
Companions to always keep in mind: “Allah intends for ease, and He does
not want to make things difficult for you.” (2:185)
• He never differentiated between the children of believers and non-believers. It
is reported that once some children of the non-believers were killed by mistake
in a war. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was extremely grieved to hear this.
Someone said: “O Messenger of Allah! They were the children of un-believers!”
To this the Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied: “The children of un-believers are
better than you. Never kill children, for every child is born, by nature, as a
• When someone related the killing of one’s daughter before embracing Islam,
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) started shedding profuse tears and sobbed like a
helpless person.

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• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) laid great stress on the proper protection and care
of children while they were young and on proper education, discipline, mental
culture and moral training when they were approaching the age of maturity.
He always emphasized that one’s character was like a fort which no one could
penetrate and so every parent must concentrate on his child’s character-
building right from the beginning.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) loved his own children very much. He always
showed special love and consideration to his daughter Hazrat Fatima and her
sons, Hazrat Hassan and Hazrat Hussain.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said: “He who is not kind will
not be shown kindness.”
• It is not a surprise to find that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was known as a
great friend of Children.

Behaviour towards Slaves:

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a very affectionate and close friend of
slaves, servants and destitute. He treated them with the utmost love and
kindness and always spoke to them in a friendly manner.
• He set his own slave Hazrat Zaid free, adopted him as his son and married
Hazrat Zainab bint Jahsh, a Quraish lady of very high position, with him.
Likewise Hazrat Salim, another slave, was married to Hazrat Fatima bint
• Hazrat Bilal, a Negro slave, whose release was arranged by Hazrat Abu Bakr,
was appointed Muazzan at Masjid-I-Nabwi by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He
was also made custodian of the revenues that were received from different
sources by the Islamic state of Madina.
• Whatever the Holy Quran taught on slavery, The Holy Prophet (PBUH)
translated it into action and the net result was complete integration of the slaves
as part and parcel of the Islamic Society, enjoying all the rights and benefits
which were available to free men.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
• “Listen and obey, even if an Abyssinian slave with a head like a raisin is
made governor over you.” (Bukhari)
• “The most excellent charity is intercession for which a slave is set
free.” (Baihaqi in Shuab al-Iman)
• “He who has a slave-girl and educates her and treats her nicely, then frees
her and marries her, will get a double Reward.” (Bukhari).

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• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) advised the Muslims to always keep in mind what
the Noble Quran says in this respect:
• “Give them something yourselves out of the means which Allah has given
you.” (24:33)
• “The freeing of slaves is an act of great virtue in the sight of Allah.” (90:12-13)
• How touchy the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was about the slaves is evident from
the following:
• “You (the Companions) are still ignorant these slaves are your brothers. God
has given you power over them. If they are not suited to your temperament, sell
them. Do not harm God’s creatures.” (Mishkat)
• “One who treats his slaves badly and unkindly will not enter Paradise.”
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself freed 63 slaves and so did many of his
Companions (Page 224, Encyclopaedia of Seerah Vol.VIII, by Afzalur
• The result of Holy Prophet (PBUH)’s measures was that as for as hereditary
slaves were concerned, almost all of them had been freed, even before the end
of the Caliphates of the Four-Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Behaviour towards the workers:

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a great friend of the workers and always
advised and praised their contribution to the growing wealth and power of the
• He himself had been a worker in his boyhood and had gone through all
the sufferings and deprivations that the working class people have to face.
• He used to graze the sheep of the people of Makkah for a small wage. He
physically participated in the construction of Masjid-I-Nabvi and the digging
of the trench at the Battle of the Ditch along with his Companions.
• He never liked other people to be doing work while he was just sitting
watching, but always preferred to share the work.
• He always instructed his Companions to give high place to human labor in
the light of what the Holy Quran says on this:
• “There is nothing for man but what he strives for.” (80:39)
• “There is a guaranteed share for those who seek and endeavor.” (41:10)
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) set up a code of law to protect the legitimate rights
of workers as below:
• Long and continuous periods of works were prohibited.

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• The work must not be heavy or un-bearable for the worker; if heavy,
the employer was directed to give the servant a hand or lighten his
• Wages must be paid soon after the work was finished or at the end of the
period of work.
• The employer was prohibited from inflicting any physical punishment on
the worker.
The employer was asked to be generous in respect of the quantum of wage to
be paid. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) did all he could, in the circumstances of
his time, to raise the dignity of labor as well as their living standard. The main
object of all these social and economic reforms was to make people realize that
the working class was the backbone of the society and needed to be treated in
a humane and dignified manner unlike what it had to face during the Jahlia
Behavior Towards Animals:
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was very kind and gentle to animals and took
great care to see that they were fed properly, supplied with water at regular
intervals and not put to work for long hours.
• He was also very considerate to all kinds of birds and taught his Companions
not to disturb or destroy even the habitations of insects.
• He set personal example to show to his Companions how animals ought to
be kept in a state of contentment.

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Do not use any living creatures as a target.” (Muslim)

“Allah who is Blessed and Exalted has decreed that everything should be done
in a good way. So, when you kill, use a painless method. When you cut an
animal’s throat, sharpen your knife so as to give the animal as little pain as
possible.” (Bukhari & Muslim)
“If anyone wrongfully kills a sparrow, or anything greater, Allah will question
him about his killing it.” On being asked what was the right way to do so, he
replied: “To cut its throat and eat it, but not to cut off its head and throw it
away.” (Ahmad, Nasai and Darimi)
“When you alight from a mount, take off its saddle before you do anything
else.” “When you travel in fertile country, give the animals their due and when
you travel in time of draught, make them go quickly (to avoid hunger). (Abu
Daud) “A woman was punished in Hell on account of a cat which she had
confined until death. She never gave it to eat or drink when she confined it, nor
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did she set it free so that it might eat the vermin of the earth.” (Al-Bukhari &
“A man approached a well, descended inside it and drank to his fill. Outside the
well there happened to be a dog that was panting out of extreme thirst. The man
felt mercy towards it. So he took off one of his shoes, filled it with water and
handed it to the dog to quench its thirst. Allah was pleased with the man’s good
deed and admitted him into Paradise.” (Al Bukhari & Muslim)
• All these Ahadis show the general concern of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) for
all living things, animals, insects and birds.

• Behaviour toward wives

• Throughout his life, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. treated his wives the way they
should be treated. They were gratified by his presence, tenderness, affection and
the love he provided to them was second to none. The Quran perfectly
encapsulates this virtue:

• “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you
may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy.
Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

• Surah Ar-Rum [30:21]

• His first wife Khadijah r.a. was his source of emotional and spiritual comfort. It
was Khadijah r.a. who instilled confidence in him when he received the first
revelation. It was in her that he sought support and strength throughout his quest
in reforming the society.

• His wife, Aisha r.a. was the one he spent his last days with and throughout their
marriage, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. treated her in a very gentle and romantic
way. They played together, drank from the same spot on the cup, and constantly
exchanged sweet words to one another.

• Prophet Muhammad advised Muslims to marry; he forbade the practice of

celibacy. He said, "Marriage is my precept and my practice. Those who do not
follow my practice are not of me." He also said, "When a man has married, he has
completed one half of his religion."
• Prophet Muhammad said, "Best among you is one who is best to his wife, and I
am best among you in my dealings with my wives."

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• Once a Persian neighbor of the Prophet who was well-known for his excellent
cuisine invited the Prophet for dinner. The Prophet inquired if the invitation was
extended to his wife as well. Upon receiving the answer in the negative, the
prophet turned down the invitation. The neighbor returned in the afternoon and
invited him again. Prophet Muhammad asked him again if his wife was also
invited. The neighbor refused to invite his wife, upon which the Prophet once
again turned down the invitation. The neighbor came a third time and invited both
of them. Prophet Muhammad gladly accepted the invitation and accompanied his
wife to the neighbor's house for dinner.
• In some older cultures and religions, women were forced to separate themselves
away from their families during their menstrual periods. The Holy Qur'an
declared that the period of menstruation was a cause of discomfort and suffering
for the women and therefore men were barred from having sex with their wives
during this period and were asked to let them alone. Prophet Muhammad treated
his wives with special care during those days and showed more love and attention
to them. His wife, Aisha, says, "During the days of menstrual cycle the Prophet
would drink from my cup, especially from the site I had taken a sip, and used to
take a bite from the same piece of meat I had eaten from."

• Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. His wife, Aisha r.a, was a scholar who used to
express herself freely in the public sphere.
• Calling one's wife with the name she loves most or with a nickname or a musical
name is one of the forms of pampering and being kind to one's wife. This can be
seen in the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who, in a saying 'hadith' that is
agreed upon by scholars, used to say to his wife ‘A’isha: "o ‘A’ish, this is Gabriel
saying peace be upon you.” She replied:” and may peace and Allah’s mercy and
blessings be upon him. You see what i don’t” (she meant the messenger of Allah
• He also used to call ‘A’isha: (Homayraa') a short form of ("hamraa’) which,
according to Ibn Kathir in 'An Nehaya’, means the white skinned woman with
blushed cheeks. Adh-Dhahabi also said that "Hamraa'" in the language of the
people of 'Hijaz' means white and blushing-a rare feature among them. So Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) used to treat ‘A’isha kindly and call her with lovely names.
• Ibn Assaker narrated- on the authority of lady ‘A’isha, may Allah be pleased with
her- that she said that the Prophet (PBUH) told her: "won’t you be pleased to be

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my wife in this life and in the hereafter?, i said: “yes,” he said: “you are my wife in
this life and the hereafter."
• Imagine lady ‘A’isha’s emotions having heard the words that guaranteed her
security, love, and peace in this life and in the hereafter.

• Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is our example in this. One time during his stay
alone in adoration of Allah in the last ten days of Ramadan (observing i’tikaf), his
wife lady Safeya came to visit him and spoke with him for some time, then went
to the door. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) led her to the door to say goodbye. In
another narration, he told her: "do not hurry to leave till i come with you."

• He married Sawda, his second wife, while in Makkah. After a while, he wanted to
divorce her for certain reasons. She was extremely upset at this news, and
implored him: "O Messenger of God, I wish no worldly thing of you. I will
sacrifice the time allocated to me, if you don't want to visit me. But please don't
deprive me of being your wife. I want to go to the Hereafter as your wife. I care
for nothing else." The Messenger did not divorce her, nor did he stop visiting her.

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