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Be off irse “I’m off!

Be over acabarse “The match will be over at 5
Beat up dar una paliza “A group of youths beat Henry
Be taken aback dejar atónito “We were taken aback at his
sudden admission”
Blow up explotar Luckily, the bomb did not blow
inflar I blew up several balloons for
the party.
Break down romperse The car broke down on the
way home.
largarse a llorar “Stella broke down when the
police told her about her
husband's accident.”
Break into entrar a la fuerza “Thieves broke into the house
(generalmente para robar) and stole several items of
Break off terminar una relación o Matt and Glenda have decided
discusión to break off their engagement.
Break out Estallar (war, disease, chaos) The restaurant was calm until
a thrown bottle caused a fight
to break out.
Break out in Salir, aparecer, brotar He broke out in a cold sweat.
(sarpullido, urticaria)
Break up Separarse The couple broke up after a
three-year relationship.
Separar en una pelea The head teacher stepped in
and broke up the fight
between the two boys.
Brush up Mejorar destrezas o Shaun took advantage of the
conocimientos time he spent unemployed by
brushing up his CV.
Bring up criar The couple adopted the child
and brought him up.
sacar un tema, mencionar It is not a good idea to bring up
politics with my family.
Burn down Incendiarse The factory burnt down in a
fire that killed 11 workers.
Call off cancelar The town's annual picnic was
called off due to rain.
Calm down calmarse The street market is closed
until the weather has calmed
Carry out llevar a cabo

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