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Unit 1

(past simple & Past

continuous )
Past simple
. ‫ للفعل او فعل شاذ‬ed ‫** يتكون زمن الماضى البسيط من التصريف الثانى للفعل و هو عباره عن اضافة‬
➔ He lived in Aswan in 2005.
➔ I went to the theatre last night.
➔ He didn’t do his homework last night .
➔ Did you watch TV yesterday?
**I played / did play football yesterday. ( did play ‫) صح لكن مش بنستخدمها كتير‬
*****************When / till/until/ before/ after/ as soon as ‫ماضى بسيط‬ , ‫ماضى بسيط‬
( ‫حاله عامه ) لو الحدثان فى نفس اللحظة متتاليان‬
• As she walked to the door, she said goodbye to her friends.
• When I was young, I studied history at school

Was / were + P.P

➔ The classrooms were painted last week . Passive form
➔ The dinner was prepared an hour ago.
‫ شئ حدث فى الماضى و انتهى‬-1
➔ President Sadat was assassinated. (passive)
)yesterday, ago , last, in the past, in 2015, the other day, ….. ‫ (كلمات دالة زى‬-2
➔ I finished my homework, yesterday.
➔ I went to Cairo in 2015.
always, usually, sometimes,occassionally)( ‫ عادة فى الماضى‬-2
➔ We usually visited our grandparents before their death.
➔ When I was 15, I usually went to club.
Used to ‫اعتاد على شئ و انتهى‬
• When I was young, I used to live in Cairo. ( but now I don`t live any more)= I no
longer live now
• When I was young, I was/ got/became used to healthy food/ eating healthy food.
( v+ ing / noun )
• The knife is used to cut meat . ‫بمعنى يستخدم‬
-: ‫** نستخدم الماضى البسيط بعد هذه التعبيرات‬
• It’s ( high ) time + subj. + past simple
➔ It’s time the secretary sent the report. I don’t know why she hasn’t sent it yet.
• I wish + subj. + past simple
➔ I wish I were a doctor. I don’t earn enough money as an engineer.
• I’d rather + subj. + past simple
➔ I `d rather you didn’t call me so late. I go to bed early .
. ‫** خلى بالك كنا هنستخدم زمن الماضى التام بعد التعبيرات دى لو ذكر كلمه داله على الماضى‬
➔ I wish I had taken a rest yesterday.
** Were you fed, Ali? // Did you feed Ali ?
) ‫ الن معناها هل تم اطعامك يا على ؟( هنا انا بكلم على‬comma ‫** خلى بالك االولى اتبنت للمجهول بسبب وجود ال‬
) ‫لكن فى الجملة التانية معلوم معناها هل انت اطعمت على ؟ ( هنا انا بكلم شخص تانى‬
Past continuous Was / were + v + ing
-: ‫**بيعبر عن حاجة كانت مستمرة فى وقت محدد فى الماضى‬
• At 10 o’clock yesterday, I was eating.
• I was eating breakfast at 7 o’clock yesterday.
• The film was being shown on TV all day yesterday . ( Passive )
-: ‫** بيستخدم مع الروابط‬
While/ As / Just as / because=since ‫ ماضى مستمر‬, ‫ماضى بسيط‬ ( ‫) لو الحدث قطع االخر‬
When ‫ ماضى بسيط‬, ‫ماضى مستمر‬
➔While I was having lunch, the telephone rang.
➔ When a friend phoned him, he was doing his homework .
While / as / just as / because=since ‫ ماضى مستمر‬, ‫) لو الحدث لم يقطع االخر ( ماضى مستمر‬
• While I was watching TV, Ali was doing his HW.
• While we were in the park, our children were playing around us.
) ‫( خليك فاكر افعال الشعور و االدراك ال تأتى فى االستمرار‬
-: ‫ اذا تم حذف الفاعل‬--
• When /While ( V + ing ) having lunch, the telephone rang .
• During ‫ ) اسم ( اثناء‬lunch, the telephone rang.
• On ‫ ( عند‬V + ing / arrival / the way ) having lunch, the telephone rang.
On their teacher’s arrival, the students stood up.
• While on + ‫وقت‬
➔ While on holiday, I met a lot of my old friends.
• While in/ at + ‫مكان‬
➔ While in Alexandria, I ate fish for lunch every day.
➔ While at home, I forgot all about work .
-: ‫** بعض من افعال الشعور و االدراك‬
( feel – like – love – prefer – want – know – realize – understand – seem – look – think –
believe – see – have – wish – hate – appear – mean - …………)
‫** خلى بالك بعض افعال الشعور و االدراك ممكن يتغير معناهم و ساعتها يجوا فى االستمرار عادى‬
➔ While I was having dinner, the phone rang. ‫بمعنى يتناول‬
➔ Ex :- when I heard the doorbell , I went to the door.
)‫ ماضى بسيط )حدثان متتاليان فى الماضى‬، ‫ ماضى بسيط‬when ‫** بعد‬
➔ Ex :- when my sister arrived , I was washing dishes .
)‫ ماضى مستمر ( حدث قطع االخر‬، ‫ ماضى بسيط‬when ‫** بعد‬
➔ Ex:- when they arrived , we had already started cooking .
)‫ ماضى تام (حدث اول ثم حدث ثانى‬، ‫ ماضى بسيط‬when ‫** بعد‬
➔ Ex :- when the new parks opens , I’ll go there every day.
‫ مستقبل‬، ‫ مضارع‬when ‫** بعد‬
➔ Ex:- when we were standing outside the cinema, someone picked my pocket.
**while ‫ فى حالة عدم وجود‬،
➔ Ex:-when standing outside the cinema , someone picked my pocket .
ing + ‫ الفعل‬when ‫** تم حذف الفاعل لذلك بعد‬
1-I wish I ……… dinner yesterday.
( have // had had // was had // had )
2-I’d rather I ……... in Paris.
( live // lives // lived // was living )
3-It’s time you …….. to the doctor.
( went // go // are gone // were gone )
4-All morning yesterday, Ramy………. his lessons .
( was studying // has studied // studied // had studied )
5-When grandpa was sixty years old, he……….. from his job.
( retire // was retiring // retires // retired )
6-While Ahmed ……… TV, the light went out .
( watched // was watching // watches // had watched )
7-The earthquake ……… in 1992 and caused a lot of damage .
( was happened // happened // was happening // has happened )
Page 35
Page 39 Synonyms & Antonyms
Page 40 Expressions & Idioms
(‫)كتاب المعاصر المنهج‬
Pages 49, 50, 51
(‫)كتاب المعاصر المنهج‬
Our last homework
1-The abbreviation CV is short for……………..
( Current vision // Curriculum Validity // Curriculum Vitae // Company Variety )
2-……………. should never be included on a CV.
( Hobbies // Interests // Failures // Achievements )
3-In the “Work Experience” section, you list all your jobs with your ……….. job last.
( first // latest // best // worst )
4-“Personal Contact Details” must be written………..of a CV.
( at the top // in the middle // at the bottom // on the right )
5-In the work experience section, you should include……….
( company name, location, description // your job title // date of employment // a, b & c )
6-An ideal CV is roughly ………pages.
( 1-2 // 2-5 // 1-5 // 3-4 )
7- The main goal of a good CV is to get you a ………….
( reward // better pay // good wife // job interview )
8- Which educational stage is NOT usually included in a CV?
( Primary // University // PHD // b & c )
9-In addition to work experience, your …………. make your CV strong.
( interests // responsibilities // accomplishments // duties )
10- The contact information section is located in the………… corner in a CV.
( bottom right // bottom left // top right // top left )
11- At the top of a tabloid news story. There is usually……….
( a headline // your name // a photo // a question )
12-……… report rumours about celebrities.
( Narrow sheets // Broadsheets // Tabloids // a & b )
13- In a ……… pictures dominate the whole newspaper; they are often unflattering.
( narrow sheet // broadsheet // tabloid // a & b )
14- ………… are quality press because their stories contain longer sentences and contain a developed use of
( Narrow sheets // Broadsheets // Tabloids // a & b )
15- It’s common to use long, complex and detailed sentences in ………..
( narrow sheets // broadsheets // tabloid // a, b & c )
16- A ………… newspaper has small pages and large photos.
( broadcast // poster // tabloid // blog )
17- Both tabloids and broadsheets are examples of …………..
( newspapers // fiction texts // forms of literature // works of art )
18- A ………… is a serious newspaper that is printed on large pieces of paper.
( broadsheet // magazine // broadcast // tabloid )
19- Broadsheets are written using …………..
( standard English // acronyms // abbreviations // colloquial language )
20-In…………., stories are biased and they use lots of emotive language to draw in readers.
( narrow sheets // broadsheets // tabloids // a, b & c )
1-What does BRICS stand for?
a) British, Russian, Indian, Chinese, South African
b) Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
c) Baltic, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, Saudi Arabian
d) Business, Russia, Investment, China, South Asia
2-What is the primary focus of BRICS?
a) Promoting tourism
b) Fostering economic cooperation
c) Environmental conservation
d) Space exploration
3-When was the New Development Bank (NDB) established?
a) 2000 b) 2014 c) 1990 d) 2005
4-What is the purpose of the NDB?
a) Funding infrastructure and sustainable development projects
b) Conducting military operations
c) Promoting global tourism
d) Providing healthcare services
5-What is the significance of BRICS in the global economy?
a) It represents a small portion of the world's GDP
b) It has no influence on global trade
c) It collectively represents a substantial portion of the world's population and GDP
d) It is primarily focused on cultural exchange
6-What does BRICS emphasize in resolving conflicts?
a) Military intervention
b) Diplomacy and peaceful resolution
c) Economic sanctions d) Social media campaigns
7-Which traditional international financial institutions are mentioned in the passage?
a) World Bank and IMF b) United Nations and NATO
c) ASEAN and EU d) NAFTA and OPEC
9-What is the NDB considered in relation to traditional international financial institutions?
a) An alternative b) A subsidiary c) Irrelevant d) A competitor
❖ "BRICS plays a crucial role in shaping the global economic landscape and influencing policies on
a wide range of issues" into Arabic:

.‫دورا حاس ًما في تشكيل المشهد االقتصادي العالمي وتأثير السياسات في مجموعة واسعة من القضايا‬
ً ‫ بريكس تلعب‬a
.‫ بريكس تقوم بدور مهم في تحديد الطابع االقتصادي العالمي والتأثير على السياسات في نطاق واسع من القضايا‬b

.‫دورا حيويًا في تكوين المشهد االقتصادي العالمي والتأثير على السياسات في مجموعة متنوعة من القضايا‬
ً ‫ بريكس تعزز‬c
."‫دورا بالغ األهمية في تشكيل المنظر االقتصادي العالمي والتأثير على السياسات في نطاق واسع من القضايا‬
ً ‫ بريكس تلعب‬d
.‫ تجد دول بريكس أرضا ً مشتركة في سعيها للتنمية االقتصادية والتعاون العالمي‬،‫❖ بالرغم من االختالفات في األنظمة السياسية واأليديولوجيات‬

A) Despite the differences in political systems and ideologies, BRICS countries share a common ground in their
pursuit of economic development and global cooperation.
B) BRICS nations are united in their political systems and ideologies, emphasizing global cooperation for
economic development.
C) Although political systems and ideologies differ, BRICS countries are not concerned with economic
development and global cooperation.
D) BRICS countries' political systems and ideologies hinder their common pursuit of economic development and
global cooperation.

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