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Allonzo, Allan November 26, 2018

Sarte, Patrick Ryan 1-

Tactay, Nick Ma’am Paras
Tadle, Joie Louise
Valenzuela, Rovic Brod
Vista, Jhon Carlo

`1. Identify one important law in the Philippines. Why do you say so?

 One important law in the Philippines is the 1987 Constitution. It is because this constitution is
all about the formation of a government and without it, there will be no proper authority to
create, administer and interpret laws that creates peace and order to our country. The
constitution also gives importance to the rights of each Filipino to live in a just and humane
manner devoid of harassment, persecution, and with proper jurisdiction. Lastly, it also states
the boundaries of the rights that are privileged to us.

2. Irrelevant law in the Philippines?

 Article 247 of the Revised Code. It states that you can “legally” inflict any serious physical
injury or kill your husband and/or his “kabit” whenever surprised or in the scene where the
two are having sexual intercourse. The expected outrage and the need to vindicate one’s
honor would form the rationale of why killing is allowed under these circumstances. Despite
this, our group is still against this law because killing people voluntarily is still a crime for us
since every person has a right to live.

3. Proposed Bill:

Modernization of Public Schools and Public Hospitals Act

The Modernization of Public Schools and Public Hospitals Act aims to improve the
infrastructures and facilities of institutions and hospitals run by the government as well as
increasing the wages of public doctors and public teachers in accordance to the right to
accessible healthcare and affordable education.


1. The candidate for the infrastructure modernization must have enough reports regarding

a. For hospitals, reports with deficiencies such as, but not limited to hospital beds, updated
medical equipment are qualified for modernization

b. For schools, reports with deficiencies such as, but not limited to classrooms, laboratory
materials, and books are qualified for modernization.
2. The teachers and doctors of the public sector with a monthly wage of below 35,000 pesos
are qualified for a salary increase of 15%


1. The teachers and doctors of the public sector must be licensed (passed the LET exams),
cleared by the NBI, a Filipino resident for 5 years, and have the willingness to do their job.
2. The public infrastructure must be recognized by the government.


1. Failure of the officer/s in charge to comply of the public institution or hospital in the
increase of wages will result to payment to all employees equivalent to the total salaries of all
employees, in which 10% of the penalty is charged by the government. The said officer/s in
charge will receive
reprimand and proper charges according to the present-day law.

2. Anomalies, if proven, regarding bidding for modernization will penalize both the bidders
and officer/s in charge 10% of the total bidding fees and 2 to 3 years of imprisonment.

3. Selling of equipments for modernization, whenever proven, will penalize the officer/s in
charge 50% of the fees that were sold and 5 to 6 years imprisonment.


1. The said public institution or public hospital that is run partially the private sector is not
qualified for the benefits of the bill.

2. The said public doctor or public teacher that renders services to a private sector is not
qualified for the benefits of the bill.

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