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Curse of the

O'Tolley's Burger
Curse of the O'Tolley's

Section 1 1
Credits Special Thanks to:
Written By: Joshua Heath Daron Regan, for pushing me, for telling me when to push
Developed By: Joshua Heath on and when to be thankful for my friends.
Edited By:Yup, Joshua Heath Quinn Moerike, for all the support and encouragement.
Cover Art: Andrea Payne

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Curse of the O'Tolley's

would eventually be liquified… However, they have

Herrick’s Groceries rebounded recently with their push to sell organic
Established in 1898, Herrick’s is one of the older
foods which they seem to be producing at a faster and
Pentex Subsidiaries. They have been selling
groceries and general home good products for better-quality rate than any other similar company.
the last century and though they are not in the Though there are some that remember their lower
10 ten grocers in the United States, they still do quality history, many have begun to assume that
well enough in the markets where they sell their Herrick’s equals tasty, fortifying, ORGANICS ™.
products. Known for low cost, and low quality, A recent disruption in the growing cycle has thrown
produce, Herrick’s has been close to going out of everything out of whack for the company though,
business several times in their history. When they but thankfully Pentex Corporate was able to step
were purchased by the Board, most assumed they in and help them get their products to market.

Section 1 3
What in the hell have you been eating?! growing within the produce which then die.
When they do so they temporarily release a
Food Poisoning? massive amount of Taint that when mixed with
What started off looking like simple food poisoning an O’Tolley burger, cause massive flu like illnesses.
appears to have spread throughout the entire Sept’s What had the Kinfolk all had when they fell ill?
population of Kinfolk. Fifty-seven human beings, An O’Tolley’s birthday party for a young Kinfolk.
young and old, are all incredibly ill with major
flu-like symptoms. The Theurges of the Sept have What Other Demons Await?
been trying their hardest to stem the tide, but
nothing they are doing appears to be effective. So what happens now? The Kinfolk are still
At first there are no signs of Wyrm taint, there are sick and not getting better. Killing the Bane
no Banes attracted to the Kin, and there is nothing hasn’t done anything, what does the Sept do?
to indicate the influence of the Wyrm… but it isn’t
hard to guess that the Kinfolk were directly targeted Fallout
somehow. No one else in the area is ill. The few Kin • Older and young kinfolk start dying
that went to the hospital, instead of seeking out • The local O’Tolley’s is shut down for
their Garou family, are being held for observation, health violations and Herrick’s is exposed
but the human doctors are just as baffled. as non-Organic, but these only cause
The Grocery Store momentary disruptions to the business.
The only new source of Wyrm Taint in town is • One of the Garou falls ill with the same
the local Herrick’s Grocers (A Proud Subsidiary of symptoms
Pentex International). Having recently gone totally Options
ORGANIC (™) with their produce, they chain has • Find the cure: The Characters have to
gotten a lot of positive attention from the market seek out someone in O’Tolley or Herrick
place. However, the Garou have a very different leadership to get a cure
opinion of the benefit of Herrick’s policies. As • Totemic assistance: An Incarna or
everyone knows, anything can be labeled organic Celestine is needed to save the Kinfolk
and the use of the term in Herrick’s marketing is • Call in Help! Vampires, Mages, something
actually a copyrighted trademark that doesn’t legally needs to be tried
require any parameters. It’s simply their brand name.
As the trucks carrying this new swath of produce
arrived in town, the stench of the Wyrm followed.
The store has a strong Wyrm taint, but the taint
is spread throughout the store and seems to be
permeating EVERYTHING. Destroying the store
is an option, but it doesn’t handle the issue for long.
Tracking The Taint Back to the
• Find the shipping manifests
• Wait for the trucks to arrive and then
follow them
• Use Computers to search out the routes
that Herrick’s trucks follow
• Call in spirits to help track the Taint

Regardless of how they do so, the characters will

push to find out where this taint is coming from.
When they do so, they will discover a group of
innocuous warehouses that stink of the Wyrm.
The Umbral reflection is a gigantic bane that
is pumping out tiny bane seeds that are slowly


Image: The Putrefactory looks like an immense pitch-
Putrefactory black shadow roach. It has hundreds of articulated
arms and legs that end in various cutting and pinching
The Putrefactory is a powerful, but sluggish bane. It tools. As adults they are the size of two story homes.
devours other spirits over time and grows larger and As elders they can be the size of a small mountain.
larger. As it does so, it slowly begins the process of Larvae are nearly microscopic, which is what makes
reproduction. To reproduce the Putrefactory larvae them perfect for introduction into food products. It
have to travel through the digestive system of Fera takes years, sometimes even decades for a Putrefactory
Kinfolk. These larvae are microscopically small, and to reach adulthood, but when they do they find a solid
they do not emit any Wyrm taint once they have source of food and stay attached to it for significant
been ingested. Herrick’s has been behind in the periods of time.
production of their ORGANICS ™ produce, so, when
their parent company, Pentex International, offered Background: These banes are ancient, but since the
them a special set of factories to help them process industrial revolution they have gained more and more
additional produce they jumped on the chance. There power and have been utilized by Pentex over the
are currently five Putrefactories that are producing last 60 years in greater numbers. They can be used to
ORGANICS ™ around the world. encourage the growth of crops, because they spend
their essence to increase growth.
Rage 20, Gnosis 20, Willpower 15, Essence 55-80

Charms: Armor, Blighted Touch, Corruption, Plant Storytelling Notes: The Putrefactory cannot move
Growth* Umbraquake very quickly when it has reached Elder status, like
the ones that are running these factories for Herrick’s.
What they can do is make a Blighted Touch attack
Plant Growth three times per turn, each at a different initiative
The Adult Putrefactory may spend a point of essence
to increase crop growth within 10 miles of it’s primary number. This represents the various arms and legs it
location. The Putrefacotry than eats about 10% of the uses to defend itself. That said, at this stage they are
produce that it helps to generate, which appears as like massive ticks which barely put up a fight. At times
crop blight in small sections of the farm area. Many (and if the characters are stronger than usual starting
farmers that have a Putrefactory see this as a small characters) there will be additional, smaller, adult
curse in a greater blessing that they often assign to the Putrefactory in the same area who are much more
Herrick’s brand fertilizer that they purchased the year resilient and speedier than the Elder Putrefactory.
previously. Derease their essence by 20 points, but they can race
around as if they had spent 2 points of Rage every turn.

Curse of the
O'Tolley's Burger
Darkness Strikes Too Close to Home
The firstin a series of One-Page Chronicle Jumpstarts forWerewolf:The Apocalypse, Curse of
the O’Tolley’s Burger is a jumping off point for Storytellers can use to generate a chronicle
Keeping kin safe is hard for the Garou, particularly in the modern world. Magical and mun-
dane illnesses are a terror the Garou struggle to combat. Banes are easy to fight but what if they
aren’t the source of the illness at hand? What if they are... but they are something... worse?

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