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An Overview of Cognitive

John E. Morley, MB,BCh

 Cognition  Aging  Dementia  Frailty  Olive oil  Exercise

 Increase in processing time is a key component of aging-associated memory
 Oxidative damage due to mitochondrial dysfunction is a key to brain aging.
 The Rapid Cognitive Screen can screen for mild cognitive impairment and dementia in less
than 3 minutes.
 Case finding for cognitive difficulties is essential for health professionals to allow them to
recognize when patients may not be able to follow instructions.
 Hearing deficits, including ear wax, are a major cause of cognitive deficits.

Time robs of us of all, even memory

—Virgil in Eclogues IX

In 700 BC, Salon noted that intelligence declines from the mid-50s. This article gives a
brief overview of cognition and the aging process.


The first study documenting a decline in memory between the ages of 20 and 70 years
was conducted by Willoughby1 in 1929. He did a digital substitution test and found
that there was a peak in memory at 22 from childhood and a slow decline toward
old age.1 Following the original study by Birren2 in 1956 showing that there is an in-
crease in processing time, numerous studies have demonstrated that longer process-
ing time is the key to the memory disturbances associated with aging.3
Fluid intelligence is the ability to learn and use new information and use it to prob-
lem solve. These are the memories that are generally affected by aging. In cross-
sectional aging, memory ability peaks by 25 and then slowly deteriorates at a rate
of approximately 0.5% per year.4 The exception is verbal memory, which peaks at

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Clin Geriatr Med - (2018) -–-
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2 Morley

approximately age 45 and remains stable for much of the lifespan. In longitudinal
studies, most memories peak somewhat later, with the exception of perceptual
speed, which peaks at 25 and shows the most rapid decline. Spatial navigation tasks,
inductive reasoning, and spatial orientation peak in the late 40s and decline slowly
thereafter. Numeric ability also peaks in the late 40s but has a more rapid decline.
With the exception of spatial ability, women tend to perform better than men on most
standardized tests when corrected for education.5 In longitudinal studies, women decline
more slowly than men in verbal ability, language fluidity, and episodic memory. Similarly,
the decline in the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) with aging is less in women.
Overall, these changes do not prevent older persons from functioning as they age. For
certain professions in which processing speed may be especially important, for example,
pilots, fire-fighters, air traffic controllers, and surgeons, regular cognitive testing may be
particularly important6 Although it may appear ageist, it is important that in professions in
which in-depth knowledge and reasoning are important for their practice, for example,
judges and physicians, regular cognitive testing in those older than 70 would appear
not unreasonable. It is important to recognize it is ability, not age, that determines the
ability to continue practicing one’s profession.7 Most industrial psychology studies
have suggested that optimum performance occurs between 35 and 55 years of age.


Cellular senescence of neurons and microglia are central to brain aging.8 These
changes include exhaustion of neural stem cells, increased cellular apoptosis, aggre-
gation of proteins, mitochondrial dysfunction with increased reactive oxygen species
and oxidative damage to protein and lipids, and accumulation of DNA damage.9 Early
in the aging process there is an increase in intraneuronal calcium due to an increase in
calcium entry into cells and a decline in mechanisms removing calcium from the
brain.10 Calcium plays a key role in memory and also prevents cell death of neurons.
These molecular changes lead to changes in the anatomic structure of the brain.
There is a reduction in the number of neurons and a decrease in brain volume of
approximately 5% per decade after the age of 40 years.11
The brain is responsible for one-fifth of the body’s energy consumption.12 Central to
this is the need for energy to be supplied through the anaerobic oxidation of glucose.
Brain aging is associated with a decrease in glucose uptake. This is due to a decrease
in neuronal glucose transporters: GLUT-3 and GLUT-4.13 The decline in glucose trans-
port into the brain is associated with a decline in cognitive function. Most of the energy
(ATP) within the cell is produced by mitochondria, where glucose is oxidized to carbon
dioxide. With aging there is a decrease in the functionality of the oxidative phosphor-
ylation (OXPHOS) system in mitochondria leading to decreased ATP production.14,15
Damage to the OXPHOS system also leads to increased reactive oxygen species and
oxidative damage to the mitochondria and neurons as a whole. Damage to mitochon-
drial DNA with aging leads to impaired mitochondrial fission, mitochondrial bioener-
getics, and mitophagy.5 This results in accumulation of defective mitochondria.
Finally, alterations in microglia with aging result in increase in inflammation and inflam-
matory cytokines. Inflammatory cytokines can directly decrease memory.16
Fig. 1 summarizes the factors that occur with brain aging.

Screening for Memory Problems

The utility of screening and case finding for cognitive impairment is controversial.17,18
This is based in part on the lack of evidence that these screenings would benefit the
person screened. There are a number of reasons why case finding should provide
An Overview of Cognitive Impairment 3

Fig. 1. Factors affecting brain aging. [, increase; Y, decrease; ROS, reactive oxygen species.

benefit. The major one is that health professionals provide their patients with complex
information and instructions that are unlikely to be understood or carried out if the per-
son is cognitively impaired. Other reasons include the following:
 There are a number of treatable causes of cognitive function, for example, med-
ications, depression, hearing deficits, hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deficiency,
normal-pressure hydrocephalus, atrial fibrillation, and sleep apnea.19 Not looking
for cognitive impairment would delay treatment of these conditions.
 Advance directives should be executed while the person is at an optimum level to
understand the choices.20
 There is increasing evidence that lifestyle changes and early treatment of cardio-
vascular risk factors may lead to a delay in cognitive decline.21
 Drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer disease work only in the mild to moderate
 There are a number of interventions that are important for both the person with
dementia and the public health of the community; for example, removal of
guns from house, no longer driving, home safety, a “safe return” bracelet, and
protection against fraud.19
 Cognitive stimulation therapy works in moderate, but not late dementia.23–25
Many screening tests exist for dementia. Although the MMSE has been extensively
used, it is a poor test to detect mild cognitive impairment (MCI).26 Both the Montreal
Cognitive Assessment and the St. Louis University Mental Status test (SLUMS) can
identify MCI with reasonable sensitivity and specificity. These 3 tests all take longer
than 6 minutes to complete.27–29
Three rapid tests for dementia that are suitable for a primary care health profes-
sional’s office have been validated. These are the MiniCog,30 the Rapid Cognitive
Screen (RCS),31 and the Ascertain Dementia 8-item questionnaire.32 The Rapid Cogni-
tive Screen also identifies MCI. All 3 tests can be completed within 3 minutes. Only the
SLUMS and RCS are not copyrighted and thus can be guaranteed to be cost free.
Our experience with the Perry County Demonstration Project suggests that the RCS
can be incorporated into the physician’s practice and/or as part of the Medicare Well-
ness Visit.33 In screening or case finding in more than 8000 persons in the Missouri
area, we have found that approximately 40% of the persons older than 65 screen pos-
itive for MCI or dementia. Twenty percent of persons with diabetes mellitus between
50 and 65 years of age have cognitive impairment.34

Mild Cognitive Impairment

MCI results in an intermediate stage of cognitive impairment between those with memory
changes normally seen with aging and those who have clear dementia.35 Persons with
4 Morley

MCI have a mild decline in memory and other thought processes.36 They do not have
functional decline. Testing must take into account educational attainment. In general, it
can be divided into amnestic and nonamnestic types. The nonamnestic type involves lan-
guage difficulties, lack of attention, or navigational skills. The amnestic type is a pure
inability to use short-term memory. The prevalence of MCI is between 10% and 20%.37
It has been suggested that approximately 50% will progress to dementia in 5 years
and 20% to 30% of persons with MCI will revert to normal.38 A recent study of 357 par-
ticipants at Saint Louis University demonstrated that with careful assessment for revers-
ible causes, including hearing and visual deficits, 47% had returned to normal 7.5 years
later.39 Hearing deficits lead to early reversible cognitive difficulties and, in the long term,
Cognitive frailty is a form of MCI associated with the physical phenotype of
frailty.43,44 Frailty can be diagnosed by the Fried Frailty criteria45 or by the simple FRAIL
test.46 Persons with cognitive frailty have a high propensity for falling, which can lead to
traumatic encephalopathy that can accelerate the progress to dementia.47 This is often
associated with the presence of white matter hyperintensities in the brain.48 Persons
with cognitive frailty are at increased risk to develop early functional impairment.49

There are more than 100 causes of dementia. The majority are never considered by
most physicians. In the postmortem study by the Seattle-based Adult Changes in
Thought study, it was found that 45% had Alzheimer disease, 33% had vascular-
based lesions, and 10% had Lewy body dementia. From 2000 to 2012, dementia
decreased from 11.6% to 8.6% in the United States.50 This is most probably because
of the increase in treatment of cardiovascular risk factors in middle-aged persons
leading to a decrease in vascular dementia.51
Other causes of dementia are as follows:
 Primary age-related tauopathy leads to neurofibrillary tangles alone and may
occur in up to 5% of persons
 Pick disease (frontotemporal dementia) includes apathy, social problems, loss of
meaning of words, and nonfluent aphasia
 Hippocampal sclerosis of dementia is the most common dementia in persons
older than 100 years
 Dementia of diabetes, which appears to be a mixture of an abnormal metabolism
and vascular disease
 Prion diseases, for example, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Kuru, bovine spongi-
form encephalopathy
 CADASIL (cerebral autosomal-dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts
and leukoencephalopathy)
 Fragile X syndrome associated with essential tremor
 Progressive supranuclear palsy is associated with problems with vertical gaze
 Corticobasal deterioration, in which one may have problems using a limb and the
limb may move without the persons recognizing that their brain did it: “alien limb”
 Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: a condition in which severe or repeated
trauma leads to memory problems
 Cerebral vasculitis, such as systemic lupus erythematosus
 Multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune-mediated disorder producing demyelination
 Hypoxic encephalopathy due to diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, atrial fibrillation, and congestive heart failure
 Toxic encephalopathy due to diseases such as liver failure and kidney failure
An Overview of Cognitive Impairment 5

Overall, this limited list of causes of dementia reminds us that we must be very care-
ful in labeling diseases as Alzheimer disease. We are developing more diagnostic
techniques, which is moving the diagnosis and management of dementia into a highly
specialized area. It therefore increases the importance of early recognition of cognitive
problems and the development of specific treatments for each cause.

Art and Dementia

A number of artists have continued to paint as they developed Alzheimer disease. Of
these, Carolus Horn’s painting of the Venice bridge clearly delineates the changes with
Alzheimer disease. His changes show a marked change in visuospatial perspective
and an increase in bright colors. William Utermohlen also showed a shift to bright
colors early in his Alzheimer disease, although late in the disease he returned to
dark colors and a loss of facial features. Of interest was Wilhelm de Kooning, an ab-
stract expressionist, whose paintings became much simpler with age, which one art
critic described as “Haiku-like.” This change was applauded by many art critics but
most probably represented a loss of visuospatial perspective.
Gretton and Ffytche52 studied a number of artists who were known to develop de-
mentia. Artists with Alzheimer disease were characterized by having visuospatial
problems and a color shift. Artists with frontotemporal dementia showed preservation
of themes and their paintings became more realistic. Persons with Lewy body demen-
tia were found to have simple bizarre content.


Epidemiologic studies suggest that a Mediterranean diet and exercise both are asso-
ciated with protection against cognitive decline and dementia.53,54 The PREDIMED
study supported the use of extra virgin olive oil and the Mediterranean diet as preven-
tive of dementia.55 Animal studies in the SAMP8 mouse show a positive effect of extra
virgin olive oil on memory and oxidative brain damage.56
For exercise, the data are less clear, although the 2013 Cochrane Analysis
concluded that “exercise programs can have a significant impact in improving ability
to perform Activities of Daily Living and possibly in improving cognition in people with
dementia, although some caution is advised in interpreting these findings.” Physically
active videogames (exergames) appear to improve cognition.57
The FINGER study, using a combination of a Mediterranean diet, exercise, socializ-
ation, computer games, and treatment of cardiovascular risk factors, slowed cognitive
decline in older persons.58 Exercise alone has failed to protect against cognitive
decline in cognitively intact older persons.
Animal studies lend support to the possible effects of fish oils,59 polyphenols,60 and
curcumin61 on memory. Souvenaid, a nutritional supplement containing uridine mono-
phosphate, doahexanoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, choline, and phospholipids,
has shown minor effects in early cognitive dysfunction but not in those with well-
established cognitive dysfunction.62 Although omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
improve memory in mice, the human studies have given disappointing outcomes.63,64


It seems prudent to suggest the following approach to cognitive impairment in older

 All older persons should have a yearly cognitive assessment, for example, the
RCS, as part of the Annual Medicare Wellness visit.
6 Morley

Fig. 2. Precision approach to dementia. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computed tomography.

 A computer-assisted management algorithm using the principles of precision

medicine should be developed to help health care professionals manage cogni-
tive dysfunction (Fig. 2).
 Lifestyle modification sheets for patients with cognitive dysfunction should be
developed; for example, Mediterranean diet, extra virgin olive oil, fruits rich in
polyphenols, physical exercise, brain exercises from computer to sudoku and
crossword puzzles, and socialization.
 Check for caregiver stress in the primary caregiver and provide support when
 Provide cognitive stimulation programs in the community.


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