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Density of cow milk (Kg/L) at 4.4oC 1.

035 Production (Ton/y)

WMP 4000
SMP 4000

Raw Milk Feed (Kg/h) 7729.2

Volumetric Milk Feed (m3/h) 7.5
Raw Milk Feed (Ton/y) 74635.4
(Kg/h) Raw Milk Composition (Weight Percent)
414.2 Water 87.20%
414.2 Fat 3.70%
Protein 3.50%
Lactose 4.90%
Ash (minerals) 0.70%

Whole Milk Powder Composition (Weight Percent)

Water 2.0% - 4.5%
Fat 26.0% - 40.0%
Protein 24.5% - 27.0%
Lactose 36.0% - 38.5%
Ash 5.5% - 6.5%

Skim Milk Powder Composition (Weight Percent)

Water 3% - 4%
Fat 0.6% - 1.25%
Protein 34% - 37%
Lactose 49.5% - 52%
Ash 8.2% - 8.6%

Cream Composition (Weight Percent)

Water 45.45% - 68.2%
Fat 25% - 50%
Protein 1.69% - 2.54%
Lactose 2.47% - 3.71%
Ash 0.37% - 0.56%
TS 12.80%
TNFS 9.10%

WMP composition from the plant TS

3.50% 96.50%
27.89% Yield (Kg Raw milk/Kg WMP)
26.39% 7.5
36.94% Yield (L Raw milk/Kg WMP)
5.28% 7.3

SMP composition from the plant TNFS

3.50% 95.50%
1.00% Yield (Kg Raw milk/Kg SMP)
36.73% 11.12
51.42% Yield (L Raw milk/Kg SMP)
7.35% 10.7

Cream composition from the plant

40.00% Cream (Kg/h)
2.18% TNFS
Inlet Raw Milk Mass Flow Rate (Kg/h)
Inlet Raw Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (L/h)
Inlet Raw Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (m 3/h)

Inlet Raw Milk Mass Flow Rate (Kg/h)

Inlet Raw Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (L/h)
Inlet Raw Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (m 3/h)

20% of water removed is by dryer Whole Milk
80% of water removed is by evaporator Unit

Skim Milk
Whole Milk Inlet Evaporator Outlet Evaporator
Removal % Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass %
79.57% Water 87.20% 2723.24 58.19%
19.89% Fat 3.70% 115.55 12.09%
0.53% Protein 3.50% 109.30 11.43%
Lactose 4.90% 153.03 16.01%
Ash 0.70% 21.86 2.29%
Total M 3122.98
Outlet Water 2nd stream
Removal %

Skim Milk Inlet Separation Outlet Separation

Removal % Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass %
5.62% Water 87.20% 4016.66 90.46%
75.21% Fat 3.70% 170.43 0.10%
18.80% Protein 3.50% 161.22 3.63%
0.36% Lactose 4.90% 225.71 5.08%
Ash 0.70% 32.24 0.73%
Total M 4606.26

Fat Removal %
Outlet Evaporator Inlet Dryer Outlet Dry
Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass %
556.25 Water 58.19% 556.25 3.50%
115.55 Fat 12.09% 115.55 27.89%
109.30 Protein 11.43% 109.30 26.39%
153.03 Lactose 16.01% 153.03 36.94%
21.86 Ash 2.29% 21.86 5.28%
955.99 Total M 955.99
2166.99 Outlet Water 2nd stream
79.57% Removal %

Outlet Separation Outlet Cream

Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
3790.79 54.33% 225.86
4.14 40.00% 166.29
152.15 2.18% 9.07
213.01 3.05% 12.69
30.43 0.44% 1.81
4190.53 415.72

Outlet Dryer
Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)

Inlet Evaporator Outlet Evaporator

Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass %
Water 90.46% 3790.79 65.82%
Fat 0.10% 4.14 0.35%
Protein 3.63% 152.15 13.01%
Lactose 5.08% 213.01 18.21%
Ash 0.73% 30.43 2.60%
Total M 4190.53
Outlet Water 2nd stream
Removal %
Outlet Evaporator Inlet Dryer Outlet Dryer
Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass %
769.76 Water 65.82% 769.76 3.50%
4.14 Fat 0.35% 4.14 1.00%
152.15 Protein 13.01% 152.15 36.73%
213.01 Lactose 18.21% 213.01 51.42%
30.43 Ash 2.60% 30.43 7.35%
1169.50 Total M 1169.50
3021.04 Outlet Water 2nd stream
79.69% Removal %
Outlet Dryer
Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Component Weight % Raw Milk Composition (Weight Percent)
Fat 3.7% Water
Impurities 1.0% Fat
Ash (minerals)

WMP Production (Kg/h) 414.2

SMP Production (Kg/h) 414.2
Feed Milk Composition (Weight Percent)
Whole Milk Feed (Kg/h) 7807.3 Water
Volumetric Milk Feed (m3/h) 7.7 Fat
Raw Milk Feed (Ton/y) 75389.3 Protein
Ash (minerals)

For the case without standardization tank

Whole Milk Powder Composition (Weight Percent)

Whole Milk Powder Composition (Weight Percent)


Skim Milk Powder Composition (Weight Percent)


Cream Composition (Weight Percent)

Composition (Weight Percent)
3.70% TS 12.80%
3.50% TNFS 9.10%

Composition (Weight Percent)


hout standardization tank

wder Composition (Weight Percent) WMP composition from the plant
2.0% - 4.5% 3.50%
26.0% - 40.0% 27.89% Fat Deficiency
24.5% - 27.0% 26.39%
36.0% - 38.5% 36.94%
5.5% - 6.5% 5.28%

wder Composition (Weight Percent) WMP composition from the plant TNFS
2.0% - 4.5% 3.50% 68.61%
26.0% - 40.0% 27.89% Yield (Kg Feed milk/Kg WMP)
24.5% - 27.0% 26.39% 7.62
36.0% - 38.5% 36.94% Yield (L Feed milk/Kg WMP)
5.5% - 6.5% 5.28% 7.4

Mass of cream added (Kg/h) 0.00

wder Composition (Weight Percent) SMP composition from the plant TNFS
3% - 4% 3.50% 95.50%
0.6% - 1.25% 1.00% Yield (Kg Raw milk/Kg SMP)
34% - 37% 36.73% 11.2
49.5% - 52% 51.42% Yield (L Raw milk/Kg SMP)
8.2% - 8.6% 7.35% 10.9

Composition (Weight Percent) Cream composition from the plant

45.45% - 68.2% 54.33%
25% - 50% 40.00% Cream (Kg/h)
1.69% - 2.54% 2.18% TNFS
2.47% - 3.71% 3.05%
0.37% - 0.56% 0.44%
Inlet Feed Milk Mass Flow Rate (Kg/h)
Inlet Feed Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (L/h)
Inlet Feed Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (m 3/h)

Inlet Raw Milk Mass Flow Rate (Kg/h)

Inlet Raw Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (L/h)
Inlet Raw Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (m 3/h)

20% of water removed is by dryer Inlet Filtration
80% of water removed is by evaporator Mass %
Water 86.33%
Fat 3.66%
Protein 3.46%
Lactose 4.85%
Ash 0.69%
Impurities 1.00%
Total M
Inlet Filtration Outlet Filtration
Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
6739.89 87.20% 6739.89 Whole Milk
285.98 3.70% 285.98 Unit Removal %
270.52 3.50% 270.52 Evaporation 79.57%
378.73 4.90% 378.73 Drying 19.89%
54.10 0.70% 54.10 Residue 0.53%
78.07 0.00% 0
7807.31 7729.24
Outlet Impurities 2nd stream 78.07
Removal % 100.00%

Skim Milk
Unit Removal %
Separation 5.62%
Evaporation 75.21%
Drying 18.80%
Residue 0.36%
Inlet Standardization Outlet Standardization
Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 87.20% 2723.24 87.20% 2723.24
Fat 3.70% 115.55 3.70% 115.55
Protein 3.50% 109.30 3.50% 109.30
Lactose 4.90% 153.03 4.90% 153.03
Ash 0.70% 21.86 0.70% 21.86
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 3122.98 3122.98

Make up % 0.00%

Inlet Separation Outlet Separation

Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 87.20% 4016.66 90.46% 3790.79
Fat 3.70% 170.43 0.10% 4.14
Protein 3.50% 161.22 3.63% 152.15
Lactose 4.90% 225.71 5.08% 213.01
Ash 0.70% 32.24 0.73% 30.43
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 4606.26 4190.53

Cream fed to standardization 0.00

Cream fed to storage tank 415.72
Fat Removal % 97.57%
Inlet Cream
Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
54.33% 0.00
40.00% 0.00
2.18% 0.00
3.05% 0.00
0.44% 0.00
0.00% 0.00

Outlet Cream
Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
54.33% 225.86
40.00% 166.29
2.18% 9.07
3.05% 12.69
0.44% 1.81
0.00% 0.00
Inlet Evaporator Outlet Evaporator
Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 87.20% 2723.24 58.19% 556.25
Fat 3.70% 115.55 12.09% 115.55
Protein 3.50% 109.30 11.43% 109.30
Lactose 4.90% 153.03 16.01% 153.03
Ash 0.70% 21.86 2.29% 21.86
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 3122.98 955.99
Outlet Water 2nd stream 2166.99
Removal % 79.57%

Inlet Evaporator Outlet Evaporator

Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 90.46% 3790.79 65.82% 769.76
Fat 0.10% 4.14 0.35% 4.14
Protein 3.63% 152.15 13.01% 152.15
Lactose 5.08% 213.01 18.21% 213.01
Ash 0.73% 30.43 2.60% 30.43
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 4190.53 1169.50
Outlet Water 2nd stream 3021.04
Removal % 79.69%
Inlet Dryer Outlet Dryer
Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 58.19% 556.25 3.50% 14.50
Fat 12.09% 115.55 27.89% 115.55
Protein 11.43% 109.30 26.39% 109.30
Lactose 16.01% 153.03 36.94% 153.03
Ash 2.29% 21.86 5.28% 21.86
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 955.99 414.24
Outlet Water 2nd stream 541.75
Removal % 97.39%

Inlet Dryer Outlet Dryer

Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 65.82% 769.76 3.50% 14.5
Fat 0.35% 4.14 1.00% 4.14
Protein 13.01% 152.15 36.73% 152.15
Lactose 18.21% 213.01 51.42% 213.01
Ash 2.60% 30.43 7.35% 30.43
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 1169.50 414.2
Outlet Water 2nd stream 755.26
Removal % 98.12%
Stream Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Temperature ( C)
7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 62.5 71.5 4 4
Pressure (atm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Vapor Fraction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Solid Fraction 0.14 0.14 1 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
Mass Flow (Kg/h) 7807.31 7807.31 78.07 7729.24 7729.24 7729.235 7729.235 7729.235
Component Mass Flow (Kg/h)

Water 6739.89 6739.89 0.0 6739.89 6739.89 6739.89 6739.89 6739.89

Fat 285.98 285.98 0.0 285.98 285.98 285.98 285.98 285.98
Protein 270.52 270.52 0.0 270.52 270.52 270.52 270.52 270.52
Lactose 378.73 378.73 0.0 378.73 378.73 378.73 378.73 378.73
Ash 54.10 54.10 0.0 54.10 54.10 54.10 54.10 54.10
Impurities 78.07 78.07 78.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
4 4 4 4 65 65 71.5 4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
7729.235 3122.98 4606.26 3122.978 3122.978 3122.978 3122.978 3122.978 3122.978 3122.978

6739.89 2723.24 4016.66 2723.24 2723.24 2723.24 2723.24 2723.24 2723.24 2723.24
285.98 115.55 170.43 115.55 115.55 115.55 115.55 115.55 115.55 115.55
270.52 109.30 161.22 109.30 109.30 109.30 109.30 109.30 109.30 109.30
378.73 153.03 225.71 153.03 153.03 153.03 153.03 153.03 153.03 153.03
54.10 21.86 32.24 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
62.5 70 70 70 4 4 4 15 25 25
1 vaccum 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.13 0 0 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.97 0.97
3122.978 2166.99 2166.99 955.99 955.99 955.99 955.99 955.99 414.24 414.2396

2723.24 2166.99 2166.99 556.25 556.25 556.25 556.25 556.25 14.50 14.50
115.55 0.0 0.0 115.55 115.55 115.55 115.55 115.55 115.55 115.55
109.30 0.0 0.0 109.30 109.30 109.30 109.30 109.30 109.30 109.30
153.03 0.0 0.0 153.03 153.03 153.03 153.03 153.03 153.03 153.03
21.86 0.0 0.0 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
25 95 95 95 55 55 4 55 71.5 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0.13 0.46 0.46 0.10 0.10 0.10
0 541.75 541.75 0 4606.26 415.72 415.72 4190.53 4190.534 4190.534

0.0 541.75 541.75 0.0 4016.66 225.86 225.86 3790.79 3790.79 3790.79
0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 170.43 166.29 166.29 4.14 4.14 4.14
0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 161.22 9.07 9.07 152.15 152.15 152.15
0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 225.71 12.69 12.69 213.01 213.01 213.01
0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 32.24 1.81 1.81 30.43 30.43 30.43
0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
4 4 62.5 70 70 70 4 4 4 15
1 1 1 Vaccum 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.10 0.10 0.10 0 0 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34
4190.534 4190.534 4190.534 3021.04 3021.04 1169.50 1169.50 1169.50 1169.50 1169.50

3790.79 3790.79 3790.79 3021.04 3021.04 769.76 769.76 769.76 769.76 769.76
4.14 4.14 4.14 0.0 0.0 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14
152.15 152.15 152.15 0.0 0.0 152.15 152.15 152.15 152.15 152.15
213.01 213.01 213.01 0.0 0.0 213.01 213.01 213.01 213.01 213.01
30.43 30.43 30.43 0.0 0.0 30.43 30.43 30.43 30.43 30.43
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
49 50 51 52 53 54
25 25 25 95 95 95
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 0
0.97 0.97 1 0 0 1
414.24 414.24 0 755.26 755.26 0

14.50 14.50 0.0 755.26 755.26 0.0

4.14 4.14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
152.15 152.15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
213.01 213.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
30.43 30.43 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Specific Heat (KJ/Kg.oK)
Water 4.18
Fat 1.7
Protein 1.6
Lactose 1.4
Ash (minerals) 0.8 SMP Production
Inlet T Unit
4 Pre-heater 2
55 Pasteurizer 2
71.5 Cooler 2
4 Pre-heater 3
62.5 Evaporator
70 Cooler 2
4 Pre-heater 4
15 Dryer

ΔHvap of water at 70oC (KJ/Kg) 2333

Inlet T Unit Outlet T Cp Q (KW)
7.5 Pre-heater 1 62.5 3.84 453.2194
62.5 Pasteurizer 1 71.5 3.84 74.16317
71.5 Cooler 1 4 3.84 -29.13

SMP Production WMP Production

Outlet T Cp Q (KW) Inlet T Unit Outlet T Cp Q
55 3.84 250.45 4 Pre-heater 2 65 3.84 203.10
71.5 3.92 75.25 65 Pasteurizer 2 71.5 3.84 21.64
4 3.92 -307.85 71.5 Cooler 2 4 3.84 -224.74
62.5 3.92 243.76 4 Pre-heater 3 62.5 3.84 194.78
70 3.58 1989.05 62.5 Evaporator 70 3.45 1426.78
4 3.24 -69.50 70 Cooler 2 4 3.06 -53.68
15 3.24 11.58 4 Pre-heater 4 15 3.06 8.95
25 2.39 7.75 15 Dryer 25 2.33 6.19
Component Weight % Raw Milk Composition (Weight Percent)
Fat 4.0% Water
Impurities 1.0% Fat
Ash (minerals)

WMP Production (Kg/h) 414.2

SMP Production (Kg/h) 414.2
Feed Milk Composition (Weight Percent)
Whole Milk Feed (Kg/h) 8080.8 Water
Volumetric Milk Feed (m3/h) 8.0 Fat
Ash (minerals)

For the case without standardization tank

Whole Milk Powder Composition (Weight Percent)

Whole Milk Powder Composition (Weight Percent)


Skim Milk Powder Composition (Weight Percent)


Cream Composition (Weight Percent)


Skim Milk Composition (Weight Percent)

omposition (Weight Percent)
4.00% TS 13.07%
3.49% TNFS 9.07%

omposition (Weight Percent)


ut standardization tank
der Composition (Weight Percent) WMP composition from the plant
2.0% - 4.5% 3.50%
26.0% - 40.0% 29.53% Fat Deficiency
24.5% - 27.0% 25.76%
36.0% - 38.5% 36.06%
5.5% - 6.5% 5.15%

der Composition (Weight Percent) WMP composition from the plant TNFS
2.0% - 4.5% 3.50% 68.61%
26.0% - 40.0% 27.89% Yield (Kg Feed milk/Kg WMP)
24.5% - 27.0% 26.39% 7.03
36.0% - 38.5% 36.94% Yield (L Feed milk/Kg WMP)
5.5% - 6.5% 5.28% 6.8

Mass of cream added (Kg/h) 240.16

er Composition (Weight Percent) SMP composition from the plant TNFS

3% - 4% 3.50% 95.50%
0.6% - 1.25% 1.00% Yield (Kg Raw milk/Kg SMP)
34% - 37% 36.73% 12.5
49.5% - 52% 51.42% Yield (L Raw milk/Kg SMP)
8.2% - 8.6% 7.35% 12.1

mposition (Weight Percent) Cream composition from the plant

45.45% - 68.2% 54.33%
25% - 50% 40.00% Cream (Kg/h)
1.69% - 2.54% 2.18% TNFS
2.47% - 3.71% 3.05%
0.37% - 0.56% 0.44%

omposition (Weight Percent)

3.63% TNFS 9.44%
Inlet Feed Milk Mass Flow Rate (Kg/h)
Inlet Feed Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (L/h)
Inlet Feed Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (m 3/h)

Inlet Raw Milk Mass Flow Rate (Kg/h)

Inlet Raw Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (L/h)
Inlet Raw Milk Volumetric Flow Rate (m 3/h)

20% of water removed is by dryer Inlet Filtration
80% of water removed is by evaporator Mass %
Water 86.06%
Fat 3.96%
Protein 3.45%
Lactose 4.84%
Ash 0.69%
Impurities 1.00%
Total M
Inlet Filtration Outlet Filtration
Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
6954.22 86.93% 6954.22 Whole Milk
320.00 4.00% 320.00 Unit Removal %
279.13 3.49% 279.13 Evaporation 79.57%
390.78 4.88% 390.78 Drying 19.89%
55.83 0.70% 55.83 Residue 0.53%
80.81 0.00% 0
8080.76 7999.95
Outlet Impurities 2nd stream 80.81
Removal % 100.00%

Skim Milk
Unit Removal %
Separation 11.00%
Evaporation 70.94%
Drying 17.73%
Residue 0.33%
Inlet Standardization Outlet Standardization
Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 86.93% 2505.99 87.20% 2723.24
Fat 4.00% 115.31 3.70% 115.55
Protein 3.49% 100.58 3.50% 109.30
Lactose 4.88% 140.82 4.90% 153.03
Ash 0.70% 20.12 0.70% 21.86
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 2882.82 3122.98

Inlet Separation Outlet Separation

Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 86.93% 4448.24 90.46% 4176.17
Fat 4.00% 204.69 0.10% 4.38
Protein 3.49% 178.54 3.63% 167.62
Lactose 4.88% 249.96 5.08% 234.67
Ash 0.70% 35.71 0.73% 33.52
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 5117.13 4616.37

Cream fed to storage tank 500.76

Fat Removal % 97.86%
Inlet Skim Milk
Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
90.46% 217.25
0.10% 0.24
3.63% 8.72
5.08% 12.21
0.73% 1.74
0.00% 0.00

Outlet Cream
Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
54.33% 272.07
40.00% 200.31
2.18% 10.92
3.05% 15.29
0.44% 2.18
0.00% 0.00
Inlet Evaporator Outlet Evaporator
Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 87.20% 2723.24 58.19% 556.25
Fat 3.70% 115.55 12.09% 115.55
Protein 3.50% 109.30 11.43% 109.30
Lactose 4.90% 153.03 16.01% 153.03
Ash 0.70% 21.86 2.29% 21.86
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 3122.98 955.99
Outlet Water 2nd stream 2166.99
Removal % 79.57%

Inlet Evaporator Outlet Evaporator

Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 90.46% 3958.75 65.81% 803.22
Fat 0.10% 4.14 0.34% 4.14
Protein 3.63% 158.89 13.02% 158.89
Lactose 5.08% 222.45 18.23% 222.45
Ash 0.73% 31.78 2.60% 31.78
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 4376.21 1220.49
Outlet Water 2nd stream 3155.54
Removal % 79.71%
Inlet Dryer Outlet Dryer
Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 58.19% 556.25 3.50% 14.50
Fat 12.09% 115.55 27.89% 115.55
Protein 11.43% 109.30 26.39% 109.30
Lactose 16.01% 153.03 36.94% 153.03
Ash 2.29% 21.86 5.28% 21.86
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 955.99 414.24
Outlet Water 2nd stream 541.75
Removal % 97.39%

Inlet Dryer Outlet Dryer

Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h) Mass % Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)
Water 65.81% 803.22 3.32% 14.3
Fat 0.34% 4.14 0.96% 4.14
Protein 13.02% 158.89 36.82% 158.89
Lactose 18.23% 222.45 51.54% 222.45
Ash 2.60% 31.78 7.36% 31.78
Impurities 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Total M 1220.49 431.6
Outlet Water 2nd stream 788.88
Removal % 98.22%
Milk Air Psychrometric Chart
Ms (Kg/h) 399.74 T ambient (oC) 22.5 RH% 24 H (g/Kg DA) 4.059
ws1 1.39 Tin (oC) 215 H (g/Kg DA) 4.059 T dew (oC) 0.944
ws2 0.04 Tout (oC) 95 T dew (oC) 0.944 H (g/Kg DA) 53.228

Milk Air Psychrometric Chart
Ms (Kg/h) 399.74 T ambient ( C)o
22.5 RH% 24 H (g/Kg DA) 4.059
ws1 1.93 Tin (oC) 215 H (g/Kg DA) 4.059 T dew (oC) 0.944
ws2 0.04 Tout ( C)
95 T dew ( C)
0.944 H (g/Kg DA) 53.228
Ga (Kg/h) 11018.08
Inlet Air (Kg/h) 11062.8
Oulet Air (Kg/h) 11604.55

Ga (Kg/h) 15360.47
Inlet Air (Kg/h) 15422.82
Oulet Air (Kg/h) 16178.08

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