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Background of the Study

In the Philippines, very minimal research has been conducted about the

spending behavior of college students. The level of the perceived problems on the said

field is still not absolutely figured out. (University of Saint Louis) 2019.

Spending habits are the behavior pattern that is followed regularly that is almost involuntary.

It is a habit of spending money whenever you have money and every moment you get paid.

It is a habit that many people didn’t realize or noticed to their selves. (FEU Roosevelt) 2021.

According to Holland (2016) many college students are unused to managing money. One of

the biggest money challenges that they usually encounter is staying on top of what they are

spending, which means that they have a difficulty in controlling the way they spend.

A variety of studies have shown that this is an issue that students are likely to face in the

near future According to (Bona et al, 2018). Young people's spending habits will affect their

financial situation soon.

This indicates that overspending is a major problem for certain students who find it difficult to

manage their budget due to extracurricular activities.

These days, students are more interested in engaging in a variety of activities, traveling, and

hanging out with their friends, they’re spending money without considering how they would

use it.

It has been noticed, through reading many academic articles related to this topic, that

spending among students was high in general, and on other hand the level
of saving was low. There is a significant relationship between the influence of peers, parents

and level of literacy and the saving and spending habit of youth in Oman (Chavali, 2020).


Many students lack the discipline of budgeting and are prone to overspending (Archuleta,

Dale, & Spann, 2013). Students nowadays lack the knowledge on how to effectively handle

their limited financial resources, resulting them to not know how to control their impulsive

buying. It's possible that many of them are unaware about the importance of learning these

disciplines at a young age.

This study is supported by Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory (1977). According to

this theory, individuals may adopt behaviors through observing, imitating, and modeling

others. This framework reflect on how individuals may be influenced and pick up their

aggressive habits, like overspending, from watching others. People may become prone to

overspending when they are influenced and they witnesses the spending habits of others—

such as family, friends, or public figures making excessive purchases.


Research Paradigm


The Effects of Overspending

on Accountancy, Business
and Management at
Arellano University Plaridel
Campus S.Y. 2023 – 2024

1. How can
overspending impact
an ABM Students
ability to manage
their educational Gathering of Data using The Effects of Overspending
expenses and Interview on Accountancy, Business
savings? and Management at
2. In what ways can Systematic Analysis of Data Arellano University Plaridel
overspending cause Campus S.Y. 2023 - 2024
stress and anxiety Interpretation of Data
for an ABM Student
regarding their
financial situation
3. How can excessive
spending on non-
inessential items
affect an ABM
student's daily and
future needs?


This study part indicates the issue that needs to be tackled by the researchers. The researchers
prepared an interview guide.

Major Issue:

1. What are the effects of overspending on accountancy business and management at

Arellano University Plaridel Campus S.Y. 2023 – 2024?

Minor Issue:

1. How can overspending impact an ABM student's ability to manage their educational

expenses and savings?

2. In what ways can overspending cause stress and anxiety for an ABM student

regarding their financial situation?

3. How can excessive spending on non-essential items affect an ABM student's daily

and future needs?


This study is where overspending is explored by us researchers to define what are the

effects of it among our participants who were ABM students at Arellano University Plaridel

Campus who are currently enrolled in the academic year of 2023 – 2024. The interview will

be happening inside the campus with just a few participants that are affected by

overspending and has adverse effects on their financial well-being and academic

performance. According to (IJCRT) 2020. Student budgeting primarily refers to management

of financial expenses within their assigned budget. Several factors make the behavior of

students dynamic and different from each other. These factors can be technical as well as

psychological and controllable or uncontrollable. The major challenge that students face is

the difficulty to budget their expenses and save a proportional amount every month for
contingent events. Most of the students get their monthly allowance from their parents and

are answerable to them for their expenditure.


This study will be conducted to further know and identify current issues and keep possible solutions
to The Effects of Overspending on Accountancy Business and Management Students at Arellano
University Plaridel Campus S.Y. 2023-2024. The findings of this study will be beneficial to the

Students - This study will help students understand why they overspend and how it leads to financial
stress. It will teach them how to avoid overspending risks such as loneliness, low self-esteem, stress,
peer pressure, and social media influence. By learning these factors, students will develop good
money management skills and a financially responsible mindset that will benefit them beyond

Parents - This study will help parents understand the effects of overspending habits on their
children. By knowing this, parents can provide appropriate guidance and support to help their
children handle financial challenges. Additionally, parents will learn how overspending can impact
their children's well-being and can use this information to promote responsible financial habits from
an early age.

Teachers - Educators play a crucial role in shaping the academic and personal development of
students. Through this study, teachers will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges students
face due to overspending. Armed with this knowledge, educators can tailor their teaching
methodologies and support mechanisms to better address the needs of students affected by
financial stress. By identifying strategies to motivate and educate students effectively, teachers can
create a conducive learning environment that fosters holistic development.

Future Researchers - Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the academic and personal development
of students. This study aims to help teachers understand the difficulties that students face due to
overspending. Armed with this knowledge, teachers can tailor their teaching methods and support
mechanisms to better address the needs of students affected by financial stress. By identifying
strategies to motivate and educate students effectively, teachers can create a learning environment
that fosters holistic development.


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