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Foods and Nutrition

Welcome to the Foods and Nutrition Portfolio! In this presentation, we will
explore the importance of healthy eating, macronutrients, vitamins and
minerals, reading nutrition labels, balanced diets, and specific food groups.

TM by Tishawna Mitto
Benefits of Healthy Eating
1 Improved Energy 2 Weight Management 3 Stronger Immune
Levels Healthy eating habits can
A well-balanced diet contribute to weight A nutrient-rich diet
provides the necessary management, helping you supports a stronger
nutrients to fuel your reach and maintain a immune system, reducing
body and enhance your healthy body weight. the risk of illness and
overall energy levels promoting overall well-
throughout the day. being.
Understanding Macronutrients
Carbohydrates Proteins
Carbohydrates are the body's main Proteins are essential for building and
source of energy. They can be found in repairing tissues. Sources include meat,
foods such as grains, fruits, and starchy fish, beans, and dairy products.

Fats play a crucial role in hormone production and nutrient absorption. Focus on
healthier fats found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil.
Importance of Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins Minerals

Vitamin A - Supports vision and immune Iron - Essential for transporting oxygen in the
function blood

Vitamin C - Boosts collagen production and Calcium - Strengthens bones and teeth
aids in wound healing Potassium - Helps maintain healthy blood
Vitamin D - Promotes calcium absorption for pressure levels
strong bones
How to Read Nutrition Labels
1 Serving Size 2 Caloric Intake
Check the serving size to understand Pay attention to the calorie count per
the amount of food the label serving to make informed choices
corresponds to, and adjust your about your daily energy consumption.
portions accordingly.

3 Nutrient Breakdown
Examine the amounts of macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals to ensure you're
meeting your dietary needs.
Guidelines for a Balanced Diet

1 Colorful Plate
Fill at least half of your plate with fruits
and vegetables to maximize nutrient
Lean Proteins 2 intake and add visual appeal.
Incorporate lean protein sources such
as poultry, fish, tofu, or legumes to
support muscle growth and repair. 3 Whole Grains
Aim for whole grain options like brown
rice, quinoa, or whole wheat bread for
Healthy Fats 4 added fiber and essential nutrients.
Include sources of healthy fats like nuts,
seeds, and olive oil for heart health and
nutrient absorption.
Discussion of Specific Food Groups

Leafy Greens Fish Nuts Berries

Dark leafy greens like Fish, such as salmon or Nuts like almonds, Berries, such as
spinach and kale are mackerel, are excellent walnuts, and cashews blueberries and
rich in vitamins A, C, sources of omega-3 are packed with healthy strawberries, are
and K, as well as fatty acids, which fats, protein, fiber, and antioxidant
minerals like iron and promote heart and various essential powerhouses that
calcium. brain health. vitamins and minerals. support brain health
and immune function.

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