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Weekly report for the week of the 10th – 14th of April 2023

From the previous weekly commentary, we were expecting a bearish weekly expansion on
the DXY. From Sunday’s open we were in close proximity to a daily bearish rejection block,
also considering that this rejection block swept REQH’S and also traded into the daily
volume imbalance. In the weekly commentary I stated that we do not want to see the high
of that rejection block candle be take. The targets we had were the previous weeks low and
then the low of February which have both been met.

Economic calendar:
From the economic calendar for the week, we could identify that the expansion of the
weekly candle is most likely to exist from Wednesday till the end of the week. This was also
stated in the weekly commentary, the reason we expected this is because of how the
significant news drivers were scattered around the week. Monday had EUR and GBP bank
holidays, Tuesday had an orange news event for USD, and the remainder of the weeks had
red folders each day for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This tells us that the expansion
of the week is most likely going to exist in the mid-end of week portion of the weekly
candle. From understanding this we can then see from where Monday-Tuesday have traded
to what the remainder of the week is likely to do. Monday traded into the daily rejection
block; Tuesday traded away. This sets up clear OHLC framework for the remainder of the
Monday the 10th of April:

On the Monday we saw a move higher for the DXY into a bearish rejection block which
translates into a mover lower for EURUSD into a bullish rejection block. Now how can we
better know that this is a retracement? We can use the aid of our monthly chart. The daily
chart is going to print in line with the most likely monthly expansion, just like how we expect
the 15minute timeframe to expand in line with the daily candles expansion.
This should look extremely similar to chapter 6 lesson 01 of the mentorship (do not skip
there if you have not progressed that far into the mentorship yet). We had a sweep on the
previous monthly candles low and an expansion away from the run-on sell stops. See how
the same candle that swept the candles low did not take the previous candles high? We can
expect the next candle to open and carry on the expansion till at least that candles high.
Now how can we use this for our day trading? As long as buy-side targets are intact (which
they were on Monday’s trading) we can anticipate every move into a discount array a
retracement to go higher. this is the swing trading framework that I use to trade. I focus on
monthly open and the likely monthly expansion and then day trade the daily chart in line
with the monthly expansion. Notice how it is the same methodology as how ive taught you
how to day trade but I have just elected to use a greater timeframe opening and a greater
timeframe to execute. This is a swing trade I took as well which I communicated to you guys
on the Monday night. The breakdown of that will be included in the weekly commentary
following this report. Now from the move into the rejection block inside of higher timeframe
expansion favouring higher for EURUSD and lower for DXY we can anticipate the next daily
candles to point higher for EURUSD and lower for DXY.
Tuesday the 11th of April:

Now inside the group chat I communicated with you guys to see how Tuesday trades given
Sundays opening price as this will set us up for the remainder of the week. Let us expand on
what I meant by that here, this should help your daily bias and weekly profiling a lot.
I know there is a few annotations on the chart but it is relatively simple. The orange box is a
daily rejection block on the DXY. Each red line shows the opening for each day of the week
including Sundays opening price, the dashed vertical line is just separating each day’s
trading, and the bottom line shows the previous weeks low. Sundays opening price is the
opening price level we use to gauge the protraction and expansion of the weekly candle.
Remember for a bearish week we want to see a move higher first before going lower and
vice versa for a bullish candle. Now if you annotate the close higher timeframe PDA’s and/or
the runs on significant highs/lows such as PWL PWH etc you can really visualise the
manipulation. We see Monday trades higher into the daily rejection block, we see Tuesday’s
open is higher than Mondays open but is underneath the premium rejection block, and then
we see Wednesdays open back to Sundays open price and under neath Mondays and
Tuesdays open. This is all done on an hourly chart. From here where is the likely expansion
of the weekly candle now going to be? Is Wednesday likely to trade higher or lower? From
the close of Tuesday and open of Wednesday it was very easy to see that the weekly bearish
expansion has begun and that the move earlier into the rejection block was
protraction/judas swing. Marking Sundays open and then each daily candles midnight open
and see how the openings trade above or below each other is a very neat trick to gauge
your bias for the day if you are flustered or confused. Just to reiterate: Monday traded
higher into a daily premium array, Tuesday opened under the premium array and then
Wednesday opened under Tuesday. Trading higher into the premium and then the opening
of the candles becoming lower than the one before shows bearish expansion occurring. This
is fractal to all timeframes, it is hard to grasp and maybe you should back test this pattern
recognition and ask me to check your work so you can solidify this skill. In saying all of this,
we expected Wednesday to trade lower till the previous weeks low.
Wednesday the 12th of April:
Wednesday was the day of CPI, although the direction was clearly favoured to the upside
finding an entry was difficult and we will touch on why afterwards. I managed to entertain
this beautiful swing to the upside on EURUSD and the reason is due to being in a swing
position from Monday. By aligning myself much before the event my entry price is relatively
far from where ever the price was on the drop of cpi. The reason I am saying this is this: if
you can find an entry before a news driver (preferably not cpi-fomc-nfp) that leads you into
profit and your entry price is a good distance away from where price is before the drop of
the news it is fine to stay in the trade given your stop loss is safe. You do not want to be
entered where your entry is very close to where price is right before the news event, this is
how people get man handled by slippage. If you aligned yourself prior to the event and price
has moved a good bit before the news event you can shave risk or go break even on the
trade before the news event. Remember if there is no manipulation prior to the event then
wait for the manipulation with the news event. It’s always a power of three. You are waiting
for manipulation to occur to then try and entertain the distribution.
This is the price action prior the release of cpi. See how it is just accumulation and there was
no stage set for us to align ourselves with the event? Remember to enter price you always
need a stage to form for price, we touched on this in the last report and weekly
commentary. The stage is the “checklist” you need to begin to hunt entry. For example:
price at a 4H-DAILY PDA – lower timeframe run on stops and displacement/MMXM – time of
day – that is an example of what a stage in price is for you to entertain a trade. Your entry is
retracement to an array you are comfortable entering off of, or OTE.

From this point, the draw on liquidity for the higher timeframe is clear. The monthly candle
for DXY is clearly reaching for February’s low and the EURUSD monthly candle for February’s
high. The previous weeks low for DXY was still intact for Thursday which sets up clear dollar
shorts for Thursday to be favoured. Remember it’s about sieving out one favoured direction
and ruthlessly hunting towards it.

Thursday the 13th of April:

The draw for Thursday was clear, you see from Wednesday’s candle does that not look a lot
like chapter 4 lesson 01 daily conditions for clean day trades? How many times have we
seen this together now? It is just about exercising patience until the daily tips its hand. We
could have entertained Wednesday as Tuesday showed where the week is tipping its hand
but no entry offered. The draw was still intact for Thursday so you continue to hunt the
same direction until reason not to.

This is the 15m timeframe for EURUSD, the dashed line is the start of the day. We see a clear
judas swing taking SSL and expansion higher, this is an example of a stage (direction already
determined to previous weeks high as DXY expected to previous weeks low). The yellow box
illustrates an hourly FVG that was kept intact. There were news drivers at 8:30 New York
time. From NYOKZ open price IOFED into the FVG and away, around this time I took your
attention to the hourly FVG on the DXY and nudged you to find short DXY framework. That is
all you need, a direction of where expansion is favouring, run on stops and displacement
and just hunt retracement to FVG’s. if multiple FVG show themselves, go up a timeframe
those multiple FVG should become one FVG.

For Friday I told you guys to watch the run the monthly low of February for DXY and high for
EURUSD. From chapter three, when can we expect Friday to reverse into the range? When
Thursday meets a higher timeframe PDA or if Friday trades to one early in the day.
Remember whenever a higher timeframe PDA is met, expect a level of retracement for the
higher timeframe the PDA was on, this translates to intraday reversals.

Friday the 14th of April:

Friday had a very choppy LOKZ, how could we have anticipated this? On your chart go to the
Asian range for Friday and box it. Is it consolidated or did it expand one way, in chapter
three we mention how if Asia expands then London will be slow and choppy. The black line
shows the monthly low for February. See how when that was hit we expanded away? This is
why you have to be conscious of higher timeframe PD as if you are in a trade and oblivious
to these targets you will more likely than not get reversed on. Remember when the draw on
price is hit you sit on your hands and let price trade and show where the next draw on price
is likely to be. It’s always about identifying a draw on price, framing trades to it, patience,
identify next draw, trade towards it, patience etc.
Many of you performed exceptionally this week, many of you saw passes of your funded
accounts. Please do not get ahead of yourselves. Manage risk and build more capital until
your 3% becomes large enough for you to be content. Do not aim for double digit returns
every month, if it comes then it comes but absolutely reduce your expectations. When you
reduce your expectations, you will be less likely to fall victim to FOMO and revenge trading.
For those who are on phase 2, absolutely take your time there is no rush. All the best, im
always rooting for you guys. Seize the year. In sha Allah.

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