Reflective Journal No. 2 - BUWAT E.

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Name: Esperanza M.


Course: BSE-English

Year/Section :3C

Course No.:

WEEK No.: Chapter 1 week 2 and 3


Reflect on the learning that you gained from this lesson by completing the
given chart.

1.) What were your misconceptions about the topic prior to taking up this

- Before this lesson on literary genres, I used to think it was just about old
books by famous authors. I didn't know it included poems, plays, and more. I
also thought teaching literature was only about finding meaning in stories,
without realizing it helps with language skills and understanding different
cultures. I saw literature as something from the past and didn't know it could
help us understand modern issues. I also thought that teaching literature was
all lectures, but I didn't know there were fun ways to learn, like using
technology or acting out stories. I might have thought genres were strict
categories and every piece of literature neatly fit into one. I might have also
believed genres weren't important or interesting, just a way to organize books.
And I might have thought there were only a few genres, like fiction, non-fiction,
and poetry, without realizing the many sub-genres with unique traits.
Understanding these misconceptions can help me better understand literary

2.) What did you learn today? What were the main ideas?

- For me, I learned why genres are important in literature. They help sort and
understand different kinds of writing. Genres show writers and readers what
makes each type of writing special. This helps writers make stories that fit
certain readers or goals. And readers can enjoy and understand the writing

I also found out that genres can mix together to make new kinds of stories.
This shows that writing is always changing and connected. Genres help us see
how varied writing can be and how we can enjoy it in our own way.
3.) What did you understand best?

- From what I've learned about genres in literature, the big idea is that they're
like groups that help organize different kinds of writing. This makes it easier
for both writers and readers to understand all the different types of literature
out there and enjoy them better. It's also important to know why each group
exists and who it's for. This helps writers make stories that people will like and
helps readers find the stories they're interested in. And lastly, knowing that
genres can mix and change shows how literature is always growing and can
make new and special stories.


Reflect on the learning that you gained from this lesson by completing the
given chart.

4.) What questions do you still have about what you learned?

Some questions I might still have after learning about genres in literature could

 How do authors decide which genre to write in, and what factors
influence their choice?

5.) Find more information to answer question number 4. Include online

links of resources found.

How do authors decide which genre to write in, and what factors influence
their choice?

ANSWER: Authors often consider their interests, strengths, and the story they
want to tell when choosing a genre. They may also take into account market
trends, reader expectations, and their own personal experiences. Some authors
may experiment with different genres to find the one that best suits their
writing style and storytelling goals.

Resources:Article: "Choosing a Genre: Why It Matters and How to Pick One" by

K.M. Weiland

6.) Describe how you felt about the lesson, class, or activity this week.

-This week's lesson about different types of stories was really interesting for
me. I learned a lot about how stories are grouped into different categories. It
made me curious to learn more about all the different kinds of stories out
there. The activities and talks in class were fun and got me thinking about why
these categories are important in stories. Overall, I'm excited to keep learning
about all the different types of stories we can read and write.

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