Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma

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Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma

Ginger Henson Rattan, Dwight R. Kulwin, Mark R. Levine,

Adham Al-Hariri, Jaime S. Schwartz, and Kara Couch

Introduction Principles of Wound Healing

The evaluation and management of patients who have Epithelial wound healing is a complex cascade that begins
sustained ocular adnexal trauma can be challenging. Often with tissue injury and ends with a goal of restoration of
these patients have multiple injuries and are being cared for architectural integrity. The repair process is regulated and
by many different subspecialties. Evaluation of such patients orchestrated by a myriad of cells, cytokines (signaling
may seem daunting secondary to substantial bleeding and factors), and growth factors.
edema. In addition, the emotional state of the patient and Overall, the cascade of cutaneous repair is best described
family members often makes history taking and examination as three overlapping stages known as inflammation, prolif-
especially difficult and time consuming. Despite these chal- eration, and remodeling. The initial inflammatory phase is
lenges, the examination and treatment of trauma patients can seen as hemostasis and inflammatory cellular infiltration.
be straightforward and efficient if undertaken in a systematic The proliferative phase is characterized by granulation, fibro-
fashion. plasia, contraction, and epithelialization. The final phase of
Before we can begin to discuss the treatment of periocular remodeling allows for collagen synthesis and degradation to
trauma, it is first necessary to understand the reparative improve and strengthen the repair process.
process of wound healing on a cellular level. Underlying medical conditions such as malnutrition, dia-
betes mellitus, and exogenous corticosteroid administration
have been shown to impede the wound healing cascade.
Patients with these medical conditions may have difficulty
progressing through the normal stages of wound healing.

G.H. Rattan, M.D. ()

Fellow in Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
Cincinnati Eye Institute, Cincinnati, OH, USA Phases of Wound Healing
D.R. Kulwin, M.D. Inflammation (Wounding Through Day 5)
Department of Ophthalmology, Cincinnati Eye Institute, Cincinnati, Upon wounding, a series of hemostatic events begins the cas-
OH, USA cade that eventually leads to reestablishment of epithelial
M.R. Levine, M.D., F.A.C.S. integrity. Chemical mediators are released by injured blood
Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospitals of Cleveland, vessels activating the intrinsic portion of the coagulation cas-
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA cade. This leads to vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation
A. Al-Hariri, M.D. and degranulation around damaged endothelium. These
Department of Ophthalmology, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, released granules contain chemoattractant signaling factors.
New Orleans, LA, USA
Platelet adhesiveness is mediated by integrin receptors such
J.S. Schwartz, M.D. as GPIIb/IIIa. The clot initially made of collagen, platelets,
Department of Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine,
Bright Health Physicians, Whittier, CA, USA thrombin, and fibronectin forms, which further releases
cytokines and growth factors inciting the inflammatory
K. Couch, M.S., C.R.N.P., C.W.S.
Department of General Surgery, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, response. The clot serves as a chemo-modulator of the wound
Washington, DC, USA healing response and also as scaffold that allows for further

E.H. Black et al. (eds.), Smith and Nesi’s Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 207
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0971-7_9, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
208 G.H. Rattan et al.

regulatory cells and concentrated cytokines and growth metalloproteinases (MMP), which are expressed by
factors to work in a protected milieu [1]. keratinocytes, fibroblasts, monocytes, and macrophages in
response to TNF-a. This also enhances migration of cells
Chemotaxis and Activation through extracellular matrix [3].
The formation of a stabilizing clot results in cellular signaling
that attracts neutrophils, the initial cells in the wound-healing Proliferation (Day 4–14)
cascade. Further accumulation of inflammatory mediators This phase in characterized by epithelialization, angiogene-
leads to prostaglandin levels rising and vasodilatation as sis, and provisional matrix formation. Epidermal growth
local endothelial cells break cell-cell contact. This allows for factor (EGF) and tumor growth factor-alpha (TGF-a) are
increased cellular traffic as neutrophils are attracted to the secreted by platelets and macrophages. This is the stimulus
injured zone by interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumor necrosis factor- for epithelial cells at the wounded edge to send out projec-
alpha (TNF-a), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-b), tions to try and reestablish a protective barrier against further
PF4, and bacterial products. Neutrophils are responsible for fluid loss and bacterial invasion. Reepithelialization begins
clearing out invading bacteria and cellular debris by releas- shortly after wounding and is stimulated by inflammatory
ing caustic proteolytic enzymes. There are a myriad of pro- cytokines IL-1 and TNF-a. Further, fibroblasts synthesize
teases released targeting proteins, amino acids, or metal ions keratinocyte growth factors to stimulating epidermal thick-
within the enzymes. Serine proteases have broad specificity, ening and marginal basal cells to migrate into the wound,
whereas metalloproteinases (which contain zinc ions) spe- proliferate, and differentiate into epidermis. When these
cifically digest collagen. Regardless of the protease, only the epithelial cells begin migrating, they do not divide until epi-
extracellular matrix of wounded tissue will be destroyed. dermal continuity is restored. These cells flatten and migrate
This is due to the fact that protease inhibitors protect as a sheet (epiboly) over the wound matrix. Cell adhesion
unwounded tissue. However, this can be overwhelmed and proteins glycoproteins such as tenascin and fibronectin pro-
healthy tissue destroyed due to massive release or prolonged vide the “railroad” tracks to facilitate epithelial migration.
protease concentration, which can be seen in chronic wounds. After reestablishing the epithelial layer, keratinocytes and
Neutrophils also generate reactive oxygen free radicals fibroblasts secrete collagen type IV to form the basement
(through a myeloperoxidase pathway) that combine with membrane. At this point the cells become more columnar
chlorine to help sterilize the wound from bacteria. These and divide to form the normal layers of epidermis.
oxygen free radicals may also play a part in chronic wounds Circulating bone marrow-derived cells are signaled to
due prolonged or increase concentrations. Furthermore, acti- migrate into the wound and develop into fibroblasts, which
vated complement fragments aid in bacterial killing through along with endothelial cells are the predominant activated
opsonization. cell types during this phase. Platelet-derived growth factor
The second cells attracted to the zone of injury and (PDGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) derived from
probably the most important in orchestrating wound healing macrophages and platelets stimulate fibroblasts to proliferate
are the macrophages. Around 48–96 h post-wounding, and begin synthesizing collagen. Further differentiation takes
monocytes are attracted to the area and transformed into place among fibroblasts already present in the wound.
macrophages. Activated macrophages are responsible for Stimulation by macrophage-secreted transforming growth
transitioning from the inflammatory to the proliferative phase factor-beta-1 (TGF-b1) induces transformation into myofi-
of wound healing. This is accomplished by mediating angio- broblasts for wound contraction. Transforming growth factor-
genesis through synthesis of vascular endothelial growth fac- beta (TGF-b) is important in orchestrating many processes
tor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and tumor during this phase. It peaks around day 7–14, which amplifies
necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), and fibroplasia by transform- extracellular matrix (ECM) production and decreases its
ing growth factor-beta (TGF-b), epidermal growth factor degradation. It also induces fibroblasts to begin synthesizing
(EGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), IL-1 (inter- collagen type I, increases production of cell adhesion pro-
leukin-1), and TNF-a [2]. Further, nitric oxide (NO) is teins, and decrease production of matrix metalloproteinases
released by an inducible nitric oxide synthase activated IL-1 (MMP) as well as increase production of inhibitors of metal-
and TNF-a. Macrophages also play a role in pathogen kill- loproteinase [4]. TGF-b also plays a large role in wounds
ing and clearing of debris by synthesizing large quantities of allowed to heal by secondary intention in which it stimulates
NO. TNF and IL-1 stimulates macrophage iNOS to produce larger quantities of myofibroblasts for wound contracture.
NO which will react with peroxide ion oxygen radicals to Healing by secondary intention and open wounds are
yield an even more toxic peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radicals. characterized by granulation tissue. Healthy granulation tis-
Debris clearing is accomplished by phagocytosis of sue has a typical beefy-red appearance due to its dense popu-
devitalized material, bacteria, and apoptotic neutrophils. lation of blood vessels, macrophages, and fibroblasts
Further damaged extracellular matrix is cleared by matrix embedded in a loose provisional matrix of fibronectin,
9 Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma 209

hyaluronic acid, and collagen. Neo-angiogenesis induced by molecules are formed. These molecules laterally aggregate
VEGF is directed at vascular endothelial progenitor cells to and are covalently cross-linked by the enzyme lysyl oxidase
migrate and proliferate. This allows for the formation of the to form collagen fibrils. These fibrils interact and aggregate
rich bed of new capillary networks seen in these healing into fibers.
wounds. Presence of granulation tissue is used as a clinical
indicator of the health of the wound and the even the overall Remodeling Phase (14 Days to 1 Year)
ability of a wound to heal. This phase is characterized clinically by scar maturation.
Healing by secondary intention is also characterized by Overall, in the previous phases the wound was internally
wound contracture. Myofibroblasts are fibroblast-like cells debrided to sterile environment and a structural extracellular
that also contain a-smooth muscle actin and microfilaments, matrix (ECM) was deposited haphazardly to facilitate wound
which confer the ability to generate contractile forces. closure and reestablishment of the internal milieu. A com-
Clinically, wound contraction allows for a smaller wound plex balance of ECM degradation, synthesis, and deposition
surface area needed to heal, which decreases time to heal and of the initial disorganized repair characterizes remodeling.
also limits the amount of insensate scar that ensues. The This process also adds strength to wounded tissue and is seen
amount of contraction is related to the size and location. The clinically as a raised, red scar becoming flatter and more
trunk and perineum allow for the greatest contracture in flesh-colored as the initially formed dense capillary network
which up to 80% of healing can occur by this process. More regresses. This phase clinically is very important due to the
importantly are the consequences of allowing wounds to heal fact that wound strength and character are determined during
by secondary intention. Wound contractures on typically this time. A weaker wound may result if patients have matrix
mobile areas could lead to deformation and functional limi- deposition problems from diet or disease or may develop
tations. This is pathologically seen in extremities, especially hypertrophic or keloid scars if the balance between collagen
across joints and eyelids. synthesis and degradation isn’t regulated well.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) secreted Initially, the ECM is composed mainly of fibrin and
mainly by keratinocytes at wound edges, but also mac- fibronectin from the coagulation cascade of hemostasis and
rophages, fibroblasts, platelets, and other endothelial cells, macrophages. Fibroblasts begin to secrete proteins such as
stimulate endothelial cells at venule edges to begin forma- glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans as a preliminary and
tion of new capillaries. VEGF production and release is also disorganized framework for the matrix, which is replaced by
stimulated in response to hypoxia from nitric oxide (NO) a stronger and more organized collagen matrix. Normal skin
released from endothelial cells [5]. This helps protect tissue collagen composition is 80–90% type I and 10–20% type III.
from ischemia and reperfusion injury and causes endothe- Type III collagen is 30% of granulation and 10% in mature
lium to vasodilate. scar. Initial deposition of type III collagen, which does not
Throughout this phase after activation and proliferation, significantly contribute to wound strength, is not fully under-
extracellular matrix (ECM) is laid down by fibroblasts. The stood. It does however coincide with the presence of fibronec-
initial matrix is provisional and is composed of fibrin, gly- tin, which has been thought to facilitate phagocytosis of
cosaminoglycan (GAG), and hyaluronic acid (HA). Adhesion denatured collagen by coating it.
glycoproteins, mainly fibronectin, laminin, and tenascin, are Despite the complex wound healing process ultimately
present in the early matrix to facilitate cell attachment and resulting in scar, healed skin morphologically has a lack of
migration [6]. Integrin receptors on cell surfaces bind to connective tissue organization compared to pre-wounded
matrix glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins. Fibroblasts skin. Collagen fibers are secreted by fibroblasts as early as
utilize hyaluronidase to digest the provisional hyaluronic 3 days into the wound-healing cascade. Net collagen synthe-
acid-rich matrix, which allows for larger sulfated gly- sis continues for up to 6 weeks partly from an increase in the
cosaminoglycans to be deposited. number of fibroblasts and upregulated collagen synthesis per
Concomitantly, while ECM is being laid down, disorga- cell. Initially laid collagen is thinner and oriented parallel to
nized collagens are also being synthesized and secreted by the skin in a densely packed matrix. Granulation tissue col-
fibroblasts onto the fibronectin and GAG scaffold. Major lagen has a greater hydroxylation and glycosylation of lysine
fibrillar ECM collagens are types I and III in wounded and residues, which corresponds to thinner fibers [7]. The remod-
normal skin. The ratio of collagen type I:III is 4:1 in skin and eling process degrades the initial collagen and replaces it
healed mature scar. Initially in wounded, healing skin, the with thicker fibers that are oriented along stress lines. Overall,
ratio is closer between types I and III (2:1), with type I col- this remains different than reticular pattern seen histologi-
lagen always the predominant type. cally in normal dermis. However, increased tensile strength
Dermal collagen is a right-handed triple helix synthesized is positively correlated collagen thickness and orientation.
and secreted by fibroblasts into the ECM. Here the N- and Most scars tend to be hypopigmented compared to
C-terminal pro-peptides are cleaved and tropocollagen surrounding skin, but can be hyperpigmented especially in
210 G.H. Rattan et al.

darker skin types. Regardless, maturing scars should be kept healing that occurs with chronic corticosteroid treatment.
out of the sun and protective measures should be taken espe- Being a fat-soluble vitamin, it can be given in toxic doses.
cially in sun-exposed areas such as the head, neck, and A typical oral dose is 25,000 every other day.
extremities. Vitamin B6 (pyroxidine) is utilized for collagen cross-
Wound tensile strength rapidly increases from weeks 1 to linking, and vitamin B1 (riboflavin) is associated with poor
8. This initially is due to the increased content of collagen wound healing if deficient. Minerals such as zinc and copper
deposited. Further strengthening is accomplished by reorga- have been implicated in poor wound healing due to the fact
nization and cross-linking of collagen. Wound strength never that their divalent cations are cofactors in many important
returns to full strength. At week 1, it has 3% of final strength, enzymatic reactions. Zinc deficiency has been associated
at 3 weeks 30%, and at full maturity, the wound will achieve with poor epithelialization and poor wound healing. This can
only 80% of pre-wounding strength [8]. This process utilizes be easily corrected as a patient only needs to supplement
lysyl oxidase as the major intermolecular collagen cross- zinc for 10 days to improve the situation.
linking enzyme. Further matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) Systemic factors are a known impediment to healing. For
such as collagenases, gelatinases, and stromelysins degrade example, a patient with arterial occlusions below the knee is
ECM components. The balance of collagen deposition and unlikely to heal a posterior heel ulcer without revasculariza-
degradation is in part determined by regulation of MMP tion. Similarly, diabetes mellitus is known to cause multiple
activity. Changing concentrations of cytokines such as cellular changes which delay healing. Growth factor and
TGF-b, PDGF, IL-1, and EGF influences activation. It is also cytokine deficiencies have been found in both diabetic mouse
further suppressed by tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase and diabetic human wounds. Specifically, there are deficien-
(TIMP), secreted by fibroblasts and upregulated by TGF-b cies in PDGF, VEGF, IGF-1, IGF-II, TGF-b, aFGF, and IL-6.
and IL-6. Diabetics also have decreased angiogenesis, endothelial dys-
The final result of the wound-healing cascade is scar. function, abnormalities in fibroblast function, extracellular
Even in its final matured state, it will be more fragile, inelas- matrix, and decreased cellular infiltrate [9]. These factors, in
tic, and will not contain skin appendages such as hair folli- combination with the neuropathic changes and arterial occlu-
cles and sweat glands compared to normal skin. sive disease that occur with diabetes over time, lead to very
poor healing ability. Billions of healthcare dollars are spent
annually on diabetic foot ulcers and their treatment. Diabetic
Clinical Factors Affecting Wound Healing wound healing proceeds far more effectively when tight gly-
cemic control is maintained. The hemoglobin A1C level is a
Wounding disturbs the delicate internal milieu and allows for good indicator of blood glucose controls over the previous
bacterial introduction. These organisms trigger a host 3 months. Any discrepancies or problems maintaining nor-
response resulting in inflammation. Acute and chronic mal blood glucose levels should be referred to an endocri-
inflammatory infiltrates inhibit the wound healing cascade nologist. Smoking has been shown to have deleterious effects
by impairing fibroblast proliferation resulting in decreasing on wound healing, because one cigarette decreases local
ECM synthesis and deposition. More than 105 organisms/g blood supply by up to 30% for 2–4 h after each cigarette.
of tissue constitute clinical infection and will delay wound Insisting that the patient stop smoking during the wound-
healing. healing period may play a crucial role in the outcome.
Nutrition plays an important part in the anabolic wound It is well established that wounds cannot heal without
healing process. An adequate protein intake is necessary for adequate blood flow; so a careful assessment of perfusion
many internal processes, but imperative for ECM deposition. should be done for all wounds, particularly those on the dis-
Chronic protein depletion can result in poorly healed wounds tal extremities. Any patient with non-palpable distal pulses
and, in severe cases, dehiscence. should be referred for noninvasive testing or evaluation by a
Furthermore, vitamins and minerals play pivotal roles in vascular surgeon. In addition, in patients who have previ-
many aspects of the cascade. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is ously undergone revascularization procedures, re-occlusion
necessary for hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues. of the affected artery should be considered and evaluated in
Hydroxyproline allows for newly synthesized collagen to be the setting of wound deterioration without other factors, such
transported out of cells. Hydroxylysine facilitates collagen as infection, being present.
cross-linking. Vitamin A (retinoic acid) is involved in many
aspects of repair such as fibroplasia, collagen synthesis, and Excessive Healing
cross-linking as well as epithelialization. Many processes controlled at different times by signaling
Vitamin A requirements are increased following injury cytokines’ upregulation and downregulation of target cells
and supplementation may be required to maintain normal characterize the normal wound-healing cascade. When stop-
serum levels. It has also been shown to reverse the impaired gap signals are ineffective or absent, the synthesis of ECM,
9 Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma 211

especially collagen, may continue and result in excessive ABCs of emergency care: establishing an adequate airway,
repair. The reasoning for this is not well understood, but cer- controlling excessive bleeding, and stabilization of the
tain aspects such as overexpression of profibrotic cytokines, patient’s circulatory status [10]. Ophthalmic evaluation and
a lack of programmed cell death (apoptosis), and continued treatment should be delayed until more serious systemic
presence of ECM secreting activated fibroblasts have been problems have been addressed.
implicated. If respiratory obstruction is present, an adequate airway
Further reasoning for excessive scarring may be attributed should be immediately established. The facial region is
to iatrogenic planning or traumatic wounds placement in highly vascularized, and significant blood loss can rapidly
unfavorable areas. The least amount of tension on a wound occur. Control of bleeding can usually be achieved by a com-
allows for the smallest and most cosmetic acceptable scar. bination of pressure and ligation of large bleeding vessels.
These areas are classically described as being within or par- Significant blood loss should be treated with volume
allel to natural skin creases (Langer’s lines). Tension along replacement.
the wound edge may cause separation and widening as well Because injuries to the lids may be associated with trauma
as some healing by secondary intention. to the head and neck region, it is mandatory to rule out a
Hypertrophic scars are defined as raised scars that have cervical spinal injury. Until an appropriate evaluation can be
not overgrown the boundaries of the original scar. Most performed, the patient’s neck should be immobilized in a
likely they form as the result of tension on wound edges and cervical collar. The neurologic status should be evaluated,
are common across flexion surfaces of extremities, breasts, especially for signs of a closed head injury. If there is a pos-
sternum, and neck. They are usually self-limited and will sibility of an intracranial injury, obtain a head computed
fade over time. tomography (CT) scan and consultation with a neurosurgeon.
Keloid scars are characterized by overgrowth beyond Occult chest and abdominal trauma should also be ruled out
the original boundaries and behave like a benign skin in the severely traumatized patient.
tumor. They are more commonly seen in darker-skinned
patients with African Americans having an incidence
between 6% and 16%. They have an autosomal dominant General Principles
genetic predisposition. However, simple primary excision
and closure usually results in recurrence. This may be due Once attention can be safely directed to the ocular adnexal
to excessive wound healing stimuli and/or inappropriate region, priority should be first given to the preservation of
stopgap signals resulting in continued and unchecked vision. This entails evaluating the patient for any evidence of
repair. They are relatively acellular and are composed ocular or optic nerve injuries (Fig. 9.1). This may be difficult
mainly of collagen. An appropriate number of fibroblasts if the patient is uncooperative or unconscious. Furthermore,
at the wound edge seem to overproduce collagen and dis- a proper examination may be difficult secondary to swelling
turb the balance between synthesis and degradation. TGF-b of the eyelids or pain on opening of the lids. Bleeding may
causes a greater degree of collagen gene expression, and also hamper attempts to evaluate the globe. Light pressure to
there is a greater degree of profibrotic growth factor expres- the lids usually controls generalized oozing. Care should be
sion in keloid compared to normal fibroblasts. Further taken not to create point pressure on the globe, because this
studies have also found that keloid keratinocytes are phe- may further injure an already traumatized eye. Treatment of
notypically different and induce a greater proliferation and eyelid injuries should be delayed until one can determine
collagen expression in fibroblasts. that the globes are intact. If a ruptured eye is suspected, fur-
ther examination and treatment should be performed in an
operating room setting [11].
Eyelid Trauma If the adnexal injury is significant or there has been con-
tamination, intravenous antibiotics should be administered.
Systemic Considerations Tetanus toxoid, 0.5 mL, should be administered if the patient
has not had a tetanus immunization within 5 years. If the
Patients with ocular adnexal trauma often have other signifi- patient has never had a tetanus immunization, 250 units of
cant injuries. This is especially true in patients injured by human tetanus immune globulin should be given [12].
motor vehicle accidents or falls. In general, the emergency Pain can be severe in traumatized patients, and pain relief
medical staff will have already addressed the life-threaten- can facilitate the evaluation and treatment of injuries.
ing medical conditions prior to obtaining an ophthalmic However, care should be used in regard to the type and
consultation. Nonetheless, it is important use an appropriate dosage of pain medication given, especially with regard to
treatment protocol for assessing patients with acute trauma the possibility of a head injury. Many of these patients are
that is systematic in nature. This includes assuring the basic intoxicated, adding a further degree of complexity.
212 G.H. Rattan et al.

Fig. 9.1 (a) Soft tissue injury to the eyelid. (b) CT scan of same patient with evidence of associated optic nerve injury

History tissue examination, (3) orbital evaluation, and (4) examination

of the face.
A carefully gathered history about the circumstances causing First an ocular examination must be performed first to
an injury can be of great help in determining the type and rule out an injury of the globe. In the conscious patient,
extent of the trauma. The mechanism of injury can indicate visual acuity, pupillary response, intraocular pressure, slit
the depth of a wound and if there may be a foreign body pres- lamp examination, and a dilated fundus examination should
ent. A history of sharp trauma with a pencil or knife should be performed. Even in the unconscious patient, a complete
elicit suspicion of injury to deeper orbital structures like the ocular examination is usually possible. For some cases an
levator muscle, optic nerve, or extraocular muscles. Likewise, evaluation under anesthesia is necessary, because trying to
a history of blunt injury to the periorbital tissues may raise manipulate the lids can cause further injury to the globe.
suspicion of an underlying orbital fracture or canthal The periocular soft tissue examination should delineate
avulsion. Bite and claw injuries are notorious for causing the extent and depth of lacerations. The eyelid margin should
canalicular lacerations. be examined carefully first. A notch or abnormality in the
A patient’s specific reports of symptoms can also suggest marginal contour should elicit suspicion for more extensive,
the type and extent of injury to be found. Decreased vision full-thickness injury. Any laceration medial to the punctum
suggests an injury to the optic nerve or globe. Diplopia, hyp- should be inspected carefully for a canalicular laceration.
esthesia, and pain on eye movement are indicative of an Bite or claw injuries should raise suspicion for occult canali-
orbital fracture. Pain with jaw movement or chewing may cular injury. Another sign of canalicular injury includes lat-
indicate a zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture. Inquiry eral punctal displacement. The punctal position can be
should be made about loss of consciousness and neck or compared with the contralateral punctum and the ipsilateral
trunk pain. If an animal bite is involved, it should be deter- opposing punctum. If there is any possibility of a canalicular
mined if the animal is up-to-date on its rabies immunizations laceration, the involved canaliculus should be probed. A drop
and if the animal has been quarantined (for 10 days) [13–16]. of tetracaine placed in the eye before probing will make this
A history of previous ocular abnormality as well as other procedure more comfortable. Orbital fat prolapse through
medical problems should be elicited. Known allergies should the eyelid indicates penetration through the orbital septum
be documented, and a compilation of medications should be and potential deep orbital trauma and/or damage to the leva-
noted. The most recent food or liquid ingestion should be tor muscle. Lid position and levator function should be
documented. There is a delay in gastric emptying after sig- assessed. Displacement or rounding of the canthal angles
nificant trauma; so, if reasonable, surgery should be delayed should be noted.
for at least 8 h if general anesthesia is required [17]. The orbital evaluation begins with testing of extraocular
muscle function including range of motion and diplopia in
all fields of gaze. Test for hypesthesia of the cheek, side of
Patient Evaluation the nose, and upper lip and gum region. Palpation of the bony
orbital rims should be performed. Significant tightness of
The examination should be divided into four basic parts: the orbit on palpation should raise suspicion of compression
(1) the ocular examination, followed by (2) a periocular soft of the optic nerve. Proptosis or enophthalmos should be
9 Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma 213

measured with a Hertel exophthalmometer. If a fracture or abscesses, especially if the foreign body is organic.
foreign body is suspected, a CT scan of the orbits and/or face Preoperative radiographic mapping of foreign bodies can be
is indicated. The CT scan is usually the study of choice in an extremely helpful at the time of operation. Even with exten-
acute trauma setting. Direct axial and coronal views with sive exploration and removal of foreign bodies, some small
2-mm cuts should be obtained. The CT scan allows complete fragments, especially glass, may spontaneously extrude for
evaluation of the bony orbit and may demonstrate the posi- months after the initial injury.
tion of foreign bodies. A magnetic resonance image (MRI) Wound decontamination should be carried out initially to
scan may be useful in identifying optic nerve injury. remove debris from the site of injury and reduce its bacterial
Because adnexal injury is often associated with facial load. Sterile saline solution can be used for high-pressure
injuries, thorough examination of the head and neck should irrigation. Using a large syringe fitted with an 18–19-gauge
be performed. It is wise to involve other specialists as needed. needle or short catheter will create a continuous stream under
It is important to photograph the injuries and to completely pressure, which will reduce the bacterial counts by up to 1.5
document all findings. log units and wound infection by 90% [19].
Once the wounds have been completely explored and
decontaminated, the goal of surgical treatment is to restore
Surgical Management the integrity of the five basic components of the eyelids: (1)
anterior lamellae – skin and orbicularis muscle, (2) posterior
Surgical repair of adnexal trauma should preserve the eye lamellae – tarsus and conjunctiva, (3) canthal tendons, (4)
and vision, maintain function, and restore cosmesis [18]. upper and lower canaliculi, and (5) levator complex. If
The best way to accomplish these goals is through a well- involved, the canthal tendons, lacrimal excretory system, and
executed primary repair. levator complex should be repaired first, then attention can
At surgery, the first priority is to establish the extent of be directed to the eyelid margin and skin. Often it appears
injury. A thorough exploration of all wounds should be per- that there is loss of tissue when it merely is retraction of the
formed, looking for deep orbital penetration, foreign bodies, wound margins secondary to normal elasticity of the eyelid
or occult injury to the globe (Fig. 9.2). Debride only tissue structures or the thin tissue of the lids folding under itself. In
that is clearly devitalized, and minimize removal of tissue closing a wound, first pick identifying landmarks to reap-
when revising ragged wound margins. Eyelid skin is proximate. These include points of acute angulation, hairline
extremely thin. Gentle manipulation of the wound edges will of the brow, and the apices of traumatic flaps (Fig. 9.3). The
minimize further trauma during the repair. septum should not be incorporated in any repair of the trau-
Care should be taken to remove all foreign bodies, because matized lids. Some authors go as far as to recommend its
retained foreign bodies can lead to chronic infection or excision before closure of lid lacerations. Inadvertent or

Fig. 9.2 (a) Small anterior lamellar eyelid injury. (b) Occult injury of the globe by full-thickness penetration through the eyelid
214 G.H. Rattan et al.

Fig. 9.3 (a) Irregular laceration through the upper eyelid, eyebrow, and lateral canthal area. Arrows show significant landmarks. (b) Laceration is
closed first by approximating known landmarks and then closing the remaining wound

planned incorporation of the septum can lead to marked lid

retraction and lagophthalmos. These basic principles can be
applied to any injury of the adnexal area regardless of its
location or extent.

Operative Considerations

Most minor lacerations can be repaired in the emergency

room or intensive care unit. A small, specialized tray of
instruments simplifies these repairs. This tray should include
a Castroviejo needle-holder, iris scissors, and a small-toothed
pickup. A punctal dilator and 00 Bowman probe should be
included (Fig. 9.4). Useful sutures for such minor repairs
include 6–0 nylon, Vicryl, and mild chromic. Local anesthe-
sia can be obtained with 1% lidocaine with epinephrine
In the operating room setting, most adnexal injuries can
be repaired with local anesthesia and monitored sedation.
General anesthesia should be used if there is a possibility of
an open globe, but no depolarizing agent should be given at
the time of induction. General anesthesia should be used for
extensive or complex injuries, canalicular lacerations, and in Fig. 9.4 Small ophthalmic plastic laceration tray consisting of
poorly cooperative individuals. If local anesthesia is used, Castroviejo needle-holder, Manhattan pickup, curved iris scissors,
the area of injury should be infiltrated with a solution of 1% punctal dilator, and Bowman probe
lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000 mixed equally with
0.5% bupivacaine (Marcaine) to provide a longer analgesic
effect. A regional nerve block can be used to augment the
local infiltration [14].
The entire face is prepped with a dilute solution of povi- Management of Blunt Trauma
done-iodine (Betadine) paint. Contaminated wounds can be
irrigated with a solution of 1 g of cefazolin (Kefzol) in Blunt trauma typically results in irregularly shaped lacera-
250 mL of normal saline. At the end of surgery, a broad- tions and avulsion injuries. This type of injury is commonly
spectrum antibiotic ointment can be applied over the wounds, seen in fist-related trauma or motor vehicle accidents when
and a patch may be used. the face comes into contact with the dashboard.
9 Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma 215

Fig. 9.5 Repair of an avulsion of the medial canthal tendon. (a) Medial
canthal tendon has been avulsed from the periorbita, but the periorbita Fig. 9.6 When no periorbita remains, following a medial canthal ten-
is intact. (b) A 4–0 Polydek suture is passed in a crisscross fashion don avulsion, a T-shaped microplate can be used to fixate the medial
through the cut end of the medial canthal tendon and then brought canthal tendon in its normal anatomic position
through the periorbita in the area of the posterior lacrimal crest in a
posterior to anterior direction
complete avulsion of soft tissue from the bone, the authors
use a microplate to fixate the medial canthal tendon into its
Medial Canthal Injuries normal position [20]. The microplate is attached to the
thicker bone of the anterior lacrimal crest, and the posterior
Medial canthal tendon injuries are often associated with portion of the T-shaped plate is used to anchor the avulsed
canalicular injuries, and intubation of the canaliculus should medial canthal tendon (Fig. 9.6). Before repairing the medial
be performed before tendon repair. It is important to deter- canthal tendon, this region must be evaluated for evidence of
mine whether the posterior as well as the anterior horn of the bony fractures. Fractures must be stabilized before repair of
medial canthal tendon has been injured. If the posterior horn the tendon. If the bone cannot be stabilized, then transnasal
has been transected, its repair is critical to proper lid apposi- wiring of the medial canthal tendons should be used. The key
tion to the globe. point to remember in repairing the medial canthal tendon is
If both ends of the injured tendon can be found, it may be that the repair must provide a posterior pull to keep the lid
repaired using nonabsorbable suture. The 4–0 double-armed well apposed to the globe and the lacrimal pump functioning
Polydek on a P-2 needle works well in this situation. Its small normally.
semicircular needle is invaluable in reattaching the canthal
tendon in a posterior position. A horizontal mattress suture is
placed through the distal avulsed end of the tendon, and the Lateral Canthal Injuries
two needles are then brought from posterior to anterior
through the proximal portion of the tendon. If the proximal When both sides of the transected lateral canthal tendon can
portion of the tendon cannot be identified but there is intact be identified, a 4–0 Polydek suture can be passed in a hori-
periorbita, the needles can be passed through this in the zontal mattress fashion across the cut ends of the tendon or
region of the posterior lacrimal crest (Fig. 9.5). With to the periorbita if needed. With periosteal fixation, the
216 G.H. Rattan et al.

transected tendon should be placed just above its normal Complex Lacerations
anatomic position because wound contracture will tend to These include stellate lacerations and those with significant
pull the canthal angle inferiorly [21]. If soft tissue has been loss of tissue or injury to submuscular structures. These
avulsed from the underlying lateral rim bone, small drill wounds should be irrigated with normal saline, and devital-
holes can be made through the lateral orbital rim, just above ized tissue should be debrided. Closure of these wounds is
the lateral orbital tubercle and suture passed through these individualized and depends on the location and extent of
holes and tied. Just as in medial canthal tendon repairs, the injury. Lacerations of a V-type configuration in which the
lateral tendon should retain its posterior pull to keep the lid apex is devitalized can be transformed into a Y configuration
in proper apposition with the globe. after the devitalized tissue is removed (Fig. 9.7). Care must
be taken not to shorten the anterior lamella enough to cause
lid retraction. Wide undermining often facilitates wound clo-
Management of Sharp Trauma sure. A valuable technique for tissue loss is the use of later-
ally or medially based advancement flaps (Fig. 9.8) [22]. The
Extramarginal Lacerations incisions made to develop these flaps should be parallel with
the lid margin.
Simple Lacerations In general, it is advisable to minimize tissue rearrange-
These involve only skin and underlying muscle with little ment and grafting at the time of initial closure. Frost-type
tissue loss. It is important to examine the full extent of the sutures may be used to prevent anterior lamella contraction
wounds. What may at first appear to be a relatively superfi- during the initial phases of wound healing.
cial wound or small puncture may have significant underly-
ing trauma.
The wound margins should be trimmed if there are ragged Marginal Lacerations
edges or devitalized tissue. Slight undermining facilitates a
good closure with eversion of the wound margin. Care should Meticulous closure of lacerations that involve the eyelid
be taken so as not to have any significant tension on the margin is crucial to achieve a correct anatomic repair and
wound. Horizontal muscle lacerations will spontaneously minimize postoperative complications. Failure to achieve
reapproximate themselves owing to the sphincter action of these goals can lead to notching of the eyelid margin, poor
the orbicularis oculi muscle. Vertical lacerations should be contour of the lid, and lagophthalmos with corneal exposure
closed deeply with 6–0 Vicryl sutures. The eyelid skin is (Fig. 9.9). What appears to be a small anterior eyelid lacera-
usually closed with 6–0 mild chromic sutures. Interrupted tion may have a more extensive posterior lamellar compo-
sutures should be used for a curvilinear wound. Straight nent (Fig. 9.10). A laceration that appears to be only a few
portions of the wound can be closed with a running suture. millimeters in length anteriorly can completely disrupt the
A 6–0 or 7–0 nonabsorbable suture, such as Prolene, can also tarsal plate posteriorly. Irregular or highly angulated mar-
be used to close eyelid skin. Cutaneous lacerations that ginal edges should be squared off in the anterior-posterior
extend past the eyelids should be closed with a 6–0 nonab- plane of the lid. In other words, the margins of the wound
sorbable suture; these sutures should be removed in should be freshened to create straight and parallel edges.
5–7 days. In injuries with a small partial loss of tarsus, attempting

Fig. 9.7 (a) Complex laceration

of the upper lid in a V-type
configuration with devitalized
apex. (b) Wound closure after
devitalized tissue and wound
edges are debrided with flap
9 Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma 217

Fig. 9.8 (a) Injury to the upper lid involving avulsion of central portion A temporally based advancement flap is developed. (c) A sliding flap is
of the anterior lamella. (b) Wound is debrided and margins freshened. then advanced and sutured into place with absorbable suture

Fig. 9.9 (a) Debridement of a lid wound in a V-type configuration can lead to notching and poor lid contour after wound closure. (b) Debriding
the wound in a line perpendicular to the lid margin gives a smooth lid margin without notching
218 G.H. Rattan et al.

primary closure without wound edge modification may lead an anterior approach at 90% depth, anterior to the conjunc-
to wound dehiscence or notching [23, 24]. The entire vertical tiva, so as not to rub on the cornea [7]. Additional sutures can
portion of the tarsus needs to be removed corresponding to be placed at the anterior and posterior lash lines. Three to
the width of the defect. Care must be taken to be sure that the four sutures are placed in the upper tarsus and two in the
tarsal excision is perpendicular to the margin. Vertical skin lower tarsus. The long arms of the marginal sutures are tied
removal should not cross the upper eyelid crease, because beneath 6–0 chromic skin sutures to keep them from abrad-
incisions more superior can result in an unsightly scar with ing the cornea. The remainder of the skin can be closed using
contracture and lagophthalmos. If needed, a superior lid 6–0 mild chromic sutures (Fig. 9.12). The margin sutures
crease incision can be made, anterior lamellae undermined, should be removed in 10–14 days. Earlier removal can lead
and advanced in a line parallel with the lid crease (Fig. 9.11). to separation of the wound and notching. In children, 7–0
This gives a good cosmetic result and minimizes vertical Vicryl can be used as the marginal suture and left to come
contracture. out spontaneously.
Marginal lacerations are closed using a 6–0 double-arm
silk passed through the tarsal plate as a vertical mattress
suture, entering and exiting through the meibomian gland Complex Marginal Lacerations
orifices 1.5–2 mm from the wound edges in a far-far, near-
near fashion. Many surgeons now prefer to use a 7–0 Vicryl Undue tension should not be placed on a marginal laceration,
for this marginal suture. This suture can be left long and used because this may lead to wound dehiscence and notching.
as a traction suture during the repair of the tarsus. The tarsal When tissue loss is too great to primarily close the wound,
plate can be closed using 6–0 Vicryl sutures placed through horizontal relaxation of the lid is needed before wound clo-
sure. This can be achieved by means of a lateral canthotomy
and graded cantholysis of the superior or inferior crux of the
lateral canthal tendon (Fig. 9.13). The degree of cantholysis
can be fashioned to the need of the defect. The lateral canthal
site is closed with 6–0 chromic sutures. A 5–0 Vicryl can be
used to fixate orbicularis to lateral rim periosteum and to sup-
port the lateral canthal angle. If further anterior lamellar tissue
is needed for proper closure of the wound, a modified Tenzel-
type curvilinear flap can be raised as an extension of the
canthotomy (Fig. 9.14). For upper lid defects, the arc of the
circle should be below the lateral canthus, and for lower lid
defects, above the canthus [25, 26]. Additionally, when repair-
ing lid defects in this manner, a periosteal flap can be raised
from the lateral orbital rim and sutured to the severed end of
the lateral canthal tendon (Fig. 9.14b) to minimize the devel-
Fig. 9.10 Minimal eyelid laceration involving the margin opment of late retraction and ectropion [13]. When lateral

Fig. 9.11 Freshening of an upper eyelid injury with excision of tarsal superior lid crease, an incision along the lid crease with undermining
plate perpendicular to the lid margin to the superior border of the tarsal facilitates a cosmetically acceptable closure with minimal vertical scar-
plate. The anterior lamella dissection and freshening is stopped at the ring and contracture
9 Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma 219

Fig. 9.12 (a) Eyelid margin laceration has been freshened in a pen- lash line (B) and in front of the lash line (C). (b) These marginal silk
tagonal wedge configuration. First, silk suture is passed through the sutures are left long and incorporated into the first skin suture, and the
tarsal plate and exits the meibomian gland orifices (A). This suture is remaining skin is closed using 6–0 mild chromic sutures. The inferior
then tied, and the remaining tarsal plate is closed using partial-thickness portion of the wound has been modified in a hockey stick configuration
6–0 Vicryl sutures. Two more 6–0 silk sutures are placed behind the to reduce tissue puckering

Fig. 9.13 Full-thickness eyelid laceration with moderate loss of tissue. (c) Wound is primarily closed and the lateral canthotomy is closed with
(a) Wound is debrided and a lateral canthotomy performed. (b) Further 5–0 Vicryl suture
relaxation of the upper lid is achieved by a superior cantholysis.

canthal supportive procedures are used, the lateral canthal Traumatic Levator Dehiscence
angle should be placed 2–3 mm higher than its normal ana-
tomic position because gravity will bring the angle into proper If the septum of the upper lid is disrupted and orbital fat is
anatomic position in a few months. For those defects that have exposed, the wound should be thoroughly explored and the
even greater tissue loss, Mustarde-type flaps or lid-sharing levator complex identified (Fig. 9.15). Injury to the levator
procedures can be used [27–29]. These techniques are cov- aponeurosis or muscle should be repaired at the time of the
ered in the chapters dedicated to eyelid reconstruction. primary wound closure. The original wound may need to be
220 G.H. Rattan et al.

Fig. 9.14 Repair of lower eyelid defect with significant loss of tissue. periosteal flap to be elevated. (c) Periosteal flap is sutured to lateral
(a) Outline of Tenzel rotational flap needed for closure. (b) Tenzel flap border of tarsal plate after the wound has been closed. Tenzel flap is
is elevated, and cantholysis is performed. Dotted line shows position of rotated into position and closed

sutures in a full-thickness manner through the conjunctiva to

avoid rubbing against the cornea. The levator muscle may
also be dehisced in cases of blunt trauma. Patients with trau-
matic ptosis after blunt trauma should be observed for at
least 6 months before definitive repair is attempted (Fig. 9.17).
It is possible to see spontaneous improvement in levator
function and lid height up to that time.

Secondary Repair

A wound should be closed as soon as possible. However, a

delay in wound closure may be appropriate for a number of
reasons. If the patient is systemically unstable or has life-
threatening injuries, these should be addressed first. An
open globe should be treated before soft tissue is repaired.
Fig. 9.15 Patient suffered full-thickness laceration of the upper lid. If the patient is intoxicated or uncooperative, treatment
This injury extended through the septum, and there is exposed orbital delay may be indicated. If immediate wound repair cannot
fat. On exploration of the wound, there was associated traumatic disin-
be performed, one can safely wait 24–48 h without an
sertion of the central portion of the levator aponeurosis
increase in the complication rate or a poor long-term out-
come. Until surgery can be performed, tissues should be
extended or a separate superior lid crease incision made to repositioned into as near their normal anatomic position as
adequately explore the levator complex. Traumatic dehis- possible, topical antibiotic ointment applied, and a light
cence of the levator muscle should be repaired with 5–0 non- dressing placed. Use of oral antibiotics should also be con-
absorbable sutures such as Prolene. A detached levator sidered. At the time of surgery, it may be necessary to trim
should be sutured to the tarsal plate at its normal attachment early granulation tissue from the edges of the wound prior
level (Fig. 9.16). Care should be taken not to extend these to repair.
9 Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma 221

Fig. 9.16 (a) Injury of the upper

lid showing laceration
and disinsertion of the levator
aponeurosis. (b) Levator
aponeurosis is repositioned
in its normal anatomic position
and sutured to the anterior
tarsal plate

Fig. 9.17 Patient suffered a blunt trauma with resultant ptosis of the Fig. 9.18 Bowman probe placed through puncta and punctum, and tra-
upper lid and decreased lid excursion versing the transected margins of the canaliculus

Canalicular and Lacrimal System Trauma canalicular obstruction seldom leads to epiphora. In light of
the fact that the early repair of canalicular trauma is much
Canalicular lacerations are a commonly missed adnexal easier and more successful than late repairs or placement of
injury. These lacerations may be caused by direct trauma to a Jones tube, it seems reasonable that all canalicular lacera-
the canthal region, or indirectly by avulsive forces caused by tions should be primarily repaired. The diagnosis of a canali-
trauma elsewhere in the orbit (Fig. 9.18). They are common cular laceration is made by either direct visualization of the
with dog bites to the midface. cut canaliculus or by probing of the canaliculus.
It is controversial as to whether monocanalicular lacera- Most canalicular repairs are performed under general
tions should be repaired. Some authors believe that upper anesthesia. The nostril is packed with oxymetazoline-soaked
222 G.H. Rattan et al.

Fig. 9.19 Repair of transected canaliculus. The canaliculus is intu-

bated with a Silastic stent. Vicryl sutures (7–0) are placed both anteri-
orly and posteriorly, and tied after the first lid margin suture has been
placed and tied

Fig. 9.20 (a) Monocanalicular stent consisting of a punctal plug

cotton pledgets, and the face is prepped and draped. The inserted into a portion of a Silastic stent. (b) This monocanalicular stent
most important part of the canalicular repair is placement of is introduced through the canalicular system while being fixated with a
a stent across the transected portion of severed canaliculus Bowman probe through its lumen. The repair can then be performed
and the monocanalicular stent left in place
[30–32]. After the stent has been placed, two 7–0 Vicryl
sutures are placed anteriorly and posteriorly through the
adventitia of the severed canaliculus. These 7–0 sutures canaliculus. Fluorescein-dyed normal saline or viscoelastic
should be tagged and not tied until the first lid margin suture material can be injected into the intact canaliculus, with its
is placed (Fig. 9.19). egress from the proximal cut canaliculus identifying the
The marginal laceration is sutured with 6–0 silk sutures. canalicular opening. Methylene blue should be avoided
The first marginal suture is tied before the canalicular sutures because it stains all the tissue and makes identification of the
so that there is no traction on the wound when the 7–0 Vicryl canaliculus difficult. Another method to locate the hidden
are tightened to approximate the canalicular edges. The transected end of a canaliculus is to pool normal saline in the
stents coming from the nostril may also be pulled tight while medial canthal area and then inject air through the intact
the canalicular sutures are tied so as to take tension off the canaliculus. In ragged wounds, freshening of the margins
repair. may be needed before identification of the canaliculus can be
If the canthal tendon has been severed, it should be made. Pigtail probes should be avoided [36].
repaired before the canalicular sutures are tied. After the
wound has been approximated, the Silastic stent is tied with
three square knots in the nose. There should be no tension at Management of Dog and Human Bites
the puncta. A monocanalicular stent may be used in place of
a bicanalicular stent (Fig. 9.20) [33–35]. There are greater than one million reported animal and
The stent is left in place for 6 months. If the lid laceration human bites per year in the United States [37]. Animal bites
involves the punctum, the canaliculus can merely be and human bites account for approximately 1% of all emer-
marsupialized to prevent stenosis. Occasionally it is difficult gency room visits, and dog bites account for 80–90% of
to locate the transected medial edge of the lacerated these cases. Children are particularly prone to dog bites
9 Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma 223

because they tend to be on the same level as the animal and The treatment of choice for all patients with a bite injury
often inadvertently provoke the animal. In addition, dog bites is amoxicillin-clavulanate, 500 mg po q 8 h. It has excellent
in children tend to be more severe as the injury occurs most coverage of skin flora as well as Pasteurella sp [39]. In
commonly on the head, face, and neck [38, 39]. patients who are penicillin allergic, a combination of clin-
As with any other injury, it is important to elicit a com- damycin and fluoroquinolone is recommended [42].
plete history regarding the attack including the animal Indications for admission and IV antibiotics include fever,
involved, the mechanism of the injury, and whether or not the severe cellulitis, immunocompromise, and patients who have
attack was provoked. It is especially important to document failed outpatient therapy [39].
the patient’s tetanus immunization status, drug allergies, and Rarely, life-threatening sepsis may occur following dog
any history of immunosuppression, splenectomy, or chronic bites contaminated with Capnocytophaga canimorsus.
disease [37]. Eighty percent of patients who develop this serious infection
The first priority on examination is to assess the health of have a predisposing risk factor, most commonly, asplenia. It
the eye. It is important to ensure normal vision and rule out the is important to think about this potentially fatal pathogen in
possibility of a ruptured globe or other serious injury to the immunocompromised patients and those with asplenia. The
eye. Once it is established that the eye is healthy and unharmed, treatment for C. canimorsus is IV penicillin G.
the wound should be explored for depth as well as injury to There are a few special circumstances for which addi-
other structures like the canalicular system, levator muscle, tional treatment is necessary. Rabies is responsible for 20,000
and canthal tendons [37]. As discussed previously, occult deaths/year worldwide. There is approximately one case per
injury to the canalicular system is common in animal bites and year in the United States. An untreated person has a 20%
scratches. It is important to inspect the defect and determine if chance of contracting the virus. When rabies is suspected,
there is missing tissue or if the tissue has just been avulsed and the wound should be irrigated with povidone-iodine as this is
distorted secondary to the trauma and edema. Always have a associated with a decreased transmission rate. In addition,
high suspicion for an occult foreign body and inspect the the patient must receive passive immunization with the
depth of the would carefully [37]. If the patient is in signifi- human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) as well as active
cant discomfort during the exploration, sometimes a mixture immunization with the human diploid cell vaccine (HDCV)
of lidocaine with epinephrine and tetracaine gel (LET) can be or rabies vaccine adsorbed (RVA). HRIG is administered on
helpful if applied prior to the examination. Once foreign bod- day 0 as a single 20 IU/kg dose half of which is injected
ies have been removed or ruled out, it is prudent to irrigate the intramuscularly and the other half is injected around the site
wound copiously with at least 150 mL of sterile saline through of the exposure. One milliliter of the HDCV/RVA is injected
a 19-gauge needle or catheter [40]. intramuscularly on days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 28. It is important
There is controversy regarding whether or not to close that the intramuscular injection be in the deltoid of adults or
bite wounds primarily or secondarily. Primary repair of facial the anterolateral thigh of infants. Injection in the gluteal
lacerations is almost universally recommended because it region has been associated with failure [39].
gives a better cosmetic result and the incidence of infection Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B are
is less presumably related to the excellent blood supply of of concern in cases of human bites wounds. The HIV status
the face [38]. Care should be taken to preserve as much tis- of the biter should be obtained if possible. If HIV is sus-
sue as possible and minimize debridement [41]. pected, the wound should be irrigated with a virucidal agent
The most common complication of bites is infection [33]. like 1% povidone-iodine. A baseline HIV test should be
Two to five percent of dog bite wounds become infected [37]. obtained for the victim at the time of the injury with a follow-
Risk factors for bite infection include location on the face or up test 6 months later [39]. In general, HIV prophylaxis is
scalp of an infant, puncture wounds, crush injury, treatment not recommended. Hepatitis B titers should be obtained from
delay greater than 12 h, patient age greater than 50 years, the victim as well. If the victim does not have hepatitis B
immunosuppression, diabetes mellitus, chronic alcoholism, antibodies, it is recommended to administer both the hepati-
and vascular insufficiency [39]. tis B immunoglobulin as well as the HBV vaccination [37].
Infections related to bite wounds are typically polymicro-
bial in nature, reflecting the abundant oral flora (aerobic and
anaerobic) of the animal as well as skin flora of the victim Gunshot Wounds of the Orbit
[37]. The most common organisms cultured from infected
dog bite wounds include Pasteurella multicida, Pasteurella There are two types of firearm categories, non-powdered
canis, Streptococci sp., Staphylococci sp., and anaerobic (BB and pellet) guns and powdered guns (.38 Special, .357
gram-negative rods [39, 42]. The most common isolates from Magnum).
human bite wounds are Staphylococcus aureus, group A A firearm is now estimated to exist in half of all US house-
beta-hemolytic Streptococcus and Eikenella corrodens [37]. holds. Two-thirds of these weapons are loaded and stored
224 G.H. Rattan et al.

within reach of children. This results in 150,000–500,000

missile injuries and 40,000–50,000 deaths annually [43].
The term ballistics refers to the science of the travel of an
object in flight. In the case of a gunshot wound, the energy
expended is kinetic energy or energy due to a motion of a
bullet penetrating tissue and/or bone. The kinetic energy of a
moving object is a function of its mass and its velocity so that
KE = 1/2 mv2 [43, 44]. Looking at the formula, it can be seen
that increasing a mass only results in a linear increase in
energy; however, increasing the velocity results in an expo-
nential increase in energy to the second power. Therefore,
the emphasis is on a lighter, spin-stabilized projectile at high
velocities rather than a large, slow projectile. In general,
powdered bullet wounds can be classified as either low-
velocity or high-velocity wounds with 2,000 ft/s being the Fig. 9.21 Entrance wound in anterior medial thigh from a Russian-
cutoff in the American literature. It takes a speed of about made AK-47 automatic rifle in Vietnam (approximate velocity:
3,000 ft/s)
125–230 ft/s to penetrate skin and bone. Entrance wounds
are typically oval to circular in shape and have a punched-
out, cleaned appearance with a surrounding zone of reddish
damaged skin. Exit wounds can appear stellate, slit-like,
crescentic, circular, or completely irregular. With greater
velocities, bullet deformation and tumbling within the body
can result in exit wounds becoming larger and more irregular
than entrance wounds (Figs. 9.21 and 9.22).
There are four components of missile and tissue
1. Penetration
2. Missile fragmentation
3. Permanent cavity
4. Temporary cavity
The first three components are a result of the wounding
mechanism. Their extent depends on the kinetic energy of
the missile, which I have mentioned, is proportional to veloc-
ity squared. Higher missile velocities increase the rate of
Fig. 9.22 Exit wound posterior laterally showing the large exit wound
kinetic energy dissipation at impact causing greater damage. with hamstring muscles exposed
On impact, these high velocity bullets dissipate their kinetic
energy into other forms of energy, i.e., high, vibration, and
mechanic and vacuum forces, all of which can damage tissue.
At very high velocities, the bullet is more likely to fragment Table 9.1 Mass and velocity of some common missiles
leading to greater tissue destruction (Table 9.1) [45–47]. Velocity
There are some important considerations regarding non- Weapon Mass/grains Meters/feet/second
powdered guns. BB and pellet guns use compressed air or 12 Gauge Variable 412.7/1,354
gas to propel steel balls, lead, or plastic pellets. The air guns .22 49 323.1/1,150
are powered by a spring piston, pneumatic, or CO2. These .38 Special 158 257.6/755
methods are used in both air rifles and air pistols. BBs are .38 Sp.H.V. 110 345.6/1,020
made of steel with copper or zinc plating, measuring 4.5 mm .357 Magnum 158 395.6/1,235
in diameter. Pellets can be made of lead or steel-tipped plas- .45 225 259.1/900
tic and are generally 4.5 mm in diameter. Although most BB M-16 55 990.6/3,250
and pellet guns fire low-velocity missiles (muzzle velocity of .308 Winchester 150 859.5/2,820
less than 1,000 ft/s), they are still fast enough to penetrate Daisy Air Rifles
the cranium, abdomen, thorax, and paranasal sinuses Spring 5.4 gr steel 76.2–91.4/250–300
(Figs. 9.23–9.26). Approximately 80% of these weapons Pneumatic 5.4 gr steel 91.4–228.6/300–750
have muzzle velocities greater than 350 ft/s, and 50% have CO2 gun 7.7 gr lead 121.9/400
9 Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma 225

Fig. 9.23 Patient with a double perforation of the left globe secondary Fig. 9.25 Lateral view plain film showing BB in right parietal lobe
to a spring air rifle

Fig. 9.26 Following repair of the double perforation, the patient shows
an early ptosis and phthisis bulbi

retrobulbar hemorrhage), angle recession iridocyclodialysis,

concussive cataracts, lens dislocation, retinitis sclopetaria,
retinal edema, retinal detachment, and nerve avulsion.
Penetrating injuries can occur anywhere within the globe [48].
Late effects from severe orbitocranial trauma secondary to
Fig. 9.24 Plain film shows BB in the area of right parietal lobe after gunshot wounds consist of orbital hematomas, orbital cellulitis
traversing the left orbit and midface
and abscess, meningitis, brain abscess, meningoencephaloce-
les, carotid cavernous fistula, cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea,
proptosis, endophthalmitis, diplopia, and blindness [48].
velocities of 500–930 ft/s. A pellet velocity of only 150 ft/s The management of gunshot wounds to the orbit requires
is necessary to penetrate human skin and 200 ft/s to penetrate an interdisciplinary approach. Airway and cardiopulmonary
bone [46]. status is of prime consideration. Hemorrhage and shock
In general, ocular gunshot injuries can be classified as should be controlled, and complete neurologic examination
either contusive or penetrating-perforating injuries. Contusive to rule out intracranial and spinal cord injuries should pre-
injuries result from the cavitation effect from the shock cede the ophthalmic examination. Every attempt should be
waves generated from high-velocity bullets. These injuries made to obtain an accurate history with emphasis on type
include hemorrhage (hyphema, choroidal, vitreous, retina, and and mechanism of injury.
226 G.H. Rattan et al.

orbit (Figs. 9.27 and 9.28). Ultrasound can aid in detecting

posterior ocular lesions such as a foreign body and retinal
detachment that may have been obscured by anterior seg-
ment disruption and hyphema. Axial and coronal CT scan-
ning is crucial in evaluating gunshot wounds. It provides
visualization of soft tissue, bone structures, and foreign bod-
ies. A CT angiogram is valuable for suspected vascular inju-
ries such as carotid cavernous fistula or dural arteriovenous
In the initial acute stages, MRI is not as useful as CT
because it does not show bony abnormalities and magnetic
foreign bodies may cause damage to the brain and intraocu-
lar structures. MRI does, however, provide better resolution
for low-density objects such as wood and vegetable matter,
Fig. 9.27 Double perforations of the left globe from a shotgun at close and better resolution for detecting optic nerve lacerations
range and avulsions.
Operative management depends on the type of injury and
its mechanism. Contrary to popular belief, bullets are not
sterilized on discharge. Furthermore, shotgun wadding has
been associated with a high degree of wound contamination
[43, 44]. In addition, with high-velocity wounds, temporary
cavity creates a vacuum which may pull foreign material into
the wound causing further wound contamination. Most low-
velocity gunshot wounds may be safely treated nonopera-
tively on an outpatient basis with simple local wound care
consisting of superficial irrigation and careful cleaning fol-
lowed by a dressing with or without systemic antibiotics.
Higher-velocity gunshot wounds may be managed by simple
debridement of the entrance and exit wound followed by
copious irrigation with antibiotics as well as intravenous and
systemic antibiotics with primary closure. It is important to
give tetanus prophylaxis or a reinforcing booster shot. In
contrast, high-velocity wounds not only cause severe soft tis-
sue and bone loss but also associated vascular injury requir-
ing more complex intervention [49]. Double perforations to
the globe may be treated as soon as the patient is neurologi-
cally stable, with every attempt to close both perforation
sites. This is followed by IV and intravitreal antibiotics with
vitrectomy to maximize a functioning globe. Careful follow-
up for potential complications such as endophthalmitis,
Fig. 9.28 Multiple facial fragments in soft tissue overlying bones recurrence of hyphema, ocular siderosis, and sympathetic
ophthalmia is most important.
If the patient is neurologically unstable, delayed primary
A complete orbital eyelid and ophthalmic examination is closure is anticipated. The added delay may help the surgeon,
essential. In general, blunt or penetrating injuries associated patient, and family decide, depending on the integrity of the
with adnexal trauma presenting with decreased visual acuity, visual system, whether to repair the perforation site surgically
the presence of a relative afferent pupillary defect, absence or to eviscerate or enucleate the globe. Evisceration is pre-
of a red reflex, and presence of a retinal detachment are asso- ferred over enucleation because it leaves the orbital anatomy
ciated with a significantly higher rate of very poor vision and almost undisturbed. Sympathetic ophthalmia, although an
possible enucleation. The examination is complemented by ever present threat, is uncommon. If sympathetic ophthalmia
orbital ultrasound and CT and MRI scans of the head and is a concern, enucleation is the procedure of choice.
9 Management of Ocular Adnexal Trauma 227

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