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Name: ____MUNIO, Jamwel P.

____ Date: ___March 13, 2024____

Section: _BSN – II Joyce Travelbee_

Activity 4
Information Age

The Information Age is another paradigm shift of the present times and is considered an
intellectual revolution as well due to the shift in the way humans think. The technologies involved in the
information age are rapidly evolving and are largely impacting every aspect of the human life.

This activity is a two-part video assignment that will require your personal reflection after each
video that you have watched.

First watch the video “The Social Dilemma” then answer the questions below.

Points of Reflection:

1. What is the video all about?

The documentary, entitled “The Social Dilemma (2020)," is a thorough discussion that delves into the
dark side of social media and its industry. Wherein they invited formor employees of some major tech
companies and experts in the field to share their thoughts on how social media platforms are manipulating
behavior and making use of the user’s personal data for profit. This film sheds light on the algorithms and
mechanisms that drive users to engage more on these social media platforms. This documentary serves as
a wake-up call for viewers, highlighting the ethical and societal implications of our digital lives and the
need for greater regulation and awareness.

2. What are my realizations from the video?

After watching the documentary, it gave me a better view of the impact of social media on our daily lives.
It left me in awe when it revealed how algorithms manipulate our behavior, thoughts, and emotions for
these applications I use for their company’s profit. It highlighted the detrimental effects of constant
connectivity on mental health, relationships, and society. Moreover, it emphasized the importance of
digital literacy and critical thinking in navigating the digital landscape. Overall, the documentary served
as a wake-up call for me to be more mindful of my online presence and consumption and to actively
question the motives behind the content I engage with.
3. How I can I contribute to resolving ONE particular issue mentioned in the video?

As a student, one simple yet effective way I could contribute to resolving the issue of misinformation and
fake news, as highlighted in the documentary "The Social Dilemma (2020)," is by actively engaging in
media literacy education. By educating myself and others on how to critically evaluate information and
sources online, I can help combat the spread of false information and promote a more informed society.
This can be done by fact-checking news stories before sharing them, being mindful of the credibility of
sources, and questioning the motives behind the content we consume. By taking these small but
significant steps, I can play a part in addressing the issue of misinformation and contribute to a more
responsible and trustworthy online environment.

Another important issue at the present time is artificial intelligence. Watch the Youtube video
entitled “Artifical Intelligence” by 60 minutes using this link
v=aZ5EsdnpLMI, then answer the questions below.

Points of Reflection:

1. What is the video all about?

2. What are my realizations from the video?

3. How I can I contribute to resolving ONE particular issue mentioned in the video?

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