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1802 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp.

1802-1812, September 2016
JPE 16-5-19 ISSN(Print): 1598-2092 / ISSN(Online): 2093-4718

A Cross Regulation Analysis for Single-Inductor

Dual-Output CCM Buck Converters
Yao Wang†, Jianping Xu*, and Guohua Zhou*

School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu, China
School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China

Cross regulation is a key technical issue of single-inductor multiple-output (SIMO) DC-DC converters. This paper investigates the
cross regulation in single-inductor dual-output (SIDO) Buck converters with continuous conduction mode (CCM) operation. The
expressions of the DC voltage gain, control to the output transfer function, cross regulation transfer function, cross coupled transfer
function and impedance transfer function of the converter are presented by the time averaging equivalent circuit approach. A small
signal model of a SIDO CCM Buck converter is built to analyze this cross regulation. The laws of cross regulation with respect to
various load conditions are investigated. Simulation and experiment results verify the theoretical analysis. This study will be helpful
for converter design to reduce the cross regulation. In addition, a control strategy to reduce cross regulation is performed.

Key words: CCM buck converter, Cross regulation, SIDO, Small signal model

loss during the freewheeling stage [9]-[10].

Compared with the SIDO DCM and PCCM DC-DC
These days, portable devices such as digital assistants and converters, the SIDO CCM DC-DC converter has the
mobile phones require multiple power supplies with different advantages of a low ripple and less power loss due to it not
output voltages [1]-[3]. A single-inductor multiple-output having a zero inductor current stage or a freewheeling stage.
(SIMO) DC-DC converter with only one inductor is a good However, when one SIDO CCM DC-DC converter load
candidate for providing multiple outputs. It has attracted a lot changes, the other output voltage changes. This is refered to
of attention by the researchers due to its advantages of low as cross regulation and it plays a major role in the
cost, high efficiency and small volume size [4]-[6]. performance of SIDO converters [11]-[13]. Cross regulation
According to difference in the inductor current operation influences the normal work of a converter and can even cause
mode, a single-inductor dual-output (SIDO) DC-DC system instability. In spite of this, the SIDO CCM DC-DC
converter has three operation modes including the inductor converter has been researched due to its numerous advantages.
current discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), the Therefore, it is important to research the cross regulation of
pseudo-continuous conduction mode (PCCM) and the the SIDO CCM DC-DC converter. Control techniques for
continuous conduction mode (CCM). Time multiplexing suppressing the cross regulation of SIDO CCM Buck
control techniques in the DCM are used in [6] and [7]. converters was researched in [14]-[17]. However, a
Although these approaches can eliminate cross regulation theoretical analysis of cross regulation is lacking.
under light loads, a large inductor current and output voltage In this paper, the cross regulation of SIDO CCM Buck
ripple exist under heavy loads. To overcome this large ripple, a converters is studied. According to the time averaging
SIDO PCCM DC-DC converter was proposed in [8]. equivalent circuit approach [18], a small signal model to
However, an additional freewheeling switch results in power analysis the cross regulation of a SIDO CCM Buck converter
is proposed. Based on this, a small signal model of a voltage
Manuscript received Nov. 20, 2015; accepted Apr. 30, 2016 controlled SIDO CCM Buck converter is established to
Recommended for publication by Associate Editor Se-Kyo Chung. analyze the law of cross regulation with the load changed.

Corresponding Author:
Tel: +86-28-85928384, Southwest University for Nationalities
The analysis results can be used for the designing of the
School of Electrical and Information Engineering School, Southwest converter load condition to reduce cross regulation.
Jiaotong University, China This paper is organized as follows: Section II illustrates the
© 2016 KIPE
A Cross Regulation … 1803

SIDO CCM Buck converter including the operation principle

and small signal model. The small signal model of a voltage
controlled SIDO CCM Buck converter is established in
Section III. Cross regulation analyses with different load
parameters are performed in Section IV. A control strategy to
reduce cross regulation is provided in Section V. Simulation
and experiment verification is performed in Section VI. A
conclusion is provided in Section VII.

II. SIDO CCM BUCK CONVERTER Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of SIDO CCM Buck converter.

A. Operation Principle
Fig. 1 shows a circuit diagram of a SIDO CCM Buck
converter with an output A and an output B. It consists of one
inductor L, two output capacitors Ca and Cb, one input voltage
source Vin, and two outputs with voltages Voa and Vob. The
power switch Si and freewheeling diode D control the input
power, and the power switches Sa and Sb are used to control
the power distribution from the input to the two outputs. The
output voltages Voa and Vob are regulated by adjusting the
duty cycles Di, Da and Db. When a SIDO Buck converter
operates in CCM, there is Da+Db=1, i.e. control pulses of
output A and output B are complementary.
There are three operation timings due to the duty cycles
Di>Db, Di=Db and Di<Db [19]. Fig. 2 shows the steady-state
timing and operation mode of a SIDO CCM Buck converter (a) Steady-state timing.
under Di<Db. In this condition, there are three operation
modes in a switching cycle, as shown in Fig. 2 (b).
Mode I: The power switches Si and Sb are turned on, Sa and
the freewheeling diode D are turned off, the inductor current
iL increases to the peak current IL1 with a slope of (Vin-Vob)/L.
Mode II: Si is turned off, D is turned on, Sa is kept off and
Sb is kept on, while iL decrease to IL2 with a slope of -Vob/L.
Mode III: Si is kept off and D is kept on, Sa is turned on and
Sb is turned off, and iL decreases with a slope of -Voa/L until
the beginning of next switching cycle.
Based on time averaging equivalent circuit approach, the
DC voltage gains of output A and output B are as:
D (1  Db ) Ra
Ma  2 i (1)
Db Rb  (1  Db ) 2 Ra
Di Db Rb
Mb  (2)
Db2 Rb  (1  Db ) 2 Ra
(b) Operation mode.
As shown in (1) and (2), the DC voltage gains of a SIDO Fig. 2. Steady-state timing and operation mode of SIDO CCM
CCM Buck converter are associated with Di and Db. The Buck converter.
output voltages Voa and Vob can be regulated by adjusting Di
and Db. In addition, the DC voltage gains of a SIDO CCM approach, Si and Sa can be replaced by the controlled voltage
Buck converter are associated with Ra and Rb. The variation
sources vˆsi ( s) and vˆsa ( s ) , while D and Sb can be replaced
of one output will affect the other output, i.e. cross regulation
exists in this converter. by the controlled current source iˆD ( s ) and iˆsb ( s) . Then the
time averaging AC small singal equivalent circuit can be
B. Small Signal Modeling for a SIDO CCM Buck
Converter given in Fig. 3, where iˆD ( s ) , vˆsi (s) , iˆsb ( s) , and vˆsa ( s )
According to the time averaging equivalent circuit are given by:
1804 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 16, No. 5, September 2016

iˆoa ( s ) vˆoa ( s )
vˆsi ( s ) iˆL ( s ) vˆsa ( s ) iˆoa ( s )

Ra vˆoa ( s )
dˆi (s )
vˆin (s) iˆD (s)
iˆsb ( s ) iˆob ( s )
dˆb (s )

Rb vˆob ( s )
iˆob ( s ) vˆob ( s )
Fig. 3. AC small signal equivalent circuit of SIDO CCM Buck Fig. 4. The small signal model of SIDO CCM Buck converter.

vˆob ( s )
iˆD ( s )  (1  Di )iˆL ( s )  dˆi ( s ) I L G12 ( s )  ˆ
 dˆ ( s ) vˆin ( s )0,db ( s )0
i (9)
vˆsi ( s )  (1  Di )vˆin ( s )  dˆi ( s )Vin Vin Db Reqb ( s )
 (3) 
iˆsb ( s )  Db iˆL ( s )  dˆb ( s ) I L Db 2 Reqb ( s )  (1  Db )2 Reqa ( s )  sL

vˆsa ( s )  Db (vˆoa ( s )  vˆob ( s ))  dˆb ( s )(Voa  Vob ) The output impedances Z11(s) and Z22(s) of output A and
output B are:
Where iˆL ( s) , dˆi ( s ) and dˆb (s) are the small signal
vˆoa (s)
disturbance variables of the inductor current iL, Di and Db, Z11 ( s) 
iˆoa ( s) vˆin ( s )0,dˆi ( s )0,dˆb ( s )0
while vˆin ( s) , vˆoa ( s ) and vˆob ( s ) are the small signal (10)
Db2 Reqa ( s) Reqb ( s)  sLReqa ( s)
disturbance variables of Vin, Voa and Vob, respectively. 
From the AC small signal equivalent circuit of a SIDO Db 2 Reqb ( s)  (1  Db )2 Reqa (s )  sL
CCM Buck converter, as shown in Fig. 3, it can have: vˆob ( s)
vˆ ( s ) vˆob ( s ) Z 22 (s) 
iˆL ( s )  oa + (4) iˆob ( s) vˆin ( s )0,dˆi ( s )0,dˆb ( s )0
Reqa ( s ) Reqb ( s ) (11)
Da 2 Reqb ( s) Reqa (s)  sLReqb ( s)
vˆin (s)  vˆsi (s)  sLiˆL (s)  vˆsa (s)  vˆoa (s) (5) 
Db 2 Reqb ( s)  (1  Db )2 Reqa ( s)  sL
where Reqa (s)  1/ ( 1  sCa ) and Reqb (s)  1/ ( 1  sCb ) . The cross regulation transfer functions, Z21(s) of output B
Ra Rb
to output A and Z12(s) of output A to output B, are:
From (3) to (5), the control to output transfer functions
G11(s) and G22(s) of output A and output B are: vˆoa ( s)
Z 21 (s )=
vˆoa ( s ) iˆob ( s) vˆin ( s )0,dˆi ( s )0,dˆb ( s )0
G11 ( s )  (12a)
dˆ ( s ) vˆin ( s )0,db ( s )0
 Db Da Reqa ( s) Reqb ( s)
(6) 
Vin (1  Db ) Reqa ( s ) Db 2 Reqb ( s)  (1  Db )2 Reqa ( s)  sL

Db 2 Reqb ( s )  (1  Db )2 Reqa ( s)  SL vˆob ( s )
Z12 ( s )=
vˆob ( s ) iˆoa ( s ) vˆin ( s )0,dˆi ( s )0,dˆb ( s )0
G22 ( s )  (12b)
dˆ ( s ) vˆin ( s ) 0,di ( s ) 0  Db Da Reqa ( s ) Reqb ( s )
b 
I L Reqb ( s )[ sL  (1  Db ) Reqa ( s )]  Db Reqb ( s )(Voa  Vob ) Db 2 Reqb ( s )  (1  Db ) 2 Reqa ( s )  sL

Db 2 Reqb ( s )  (1  Db ) 2 Reqa ( s )  sL From (12), it can be seen that Z21(s) = Z12(s).
(7) Select the currents of the two outputs in a SIDO CCM
The cross coupled transfer functions G21(s) and G12(s) of Buck converter as system inputs. Similarly, select the
output A and output B are: voltages of the two outputs in a SIDO CCM Buck converter
vˆoa ( s ) as system outputs. Thus, a SIDO CCM Buck converter can be
G21 ( s )  ˆ equivalent to a dual-input and dual-output system. According
dˆ ( s ) vˆin ( s )0,di ( s )0
to the transfer functions from (6) to (12), the small signal
 I L Reqa ( s )( sL  Db Reqb ( s ))  (1  Db ) Reqa ( s )(Voa  Vob )
 model of a SIDO CCM Buck converter is established as
Db2 Reqb ( s )  (1  Db )2 Reqa ( s )  sL shown in Fig. 4. This is used to analyze the cross regulation
(8) between the two outputs of the converter in this paper.
A Cross Regulation … 1805

As shown in Fig. 4, the output current iˆoa ( s) of output A iˆoa ( s ) vˆoa ( s )

affects the output voltage vˆob ( s ) of output B through the

d̂i vc1
cross regulation transfer function Z12(s), and the output
current iˆob ( s) of output B affects the output voltage vˆoa ( s )
d̂ b vc2
of output A through the cross regulation transfer function
iˆob ( s ) vˆob ( s )
(a) The small signal model.
There are two outputs in a SIDO CCM Buck converter.
Therefore, at least two control loops are required to realize
the control of a SIDO CCM Buck converter. For the small
signal model of the SIDO CCM Buck converter shown in Fig.
4, two PI compensation functions F11(s), F22(s) and two
PWM transfer functions Gm1(s), Gm2(s) are introduced from
the outputs to keep the output voltage at their order values.
Thus, the small signal model of a voltage controlled SIDO
CCM Buck converter can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 5(a).
The circuit diagram of the voltage controlled SIDO CCM
Buck converter is shown in Fig. 5(b). As shown in Fig. 5(b),
(b) The circuit diagram.
the feedback voltage Voa determines the duty cycle Di of
Fig. 5. Voltage controlled SIDO CCM Buck converter.
switch Si, and feedback voltage Vob determines the duty cycle
Db of switch Sb. Since Da+Db=1, the duty cycle Da of switch
Sa is also determined by Vob. IV. CROSS REGULATION ANALYSIS OF THE
F11(s), F22(s) and Gm1(s), Gm2(s) are: CONVERTER
K K A. Frequency Domain Analysis
F11 (s)  Kp1  I1 , F22 (s)  Kp2  I2 (13)
s s 1) Cross Regulation of Output B to Output A with Different
1 1 Rb or of Output A to Output B with Different Ra.: Fig. 6(a)
Gm1 (s)  , Gm2 (s)  (14)
Vm1 Vm2  ( s ) with different Rb. This
gives the transfer function Z 21
To simplify the analysis, assume that Vm1 = Vm2 = 1 in (14). shows that the low frequency gain of the transfer function
Thus, the transfer function Gm1(s) = Gm2(s) = 1. According to  ( s ) decreases with a decrease of Rb, i.e. the cross
Z 21
Fig. 5(a), the output impedances Z11  ( s ) of output A and
regulation of output B to output A decreases gradually with a
 ( s ) of output B are:
Z 22 decrease of Rb.
vˆoa ( s ) Z11 ( s )  ( s ) with different
Fig. 6(b) gives the transfer function Z12
Z11 ( s )   (15)
ˆioa ( s ) G11 ( s ) F11 ( s ) Ra. This shows that the low frequency gain of the transfer
vˆob ( s ) Z 22 ( s )  ( s ) decreases with a decrease of Ra, i.e. the
function Z12
 (s) 
Z 22  (16)
ˆiob ( s ) G22 ( s ) F22 ( s ) cross regulation of output A to output B decreases gradually
with a decrease of Ra.
 ( s ) of output
The cross regulation transfer functions Z 21
From the frequency domain analysis shown in Fig. 6, it can
 ( s ) of output A to output B are:
B to output A and Z12 be concluded that a heavier cross regulation from output A to
vˆoa ( s ) Z 21 ( s )G22 ( s )  Z 22 ( s )G21 ( s ) output B occurs when the load of output A is lighter. It is
 (s) 
Z 21  same for the cross regulation from output B to output A.
iˆob ( s ) (G12 ( s )G21 ( s )  G11 ( s )G22 ( s )) F11 ( s )
2) Cross Regulation of Output A to Output B with Different
(17) Rb or of Output B to Output A with Different Ra.: The cross
vˆob ( s ) Z12 ( s )G11 ( s )  Z11 ( s )G12 ( s ) regulation of output A to output B with different Rb and of
 (s) 
Z12 
iˆoa ( s ) (G12 ( s )G21 ( s )  G11 ( s )G22 ( s )) F22 ( s ) output B to output A with different Ra are investigated in this
(18) section.
Based on (17) and (18), the cross regulation of the voltage Fig. 7(a) gives the cross transfer function Z 21  ( s ) with
controlled SIDO CCM Buck converter can be analyzed. different Ra. This shows that the low frequency gain of the
1806 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 16, No. 5, September 2016

50  ( s ) decreases with an increase of Ra,

transfer function Z 21
i.e. the affection of output B to output A decreases gradually
Rb =66
-50 Rb =33 with an increase of Ra. Fig. 7(b) shows the cross transfer
Rb =16.5
-100 function Z12  ( s ) with different Rb. This shows that the low
180  ( s ) decreases
frequency gain of the transfer function Z12
90 with an increase of Rb, i.e. the affection of output A to output
0 B decreases with an increase of Rb.
-90 The frequency domain analysis results shown in Fig. 6 and
-180 3
10 104 105 106
Fig. 7 show that a heavier cross regulation from output B to
Frequency (rad/sec) output A occurs when output B has a lighter load condition and
 ( s ) with different Rb.
(a) The Bode plot of transfer function Z 21 when output A has a heavier load condition. Likewise, a
weaker cross regulation from output B to output A occurs
when output B has a heavier load condition and when output A
Ra =36
Ra =18 has a lighter load condition. Thus, when the load change is in
Ra =9 output B, to reduce the cross regulation to output A, output B
should be designed with a heavier load condition and output A
should be designed with a lighter load condition.


In this section, a control strategy to reduce cross regulation
 ( s ) with different Ra.
(b) The Bode plot of transfer function Z12 is proposed based on the small signal model shown in Fig.
Fig. 6. The cross regulation of one output with different parameters 4(a). The voltages of output A and output B can be expressed
to another output. as:
voa ( s )  ioa ( s )  Z11 ( s )  iob ( s )  Z 21
 (s) (19)
vob ( s )  iob ( s )  Z 22 ( s )  ioa ( s )  Z12 ( s ) (20)
Ra =9 It can be seen that cross regulation can be reduced by
Ra =18
Ra =36
adding output current compensation functions.
Based on a small signal equivalent model of a voltage
control SIDO CCM Buck converter, the output current
compensation functions Z1(s) and Z2(s), as shown in Fig. 8,
are introduced to reduce cross regulation. With these output
current compensation functions, the output voltage can be
represented by:
 ( s )  iob ( s )  Z 21
Voa ( s )  ioa ( s )  Z11  (s)
(a) The Bode plot of transfer function  (s) with different Ra. G11 ( s )
Z 21
 iob ( s )  Z 2 ( s )  (21)
50 1  G11 ( s ) F11 ( s )
0  ( s)
 ioa ( s )  Z11
Rb =16.5
-50 Rb =33  ( s )  ioa ( s )  Z12
Vob ( s )  iob ( s )  Z 22  (s)
Rb =66
-100 G22 ( s )
 ioa ( s )  Z1 ( s )  (22)
-150 1  G22 ( s ) F22 ( s )
 (s)
 iob ( s )  Z 22
G22 ( s) F22 ( s )  1
 (s) 
Z1 ( s)  Z12 (23)
10 4
10 5
10 6
G22 ( s)
Frequency (rad/sec)
(b) The Bode plot of transfer function  (s) with different Rb. G11 ( s) F11 ( s)  1
 (s) 
Z 2 ( s)  Z 21 (24)
Fig. 7. The cross regulation of one output to the another output G11 ( s)
with different parameters. Theoretically, cross regulation can be eliminated by
A Cross Regulation … 1807

iˆoa ( s ) vˆoa ( s )
Variable Definition Value
V in Input voltage 10V
Ra Rated load resistor of output A 18Ω
V oa Voltage of output A 1.8V
Rb Rated load resistor of output B 33Ω
V ob Voltage of output B 3.3V
L Inductor 60uH
Ca Capacitor of output A 220µF
Cb Capacitor of output B 220µF
iˆob ( s ) vˆob ( s ) Ts Switching period 10µs

Fig. 8. The circuit schematic and small signal model of output

Fig. 10(a) shows the transient waveform when Iob is step
current control SIDO Buck converter.
changed from 50mA to 100mA. The cross regulation of
output B to output A is 30mV. Fig. 10(b) shows the transient
waveform when Iob is step changed from 100mA to 200mA.
The cross regulation of output B to output A is 20mV. From
Fig. 10(a) and Fig. 10(b), it can be seen that a heavier cross
regulation of output B to output A occurs when Iob is step
changed from 50mA to 100mA than when it is step changed
from 100mA to 200mA. i.e. heavier cross regulation from
output B to output A occurs at a lighter load of output B.
Fig. 10(c) shows the transient waveform when Ioa is step
changed from 50mA to 100mA. The cross regulation of
output A to output B is 220mV. Fig. 10(d) shows the
transient waveform when Ioa is step changed from 100mA to
Fig. 9. Bode plot of voltage control and output current control 200mA. The cross regulation of output A to output B is
SIDO CCM Buck converter for Voa with Iob changed. 190mV. From Fig. 10(c) and Fig. 10(d) it can be seen that a
heavier cross regulation of output A to output B occurs when
introducing Z1(s) and Z2(s). However, the derivation process Ioa is step changed from 50mA to 100mA than when it is step
involves some approximations. Therefore, cross regulation is changed from 100mA to 200mA, i.e. heavier cross regulation
not perfectly eliminated but it is greatly suppressed. from output A to output B occur at a lighter load of output A.
Fig. 9 depicts the frequency response for the cross 2) Cross regulation of output A to output B with different Rb
regulation of output B to output A. The dashed line and solid or of output B to output A with different Ra.: Rb=33Ω and
line represent a voltage controlled and an output current 16.5Ω correspond to the output currents Iob=100mA and
controlled SIDO CCM Buck converter, respectively. It can be 200mA, respectively. Ra=18Ω and 9Ω correspond to the
seen that the low frequency gain of the output current output currents Ioa=100mA and 200mA, respectively.
controlled SIDO CCM Buck converter is lower than that of A transient state simulation waveform when Ioa is equal to
the voltage control. This means that the cross regulation of 100mA and Iob is step changed from 100mA to 200mA is
the output current controlled SIDO CCM Buck converter is shown in Fig. 11(a). It is shown that the cross regulation of
smaller. output B to output A is 20mV under this condition. The
transient state simulation waveform when Ioa is equal to
200mA and Iob is step changed from 100mA to 200mA is
shown in Fig. 11(b). As shown in Fig. 11(b), the cross
A. Frequency Domain Analysis regulation of output B to output A is 60mV. Thus, it is
MATLAB/Simulink based simulations of a SIDO CCM verified that when output A operates at a lighter load, a
Buck converter with the circuit parameters listed in Table I are weaker cross regulation of output B to output A is produced.
presented in this section to investigate the analysis results. In addition, when output A operates at a heavier load, a
1) Cross Regulation of Output B to Output A with Different greater cross regulation of output B to output A is produced.
Rb or of Output A to Output B with Different Ra.: Rb=66Ω and The transient state simulation waveform when Iob is equal
33Ω correspond to the output currents Iob = 50mA and to 100mA and Ioa is step changed from 100mA to 200mA is
100mA, respectively. Ra=36Ω and 18Ω correspond to the shown in Fig. 11(c). It can be seen that the cross regulation of
output currents Ioa=50mA and 100mA, respectively. output A to output B is 170mV. The transient state simulation
1808 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 16, No. 5, September 2016

Voa (V)
1.78 20mV
Vob (V)
Iob (A)


6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00
Time (ms)
(a) Iob=50mA→150mA, Ioa=100mA. (a) Iob=100mA→200mA, Ioa=100mA.

(b) Iob=100mA→200mA, Ioa=100mA. (b) Iob=100mA→200mA, Ioa=200mA.

(c) Ioa=100mA→200mA, Iob=100mA.

(c) Ioa=50mA→150mA, Iob=100mA.

(d) Ioa=100mA→200mA, Iob=100mA. (d) Ioa=100mA→200mA, Iob=200mA.

Fig. 10. The transient-state simulation waveforms of cross Fig. 11. Transient-state simulation waveforms of cross regulation
regulation of output B to output A with different Rb or output A of output A to output B with different Rb or output B to output A
to output B with different Ra. with different Ra.
A Cross Regulation … 1809



Power circuit

(a) Iob=500mA→150mA, Ioa=100mA.

Control Panel

Fig. 12. The prototype for the experiment.

waveform when Iob is equal to 200mA and Ioa is stepped

changed from 100mA to 200mA is shown in Fig. 11(d). As
shown in Fig. 11(d), the cross regulation of output A to
output B is 200mV. Thus, it is verified that when output B
(b) Iob=100mA→200mA, Ioa=100mA.
operates at a lighter load condition, a weaker cross regulation
of output A to output B is produced. In addition, when output
B operates at a heavier load condition, a greater cross
regulation of output A to output B is produced.

B. Experiment Results
The experimental study of a SIDO CCM Buck converter is
employed to verify the analysis and simulation results. The
prototype of the experiment is shown in Fig. 12 and the circuit
parameters are listed in Table I, which are the same as the ones
used in the simulation study. The power stage has been
designed based on the circuit diagram shown in Fig. 1. The
power switches Si, Sa and Sb are IRF540N MOSFETs (c) Ioa=50mA→150mA, Iob=100mA.
(n-channel), and their gates are connected to an IR2110 MOS
driver. The diode is a Fast Recovery MUR560. The control
signals Vgsi, Vgsa and Vgsb are obtained as the outputs of a
microcontroller DSP TMS320F2812, via processing the state
variables (Voa and Vob), which are sampled once per period Ts.
The microcontroller determines duty ratios considering the
constant output voltages within a period. The integral action is
implemented digitally. Hence, the PI parameters are loaded
into the microcontroller memory. Experimental diagrams
corresponding to the simulation results are shown in Fig. 13
and 14, respectively.
1) Cross Regulation of Output B to Output A with Different
(d) Ioa=100mA→200mA, Iob=100mA.
Rb or of Output A to Output B with Different Ra.: Fig. 13(a) Fig. 13. Transient-state experiment waveforms of cross
and Fig. 13(b) show transient waveforms when Iob is step regulation of output B to output A with different Rb or output A
changed from 50mA to 150mA and from 100mA to 200mA. to output B with different Ra.
1810 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 16, No. 5, September 2016

Cross Regulation (mV)

Output current (mA) Output B to Output A to

Output A Output B

Iob=50→150, Ioa=100 300 /

Iob=100→200, Ioa=100 180 /
Ioa=50→150, Iob=100 / 250
Ioa=100→200, Iob=100 / 200
Iob=100→200, Ioa=100 180 /
Iob=100→200, Ioa=200 200 /
Ioa=100→200, Iob=100 / 200 (d) Ioa=100mA→200mA, Iob=200mA.
Ioa=100→200, Iob=200 / 400 Fig. 14. The transient-state experiment waveforms of cross
regulation of output A to output B with different Rb or output B
to output A with different Ra.

Fig. 13(c) and Fig. 13(d) show transient waveforms when Ioa
is step changed from 50mA to 150mA and from 100mA to
200mA. The experiment results of the cross regulation are
given in Table II.
2) Cross regulation of output A to output B with different Rb
or of output B to output A with different Ra.: Fig. 14(a) and Fig.
14(b) show transient waveforms when Iob is step changed from
100mA to 200mA and when Ioa is step changed from 100mA to
200mA. Fig. 14(c) and Fig. 14(d) show transient waveforms
when Ioa is step changed from 100mA to 200mA and when Iob
(a) Iob=100mA→200mA, Ioa=100mA. is step changed from 100mA and 200mA. The experimental
results of cross regulation are also given in Table II.
The data in Table II shows that when Iob is step changed from
50mA to 150mA (Ioa=100mA) and when Ioa is step changed from
50mA to 150mA (Iob=100mA), greater cross regulation of output
B to output A and of output A to output B is produced, than when
there is a step change from 100mA to 200mA. When output A
and output B operate at Ioa=100mA (Iob=100mA→200mA) and
Iob=100mA (Ioa=100mA→200mA), a weaker cross regulation of
output B to output A and output A to output B will be produced,
when compared with Ioa=200mA (Iob=100mA→200mA) and
Iob=200mA (Ioa=100mA→200mA). Therefore, the experimental
results efficiently verify the analysis and simulation results of
(b) Iob=100mA→200mA, Ioa=200mA. the SIDO CCM Buck converter. In addition, it is obvious that
the transient performance of the converter is good.

In this paper, a small signal model that is suitable for
analyzing the cross regulation of a SIDO CCM Buck converter,
is established based on the time averaging equivalent circuit
approach. The operation principle of a SIDO CCM Buck
converter is introduced and a detailed small signal analysis
process is presented. Based on the proposed small signal model,
a small signal model of a voltage controlled SIDO CCM Buck
converter is established. The law of cross regulation with load
(c) Ioa=100mA→200mA, Iob=100mA. changes is studied. It is shown that when the load of output B
A Cross Regulation … 1811

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1812 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 16, No. 5, September 2016

Jianping Xu was born in Zunyi, China. He Guohua Zhou received his B.S. degree in
received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronic and Information Engineering, and
Electronic Engineering from the University his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical
of Electronics Science and Technology of Engineering from the Southwest Jiaotong
China, Chengdu, China, in 1984 and 1989, University, Chengdu, China, in 2005, 2008
respectively. Since 1989, he has been with and 2011, respectively, where he is presently
the School of Electrical Engineering, working as a Professor in the School of
Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Electrical Engineering. From March 2010 to
China, where he has been a Professor, since 1995. From September 2010, he was a Research Assistant in the Department
November 1991 to February 1993, he was a Visiting Research of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hong Kong
Fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. From
of the German Federal Armed Forces, Munich, Germany. From October 2010 to March 2011, he was a Visiting Scholar (joint
February 1993 to July 1994, he was a Visiting Scholar in the Ph.D. student) with the Center for Power Electronics Systems,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg,
University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA. His current research VA, USA. His major fields of study are Power Electronics and
interests include the modeling, analysis, and control of power Electric Drive. His current research interests include the analog
electronic systems. control, digital control and modulation methods of switching
power converters, modeling and analysis of the dynamic
behavior of switching dc-dc converters, and renewable energy
applications for power electronics.

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