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Vet Clin Small Anim 37 (2007) 693–708

Calcium Homeostasis in Thyroid
Disease in Dogs and Cats
Patricia A. Schenck, DVM, PhD
Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health, Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic
Investigation, Endocrine Diagnostic Section, Michigan State University, 4125 Beaumont Road,
Lansing, MI 48910, USA

yperthyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder of cats, and hy-
pothyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder of dogs (Fig. 1).
Relations between thyroid disorders and calcium metabolism, particu-
larly the effects on bone, have been the subject of many studies in human med-
icine. Little is known regarding the effects of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism,
or treatment of these disorders on calcium metabolism in the dog or cat, how-
ever, especially any potential effects on bone.


Regulation of serum calcium concentration requires the integrated actions of
parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D metabolites, and calcitonin. PTH
and calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) are the main regulators of calcium
homeostasis [1], and the intestine, kidney, and bone are the major target organs
involved. The interactions of calcium regulatory hormones allow conservation
of calcium by renal tubular reabsorption, increased intestinal absorption of cal-
cium, and internal redistribution of calcium from bone. Normally, more than
98% of the filtered calcium is reabsorbed in the renal tubules. The intestine
and kidneys are the major regulators of calcium balance in health, but bone
provides a major supply of calcium and phosphorus when intestinal absorption
and renal reabsorption inadequately maintain normal serum calcium concen-
tration. Approximately 99% of body calcium resides in the skeleton and is
stored as hydroxyapatite. Bone calcium mobilization is important in the acute
regulation of calcium. Less than 1% of skeletal calcium is readily available and
arises from the extracellular fluid (ECF) in bone that is present between osteo-
blasts and osteocytes and bone matrix. Calcium and phosphorus can be mobi-
lized from this ECF compartment, but these stores are rapidly depleted. The
osteoblast is critical in limiting the distribution of calcium and phosphate be-
tween bone and ECF, and for prolonged release of calcium from bone, there
must be activation of osteoclastic bone resorption.

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0195-5616/07/$ – see front matter ª 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Fig. 1. Regulation of extracellular fluid (ECF) calcium concentration by the effects of parathy-
roid hormone (PTH) and calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) on the gut, kidney, bone, and
parathyroid gland. The principal effect of PTH is to increase ECF calcium concentration by mo-
bilizing calcium from bone, increase tubular calcium reabsorption, and, acting indirectly on
the gut, increase calcitriol synthesis. The principal effect of calcitriol is to increase intestinal ab-
sorption of calcium, but it also exerts negative regulatory control of PTH synthesis and further
calcitriol synthesis. (Modified from Habner JF, Rosenblatt M, Pott JT. Parathyroid hormone: bio-
chemical aspects of biosynthesis, secretion, action, and metabolism. Physiol Rev
1984;64:100; with permission.)

Parathyroid Hormone
PTH is synthesized by the chief cells of the parathyroid glands. After secretion,
PTH has a short half-life (3–5 minutes) in serum; thus, a steady rate of secre-
tion is necessary to maintain serum PTH concentrations. The most important
biologic effects of PTH on calcium are to (1) increase blood extracellular ion-
ized calcium (iCa) concentration; (2) increase tubular reabsorption of calcium,
resulting in decreased calcium loss in the urine; (3) increase bone resorption
and the numbers of osteoclasts on bone surfaces; and (4) accelerate the forma-
tion of calcitriol by the kidney by activating the 1a—hydroxylase in mitochon-
dria of renal epithelial cells in the proximal convoluted tubules.
In bone, the important action of PTH is to mobilize calcium. The immediate
effect is to increase the activity of existing bone cells by means of an interaction
of PTH with osteoblast receptors. The long-term actions on bone occur by
means of increasing osteoclast numbers. PTH can also serve as an anabolic
agent in bone and stimulate osteoblastic bone formation [2,3].
Vitamin D Metabolites
Dogs and cats inefficiently photosynthesize vitamin D in their skin; conse-
quently, they depend on vitamin D in their diet [4]. Vitamin D ingested in
the diet is absorbed intact from the intestine. Vitamin D–binding protein

transports vitamin D to the liver, where hydroxylation (by 25-hydroxylase) of

vitamin D produces 25—hydroxyvitamin D (calcidiol). The 25-hydroxylase ac-
tivity is not influenced by calcium or phosphorus [5], and calcidiol does not
have any known action in normal animals [6].
The most important step in vitamin D metabolism occurs as 25-hydroxyvi-
tamin D is further hydroxylated to calcitriol in the proximal tubule of the kid-
ney, and serum PTH, calcitriol, phosphorus, and calcium concentrations are
the principal regulators for renal calcitriol synthesis. Deficiencies of phospho-
rus, calcium, and calcitriol lead to increased calcitriol formation, and low cal-
cium or calcitriol concentrations lead to increased serum PTH concentrations.
Hypocalcemia and calcitonin can directly stimulate calcitriol synthesis indepen-
dent of PTH [7]. Testosterone and estrogens can also increase calcitriol synthe-
sis by upregulation of PTH receptors in the kidney [7,8]. In the absence of
hypocalcemia, reduced dietary intake of calcium can also stimulate the synthe-
sis of calcitriol [8]. Calcitriol synthesis is inhibited by calcitriol, hypercalcemia,
and an increase in serum phosphorus concentration.
Calcitriol increases serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations, and its
major target organ for these effects is the intestine, where it promotes increased
absorption [9]. Calcitriol facilitates calcium and phosphorus reabsorption from
the glomerular filtrate [10] and directly inhibits 25-hydroxyvitamin D–1a-
hydroxylase in the renal tubule, preventing overproduction of calcitriol [11].
Calcitriol also regulates the production of bone proteins produced by osteo-
blasts (alkaline phosphatase [ALP] and osteocalcin) [12,13] and promotes differ-
entiation of monocytic hematopoietic precursors into osteoclasts [14].
Calcitonin is synthesized by C cells in the thyroid gland and primarily func-
tions to limit the degree of postprandial hypercalcemia. Calcitonin secretion in-
creases during hypercalcemia, but the effects of calcitonin on normal calcium
homeostasis are minor. Calcitonin acts primarily to inhibit osteoclastic bone re-
sorption. The effects of calcitonin in bone are transitory, but at high doses, cal-
citonin may promote urinary calcium excretion [15].
Homeostatic Response to Maintain Calcium
The iCa concentration is the actively regulated fraction of serum total cal-
cium (tCa) [1]. When blood iCa concentration falls, PTH secretion is stimu-
lated within seconds. PTH exerts direct effects on bone and kidney and
indirect effects on the intestine through the actions of calcitriol. PTH activates
renal mitochondrial 1a-hydroxylation of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, thus in-
creasing the synthesis of calcitriol. Calcitriol increases calcium absorption
from the intestine and acts with PTH to stimulate osteoclastic bone resorp-
tion. PTH increases osteoclast number and stimulates osteoclast function to
increase bone resorption and the release of calcium from bone to blood. Cal-
citriol also induces renal transport mechanisms activated by PTH to increase
tubular reabsorption of calcium from the glomerular filtrate, thus decreasing
calcium loss in urine.

When hypercalcemia occurs, PTH synthesis and secretion decrease. There

is an increase in calcitonin secretion in an attempt to minimize the magnitude
of hypercalcemia, but this mechanism is ineffective for controlling hypercalce-
mia because of the transitory effects of calcitonin on osteoclastic bone resorp-
tion [16,17]. Calcitriol synthesis is decreased by means of direct inhibition by
iCa and also as a result of decreased stimulation from decreased PTH


Thyroid Hormones and Bone
Thyroxine (T4) is synthesized in the thyroid gland along with a small amount
of triiodothyronine (T3), the active hormone. Most T3 is generated by the ac-
tion of iodothyronine deiodinase (D2) enzymes. Thyroid hormone receptors
(TRs) in tissue bind T3. This binding of T3 leads to the binding of coactivators
and dissociation of corepressors and promotes active gene transcription [18].
Thyroid receptors, a and b, are present in human bone [19,20]. TR isoforms
have also been found in bone marrow cultures [21], osteoblast cultures [21],
and growth plate chondrocytes [22].
T4 and T3 can directly stimulate bone resorption in vitro [23]. Osteoblasts
are stimulated directly by T3 and indirectly through the action of T3 on insu-
lin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), cytokines, and fibroblast growth factor (FGF).
Osteoclasts were not directly stimulated by T3 during short-term culture; only
osteoclasts that were cultured in the presence of osteoblasts and T3 could re-
sorb bone [24]. Thus, osteoclasts require communication with osteoblasts to
cause bone resorption. There is recent evidence suggesting that in long-term
culture, T3 can induce osteoclasts in the absence of osteoblasts, however [25].
There is also evidence that thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is important
in skeletal remodeling. TSH controls the production of thyroid hormones by
the thyroid glands. The TSH receptor (TSHR) is present on many tissues, in-
cluding thyroid, lymphocytes, thymus, pituitary, testes, kidney, brain, adipose
tissue, heart, and bone [26]. The binding of TSHR to TSH stimulates second-
messenger pathways involving predominantly cyclic adenosine monophos-
phate (cAMP). The role of the TSHR on extrathyroidal tissues is not
completely understood. TSH is a negative regulator of skeletal remodeling
through interactions with TSHR. Mice with mutations of the TSHR showed
an increase in osteoclast numbers and colony-forming unit osteoblasts in
bone marrow cultures [27]. A 50% reduction in TSHR expression produces
profound bone loss. TSH inhibits osteoclast formation by attenuating e-Jun
N-terminal protein kinase (JNK)/c-jun and nuclear factor-jB (NF-jB) signaling
and also inhibits osteoblast differentiation by means of downregulation of Wnt
(LRP-5) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF; Flk) signaling. Mice
with TSHR mutations exhibited decreased bone mineral density and enhanced
bone resorption with normal thyroid function [28].

Type 2 D2 expression is regulated by the TSHR mediated by means of

cAMP. D2 expression was detected in human osteoblast cells [29]. Functional
TSHR along with D2 expression suggests local T3 production by D2 in human
Thyroid Hormones and Kidney and Intestine
Thyroid hormones induce hypertrophy and hyperplasia of renal tubular epi-
thelial cells, resulting in an increase in renal tubular mass. Thus, there is an in-
creased renal tubular capacity for active transport. Hyperthyroidism increases
renal blood flow; glomerular filtration rate (GFR); and reabsorption of phos-
phorus, calcium, and sodium. Effects of thyroid hormones on renal handling
of calcium are mediated by means of the actions of PTH and calcitriol, but
there is evidence that thyroid hormones have a direct impact on renal calcium
reabsorption. Stimulation of calcium uptake into renal brush-border membrane
vesicles occurred with increased thyroid hormones [30]. Concentration of T3
may also directly suppress calcitriol synthesis, however [31].
Fractional excretion of calcium was decreased in hyperthyroid rats as the re-
sult of increased calcium uptake by brush-border membrane vesicles. Hypothy-
roid rats had an increase in fractional excretion of calcium with a decrease in
calcium absorption. Altered brush-border membrane fluidity modulated cal-
cium transport; thus, the calcium transporter is sensitive to membrane fluidity
that is affected by thyroid hormone status. Thyroid hormones potentially acti-
vate the Naþ/Ca2þ exchanger through a cAMP-dependent pathway.
Similar effects have been noted on calcium uptake by intestinal brush-border
membrane vesicles [32]. The uptake of calcium into brush-border membrane
vesicles was significantly increased in hyperthyroid rats and decreased in hypo-
thyroid rats. Hyperthyroid rats also showed an increased calcium efflux from
the basolateral membrane of enterocytes. Sodium-dependent calcium exchange
activity was significantly higher in hyperthyroid rats, with an increase of cAMP
in the intestinal mucosa. Thus, the increase in calcium influx across the brush-
border membrane is also mediated by a change in membrane fluidity.
Thyroid hormones can activate Naþ-dependent inorganic phosphate trans-
port in the small intestine. The increase of phosphorus seen in hyperthyroidism
is attributable to an independent effect of thyroid hormones on phosphorus
transport and potentiation of calcitriol. In chick intestinal cell culture, if thyroid
hormones are present in the media with calcitriol, the effects of calcitriol on cal-
cium transport seem to be doubled [33].
Thyroid Hormones and Genetics
Genetic differences may be involved in the impact of hyperthyroidism on bone
density. Polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) can influence bone
mineral density. Bsm I genotypes and Fok I genotypes have been associated
with low bone mineral density in human beings. In a study examining 76 hy-
perthyroid patients and 62 healthy euthyroid patients, low bone mineral den-
sity was found in 61% of hyperthyroid patients and in 23% of euthyroid
healthy patients [34]. The VDR Bsm I genotype was more frequent in

hyperthyroid patients with low bone mineral density compared with hyperthy-
roid patients with normal bone mineral density and with euthyroid patients.
There was no association with the VDR Fok I genotype. Thus, the VDR geno-
type may influence the development of bone mineral density changes in thy-
roid disorders.

Calcium Homeostasis During Hyperthyroidism
Calcium homeostasis has been extensively studied in human hyperthyroidism
because of the clinical occurrence of reduced bone mineral density associated
with hyperthyroidism. It should be remembered that in human beings, differ-
ent conditions with a differing pathogenesis (including Graves’ disease and
toxic nodular goiter) can result in the development of hyperthyroidism. Be-
cause Graves’ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in human
beings, most studies have used patients with hyperthyroidism attributable to
Graves’ disease or the pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism has not been delin-
eated. Few studies have separated those with Graves’ disease from those
with toxic nodular goiter, even though there may be differences in calcium ho-
meostasis between the two disorders. This fact may explain why conflicting re-
sults have been seen in some studies.
Most studies examining patients with Graves’ disease or hyperthyroidism of
unknown pathogenesis have shown an increase in tCa and iCa [35–40], with an
elevation in iCa noted in as many as 47% of hyperthyroid patients [37]. De-
creased PTH concentration has been noted in most hyperthyroid patients
[37,40,41], suggesting a parathyroid-independent hypercalcemia. Calcitriol con-
centration is typically decreased [40–42], most likely because of a decrease in
renal 1a-hydroxylase activity secondary to the hypercalcemia and PTH sup-
pression. Decrease in calcitriol concentration may account for the decrease in
intestinal calcium absorption that has been noted in hyperthyroidism [43],
even though thyroid hormone concentrations can stimulate calcium absorp-
tion. The metabolic clearance rate of calcitriol increases in hyperthyroidism,
but there is no significant difference in the daily production rate of calcitriol
when compared with that in euthyroid patients [44]. In hyperthyroid rats, there
was a 41% increase in calcitriol binding to receptors in the pituitary, but there
was no significant difference in the affinity of receptors [45]. These results
suggest that the number of calcitriol receptors may be mediated by thyroid
hormones and that even though calcitriol concentration is decreased in
hyperthyroidism, it may still have an effect on the pituitary or other organs.
An increase in serum 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D has been noted in hyperthy-
roidism [42]. Even though calcitriol concentration is decreased, typically, there
is no significant difference in concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D between
hyperthyroid and euthyroid patients [41,42,46]. Serum phosphorus concentra-
tion is increased in most cases [38–40], which could lead to calcium deposition
in organs if iCa concentration is also increased. Urinary calcium excretion
[38,39,47–49] and fecal calcium excretion [50] increase in hyperthyroidism.

Bone turnover is increased in hyperthyroidism. Markers of bone formation,

such as bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) [46,49,51–53], osteocalcin
[47,49,51,54], and collagen type C-terminal propeptide (PICP) [49], are increased.
Markers of bone resorption, such as urinary hydroxyproline [38,39,47], collagen
telopeptide (ICTP) [49], and urinary deoxypyridinoline (DPD) [48,49,54], are
also usually increased in hyperthyroidism, indicating a higher rate of bone turn-
over. There is a significant correlation between thyroid hormones and serum os-
teocalcin [39,47] and also a significant correlation between thyroid hormones and
urinary DPD [51]. With the decrease in PTH and calcitriol, the increase in bone
turnover is most likely attributable to the direct actions of thyroid hormones on
bone, and the lack of negative effect of TSH by means of the TSH receptor.
Bone mineral density is decreased in hyperthyroidism [49,54–61]. In hyper-
thyroidism, the decrease in bone mineral density is significant in the femoral
neck [58,61], tibia [60], and radius [59], with no difference in bone mineral den-
sity noted in the lumbar spine compared with that in euthyroid patients [58].
There is an increased risk of fracture at the time of diagnosis of hyperthyroid-
ism [55], and the risk of hip fracture increases with age at the time of diagnosis
of hyperthyroidism [56].
An interesting association has been noted in human patients with thyroid dis-
orders. The prevalence of primary hyperparathyroidism is significantly in-
creased in euthyroid goiter and in thyroid carcinoma as a result of unknown
mechanisms [62].
Feline hyperthyroidism has a similar clinical, histologic, and pathologic re-
semblance to toxic nodular goiter in human beings [63]. Toxic nodular goiter
is characterized by thyroid cells that grow and produce thyroid hormones in an
autonomous fashion, independent of TSH. A few studies have begun to eluci-
date the effects of hyperthyroidism on calcium metabolism in cats. In one
study, 30 hyperthyroid cats were compared with 38 euthyroid cats. The iCa
concentration was significantly lower in hyperthyroid cats as compared with
euthyroid cats, but the mean iCa concentration was still within the reference
range. There was no significant difference in tCa concentration between
groups. Secondary hyperparathyroidism with increased PTH concentration
was found in 77% of the hyperthyroid cats. There was no significant difference
in calcitriol concentration, but hyperthyroid cats tended to have a higher con-
centration, which is similar to the concentration of calcitriol noted in human
patients with toxic nodular goiter [64]. Serum phosphorus concentration was
increased and creatinine concentration was decreased in hyperthyroid cats,
as has been seen in hyperthyroid human patients [39].
In a separate study of 29 hyperthyroid cats, 8 had elevated PTH concentra-
tions (P.A. Schenck, DVM, PhD, unpublished data, 2006). Seven of these cats had
secondary hyperparathyroidism characterized by a modest elevation in PTH con-
centration and normocalcemia; 1 cat had elevations of PTH and iCa. Three other
cats had mild to moderate ionized hypercalcemia with normal concentration of
PTH. There was a significant negative correlation between concentrations of total
T4 and serum iCa and between free T4 by equilibrium dialysis and serum iCa.

Markers of increased bone turnover have been noted in several feline stud-
ies. Nine of 10 hyperthyroid cats in one study exhibited elevated BALP [65].
ALP was also characterized in 34 hyperthyroid cats to assess the occurrence
of the bone isoenzyme. BALP was found in 88% of hyperthyroid cats, suggest-
ing osteoblast activation [66]. In 36 hyperthyroid cats, BALP was increased in
all cats and osteocalcin was elevated in 44% [67]. Increased serum phosphorus
was observed in 35%, 50% had a decrease in serum iCa, and all had normal
tCa concentrations.

Calcium Homeostasis After Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

In general, the goals of hyperthyroid treatment in regard to calcium metabo-
lism are to return the serum calcium, PTH, calcitriol, phosphorus, and bone
marker turnover concentrations to the normal state as seen in euthyroid pa-
tients. When hyperthyroid patients are treated with thyroidectomy, radioio-
dine therapy, or methimazole, a decrease in serum calcium [68–70] and
phosphorus [70–72] concentrations from pretreatment levels has been ob-
served, and levels are similar to those seen in euthyroidism. Concentration
of PTH typically increases back to euthyroid levels or is mildly elevated after
treatment [70,73], although some studies have shown no significant difference
in serum calcium, phosphorus, or PTH concentrations with treatment [74].
With therapy for hyperthyroidism, PTH concentration increases as TSH con-
centration increases [73]. Calcitriol concentration has increased with treatment
in some studies [64,70], but in other studies, there has been no significant
change in calcitriol from pretreatment values [75]. There has been no change
in 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration noted after treatment [70]. Urinary ex-
cretion of calcium decreases [69,70], but urinary phosphorus excretion in-
creases [70]. Even though calcitriol concentration typically increases with
treatment for hyperthyroidism, 75% of treated patients showed a decrease in
intestinal calcium absorption, most likely as a direct effect of the decreased thy-
roid hormones [76].
Concentration of serum and urine markers of bone turnover may decrease
but may still remain at a higher level than expected. There is a decrease in
BALP [69,70,77], osteocalcin [70,71], urinary hydroxyproline [69], and urinary
N-telopeptides of type I collagen (NTx) [70,78]; however, even after attaining
euthyroidism, markers of bone turnover remain increased, indicating a higher
rate of bone formation and resorption [71,79]. In one study of 13 hyperthyroid
patients treated with methimazole, markers of bone turnover did not normalize
after 1 year of therapy even though the euthyroid state had been attained, in-
dicating an ongoing high rate of bone turnover [70]. Patients who attained a eu-
thyroid state but still had suppressed TSH concentrations showed a higher
level of bone turnover markers [80]. After 9 months of treatment for hyperthy-
roidism, bone mass was still less than expected [81], and bone mineral density
of the lumbar spine, total skeleton, and legs continued to increase over a 2-year
period after treatment of hyperthyroidism, indicating a long period of bone
turnover [82].

Certainly, if thyroidectomy is the therapy for hyperthyroidism, calcium me-

tabolism can be disturbed because of disruption of the parathyroid glands dur-
ing surgery. If the parathyroid glands are removed or blood supply is disrupted
to the parathyroid glands, there can be a decrease in PTH secretion with result-
ing hypocalcemia. In 101 hyperthyroid cats treated with partial thyroidectomy
using a modified intracapsular dissection technique, 6% exhibited transient
postoperative hypocalcemia [83]. In another study of hyperthyroid cats treated
with thyroidectomy, hypocalcemia was noted in 33% in which a modified intra-
capsular technique was used, in 22% in which the intracapsular technique was
used, and in 23% in which a modified extracapsular technique was used [84].
Hypocalcemia was present in 12% of human patients after subtotal thyroidec-
tomy and in 22% after total thyroidectomy [68]. In another study, 37% of
hyperthyroid human patients treated with a thyroidectomy required supple-
mental calcium and vitamin D in the postoperative period; 50% required sup-
plementation for only 1 month [85].
At this time, there has been limited study of calcium metabolism in cats after
treatment for hyperthyroidism. In 16 cats treated with methimazole, all ex-
hibited a return to the euthyroid state (P.A. Schenck, DVM, PhD, unpublished
data, 2006). There was no significant difference in serum iCa concentration
compared with pretreatment values; however, several cats that had shown
mild hypercalcemia before treatment became normocalcemic after methimazole
treatment. PTH concentration decreased into the reference range in 8 cats that
had an increased concentration of PTH before treatment, and 1 cat developed
secondary hyperparathyroidism after treatment, most likely as a result of un-
derlying renal disease.

Calcium Homeostasis During Hypothyroidism
Less is known regarding bone remodeling in the presence of hypothyroidism,
because clinically significant changes have not been evident. In adult-onset hy-
pothyroidism, concentrations of tCa and phosphorus are typically within nor-
mal limits [48,58,86–88]. Concentrations of tCa and iCa may be significantly
lower in hypothyroid patients but may still be within normal limits [89]. In con-
genital hypothyroidism, however, up to 23% of children exhibit hypercalcemia
[90–92]. Concentration of PTH may be elevated, and calcitriol concentration is
typically elevated [41,90,93]. Total thyroidectomy resulted in decreased cal-
cium absorption, which may account for an elevation in PTH [76]. Even
though serum tCa is usually normal, hypothyroid patients recover from hypo-
calcemia more slowly than do euthyroid patients. This blunted response has
been attributed to decreased renal and bone sensitivity to PTH [94].
The prevalence of neuromuscular symptoms and musculoskeletal problems
is higher in hypothyroid patients and is positively correlated with TSH concen-
tration [89]. Carpal tunnel syndrome was present in 30% of hypothyroid pa-
tients [95], and the incidence of neuromuscular symptoms showed an inverse
correlation with iCa concentration [89].

Some studies have shown a decrease in concentration of serum 25-hydrox-

yvitamin D [96], whereas others have shown no significant difference in 25-hy-
droxyvitamin D in hypothyroid patients compared with euthyroid patients
[86]. A slight increase in vitamin D binding protein has been noted in hypothy-
roidism [41]. Fractional renal excretion of calcium increases in hypothyroidism,
indicating less reabsorption of calcium by the renal tubules [30]. In adult-onset
hypothyroidism, there is lower urinary hydroxyproline [86] and decreased os-
teocalcin concentrations [86,90], suggesting decreased osteoclastic bone resorp-
tion and sluggish osteoblastic bone formation and a general decrease in bone
remodeling. Hyperosteoidosis with an increase in the thickness of osteoid
has been noted in hypothyroidism and is a consequence of decreased basal os-
seous activity attributable to a decrease in thyroid hormone concentrations
[87]. Calcitonin concentration also decreases in hypothyroidism [97]. In chil-
dren with congenital hypothyroidism, there was no relation between VDR ge-
notypes and bone mineral density or osteocalcin; however, VDR genotypes
were related to a marker of bone resorption (urinary DPD) [98].

Calcium Homeostasis After Treatment for Hypothyroidism

The effects of T4 therapy on calcium metabolism depend on the dose of T4
used and the level of suppression of TSH. In studies in which a suppressive
dose of T4 was used, patients showed a significant decrease in bone mineral
density, with an increase in BALP, osteocalcin, and urinary hydroxyproline
[69,99] and with an inverse correlation between the length of T4 supplementa-
tion and bone mineral density [99]. TSH-suppressive doses of T4 also increased
osteocalcin concentration in young rats, indicating an increase in bone turnover
[100]. In addition, women with low TSH levels have an increased risk for hip
and vertebral fracture as compared with those with normal TSH concentra-
tions [101]. If TSH is administered to hypothyroid patients using TSH-suppres-
sive doses of T4, reversible inhibition of bone resorption is evident [102].
Carnitine supplementation may have a beneficial effect in the treatment of hy-
perthyroidism or in those receiving TSH-suppressive doses of T4. Carnitine is
an antagonist of thyroid hormone action and inhibits thyroid hormone entry
into the nucleus of hepatocytes, neurons, and fibroblasts. In patients with
low bone mineral density who are receiving T4 supplementation, the addition
of a carnitine supplement showed a beneficial effect on bone mineralization,
with an increase in bone mineral density [103].
Other studies that have examined replacement T4 doses have failed to show
a negative effect on bone mineral density [79,104–107]. Serum thyroid hor-
mone concentration and duration of T4 replacement did not correlate with
bone mineral density in the femoral neck, lumbar spine, or total hip [106].
With a mildly suppressive dose of T4 and mild inhibition of TSH, there was
no difference in bone mineral density or bone turnover markers in hypothy-
roid patients before or after treatment [104].
One study has evaluated the effects of female hormone replacement therapy
alone or in combination with T4 therapy in hypothyroid postmenopausal

women [108]. Hypothyroid patients receiving no therapy showed a decrease in

bone mineral density over time, as do healthy controls. Those hypothyroid pa-
tients receiving female hormone replacement therapy alone showed an increase
in bone mineral density. The group that received female hormone replacement
therapy in combination with T4 therapy exhibited greater bone mineral density
loss than the hypothyroid group receiving no therapy, however. Thus, the
addition of T4 prevented the beneficial effects of female hormone replacement
on bone mineral density, most likely because of suppression of TSH
Dietary calcium may be important in hypothyroid patients being treated
with T4. Several studies have shown that increased calcium intake can decrease
the absorption of T4, resulting in lower serum thyroid hormone concentrations
and higher TSH concentration [109–111]. T4 binding to calcium occurs at an
acidic pH, which decreases the bioavailability of T4 [110]. If T4 was given 4
hours before a calcium supplement, there were no apparent differences in se-
rum thyroid hormone concentrations or TSH [112].
Unfortunately, calcium homeostasis has not been clinically assessed in hypo-
thyroid pets before or after therapy.

The impact of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism on calcium metabolism
and bone density has been extensively studied in human patients. Hyperthy-
roidism in people is typically associated with hypercalcemia and an increase
in bone turnover. With treatment for hyperthyroidism, increased bone turn-
over may persist for a time, even when therapy is apparently adequate. Hypo-
thyroidism is not characterized by significant changes in calcium homeostasis;
however, treatment of hypothyroidism may cause an increase in bone turnover
with a loss in bone mineral density. Conflicting findings may be related to the
differences in the pathogenesis of thyroid disorders. Little is known regarding
the effects of thyroid disorders on calcium metabolism in cats and dogs. To
date, no clinical signs of decreased bone mineral density or osteoporosis
have been reported in hyperthyroid cats, even though there is evidence of in-
creased bone turnover. With better diagnostic tools, better treatments, and in-
creased longevity of pets, the clinical impact of thyroid disorders on calcium
metabolism and bone may be uncovered.
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