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BAHAGIAN A [60 markah]

SECTION A [60 marks]

Answer all questions in this section.
Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

1. Rajah 1 menunjukkan beberapa contoh bahan sisa di dalam makmal sekolah.

Diagram 1 shows several examples of waste substances in the school laboratory.

Rajah 1 / Diagram 1

(a) Terangkan bagaimana mengendalikan bahan sisa dalam Rajah 1 dengan cara yang betul.
Explain how to manage the waste substance listed in Diagram 1 correctly.
[4 markah / 4 marks]
(b) (i) Namakan dua industri di Malaysia yang menggunakan pengetahuan kimia.
Name two industries in Malaysia that use knowledge of chemistry.
[2 markah / 2 marks]
(ii) Bagaimanakah setiap industri di 1.(b)(i) memberi manfaat kepada negara kita?
How do each industries stated in 1.(b)(i) benefit our country?
[2 markah / 2 marks]
2. Rajah 2 menunjukkan persamaan kimia yang mewakili suatu tindak balas.

Diagram 2 shows a chemical equation that represent a reaction.

PbCO3 (p)  PbO (p) + CO2 (g)

PbCO3 (s)  PbO (s) + CO2 (g)

Rajah 2 / Diagram 2
(a) Tuliskan nama bahan tindak balas dan hasil tindak balas dalam tindak balas di atas.
Write the name of the reactant and products in the above reaction.
[2 markah / 2 marks]

(b) Nyatakan satu aspek kuantitatif yang dapat diperoleh daripada persamaan kimia di atas.
State the quantitative aspect that can be obtained from the above chemical equation.
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(c) Dalam tindak balas tersebut, sebanyak 5.36 g PbCO3 digunakan.
In the reaction, 5.36 g of PbCO3 is used.
[Jisim atom relatif / Relative atomic mass: C = 12, O = 16, Pb = 208; Molar volume at room
condition = 24 dm3 mol-1]
(i) Bilangan mol PbCO3 digunakan.
Number of mole of PbCO3 used.

(ii) Jisim PbO.

Mass of PbO.

(iii) Isipadu CO2.

Volume of CO2.

[5 marks]

3. Jadual 3 menunjukkan bilangan proton, bilangan neutron dan nombor nukleon bagi tiga unsur.

Huruf P, Q dan R tidak mewakili simbil sebenar unsur.
Table 3 shows the number of protons, number of neutron and nucleon number of three elements.
The letters P, Q and R do not represent the actual symbol of elements.

Unsur Bilangan proton Bilangan neutron Nombor nukleon

Element Number of proton Number of neutron Nucleon number
P 6 12
Q 17 18 35
R 17 20
Jadual 3 / Table 3
(a) Apakah maksud nombor nukleon?
What is meant by nucleon number?
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(b) Tuliskan bilangan proton bagi P dan nombor nukleon bagi R dalam Jadual 3.
Write the number of proton of P and the nucleon number of R in Table 3.
[2 markah / 2 marks]
(c) (i) Unsur yang mana merupakan isotop?
Which elements are isotope?
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(ii) Terangkan sebab bagi jawapan anda di 3.(c)(i).
Explain the reason for your answer in 3.(c)(i).
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(d) A
Tuliskan unsur Q dalam bentuk perwakilan piawai Z X .
Write element Q in standard representation of Z X .
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(e) Lukiskan dan labelkan struktur atom bagi unsur Q.
Draw and label the atomic structure of element Q.

[2 markah / 2 marks]

(f) Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom P.
Write the electron arrangement of atom P.
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(g) Takat didih Q ialah 10oC. Nyatakan keadaan fizikal Q pada suhu bilik.
The boiling point of Q is 10oC. State the physical state of Q at room temperature.
[1 markah / 1 mark]

4. Rajah 4 menunjukkan lengkung pemanasan bagi pepejal naftalena, C10H8 bagi menentukan takat
Diagram 4 shows the heating curve of solid naphthalene, C10H8 to determine its melting point.

Suhu / Temperature, oC




to t1 t2 t3 Masa / Time, s
Rajah 4 / Diagram 4
(a) Apakah maksud takat lebur?
What is the meaning of melting point?
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(b) Nyatakan takat lebur bagi naftalena.
State the melting point of naphthalene.
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(c) Nyatakan jenis zarah bagi naftalena.
State the type of particles of naphthalene.
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(d) (i) Nyatakan keadaan fizikal naftalena dari t1 ke t2.
State the physical state of naphthalene from t1 to t2.
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(ii) Suhu naftalena tidak berubah dari dari t1 ke t2. Terangkan mengapa.
The temperature of naphthalene remains unchanged from t1 to t2. Explain why.
[2 markah / 2 marks]

(e) (i) Lukis dan labelkan susunan radas bagi menentukan takat lebur naftalena.
Draw and label the apparatus set-up to determine the melting point of naphthalene.

[2 markah / 2 marks]
(ii) Nyatakan dua langkah berjaga-jaga dalam aktiviti ini.
State two precaution steps in this activity.
[2 markah / 2 marks]

5. (a) Rajah 5 menunjukkan dua biji belon. Belon A berisi gas hidrogen, H2 manakala belon B

berisi gas karbon dioksida, CO2. Isipadu gas dalam setiap belon ialah 1.2 dm3.
Diagram 5 shows two balloons. Balloon A is filled with hydrogen gas, H2 and balloon B is
filled with carbon dioxide gas, CO2. The volume of gas in each balloon is 1.2 dm3.

Rajah 5 / Diagaram 5
(i) Hitung bilangan mol gas yang terdapat dapat belon A dan belon B.
Calculate the number of moles of gas in balloon A and balloon B.
[Isipadu molar pada keadaan bilik / Molar volume at room condition: 24 dm 3 mol-1]

[2 markah / 2 marks]
(ii) Belon yang manakah lebih berat? Buktikan jawapan anda.
Which balloon is heavier? Prove your answer.
[Jisim atom relatif / Relative atomic mass: H = 1, C = 12, O = 16]

[3 markah / 3 marks]
(b) Dalam suatu tindak balas kimia, 2.7 g serbuk aluminium, Al telah dibakar lengkap dalam gas
oksigen menghasilkan aluminium oksida.
In a chemical reaction, 2.7 g of aluminium powder, Al burnt completely in oxygen gas, O2 to
produced of aluminium oxide.
(i) Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas ini.
Write the chemical equation for the reaction.
[2 markah / 2 mark]

(ii) Hitung jisim aluminium oksida yang terbentuk.
Calculate the mass of aluminium oxide formed.
[Jisim atom relatif / Relative atomic mass: O = 16, Al = 27]

[3 markah / 3 mark]
(iii) Hitung isipadu gas oksigen yang digunakan dalam tindak balas.
Calculate the volume of oxygen gas used in the reaction.
[Isipadu molar pada keadaan bilik / Molar volume at room condition: 24 dm3 mol-1]

[2 markah / 2 marks]

6. Rajah 6 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi menentukan formula empirik kuprum(II) oksida.
Diagram 6 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formula of copper(II) oxide.

Rajah 6 / Diagram 6
(a) Apakah maksud formula empirik?
What is the meaning of empirical formula?
[1 markah / 1 marks]

(b) (i) Dalam eksperimen ini, gas hidrogen dialirkan selama 10 saat sebelum serbuk kuprum(II)
oksida dibakar. Mengapa?
In this experiment, hydrogen gas is flowed for 10 seconds before copper(II) oxide
powder is heated. Why?
[1 markah / 1 marks]
(ii) Semasa penyejukan, gas hidrogen harus dialirkan berterusan selama beberapa minit.
During the cooling, hydrogen gas is flowed continuously for a few minutes. Why?
[1 markah / 1 marks]
(c) Bagaimanakah untuk mengenal pasti sama ada tindak balas telah lengkap?
How to identify whether the reaction is complete?
[1 markah / 1 marks]
(d) Nyatakan perubahan warna pepejal dalam salur kaca.
State the colour change of solid in the glass tube.
[1 markah / 1 marks]
(e) Keputusan eksperimen adalah seperti berikut.
The result of the experiment is as the following.
Jisim salur kaca kosong, g 13.3
Mass of empty glass tube, g
Jisim salur kaca + kuprum(II) oksida, g 4.0
Mass of glass tube + copper(II) oxide, g
Jisim salur kaca + kuprum, g 3.2
Mass of glass tube + copper, g

Tentukan formula empirik bagi kuprum(II) oksida.

Determine the empirical formula of copper(II) oxide.
[Jisim atom relatif / Relative atomic mass: O = 16, Cu = 64]

[3 markah / 3 marks]
(f) Suatu sampel bahan X terdiri daripada karbon, hidrogen dan oksigen. Peratus mengikut jisim

bagi setiap unsur ialah 40% karbon, 6.67% hidrogen dan 53.33% oksigen. Jisim molar bagi
bahan X ialah 180 g mol-1.
Tentukan formula empirik dan formula molekul bagi bahan X.
A sample of substance X consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The percentage by mass of
each elements are 40% carbon, 6.67% hydrogen and 53.33% oxygen. The molar mass of
substance X is 180 g mol-1.
Determine the empirical formula and molecular formula of substance X.

[4 markah / 4 marks]

BAHAGIAN B [20 markah]

SECTION B [20 marks]
Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.
Answer all question in this section.

7. (a) Terdapat tiga jenis keadaan jirim. Bandingkan ketiga-tiga keadaan jirim dalam aspek susunan
antara zarah-zarah, tenaga kinetik zarah-zarah dan daya tarikan antara zarah-zarah.
There are three type of state of matter. Compare all three state of matter in term of
arrangement between particles, kinetic energy of particles and attraction force between
[9 markah / 9 markah]
(b) Jadual 7 menunjukkan keputusan bagi eksperimen menentukan takat beku asetamida.
Table 7 shows the results of the experiment to determine the freezing point of acetamide.
Masa / Time, s 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Suhu / 90 85 81 79 78 78 78 78 78 76 70
Temperature, oC
Jadual 7 / Table 7
(i) Apakah maksud takat beku?
What is meant by freezing point?
[1 markah / 1 marks]
(ii) Plotkan graf suhu asetamida melawan masa berdasarkan keputusan dalam Jadual 7.
Plot a graph of temperature of acetamide against time based on the result in Table 7.
[3 markah / 3 marks]
(iii) Nyatakan takat beku asetamida.
State the freezing point of acetamide.
[1 markah / 1 mark]
(iv) Terangkan mengapa suhu tidak berubah dari 120 saat hingga saat 240 saat.
Explain why the temperature remain unchanged from 120 seconds until 240 seconds.
[2 markah / 2 marks]
(c) Namakan dua isotop dan kegunaanya.
Name two isotopes and their uses.
[4 markah / 4 marks]

SECTION C [20 marks]

BAHAGIAN C [20 markah]
Answer semua question in this section.
Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

8. Seorang pelajar telah menjalankan satu aktiviti makmal untuk menentukan formula empirik
magnesium oksida. Jadual 8 menunjukkan keputusan bagi aktiviti.
A student carried out an laboratory activity to determine the empirical formula of magnesium
oxide. Table 8 shows the result of the activity.
Penerangan / Description Mass, g
Mangkuk pijar + penutup
Crucible + lit
Mangkuk pijar + penutup + pita magnesium
Crucible + lit + magnesium ribbon
Mangkuk pijar + penutup + magnesium oksida
Crucible + lit + magnesium oxide
Jadual 8 / Table 8
(a) Tentukan formula empirik bagi magnesium oksida.
Determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide.
[3 markah / 3 marks]
(b) Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas di antara magnesium dan oksigen untuk
membentuk magnesium oksida. Nyatakan satu aspek kuantitatif yang diperoleh daripada
persamaan kimia tersebut.
Write a chemical equation for the reaction between magnesium and oxygen to produced
magnesium oxide. State one quantitative aspect obtained from the chemical equation.
[3 markah / 3 marks]
(b) Lukis dan label susunan radas bagi aktiviti menentukan formula empirik magnesium oksida.
Draw and label the apparatus set-up of the activity to determine the empirical formula of
magnesium oxide.
[2 markah / 2 marks]
(c) Huraikan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empirik magnesium oksida. Dalam
huraian anda, sertakan yang berikut:
Describe an activity to determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide. In your
description, include the following:
 Bahan / Materials
 Radas / Apparatus
 Prosedur / Procedure
[12 markah / 12 marks]


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