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Samp|e of Cn||ne Subm|ss|on form for Stage1 of the pro[ect

1eam Members SSugura[ ASSubanesh SSubash Narmadeshver

1eam Leader SSugura[
1eam Leader emall ld and phone number suggura[Qgma||com
h 9677372180
SecLor ln whlch you wanL Lo sLarL a buslness PosplLallLy lndusLry
1ype of buslness you wanL Lo sLarL 8esLauranL
name of Lhe experL or enLrepreneur you meL and hls company Mr8ala[lPoLel Shrl
8ala[l 8havan
About h|s company]venture
8us|ness Descr|pt|on
The Indian Cuisine is as diverse as its culture, languages, regions and its climate. Every major
region oI India brings its own unique dishes and subtle variations to popular dishes. Aromatic
Spices are the essence oI Indian cuisine. This is the unique Iormula, we, at Hotel Shri Balaji
Bhavan, chain oI Indian vegetarian restaurants Iollow, to build our businesses across the State.

Each new restaurant added to our network carries the legacy oI good taste and quality. The trust
that the customers have placed in us has been a motivating Iactor in exploring new destinations.
Today, our group has its presence across 15 outlets in South India, 2 in the North . We have
come a long way creating a niche among the Hotelier & Caterer segment.

We ensure our customers are our strength and make them Ieel at home when they are with us. An
outlet to be great with Iriends or all by yourselI. You can eat in, take it to go, or have it catered
right to you. The Ieeling is Iriendly and the Iood is Iabulous. Whenever you need it, wherever
you need it, it is your own unique world to eat out.
Our services include Fast Food, Take Away, Home Delivery, Outdoor Catering, Party Orders
and more

Business Strategy:
Each new restaurant added to our network carries the legacy oI good taste and quality. The trust
that our customers have placed in us has been a motivating Iactor in exploring new destinations.
Today, our group has its presence across 15 outlets in South India, 2 in the North .We have come
a long way creating a niche among the Hotelier & Caterer segment.

Success begets success. It has been close to 10 years since we started this venture. It has been a
history oI enriching experiences, awards and citations. However, we don't believe in resting on
our laurels. We have always reinvented ourselves in our unswerving endeavour to oIIer
unrivalled quality and taste. We have many more borders to cross, touch higher summits. And
look out Ior new business opportunities. And the journey continues.
Operational Structure:
When the eIIorts are sincere, intention noble and the aspiration high, success is a natural by-
product. We at Hotel Shri Balaji Bhavan Iollow the perIect Iormula Ior success. Delicious Iood
prepared under extremely hygienic conditions, served in a clean environment with a lot oI
passion and the reasonable pricing is the perIect answer to our gourmet, budget conscious
customer. A menu oI over 350 dishes in 10 categories, prepared to exacting standards and
serving thousands oI customers across all the outlets, is a testimony to the impeccable quality
and taste that our Hotel Shri Balaji Bhavan is Iamous Ior.

To establish, maintain and continue leadership in the hospitality sector by providing high quality
Iood at the most competitive prices to suit diverse consumer groups.

O To oIIer high quality vegetarian Iood without compromising on taste
O To increase the operational eIIiciency by periodic monitoring oI Quality Management
O To achieve cost reduction by minimising wastage and better operational techniques
O To increase our market share through better public relations and expanding the network
O To introduce new products in keeping with the customers' changing preIerences
O To ensure highest degree oI cleanliness and hygiene in preparation, preservation and
serving oI Iood
O To motivate our work Iorce by encouraging them to achieve our goals.
arketing ethodology:
We have always believed in oIIering a varied and wholesome experience. Overwhelmed by the
success oI our dine-in restaurants, we soon diversiIied into Fast Food, Take Away, Home
Delivery and Outdoor Catering.

Catering orders Ior a minimum oI 100 persons to a maximum oI 10,000 or above are accepted
Irom any part oI the city with on-site preparation. And over 350 diIIerent dishes in over 10
categories, our cuisine is one oI the best in the whole oI the city. True to the saying "Variety is
the spice oI liIe", our menu includes the best oI South Indian, North Indian, Chinese, Gujarati,
Chaats, Desserts, Beverages, Bakery & ConIectionery and ice cream.

To take the untrodden path. To overcome barriers. Innovation has been a way oI liIe at Hotel
Shri Balaji Bhavan. As the number oI outlets was on the rise and the management was grappling
with space constraints, the centralised kitchen concept that set a trend among restaurants. Feeling
the pulse oI the customer has been the Iormula Ior our success. In keeping with liIe on the Iast
lane, Hotel Shri Balaji Bhavan diversiIied into the category oI Fast Food Joints. Today, our Fast
Foods oIIer a range oI vegetarian Iood, Iresh juices, bakery and conIectionery products as well as
a range oI lip smacking ice cream.

Any other information:
Planing to start Catering Service in all region oI south India.

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