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S. Y. 2022 - 2023

1. Which of these materials can absorb water?

A. Plastic bag C. Cotton-clothed Facemask
B. Umbrella D. Raincoat

2. Which of the following materials is a non-porous?

A. B. C. D.

3. From the pictures given below, which of the material will sink gradually?
A. B. C. D.

4. Which of the following undergo decay faster?

A. Tomato B. Wood C. Coconut husk D. Leaf

5. If you are going to dispose waste materials commonly found at home, what are
you going to do with the decaying materials such as fruits and vegetable peelings?
A. Throw them in the river
B. Mix them with the non decaying
C. Make a compost
D. Keep them inside the cabinet

6. What kind of illness would you probably get if you are exposed to garbage?
A. Goiter B. Heart failure C. asthma D. Nose bleed

7. The following pictures are solid materials except

A. B . C. D.

8. You can change the shape and size of a paper by _________.

A. Cutting B. Pounding C. Stretching D. Hammering

9. It is a bean- shaped paired organs which are about five inches long and two to three inches wide.

A. B. C. D.

10. It is considered as the highly complex organ of the human body.

A. Heart B. Brain C. Lungs D. Kidney
11. Which of the animals below live both on land and in water?

A. B. C. D.

12. Which of the animals below, can only survive in water?

A. B. C. D.

13. What specialized structure is common to Rose, Cactus and Bougainvillea?

A. They are fruit bearing plants.
B. They have thorny stems and leaves.
C. They have unpleasant smell.
D. They have soft stems.

14. These animals undergo complete metamorphosis except

A. Mosquito B. Butterfly C. Cockroach D. Frog

15. What human stage of development is categorized as lasting from birth through the first year of
A. Adulthood B. Infancy C. Birth D. Childhood

16. What interaction is being shown?

A. Commensalism B. Predation C. Mutualism D. Parasitism

17. How can you change the shape of this object?

A. by cutting C. by crumpling
B. by tearing D. by coloring

18. Which of the given situations show changes in size and shape upon applying force in it?
A. B C. D.

19. What causes objects to move?

A. weight b. gravity C. force D. magnet

20. In which medium can sound wave travel faster?

A. solids B. Liquid C. gas D. air

21. Which statement about sound is correct?

A. sound cannot travel in a solid
B. sound travel faster in air than in liquids
C. sound travel faster in solids than in air
D. the travel of sound is not affected by the medium which it travels

22. How is heat transferred in solid materials?

A. through convection C. through conduction
B. through radiation D. through vacuum

23. Which of the given objects can be attracted to magnet?

A. B. C. D.

24. When opposite poles of two magnets are placed to each other, they ______.
A. move to the right. C. repel each other..
B. attract each other D. does not move at all.

25. What kind of an interaction in which two organisms compete for survival?
A. Commensalism B. Competition C. parasitism D. predation

26. If the plants place in the dark room for a long time, they cannot stay alive. Why?
A. Because they cannot make their own food without the help of the sunlight
B. Because lack of water
C. Because lack of soil
D. Because of insufficient amount of air

27. Plants have many parts. Each plant organ has a particular use or function. Which of the following
best describes the function of leaves?
A. They transport substances in all parts of the plants
B. They absorb nutrients and water from the soil
C. They absorb energy from the sun and carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis.
D. They produce fruits from seed on them

28. What kind of interaction is shown in the diagram?

A. Competition B. Commensalism C. Parasitism D. Predation

29. Which soil type is good for making pots?

A. Sand B. Silt C. Loam D. Clay

30. Which type of soil is best for planting fruits, vegetables and flowers?
A. Loam B. Sand C. Silt D. Clay

31. Which is the major component of the water cycle?

A. Fresh water B. Rain water C. Underground water D. Sea water

32. Look at the picture below. What is the source of water being shown?
A. Sea water C. Rain water
B. Surface water D. Underground water

33. All are importance of water, except:

A. Drinking water makes one healthy.
B. Water serves as routes of transportation for boats.
C. Water does not contain minerals which the body need.
D. The habitats of aquatic plants and animals.

34. You see a dark clouds in the sky. You are going to school. Which should you do?
A. Bring extra clothes C. bring an umbrella or raincoat
B. wait for the rain to fall D. stay at home and wait for the rain to stop

35. Which of these tells there is an approaching storm?

A. dark clouds and cold air C. gentle wind and rain shower
B. Strong winds and heavy rains D. sun shines and calm wind blows

36. The city government official and bulletin report declare suspension of classes in preschool,
elementary and high school levels public and private schools in the affected areas. In what storm
signal is this observe?
A. Storm signal 1 B. Storm signal 2 C. storm signal 3 D. storm signal 4

37. At which time of the day can you have the shortest shadow?
A. 9:00 AM B. 10:00 AM C. 12:00 noon D. 2:00 PM

38. My friend Arnel did the sunbathing to make his skin tan. He stayed under the sun from 10:00 A.M.
to 12 noon daily for 2 weeks. What will possibly happen to him?
A. He got the tan color of the skin he wanted to without anything bad happen to him.
B. He suffers from sun burn and damaged his immune system.
C. His skin did not change the color.
D. His skin become soft and clear

39. Rizza will be joining her friends in swimming on Sunday. What must she do to avoid sunburn?
A. apply coconut oil C. wear long sleeves
B. wear sunglasses D. apply sunblock lotion

40. In some way the sun’s heat is beneficial to humans, how it become harmful to you?
A. It can damage my eyes. C. I can dry to preserve my fishes.
B. I can harvest and dry my crops. D. I can play outsides

Prepared by:
Test Key Answer
1 C Teacher III
2 D J. Montilla elementary School
3 B
4 A
6 C Teacher II
7 C Ma-ao Elementary School
8 A
9 C
10 B
11 C
12 B
13 B
14 C
15 B
16 A
Answer Key
17 C
18 A
19 C
20 A
21 C
22 C
23 C
24 B
25 B
26 A
27 C
28 D
29 D
30 A
31 B
32 B
33 C
34 C
35 B
36 B
37 C
38 B
39 D
40 A

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