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What does future hold for medicine?

The future is something we are all curious about, but have you thought about how
medicine will have changed in the next 100 years? There is some good and some
bad aspects to it.
To my mind, in 100 years from now, everything will have technology involved and
medicine won’t be an exception. Everything in the medicine field, even doctors,
could be replaced by some sort of technological device which will make it easier
and faster to detect diseases. This means the prolongation of an illness will be
shorter and there will be more chances for it to be treatable.
Also, I believe more cures to, what are now incurable diseases, will have been
discovered. For instance, people say a cure for cancer will be discovered by doctors
in the next couple of years. Like this, antidotes to different illnesses are likely to be
found. This would mean a huge improvement not only in the medicine field, but on
Along with this, it seems to me that doctors will, in a way, be replaced by special
devices made with this objective. Even robots might replace the doctor spot since
it is very probable that, by then, this “feature” could be developed on them.
However, this could be an advantage or a disadvantage to some, whereas many
people think robots should never replace humans.
In conclusion, I think we, as humans and as a society, will be living in a better
world as to medicine respects despite of everything being technological, which in
my opinion, will never be the same because I think people are irreplaceable and,
even though technology makes everything easier and more efficient, I hope in the
next 100 years human touch stays the same, especially in what medicine concerns.

Milagros Miranda, adults 5 Tuesdays and Thursdays 17:30 to 19:00

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