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C 11 \I' 11 I{ I/ I ( 1'l l~(' I Ros I/\ 11( s ) OIi II

on Y electric charges at rest is known -1~ "lect •
<,,, "' rostat1cs.
clnc Charge
It is a -funddmental proµerty of rnaller ancJ nP.vor 1ound frP.e.

u) There arc two kinds of charges namely po:,ilive an~ negative. If a body has excess of electrons, 1t Is said to be
negatively charged and 1f 1t is dcricicml 1n electrons, it is said lo be positively charged.
iii) Benzamin Frankline introduced the concept of positive and negative char es.
iv) Repulsion is the sure test lor the t..letcct1on of a chc1rgc.

v) In S.I. system the unil of charuu is colllomb.

vi) Chai ge Is scalar quantity
vii) . Like charges repel zind un-lif.-e charges ullracl.

vih) Charge is conserved. It can neither be created nor dcstroy,,d. ll can oniy be transferred from one ubJcct
to other

ix) ~hai ge IS quantised. The smallest charsie Is associated w,th elcctr0n (-) and proton ( +) Is 1.6-" 10 1''


x) All cha1ges in nature exist as integral multiples of electron chargu q = n c n - • Integer

xi) A coulomb is equivalent to a charge of G.243x10 18 electrons
xii) When a body is positively charged, its mc1ss slightly dccrea~es
xiii) When a body is negatively cha1ged, its mass slightly increases ·

xiv) In the case of a conductor, ils charge spreads over the entire outer surface and in t,,e case of an
insulator, its charge is localised

xv) Charge given to a conductor alvvays resides on the outer surlace of the conductor only.

Chargi11~ of bodies :

i) The process pf making a neutral body into a charged body is known as electrification
ii) Eiectrification Is universal phenomenon

iii) A body can be charged oy any one of the following three w~ys :
(a) friction (b) contact and (c) electrostatic inJuct1on

~harying by friction
i) The electricity (i e., transfer of electrons) that 1s produced due to friction is ca1Ied frictional electricity
ii) When we rub two neutral bodies, there will be some transfer of electruns frorn ol",e body to the other due to
structural modifications because of the frictional forces acting on them.
iii) In this method one of the bodies acquires a negative charge while the other gets a posItIve charge, both of

which are equal in magnitude.

Eg: a) When a glass rod is rubbed with sil~, cloth, glass acquires positive charge a~d silk cloth acquires charge. Electrons are removed from glass rod and are added to s11k cloth.

b) When an ebonite rod is rubbed with fur cloth, ebonite red acquires negative charge and fur cloth
acquires positive charge. Electrons aI e transferred from fur cloth to ebonite rod.
iv) Jhe list of substances called electric sencs given below is arranged in such a manner that if any two of
them rubbed together, the one occurring earlie1 would be riositively charged.

1. Glass 2. Flannel 3. Wool 4 Silk ·5. Sealing wax 6. Hard melal

7. Hard rubber 8. Resin 9. Sulphur, etc.
Eg: If we select glass and silk, glass will, acquire a posf° clii=.irge while silk will get a negative charge
when glass rod is rubbed with silk
Charylny \:Jy contact·
1) /\ neu\i al b:idy can be charged by makmg ccntacl .,,,ith a chargud budy
. a charge that is \i1e sa111e as\ h 3 t of u,e cl iaryIng bou y.
,,) rl ere: the "uody will acquire
1 1hu~ by co:1\dcl a s1rn1lar charge is !orrr,cd on bolh \hn bodies.

,• m' 1:-id first botl/s chmgc decreases

If('µut o co11l,1ct und then scpar..110 , , n
I coi, d uc I Cll 5 11..1v11w cl1d1ges (], t1!1U q q q
wu 1d 'llli LJ ,d _ q , tlicn each have a cll,1rgc equal lo
, ch<.11 go equ ,I_ to
C!t t q If tlw cl1<1rgcs ,He (11 ,11 2

b) I wo f;phcric,11 conductors 11,wing churgcs q, ~ qi'

;ind r,1di1 r, and r 2 are put to contact and lhe11
r r1
Iler contt1cl me qt - - - il4, +q2 & 42 - -
r2 ) -l. I
)l41 t q•
sPµc1rclled then the cl1,1r~1es of l11e co 11 ductors 8 ( r, + r2 1 1, t r2

, cq11al
S11H'l' !ht'V ,\I e co111H·ckd, lhnr poll'11li.1 1s an

011 I

it 1::- seen lh,1l. sm,1lk1 the r,1tlius,

tl' .. or is ,I consl,111!. l•'rnm lltt' ,11Jovc t·quattoil
l.11gl'1 is lhl' cha1gt· tlc11sity.

Charging by electrostatic induction

i) Induction always p1ccedcs attr.::ict1on

ii) Polansat1on of charges 111 3 body when a charged body is present near that is called i nd uction .
iii) In induction, a charged body 1s brought near an uncharged body. Then the uncharged body acquires a

charge opposite in sign lo that of the charged body.

Condu~tors , insulators and semiconductors:

Q (;-i)

1) . A body in which electric charge can easily flow through is called

conductor (e.g. m~lals) . (b)

ii) A body in which electric charge cannot flow is called

insulator or dielectric. (e.g . glass, wool, rubber, plastic, etc.)
iii) Substances which are intermediate
between ·conductors and insulators are called semiconductors.(e.g.
sil1con, germanium, etc)
Electroscope :
,, ', I l
i) An electroscope is used to detect the charge 0(1 a bpdy.
(el .

Coulomb's law :

i) The force of attraction or repulsion between two charged bodies is directly proportional to the product of their
charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

ii) It acts along the line joining the two charges considered to be point charges.
91 2
iii) fa ~
(or) F = _1__ ti1q2
4m; d 2

a) where Eis_ absolute permittivity, Er is the relative Permittivity and 60 is the permittivity of frees pace

b) Kor e:, is also called as dielectric constant of the medium 1,:i which the two charges are placed.

v) a) Relative permitivity of a material =

Force between two charges in air
Cr b) For air Er = 1
Force between the same-cl~1rg es .-
. In
the me d1um at the same distance
c) For metals £r = infinity

d) Force between 2 charges depends upon the nature f . t rvening medium where as gravitational force
, o the 1n e '
is independent of intervening medium.
• air or vacuum,
vi) For [•--- _1__-q/_12
- SI n f
4nc.,. tl2- ce or air or vacuum,£,== 1
vu) Ille value of· -- is equal lo 9x10 9 Nm'tc2.
a poi t ,s the force expenenced by a unit positive ctage

charge tS always , :a Y rom the charge

charge IS always directed towards the charge.
due to a number of chiJ99S IS equal to the vec:tor sun
fr n Inf r ti I

It IS <I • ,l 1r

4) SI unrt ,s Vlllt I(
w or v 1 11l11n 1 , V rl
b) 1\itcnh 11 1t I d1!-t,111d1 'd' du 0 111 1p,Hnl I Ii 1
11q q

ti\ (Lir) \
' !r(JI I I II 11,>111 l,w
itcllll 11 to ILIW 1· 11 •11t1,tl wit ·1 • , t•I
f1l•ld lllll\l' lrLllll I11 •1 l 1 P
8) \ p,):stll\t' ch,ugc 111 .i '

potPnto,11 t., h19h ~,l,1,,1111,11 when l,•11 l1 l l'

~1) \\:or'- d,111t• 111 llhlVlll!l ,1 c1,.11v,• q l111,1uqli ,1 p,,ti•11l1,tl dilll'rl'I• '' V 'VV IV J· itl

h') l;,un 111 ttw k.1nl't1i.:: l'tll'l\lY, '. 111, •

. qV

Rclatfon bctu,,•.:n dt·dt i,· _fi.-ld p,111 p,,wntiul

,,v L ,!"
1111111 1
Tiu· d1.111~l' ,,1 ,,,1tcnti.1l "itll dt:-.t.1111 ·1· 1:-. l111P\\ 11 " !> ii
g1.1d1l'nt, ht'tll' <' tlw l'll'1·t1 i,• til'ld t1- <'qt1,1 I I " ti 11· II 1,, 111\l
I I II nt or,, l fl I

TIie 1i--~.\li\l' ::-ii:,n 1udn',llt':s th,1t tltl' p,,11·1111,d d,·1·1 1 .t •• 111 II

< J>I td Ill
d11t'l'IH>11 ,,f d,·ctrit' tkld. l'lw 1111it ,1I l'iiTl1 l1 ' li1t1·11 !\ ''

Coml>irwd field due to two point cll.irgcs

a) Due to two similar clla19t'S:

ty rs ,cru) 1~
i\ If cha·ges c, and q2 are scpc11,1lcd by,, d1sl,111cc 'r', null point ( v. r rt u I
fc niel, on·tr.c I ne 101ning l110sc two cli.11gcs
11) null poml is formed with In the cha,ges q
• ---- Q
iii) null pont rs located ne ..ircr to weak clt,11ut1.

rv) If x ,s distance of null point r,0111 q,, (Wl'tii, Clh)IW') ll wn

ll___'._ - Q;, -:- x Hei e q, ,ind q . ,lll' liki:- ch, 11 tJL'S
:-; ! (r x)2 \ 'tt. /q I f I

b) Due to two dissimilar charges :

1) If q 1 and q., aIe unlike cl1drgcs then null po1111 is t01111 l,d ult tit (' ll1tl' Jl11111I1~1 l\\O dl,HUL'S
11) null point is fo1 med out sidu the ch,11 ~IL'S
i11) null point is !01111 nedrcr wo,1k cll.11\cW
• \
iv) x 1s the distance or null point f10111 q 1(1Vt'.ik ch,iruc) tltcn

qI ql f
- ; .: --- 2 ⇒ X -
x- (rfX) Jq 2 /q,-1 In the <1bove forrnul,ic q 2 / q 1 1s nu111N1c,1I r,1tio of char!Jl'S

c) Z~ro potential point clue to two charges :

1) If two unlike charges q I rn1d q2 ure s,cp,iratcd by c1 urst,rni.:l' ·, ', till' net pl1lt'nt1c1l 1s zew ,1t two poi11ts on
the l111e Jo111111g lilo111.
i1) one in bclwocn them ,llld lltt' othor out. 1
sic ti thu ch,11 tJt •s,
111) bolh lite points arc 11oarm lo Vvo·ik , .
., c, 11,11ve (q) •
91 q, . . I <

'- - lr ·x) (for po111t 1, with rn tho ch,ugos) I' lj1 (JI

• •
•r- • •
lJ1 Q2 (I ·
- - ( ) or point 2,out side tho "11
r -1 y .
r y-

)' ,. di \.)OS)

>X • y
Q7 f 1 q2 I tero tt, ·IS illJl))prfl .ii v.illll' 0 f S t ronn Cthll yo
q, q,
two s1m1lar charges zero p0 t
qu potential surface: SOUAII. ASIFUO:\/i I ·O:llif,559

) The surface which is the locus of all points ,which are at lhc same potential Is known as equipotential surface
b) No work, is required to move a charge from one point to another on the equipotential surface.
c) No.two equipotential surfaces intersect

d) The direction of electric lines of force or direction of electric field is always normal to the equipotential surface.

e) Inside a hollow charged spherical conductor lhe polen tial is constant. This can be treated as equipotential
volume. No work is required to move a charge from tho centre lo the surface.

f) For an iso_laled point charge, the equipolenlal surface is a sphere. i.e. concentric spheres around the point
charge are different equipotential surfaces.

g) In a uniform electric field any plane normal to the field direction is an equipotential surface.

Electric potential energy :

.. ·-

i) A charge placed in an electric field possesses potential ene rgy and is measured by the work done in •
moving the charge from infinity to that point against the electric fi eld.

ii) If two charges q, and q2 are separated by a distanced, the P.E. of the system is U= - 1 q,dq 2

iii) If two lik·e charges (two protons or two electrons) are brought towards each other, the P.E of the system

iv) If tw9 unlike charges (a proton and an electron ) are brought towards each other, the P.E." of the system

v) If three charges q1, q 2 and q3 are situated at the vertices of a triangle (as shown in the
figure), the P.E. of the system is

U =U12 + U23 + U31

= _ 1
4m: 0
_r d \.
q,q2 + q2q3 + q3q,)
d2 d3

vi) If four charges q,. q 2 , q 3 and q 4 are situated at the corners of a square as shown in the
figure, P.E of the system
dLi_J q4
_ 1_x(q1q2 + q2q3 + q3q4 + q4d1 + q2q4 + q1q:i_ 1 q,
4m: 0 d d d d J2d ,✓2.d)

Electric dipol~ _ --: _ _ --··- --·- - ---- ,

i) Two equal and opposite charges separated by a constant distance is called electric dipole. P = q.2I.

ii) Dipole. moment ( p) is the product of one of the charges and distance between the charges. It is a vector

• directed from negative charge towards the positi~e charge. along t~e j~i-ning the two c h a r- g . -·e s~
. .-·-.. ..·
vii) The potential due to an electric dipole on any point on the equatorial line 111s zero. • ... ·- .
• e +Q . ... -Q
viii) Two unlike equal charges +Q and -Q are separated by distanc

1) The net electric potential is zero on the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the charges.

2) The bisector Is equipoptential and zeropotenlial line. ➔

3) Work done in moving a charge on this line is zero. -q +q

· on t h e b'1sec t or ·is perpendicular to th e hisector. + - - - - 2d - - - - ➔

4) Electric intensity at any point
5) Electric intensity at any po .int on the bisector para II eI to the. bisector is zero ·

Electric lines of force : - - ·-

. a unit• +ve c h arg e , accelerates in electric field ·
i) Line of force Is the path along which
. to the line of force gives
ii) T.he tangent at any pomt th e direction of the field at that point.

iii) Two lines of force never intersect.

·1 area around a point is numerically equal to E, the
iv) Number of lines of force passing normally through urn
strength of the field al the point.
d conductor.
v) Lines of force always leave or end normally ,on a charye

v1) E..let.lrir: lines ol force can never be closed loops.

• . • . IIY and exert a force of repulsion on one another
11)llnes of force have tendency to contract long1tud1na
r, I
viii)lf in a . .
region of space there is no electric field, t
1,ere will Ile no lines of force. Inside a conductor tt c:re
cannot be any line off
ix) Numb . orce. h nit area around a point is numerically equal to E.
• er of Imes of force passing normally throug u
x) In uniform field, lines of force are parallel to one an° th0 r.

130th magnitude
Uniform field . Uirection Is and not constant
Magnitude 1s not constant
not constant . field

*~~'"''" (a) (b)

Isolated cl1lirge Unlike charges

Differe~between ~lectric lines of force and magnetic lines of force:

1) Electric lines of force never form closed loops while magnetic lines are always closed loops .
ii) Electric lines of force do not exist inside a conductor but magnetic lines of force may exist inside ·a

magnetic material.
Electron volt :
i) This is the unit of energy in particle physics and is represented as eV. ii) 1 eV = 1.602x10· 19 J .
b) A charged particle of mass m carrying a charge q and falling through a potential \/ acquires a speed of
Electric flux :
i) The number of electric lines of force crossing a surface normal to the area gives electric flux ol>E-
ii) Electric flux throuyh an elementary area ds 1s defined as the scalar product of area and fie d.
d<!>E- = E.ds = Eds cosO

iii) ~'E = JE.ds '1

, 1 ,

iv) Flux will be maximum when electric f1ekJ is Hormal lo the area (dcj> Eds)
v) Flux will be minimum when field 1s parallel to area (d4 =t 0)

vi) For a closed surface, outward flux is positive and inward flux 1s negative
Gauss Law:

Statement : The total normal electric flux </>,. over a closed surface is times the total charge Q

enclosed within the surface. </>,. -(_!_) Q


i) The total flux h~ked with a closed surface 1s (1/Eo} times the charge enclosed by the closed surface. I, Eds=_1 q
J Eo
ii) A potnt charge q is placed in centre of a cube of edge 'a'. The flux through each face of the cube is . q
6 "o
,Applications of Gayss Theorem:

Gauss Law is applicable for any distribution of charges t f closed rf b ·t · t

the problem of high symmetry and any ype o su ace, u1 I is easy o so 1ve
Electric field al a point due to a line charge:
Consider an u111for11lly cllarg<'cl wire of 111 1·11 11-1c lcnglll 1lc1vi11g a co11sl,111t Iii H·a1
(chmgc J><T u11ll le11gtll). Le~ I' lie· a JJOlnl l 2 .,,.r
;i a dbtanl'C r ,.

1; A
2n, 11


-! ~

+ ➔ ~

I~<~ -
, ~
d.s E
The c\irrl"lion of clc-rllw lil'lcl 1~ 18 raclnll, ➔
is posi\ivl' anti inwarcl. ii the hllc ,1 ' \ 011 tw,11c1, If 1111<' c 1l:11g<' I ~
( l<11 gc• IS
· ra:galiv<' .
i- ~

+ --
Electric fleld Intensity at a point duo to a thin inflnito char" cJ ,
· .,o •hoot,

E Is independent of the thstanco of tllo po111t 111\111 lllo <.ll,uqnd '•il(Jol
. .


Electric field intensity at a point duo tu a thick infi111to l.hll lJ"d t ,•

, ~ !-.. IHJO

1~ 'I
111.:n <c.o
Electric field <1t a·point duo ton thick cl1,11uod ~li1•t'l I', twlw ll1,d_piudiJCPd liv 11 ,,. 11 ,111 ,.li:ir•JMJ ,1,,,,:1 ,1( •,:, 111 , r,11,irr,ifJ d1•11•,11;

Electric intensity duo to two thin parallel cli:irqPd •,llOl!I'.:

Two charged sheets A and l3 having u111fo1m d1.i1q1• dt!II' Ilirn, 0 ,, .itid n ,, rr",fl"'·livr·I;

In region I : In region II 111 roqion Ill

E =;-(a_,+c,11)
l·.' 11
I o
(o I
rr 11 ) l·.111 , 1 (nA 0 11 )
) I II

Electric field due to two oppositely charged p,u'.allol lllin shoots :

L'/1 = I l (J ( (J) I 1,:,11

2 Eo ( ()

Electric field due to a charged Spherical shell

'q' amount of charge be uniformly distributed over a spliorical •,hnll ol , ndIus 'If
. !/
CT =Surface charge density, a= ,
1) When point 'P' lies outside the silell:
- I lj
f~ == - - X z
4H E 0 r
This 1s the same expression as obtained for electric field .it a po111t dw• to a point cha1go I Ienco a charged
spherical shell behaves as a point charge w11conl1r1lc•d :1t ll1t• wnt10 of ii

4Jr Eo ,.i
ii) When point 'P' lies on the stiell : • 1
/ ~ Cl. l
E == a (r R) ' ,.
,! ,,
I \ 11 I Ill I f'1.tfll 111\ n 11t11
iii) When Point 'P' lies inside the shell:
Note: Inside a non conducting solid cllarued spl1<J111 ulocl1Ic f1ulu 1<, PI0 S<Hil I lucli1c. I11tensIty inside the sphere
E= O r ffeie tl is tho cl1':ila11co lrCJ111 llHJ cu11l1n of •,p li<!fl' . i '' '
4rrc 0 · 1{ 3

Electric Potential (V) due to a spherical ch.iruod co11d11Gti11g slioll (ltoltow sphoro)
I (f
i) When point (/() lios outs1do tho sp'1010 ( , . ..> N), lilo oloc,liic, potrn ili;il, V

Ii) When point ( /!, ) lies 011 llio surf,H.:o ( r '
R) I V
ti 111:" J<
i11) Who11 poi11t (i!) lios 111s1clu thu sui1,1cu (r N).V ti ///," N
N0 t 1t 5 • 111 11·· ,11icl 1·, L•qu,11 to <H1 llw ::,11rf,1c.;o.
c 10 olm:\11c potrn1\1a\ a\ any point im,ido u,,, •,plwro 1:-.
Electrical capacity :

·,) , . . . blt to store e lectric charge.

Electrical capacity of a conductor Is ,ts a 11 Y t th h · t ·t i e V ex: Q
rtiona I o e c arge given o 1 . ., ·
ii) Th t · · · t · · directly pro po
e po ent,al acquired by a conduc or ,s ortionality 'C' is called the electrical, capacity of the
i.e., Q ocV or Q = CV where the constant of prop
lio of the charge lo the potential.
iii) Thus the capacity of a conductor is defined as the ra

iv) Its SI unit is farad.

6 12
v) 1 milli farad (1 mF) = 10·3 farad .
1 micro fara d ( 1 P F) = 10" farad
1 pico farad (1 pF) = 10 farad

. The capacity
v1) . of a spherical conductor In
. farad
I Is
. given
. bYC = 4 rn:o r ,where r = radius of the conductor.

vii) If we imagine Earth to be a uniform solid sphere then the capacity of earth
6400 3
C = 4n£ 0 R x ~0 = 711r1F =1 mF

Dielectric materials, Polar and non polar molecules :

- -
~a) Dioloctric · : Any -·
matenaJ material that do not allow the eIec t rica
· I c harges to easily pass through them is

· ·
called insulator or dielectric material or si~ply a dielectric. o·ie Iec tnc
· ·is a technical term for an insulator.
b) Non -polar molecule :

i) In certain kind of materials, ordinarily the molecu les will have symmetric charge distributions.
ii) Such kind of molecules are called non-polar molecules.

iii). In the absence of any external electric field, a non-polar molecule will have its centre of positive charge
coinciding with centre of negative charge.
c) Polar molecule:

i) Certain dielectrics like water, hydrogenchloride and alc1Jhol are made of molecules that have a non
uniform distribution of electric charge.

ii) In such molecules, the positive charge centre will not coincide with the negative charge centre, even in
the absence of any external field.

iii) The molecules are polarized even in the absence of any external electric field.
iv) Such kind of molecules are called Polar molecules., ~ , ,
· i4 r'•
Parallel _£lat~- Capacitor :
-- -- ~ - -- -
i) Condenser (usually, a combination of tw~ conductors) is a device by means of which larger amount of
charge can be stored at a given potenlia

ii) Capacitance of a capacitor or condenser is the ratio of the charge on either of its plates to the potential
·difference between them .

iii) Capacity of a parallel plate condenser without medium between the plates c = c oA
A =area of each plate ; d =distance between the plates 0

iv) With a medium of dielectric constant K completely fill,·n th b tw th t C K EoA

g e space e een e p Ia es = __
v) The dielectric constant of a dielectric mat · I · · d
· eria is defined as the ratio of the capacity of the parallel plate
condenser with the dielectric between the plat .
C . es to•,ts capacity with air or vacuum between the plates.
K =- - Capacity or thecondenser with d1eleclric medium betw
C0 Capac11y of the same candeser Wllh air as , ; , ~ ~
') Wh d. I · 1b
v1 en a 1e ectnc s a of thickness 't' is inlrodu d tween plates Eo A c A
ce between the plates C = - = 0

d-t+t d-t(1-!)
vii) In this case the distance of separation dee ) ( k k

. .
rcases by t 1 - _ and hence the capacity increases
viii)To restore the capacity to original value th d'
~ k (
e , ance of separation is to be increased by t 1- - .
1x) a) If a metal slab of thickness tis introd db A k
uce etwe Eo
x) In a purallel plate .1
capac, or, the electric Ii Id
en !he plates C =
- .
because for metals K is infinity.
fringing field . e at lhe edges is not uniform and that field is called as the
xi) Electric field between the plates is •f cr a Q
. un, orrn cle l .
charge density on the plates= Q/A. c nc intensity f = · ·- - - =-- . Here o is the surface
i: 0 AE 0 Cd
• ) Potential difference between the plates V
=E.d =--
e A

1 1 Q2 1 CV 2 1 Q2 1
x11i) Force on each plate F = 2EQ = 2 Cd= 2 d =2 EoA == 2eoAE2
is equal to
xiv)The electrostatic energy stored in a charged capacitor

a2 cv2 ov
E= - o r - - o r - ·
2C 2 · 2
xv) Energy stored per unit volume of the med_ium = ¾e 0 E

lntrodl!ction of dielectric in a charged c_apacitor

·A diel~ct-ric slab (K) is introduced between the plates of the capa~itor .

With battery With battery

s Physical
quantity disconnected
no connected

1. Capacity. K time increases K times increases

2. Charge K limes increases Remains constant

3. P.D Remains constant K times decreases

4. Eleclric Remains constant K times decreases

• Intensity

5. Energy K times increases K times decreases

stored in

!.~e_distanc; between the plates of condenser is increased by n t imes.

s W1lh battery
Physical With battery
no. quantity permanently disco,,nected

1. Capacity n time decreases

2. Charge n times decreases Remains constant

3. -P.O. Remains constanl n times increases

4. Elecliic n lime decreases Remain constant


5. Energy n limes decreases n times increases

stored in

~ombination of charged spherical drops :

When 'n' identical charged small spherical drops are combined to form a Big drop.

For each I

For the big

Sno, Quantity charged
small drop
a. Radius r R = n 113 r
b. Charge q O=nxq
C. 1
Capacity C C =n 113 KC
d. Potential V V 1 =n 213 YV
C. 513
Energy V V
=n \'
f. Surface (J o1 = n1 ·, '
density or

L-J charge

-- .
- -
Combination of Condensers:

i) When condensers are connected in series

Qr =01=Q2 =Q3
1) All plates have the same charge in magnitude
Vr = V1+V2+V3
Q2) Potential differences between the plates are different
1 1 1 +q -q +q -q +q -q
3) V1 : V, : V3 = -- : - : -
C1 C2 C3 ~ ~ l---i l -
e, C2 C3
4) Equivalent capacity is C then,

. d'vidual
5) The equivalent capacity is less than the least 111 1 capacity
1 1 . __!_
6) Energies of the condensers E1: E2: E3 c
·c;· c 3

7) Total energy of the combination=E 1+E2 + E3.

ii) When condensers are connected in parallel

1) P.D. across each condenser is same
2) Char9e of each condenser is different Q 1 : Q2 : Q3 = C1 : C2 : C3
3) Equivalent capacity of the combination C = C1 + C2 + C3
4) The equivalent c.apacity is greater than the greatest individual capacity
5) Energies of the condensers E1 : E2: E3 = C1 : C2: C3
6) Total energy of the combination=E1+E2+E 3

iii) When n identical condensers each of capacity C

1) ~omb1ried in series, the effective capacity
=Cs= C/n

2) ComlJined in parallel, the effective capacity CP = nc.

3) Ratio of the effective capac1t1es Cs:Cp=1: n2

vi) Two capacitors are connected in series lo a battery.

vc .. vc,
i) V1 = - -2 - 11) V2 =- - -
C1 + C2 C1 + C2

vii) Two capacitors are connected in parallel to a battery as shown in the figure.
/. ,, I

. qC1 .. ) _ qC2
1) q1 = - - - II q2 - - - -
C1 + C2 C1 + C2

viii) If n, identical capacitors each of capacity C are connected in a square then

a) The resultant capacity between a11y two adJacent corners A and B = 4 c

b) The resultant capacity between any two opposite corners A and C= C

ix) If n identical capacitors each of capacity ~ are connected in a polygon 'then

a) The resultant capacity between any two adjacent corners = nC

b) The 1esultant capacity between any two opposite co _ 4C
rne1s - - .
Combin~tion of charged_ capacitors : n
i) If two condensers of capacities C1 and C 1, h - - - -:- - - - · · • · - -
aiu c arged lo potentials V1 and V2 respectively and are joined
in parallel (+ve plate connected to +ve plate) then th ·. I
a 1 I c J c 1v1 I c 2v2 ' e cornmon potent1a
V = - ·-· l.. 01 now= C1 V
C,+r'7 ~1 C2 02naw=C,V
iii) When two condensers of capacillGs c 1 and c h
2 c arged lo potentials V1 and V2 are connected
anlipqrnllel (+ve plate connected to -ve plate). ,
as shown in the figure.
a) Common potential V = 0 1-:Q~ ->~1V1.•·C v
2 7
·. C1 1 C2 C1 1c -
c) Loss of energy 1s more in this cc1se com rir 2
_P, od W1lh Previous case.
iii) Wl1er1 two condensers of capacities C , '
1 nd
a C2 charged to potentic1ls V1 and V2 are series
V:: V 1 + V2 Q:: CV::: _~ C2
· C11 C2 (Vi +V2) Vi now= Q/C1 V2ncw= Q/C2
SOIIAIL ASlfllO:t-\ I O:i4,)a 9

a) Variable condenser, multiple condenser, paper condense r, e Iectrolytic condenser etc,

are the different types of condensers.

i) In variable capacitor, there arc two sets of plates generally made of brass or aluminium
ii) One set of plates is static or fixed and is known as stator.

iii) The .other set of plates which rotates over tho stator by rotating the pistons called rotor .
iv) This capacitor is generally used in tuning circuits in radio and TV rocc1vcrs.

~) Symbol of variable Capacitor is

Multiple capacitor:

i) In a multiple capacitor there are a number of parallel plates with mica sheets as Tin foils
a d1eleclnc between them . "'
Lllilll1lllllU M1cc1
ii) The capacitance is n times the capacitance between any two plates where n = p 1----+--l-ffil
- !lmmii
number of mica sheets. UillllllllillJ P,
llill Wllilll J
iii) These are used in high frequency oscillating circuits as dielectric constant of - - -, -
l In fu1ls
mica does not change with temperature.

vi) These are used as standard Capacitors in :aboratory.

xi) In a parallel plate capacitor, if n sim ilar pates at equal distance d are ar1angcd such that alternate plates
are connected tC?gcther, the capacitance ( :) of the arra ngement 1s l l1 - llr111\
Paper capacitor :

i) In a paper capacitor, paper soaked 1n wax or 011-acts as a dielectric.

( _~ 1,n10,ls
ii) Plates aI e usually tin foils . It can be rolled a l sealed 111 a cylind er

iii) These unys to increase stability, paper 1s re

v1) These occupy small spnce and cheaper n

v) These are used m radio circuits and lo o

iced by polystyrene.
V l',>µm soaked '"}.,

Electrolytic capacitor :

i) An electrolytic capacitor has two c1l um1n Jfll plates which are plnced 111 o sulut1011 of airnnonium borc1te.
i1) When D C. 1s passed through the capacitor vl'ry thin f. m of alum mun oxide 1s forrned on tile c.H1odc µl<1te

iii) The thickness of the oxide layer 1s of the order of 10-0 c.m olcctro~l~- - - -
- -'~-A----
iv) Oxide layer acts as the d1electr1c between the plates '\

v) This should be connected to proper polarity m a c1rcu1t oxide_

vi) In this copacitor polarity of terminals will be indicated
dnode/ + I A{
vii) Widely used when high capacitances are 1e4L11 ed.

viu) CapaL.ttur of the order of 103 ~1F

ix) Can be obtained with small volumes

Uses of condenser {Capaci',or):

a Capacitu1s area used to establish desired untforn1 and strong electric fields ,n small space
capacitors can confine strong electric fie d for srrnill vo 1111
11es T11oy serve ,is useful dov1cos for storing
elcctric;il energy
c Ac· , urrcnls C[ip.ic1tors c11 o usPd 111 filter 1·,rc.u1ts
iljlacllor blocks direct curren t aml allows ,11lcrnc1t 111\J c
d. C·0 . · . clccl'IC- r,c•lcls
Pilcito I s arc used In gene, at,on and dclucl1011 uf oscillc1luHJ
e. Ca . . l T v ro<..rnvcr s
pacitors arc widely used ln tuning circuit of r.1t110 .iiH
I. 10 , to lr,111s1111t pulsar! s1g11,1ls ,md to provide t1mc>
reduce voltage fluctuations in clcclric power supp 1ic 5'
delays t.:apac,tors are essenlinl.

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