Output 4 Second Quarter

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Andrei G.

Roncal Practical Research 2 (Output 4, Qtr 2)

12 – Marvelous (ABM) Mr. Elymar Pascual

Technological Advancement: Impact on Business

Employee`s Performance

I. Motivation
Table 1. Impact of Technological Advancement in terms of Motivation

Mean SD Remarks
1. I am more eager to do my work if I
have technology (gadgets, apps, 4.05 0.92 Agree
equipment) that can help me.
2. I don`t feel stressed at all knowing that
there are technology that helps me. 3.90 0.89 Agree
3. I feel much easier to work when there
are guides in internet or technological 4.40 0.73 Strongly
equipment that I can find. Agree
Average 4.12 0.85 Agree
Legend: 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

3.41 – 4.20 Agree

2.61 – 3.40 Undecided

1.81 – 2.60 Disagree

1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

The table above presented the mean and standard deviation of business

employee`s response in impact of technological advancement in business employee`s

performance in terms of motivation. It further indicates that if the employees have

technology, they are more eager to work with the mean score of 4.05, SD of 0.92, and

with the interpretation of agree. Employees don`t feel stress at all when there is

technology with the mean score of 3.90, SD of 0.89, and with an interpretation of agree.

Employees feel much easier to work when there are guides in internet or technological

equipment that they can find with the mean score of 4.40, SD of 0.73 and with an

interpretation of strongly agree. The overall mean score in the impact of technological

advancement in business employee`s performance in terms of motivation is 4.12,

average SD of 0.85 with an interpretation of agree.

II. Productivity
Table 2. Impact of Technological Advancement in terms of Productivity

Mean SD Remarks

1. I can do more work if I have technology 4.45 0.8 Strongly

( gadgets, apps, equipment) Agree

2. I gain more knowledge about my work 4.25 0.54 Strongly

using technology Agree

3. I can find guides and tips in internet 4.45 0. 74 Strongly

about my craft and work Agree
Average 4.38 0.69 Strongly
Legend: 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

3.41 – 4.20 Agree

2.61 – 3.40 Undecided

1.81 – 2.60 Disagree

1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

The table above presented the mean and standard deviation of business

employee`s response in impact of technological advancement in business employee`s

performance in terms of productivity. It further indicates that if the employees have

technology, they can do more work with the mean score of 4.45, SD of 0.8, and with the

interpretation of strongly agree. Employees gain more knowledge about their work using

technology with the mean score of 4.25, SD of 0.54 and with an interpretation of

strongly agree. Employees can find tips in internet about their craft or work with the

mean score of 4.45, SD of 0.74 and with an interpretation of strongly agree. The overall

mean score in the impact of technological advancement in business employee`s

performance in terms of productivity is 4.38, average SD of 0.69 with an interpretation of

strongly agree.

III. Time
Table 3. Impact of Technological Advancement in terms of Time

Mean SD Remarks

1. My work is faster when there is 4.5 0.74 Strongly

technology present. Agree

2. My work is easier when there is 4.55 0.59 Strongly

technology around. Agree
3. I can save more time if I use
technology instead of traditional way of 4.65 0.57 Strongly
doing my work. Agree
Average 4.57 0.63 Strongly

Legend: 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

3.41 – 4.20 Agree

2.61 – 3.40 Undecided

1.81 – 2.60 Disagree

1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

The table above presented the mean and standard deviation of business

employee`s response in impact of technological advancement in business employee`s

performance in terms of time. It further indicates that if the employees have technology,

they can work faster with the mean score of 4.5, SD of 0.74, and with the interpretation

of strongly agree. If the employees have technology, their work become easier with the

mean score of 4.55, SD of 0.59 and with an interpretation of strongly agree. Employees

can save more time if they use technology instead of traditional way of doing their work

with the mean score of 4.65, SD of 0.57 and with an interpretation of strongly agree.

The overall mean score in the impact of technological advancement in business

employee`s performance in terms of productivity is 4.57, average SD of 0.63 with an

interpretation of strongly agree.

Table 4. Summary Table of the Impact of Technological Advancement in the

Employee`s Performance
Performance Mean SD

Motivation 4.12 0.85 Agree

Productivity 4.38 0.69

Time 4.57 0.63 Agree

Average 4.36 0.72 Strongly Agree

Legend: 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

3.41 – 4.20 Agree

2.61 – 3.40 Undecided

1.81 – 2.60 Disagree

1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

The table above shows the mean and average standard deviation of employees

response in the impact of technological advancement in business employees

performance. It further indicates that the employees` motivation with average mean of

4.12, average SD of 0.85 with an interpretation of agree. Employees` productivity with

average mean of 4.38 and average SD of 0.69 and the employees` time with average

mean of 4.57 and average SD of 0.63. Both productivity and time have an interpretation

of strongly agree. The average mean score of 4.36 and average SD of 0.72 indicates

that employees strongly agree that technological advancement have impact on

employees` performance.

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