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"Ujian praktik Bahasa Inggris"

written by

Kelompok 3
Synopsis: it tells a story about a man who want to tell to his friend
about his embrassing moment he just got yesterday

Idea: we want to share most embarassing moment of a person in life


Characters: Fadel (MC), Ferdi (Friend), Rafly (Friend), Zazkia

(Friend), Valerina (Friend), Raisya (Friiend)

Narrator: Fadel, Valerina

1. INT. School - Cafeteria - Morning

Fadel: Guys, yesterday i just experience the most embarassing moment

5 friend : What’s is it?

Fadel: So, yesterday i go to the mall with my mom

then i got separated with my mom and im
trying to find my mom then i found my mom
in the clothing store so i grab her hand
and she look at me and then i realized she
not my mom

Zazkia: so, how is that person reaction?

Fadel: Well she asking me who are you?

Raisya: In my opinion its very embarassing, i cant imagine if i were being you

Rafly: I hope it doesn’t happen again

Valerina: After that happen, how do you meet your mom again?

Fadel: I’m calling my mom with a mobile phone

Valerina: Oh, that’s a great idea

Ferdi: If you don’t call your mom, you still trying to find your mom

Raisya: By the way are you guys thirsty?

Zazkia: Yes i’m very thirsty, let’s go buy a drink

Ferdi: But i don’t have enough money to buy a drink

Rafly: I will give you some of my money to buy a drink

Ferdi: Thank you Rafly, i will pay you back tomorrow

Rafly: It’s okay Ferdi, you dont have to pay me back

Ferdi: No, i must pay you back

Rafly: Okay then if you want

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