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SDLP - Evolution

Bachelor of science in biology (Camarines Norte State College)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., (054) 440-1772/ (054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

TOPIC Biodiversity and Evolu琀椀on

TIME ALLOTMENT 2 hours SCHOOL Moreno Integrated School
TEACHER Cedrick John C. Soria
The learner demonstrates an understanding of how evolu琀椀on through natural selec琀椀on can
result in biodiversity.
Explain how fossil records, compara琀椀ve anatomy, and gene琀椀c informa琀椀on provide evidence
for evolu琀椀on.

• Andaya, M., Biong, J., Aquino, M., Custodio, M. Science Links 10 Revised Edi琀椀on. Rex
• Evidence for evolu琀椀on (ar琀椀cle) Khan Academy.
• Evidence of evolu琀椀on: embryology. Khan Academy.
• Fossils. Khan Academy. h琀琀ps://
• Evidence of Evolu琀椀on | Biology for Majors II. Lumen Learning.
• Science Grade 10 Alterna琀椀ve Delivery Mode. (2020). Department of Educa琀椀on. Quarter 3
Module 6: Evidences of Evolu琀椀on. First Edi琀椀on.

Learning Material
• Power Point Presenta琀椀on
• Worksheets
• Visual Aids

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., (054) 440-1772/ (054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Iden琀椀fy the evidences that support the occurrence of evolu琀椀on,

B. Interpret visual data that shows the evidence for evolu琀椀on
C. Explain how evolu琀椀on is being studied from the fossil records, compara琀椀ve anatomy, and
gene琀椀c informa琀椀on.
Picture Interpreta琀椀on. The teacher will show the picture below.

The teacher will ask the following ques琀椀ons to the students:

1. What do you see in the picture? What does it imply?
2. How do scien琀椀sts conclude that evolu琀椀on happened?
3. Can you give evidences that shows human evolu琀椀on?
Debate. The teacher will facilitate a debate which is about
the paradoxical riddle - Which came 昀椀rst, the Chicken or
the Egg? (speci昀椀cally, the Chicken Egg). The class will be
divided into 2 teams. One team will defend why the
came 昀椀rst, while the other team will defend why the egg
came 昀椀rst.

The 昀氀ow of the debate is as follows:

1. Each team will take a side (proposi琀椀on or opposi琀椀on) through a coin toss.
2. Both teams will be given 3 minutes to browse resources and organize their ideas.
3. For 1 minute, Team 1 will state their proposi琀椀on with their reasoning and evidences.
4. For 1 minute, Team 2 will rebut the 昀椀rst proposi琀椀on and state their opposi琀椀on with their evidences.
5. For 1 minute, Team 1 will rebut the 昀椀rst opposi琀椀on and state new arguments.
6. For 1 minute, Team 2 will rebut the second proposi琀椀on.
7. For 30 seconds, Team 1 will reiterate their points as a conclusion.
8. For 30 seconds, Team 2 will reiterate their points as a conclusion.

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., (054) 440-1772/ (054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte


With the same group, the teacher will now assign a new ac琀椀vity called “Evidence Hunt”

Direc琀椀on: Assigned groups will be given a case study. They will have to collaborate and analyzed the
given worksheet. The groups will be given 20 mins to formulate response. Then, the group will have to
present what they’ve come up with for 3-5 mins each.

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., (054) 440-1772/ (054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

IV. Explain

Presenta琀椀on of Outputs. Each group will pick 1-2 presenters and report their work in front
of the class for three minutes.

A. Teacher-led discussion. The lesson proper will be delivered by the teacher using a
PowerPoint presenta琀椀on. The purpose of the discussion is to validate the discoveries made
by the students.

What is Evolu琀椀on?
Evolu琀椀on is a change in the gene琀椀c makeup (and o昀琀en, the heritable features) of a
popula琀椀on over 琀椀me.

Evidences of Evolu琀椀on

1. Compara琀椀ve Embryology
‒ Embryos of di昀昀erent species can have similari琀椀es that are not visible when the
organisms are fully formed.
‒ These similari琀椀es are homologous features which provide evidence that the species are
related through evolu琀椀on.
‒ Embryos of related species have more features in common at earlier stages of
development than they do at later stages.
‒ For example, all embryos have homologous structures called pharyngeal arches, or gill
arches. In 昀椀sh, these arches develop into parts of the gills. In mammals, these arches
develop into parts of the ears and jaw.

2. Compara琀椀ve Anatomy
‒ It refers to the presence of structures in organisms that share the same basic form.
‒ For example, the bones in the appendages of a human, dog, bird, and whale all share
the same overall construc琀椀on.

Homologous Structures
‒ It resulted from their origin in the appendages of a common ancestor. Over 琀椀me,
evolu琀椀on led to changes in the shapes and sizes of these bones in di昀昀erent species, but
they have maintained the same overall layout.
Analogous Structures
‒ Features of di昀昀erent species that are similar in func琀椀on but not necessarily in structure
and which do not derive from a common ancestral feature and which evolved in
response to a similar environmental challenge.
Ves琀椀gial Structures
‒ Some structures exist in organisms that have no apparent func琀椀on at all, and appear to
be residual parts from a past ancestor.

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., (054) 440-1772/ (054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

• some snakes have pelvic bones despite having no legs because they descended from rep琀椀les
that did have legs
• wings on 昀氀ightless birds (which may have other func琀椀ons)
• leaves on some cac琀椀
• traces of pelvic bones in whales

Fossil Records
‒ The fossil record is made up of all the fossils that have been found, along with their rela琀椀ve ages.
Scien琀椀sts can look at pa琀琀erns in the fossil record to understand the history of life on Earth.
‒ For example, the fossil record shows us that there has been an overall increase in the complexity of
organisms over 琀椀me. It also shows us that there has been an increase in organism diversity.
‒ The fossil record shows us when speci昀椀c types of organisms appeared, went ex琀椀nct, or changed.
‒ And, the fossil record shows us that there have been mass ex琀椀nc琀椀ons in Earth’s past. A
mass ex琀椀nc琀椀on is when many species die o昀昀 around the same 琀椀me.

Gene琀椀c Informa琀椀on
‒ At the most basic level, all living organisms share the same gene琀椀c material (DNA),
similar gene琀椀c codes, and the same basic process of gene expression.
‒ In order to determine which organisms in a group are most closely related, we need to
use di昀昀erent types of molecular features, such as the nucleo琀椀de sequences of genes.

‒ Biologists o昀琀en compare the sequences of related (or homologous) genes. If two
species have the "same" gene, it is because they inherited it from a common ancestor.
‒ In general, the more DNA di昀昀erences in homologous genes between two species, the
more distantly the species are related.

Amino Acid Sequencing - amino acid sequence in a par琀椀cular protein is compared

between organisms. It is probably the strongest evidence for rela琀椀onships among
Cladogram - a diagram that shows the evolu琀椀onary rela琀椀onships among a group of

Importance of Understanding the Evolu琀椀onary Theory

Understanding Our Past. Evolu琀椀onary knowledge provides insights into the history of
life on Earth and our shared ancestry with other organisms.

Medical Advancements. Understanding how organisms adapt and evolve helps us

develop more e昀昀ec琀椀ve treatments and prevent the spread of diseases.
Conserva琀椀on e昀昀orts. By understanding the evolu琀椀onary rela琀椀onships between
species, we can be琀琀er conserve biodiversity and protect ecosystems.

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., (054) 440-1772/ (054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte


The teacher will now proceed to a group ac琀椀vity, in this ac琀椀vity, student’s decision making and cri琀椀cal
thinking will be tested.

Direc琀椀on: In this ac琀椀vity called “Keep the Prize, or Give the Prize” each group will answer series of
ques琀椀ons, and every group will have their turn. Each box has a mystery token and its corresponding
amount. For every correct answer, the group gets to decide whether they’ll keep the box, or give the
box. If the group fails to give a correct answer, they will receive a damage token. The group chosen
cannot refuse to accept the box.


1. What is the de昀椀ni琀椀on of evolu琀椀on?

2. What are compara琀椀ve embryology and its signi昀椀cance in understanding evolu琀椀on?
3. What examples illustrate the concept of homologous structures?
4. What are analogous structures and how do they di昀昀er from homologous structures?
5. What informa琀椀on does the fossil record provide about the history of life on Earth?
6. What is the basic gene琀椀c material shared by all living organisms?
7. What method is used to compare the evolu琀椀onary rela琀椀onships among organisms?
8. What does amino acid sequencing reveal about the rela琀椀onships among organisms?
9. What is a cladogram and what does it show?
10. What are the prac琀椀cal applica琀椀ons of understanding evolu琀椀onary theory?

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., (054) 440-1772/ (054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

• The teacher will now assign a short-response ac琀椀vity to further assess student’s
understanding on Biodiversity and Evolu琀椀on.

1. What is evolu琀椀on?

A) A process by which the Earth's climate changes over 琀椀me

B) A change in the gene琀椀c makeup of a popula琀椀on over 琀椀me
C) The study of fossils and ancient life forms
D) The process of developing new technologies

2. Which of the following is evidence of evolu琀椀on?

A) Compara琀椀ve Embryology
B) Chemical reac琀椀ons in cells
C) The law of gravity
D) The theory of rela琀椀vity

3. What do homologous structures indicate?

A) That species have similar func琀椀ons but di昀昀erent evolu琀椀onary origins

B) That species do not share a common ancestor
C) That species have structures with di昀昀erent func琀椀ons but the same basic form due to a common
D) That species can 昀氀y

4. What does the fossil record show us?

A) Only the age of rocks

B) The color of ancient organisms
C) Pa琀琀erns in the history of life, including organism complexity and diversity changes
D) The technology used by ancient civiliza琀椀ons

5. What can amino acid sequencing reveal?

A) The best diet for humans

B) The rela琀椀onships among organisms
C) How to create new elements
D) The age of the Earth

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., (054) 440-1772/ (054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

6. True or False: Compara琀椀ve anatomy solely focuses on the di昀昀erences between organisms.

7. True or False: All embryos of di昀昀erent species look en琀椀rely similar from each other at early stage of

8. True or False: Analogous structures in di昀昀erent species have similar func琀椀ons and a common
evolu琀椀onary origin.

9. True or False: The fossil record includes only the fossils of dinosaurs.

10. True or False: Understanding evolu琀椀onary theory is important for medical advancements and
conserva琀椀on e昀昀orts.


Assignment. Have an advance study about the next topic: Ecosystem: Biodiversity.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Science PST Teacher III

Approved by:

HT III – Science Department

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