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The Role of Science

and Technology in
Presented by Group 2
The Philippine Government Science and Technology Agenda

 Examine the role of science and technology in nation-
building; and
Analyze the contributions of government policies on science
and technology to the social and economic growth of the
Pre-Colonial Period
Brief Historical
Indigenous knowledge and skills in
agriculture, medicinal properties, and weather

Background of prediction.
Use of indigenous technology in building

Science and homes, planting crops, fishing, hunting,

irrigation systems, warfare tools, musical

Technology in instruments, and transportation tools.

Influence of the metal age on their lives, with

the Philippines gold and silver jewelry, ceramics, and metal

Science and Spanish Colonization
Technology in Spanish colonization and introduction of western

the Philippines technology, building schools with a Spanish

during the
curriculum and introducing school science and
learning technology.

Colonial Period
Adaptation of western technology, building bridges,
highways, waterways, boats, and railway systems.
Galleon trade and its contribution to the growth of
science and technology in the Philippines.
American influence in expanding the country’s
education system, engineering, and health facilities.
Establishment of the University of the Philippines, the

Science and
first modern research university, and improvement of
transportation and communication systems.

Technology in
Introduction of science in higher education through
improved laboratories and US-made instructional

the Philippines
Establishment of mission schools, colleges, and

during the
universities by Protestant churches.
Spanish colonization and introduction of western

Colonial Period
technology, building schools with a Spanish curriculum
and introducing school science and learning technology.
Adaptation of western technology, building bridges,
highways, waterways, boats, and railway systems.
Galleon trade and its contribution to the growth of
science and technology in the Philippines.
Introduction of English as the medium of instruction.
Focus on rebuilding after World War II and use of
overseas development aid (ODA) from the US and
Japan to develop human resources and improve
scientific productivity and technological capability.
Intensification of science and technology program,
improving science and mathematics in schools,
offering science, engineering, medicine, and
agriculture programs.
Developments in Science and

The brief history of

science and technology
in the Philippines is
shaped by several Internal Influences
External Influences

influences. It was
 Foreign Influence
 Survival Culture
Trades with Foreign
 Economy

shaped by human and

 Politics

social activities both

 Human Resources
Economic Demands

internal and external.

Government Policies on Science and

Padilla-Concepcion (2015) reported that in 2015,

the Department of Science and Technology
The Philippine government implemented
(DOST) requested the expertise of the National
several programs, projects, and policies to
Research Council of the Philippines (NCRP) to
boost the area of science and technology.
consult various sectors in the society to study
The goal is to prepare the country to meet
how the Philippines can prepare itself achieve
the demands of a technologically driven
the ASEAN 2015 Goals. Based on this
world and capacitate the Filipinos to live in
consultation, the NCRP recommended policies
a world driven by science.
and programs that will increase the
competitiveness of the Philippines in the
ASEAN Region.
The NCRP clustered these policies into four, namely:

Cluster 1: Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and International Policies and Governance
 Local food security.
 Integrating ASEAN awareness in basic education without adding to the curriculum.
 Developing school infrastructure and providing for ICT broadband.
 Emphasizing teaching in the mother tongue.
Cluster 2: Physics, Engineering and Industrial Research, Earth and Space Sciences, and
Mathematics 5
 Stressing degrees, licenses, and employment opportunities.
 Evaluation of Republic Act 9184.
 Employing science and technology as an independent mover of development.
 Outright grants for peer monitoring.
Cluster 3: Medical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Sciences
 Allowing food and drug agencies to conduct evidence-based research as pool of
 Guaranteeing compliance of drug manufacturing firms with ASEAN harmonized standards
by full implementation of the Food and Drug Administration.
 Enacting a law supporting human genome projects.
 Establishing an education council dedicated to standardization of pharmaceutical services
and cares.
 Allotting 2% of the GDP to research.

Cluster 4: Biological Sciences, Agriculture, and Forestry

 Keeping and protecting biodiversity by full implementation of existing laws.
 Fostering indigenous knowledge systems and supporting indigenous peoples.
 Creation of common food and safety standards.
 Practice of biosafety and standard model by ASEAN countries.
National Goals

• The diagram illustrates how science and

International Treaty technology policies are developed,
influenced by national goals,
international commitments, legal
frameworks, and social needs.
 Policies
 Program • Science and technology policies aim to
Legal Frameworks  Project ensure that all citizens of a country
experience the advancements that science
can bring.
• Policies are guides to direct all efforts to
a goal of developing a scientifically
Social Needs, Issues, advanced country.
and Problems
Programs and Personalities in
Science and Technology in the
Government Programs to Support the
Development of Science and Technology
The Philippine government is currently supporting numerous programs through the DOST. Some of these projects are
the following:

 The government provides funding for basic and applied research and patents inscience and technology, alongside
overseas development aid (ODA) from various countries.
 Saloma (2015) emphasized the need for more doctoral graduates and research in science and technology, including
engineering, through scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies.
 The Philippine Science High School system is expanding to other regions to provide young Filipinos with
comprehensive education in science and technology.
 Establishing science and technology parks to inspire academe and industry partnerships.
 The Balik Scientist Program aims to promote Filipino scientists from abroad to work in the Philippines or conduct
research and projects in collaboration with Philippine-based scientists.
 The National Science and Engineering Complex at the University of the Philippines in Diliman aims to develop
necessary science, technology, and engineering human resources and conduct research.
The Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAAASE 2008) identified several capacity building
programs such as:

 National centers of excellence in science, technology, and engineering;

 Human resource and institutional development programs, such as the Engineering and Science Education
Program (ESEP) to increase the number of doctoral degree holders in science and engineering;
 Establishment of regional centers of research and development to support specific industries that will lead the
country in different research and development areas;
 Establishment of science and technology business centers to help, guide, and incubate technopreneurship
ventures; and
 Intensify science education at an early stage through the Philippine Science HighSchool system.
There are many other areas and fields that
the country is looking forward to embark
various researches and projects. The
following are some of them:

1. Use of alternative and safe energy

2. Harnessing the mineral resources
3. Finding cure for various diseases and illnesses
4. Climate change and global warming
5. Increasing food production
6. Preservation of natural resources
7. Coping with natural disasters and calamities
8. Infrastructure development
Prominent Filipinos in the Field of Science
 School science is a hub of foreign scientists such as Einstein, Galileo
Galilee, Newton, Faraday, and Darwin, among others.
Lee-Chua (2000) identified 10 outstanding Filipino scientists who made
substantial contributions to Philippine science.
Famous scientists in various science disciplines, including Agriculture,
Forestry, Mathematics, Physics, Medicine, Marine Science, Chemistry,
Engineering, and Biology, are also internationally recognized.
Filipino Scientists
Lourdes Jansuy Cruz

Ramon Cabanos Barba Josefino Cacas Comiso

For his outstanding For his works on observing
research on tissue culture the characteristic of
inPhilippine mangoes. A famous scientist for her Antarctica by using
research on sea snail satellite images.
Filipino Scientists
Mari-Jo Panganiban Ruiz

Fabian Millar Dayrit Jose Bejar Cruz, Jr.

A scientist known
For his research on herbal internationally in the field of
medicine. electrical engineering.
For being an outstanding
educator and graph
Filipino Scientists
Lilian Formalejo Patena

Rafael Dineros Guerrero III Gregory Ligot Tangonan

For his research on tilapia
culture. His research in the field of
For doing research on communications
plant biotechnology. technology.
Filipino Scientists

Enrique Mapua Ostera, Jr.

His research on drugs.
Other Outstanding Filipino Scientist that are well-
known for their outstandingcontribution to science.

Angel Alcala

Fabian Millar Dayrit Edgardo Gomez

Internationally recognized Famous scientist in marine
physicist. science.
Famous scientist in
marine science.
Other Outstanding Filipino Scientist that are well-
known for their outstandingcontribution to science.

William Padolina Emil Q. Javier

Famous for his works in
Famous scientist in developing rural agriculture
 The Philippines still needs more scientists and engineers.
 The government must find ways to establish more research labs and institutes.
Science in the University of the Philippines System

University of the Philippines remains to be the top university of the Country

in terms of the number of science programs.
During the COVID 19 pandemic, several UP professors shared their expertise
in helping the country.
UP Los Banos are helpful in advancing research and development of the
Philippines and of many countries in Asia.
UP Visayas is known for its reseach in marine science.
UP Diliman serves as the core of science and technology activities in the
country today.
DOST-funded  Provides scholarship to deserving Filipino

student to take science, technology,
engineering, agriculture and other science
technology courses.
 The goal of this program is to increase the
human talents for science and technology.
Science Education in Basic Education

Important preparation to recruit students to study science.

 There are also several government programs implemented by DepEd and few
private schools for science eduation

A. Philippine Science High School System

A government program for scientifically and mathematically gifted Filipino students
The students in PSHS have brought honor to the Philippines through their exemplary
achievements in various international competion and research.
These students are expected to pursue degrees in Science and Technology

B. Regional Science High Schools

Offer a curriculum focusing on Science and mathematics.
A system of selective admission is implemented to these schools

C. Special Science Education Project

SSES Project is in fulfillment to DepED Order No. 73 s. 2008 and DepEd Order No. 51 s.
Aims to develop Filipino children equipped with scientific and technological
knowledge, skills and values.
D. Quezon City Regional Science High School
Established on September 17, 1967
Formerly Quezon City Science High School
Turned into a regional science high school for National Capital Region in 1999
Establish for talented students. Curriculum focus on science and technology
Envisioned to be an avenue to provide maximum opportunities for science-gifted
Under the Department of Education.

E. Manila Science High School

Established on October 1, 1963.
The first (1st) science high school in the Philippines.
The school curriculum emphasizes topics on mathematics and science.
It was designed to produce scientists with souls.
Conduct MSAT or the Manila Science High School Admission Test.
Had won various awards from different National Competitions.
The Indigenous Science and Technology in the Philippines
Indigenous science is part of the everyday life of the people. It is considered as indigenous science
because it is the foundation of modern science.

What is indigenous science?

• A distinct, time-tested, and methodological knowledge system that can enhance and complement
wester science. It is about the knowledge of the environment and knowledge of the ecosystem that
the indigenous people have.
• These are parts of indigenous knowledge system practiced by different groups of people and was
practiced by early civilizations (Gribbin 2001; Mkapa 2004; and Sibisi 2004).
• It includes the complex arrays of knowledge, expertise, practices, and representations that guide
human societies in their enumerable interactions with the natural milieu (Pawilen 2005).
• Includes everything from metaphysics to philosophy and other various practical
technologies practiced by indigenous people both in the past and in the present (Cajete
• It provides the basics of astronomy, pharmacology, food technology, or metallurgy
derived from traditional knowledge and practices (Sibisi 2004).
• As described by different resources, indigenous science are collective knowledge and
practices used by different groups to survive their day-to-day life, as science is from
culture and traditions of different individuals or groups.
• Johnson (2000) states that indigenous beliefs develop desirable values that are relevant or
consistent to scientific attitudes, attitudes in science, and attitudes to science such as:
a. Motivating attitudes
b. Cooperating attitudes
c. Practical attitudes
d. Reflective attitudes
Pawilen (2006) made a simple framework showing that the indigenous science uses science process
skills and tools guided by community cultures and beliefs.
Science, Technology,
and Nation-building
: The innovation of science and technology in the Philippines has come a long way. It
can be seen through the innovations, inventions, and recognitions received by
Filipinos ever since


Even before the Spaniards came to the Philippine islands, early Filipino settlers
were already using certain plants and herbs as medicines.
Systems of farming and animal-raising were also implemented.
Early Filipinos had also developed different modes of transportation, whether
terrestrial or maritime.
A complicated engineering feat was achieved by the natives of the Cordilleras
when they built rice terraces by hand.

Colonization by Spaniards

• Colonization by the Spaniards provided the Philippines with modern

means of construction. Walls, roads, bridges, and other large
infrastructures were built using some of the engineering skills and tools
brought by the Spaniards.
• The Spanish government developed health and education systems that
were enjoyed by the principalia class.

Colonization by Americans

• The American occupation modernized almost all aspects of life in the

• They built a government agency, the Bureau of Science.

One of the presidents who ushered in advancements in science and technology was former
president and dictator Ferdinand Marcos.
During the reign of the late President Ferdinand Marcos Sr. several institutions were built
such as:
• the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
(PAGASA) [in abolished of the Philippine Weather Bureau];
• the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST);
• and the reconstituted National Science and Technology Authority
Marcos viewed that the key to nation-building is the continued development of science and
Thank You!

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