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SULIT 1 1119/1

Part 1

[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Fifteen minutes]

You must answer this question.

Question 1 – 8

Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B, or C.


Are you really satisfied with your job? NO?
Are your talents and abilities ignored or unappreciated? YES?
We will introduce you to people who will really appreciate all your talents and skills

1 What does this advertisement promise?

A. A more suitable job for your abilities

B. Talented customers for your business
C. A promotion in your present job


A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity!

A collector from Japan is selling six of his most fine, rare and exclusive pieces from his famous
private collection.

Coming to Kuala Lumpur soon!

Pan Pacific Hotel
22nd March 2002

2 What items are offered for sale in the following advertisement?

A. some private collections of porcelain

B. some exclusive antiques
C. some modern porcelain works

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SULIT 2 1119/1

The island of Bali is covered with towering mountains. In fact, one can find very little flat land here.
Yet, for thousands of years, the enterprising Balinese people have cultivated rice effectively. They
have done so by cutting terraces into the steep mountain sides to enable rice to be planted, as it is
planted on the flat plains in Java.

3 How is rice cultivated in Bali?

A. On the flat plains

B. In the few flat areas
C. In plots cut into the mountains

4. Effectively as found in the passage means

A. easily
B. profitably
C. successfully

5 Which of the following statements is correct about the advertisement below?


A lovely pair of bedroom slippers and satin hangers are yours at
ONLY RM19.90 (worth RM29.90)
with purchases of RM50.00
from the Ladies’ Department.

A. To get these items at RM19.90, you have to buy something else first.
B. To get these free gifts, you have to buy items costing RM 19.90
C. The slippers cost RM19.90 whereas the hangers cost RM29.90

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SULIT 3 1119/1

One can understand why Malacca is called a historic city. Some streets in Malacca seemed to have
hardly changed in the last few centuries. Strolling along Jalan Hang Jebat and Jalan Tan Cheng Lock,
my friends and I could imagine how they would have appeared in the ancient times when they were
known as Jonker and Hereen Street. Then, these streets were almost totally occupied by the Baba

6 What does they in the passage refer to?

A. The last few centuries

B. The two streets
C. The Baba families

Questions 7 and 8
Which of the following sentences best explains the signs below?



A. Customers have to switch off their handphones inside this establishment.
B. Customers can request to use the establishment’s handphones.
C. Customers have to use their own handphones in this establishment.



A. Customers are allowed to choose their own fruit.

B. Customers should not touch the fruit.
C. Customers have to serve themselves.

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SULIT 4 1119/1

Part 2

[10 marks]
[Time suggested: Ten minutes]
Question 9 – 18

Choose the best answer from the options A, B, C and D.

Just as my friends and I finished lunch at a hotel, a little distance from my office, it started to
pour heavily. When it became lighter, I decided to ___9___ the drizzle to get to my car, which was
parked at my office three streets away. My friends argued that I should not go since I was seven
months pregnant then. I assured ___10___ that I would be very careful. One of them wanted to
come with me but I insisted that she stayed with another friend who needed help ___11___ her
baby. I walked out of the___12___ and started making my way to the car.

Then at the traffic junction, a van stopped, and the passenger alighted with an umbrella.
Before I knew what was happening, he walked right beside me and told me he would ___13___ me
to my destination. I was embarrassed and declined, but he was very persistent. During our walk, he
kept telling me to walk slowly as the ground was wet. when we got to the car park, I thanked him,
and we parted ways. I did not get the ___14___ name and may not even recognize him now. Did he
purposely stop for me? I will never ___15___.

So how did I pay for this kindness? I was at home that day ___16___ I noticed two Indian
construction workers walking in the heavy rain. they were probably on their way to the construction
site near my housing estate, which was a long walk in. I went out and passed them an umbrella. They
___17___ aback by my gesture and I told them they should take the umbrella and keep it. they were
very grateful and like me, probably wondered ___18___ a stranger was offering such kindness.

9. A. brave B. braved C. braving D. have braved

10. A. us B. them C. their D. theirs
11. A. on B. for C. with D. from
12. A. van B. hotel C. car D. shop
13. A. guide B. escort C. attend D. company
14. A. stranger B. strangers C. stranger’s D. strangers’
15. A. know B. knew C. knows D. knowing
16. A. as B. while C. when D. whereas
17. A. took B. taken C. had taken D. were taken
18. A. why B. who C. when D. how

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SULIT 5 1119/1

Part 3

[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty-five minutes]
Question 19 to 26

Read the text carefully and answer the questions. Choose the answer A, B, C or D. For each question,
mark the correct answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.


Televisions show sounds and pictures. They They wanted TVs. But World
get data from cables, discs, or over-the-air War II was going on during this time. Factories
signals. They turn this data into sounds and were busy making guns and bombs. When the
images. People watch news and shows on war was over, TV spread across the country.
them. You probably call them TVs. By 1948 there were 4 big TV
John Baird made the first TV in networks in America. They aired their shows
1925. It had one colour. It could only show 30 from 8 to 11 each night. Local shows were
lines. This was just enough room for a face. It aired at other times. Most of the time,
didn't work well, but it was a start. nothing was shown at all. TV was not "always
The first TV station was set up on" like it is now.
in 1928. It was in New York. Few people had Colour TVs came out in 1953.
TVs. The broadcasts were not meant to be They cost too much money for most. Also,
watched. They showed a Felix the Cat doll for shows were aired in black and white. By 1965,
two hours a day. The doll spun around on a colour TVs were cheaper. TV stations started
record player. They were experimenting. It airing shows in colour. People had to switch if
took many years to get it right. they wanted to see the shows.
By the end of the 1930s, TVs Now most TVs are high-def. This
were working well. America got its first taste means that they have many lines on them.
at the 1939 World's Fair. This was one of the This makes the image clear. TVs have come a
biggest events ever. There were 200 small, long way since Baird's 30-line set. High-def
black and white TVs set up around the fair. TVs have 1080 lines. There are state of the art
The U.S. President gave a speech over the sets called 4K TVs. These TVs have 3,840 lines.
TVs. The TVs were only five inches big but the Some people watch TV in 3D. I wonder what
people loved it. they will come up with next. Smell-o-vision

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SULIT 6 1119/1

19. When did colour TVs come out?

A. 1925
B. 1953
C. 1939
D. 1965

20. Which was not true about the first TV?

A. It could only show one colour.
B. It only had 30 lines.
C. It did not have sound.
D. It did not work well.

21. When did networks start showing programs in colour?

A. 1948
B. 1953
C. 1965
D. 1939

22. Why did the first TV station only show Felix the Cat for two hours a day?
A. They were running tests.
B. Felix the Cat was really popular.
C. Felix the Cat had been a big radio star.
D. Felix the Cat was the only show that they had.

23. Which of these events slowed the spread of TVs?

A. The World's Fair of 1939
B. The Civil War
C. The election of the U.S. President.
D. World War II

24. What is the author's main purpose in writing this

A. He is trying to explain how a TV works.
B. He is telling readers how TVs became popular.
C. He is describing the history of the TV.
D. He is trying to get people to watch more TV.

25. Why did many families switch to colour TVs in 1965?

A. Colour TVs cost a lot of money.
B. Many shows were only shown in colour.
C. Colour TVs came out in 1965.
D. World War II ended and troops returned home.

26. Why was 1939 an important year for TV?

A. Many Americans were introduced to TV.
B. The first colour TV was released.
C. The first TV station began broadcasting.

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SULIT 7 1119/1

D. John Baird created the first TV.

Part 4

[6 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]

Question 27 to 32

You are going to read an article about video games. Six sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each gap (27 to 32). There are two extra
sentences which you do not need to use.
For each question, mark the correct answer (A to H) on your answer sheet.

Video Games

Children today spend hours in front of the television playing video games. Video
games were first introduced in the 1970s, but it wasn’t until the 1980s that they became popular. 27
_____ If we take a look at some of the games available, we will see that many of them have violence
as the underlying theme. According to experts, these games allow children to be destructive without
fear of being reprimanded. Recent psychological experiments have shown that playing these violent
games can stimulate some degree of cruelty in children and adults. It increases aggressive behaviour.
Another effect of the violence in these video games is that it can lead children to violence. 28 ______
However, not everyone views video games negatively. Some people believe that it is
better for a child to actively play video games rather than to passively watch television. 29 ______
Some video games contain educational values. Some programmes are designed to allow children to
explore different places or environments while others are developed to teach and drill specific facts
or academic skills.
As a leisure activity, playing such games can be fun, challenging, exciting and it is also a
part of a ‘kid’s world’. When children own a PC or a video game system, it creates opportunities for
them to invite their friends to play, therefore enhancing or establishing friendships. 30 _____ Thus, it
is important for parents to draw the line. Instead, they should spend more time with their children
by playing outdoor games or go for some leisure activities. Besides, parents should set the example
of instilling in themselves the habit of reading. This will enable their children to be interested in
reading. Moreover, they should not use video games as babysitters. 31 ______ Parents and
professionals should also seek creative ways to increase the acceptance, popularity and availability
of games that are relatively pro-social, educational and fun.
In recent years, computer games have attracted much attention. 32 _____ Thus, the
potential effects should be looked into.

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SULIT 8 1119/1

(Adapted from

A. Some professionals claim that by playing video games, certain children can develop a sense
of proficiency which they might not otherwise achieve.

B. They can stay indoors watching television rather than hanging out with their friends

C. There have been questions raised on whether computer games have had negative effects on
children or whether society has overreacted.

D. It can give them the idea that violence is an acceptable way to deal with problems and

E. A recent study shows that the two most preferred categories are games that involve martial
arts and sports.

F. While playing video games is fun, it can be addictive.

G. Children are used to think that violence is part of their daily lives.

H. This is because, as parents are busy these days, they expose their children to such video
games to keep their children occupied

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SULIT 9 1119/1

Part 5

[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]
Question 33 to 40
We interviewed six teenagers about the occupation that they want to choose when they grow up.
Read the texts and answer the questions that follow.

Sought-after Occupations Among Teenagers

A – Irfan, 17 years old

I want to be a doctor when I grow up. To me, health is above everything else in the world. The
satisfaction of saving lives and restoring patients’ health goes far beyond the feeling of other
achievements. Despite the long and gruelling hours of work in the filed of medicine, I know my life
will be happier when I can put a big smile on the patient’s and the family members’ faces.

B – Anum, 15 years old

I want to be a teacher when I grow up. As a teacher, I can make a difference in the lives of many
students. I want to make students work harder than they think they could. I can make a C+ feel
like a congressional medal of honour for some students but an A- feel like a slap in the face for
other students. Nonetheless, in addition to teaching content, a teacher has to prepare and update
students’ performance indicators on a regular basis. The excessive paperwork might make it
difficult for teachers to have a work-life balance.

C – Safri, 16 years old

I want to be an entrepreneur when I grow up. I want a lifestyle that is not bound to nine to five.
For me, the prospect of working an average job is not as rewarding and aspiring as a successful
entrepreneur. Although building a successful business takes a lot of time and risks, I am willing to
bite the bullet. As the old adage goes, entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most
people won’t so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t. I believe
entrepreneurship will allow me to achieve financial success and freedom one day in future.

E – Wawa, 17 years old

I want to be a lawyer when I grow up. Being a lawyer, I will have the chance to use my legal skills
to help people, animals and the environment. Lawyers can also enjoy flexibility in their job. For
example, lawyers can set their own fees, choose their working hours and select clients they want

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SULIT 10 1119/1

to work with. However, this profession has zero tolerance for mistakes as a mistake might cost a
client’s millions of dollars or freedom.

F – Alia, 15 years old

I want to be a musician when I grow up. I prefer a job that is relaxing and entertaining at the same
time, so being a musician is just the perfect job for me. Studies show that playing a musical
instrument on a regular basis helps lower stress. Apparently, music also can lower the heart rate
and blood pressure, too.

Questions 33 to 36
Which paragraph (A – F) describes the following personalities?
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Statements Paragraph

33 I dare to take chances. I am willing to work hard to make my dream of _______

becoming rich a reality.
34 I want to impact people’s lives. Helping people to go beyond what they _______
thought possible is something I am passionate about.
35 I am thorough in what I do. I’m a perfectionist _______
36 I enjoy figuring out solutions to challenging problems. Once I work out _______
how to do it, it can be quite difficult to change my mind.

Questions 37 to 40
Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word from the
passage for each answer

 There are various benefits to being a musician, but perhaps the biggest is that it may be able to
bring down your stress levels because it is said that regularly playing a musical instrument is
(37) ______________.
 In order to (38) ______________ in your career as an electrical engineer, you need the proper
knowledge and skills so that problems you face can be solved faster and more effectively.
 Teaching can be a very rewarding career as it allows you to affect the future of a student.
However, the amount of (39) ______________ that teachers have to deal with causes a lot of
stress. A doctor’s job is often portrayed as glamorous and financially rewarding. However, what
a lot of people do not see is that a doctor’s life can be (40) ______________ because of the
demanding conditions at work.

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SULIT 11 1119/1

Part 1
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B
Part 2
9. A 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. A
Part 3
19. B 20. C 21. C 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. A
Part 4
27.E 28. D 29. A 30. F 31. H 32.C
33. C
Henrianus talks about taking risks (i.e. willing to take chances) and achieving financial
success (i.e. becoming rich).
34. B
Nelson talks about how he wants to make a difference in his students’ lives (i.e. impact
people’s lives) and make them work harder than they thought they could (i.e. go beyond
what they thought possible).
35. E
Ker Yee says being a lawyer means there is no room for mistakes (i.e. being thorough; a
36. D
Avinash talks about electrical engineers needing to have problem-solving skills for complex
problems (i.e. figuring out solutions to challenging problems) and being decisive and firm in
making decisions (can be quite difficult to change mind once decision is made)
37. relaxing
It is mentioned that being a musician is relaxing as playing a musical instrument regularly
helps lower stress.
38. excel
It is stated that electrical engineers need a variety of skills to excel in their roles.
39. paperwork
It is stated that excessive paperwork in teaching might make it difficult for teachers to have a
worklife balance (which, presumably causes a lot of stress).
40. gruelling
It is stated that a doctor’s job can be long and gruelling (i.e. demanding conditions at work).

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