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Lembar Soal Penilaian Tengah Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : X (Sepuluh)

Hari/Tanggal : Jurusan : TO 1 dan TO 2

Soal Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang dianggap paling benar !

1. A. fat, short, and she has long hair

B. fat, thin, and she has short hair
C. Slim and short and she has long hair
D. thin and short and she has curly hair
E. slim and young and she has short hair
2. I always ... The window at night because it is cold
A. close
B. closes
C. closing
D. closed
E. clossed
3. The following sentences are correct, except ....
A. John brushes his teeth every moring.
B. Carol usually drives to work.
C. Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean.
D. The cat is sleeping on the sofa everyday.
E. We both listen to the radio in the morning.
A. declining an invitation
B. accepting an invitation
C. inviting someone
D. compliment someone
E. greeting someone
A. No, thanks.
B. ImaaidIcant.
C. Yes, Please.
D. No, but thanks for offering.
E. Thank you for asking.

6. According to the picture, the following statements are correct, except ....
A. He has a short hair.
B. He has a moustache.
C. He has a beard.
D. He is fat.
E. He is tall.

7.Complete the sentence using superlative. The mississippi is the ... River in the world.
A. longer
B. long
C. longest
D. shorter
E. shortest
8. I think that Greta .... Rachel.
A. isn`t as attractive as
B. is most attractive as
C. is the most attractive
D. is the more attractive
E. isn`t attractive
9. A. thanking
B. accepting an invitation
C. making an appointment
D. cencelling an appointment
E. declining an invitation
10. A. do not drink
B. did not drink
C. does not drink
D. was not drink
E. were not drink




Essay ..

16. I see a movie yesterday (Change into past tense).

17.That's the girl. She spoke to me yesterday (Combine these sentences using relative pronouns).

18.They were always the best (Change into simple present tense).

19.She was a smart student (Change into simple present tense).

20.That is the man. He stole my wallet (Combine these sentences using relative pronouns).

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