Test Questionnaire Org&Mngt Q1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Pinabacdao II
School ID: 313723


Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Grade & Sec.: ______________________
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space
provided before the number.
______ 1. Management is an essential element of every organized activity irrespective of the size or the type of the activity. What
characteristic of management does this statement refers?
a. Management is universal c. Management is goal-oriented
b. Management is continuous process d. Management is multi-disciplinary
______ 2. What is this role of a manager where you communicate potentially useful information to your colleagues and your team?
a. Spokesperson b. Monitor c. Disseminator d. Negotiator
______ 3. What skills does the ability to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations refer to?
a. Inter-relationship skills b. Conceptual skills c. Technical skills d. Human skills
______ 4. As a manager, you create and control change within the organization. This means solving problems, generating new ideas,
and implementing them. What skills does this refer to?
a. Conceptual skills b. Human skills c. Technical skills d. None of the above
______ 5. It refers to being future-oriented and determines an organization’s direction. It is a rational and systematic way of making
decisions today that will affect the future of the company.
a. Staffing b. Planning c. Organizing d. Directing
______ 6. It refers to a vital aspect of the economic life of man, which is an organized group activity. A central directing and controlling
agency are indispensable for a business concern.
a. Directing b. Management c. Organization d. Organizing
______ 7. It refers to the role of a manager where he communicates potentially useful information to his colleagues and his team.
a. Monitor b. Disseminator c. Spokesperson d. Negotiator
______ 8. It refers to the ability of a manager to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations.
a. Technical Skills b. Human Skills c. Conceptual skill d. Inter-relationship skills
______ 9. What function of a manager is concerned with leadership, communication, motivation, and supervision so that the
employees perform their activities in the most efficient manner possible, in order to achieve the desired goals.
a. Planning b. Organizing c. Staffing d. Directing
______ 10. Management is an essential element of every organized activity irrespective of the size or the type of the activity. What
characteristic of management does this statement refers?
a. Management is goal oriented c. Management is universal
b. Management is continuous process d. Management is multi-disciplinary
______ 11. As a manager, you create and control change within the organization. This means solving problems, generating new ideas,
and implementing them.
a. Technical Skills b. Human Skills c. Conceptual skill d. None of the above
______ 12. The following are the roles of a manager under interpersonal category EXCEPT one.
a. Figurehead b. Monitor c. Liaison d. Leader
______ 13. It is one of the roles of a manager under decisional category where you create and control change within the organization.
This means solving problems, generating new ideas, and implementing them.
a. Entrepreneur b. Disturbance Handler c. Resource Allocator d. Negotiator
______ 14. It is a framework or tool used to analyze and monitor the macro-environmental factors that may have a profound impact
on an organization’s performance.
a. SWOT Analysis b. Porter’s Analysis c. PESTEL Analysis d. Benchmarking
______ 15. The process of measuring or comparing one’s own products, services, and practices with those of the recognized industry
leaders in order to identify areas for improvement.
a. SWOT Analysis b. PESTEL Analysis c. Benchmarking d. Porter’s Analysis
______ 16. It is a form of business organization established for the purpose of purchasing and marketing the products of its members,
i.e., shareholders, or procuring supplies for resale to the members, whose profits are distributed to the members.
a. Partnership b. Sole Corporation c. Corporation d. Cooperative
______ 17. This is the ultimate source of many inputs such as raw materials and energy, which firms use in their productive activity.
This includes geographical and ecological factors that are all highly significant for various business activities.
a. Economic Environment b. Demographic Environment c. Natural Environment d. Ecological Environment
______ 18. This refers to a form of business which has unlimited liability. Creditors may proceed not only against the assets and
property of the business, but also after the personal properties of the owner.
a. Partnership b. Sole proprietorship c. Sole Corporation d. Corporation
______ 19. This refers to the environment which are to a certain extent controllable because the firm can change or modify these
factors to improve its efficiency. However, the firm may not be able to change all the factors.
a. Micro Environment b. Macro Environment c. Internal Environment d. External Environment
______ 20. This type of analysis is a framework that helps analyzing the level of competition within a certain industry. It is especially
useful when starting a new business or when entering a new industry sector.
a. Benchmarking b. PESTEL Analysis c. Porter’s Analysis d. SWOT Analysis
______ 21. Which of the following is CORRECT about Sole Proprietorship?
a. Not easiest and highly expensive form of ownership to organize. c. Cannot control within the parameters of the law.
b. The business is easy to dissolve, if desired. d. Profits from the business are divided into the employees.
______ 22. It is registered in the same manner as other corporations with the SEC, except that it is composed of only one person, just
like a sole proprietorship.
a. One Person Corporation b. Partnership c. Double Person Corporation d. Cooperative
______ 23. A form of business structure that is owned by a single individual and who makes all the decision and entitled to all the
profits and liable for all the debts of the business.
a. Sole-Proprietorship b. Corporation c. Cooperative d. Partnership
______ 24. The following are advantages of a Corporation EXCEPT for one.
a. Double taxation c. Transferability of ownership
b. Limited liability of shareholders d. Ability to raise more money
______ 25. Which among the following businesses is NOT an example of a Corporation?
a. San Miguel Corp. b. Macy’s Dental Clinic c. Robinsons Mall d. Jollibee Food Corp.
______ 26. Which among the following businesses is an example of a Sole Proprietorship?
a. Marie’s Sari Sari Store b. Uy & Tan Construction Firm c. Robinsons Mall d. Jollibee Food Corp.
______ 27. Which of the following is NOT objectives and goals of a Cooperative?
a. Provide good and services to its members to enable them to attain increase income, investments and purchasing power.
b. Allow the higher income and higher privileged group to increase their ownership in the wealth of the nations.
c. Teach them efficient ways of doing things in a cooperative manner.
d. Provide optimum social and economic benefits to its members.
______ 28. It refers to the increase in the given amount of goods and services produced by the country’s earning.
a. Economic Development b. Economic Phases c. Economic Growth d. All of the above
______ 29. Which of the following is not a type of single-use plan?
a. Programs b. Rules c. Projects d. Budgets
______ 30. What is the other term for a standing plan?
a. Standard operating procedures c. Standard operation policy
b. Standardization operation procedures d. Standard operating policy
______ 31. Mitchell’s plan is to get a master’s degree and then a Ph.D. in systems engineering, if he finds the academic work too
difficult, he may stop after the Master’s degree and look for work in the consulting field. This description is Mitchel’s ________.
a. Single-use plan b. Contingency plan c. benchmark d. None of the above
______ 32. Guillaume carefully planned his budget for graduate school because he would need to borrow money. Tuition was 35,000,
and he would need living expenses for 4 years in Manila. This is an example of ________________________.
A standing plan b. A single plan c. A hierarchical plan d. A repeated use plan
______ 33. The nature of planning can be understood by examining major aspects except ONE.
a. Distribution of proper assignment or task. c. Pervasiveness
b. Primacy among the manager’s tasks. d. Efficiency of resulting plans.

______ 34. Plans are efficient if they achieve one from statement below.
a. Mission and vision b. Objectives at a reasonable cost c. Manager goals d. All of the above
______ 35. It is a collection of independent, usually single function organizations or companies that work together in order to produce
product or service.
a. Vertical Structure b. Horizontal Structure c. Network Structure d. Line Department
______ 36. It deals directly with the firm’s primary goods and services: responsible for manufacturing, selling and providing services
to clients.
a. Vertical Structure b. Staff Department c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 37. It supports the activities of the line departments by doing research, attending to legal matters, performing public relations
duties, etc.
a. Vertical Structure b. Staff Department c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 38. It clears out issues related to authority rights, responsibilities and reporting relationships.
a. Vertical Structure b. Horizontal Structure c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 39. It refers to a selection of independent, usually single-function organizations that work together to produce a produce or
a. Vertical Structure b. Horizontal Structure c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 40. Stated below are the basic parts of an organization as a system, which among the following does not belong to the group?
a. Environment b. Economy c. Process d. Input
______ 41. Mary, as the manager of a restaurant, makes sure that all applicants undergo the proper hiring process where they
interview and test the skills of each applicants. What function of management does Mary perform?
a. Controlling b. Directing c. Staffing d. Organizing
______ 42. Using the idea of SWOT analysis, which of the following is NOT an opportunity for a new business?
a. Additional sources of raw materials c. Increased purchasing of consumers
c. Better location d. High inflation rate
______ 43. Using the idea of SWOT analysis, which of the following could NOT be a strength of a business?
a. Competent and highly skilled staff b. Limited distribution channels
c. Excellent distribution channels d. Outstanding communication and network systems 5
______ 44. Using the idea of PEST analysis, which of the following is a political factor that can affect the company or business?
a. Religion b. Tax Policies c. Customs d. Automation
______ 45. Using the idea of PEST analysis, which of the following is NOT a technological factor that can affect the company or
a. Group Affiliation c. Research and Development activities
b. Use of electronic gadgets and advanced technology like computers and robotics d. Automation
______ 46. Which of the following is used to maintain the infrastructure of a city, state or country-roads, bridges, tunnels, public
transportation, libraries and other public building and services, including police officers and fire-fighters?
a. Taxes b. Income c. Savings d. None of the Above
______ 47. Which of the following has three common characteristics such as distinct purpose, composed of people, and develops some
deliberate structure?
a. Management b. Organization c. Organizing d. Directing
______ 48. It is a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose. This share three common
characteristics: each has a distinct purpose, each is composed of people, and each develops some deliberate structure so
members can do their work.
a. Organizing b. Organization c. Management d. Directing
______ 49. This brought out that the productivity of the employees is not the function of only physical conditions of work and money
wages paid to them. Productivity of employees depends heavily upon the satisfaction of the employees in their work
a. Hawthorne Experiment b. Multilevel and Multidimensional c. Contingency Theory d. Classical Theory
______ 50. Which of the following businesses is an example of a business under Partnership?
a. Chua & Lim Law Firm b. Marites Eatery c. San Miguel Corp. d. Coca-Cola Company

~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams

Prepared by:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education SET A
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Pinabacdao II
School ID: 313723


Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Grade & Sec.: ______________________
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space
provided before the number.
______ 1. Management is an essential element of every organized activity irrespective of the size or the type of the activity. What
characteristic of management does this statement refers?
a. Management is universal c. Management is goal-oriented
b. Management is continuous process d. Management is multi-disciplinary
______ 2. What is this role of a manager where you communicate potentially useful information to your colleagues and your team?
a. Spokesperson b. Monitor c. Disseminator d. Negotiator
______ 3. What skills does the ability to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations refer to?
a. Inter-relationship skills b. Conceptual skills c. Technical skills d. Human skills
______ 4. As a manager, you create and control change within the organization. This means solving problems, generating new ideas,
and implementing them. What skills does this refer to?
a. Conceptual skills b. Human skills c. Technical skills d. None of the above
______ 5. It refers to being future-oriented and determines an organization’s direction. It is a rational and systematic way of making
decisions today that will affect the future of the company.
a. Staffing b. Planning c. Organizing d. Directing
______ 6. It refers to a vital aspect of the economic life of man, which is an organized group activity. A central directing and controlling
agency are indispensable for a business concern.
a. Directing b. Management c. Organization d. Organizing
______ 7. It refers to the role of a manager where he communicates potentially useful information to his colleagues and his team.
a. Monitor b. Disseminator c. Spokesperson d. Negotiator
______ 8. It refers to the ability of a manager to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations.
a. Technical Skills b. Human Skills c. Conceptual skill d. Inter-relationship skills
______ 9. What function of a manager is concerned with leadership, communication, motivation, and supervision so that the
employees perform their activities in the most efficient manner possible, in order to achieve the desired goals.
a. Planning b. Organizing c. Staffing d. Directing
______ 10. Management is an essential element of every organized activity irrespective of the size or the type of the activity. What
characteristic of management does this statement refers?
a. Management is goal oriented c. Management is universal
b. Management is continuous process d. Management is multi-disciplinary
______ 11. As a manager, you create and control change within the organization. This means solving problems, generating new ideas,
and implementing them.
a. Technical Skills b. Human Skills c. Conceptual skill d. None of the above
______ 12. The following are the roles of a manager under interpersonal category EXCEPT one.
a. Figurehead b. Monitor c. Liaison d. Leader
______ 13. It is one of the roles of a manager under decisional category where you create and control change within the organization.
This means solving problems, generating new ideas, and implementing them.
a. Entrepreneur b. Disturbance Handler c. Resource Allocator d. Negotiator
______ 14. It is a framework or tool used to analyze and monitor the macro-environmental factors that may have a profound impact
on an organization’s performance.
a. SWOT Analysis b. Porter’s Analysis c. PESTEL Analysis d. Benchmarking
______ 15. The process of measuring or comparing one’s own products, services, and practices with those of the recognized industry
leaders in order to identify areas for improvement.
a. SWOT Analysis b. PESTEL Analysis c. Benchmarking d. Porter’s Analysis
______ 16. It is a form of business organization established for the purpose of purchasing and marketing the products of its members,
i.e., shareholders, or procuring supplies for resale to the members, whose profits are distributed to the members.
a. Partnership b. Sole Corporation c. Corporation d. Cooperative

______ 17. This is the ultimate source of many inputs such as raw materials and energy, which firms use in their productive activity.
This includes geographical and ecological factors that are all highly significant for various business activities.
a. Economic Environment b. Demographic Environment c. Natural Environment d. Ecological Environment
______ 18. This refers to a form of business which has unlimited liability. Creditors may proceed not only against the assets and
property of the business, but also after the personal properties of the owner.
a. Partnership b. Sole proprietorship c. Sole Corporation d. Corporation
______ 19. This refers to the environment which are to a certain extent controllable because the firm can change or modify these
factors to improve its efficiency. However, the firm may not be able to change all the factors.
a. Micro Environment b. Macro Environment c. Internal Environment d. External Environment
______ 20. This type of analysis is a framework that helps analyzing the level of competition within a certain industry. It is especially
useful when starting a new business or when entering a new industry sector.
a. Benchmarking b. PESTEL Analysis c. Porter’s Analysis d. SWOT Analysis
______ 21. Which of the following is CORRECT about Sole Proprietorship?
a. Not easiest and highly expensive form of ownership to organize. c. Cannot control within the parameters of the law.
b. The business is easy to dissolve, if desired. d. Profits from the business are divided into the employees.
______ 22. It is registered in the same manner as other corporations with the SEC, except that it is composed of only one person, just
like a sole proprietorship.
a. One Person Corporation b. Partnership c. Double Person Corporation d. Cooperative
______ 23. A form of business structure that is owned by a single individual and who makes all the decision and entitled to all the
profits and liable for all the debts of the business.
a. Sole-Proprietorship b. Corporation c. Cooperative d. Partnership
______ 24. The following are advantages of a Corporation EXCEPT for one.
a. Double taxation c. Transferability of ownership
b. Limited liability of shareholders d. Ability to raise more money
______ 25. Which among the following businesses is NOT an example of a Corporation?
a. San Miguel Corp. b. Macy’s Dental Clinic c. Robinsons Mall d. Jollibee Food Corp.
______ 26. Which among the following businesses is an example of a Sole Proprietorship?
a. Marie’s Sari Sari Store b. Uy & Tan Construction Firm c. Robinsons Mall d. Jollibee Food Corp.
______ 27. Which of the following is NOT objectives and goals of a Cooperative?
a. Provide good and services to its members to enable them to attain increase income, investments and purchasing power.
b. Allow the higher income and higher privileged group to increase their ownership in the wealth of the nations.
c. Teach them efficient ways of doing things in a cooperative manner.
d. Provide optimum social and economic benefits to its members.
______ 28. It refers to the increase in the given amount of goods and services produced by the country’s earning.
a. Economic Development b. Economic Phases c. Economic Growth d. All of the above
______ 29. Which of the following is not a type of single-use plan?
a. Programs b. Rules c. Projects d. Budgets
______ 30. What is the other term for a standing plan?
a. Standard operating procedures c. Standard operation policy
b. Standardization operation procedures d. Standard operating policy
______ 31. Mitchell’s plan is to get a master’s degree and then a Ph.D. in systems engineering, if he finds the academic work too
difficult, he may stop after the Master’s degree and look for work in the consulting field. This description is Mitchel’s ________.
a. Single-use plan b. Contingency plan c. benchmark d. None of the above
______ 32. Guillaume carefully planned his budget for graduate school because he would need to borrow money. Tuition was 35,000,
and he would need living expenses for 4 years in Manila. This is an example of ________________________.
A standing plan b. A single plan c. A hierarchical plan d. A repeated use plan
______ 33. The nature of planning can be understood by examining major aspects except ONE.
a. Distribution of proper assignment or task. c. Pervasiveness
b. Primacy among the manager’s tasks. d. Efficiency of resulting plans.

______ 34. Plans are efficient if they achieve one from statement below.
a. Mission and vision b. Objectives at a reasonable cost c. Manager goals d. All of the above
______ 35. It is a collection of independent, usually single function organizations or companies that work together in order to produce
product or service.
a. Vertical Structure b. Horizontal Structure c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 36. It deals directly with the firm’s primary goods and services: responsible for manufacturing, selling and providing services
to clients.
a. Vertical Structure b. Staff Department c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 37. It supports the activities of the line departments by doing research, attending to legal matters, performing public relations
duties, etc.
a. Vertical Structure b. Staff Department c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 38. It clears out issues related to authority rights, responsibilities and reporting relationships.
a. Vertical Structure b. Horizontal Structure c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 39. It refers to a selection of independent, usually single-function organizations that work together to produce a produce or
a. Vertical Structure b. Horizontal Structure c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 40. Stated below are the basic parts of an organization as a system, which among the following does not belong to the group?
a. Environment b. Economy c. Process d. Input
______ 41. Mary, as the manager of a restaurant, makes sure that all applicants undergo the proper hiring process where they
interview and test the skills of each applicants. What function of management does Mary perform?
a. Controlling b. Directing c. Staffing d. Organizing
______ 42. Using the idea of SWOT analysis, which of the following is NOT an opportunity for a new business?
a. Additional sources of raw materials c. Increased purchasing of consumers
c. Better location d. High inflation rate
______ 43. Using the idea of SWOT analysis, which of the following could NOT be a strength of a business?
a. Competent and highly skilled staff b. Limited distribution channels
c. Excellent distribution channels d. Outstanding communication and network systems 5
______ 44. Using the idea of PEST analysis, which of the following is a political factor that can affect the company or business?
a. Religion b. Tax Policies c. Customs d. Automation
______ 45. Using the idea of PEST analysis, which of the following is NOT a technological factor that can affect the company or
a. Group Affiliation c. Research and Development activities
b. Use of electronic gadgets and advanced technology like computers and robotics d. Automation
______ 46. Which of the following is used to maintain the infrastructure of a city, state or country-roads, bridges, tunnels, public
transportation, libraries and other public building and services, including police officers and fire-fighters?
a. Taxes b. Income c. Savings d. None of the Above
______ 47. Which of the following has three common characteristics such as distinct purpose, composed of people, and develops some
deliberate structure?
a. Management b. Organization c. Organizing d. Directing
______ 48. It is a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose. This share three common
characteristics: each has a distinct purpose, each is composed of people, and each develops some deliberate structure so
members can do their work.
a. Organizing b. Organization c. Management d. Directing
______ 49. This brought out that the productivity of the employees is not the function of only physical conditions of work and money
wages paid to them. Productivity of employees depends heavily upon the satisfaction of the employees in their work
a. Hawthorne Experiment b. Multilevel and Multidimensional c. Contingency Theory d. Classical Theory
______ 50. Which of the following businesses is an example of a business under Partnership?
a. Chua & Lim Law Firm b. Marites Eatery c. San Miguel Corp. d. Coca-Cola Company

~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams
Prepared by:
Parent’s Signature and Date
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. C
20. C
21. B
22. A
23. A
24. A
25. B
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. B
30. A
31. B
32. B
33. A
34. B
35. C
36. D
37. B
38. A
39. B
40. B
41. C
42. D
43. B
44. B
45. A
46. A
47. B
48. B
49. A
50. A
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education SET B
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Pinabacdao II
School ID: 313723


Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Grade & Sec.: ______________________
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space
provided before the number.
______ 1. This is the ultimate source of many inputs such as raw materials and energy, which firms use in their productive activity.
This includes geographical and ecological factors that are all highly significant for various business activities.
a. Economic Environment b. Demographic Environment c. Natural Environment d. Ecological Environment
______ 2. This refers to a form of business which has unlimited liability. Creditors may proceed not only against the assets and
property of the business, but also after the personal properties of the owner.
a. Partnership b. Sole proprietorship c. Sole Corporation d. Corporation
______ 3. This refers to the environment which are to a certain extent controllable because the firm can change or modify these
factors to improve its efficiency. However, the firm may not be able to change all the factors.
a. Micro Environment b. Macro Environment c. Internal Environment d. External Environment
______ 4 This type of analysis is a framework that helps analyzing the level of competition within a certain industry. It is especially
useful when starting a new business or when entering a new industry sector.
a. Benchmarking b. PESTEL Analysis c. Porter’s Analysis d. SWOT Analysis
______ 5. Which of the following is CORRECT about Sole Proprietorship?
a. Not easiest and highly expensive form of ownership to organize. c. Cannot control within the parameters of the law.
b. The business is easy to dissolve, if desired. d. Profits from the business are divided into the employees.
______ 6. It is registered in the same manner as other corporations with the SEC, except that it is composed of only one person, just
like a sole proprietorship.
a. One Person Corporation b. Partnership c. Double Person Corporation d. Cooperative
______ 7. Mary, as the manager of a restaurant, makes sure that all applicants undergo the proper hiring process where they
interview and test the skills of each applicants. What function of management does Mary perform?
a. Controlling b. Directing c. Staffing d. Organizing
______ 8. Using the idea of SWOT analysis, which of the following is NOT an opportunity for a new business?
a. Additional sources of raw materials c. Increased purchasing of consumers
c. Better location d. High inflation rate
______ 9. Using the idea of SWOT analysis, which of the following could NOT be a strength of a business?
a. Competent and highly skilled staff b. Limited distribution channels
c. Excellent distribution channels d. Outstanding communication and network systems 5
______ 10. A form of business structure that is owned by a single individual and who makes all the decision and entitled to all the
profits and liable for all the debts of the business.
a. Sole-Proprietorship b. Corporation c. Cooperative d. Partnership
______ 11. The following are advantages of a Corporation EXCEPT for one.
a. Double taxation c. Transferability of ownership
b. Limited liability of shareholders d. Ability to raise more money
______ 12. Which among the following businesses is NOT an example of a Corporation?
a. San Miguel Corp. b. Macy’s Dental Clinic c. Robinsons Mall d. Jollibee Food Corp.
______ 13. Which among the following businesses is an example of a Sole Proprietorship?
a. Marie’s Sari Sari Store b. Uy & Tan Construction Firm c. Robinsons Mall d. Jollibee Food Corp.
______ 14. Which of the following is NOT objectives and goals of a Cooperative?
a. Provide good and services to its members to enable them to attain increase income, investments and purchasing power.
b. Allow the higher income and higher privileged group to increase their ownership in the wealth of the nations.
c. Teach them efficient ways of doing things in a cooperative manner.
d. Provide optimum social and economic benefits to its members.
______ 15. It refers to the increase in the given amount of goods and services produced by the country’s earning.
a. Economic Development b. Economic Phases c. Economic Growth d. All of the above
______ 16. Which of the following is not a type of single-use plan?
a. Programs b. Rules c. Projects d. Budgets
______ 17. What is the other term for a standing plan?
a. Standard operating procedures c. Standard operation policy
b. Standardization operation procedures d. Standard operating policy
______ 18. Mitchell’s plan is to get a master’s degree and then a Ph.D. in systems engineering, if he finds the academic work too
difficult, he may stop after the Master’s degree and look for work in the consulting field. This description is Mitchel’s ________.
a. Single-use plan b. Contingency plan c. benchmark d. None of the above
______ 19. Guillaume carefully planned his budget for graduate school because he would need to borrow money. Tuition was 35,000,
and he would need living expenses for 4 years in Manila. This is an example of ________________________.
A standing plan b. A single plan c. A hierarchical plan d. A repeated use plan
______ 20. The nature of planning can be understood by examining major aspects except ONE.
a. Distribution of proper assignment or task. c. Pervasiveness
b. Primacy among the manager’s tasks. d. Efficiency of resulting plans.
______ 21. Management is an essential element of every organized activity irrespective of the size or the type of the activity. What
characteristic of management does this statement refers?
a. Management is universal c. Management is goal-oriented
b. Management is continuous process d. Management is multi-disciplinary
______ 22. What is this role of a manager where you communicate potentially useful information to your colleagues and your team?
a. Spokesperson b. Monitor c. Disseminator d. Negotiator
______ 23. It is a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose. This share three common
characteristics: each has a distinct purpose, each is composed of people, and each develops some deliberate structure so
members can do their work.
a. Organizing b. Organization c. Management d. Directing
______ 24. This brought out that the productivity of the employees is not the function of only physical conditions of work and money
wages paid to them. Productivity of employees depends heavily upon the satisfaction of the employees in their work
a. Hawthorne Experiment b. Multilevel and Multidimensional c. Contingency Theory d. Classical Theory
______ 25. Which of the following businesses is an example of a business under Partnership?
a. Chua & Lim Law Firm b. Marites Eatery c. San Miguel Corp. d. Coca-Cola Company
______ 26. What skills does the ability to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations refer to?
a. Inter-relationship skills b. Conceptual skills c. Technical skills d. Human skills
______ 27. As a manager, you create and control change within the organization. This means solving problems, generating new ideas,
and implementing them. What skills does this refer to?
a. Conceptual skills b. Human skills c. Technical skills d. None of the above
______ 28. It refers to being future-oriented and determines an organization’s direction. It is a rational and systematic way of making
decisions today that will affect the future of the company.
a. Staffing b. Planning c. Organizing d. Directing
______ 29. It refers to a vital aspect of the economic life of man, which is an organized group activity. A central directing and
controlling agency are indispensable for a business concern.
a. Directing b. Management c. Organization d. Organizing
______ 30. It refers to the role of a manager where he communicates potentially useful information to his colleagues and his team.
a. Monitor b. Disseminator c. Spokesperson d. Negotiator
______ 31. It refers to the ability of a manager to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations.
a. Technical Skills b. Human Skills c. Conceptual skill d. Inter-relationship skills
______ 32. What function of a manager is concerned with leadership, communication, motivation, and supervision so that the
employees perform their activities in the most efficient manner possible, in order to achieve the desired goals.
a. Planning b. Organizing c. Staffing d. Directing
______ 33. Management is an essential element of every organized activity irrespective of the size or the type of the activity. What
characteristic of management does this statement refers?
a. Management is goal oriented c. Management is universal
b. Management is continuous process d. Management is multi-disciplinary
______ 34. It is a framework or tool used to analyze and monitor the macro-environmental factors that may have a profound impact
on an organization’s performance.
a. SWOT Analysis b. Porter’s Analysis c. PESTEL Analysis d. Benchmarking
______ 35. The process of measuring or comparing one’s own products, services, and practices with those of the recognized industry
leaders in order to identify areas for improvement.
a. SWOT Analysis b. PESTEL Analysis c. Benchmarking d. Porter’s Analysis
______ 36. It is a form of business organization established for the purpose of purchasing and marketing the products of its members,
i.e., shareholders, or procuring supplies for resale to the members, whose profits are distributed to the members.
a. Partnership b. Sole Corporation c. Corporation d. Cooperation
______ 37. It is a collection of independent, usually single function organizations or companies that work together in order to produce
product or service.
a. Vertical Structure b. Horizontal Structure c. Network Structure d. Line Department
______ 38. It deals directly with the firm’s primary goods and services: responsible for manufacturing, selling and providing services
to clients.
a. Vertical Structure b. Staff Department c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 39. It supports the activities of the line departments by doing research, attending to legal matters, performing public relations
duties, etc.
a. Vertical Structure b. Staff Department c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 40. It clears out issues related to authority rights, responsibilities and reporting relationships.
a. Vertical Structure b. Horizontal Structure c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 41. It refers to a selection of independent, usually single-function organizations that work together to produce a produce or
a. Vertical Structure b. Horizontal Structure c. Network Structure d. Line Department

______ 42. Stated below are the basic parts of an organization as a system, which among the following does not belong to the group?
a. Environment b. Economy c. Process d. Input
______ 43. Using the idea of PEST analysis, which of the following is a political factor that can affect the company or business?
a. Religion b. Tax Policies c. Customs d. Automation
______ 44. Using the idea of PEST analysis, which of the following is NOT a technological factor that can affect the company or
a. Group Affiliation c. Research and Development activities
b. Use of electronic gadgets and advanced technology like computers and robotics d. Automation
______ 45. Which of the following is used to maintain the infrastructure of a city, state or country-roads, bridges, tunnels, public
transportation, libraries and other public building and services, including police officers and fire-fighters?
a. Taxes b. Income c. Savings d. None of the Above
______ 46. As a manager, you create and control change within the organization. This means solving problems, generating new ideas,
and implementing them.
a. Technical Skills b. Human Skills c. Conceptual skill d. None of the above
______ 47. The following are the roles of a manager under interpersonal category EXCEPT one.
a. Figurehead b. Monitor c. Liaison d. Leader
______ 48. It is one of the roles of a manager under decisional category where you create and control change within the organization.
This means solving problems, generating new ideas, and implementing them.
a. Entrepreneur b. Disturbance Handler c. Resource Allocator d. Negotiator
______ 49. Which of the following has three common characteristics such as distinct purpose, composed of people, and develops some
deliberate structure?
a. Management b. Organization c. Organizing d. Directing
______ 50. Plans are efficient if they achieve one from statement below.
a. Mission and vision b. Objectives at a reasonable cost c. Manager goals d. All of the above

~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams

Prepared by:
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. B
23. B
24. A
25. A
26. B
27. D
28. B
29. B
30. C
31. D
32. B
33. C
34. C
35. C
36. D
37. C
38. D
39. B
40. A
41. B
42. B
43. B
44. A
45. A
46. D
47. B
48. A
49. B
50. B

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