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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Pinabacdao II
School ID: 313723


Name: _____________________________________________________________ Grade & Sec.: ______________________

DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space
provided before the number.
_____ 1. Which of the following is the integration of text, sound, graphics, animation and video into a single unit?
a. website b. webpage c. multimedia d. presentation
_____ 2. In which field does multimedia play a vital role as it encourages the learners to interact inside the class?
a. Industrial b. Education c. Entertainment d. Advertisement
_____ 3. What is considered as one of the most popular multimedia applications because of its movies and video games?
a. Advertisement b. Entertainment c. Education d. Industrial
_____ 4. Multimedia play’s important role today. Which of the following BEST describes multimedia?
a. images and audio c. programs that combine text and images on a television screen
b. moving images and text d. integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds by means of technology
_____ 5. It is a good way for communication and helps us to understand the messages that someone’s trying to convey because of the
combination of text, graphics, audio, video, and animation using computers. It is called ____________.
a. media b. newspaper c. multimedia d. hypermedia
_____ 6. Which of the following advances in multimedia were made in the early 1970’s?
a. Advances in the ability to fit more text in a presentation c. Advances in integrating computers with CD’s
b. Advances in making supercomputers d. Advances in graphics, movies, and audio
_____ 7. Which of the following is an online petition platform that allows the online community to create or sign petitions?
a. Weebly b. Pinterest c. d.
_____ 8. Which of the following given statement is the role of ICT in EDSA II?
a. ICT specifically the mobile phone was the symbol of the EDSA II. c. ICT specifically email was the symbol of EDSA II
b. ICT specifically internet was the symbol of the EDSA II d. ICT specifically social media was the symbol of EDSA II
_____ 9. Which of the following social platforms were used by organizers and promoters of the protest called “Million People March”?
a. Facebook and Twitter b. YouTube and Facebook c. Facebook and d. Facebook and Friendster
_____ 10. This radio station was used by Cardinal Sin to call on the Filipino people to support the rally against President Marcos.
a. DZMM b. Radyo Veritas c. DZRH d. ABS-CBN
_____ 11. People Finder is a vital tool used during the typhoon Yolanda. Which of following search engines does People Finder belong?
a. Bing b. Yahoo c. Google d. MSN
_____ 12. Million People March was a series of protest that mainly took place in Luneta. It condemned the misuse of the Priority
Development Assistance Fund (PDAF). What year did Million People March take place?
a. 2010 b. 2003 c. 2013 d. 2015
_____ 13. The People Power Revolution, also known as the EDSA Revolution, was a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines,
mostly in Metro Manila. What does EDSA stand for?
a. Epifanio de los Santos Avenue b. Epifanio de las Santos Avenue c. Epifanio de los Santo Avenue d. Epifan de los Santos Avenue
_____ 14. This platform gives access to more people by allowing the online community to affix their digital signatures on a petition. What
social platform is being described in the given statement?
a. Twitter b. c. Google d. Yahoo
_____ 15. The crowd in EDSA II grew over the course of a few days through what specific mode of communication?
a. Radio Broadcast b. Social Media c. Text Brigades d. TV broadcast
_____ 16. This protest happened in Luneta Park from August 22-26, 2013. It was to condemn the misuse of the priority development
assistance fund (PDAF). Which event is being described in the given statement?
a. EDSA II b. EDSA c. Yolanda People Finder d. Million People March
_____ 17. This proved to be successful and is now adapted by more organizations to help people track relatives during calamities. Which of
the following event is being described in the given statement?
a. EDSA II b. EDSA c. Yolanda People Finder d. Million People March
_____ 18. These are summaries of projects or issues that contemplate interests, experience and expertise that commonly serves as a
purpose of delivering an in-depth discussion of a certain topic that a person has a strong position on.
A. Dissertation B. Concept Paper C. Concept Map D. Conceptualized Framework
_____ 19. The element of concept paper that includes the mission and vision and brief overview of a project or concept paper.
A. Title B. Purpose C. Description D. Introduction
_____ 20. The process of planning and conceptualizing Social Advocacy that answers when will you know when you reach it and making
sure that you goal is trackable and quantifiable.
A. Specific B. Realistic C. Attainable D. Measurable
_____ 21. It is the work towards a goal that is challenging but possible and doable. It is about checking of tools or resources that helps to
achieve and attain a goal.
A. Realistic B. Attainable C. Time-bound D. Measurable
_____ 22. It is the element of concept that talks about the reasons why the project is worth the time, effort and money in creation of the
concept paper.
A. Purpose B. Description C. Introduction D. Contact Information
_____ 23. It is a process of giving yourself a deadline that helps you to be focused in reaching your goals.
A. Realistic B. Attainable C. Time-bound D. Measurable
_____ 24. Title is one of the elements of concept paper. Which of the following define it?
A. It includes the reasons why the project is worth the time, effort and money in creation of the concept paper.
B. It includes all the necessary information about the project or a concept paper.
C. It includes the mission and vision and brief overview of a project or concept paper.
D. It serves a lot in terms of getting the audience interest and gives a fully overview of a project or concept paper.
_____ 25. The proper formatting of concept paper is suggested to be the following, EXCEPT.
A. The font size should be at 12 points. C. The line and paragraph spacing should be in double space.
B. Use whatever font style and font size you desire to use. D. Use font style such as Times New Roman, Garamond, Baskerville
or other similar Serif typefaces.
_____ 26. Which of the following is NOT a key point in making a concept paper?
A. Write down the questions correlated the topic or idea you have chosen.
B. Come up with a concept topic or idea that will make you on the spot of fame and power.
C. Develop hypothesis or possible solutions from each of the questions that you have listed.
D. Identify what kind of data you need to answer questions and on how you will gather the information needed.
_____ 27. The element of concept paper that includes all the necessary information about the project or a concept paper.
A. Title B. Support C. Description D. Introduction
_____ 28. Support is one of the elements of a concept paper. Which of the following defines it?
A. It includes the budget needed for the project or concept paper.
B. It includes all the necessary information about the project or a concept paper.
C. It includes the mission and vision and brief overview of a project or concept paper.
D. It serves a lot in terms of getting the audience interest and gives a fully overview of a project or concept paper.
_____ 29. In planning and conceptualizing the content, you always need to start with the ends in mind and generate your own ideas by
identifying various opportunities based on the target audience and ensuring your goal is SMART. The “S” in SMART goal stands
for what?
A. Specific B. Standard C. Sustainable D. Significance
_____ 30. Isabel was been recognized by an international organization for outstanding concept paper in the ICT Community. Which of the
following should she provide for the possible sponsors to reach her?
A. She should give her complete contact information. C. She should provide the concept paper’s mission and vision.
B. She should give her best to find possible sponsors. D. She should provide her own purpose and goal for the project
_____ 31. It is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way, so as to generate
new concepts, methodologies and understandings.
A. Advocacy B. Research C. Infographics D. Audience Profiling
_____ 32. It is a visual representation of information or data. It is composed of set of collection of various imagery, charts, and text that gives
an easy-to understand synopsis of a certain topic or issue.
A. Multimedia B. Infographics C. Vector Graphics D. Visual Graphics
_____ 33. Rochelle used an audience profiling by gathering of audience personal characteristics, lifestyle, attitudes, social class, aspirations,
values, tastes, activities and interests. What type of audience profiling did Rochelle use?
A. Geographic B. Infographic C. Demographics D. Psychographics
_____ 34. Juan wanted to get the profile of his audience by classifying their occupation, gender, age, income level, religion, ethnicity,
education level, and knowledge level. What type of audience profiling should Juan use?
A. Geographic B. Infographic C. Demographics D. Psychographics
_____ 35. This is the easiest way to gather data from a ready-made information that you can find on books, magazines, newspaper and
internet for your Infographics.
A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Sources
_____ 36. Benny is about to make an infographic that shows the progress about Philippines’ Information and Communication Technology
Advancement from 1950 to resent. What type of infographics should he use and why?
A. He should use geographical infographics to displays data with a location map.
B. He should use timeline infographics showing progress of information over a chronological time period.
C. He should use statistical infographics to show a summary or overview of data with one or more graphs, tables or lists.
D. He should use process infographics to demonstrates a linear or branching process flow chart showing choices of
decision process
_____ 37. The type of infographics that demonstrates a chart with levels is called ______________.
A. Statistical Infographics B. Timeline Infographics C. Hierarchical Infographics D. Geographical Infographics
_____ 38. David wanted to create an infographic about the cybercrime’s statistics using graphs, tables and lists. What type of infographics
should he use?
A. Process Infographics B. Statistical Infographics C. Geographical Infographics D. Research-based Infographics
_____ 39. Ronald wanted to create an infographics that will give viewers the control to modify it and is web-based. What type of
infographics should he used?
A. Statistical Infographics B. Interactive Infographics C. Hierarchical Infographics D. Research-based Infographics
_____ 40. The approach of collecting and gathering of data that requires you to ask around, to send some emails, do research online, create
own made survey and process your own conclusion.
A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Sources
_____ 41. Which of the following is about infusing advocacy and learning with a sense of meaning and purpose to motivate and uplift your
A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To Entertain
_____ 42. A content purpose that empowers audience with knowledge by engaging them into a wise, hopeful and respectful cultivation of
learning and application.
A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To Entertain
_____ 43. The purpose of producing content is to transform information to awareness. It is also a way of improving one’s knowledge and
understanding on a certain issue.
A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To Entertain
_____ 44. Which of the following are reasons to build a website?
A. The ability to reach more people C. Provide information about area of interest
B. Inform audience about a subject D. All of the Above
_____ 45. What is WEB TRAFFIC?
A. The number of people who leave your site after one visit C. The number of users who travel to a given website
B. The number of people who visit your site and then leave D. The number of webpages you have for visitors to access
_____ 46. Which of the following is used to identify someone on the computer system uniquely?
A. Username B. Password C. Update D. Upgrade
_____ 47. Which of the following does NOT describe the role of ICT in society?
A. It gives life to economic growth. C. It manipulates people on how we interact with technology.
B. It creates collaboration using different online platforms. D. It helps with the transmission and accessibility of information
in every part of the world.
_____ 48. What is the most in-demand way of posting an advertisement for small entrepreneurs nowadays?
A. Email B. Market C. Social Media D. Television
_____ 49. What does fraudulent activity mean?
A. An unlawful act of deceiving a person in return of taking advantage of a person or financial gain
B. An act of imitating a person’s activity to deceive people
C. An act of copying or imitating signature and use it for own interest
D. A non-violent crime committed by a group of people or companies.
_____ 50. It is defined as the act of supporting a cause or proposal.
A. Advocacy B. Research C. Infographics D. Audience Profiling

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams
Prepared by:

Parent’s Name and Signature
Date: _______________________
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. D
21. B
22. A
23. C
24. D
25. B
26. B
27. C
28. A
29. A
30. A
31. B
32. B
33. D
34. C
35. A
36. B
37. C
38. B
39. B
40. D
41. B
42. C
43. A
44. A
45. B
46. A
47. C
48. C
49. D
50. A
_____ 36. Benny is about to make an infographic that shows the progress about Philippines’ Information and Communication Technology
Advancement from 1950 to resent. What type of infographics should he use and why?
A. He should use geographical infographics to displays data with a location map.
B. He should use timeline infographics showing progress of information over a chronological time period.
C. He should use statistical infographics to show a summary or overview of data with one or more graphs, tables or lists.
D. He should use process infographics to demonstrates a linear or branching process flow chart showing choices of
decision process
_____ 37. The type of infographics that demonstrates a chart with levels is called ______________.
A. Statistical Infographics B. Timeline Infographics C. Hierarchical Infographics D. Geographical Infographics
_____ 38. David wanted to create an infographic about the cybercrime’s statistics using graphs, tables and lists. What type of infographics
should he use?
A. Process Infographics B. Statistical Infographics C. Geographical Infographics D. Research-based Infographics
_____ 39. Ronald wanted to create an infographics that will give viewers the control to modify it and is web-based. What type of
infographics should he used?
A. Statistical Infographics B. Interactive Infographics C. Hierarchical Infographics D. Research-based Infographics
_____ 40. The approach of collecting and gathering of data that requires you to ask around, to send some emails, do research online, create
own made survey and process your own conclusion.
A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Sources
_____ 41. Which of the following is about infusing advocacy and learning with a sense of meaning and purpose to motivate and uplift your
A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To Entertain
_____ 42. A content purpose that empowers audience with knowledge by engaging them into a wise, hopeful and respectful cultivation of
learning and application.
A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To Entertain
_____ 43. The purpose of producing content is to transform information to awareness. It is also a way of improving one’s knowledge and
understanding on a certain issue.
A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To Entertain

_____ 36. Benny is about to make an infographic that shows the progress about Philippines’ Information and Communication Technology
Advancement from 1950 to resent. What type of infographics should he use and why?
A. He should use geographical infographics to displays data with a location map.
B. He should use timeline infographics showing progress of information over a chronological time period.
C. He should use statistical infographics to show a summary or overview of data with one or more graphs, tables or lists.
D. He should use process infographics to demonstrates a linear or branching process flow chart showing choices of
decision process
_____ 37. The type of infographics that demonstrates a chart with levels is called ______________.
A. Statistical Infographics B. Timeline Infographics C. Hierarchical Infographics D. Geographical Infographics
_____ 38. David wanted to create an infographic about the cybercrime’s statistics using graphs, tables and lists. What type of infographics
should he use?
A. Process Infographics B. Statistical Infographics C. Geographical Infographics D. Research-based Infographics
_____ 39. Ronald wanted to create an infographics that will give viewers the control to modify it and is web-based. What type of
infographics should he used?
A. Statistical Infographics B. Interactive Infographics C. Hierarchical Infographics D. Research-based Infographics
_____ 40. The approach of collecting and gathering of data that requires you to ask around, to send some emails, do research online, create
own made survey and process your own conclusion.
A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Sources
_____ 41. Which of the following is about infusing advocacy and learning with a sense of meaning and purpose to motivate and uplift your
A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To Entertain
_____ 42. A content purpose that empowers audience with knowledge by engaging them into a wise, hopeful and respectful cultivation of
learning and application.
A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To Entertain
_____ 43. The purpose of producing content is to transform information to awareness. It is also a way of improving one’s knowledge and
understanding on a certain issue.
A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To Entertain
_____ 44. Which of the following are reasons to build a website?
A. The ability to reach more people C. Provide information about area of interest
B. Inform audience about a subject D. All of the Above
_____ 45. What is WEB TRAFFIC?
A. The number of people who leave your site after one visit C. The number of users who travel to a given website
B. The number of people who visit your site and then leave D. The number of webpages you have for visitors to access
_____ 46. Which of the following is used to identify someone on the computer system uniquely?
A. Username B. Password C. Update D. Upgrade
_____ 47. Which of the following does NOT describe the role of ICT in society?
A. It gives life to economic growth. C. It manipulates people on how we interact with technology.
B. It creates collaboration using different online platforms. D. It helps with the transmission and accessibility of information
in every part of the world.
_____ 48. What is the most in-demand way of posting an advertisement for small entrepreneurs nowadays?
A. Email B. Market C. Social Media D. Television
_____ 49. What does fraudulent activity mean?
A. An unlawful act of deceiving a person in return of taking advantage of a person or financial gain
B. An act of imitating a person’s activity to deceive people
C. An act of copying or imitating signature and use it for own interest
D. A non-violent crime committed by a group of people or companies.
_____ 50. It is defined as the act of supporting a cause or proposal.
A. Advocacy B. Research C. Infographics D. Audience Profiling

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams
Prepared by:
Parent’s Name and Signature
Date: _______________________

_____ 44. Which of the following are reasons to build a website?

A. The ability to reach more people C. Provide information about area of interest
B. Inform audience about a subject D. All of the Above
_____ 45. What is WEB TRAFFIC?
A. The number of people who leave your site after one visit C. The number of users who travel to a given website
B. The number of people who visit your site and then leave D. The number of webpages you have for visitors to access
_____ 46. Which of the following is used to identify someone on the computer system uniquely?
A. Username B. Password C. Update D. Upgrade
_____ 47. Which of the following does NOT describe the role of ICT in society?
A. It gives life to economic growth. C. It manipulates people on how we interact with technology.
B. It creates collaboration using different online platforms. D. It helps with the transmission and accessibility of information
in every part of the world.
_____ 48. What is the most in-demand way of posting an advertisement for small entrepreneurs nowadays?
A. Email B. Market C. Social Media D. Television
_____ 49. What does fraudulent activity mean?
A. An unlawful act of deceiving a person in return of taking advantage of a person or financial gain
B. An act of imitating a person’s activity to deceive people
C. An act of copying or imitating signature and use it for own interest
D. A non-violent crime committed by a group of people or companies.
_____ 50. It is defined as the act of supporting a cause or proposal.
A. Advocacy B. Research C. Infographics D. Audience Profiling

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams
Prepared by:

Parent’s Name and Signature
Date: _______________________

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