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Journal of Cleaner Production 258 (2020) 120849

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Could environmental regulation and R&D tax incentives affect green

product innovation?
Malin Song a, Shuhong Wang b, c, *, 1, Hongyan Zhang b
School of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, 233030, PR China
School of Economics, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 266100, PR China
Institute of Marine Development, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 266100, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Green product innovation represented by information and communication technology (ICT) refers to an
Received 25 November 2019 environmental production mode with innovation as the main carrier. As a key means to achieve the
Received in revised form coordinated development of environmental protection and economic development, green product
2 January 2020
innovation is still in the lead-in period in China; since it is difficult to achieve rapid development only by
Accepted 1 March 2020
Available online 3 March 2020
relying on market forces, it needs government intervention and regulation. To guide the development of
the green product innovation industry, this study analyzes the effect of environmental regulation and
^ as de
Handling Editor: Cecilia Maria Villas Bo R&D tax incentives on green product innovation from a disciplinary and incentive perspective. Data from
Almeida 30 regions in China from 2009 to 2017 are used. First, a panel model is proposed for the analysis of the
entire country to determine the relationships among environmental regulation, R&D tax preferential
Keywords: policies, and green product innovation. Due to the regional differences in industrial structure and eco-
Environmental regulation nomic development level in the various regions of China, to enhance the accuracy of the research results,
R&D tax incentives the inflection points of environmental regulations in different provinces are analyzed. The research re-
Green product innovation
sults show a U-shaped relationship between environmental regulation and green product innovation,
Panel model
that is, given the increasing intensity of environmental regulation, its effect will gradually change from
inhibition to promotion. Currently, most provinces in China are close to the inflection point of envi-
ronmental regulation, meaning the regulation level needs to be further improved. Further, R&D tax
incentives play a significant role in promoting green product innovation. The results not only identify the
determinants of green product innovation but also provide a theoretical and decision-making framework
for the industrial development and promotion of green product innovation in China.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction issued a number of laws and regulations, thus gradually forming a

multi-governance system of the ecological environment with
Over the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, China’s governmental organizations having the leading role, enterprises
economy has developed at a high speed and living standards have being the main body, and citizens and social organizations the
improved greatly. However, while the country has made significant participants.
achievements in economic construction, the related environmental In the context of the transformation of economic development
problems have not been solved and have increasingly become a pattern and the increasing pressure on enterprises to conserve
bottleneck, which restricts China’s sustainable economic develop- energy and reduce emission (Jiang et al., 2019), green product
ment (Miao et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2017; Zha et al., 2016). Given innovation, as a means of achieving sustainable development and
the increasingly severe environmental situation, the government building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society,
emerged (Yin et al., 2018). Compared with sustainable develop-
ment concepts, such as the circular economy (Kapsalis et al., 2019)
* Corresponding author. School of Economics, Ocean University of China, Qing- and bioeconomy (Bale zentis et al., 2019; Liobikiene et al., 2019),
dao, 266100, PR China. green product innovation pays more attention to the main role of
E-mail address: (S. Wang). innovation. Specifically, it refers to products that are easy to be
The author of this paper is equally contributed and sorted by the alphabetical
recycled, utilized, and regenerated after use, and considering
order of surname.
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 M. Song et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 258 (2020) 120849

environmental factors in the process of product design and modi- invest in green product innovation, and incentivize industrial
fication (with innovation as the carrier). Actively promoting green transformation and upgrading (Ji et al., 2019).
product innovation not only meets people’s increasing material and In recent years, the Chinese government has implemented a
cultural needs but also optimizes the economic structure and re- large number of preferential R&D tax policies to encourage green
duces environmental pollution. It is of great significance to coor- product innovation (Bai et al., 2019). By June 2019, China intro-
dinate the relationship between economic development and duced 89 tax incentives and key entrepreneurship and employ-
environmental quality and achieve green development goals ment regions. Particularly, 78 new tax incentives have been issued
(Chang, 2014). Information and communication technology (ICT), since 2013, covering the entire life cycle of enterprises to compre-
which has made significant breakthroughs in 5G technology, arti- hensively promote R&D and innovation activities. R&D tax prefer-
ficial intelligence, blockchain technology, and other fields in recent ence is a type of policy support that the government provides to
years, is a typical representative of green product innovation. As a specific taxpayers. Green product innovation starts with R&D and
pioneer of energy conservation and environmental protection, ICT ends with the introduction of the product on the market. It involves
can help other industries improve efficiency and provide technical a series of activities closely related and with a strong sensitivity to
support through R&D innovation so as to achieve energy conser- tax (Stucki et al., 2018). Environmental regulation is the most
vation, emission reduction, and green development. With the common punitive policy and R&D tax preference is the most
arrival of the fourth green industrial revolution era, which is representative incentive policy.
characterized by green factor investment and the rapid develop- The contributions of this study are threefold. First, most existing
ment of innovative industries such as ICT, water purification, and studies on green product innovation focus on developed countries,
wastewater treatment (Bian et al., 2013; Han et al., 2018), green which generally have stricter environmental regulations than
product innovation will be full of vitality in the future with its su- developing countries. Hence, many of their conclusions are not
perior environmental friendliness and innovation orientation. applicable to most developing countries. China is a typical devel-
However, the growth rate of green product innovation in China oping country with fast economic growth, low per capita income,
is still relatively low, and its development faces many problems. As weak legal protection, and an imperfect tax system, which is why it
the main body responsible for environmental pollution and as the is selected as the research object of this study to supplement the
leaders of green product innovation, enterprises should be research on the determinants of green product innovation. It can
responsible for green development, which is also at the core of also provide further reference for the transformation and devel-
enterprise transformation and upgrading and long-term, stable opment of other developing countries.
development. However, most enterprises are still confined to their Second, the existing research focuses on the analysis of single
immediate interests, showing strong market speculativeness, no policy instruments, with only a few scholars considering the
sense of urgency for enterprise transformation, and no strategic perspective of stakeholders and supply and demand (Dangelico,
perspective for green product innovation and promotion (Stucki 2016). Based on China’s basic national conditions, this study se-
et al., 2018). Moreover, since the benefits of green product inno- lects the environmental regulations and representative R&D tax
vation are public rather than private and the returns are lower than preferential policies that are widely used in China, and it analyzes
those of traditional innovation activities, companies lack the eco- their effects on green product innovation, which is of great inno-
nomic incentives to actively invest in this region. The lack of vation significance.
attention and investment intentions from enterprises has restricted Third, most existing studies defined green innovation activities
the development of green product innovation, meaning its fast broadly, but identified no subdivisions (Stucki et al., 2018). How-
promotion cannot only by relying on market forces. Therefore, ever, green innovation includes green product and process inno-
government intervention and regulation are needed. vation. Although both are innovative activities aimed at
To get rid of the dilemma of the lack of interest and willingness environmental protection and resource conservation, the core of
to invest in enterprises involved in the development of green green process innovation is technology, while green product
product innovation, and improve the level of green product inno- innovation is focused on products. The two components also have
vation, the government must adopt both disciplinary and incentive different emphases and belong to different stages of innovation,
policies, while strictly regulating industries to achieve better re- thus needing to be measured by different indicators. In other
sults. Since the 1970s, the continuous deterioration of the envi- words, confusion between these two components will likely lead to
ronment has forced government departments to restrict polluters the distortion of the research results (Stucki et al., 2018). As such,
through legislation and environmental regulation has been uni- this study selected green product innovation as the research object,
formly adopted by government departments (Wang et al., 2019). To which makes the results more reliable.
reduce environmental pollution while also developing the econ- The rest of the paper is structured as follows: the second section
omy, environmental regulation has been widely applied in various reviews the literature; the third section establishes the research
countries (Zafarullah and Huque, 2018). For example, in 2015, the model; the fourth section describes the empirical analysis; the final
Paris Agreement was signed at the Paris Climate Conference to section provides conclusions and discusses the results.
regulate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by all parties. In
June 2018, the State Council of China issued a three-year action 2. Literature review
plan, called the “blue sky defensive war,” to promote energy con-
servation and emission reduction in key sectors such as coal The Commission of the European Community (2001) defined
burning and industrial pollution through regional joint prevention green products as those that consume fewer resources, have a
and control. Overall, environmental regulation represents the lower environmental impact and risk, and prevent the generation
direct or indirect control and intervention of governments on en- of pollutants during the design stage. Over time, people have put
terprises’ resource utilization, for environmental protection and forward higher standards for green products, from not being
resource conservation. Environmental regulation can not only harmful to the environment in the process of manufacturing, use,
significantly improve the “green” consciousness of enterprises at and disposal to a high level of repairability, re-manufacturability,
the institutional level, make them understand the importance of and efficiency. In recent years, green products furthered the
green product innovation, and guide them to actively participate in concept of innovation and developed the industry of green product
it, but also increase the pollution cost of enterprises, force them to innovation, which considers the design of new products and is
M. Song et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 258 (2020) 120849 3

committed to reducing their negative impact on the environment policies attract public attention, create market demand for green
over the entire life cycle. Because green product innovation has products, ensure the long-term value of enterprises’ green product
environmental and economic benefits, it has gradually attracted the innovation investment, and enhance enterprises’ investment con-
attention of scholars. This research field mainly focuses on the fidence, making enterprises more likely to increase their invest-
determinants of green product innovation. ment (Lanoie et al., 2008). On the other hand, green product
It is found that both the internal and external determinants of innovation requires an accumulation of resources and time, and in
green product innovation may affect its development, among the short term, enterprises still have to bear the regulation cost. As
which internal determinants include enterprise profitability (Li such, with rising regulatory costs and limited capital flows, the
et al., 2017), enterprise senior management (Dubey et al., 2017), crowding out effect on green investment will continue to increase,
customer pressure (Huang et al., 2016), while external de- leading to a continuous decline in enterprise flexibility and eco-
terminants include knowledge sharing (Arfi et al., 2018), political nomic efficiency, which will in turn adversely impact green product
capital (Lin et al., 2014), and foreign direct investment (Song et al., innovation. As such, the effect of environmental regulation on
2015). This study aims to analyze the effects of China’s existing green product innovation is complex, and there may exhibit a non-
policy on green product innovation, namely those triggered by linear relationship. Wang et al., (2019) empirical analysis of OECD’s
external factors. Environmental regulation is the most widely used main industrial sectors found that weak environmental regulations
external means of the Chinese government. Traditional environ- can promote green product innovation, but strict environmental
mental economics emphasizes the negative effects of environ- regulations have a crowding out effect on investment, thus
mental regulation (Liu et al., 2017). From a static perspective, the adversely affecting green product innovation. However, as China
introduction of environmental regulation will lead to an increase in and the OECD countries show differences no matter in environ-
enterprise costs and a decrease in competitiveness, since enter- mental regulation intensity or level of industrial development,
prises allocated resources with minimum cost. However, Porter these research results may not be applicable to China, which makes
(1991) and Porter and Claas (1995) considered that the traditional studying the effects of environmental regulation in China on green
static research was one-sided, and found that environmental product innovation of great significance. Therefore, based on
regulation had a positive effect on green product innovation. That China’s national context and considering the heterogeneity of
is, reasonable environmental regulation could promote enterprises’ provinces, this study calculates the inflection point of environ-
green product innovation and also achieve economic growth mental regulation for each province to quantitatively analyze the
through innovation compensation and first-mover advantages. The impact of environmental regulation on green product innovation
Porter hypothesis thus dynamically analyzed the impacts of envi- and provide policy suggestions for its further development.
ronmental regulation on green product innovation, with profound In addition to restrictive economic measures, governments have
impacts on future research. also used supportive measures, such as R&D tax incentives, to
More recently, scholars also discussed the effects of environ- subsidize enterprises that develop green product innovations. As
mental regulation. For example, Steinhorst and Matthies (2016) such, R&D tax incentives may not only transform the positive ex-
empirically analyzed the energy industry and found that environ- ternality of enterprises’ green product innovation to internaliza-
mental regulation could have positive impacts on green product tion, increase development benefits, encourage enterprises to carry
innovation by promoting public interest and investment. Based on out green product innovation investments (Bai et al., 2019), but also
this argument, Xu (2017) used interprovincial data to prove this reduce the cost of investment to decrease enterprises’ risk resis-
point. Giessen and Sahide (2017) further considered national data tance and increase the net investment profit. Therefore, some
and reached consistent conclusions. However, other scholars hold scholars believe that R&D tax incentives have a positive role in
the opposite view, believing that environmental regulation cannot promoting green product innovation. For instance, Stucki et al.
stimulate green product innovation, but rather has a negative (2018) and Dangelico (2016) verified this view through empirical
impact on green product innovation due to the increased cost demonstration and a systematic literature review, respectively.
pressure and reduced flexibility it causes. For example, the empir- However, some scholars believe that the effect of R&D tax prefer-
ical study of Stucki et al. (2018) proved environmental regulation ence is restricted by the actual situation; the loose regulatory sys-
would crowd out innovation investment in green products and tem will generate rent-seeking space, and the government’s tax
have adverse effects on it. preference may replace the R&D investment required by the en-
This study holds the view that, although the above views are terprise, with crowding out effect. Through the analysis of
reasonable, they are all one-sided, and we should not limit our- company-level data, Jia and Ma (2017) found that R&D tax in-
selves to the study of linear relationships. In other words, the centives have no positive impact on state-owned and non-high-
specific effects of environmental regulation on green product tech enterprises. Guellec and Potterie (2003) further analyzed
innovation may be more complex and non-linear. For instance, national-level data and showed that if enterprises could not un-
Lanoie et al. (2008) believed that environmental regulation had a derstand the long-term nature of government R&D tax incentive
negative effect on industrial productivity in the short term, but a policies, tax incentive policies would be invalid. Although the above
significant promoting effect in the long term, which confirms the studies analyzed the effects of R&D tax incentives, they are mostly
above arguments. The business objective of an enterprise is profit based on static models and have not reached consistent conclu-
maximization. Whether it will increase investment in green prod- sions. Since green product innovation is a long-term dynamic
uct innovation depends on whether the green product can bring net process, this study not only carries out static model estimation but
benefits compared with the cost of environmental regulation. Since also investigates the effect of R&D tax incentives based on a dy-
environmental regulation intensity will directly affect enterprises’ namic model. Moreover, different countries have different R&D tax
regulation costs and investment decisions, its effects are closely incentive policies and conditions, and previous conclusions may
related to its regulatory intensity. On one hand, when environ- not be applicable to China. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically
mental regulation is relatively weak, such as due to low pollution analyze the effects of China’s R&D tax incentives.
cost, enterprises may refuse to invest in green product innovation
to maximize profit (Lanoie et al., 2008). Under stricter environ-
mental regulation, the price companies pay for rejecting green
product innovation increases. Moreover, strict environmental
4 M. Song et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 258 (2020) 120849

3. Model and data Green product innovation (product). Most existing studies use
patent data to measure green product innovation (Bai et al., 2019),
3.1. Model setting which limits the investigation into a highly innovative segment.
Although this approach can be used to quickly collect a large
The second part of this study finds that the effect of environ- amount of comparable data, it is difficult to determine whether the
mental regulation on green product innovation is closely related to innovation activities refer to technological or product innovation as
its intensity (Lanoie et al., 2008), and there may be a U-shaped the determinants of the different types of innovation may differ
relationship between them (Wang et al., 2019), while the R&D tax (Stucki et al., 2018). Weng et al. (2015) put forward the concepts of
preference has a linear relationship with green product innovation energy-efficient and external innovation, and measured green
(Stucki et al., 2018; Dangelico, 2016). To eliminate the interference product innovation by the degree of pollution reduction and energy
of other factors and objectively verify whether the analysis can get consumption of new products. Compared with a single indicator,
the corresponding empirical support, this study first constructs a such as a green patent, this can better reflect the characteristics of
static regression model. The fixed effect of the panel model and green product innovation. Therefore, this study selected the ratio
random effect model are used to fit the innovation degree of pro- between industrial energy consumption and new product sales
vincial green products. Given that the development of green revenue of industrial enterprises to measure green product inno-
product innovation is dynamic, the accumulation of existing vation. The smaller this ratio is, the stronger the regional green
innovation resources will have an impact on its subsequent product innovation ability is.
development, so the dynamic model analysis is carried out. To Environmental regulation (enr). Existing studies mostly use
reduce the heteroscedasticity of the equation and the multi- energy consumption and pollutant emissions to measure green
collinearity of variables, the logarithm of green product innovation, product innovation (Ahmed and Ahmed, 2018), but these are
R&D tax preference, and control variables are taken in the empirical closely related to the industrial structure and cannot fully reflect
model. When the difference between the variables selected is too the changes in environmental regulation intensity. The most
large, it causes a significant error in the results of the computer important manifestation of environmental regulation intensity is
operation. Therefore, based on the descriptive analysis of variables the operating cost of pollution control facilities, which can be used
and regression results of the model, we did not take the logarithm as a measurement standard. To eliminate the impact of enterprise
of environmental regulations but standardized them. The regres- size, enterprise operating income and environmental protection
sion model of the mechanism of environmental regulation, R&D tax input should also be considered. Therefore, based on cost, this
preference, and green product innovation is as follows: study uses the ratio between the operation cost of pollution control
facilities and the income of the main business of industrial enter-
lnðproductit Þ ¼ a þ b1 enrit þ b2 enrit2 þ b3 lnðgovit Þ þ controlit prises to measure environmental regulation. The larger the ratio,
þ εit ; the stronger environmental regulation is. Because the effect of
environmental regulation on green product innovation is complex,
(1) with both crowding out effect and guiding effects, we cannot
determine whether its coefficient is positive or negative.
where i refers to the region, t to the year, a is the constant term, b is
R&D incentives (gov). The tax relief of R&D expenses deduction
the explanatory variable’s coefficient, ε is the residual error term,
is directly used to measure the R&D tax incentives. Generally, green
and control represents control variables. Model (1) includes as
product innovation is sensitive to R&D tax incentives, and R&D tax
explanatory variables R&D tax incentives, environmental regula-
incentives can in turn significantly improve enterprises’ risk resis-
tion, and its quadratic terms and control variables, thus focusing on
tance in terms of R&D, reduce their tax burden, and stimulate R&D
investigating the effects of R&D tax incentives on green product
investment. Therefore, we estimate it will have a positive effect on
innovation, as well as the non-linear relationship between envi-
green product innovation and reduce the energy consumption on
ronmental regulation and green product innovation.
new products, its estimated coefficient being negative.
People’s living standards (consume). As the consumption level is
3.2. Data sources the most direct reflection of people’s living standards, we residents’
consumption level as a proxy for living standards. It is generally
This study uses inter-provincial panel data on multiple di- believed that, with the improvement of living standards, people
mensions such as the economy, science and technology, and the will pay more attention to the quality of life, environment, and
environment. Green product innovation is the explained variable, other factors, and the demand for green products will increase
and environmental regulation and R&D tax incentives are the accordingly. Therefore, we estimate this variable will have a posi-
explanatory variables. The literature shows that besides environ- tive effect on green product innovation and reduce the energy
mental regulation and R&D tax incentives, green product innova- consumption on new products. Its coefficient is likely to be
tion is affected by many other factors. This study selects control negative.
variables based on the differences in the samples of the various Industrial share (rindus). This variable is measured by the ratio
provinces and the factors influencing green product innovation between the main business income of industrial enterprises above
such as people’s living standards, industrial share, and develop- a specific size and GDP. Generally, the higher the industrial pro-
ment level of an export-oriented economy. The data mainly come portion is, the more complete the industrial system, the larger the
from the China Energy Statistical Yearbook, China Science and market share, the longer the business time of the enterprise, the
Technology Statistical Yearbook, China Environment Yearbook, stronger the ability to control the market trend, the higher the R&D
China Statistical Yearbook, China Labor Statistical Yearbook, and motivation, and the better the development of green product
Statistical Yearbook of Science and Technology Activities of Indus- innovation are (Song and Wang, 2017). However, with the contin-
trial Enterprises. As the Chinese government issued and imple- uous adjustment of China’s economic structure and the develop-
mented the Administrative Measures for Pre-Tax Deduction of ment of its tertiary industry, China’s industry registers an overall
Enterprise Research and Development Expenses (Trial) in 2008 and trend of decline, with the contribution of the secondary industry
given the availability of the data, the sample period is from 2009 to having gradually declined from 52.3% in 2009 to 36.3% in 2017.
2017. Therefore, we estimate that the decrease in industrial share will
M. Song et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 258 (2020) 120849 5

have a negative effect on green product innovation and increase the preferential policies not only reduce enterprises’ R&D costs and
energy consumption on new products, its estimated coefficient increase their expected profitability but also reduce the complexity
being positive. of private interests and internalize the positive external influences
The development level of the export-oriented economy (ropen). of R&D activities, which can further solve the problem of resource
This variable is measured by the ratio of the main business income allocation and make markets more effective.
of foreign industrial enterprises to the GDP. Generally, foreign in- Improvements in living standards will hinder the development
vestment not only brings strong financial support to China’s green of green product innovation, which is contrary to the predicted
innovation activities but also advanced green innovation resources results. This may be because the development of green product
to the manufacturing industry. Therefore, we estimate it will have a innovation depends on the public’s perception of the importance of
positive effect on green product innovation and reduce the energy green products: when people think environmental issues are not
consumption on new products, having a negative coefficient. important, other issues will be given priority (Bar, 2015). Moreover,
The descriptive statistics of the full sample is conducted to consumers need to spend time and energy to understand and
further understand the characteristics of the research data, and the approve green products, and if they are not willing to try new
results are shown in Table 1. technologies, they may retain their original way of consumption.
Although the living conditions of the Chinese people improved
greatly in recent years, their environmental protection awareness
4. Empirical analysis
needs to be improved. Moreover, the public’s recognition of green
products at the present stage is not wide enough. Therefore, an
4.1. Static analysis
improvement in people’s living standards will inhibit green product
Based on the model type selected after the Hausmann test, the
The decrease in industrial share is consistent with the expected
model is fitted, and the results are shown in Table 2. All regression
results, that is, of a significant inhibitory effect on green product
results reject the original hypothesis at the significance level of 5%,
innovation, and the estimated coefficient is large. At present, China
so the fixed effect model is selected for analysis.
is in the late stages of industrialization. The output share of the
The study adopts the method of gradually adding control var-
industrial sector continues to decline, and the proportion of the
iables to the regression model, and the regression results show
employed population to total employment continues to decrease. A
that the coefficient of environmental regulation is significantly
large number of production factors, such as capital and labor, flow
positive, while the quadratic coefficient of environmental regula-
from the industrial sector to the service sector, which distorts the
tion is significantly negative, that is, there exists a U-shaped
factor market. Hsieh and Klenow (2009) use microdata to show that
relationship between environmental regulation and green product
factor distortion affected negatively the free flow of innovation
innovation, and the influence of environmental regulation on
resources and their rational distribution, reduced the performance
green product innovation changes with the increase of environ-
of innovative activities, inhibited regional innovation efficiency,
mental regulation intensity. When environmental regulation is
and seriously restricted the improvement of China’s total factor
weak, the trade-off among energy, the environment, and the
economy is extreme. Environmental regulation policies will lead
Export-oriented economic development has significantly
enterprises to invest more in pollution control rather than tech-
reduced the energy consumption of new products and promoted
nological innovation, meaning the “Porter effect” cannot be real-
the development of green product innovation, which is consistent
ized in the manufacturing industry, thus inhibiting green product
with the expectations. Song and Wang (2017) found that Chinese
innovation. When environmental regulation is strict, the short-
enterprises’ participation in the global value chain would promote
term measures adopted by enterprises to cope with it will be
the progress of green technology. As per the “pollution halo” hy-
ineffective due to the long-term regulation strategy of the gov-
pothesis, the higher the export-oriented economic development
ernment. Therefore, enterprises will realize the inefficiency of
level, the stronger the liquidity of capital, and the influx of foreign
their economic behaviors and are more likely to carry out Pareto
capital can generate technology spillovers on domestic enterprises
improvements. That is, they will increase their competitiveness by
through competition, demonstration, and employee flows;
strengthening green product innovation and improving product
improve production efficiency; promote clean technology and
quality and production to offset the compliance costs. The more
green product innovation; and improve the environmental quality
control is imposed by government regulators, the more enter-
of the host country (Fernandes et al., 2019).
prises will invest in green product innovation and, therefore, the
more likely it will be for environmentally sustainable innovation
to be satisfactory. 4.2. Dynamic analysis
R&D tax incentives have a significant negative effect on the
energy consumption due to green product innovation and are Based on the original static panel model, the previous lag term
conducive to green product innovation. This conclusion is in line of the explained variable is added to form the following panel dy-
with existing research results (Dimos and Pugh, 2016). R&D tax namic model:

Table 1
Descriptive statistics.

Variable Sample size Mean value Standard deviation Minimum value Maximum value Pre-estimated coefficient sign

ln (product) 270 1.9517 1.2192 0.0751 6.1443

enr 270 30.7590 27.2358 0.2498 180.1796 ?
enr2 270 1685.16 3716.63 0.0624 32464.69 ?
ln (gov) 270 10.7119 1.4088 5.9026 13.8988 e
ln (consume) 270 9.5870 0.4768 8.5260 10.8896 e
ln (industry) 270 0.9848 0.2974 2.8760 0.6342 þ
ln (ropen) 270 1.8145 1.0642 4.2434 0.1336 e
6 M. Song et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 258 (2020) 120849

Table 2
Regression results from the static panel model.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

enr 0.4331*** 0.4307*** 0.3766*** 0.3846***

(0.0664) (0.0661) (0.0693) (0.0685)

enr2 0.3122*** 0.3096*** 0.2693*** 0.2698***

(0.0558) (0.0555) (0.0576) (0.0569)

ln (gov) 0.2282*** 0.2253*** 0.2144*** 0.2403***

(0.0420) (0.0418) (0.0416) (0.0423)

ln (consume) 0.1043* 0.1104** 0.0926*

(0.0547) (0.0542) (0.0540)

ln (industry) 0.3102** 0.3837***

(0.1313) (0.1327)

ln (ropen) 0.2474***

constant 4.3965*** 3.3654*** 3.4949*** 3.5669***

0.4500 0.7019 0.6973 0.6893

Observed value 270 270 270 270

P value 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0425

Hausman test results Fixed effects model Fixed effects model Fixed effects model Fixed effects model

Note: The figures between brackets are standard deviations of the estimated coefficients; dividing the coefficients by standard deviations will yield the t statistics; *p < 0.1;
**p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01.

new products, indicating that the improvement in the R&D level

 can promote the innovation of green products, which is in line with
lnðproductit Þ ¼ a þ b0 ln producti;t1 þ b1 enrit þ b2 enrit2
the general knowledge. Green product innovation is most likely to
þ b3 lnðgovit Þ þ controlit þ εit ; (2) come from the comparative advantage of human resources, such as
Germany’s rapid development in wind turbines and its expertise in
where t-1 refers to the previous lagged item of green product high-precision processing. R&D personnel input is a key driver of
innovation; the explained and explanatory variables are the same innovation and can be seen as a potential source of innovation. The
as in the static panel model. To ensure the robustness of the results, increase in R&D personnel input can thus promote technological
the robustness of the model fit is tested. From the perspective of progress, improve competitive advantage and innovation perfor-
R&D level, enterprise scale, and regional development state, the mance, and promote green production efficiency. From the per-
control variables are replaced by R&D personnel input (rd), spectives of input and output, the introduction of talents leads to a
measured by the ratio of R&D personnel to employed personnel; continuous emergence of innovation.
enterprise size (size), measured by the ratio of the main business Enterprise size plays a significant role in promoting green
income of industrial enterprises above designated scale to the product innovation, which confirms Schumpeter’s view that only
number of enterprises; and regional development level (rGDP), when an enterprise reaches a certain scale and accumulates certain
measured by GDP per capita, respectively. To reduce hetero- internal resources and capabilities it can better support various
scedasticity and multicollinearity, the newly added control vari- R&D activities, control the price of new products, and bear R&D
ables are also expressed logarithmically. risks. Generally, large enterprises have sustained competitive
Considering the possible correlation between the explanatory advantage, strong organizational management ability, talent
variables and error terms, the differential and system GMM reserve, green product R&D ability and high green innovation
methods are adopted for the regression on the original data and the performance, face less market uncertainty, and can easily raise
after replacing the control variables, respectively. The results show funds (Dangelico, 2016); Although small enterprises are more likely
that all regression correlation tests for the Arellano and Bond (AR) to respond to R&D tax incentives due to financial constraints (Song
second-order sequences and Sargan tests support the null hy- and Wang, 2017), they have a relatively slow development of their
pothesis. In other words, there is no second-order random error green industries because of the limitations of technology and
term autocorrelation and over-identification of instrumental vari- infrastructure (Rahman et al., 2019). Therefore, it is easier for larger
ables in the model. Therefore, the estimation results of differential enterprises to become the main body of innovation. Halila and
and system GMM methods are effective. Rundquist (2011) compared the subjects of environmentally sus-
As shown in Table 3, the regression results of the dynamic and tainable and traditional innovation methods, and found that the
static panel are consistent before and after the control variables are adoption of environmentally sustainable innovation had higher
added; the direction of the influences of all variables on the requirements on enterprise size; moreover, green product inno-
explained variable shows no change and the results remain sig- vation subjects are more inclined to establish strong partnerships
nificant. Therefore, the regression model of environmental regu- with stakeholders to enhance their technological advantages and
lation, R&D tax incentives, and green product innovation fitted by increase risk resistance, meaning there may be a two-way inter-
the panel model is relatively stable and passed the robustness test. action between enterprise size and green product innovation.
Under the dynamic panel, there is still a U-shaped relationship The level of regional development has an inhibitory effect on
between environmental regulation and green product innovation, green product innovation, which may be due to the fact that China’s
and R&D tax incentives can still promote green product innovation. current economic development presents high energy consumption
The newly added control variable, R&D personnel input, is and high emissions and pollution. Despite its extensive economic
negatively correlated with the energy consumption of the output of
M. Song et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 258 (2020) 120849 7

Table 3
Regression results of dynamic panel data.

Variable Differential GMM System GMM Differential GMM System GMM method

ln (product (-1)) 0.5869*** 0.7637*** 0.6487*** 0.8246***

(0.0458) (0.0106) (0.0162) (0.0133)

enr 0.1927*** 0.1638*** 0.1036*** 0.0928***

(0.0166) (0.0157) (0.0097) (0.0152)

enr2 0.1450*** 0.1211*** 0.0800*** 0.0656***

(0.0089) (0.0098) (0.0065) (0.0108)

ln (gov) 0.0778*** 0.0602*** 0.0338*** 0.0651***

(0.0128) (0.0087) (0.0097) (0.0098)

ln (consume) 0.0904*** 0.1023***

(0.0118) (0.0182)

ln (industry) 0.2008** 0.0613***

(0.0940) (0.0358)

ln (ropen) 0.0672*** 0.1555*

(0.0198) (0.0187)

ln (rd) 0.0624*** 0.1109***

(0.0152) (0.0167)

ln (size) 0.2501*** 0.2830***

(0.0283) (0.0155)

ln (rGDP) 0.0387 0.2902***

(0.0310) (0.0220)

constant 0.7677*** 0.1660*** 0.5490* 2.3077***

(0.2603) (0.2653) (0.2950) (0.2782)

AR (2)-P value 0.4006 0.3284 0.3447 0.3904

Sargan-P value 0.1969 0.7987 0.4426 0.8416

Observed value 270 270 270 270

Note: The figures between parentheses are standard deviations of estimated coefficients; divide coefficients by standard deviations will obtain t statistics; *p < 0.1; **p < 0.05;
***p < 0.01.

growth into the world’s second largest economy, problems such as province and adopt the nlinfit function to perform non-linear
high energy consumption, high carbon emissions, and insufficient fitting to obtain the inflection point values of each province’s
innovation exist. Further, China’s manufacturing industry is still environmental regulation. And the inflection point of each province
dominated by medium- and low-end industries, whose level of is quantitatively analyzed here and the spatio-temporal distribu-
technological innovation needs to improve, and their weak tion map of the inflection point is drawn according to the research
awareness of environmental protection is not conducive to the results in Fig. 1.
development of green product innovation. The analysis results are consistent with the expectation that the

4.3. Analysis of inflection point

The U-shaped relationship between environmental regulation

and green product innovation and the negative impact of envi-
ronmental regulation on green product innovation is a short-term
effect. Once the inflection point is crossed, a win-win situation
between environment and innovation can be achieved. However,
due to the different development levels of the various provinces
and cities in China, regions with a more developed economy may
have a lower inflection point due to the influences of technology
and population quality (Lv et al., 2017); that is, it is easier to achieve
a win-win situation between environmental regulation and green
product innovation. However, economically backward regions are
different, as high environmental regulation inflection values will
hinder the development of green product innovation. Therefore, it
is necessary to discuss the inflection point of environmental regu-
lation for each region. Most existing studies discuss the inflection
point by dividing China into eastern, central, and western regions
according to the level of economic development. However, the in-
ternal environmental regulation intensity and industrial structure
within each region differ. The effect of environmental regulation on
green product innovation is heterogeneous and cannot be gener- Fig. 1. Spatio-temporal distribution map of inflection points on environmental regu-
alized. Therefore, we use the environmental regulation data of each lation in China.
8 M. Song et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 258 (2020) 120849

inflection points of environmental regulation show an increasing term effect. As long as we continue to strengthen environmental
trend from the economically developed regions in the east to the regulation and cross the inflection point, we can achieve the coordi-
economically backward ones in the west. In the regions with a high nation and progress of environmental protection and economic
economic level, the industrial and energy structures are relatively development. In the future, China can strengthen environmental
advanced and the technological innovation level is relatively high. regulation and improve industry standards to encourage enterprises
Therefore, the inflection point of environmental regulation may be to develop new technologies, processes and products, to cross the
negatively correlated with the regional economic development regulatory inflection point as soon as possible. To give full play to the
level, that is, low inflection points in regions with high economic role of environmental regulation in promoting green product inno-
development level. The low inflection point of environmental vation, provinces that have crossed the inflection point of environ-
regulation is conducive to giving full play to the positive role of mental regulation should also establish strict environmental
environmental regulation on green product innovation and standards and improve the exit mechanism of enterprises.
improving the regional industrial structure. To this end, every re- Second, while formulating environmental regulation policies
gion needs to improve its level of regional economic development and strengthening the pollution control of enterprises, governments
to cross the inflection point of environmental regulation when should also formulate corresponding fiscal policies to support en-
reasonably specifying the intensity of environmental regulation. terprises’ green product innovation. The empirical results of R&D tax
incentives, which can reduce the R&D risk and cost of enterprises,
encourage enterprises to increase investment in green product
5. Conclusions and discussion
innovation, and thus have a positive impact on green product
innovation, are consistent with most of the existing research results.
Based on inter-provincial panel data, this study conducted an
At a time when world trade has entered the era of environmental
empirical analysis of 30 inter-provincial panel datasets in China
protection and encountered green barriers, it is of great significance
from 2009 to 2017 and studies the effects of environmental regu-
to introduce environment-friendly subsidies, which can not only
lations and R&D tax incentives on green product innovation. First,
promote industrial upgrading, energy conservation, and consump-
the panel analysis of the data makes clear the relationship between
tion reduction, but also break through green barriers and develop
environmental regulation, R&D tax preference, and green product
China’s foreign trade. Therefore, for the green product innovation
innovation. Then, provincial analysis is carried out to determine the
industry that is represented by ICT, in the future, we should “attach
inflection point of each province and the distance of the provinces
importance to subsidy” and “neglect administration,” reduce direct
from their inflection points to further analyze their stage of envi-
policy intervention, and engage in other incentives through eco-
ronmental regulation intensity and its effect. The results lead to the
nomic compensation such as the wide use of R&D tax preferences,
following conclusions and suggestions:
giving full play to the role of market mechanisms in guiding the
First, governments should consider the characteristics of different
development of green product innovation.
provinces and the heterogeneity of environmental regulation to
This study has some limitations, which need to be further
formulate differentiated environmental regulation policies and pro-
explored. First, due to the limitation of existing data, this study does
mote the development of green product innovation. The empirical
not fully consider the impact of other factors on green product
test results of this study confirm some scholars’ conjectures about the
innovation. To broaden the research field and increase the reli-
nonlinear relationship between environmental regulation and green
ability of the study, internal and external factors such as the orga-
product innovation. However, due to the differences in the economic
nizational structure of enterprises and the corruption of the
development level and policy system, the results are significantly
government should be considered in the future research. Second,
different from the empirical analysis of the OECD industrial sector
this study systematically considers the influence of location factors
(Wang et al., 2019). The results show that there is a U-shaped rela-
on green product innovation. Future studies can focus on the
tionship between environmental regulation and green product
impact of environmental regulations and R&D tax preferences on
innovation. Due to regional heterogeneity, the inflection points of
green product innovation under different industrial sectors,
different provinces are different. At present, there are only seven
different forms of enterprise organization and other conditions, to
provinces in China that have not crossed the inflection point. For these
provide more useful information on policy guidance of government
provinces, environmental regulation will have a negative impact on
departments(See. Table 4).
green product innovation for the time being, but this is only a short-

Table 4
Distance of each province in Mainland China from the inflection point.

Province Distance from the Environmental Green products Province Distance from the Environmental Green products
inflection point regulation innovation inflection point regulation innovation

Guangxi 1.143 0.151 1.875 Shanxi 1.615 1.449 3.029

Inner 1.052 0.226 3.408 Hubei 2.242 0.325 1.365
Jilin 0.707 0.760 1.469 Beijing 2.954 0.855 0.684
Heilongjiang 0.627 0.555 3.071 Xinjiang 3.347 0.776 3.671
Yunnan 0.376 0.604 3.105 Guizhou 4.495 1.032 3.175
Tianjin 0.286 0.624 0.547 Shanghai 4.988 0.551 0.394
Anhui 0.239 0.312 1.015 Chongqing 5.015 0.448 0.966
Jiangsu 0.186 0.568 0.464 Shaanxi 5.540 0.273 2.331
Jiangxi 0.504 0.356 1.621 Hebei 7.131 0.254 2.435
Liaoning 0.701 0.450 1.902 Shandong 7.202 0.579 1.063
Fujian 0.702 0.606 1.278 Hainan 8.398 0.753 2.742
Hunan 0.823 0.479 1.133 Qinghai 11.514 0.677 5.107
Henan 1.373 0.606 1.799 Gansu 13.503 0.107 2.741
Zhejiang 1.426 0.285 0.363 Guangdong 20.016 0.537 0.490
Sichuan 1.451 0.268 2.073 Ningxia 153.397 2.602 3.235
M. Song et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 258 (2020) 120849 9

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