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Gladys A.




1. Why is reading important for children?

2. Practice really does make perfect

1. Reading is important and benificial to kids in many ways such as it helps to widen
their knowledge, vocabulary, and imagination. Kids are very curious indeed they
question a lot of things so through reading it helps in feeding their minds. Exposing
them to reading materials helps children to develop effective communication skills in
both writing and speaking. And lastly it could build a love for reading which is very
important cause they can enjoy a book and it acts as pleasurable activity. When kids
develop love for reading they are more likely to continue learning throughout their
lives and seek knowledge independently.

2. There is no perfect in this world to be honest but we can have mastery in our lives.
Example when I practice to play violin at first i dont know how to do it but if i keep
on repeating the process and procedure I can master playing a violin. Same with
reading a kid can read and read until he learns from it and master the art of reading.


Which way do you like to teach reading skills – all together as you read a novel or
story, or one by one with practice materials tailored to each specific skill?


The effectiveness of teaching reading skills depends on various factors, including the
learner's age, learning style, and the specific goals of the reading instruction. As a
future teacher it is my job to be aware of the interests of my students and I think in an
early age we need to engage reading skills within a story because as we all know the
listening time span of kids are very short so as a teacher we need to cultivate and
think a lot of ideas that could help them be engage in reading. Students can see the
interplay of various reading skills as they read a complete text. This approach allows
for a more holistic understanding of how different skills work together to comprehend
and interpret a narrative.
Module 5

1. Why should teachers be skilled to teach children to read for


2. Why is learning letters important for preschoolers?

1. Teachers need to be skilled enough to teach kids to read because there are some
letters or words that they cant understand. There might be a lot of letters and words
that confuse them just like if the instructor dont know how to pronounce or the right
soundof the letter.

2. Learning letters is crucial for preschoolers because it forms the foundation for
literacy and language development. Familiarity with letters is fundamental for
recognizing and understanding written language. Recognizing and learning letters
helps preschoolers develop phonemic awareness. earning letters is a foundational skill
that sets the stage for a child's literacy journey. It is a critical component of early
childhood education and provides the necessary building blocks for future academic

Module 6

1. The picture shows the importance of enrolling a kid into a preschool. It shows the
percentage of the disadvantages that could occur if a kid doesnt go to a preschool. We
must understand that this is the starting point of education to young ones.

2. I think this picture shows the developmental areas of kids that can be improve once
they are enrolled in a preschool. This shows the holistic development of kids which
assures the overall development of young ones.

3. This picture shows the holistic development of kids at young age which is very
benificial. Holistic development during the early years sets the stage for a child's
future well-being, learning, and success. A balanced and supportive approach that
addresses physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and language aspects contributes to a
child's overall growth and resilience.

4. Preschool portfolios are collections of a child's work, observations, and

assessments compiled over time. They serve as a comprehensive record of a child's
growth, development, and learning experiences during their early years.When
implemented thoughtfully and with consideration for individual differences, they can
enhance communication, support personalized learning, and celebrate the unique
qualities of each child.
a) Written language involves interpreting abstract symbols (letters, words) to
represent spoken language. This transition from concrete spoken words to abstract
written symbols can pose an initial challenge. Learning to read and write often
requires formal instruction, while oral language is typically acquired more informally
through exposure and interaction. When a kid is too shy to speak infront of a crowd
maybe for him/her oral is difficult and writing is easy.

b) In written communication, there is often a time delay between the creation of the
message and its reception. This temporal separation can lead to potential
misunderstandings if the context is not explicitly conveyed. Written communication
often requires a higher degree of formality and precision to convey meaning
accurately, as the absence of immediate interaction may hinder the ability to quickly
seek clarification.


1. What should be produced more in pre-school, Readers, Writers, and Spellers?

Defend your answer”.
2. What should young children be learning and doing before they go to kindergarten?
3. What early literacy instruction should children receive?
4. What should it emphasize—head (cognition) or heart (motivation) or both?


1. Preschool education should aim to develop readers, writers, and spellers in a

balanced manner. Recognizing the interdependence of these abilities is critical for
building a foundation that promotes cognitive development, language acquisition, and
future academic performance. A holistic approach to early literacy in preschool
ensures that children are not only prepared for formal education, but also instilled
with a lifelong love of learning. A well-rounded preschool education should not
prioritize one skill over another, but rather seek a harmonious balance. Reading,
writing, and spelling are all interrelated aspects of literacy development. A child who
enjoys reading is more inclined to write, and spelling develops organically as a result.
The goal should be to create an environment where all these skills can flourish,
providing a comprehensive approach to literacy.

2. The early years of a child's existence build the groundwork for their future
scholastic achievement and well-being. As children prepare to start kindergarten, it is
critical to take a comprehensive approach that addresses all elements of their
development. Preparing young children for kindergarten necessitates a multifaceted
approach that considers cognitive, social-emotional, physical, and language
development. Parents, caregivers, and educators can provide a well-rounded early
childhood experience, giving children the skills and confidence they need to manage
the challenges of kindergarten and build the groundwork for a lifetime of learning and
achievement. Recognizing the interconnection of these developmental domains
ensures that children begin kindergarten not just intellectually prepared, but also
socially and emotionally strong. As we invest in the holistic development of our
youngest learners, we contribute to a future generation that is well-equipped to thrive
in both educational and life pursuits.
3. Early literacy training should be a diverse and interesting approach that instills a
love of reading while developing fundamental abilities. Educators and caregivers can
help young children become competent readers and writers by fostering a supportive
learning environment, utilizing multimodal approaches, and emphasizing
individualized training. The path to reading begins with instilling curiosity, discovery,
and a true pleasure of storytelling. As we invest in comprehensive early literacy
training, we help to create literate and empowered persons who can manage the
complexity of the written word in an ever-changing world.

4. Effective education should focus on both the mind and the heart, acknowledging
that cognitive growth and motivation are essential components of a well-rounded
person. A balanced approach to education provides students with the intellectual tools
they need for academic and professional success while also developing their intrinsic
motivation, emotional intelligence, and joy for learning. Educators who embrace the
synergy between the head and the heart help to the holistic development of persons
who are not just knowledgeable but also motivated, sympathetic, and ready to meet
the challenges of an ever-changing world.

Module 7

1. The illustration highlights the meaning and significance of a literary-rich

environment, as well as why it is critical for children's development. A literary-rich
environment is critical to an individual's whole development, influencing cognitive,
emotional, and social aspects of their existence. A literary-rich environment lays the
framework for students' lifelong pursuit of information and intellectual growth by
exposing them to a variety of books, developing their language abilities, and
cultivating a love of reading. Educators, caregivers, and communities all play critical
roles in creating and maintaining such environments, as they have a significant impact
on shaping individuals into knowledgeable, eloquent, and interested lifelong learners.

2. The second graphic represents the goals of a print-rich environment in educational

settings, namely early childhood education, which aims to immerse pupils in a
literacy-rich environment that promotes language development, reading ability, and
overall cognitive growth. A print-rich environment aims to establish an immersive
and supportive setting for literacy development, instilling a love of reading,
developing essential language skills, and preparing students for a successful
educational career. Educators and caregivers can create an atmosphere that
encourages language-rich interactions and meaningful engagement with written
language by intentionally creating and utilizing print materials.


1. How do you characterize a literacy-rich environment for early childhood?

2. How do you ensure a-literacy-rich environment?


1. A literacy-rich early childhood setting is defined by intentional design, diverse

materials, and engaging experiences that promote language development and instill a
lifelong love of reading. Educators and caregivers can create the groundwork for
successful literacy journeys and overall cognitive growth in early infancy by
immersing young brains in an environment where literacy is smoothly integrated into
all elements of daily life. By cultivating such environments, we provide the next
generation with the resources they need to become literate, articulate, and interested

2. Ensuring a literacy-rich environment involves deliberate preparation, commitment,

and a thorough grasp of young learners' developmental requirements. Educators and
caregivers can help create a literacy-friendly atmosphere by employing techniques
that include a variety of reading resources, engaging activities, and inclusive
practices. Through these efforts, we not only provide children with the necessary
skills for academic achievement, but also foster in them a lifelong love of reading and
learning. A literacy-rich atmosphere creates a fertile field for young minds to develop
into articulate, inquiring, and powerful individuals.


1. Give your reactions to the following statement;

a. What does an outdoor environment offer for early literacy development?

b. We know that early learning matters... and it matters a lot.

2. Who are the literacy learners?


a. Outdoor environments encourage children to enjoy and engage in play while also
learning new things. From nature's vast lexicon to the incorporation of literacy into
play and storytelling, the outdoor world offers a comprehensive and thorough
approach to language development. Educators and caregivers create an atmosphere in
which young learners not only learn critical reading skills but also develop a profound
appreciation for the beauty of language and the marvels of the natural world. The
outdoors, as a school, transforms into a loving environment where reading seeds are
sown and children are encouraged to develop into eloquent, interested, and connected

b. The statement "early learning matters... and it matters a lot" emphasizes the
substantial impact that the early years have on an individual's future achievement and
well-being. The basic experiences and abilities gained during this important period
influence the course of cognitive development, socio-emotional competence, and
academic accomplishment. Recognizing the importance of early learning motivates us
to invest in high-quality early education programs, ensuring that every child receives
the support and opportunity they require to lay a solid foundation for a lifetime of
learning and achievement. The transformative potential of early learning extends well
beyond the classroom, influencing the futures of individuals and, by extension, the
communities and societies in which they live.

2. Literacy learners represent a diverse and interrelated community, with each taking
their own path to literacy proficiency. Literacy learning is a dynamic and lifelong
process that involves children discovering the marvels of language, adolescents
acquiring academic literacy, adults navigating practical literacy contexts, and
communities cultivating a collective passion for reading. Recognizing variety among
literacy learners highlights the need of inclusive and adaptive approaches that address
each individual's unique requirements, goals, and obstacles on their journey to
becoming confident, empowered, and lifelong learners. The combined influence of
these literacy journeys shapes not just the individuals themselves but also the fabric of
our societies, establishing a culture where the pursuit of literacy is recognized as
transforming and unifying force.


1. The picture shows a kind of process that begins with the strategy or technique next
is the execution and the success of the said strategy. I can apply this to teaching
strategy because there are success and failures in making or executing a strategy to
kids. Some of the strategy might help kids but some can be confusing to them.For the
strategy to be effective we need to be aware of the needs of our student and always
track their progress.

2. I think the seond picture shows an idea. Having a very good idea and starting
everything with the idea helps a lot in the success of the strategy. We need to think the
best idea suitable for every student that we teach.

3. The third picture shows a teacher showing something to her student using a laptop.
Engaging kids to technology have positive and negative impact but with guidance,
limitation and the right usage of internet to kids makes their learning more enjoyable
and engaging.

4. The fourth picture shows a family enjoying their technology time. It is important to
guide kids especially to those sites that are not suitable for them because there are a
lot of cartoons now a days that has sensitive media.

5. The fifth picture shows the teaching strategies in early education. Play-based
learning, hands-on activities, and a literacy-rich environment form the basis of a
developmentally appropriate curriculum. The incorporation of differentiated
instruction, inquiry-based learning, and positive behavior support ensures that each
child's unique needs are met. Collaborative and cooperative learning, the use of
technology, outdoor experiences, and strong parent/caregiver involvement contribute
to creating a comprehensive and nurturing learning environment. By embracing these
strategies, educators can inspire a love for learning, cultivate essential skills, and lay
the groundwork for a successful and fulfilling educational journey for young learners.

What are the considerations in choosing teaching strategies for early childhood


The considerations while selecting instructional methodologies for early childhood

education are multifaceted, necessitating a careful and holistic approach. Educators
build an inclusive and engaging learning environment by tailoring tactics to
developmental appropriateness, individual learning styles, cultural diversity, and
social-emotional factors. The combination of play-based and experiential learning,
technology, and inquiry-based techniques enhances the educational experience.
Flexibility, adaptability, and active parent/caregiver involvement all contribute to a
collaborative and responsive educational environment. By regularly monitoring and
reflecting on teaching practices, educators guarantee that the learning experiences
they deliver to young children are not only effective but also create a lifelong love of

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