Test Questionnaire Org&Mngt Q2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Pinabacdao II
School ID: 313723


Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Grade & Sec.: ______________________
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space
provided before the number.
______ 1. This organizational design has a few departments, wide spans of control, or a big number of subordinates directly reporting
to a manager.
a. Simple Organizational Design c. Divisional Organizational Design
b. Functional Organizational Design d. Team Organizational Design
______ 2. This organizational design is made up of workgroups that define team structures such as roles and responsibilities, and they
collaboratively identify working arrangements that allow their team to deliver on their purpose and goals.
a. Simple Organizational Design c. Matrix-Project Organizational Design
b. Functional Organizational Design d. Team Organizational Design
______ 3. It is the process of attracting, training, developing, and maintain an excellent work force.
a. Financial Management b. Human Resource Management
b. Information and Communication Technology Management d. Marketing Management
______ 4. Which among the following is not a strength of a Matrix-Project Organizational Design?
a. A specialist is involved in the project c. Increased communication efficiency
b. Increased management overhead costs d. Improved employee motivation
______ 5. Which of the following organizations is NOT an example of a Divisional Organization Design?
a. Parasanon National High School c. Local Government Unit
b. Health Centers d. Provincial Government
______ 6. It is the control that makes use of balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements to analyze and examine
financial statements.
a. Control Methods c. Strategic Control
b. Management Control d. Quantitative Control

______ 7. These are techniques used for measuring an organization’s financial stability, efficiency, effectiveness, production output,
and members’ attitude and morale.
a. Macroeconomic Environment c. Benchmarking
b. Strategic Control d. Control Methods

______ 8. A control method which refers to the overall control of performance instead of only those of specific organizational process.
a. Strategic Method c. Non-quantitative Method
b. Quantitative Method d. Management Method

______ 9. It is an approach or process of measuring a company’s services or practices against those of recognized leaders in the
industry to identify areas for improvement.
a. Strategic Benchmarking c. Operational Benchmarking
b. Management Benchmarking d. Benchmarking

______ 10. The following are all financial control ratios except ________.
a. Budget Ratio b. Leverage Ratio b. Profitability Ratio d. Activity Ratio

______ 11. Its activities relate to identifying customer needs and interpret this back to the enterprise for its business reaction.
a. Marketing Management c. Human Resource Management
b. Operations Management d. Procurement Management

______ 12. This functional management area is sometimes called personnel management.
a. Financial Management c. Human Resource Management
b. Marketing Management d. ICT Management

______ 13. Its activities involve innovation or change within the business organization and developing the organization’s hardware,
software, and other computing and communicating technology.
a. Human Resource Management c. Financial Management
b. ICT Management d. Marketing Management

______ 14. Marketing management “is essentially demand management”. Who said it?
a. Philip Kotler b. Ed Newman c. McCarthy d. William J. Stanton

______ 15. This term relates to the recruitment, selection, development, training and compensation of the managerial personnel.
a. Planning b. Organizing c. Leading d. Staffing

______ 16. The following facts clearly bring out the characteristics of staffing as a function of management, EXCEPT for one.
a. Separate Managerial Function c. Related to Human Beings
b. Not Essential at All Managerial Levels d. Related to Social Responsibility

______ 17. Which among the following shows the correct sequence in the hiring process?
a. Application search and selection → Decision-making process → Adaptation to the workplace orientation →
Determining a need
b. Determining a need → Application search and selection → Decision-making process → Adaptation to the
workplace orientation
c. Decision-making process → Adaptation to the workplace orientation → Determining a need → Application search
and selection
d. Determining a need → Decision-making process → Application search and selection → Adaptation to the
workplace orientation

______ 18. Which among the following is true about internal recruitment?
a. It is filing job vacancies through promotions or transfers of employees who are already part of the organization.
b. It is the recruitment of employees who are fresh graduates.
c. It is the recruitment of employees from outside the country.
d. It is a method that considers outside sources in locating potential individuals and encouraging them to apply for
actual or anticipated job vacancies.

______ 19. Which of the following is NOT considered as a method of external recruitment?
a. Advertisement c. Employment Agencies
c. Employees referrals d. Promotions

______ 20. It takes charge of the management and custody of the organization’s funds, seeing to it that funds are effectively and
efficiently utilized
a. Human Resource Management c. Financial Management
b. Procurement Management d. ICT Management

______ 21. Its activities relate to the efficient use of machines, space, and personnel. It oversees the transformation process that
change resources into finished goods and services.
a. Human Resource Management c. Operations Management
b. ICT Management d. Financial Management

______ 22. Which of the following is one of the functions of operating management?
a. Estimates the capital requirements of a business.
b. Helping to design and develop products and services.
c. Encouraging commerce through internet use.
d. Stimulates demands for the products of the company.

______ 23. Which of the following is one of the functions of Information and Communication Technology Management?
a. Estimates the capital requirements of a business.
b. Helping to design and develop products and services.
c. Encouraging commerce through internet use.
d. Stimulates demands for the products of the company.

______ 24. This is the process of obtaining information about jobs needed to achieve the organization’s goals.
a. Job specification b. Job order c. Job analysis d. Part time job

______ 25. This is the actual sequence of activities that results in the production of goods and services that have values for customers.
a. Value chain b. Reengineering c. Productivity d. Value analysis

______ 26. This a financial policy which considers whether to follow a systematic pattern of earnings retention or dividend
a. Dividend policy b. Capital Structure policy c. Investment policy d. Dividends

______ 27. This is an electronic business which involves business to business (B2B) and business to customers (B2C) transactions.
a. Blogging b. E-commerce c. Digital marketing d. Auction online
______ 28. Which of the following is NOT an example of E-commerce platform?
a. Lazada b. Shoppee c. Amazon d. Youtube

______ 29. One of the important functions of material management that involves buying the equipment, materials, tools, parts etc. that
are required for an industry.
a. Store management c. Inventory Management
b. Material planning and control d. Purchasing

______ 30. The following shows the important functions of staffing, EXCEPT for one.
a. Fixing the Employment Standards c. Purchasing
b. Development d. Manpower Planning

______ 31. Which among the following is NOT an example of direct compensation?
a. Salary c. Commission
b. Incentive Pays d. Travels

______ 32. Which among the following is NOT an example of indirect compensation?
a. Educational benefits c. Travels
b. Health benefits d. Commission

______ 33. Which among the following is NOT an example of nonfinancial compensation?
a. Recognition Programs c. Convenient working hours
b. Ideal working environment d. Health Benefits

______ 34. Which of the following situations shows a consideration of the Expectancy Theory?
a. A factory manager sets 500 products quota for each employee per day.
b. Every employee of a restaurant is entitled to a free lunch.
c. Every employee in Hotel ABC is entitled to a paid leave once a month.
d. A manager tells her employees that every employee of the month will receive a cash prize.

______ 35. It is a basis for compensation when pay is computed according to the number of units produced.
a. Hourly Basis b. Weekly Basis c. Daily Basis d. Piecework Basis

______ 36. Which among the following does not cause an evaluation program to fail?
a. Employee’s job description is not properly evaluated by the evaluation questionnaire used
b. Bias exhibited by evaluators
c. Ambiguous terms used in the evaluation questionnaire
d. Adequate time for answering the evaluation forms

______ 37. Compute the leverage ratio of Janice’s food restaurant. Its total debt amounts to Php 600,000.00 while its total assets are at
Php 3,000,000.00
a. 5.00 b. 0.50 c. 0.20 d. 20.00

______ 38. What is the possible interpretation for the computed leverage ratio of Janice’s food restaurant in item no. 37?
a. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 5.00 debt. This means the debt is really high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may have a slow cash-in flow.
b. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 0.50 debt. This means the debt is somehow high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may have a good cash-in flow.
c. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 0.20 debt. This means the debt is not quite high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may have a solid cash-in flow.
d. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 20.00 debt. This means the debt is super high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may result in bankruptcy.

______ 39. Which description best describes what a finance person does?
a. Checks the pricing of products are suitable c. Contacts possible new customers
b. Plans and monitors budgets so the business does not lose money d. Installs new software

______ 40. Which among the following characteristics of a person shows achievement of the self-actualization in Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs?
a. Creativity b. Food and water c. Self-Esteem d. Friendship

______ 41. Which of the following is the correct order based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs starting from the most basic needs?
a. Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Self-actualization, Esteem
b. Physiological, Safety, Esteem, Self-Actualization, Love and Belonging
c. Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization, Physiological, Safety
d. Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization

______ 42. Mary’s management shows low concern for her employees and low concern for production or results. In what type of
leadership orientation does she belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Impoverished Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 43. Joey’s management shows low concern for his employees but high concern for production or results. In what type of
leadership orientation does he belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Perish Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 44. Henry’s management shows low concern for production or results but high concern for his employees. In what type of
leadership orientation does he belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Perish Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 45. Vanessa’s management shows high concern for her employees and high concern for production or results. In what type of
leadership orientation does he belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Perish Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 46. ABC Company is a growing construction business in the country. ABC’s balance sheet shows total assets of ₱ 20,000,000.
During the current year, ABC’s company had a net profit after taxes of ₱ 15,000,000. Compute ABC Company’s return on
investment for the current year.
a. 1.33 b. 0.025 c. 0.075 d. 0.75

______ 47. What is the possible interpretation for the computed ROI of the ABC company in item no. 46?
a. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱1.33 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company indicates
a very healthy return rate.
b. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱0.025 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company
indicates a slow and unhealthy return rate.
c. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱0.075 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company indicates
a slow and unhealthy return rate.
d. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱0.75 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company indicates
healthy return rate.

______ 48. Which among the following is not a requirement in applying for a sole proprietorship business?
a. Business Name Registration with the DTI
b. Submission of 2X2 ID Pictures
c. Submission of Filipino citizenship proofs
d. Submission of business plan

______ 49. Which among the following is not a requirement in applying for a partnership business?
a. Filing of the previously prepared partnership agreement by two or more applicants with the SEC
b. Payment of the filing fee
c. Evaluation of the application by the lawyer and staff of Corporate and Legal Department of the SEC
d. Submission of business plan

______ 50. Which among the following is not a requirement in applying for a corporation business?
a. Filing of the previously prepared articles of incorporation and by-laws and bank certification regarding
stockholder’s shares of stocks with the SEC.
b. Payment of the registration fee.
c. Evaluation of the application by the lawyer and staff of the Corporate and Legal Department of the SEC.
d. Submission of business plan

~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams
Prepared by:
Republic of the Philippines Set A
Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Pinabacdao II
School ID: 313723


Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Grade & Sec.: ______________________
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space
provided before the number.
______ 1. This organizational design has a few departments, wide spans of control, or a big number of subordinates directly reporting
to a manager.
a. Simple Organizational Design c. Divisional Organizational Design
b. Functional Organizational Design d. Team Organizational Design
______ 2. This organizational design is made up of workgroups that define team structures such as roles and responsibilities, and they
collaboratively identify working arrangements that allow their team to deliver on their purpose and goals.
a. Simple Organizational Design c. Matrix-Project Organizational Design
b. Functional Organizational Design d. Team Organizational Design
______ 3. It is the process of attracting, training, developing, and maintain an excellent work force.
a. Financial Management b. Human Resource Management
b. Information and Communication Technology Management d. Marketing Management
______ 4. Which among the following is not a strength of a Matrix-Project Organizational Design?
a. A specialist is involved in the project c. Increased communication efficiency
b. Increased management overhead costs d. Improved employee motivation
______ 5. Which of the following organizations is NOT an example of a Divisional Organization Design?
a. Parasanon National High School c. Local Government Unit
b. Health Centers d. Provincial Government
______ 6. It is the control that makes use of balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements to analyze and examine
financial statements.
a. Control Methods c. Strategic Control
b. Management Control d. Quantitative Control

______ 7. These are techniques used for measuring an organization’s financial stability, efficiency, effectiveness, production output,
and members’ attitude and morale.
a. Macroeconomic Environment c. Benchmarking
b. Strategic Control d. Control Methods

______ 8. A control method which refers to the overall control of performance instead of only those of specific organizational process.
a. Strategic Method c. Non-quantitative Method
b. Quantitative Method d. Management Method

______ 9. It is an approach or process of measuring a company’s services or practices against those of recognized leaders in the
industry to identify areas for improvement.
a. Strategic Benchmarking c. Operational Benchmarking
b. Management Benchmarking d. Benchmarking

______ 10. The following are all financial control ratios except ________.
a. Budget Ratio b. Leverage Ratio b. Profitability Ratio d. Activity Ratio

______ 11. Its activities relate to identifying customer needs and interpret this back to the enterprise for its business reaction.
a. Marketing Management c. Human Resource Management
b. Operations Management d. Procurement Management

______ 12. This functional management area is sometimes called personnel management.
a. Financial Management c. Human Resource Management
b. Marketing Management d. ICT Management

______ 13. Its activities involve innovation or change within the business organization and developing the organization’s hardware,
software, and other computing and communicating technology.
a. Human Resource Management c. Financial Management
b. ICT Management d. Marketing Management

______ 14. Marketing management “is essentially demand management”. Who said it?
a. Philip Kotler b. Ed Newman c. McCarthy d. William J. Stanton

______ 15. This term relates to the recruitment, selection, development, training and compensation of the managerial personnel.
a. Planning b. Organizing c. Leading d. Staffing

______ 16. The following facts clearly bring out the characteristics of staffing as a function of management, EXCEPT for one.
a. Separate Managerial Function c. Related to Human Beings
b. Not Essential at All Managerial Levels d. Related to Social Responsibility

______ 17. Which among the following shows the correct sequence in the hiring process?
a. Application search and selection → Decision-making process → Adaptation to the workplace orientation →
Determining a need
b. Determining a need → Application search and selection → Decision-making process → Adaptation to the
workplace orientation
c. Decision-making process → Adaptation to the workplace orientation → Determining a need → Application search
and selection
d. Determining a need → Decision-making process → Application search and selection → Adaptation to the
workplace orientation

______ 18. Which among the following is true about internal recruitment?
a. It is filing job vacancies through promotions or transfers of employees who are already part of the organization.
b. It is the recruitment of employees who are fresh graduates.
c. It is the recruitment of employees from outside the country.
d. It is a method that considers outside sources in locating potential individuals and encouraging them to apply for
actual or anticipated job vacancies.

______ 19. Which of the following is NOT considered as a method of external recruitment?
a. Advertisement c. Employment Agencies
c. Employees referrals d. Promotions

______ 20. It takes charge of the management and custody of the organization’s funds, seeing to it that funds are effectively and
efficiently utilized
a. Human Resource Management c. Financial Management
b. Procurement Management d. ICT Management

______ 21. Its activities relate to the efficient use of machines, space, and personnel. It oversees the transformation process that
change resources into finished goods and services.
a. Human Resource Management c. Operations Management
b. ICT Management d. Financial Management

______ 22. Which of the following is one of the functions of operating management?
a. Estimates the capital requirements of a business.
b. Helping to design and develop products and services.
c. Encouraging commerce through internet use.
d. Stimulates demands for the products of the company.

______ 23. Which of the following is one of the functions of Information and Communication Technology Management?
a. Estimates the capital requirements of a business.
b. Helping to design and develop products and services.
c. Encouraging commerce through internet use.
d. Stimulates demands for the products of the company.

______ 24. This is the process of obtaining information about jobs needed to achieve the organization’s goals.
a. Job specification b. Job order c. Job analysis d. Part time job

______ 25. This is the actual sequence of activities that results in the production of goods and services that have values for customers.
a. Value chain b. Reengineering c. Productivity d. Value analysis

______ 26. This a financial policy which considers whether to follow a systematic pattern of earnings retention or dividend
a. Dividend policy b. Capital Structure policy c. Investment policy d. Dividends

______ 27. This is an electronic business which involves business to business (B2B) and business to customers (B2C) transactions.
a. Blogging b. E-commerce c. Digital marketing d. Auction online
______ 28. Which of the following is NOT an example of E-commerce platform?
a. Lazada b. Shoppee c. Amazon d. Youtube

______ 29. One of the important functions of material management that involves buying the equipment, materials, tools, parts etc. that
are required for an industry.
a. Store management c. Inventory Management
b. Material planning and control d. Purchasing

______ 30. The following shows the important functions of staffing, EXCEPT for one.
a. Fixing the Employment Standards c. Purchasing
b. Development d. Manpower Planning

______ 31. Which among the following is NOT an example of direct compensation?
a. Salary c. Commission
b. Incentive Pays d. Travels

______ 32. Which among the following is NOT an example of indirect compensation?
a. Educational benefits c. Travels
b. Health benefits d. Commission

______ 33. Which among the following is NOT an example of nonfinancial compensation?
a. Recognition Programs c. Convenient working hours
b. Ideal working environment d. Health Benefits

______ 34. Which of the following situations shows a consideration of the Expectancy Theory?
a. A factory manager sets 500 products quota for each employee per day.
b. Every employee of a restaurant is entitled to a free lunch.
c. Every employee in Hotel ABC is entitled to a paid leave once a month.
d. A manager tells her employees that every employee of the month will receive a cash prize.

______ 35. It is a basis for compensation when pay is computed according to the number of units produced.
a. Hourly Basis b. Weekly Basis c. Daily Basis d. Piecework Basis

______ 36. Which among the following does not cause an evaluation program to fail?
a. Employee’s job description is not properly evaluated by the evaluation questionnaire used
b. Bias exhibited by evaluators
c. Ambiguous terms used in the evaluation questionnaire
d. Adequate time for answering the evaluation forms

______ 37. Compute the leverage ratio of Janice’s food restaurant. Its total debt amounts to Php 600,000.00 while its total assets are at
Php 3,000,000.00
a. 5.00 b. 0.50 c. 0.20 d. 20.00

______ 38. What is the possible interpretation for the computed leverage ratio of Janice’s food restaurant in item no. 37?
a. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 5.00 debt. This means the debt is really high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may have a slow cash-in flow.
b. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 0.50 debt. This means the debt is somehow high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may have a good cash-in flow.
c. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 0.20 debt. This means the debt is not quite high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may have a solid cash-in flow.
d. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 20.00 debt. This means the debt is super high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may result in bankruptcy.

______ 39. Which description best describes what a finance person does?
a. Checks the pricing of products are suitable c. Contacts possible new customers
b. Plans and monitors budgets so the business does not lose money d. Installs new software

______ 40. Which among the following characteristics of a person shows achievement of the self-actualization in Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs?
a. Creativity b. Food and water c. Self-Esteem d. Friendship

______ 41. Which of the following is the correct order based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs starting from the most basic needs?
a. Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Self-actualization, Esteem
b. Physiological, Safety, Esteem, Self-Actualization, Love and Belonging
c. Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization, Physiological, Safety
d. Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization

______ 42. Mary’s management shows low concern for her employees and low concern for production or results. In what type of
leadership orientation does she belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Impoverished Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 43. Joey’s management shows low concern for his employees but high concern for production or results. In what type of
leadership orientation does he belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Perish Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 44. Henry’s management shows low concern for production or results but high concern for his employees. In what type of
leadership orientation does he belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Perish Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 45. Vanessa’s management shows high concern for her employees and high concern for production or results. In what type of
leadership orientation does he belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Perish Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 46. ABC Company is a growing construction business in the country. ABC’s balance sheet shows total assets of ₱ 20,000,000.
During the current year, ABC’s company had a net profit after taxes of ₱ 15,000,000. Compute ABC Company’s return on
investment for the current year.
a. 1.33 b. 0.025 c. 0.075 d. 0.75

______ 47. What is the possible interpretation for the computed ROI of the ABC company in item no. 46?
a. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱1.33 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company indicates
a very healthy return rate.
b. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱0.025 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company
indicates a slow and unhealthy return rate.
c. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱0.075 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company indicates
a slow and unhealthy return rate.
d. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱0.75 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company indicates
healthy return rate.

______ 48. Which among the following is not a requirement in applying for a sole proprietorship business?
a. Business Name Registration with the DTI
b. Submission of 2X2 ID Pictures
c. Submission of Filipino citizenship proofs
d. Submission of business plan

______ 49. Which among the following is not a requirement in applying for a partnership business?
a. Filing of the previously prepared partnership agreement by two or more applicants with the SEC
b. Payment of the filing fee
c. Evaluation of the application by the lawyer and staff of Corporate and Legal Department of the SEC
d. Submission of business plan

______ 50. Which among the following is not a requirement in applying for a corporation business?
a. Filing of the previously prepared articles of incorporation and by-laws and bank certification regarding
stockholder’s shares of stocks with the SEC.
b. Payment of the registration fee.
c. Evaluation of the application by the lawyer and staff of the Corporate and Legal Department of the SEC.
d. Submission of business plan

~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams
Prepared by:
Parent’s Signature and Date
Answers Key: SET A
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. D
16. B
17. B
18. A
19. D
20. C
21. C
22. B
23. C
24. C
25. A
26. A
27. B
28. D
29. D
30. C
31. D
32. D
33. D
34. D
35. D
36. D
37. C
38. C
39. B
40. A
41. D
42. C
43. C
44. A
45. D
46. D
47. D
48. D
49. D
50. D
Republic of the Philippines Set B
Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Pinabacdao II
School ID: 313723


Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Grade & Sec.: ______________________
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space
provided before the number.
______ 1. Marketing management “is essentially demand management”. Who said it?
a. Philip Kotler b. Ed Newman c. McCarthy d. William J. Stanton

______ 2. This term relates to the recruitment, selection, development, training and compensation of the managerial personnel.
a. Planning b. Organizing c. Leading d. Staffing

______ 3. The following facts clearly bring out the characteristics of staffing as a function of management, EXCEPT for one.
a. Separate Managerial Function c. Related to Human Beings
b. Not Essential at All Managerial Levels d. Related to Social Responsibility

______ 4. Which among the following shows the correct sequence in the hiring process?
a. Application search and selection → Decision-making process → Adaptation to the workplace orientation →
Determining a need
b. Determining a need → Application search and selection → Decision-making process → Adaptation to the
workplace orientation
c. Decision-making process → Adaptation to the workplace orientation → Determining a need → Application search
and selection
d. Determining a need → Decision-making process → Application search and selection → Adaptation to the
workplace orientation

______ 5. Which among the following is true about internal recruitment?

a. It is filing job vacancies through promotions or transfers of employees who are already part of the organization.
b. It is the recruitment of employees who are fresh graduates.
c. It is the recruitment of employees from outside the country.
d. It is a method that considers outside sources in locating potential individuals and encouraging them to apply for
actual or anticipated job vacancies.

______ 6. Which of the following is NOT considered as a method of external recruitment?

a. Advertisement c. Employment Agencies
c. Employees referrals d. Promotions

______ 7. It takes charge of the management and custody of the organization’s funds, seeing to it that funds are effectively and
efficiently utilized
a. Human Resource Management c. Financial Management
b. Procurement Management d. ICT Management

______ 8. Its activities relate to the efficient use of machines, space, and personnel. It oversees the transformation process that
change resources into finished goods and services.
a. Human Resource Management c. Operations Management
b. ICT Management d. Financial Management

______ 9. Which of the following is one of the functions of operating management?

a. Estimates the capital requirements of a business.
b. Helping to design and develop products and services.
c. Encouraging commerce through internet use.
d. Stimulates demands for the products of the company.

______ 10. Which of the following is one of the functions of Information and Communication Technology Management?
a. Estimates the capital requirements of a business.
b. Helping to design and develop products and services.
c. Encouraging commerce through internet use.
d. Stimulates demands for the products of the company.
______ 11. This is the process of obtaining information about jobs needed to achieve the organization’s goals.

a. Job specification b. Job order c. Job analysis d. Part time job

______ 12. Mary’s management shows low concern for her employees and low concern for production or results. In what type of
leadership orientation does she belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Impoverished Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 13. Joey’s management shows low concern for his employees but high concern for production or results. In what type of
leadership orientation does he belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Perish Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 14. Henry’s management shows low concern for production or results but high concern for his employees. In what type of
leadership orientation does he belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Perish Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 15. Vanessa’s management shows high concern for her employees and high concern for production or results. In what type of
leadership orientation does he belong?
a. Country Club Management c. Perish Management
b. Middle of the Road Management d. Team Management

______ 16. ABC Company is a growing construction business in the country. ABC’s balance sheet shows total assets of ₱ 20,000,000.
During the current year, ABC’s company had a net profit after taxes of ₱ 15,000,000. Compute ABC Company’s return on
investment for the current year.
a. 1.33 b. 0.025 c. 0.075 d. 0.75

______ 17. What is the possible interpretation for the computed ROI of the ABC company in item no. 46?
a. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱1.33 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company indicates
a very healthy return rate.
b. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱0.025 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company
indicates a slow and unhealthy return rate.
c. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱0.075 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company indicates
a slow and unhealthy return rate.
d. In every ₱1.00 she invested, she gained ₱0.75 in return. Depending on the economy, this ROI of ABC Company indicates
healthy return rate.

______ 18. Which among the following is not a requirement in applying for a sole proprietorship business?
a. Business Name Registration with the DTI
b. Submission of 2X2 ID Pictures
c. Submission of Filipino citizenship proofs
d. Submission of business plan

______ 19. Which among the following is not a requirement in applying for a partnership business?
a. Filing of the previously prepared partnership agreement by two or more applicants with the SEC
b. Payment of the filing fee
c. Evaluation of the application by the lawyer and staff of Corporate and Legal Department of the SEC
d. Submission of business plan

______ 20. Which among the following is not a requirement in applying for a corporation business?
a. Filing of the previously prepared articles of incorporation and by-laws and bank certification regarding
stockholder’s shares of stocks with the SEC.
b. Payment of the registration fee.
c. Evaluation of the application by the lawyer and staff of the Corporate and Legal Department of the SEC.
d. Submission of business plan

______ 21. Which of the following is NOT an example of E-commerce platform?

a. Lazada b. Shoppee c. Amazon d. Youtube

______ 22. One of the important functions of material management that involves buying the equipment, materials, tools, parts etc. that
are required for an industry.
a. Store management c. Inventory Management
b. Material planning and control d. Purchasing

_____ 23. The following shows the important functions of staffing, EXCEPT for one.
a. Fixing the Employment Standards c. Purchasing
b. Development d. Manpower Planning

______ 24. Which among the following is NOT an example of direct compensation?
a. Salary c. Commission
b. Incentive Pays d. Travels

______ 25. Which among the following is NOT an example of indirect compensation?
a. Educational benefits c. Travels
b. Health benefits d. Commission

______ 26. Which among the following is NOT an example of nonfinancial compensation?
a. Recognition Programs c. Convenient working hours
b. Ideal working environment d. Health Benefits

______ 27. Which of the following situations shows a consideration of the Expectancy Theory?
a. A factory manager sets 500 products quota for each employee per day.
b. Every employee of a restaurant is entitled to a free lunch.
c. Every employee in Hotel ABC is entitled to a paid leave once a month.
d. A manager tells her employees that every employee of the month will receive a cash prize.

______ 28. It is a basis for compensation when pay is computed according to the number of units produced.
a. Hourly Basis b. Weekly Basis c. Daily Basis d. Piecework Basis

______ 29. Which among the following does not cause an evaluation program to fail?
a. Employee’s job description is not properly evaluated by the evaluation questionnaire used
b. Bias exhibited by evaluators
c. Ambiguous terms used in the evaluation questionnaire
d. Adequate time for answering the evaluation forms

______ 30. Compute the leverage ratio of Janice’s food restaurant. Its total debt amounts to Php 600,000.00 while its total assets are at
Php 3,000,000.00
a. 5.00 b. 0.50 c. 0.20 d. 20.00

______ 31. What is the possible interpretation for the computed leverage ratio of Janice’s food restaurant in item no. 37?
a. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 5.00 debt. This means the debt is really high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may have a slow cash-in flow.
b. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 0.50 debt. This means the debt is somehow high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may have a good cash-in flow.
c. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 0.20 debt. This means the debt is not quite high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may have a solid cash-in flow.
d. In every ₱ 1 total asset of the company there is a ₱ 20.00 debt. This means the debt is super high in Janice’s Food
restaurant capital structure and may result in bankruptcy.

______ 32. Which description best describes what a finance person does?
a. Checks the pricing of products are suitable c. Contacts possible new customers
b. Plans and monitors budgets so the business does not lose money d. Installs new software

______ 33. Which among the following characteristics of a person shows achievement of the self-actualization in Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs?
a. Creativity b. Food and water c. Self-Esteem d. Friendship

______ 34. Which of the following is the correct order based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs starting from the most basic needs?
a. Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Self-actualization, Esteem
b. Physiological, Safety, Esteem, Self-Actualization, Love and Belonging
c. Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization, Physiological, Safety
d. Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization

______ 35. This is the actual sequence of activities that results in the production of goods and services that have values for customers.
a. Value chain b. Reengineering c. Productivity d. Value analysis
______ 36. This a financial policy which considers whether to follow a systematic pattern of earnings retention or dividend

a. Dividend policy b. Capital Structure policy c. Investment policy d. Dividends

______ 37. This is an electronic business which involves business to business (B2B) and business to customers (B2C) transactions.
a. Blogging b. E-commerce c. Digital marketing d. Auction online

______ 38. This organizational design has a few departments, wide spans of control, or a big number of subordinates directly
reporting to a manager.
a. Simple Organizational Design c. Divisional Organizational Design
b. Functional Organizational Design d. Team Organizational Design
______ 39. This organizational design is made up of workgroups that define team structures such as roles and responsibilities, and
they collaboratively identify working arrangements that allow their team to deliver on their purpose and goals.
a. Simple Organizational Design c. Matrix-Project Organizational Design
b. Functional Organizational Design d. Team Organizational Design
______ 40. It is the process of attracting, training, developing, and maintain an excellent work force.
a. Financial Management b. Human Resource Management
b. Information and Communication Technology Management d. Marketing Management
______ 41. Which among the following is not a strength of a Matrix-Project Organizational Design?
a. A specialist is involved in the project c. Increased communication efficiency
b. Increased management overhead costs d. Improved employee motivation
______ 42. Which of the following organizations is NOT an example of a Divisional Organization Design?
a. Parasanon National High School c. Local Government Unit
b. Health Centers d. Provincial Government
______ 43. It is the control that makes use of balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements to analyze and examine
financial statements.
a. Control Methods c. Strategic Control
b. Management Control d. Quantitative Control
______ 44. These are techniques used for measuring an organization’s financial stability, efficiency, effectiveness, production output,
and members’ attitude and morale.
a. Macroeconomic Environment c. Benchmarking
b. Strategic Control d. Control Methods
______45. A control method which refers to the overall control of performance instead of only those of specific organizational process.
a. Strategic Method c. Non-quantitative Method
b. Quantitative Method d. Management Method
______ 46. It is an approach or process of measuring a company’s services or practices against those of recognized leaders in the
industry to identify areas for improvement.
a. Strategic Benchmarking c. Operational Benchmarking
b. Management Benchmarking d. Benchmarking
______ 47. The following are all financial control ratios except ________.
a. Budget Ratio b. Leverage Ratio b. Profitability Ratio d. Activity Ratio
______ 48. Its activities relate to identifying customer needs and interpret this back to the enterprise for its business reaction.
a. Marketing Management c. Human Resource Management
b. Operations Management d. Procurement Management
______ 49. This functional management area is sometimes called personnel management.
a. Financial Management c. Human Resource Management
b. Marketing Management d. ICT Management
______ 50. Its activities involve innovation or change within the business organization and developing the organization’s hardware,
software, and other computing and communicating technology.
a. Human Resource Management c. Financial Management
b. ICT Management d. Marketing Management

~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams
Prepared by:
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. A
15. D
16. D
17. D
18. D
19. D
20. D
21. D
22. D
23. C
24. D
25. D
26. D
27. D
28. D
29. D
30. C
31. C
32. B
33. A
34. D
35. A
36. A
37. B
38. A
39. D
40. B
41. B
42. A
43. B
44. D
45. C
46. D
47. A
48. A
49. C
50. B

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