Test Questionnaire PracResearch2 Q2

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Republic of the Philippines Set B

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Pinabacdao II
School ID: 313723


Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Grade & Sec.: ______________________

DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space
provided before the number.
______ 1. What research design aims to determine a cause from already existing effects?
a. Descriptive Research Design c. Quasi-Experimental Research
b. Correlational Research Design d. Ex Post Facto Research
______ 2. What research design is often conducted in a controlled setting with corresponding research treatment?
a. Correlational c. Survey Research
b. Ex post facto d. Experimental
______ 3. What is the suited research design for this research title, “The Effects of Twitter on the Communication Etiquette of
a. Correlational c. Experimental
b. Ex post facto d. Descriptive
______ 4. Mr. Canuc would like to know further the type of social media used between the male and female SHS students of Parasanon
National High School. What is the appropriate research design to be used in his study?
a. Quasi-Experimental c. Experimental
b. Correlational d. Descriptive
______ 5. Based on item number 4, what appropriate statistical test should Mr. Canuc used to answer his research problem?
a. T-test for two dependent samples c. Chi-square
b. Spearman’s rho d. ANOVA
______ 6. What is the difference between quasi-experimental research and experimental research?
a. Only one dependent variable is used in experimental research, while multiple dependent variables can be
used in quasi-experimental research.
b. Intact groups are used in experimental, while quasi-experimental randomly assigned individuals into groups.
c. The researcher controls the intervention in the experimental group, but not quasi-experimental research.
d. Participants for groups are randomly selected in experimental, but not quasi-experimental research.
______ 7. What sampling technique is used when the researcher would like to consider giving an equal chance to the member of the
accessible population being selected as part of the study?
a. Simple Random Sampling c. Systematic Sampling
b. Stratified Sampling d. Cluster Sampling
______ 8. When can we consider a research sample as the “best”?
a. representative of the population c. conveniently represented
b. systematically chosen d. purposely selected
______ 9. What is the main objective of using stratified random sampling?
a. sample was chosen proportionately drawn from the different categories of the population
b. sample is taken from an accessible population than the target population
c. every individual will be given an equal chance to be selected
d. those who will possibly respond to treatment are chosen
______ 10. What is the sampling method used in the given situation? Teacher Joan wants to know if the new learning modalities of the
school effects on the academic performance of students in the science curriculum. He took the list of students and selected
every 8th name in each class list as participant.
a. Stratified Random Sampling c. Systematic Random Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling d. Cluster Sampling
______ 11. What is the type of validity when an instrument produces results similar to those of another instrument that will be
employed in the future?
a. Predictive Validity c. Content Validity
b. Criterion Validity d. Face Validity
______ 12. What is the type of reliability when measured by administering two tests identical in all aspects except the actual wording
of items?
a. Internal Consistency Reliability c. Equivalent Forms Reliability
b. Test-retest reliability d. Inter-rater Reliability
______ 13. The Ability Test has been proven to predict the writing skills of Senior High School students. What type of test validity is
shown in the example?
a. Construct Validity c. Content Validity
b. Predictive Validity d. Face Validity
______ 14. What common scaling technique consists of several declarative statements that express viewpoint on a topic?
a. Semantic Differential Scale c. Observation Checklist
b. Completion Type d. Likert Scale
______ 15. What statistical technique purposes to test the relationship between two continuous variables?
a. T-Test for two dependent samples c. Chi Square Test
b. T-Test for independent samples d. Pearson’s r
______ 16. What statistical technique should be used for this research question, “Is there a significant difference between the pretest
and posttest scores of learners in reading comprehension test?”
a. T-Test for two dependent samples c. Chi Square Test
b. T-Test for independent samples d. Pearson’s r
______ 17. “Effects of Type of Music to Aesthetic Performance of Ballet Dancers”, what is the appropriate research design for the given
a. Correlational c. Survey Research
b. Descriptive d. Experimental
______ 18. Which of the following statements is true about the conduct of experimental research?
a. There is no random assignment of individuals.
b. Individual subjects are randomly assigned.
c. Groups are exposed to presumed cause.
d. Intact groups are used.
______ 19. Why would a researcher choose to use Simple Random Sampling as a sampling technique?
a. To consider giving equal chance to the member of accessible population being selected as part of the study.
b. To make sure that all subcategories of the population are represented in the selection of sample.
c. To group the entire population into clusters since the location of the samples are widely spread.
d. To systematically choose samples from a given list of individuals.
______ 20. When can we consider a research sample as "best?"
a. representative of population c. conveniently represented
b. systematically chosen d. purposely selected
______ 21. Given that your study will use stratified random sampling, wherein population of your scope is 250 with a computed
sample size of 152, how many samples for each stratum will you have if group 1 has 92, group 2 has 86, and group 3 has
72 population?
a. Group 1 = 52, Group 2 = 54, Group 3 = 46 c. Group 1 = 52, Group 2 = 52, Group 3 = 44
b. Group 1 = 56, Group 2 = 45, Group 3 = 51 d. Group 1 = 54, Group 2 = 56, Group 3 = 41
______ 22. What indicator of a good research instrument when items are arranged from simple to complex?
a. Easily Tabulated c. Valid and Reliable
b. Sequential d. Concise
______ 23. What is the purpose of Pearson’s r as a statistical technique? To test the
a. difference between sets of data from different groups.
b. difference between two sets of data from one group.
c. degree of effect research intervention or treatment.
d. relationship between two continuous variables.
______ 24. What statistical technique should be used for this research problem, “You would like to determine the differences between
the opinions of men and women on the COVID – 19 local government response?”
a. T-Test for two dependent samples c. Two-way Chi-square
b. T-Test for independent samples d. Pearson’s r
______ 25. What is the aim Ex post facto research design?
a. determine a cause from already existing effects. c. observe and describe a phenomenon
b. establish cause and effect relationship d. identify association among variables
______ 26. What data collection method involves tracking of changes during specified time period?
a. Questionnaire b. Observation c. Interview d. Test

______ 27. Which of the following is defined as an action that the researcher will do to obtain appropriate data?
a. Data Interpretation c. Data Collection
b. Data Manipulation d. Data Analysis
______ 28. Which of these methods is the most expensive way to collect data per respondent?
a. Personal c. Phone Call/Text
b. Online d. Postal
______ 29. The following are guidelines before conducting an interview. Which one is not?
a. Check if your recording device worked well throughout the interview.
b. Choose a comfortable venue with the least number of distractions.
c. Prepare and rehearse your interview guide.
d. Decide on the duration of the interview.
______ 30. Which of the following should not be part of the informed consent form?
a. Name of Researchers and the Institution affiliated with
b. Name of Participants and the Institution affiliated with
c. Anonymity of the participants and their responses
d. Title of the study and purpose of the study
______ 31. Participant observation can be performed covertly. What does it imply?
a. Participants are not aware of the purpose of the observation.
b. Participants are aware of the purpose of the observation.
c. Participants are unmindful of the result of the research.
d. Participants are aware of the result of the research.
______ 32. Which of the following data processing techniques refers to ordering the data into a table?
a. Arrangement b. Tabulation c. Editing d. Coding

______ 33. Which graph uses vertical bars to represent data?

a. vertical graph b. pie chart c. line graph d. bar chart

______ 34. The guidance counselor of PNHS tabulated the data about Junior High School students’ daily absences and obtained the
average per day. The graph below shows the result of her tabulation. What is the best interpretation of the graph?

a. The graph shows that Friday has the highest recorded number of absences all throughout the school year.
b. PNHS students should undergo an intervention and participate in a “Time Management Seminar”.
c. The graph shows that students from PNHS are absentees.
d. The graph shows that only few students are absent daily.
______ 35. In which of the following situation does a Type I error occurs?
a. The null hypothesis is accepted when it is false.
b. The null hypothesis is accepted when it is true.
c. The null hypothesis is rejected when it is false.
d. The null hypothesis is rejected when it is true.
______ 36. Which of these is not a method of data collection?
a. Questionnaires b. Observations c. Experiments d. Interviews
______ 37. Which of the following is not considered part of descriptive statistic values?
a. Standard deviation b. Variance c. Pearson’s r d. Mean
______ 38. Which of the following is an unethical practice in research?
a. Informing participants that they are free to backout at any time
b. Requiring the participants to continue until the study is done
c. Assuring participants of confidentiality of gathered data
d. Securing informed consent
______ 39. Which one of the following is an advantage of using questionnaire?
a. It can encourage the participants to be open to the researchers since their identity can be made anonymous.
b. Some participants will not be able to complete the required responses
c. Questionnaires may lack depth of answers from participants.
d. Some will not be able to return the questionnaire on time
______ 40. What is a questionnaire?
a. It is a tool for data interpretation. c. It is a tool for data collection.
b. It is a tool for data evaluation. d. It is a tool for data analysis.
______ 41. If your research variables include students’ interest and Senior High School strand enrolled in, how will you write
your alternative hypothesis?
a. There is no relationship between the students’ interest and the SHS stand they are enrolled in.
b. The interest of students and the SHS strand they are enrolled in has no relationship.
c. The students’ interest has significant effect on the SHS strand they are enrolled in.
d. The students’ interest cannot affect the SHS strand they enrolled in.
______ 42. A group of students would like to know if spending time with a cat or dog decreases the amount of stress and
allows students to perform better on tests. Which of the following is an extraneous variable?
a. Student’s feeling towards the cat or dog c. Test scores of students
b. Amount of time spent with a cat or dog d. Amount of stress
______ 43. A research report states that Group A was exposed to a new teaching method and Group B was exposed to a
traditional method. At the end of four months, each group was given the same achievement test. Group A had a
mean score that was higher than the mean score for Group B. The dependent variable in this study was the _____.
a. achievement scores of the students c. type of teaching
b. motivation of the students d. length of the period of instruction
______ 44. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the importance of Quantitative Research?
a. It helps educators identify ways to improve learning
b. It helps improve crop production using safe organic fertilizers
c. It helps pharmaceutical companies explore safe and effective medicines
d. It helps understand victims of domestic violence perception of satisfaction
______ 45. "Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve at a higher level than those taught first aid by the
traditional method." The independent variable in this hypothesis is ____________
a. Students b. level of achievement c. programmed instruction d. method of instruction
______ 46. Which of the following research questions could be answered by using quantitative research methods?
a. What is the most popular social media platform used by Senior High School students?
b. How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected career choices among college students?
c. What are the factors affecting depressive behavior?
d. None of the above.
______ 47. Which of the following is a good research title?
a. Modules in Distance Learning c. The Use of Modules in the Distance Learning
b. Effectiveness of Modules in Distance Learning d. Distance Learning in Education in the Philippines
______ 48. Which of the following can be considered as a good title?
A. Vegetarianism C. Body, Health and Lifestyle Issues
B. Corona Virus Pandemic D. Portfolios: A Tool for Reflective Thinking in Teacher Education
______ 49. It is a reference done within the text/paragraph in the paper.
a. list of references b. in-text citation c. bibliography d. source
______ 50. In which kind of quantitative research does the topic belong?
“Determination of the degree of satisfaction of parents, teachers, and students on the online and modular blended
a. Correlational b. Quasi- experimental c. Descriptive d. Experimental

~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams

Prepared by:
Parent/Guardian’s Signature and Date
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. D
15. D
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. A
20. A
21. C
22. A
23. D
24. B
25. A
26. B
27. C
28. A
29. A
30. B
31. A
32. B
33. D
34. A
35. D
36. C
37. C
38. B
39. A
40. C
41. C
42. A
43. A
44. D
45. C
46. A
47. B
48. D
49. B
50. C
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Pinabacdao II
School ID: 313723


2nd SEMESTER – Second Quarter Examination

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Grade & Sec.: ______________________

DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space
provided before the number.
______ 1. What research design aims to determine a cause from already existing effects?
a. Descriptive Research Design c. Quasi-Experimental Research
b. Correlational Research Design d. Ex Post Facto Research
______ 2. What research design is often conducted in a controlled setting with corresponding research treatment?
a. Correlational c. Survey Research
b. Ex post facto d. Experimental
______ 3. What is the suited research design for this research title, “The Effects of Twitter on the Communication Etiquette of
a. Correlational c. Experimental
b. Ex post facto d. Descriptive
______ 4. Mr. Canuc would like to know further the type of social media used between the male and female SHS students of Parasanon
National High School. What is the appropriate research design to be used in his study?
a. Quasi-Experimental c. Experimental
b. Correlational d. Descriptive
______ 5. Based on item number 4, what appropriate statistical test should Mr. Canuc used to answer his research problem?
a. T-test for two dependent samples c. Chi-square
b. Spearman’s rho d. ANOVA
______ 6. What is the difference between quasi-experimental research and experimental research?
a. Only one dependent variable is used in quasi-experimental research, while multiple dependent variables can be
used in quasi-experimental research.
b. Intact groups are used in experimental, while quasi-experimental randomly assigned individuals into groups.
c. The researcher controls the intervention in the experimental group, but not quasi-experimental research.
d. Participants for groups are randomly selected in experimental, but not quasi-experimental research.
______ 7. What sampling technique is used when the researcher would like to consider giving an equal chance to the member of the
accessible population being selected as part of the study?
a. Simple Random Sampling c. Systematic Sampling
b. Stratified Sampling d. Cluster Sampling
______ 8. When can we consider a research sample as the “best”?
a. representative of the population c. conveniently represented
b. systematically chosen d. purposely selected
______ 9. What is the main objective of using stratified random sampling?
a. sample was chosen proportionately drawn from the different categories of the population
b. sample is taken from an accessible population than the target population
c. every individual will be given an equal chance to be selected
d. those who will possibly respond to treatment are chosen
______ 10. What is the sampling method used in the given situation? Teacher Joan wants to know if the new learning modalities of the
school effects on the academic performance of students in the science curriculum. He took the list of students and selected
every 8th name in each class list as participant.
a. Stratified Random Sampling c. Systematic Random Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling d. Cluster Sampling
______ 11. What is the type of validity when an instrument produces results similar to those of another instrument that will be
employed in the future?
a. Predictive Validity c. Content Validity
b. Criterion Validity d. Face Validity
______ 12. What is the type of reliability when measured by administering two tests identical in all aspects except the actual wording
of items?
a. Internal Consistency Reliability c. Equivalent Forms Reliability
b. Test-retest reliability d. Inter-rater Reliability
______ 13. The Ability Test has been proven to predict the writing skills of Senior High School students. What type of test validity is
shown in the example?
a. Construct Validity c. Content Validity
b. Criterion Validity d. Face Validity
______ 14. What common scaling technique consists of several declarative statements that express viewpoint on a topic?
a. Semantic Differential Scale c. Observation Checklist
b. Completion Type d. Likert Scale
______ 15. What statistical technique purposes to test the relationship between two continuous variables?
a. T-Test for two dependent samples c. Chi Square Test
b. T-Test for independent samples d. Pearson’s r
______ 16. What statistical technique should be used for this research question, “Is there a significant difference between the pretest
and posttest scores of learners in reading comprehension test?”
a. T-Test for two dependent samples c. Chi Square Test
b. T-Test for independent samples d. Pearson’s r
______ 17. “Effects of Type of Music to Aesthetic Performance of Ballet Dancers”, what is the appropriate research design for the given
a. Correlational c. Survey Research
b. Descriptive d. Experimental
______ 18. Which of the following statements is true about the conduct of experimental research?
a. There is no random assignment of individuals.
b. Individual subjects are randomly assigned.
c. Groups are exposed to presumed cause.
d. Intact groups are used.
______ 19. Why would a researcher choose to use Simple Random Sampling as a sampling technique?
a. To consider giving equal chance to the member of accessible population being selected as part of the study.
b. To make sure that all subcategories of the population are represented in the selection of sample.
c. To group the entire population into clusters since the location of the samples are widely spread.
d. To systematically choose samples from a given list of individuals.
______ 20. When can we consider a research sample as "best?"
a. representative of population c. conveniently represented
b. systematically chosen d. purposely selected
______ 21. Given that your study will use stratified random sampling, wherein population of your scope is 250 with a computed
sample size of 152, how many samples for each stratum will you have if group 1 has 92, group 2 has 86, and group 3 has
72 population?
a. Group 1 = 52, Group 2 = 54, Group 3 = 46 c. Group 1 = 52, Group 2 = 52, Group 3 = 44
b. Group 1 = 56, Group 2 = 45, Group 3 = 51 d. Group 1 = 54, Group 2 = 56, Group 3 = 41
______ 22. What indicator of a good research instrument when items are arranged from simple to complex?
a. Easily Tabulated c. Valid and Reliable
b. Sequential d. Concise
______ 23. What is the purpose of Pearson’s r as a statistical technique? To test the
a. difference between sets of data from different groups.
b. difference between two sets of data from one group.
c. degree of effect research intervention or treatment.
d. relationship between two continuous variables.
______ 24. What statistical technique should be used for this research problem, “You would like to determine the differences between
the opinions of men and women on the COVID – 19 local government response?”
a. T-Test for two dependent samples c. Two-way Chi-square
b. T-Test for independent samples d. Pearson’s r
______ 25. What is the aim Ex post facto research design?
a. determine a cause from already existing effects. c. observe and describe a phenomenon
b. establish cause and effect relationship d. identify association among variables
______ 26. What data collection method involves tracking of changes during specified time period?
a. Questionnaire b. Observation c. Interview d. Test
______ 27. Which of the following is defined as an action that the researcher will do to obtain appropriate data?
a. Data Interpretation c. Data Collection
b. Data Manipulation d. Data Analysis
______ 28. Which of these methods is the most expensive way to collect data per respondent?
a. Personal c. Phone Call/Text
b. Online d. Postal
______ 29. The following are guidelines before conducting an interview. Which one is not?
a. Check if your recording device worked well throughout the interview.
b. Choose a comfortable venue with the least number of distractions.
c. Prepare and rehearse your interview guide.
d. Decide on the duration of the interview.
______ 30. Which of the following should not be part of the informed consent form?
a. Name of Researchers and the Institution affiliated with
b. Name of Participants and the Institution affiliated with
c. Anonymity of the participants and their responses
d. Title of the study and purpose of the study
______ 31. Participant observation can be performed covertly. What does it imply?
a. Participants are not aware of the purpose of the observation.
b. Participants are aware of the purpose of the observation.
c. Participants are unmindful of the result of the research.
d. Participants are aware of the result of the research.
______ 32. Which of the following data processing techniques refers to ordering the data into a table?
a. Arrangement b. Tabulation c. Editing d. Coding

______ 33. Which graph uses vertical bars to represent data?

a. vertical graph b. pie chart c. line graph d. bar chart

______ 34. The guidance counselor of PNHS tabulated the data about Junior High School students’ daily absences and obtained the
average per day. The graph below shows the result of her tabulation. What is the best interpretation of the graph?

a. The graph shows that Friday has the highest recorded number of absences all throughout the school year.
b. PNHS students should undergo an intervention and participate in a “Time Management Seminar”.
c. The graph shows that students from PNHS are absentees.
d. The graph shows that only few students are absent daily.
______ 35. In which of the following situation does a Type I error occurs?
a. The null hypothesis is accepted when it is false.
b. The null hypothesis is accepted when it is true.
c. The null hypothesis is rejected when it is false.
d. The null hypothesis is rejected when it is true.
______ 36. Which of these is not a method of data collection?
a. Questionnaires b. Observations c. Experiments d. Interviews
______ 37. Which of the following is not considered part of descriptive statistic values?
a. Standard deviation b. Variance c. Pearson’s r d. Mean
______ 38. Which of the following is an unethical practice in research?
a. Informing participants that they are free to backout at any time
b. Requiring the participants to continue until the study is done
c. Assuring participants of confidentiality of gathered data
d. Securing informed consent
______ 39. Which one of the following is an advantage of using questionnaire?
a. It can encourage the participants to be open to the researchers since their identity can be made anonymous.
b. Some participants will not be able to complete the required responses
c. Questionnaires may lack depth of answers from participants.
d. Some will not be able to return the questionnaire on time
______ 40. What is a questionnaire?
a. It is a tool for data interpretation. c. It is a tool for data collection.
b. It is a tool for data evaluation. d. It is a tool for data analysis.
______ 41. If your research variables include students’ interest and Senior High School strand enrolled in, how will you write
your alternative hypothesis?
a. There is no relationship between the students’ interest and the SHS stand they are enrolled in.
b. The interest of students and the SHS strand they are enrolled in has no relationship.
c. The students’ interest has significant effect on the SHS strand they are enrolled in.
d. The students’ interest cannot affect the SHS strand they enrolled in.
______ 42. A group of students would like to know if spending time with a cat or dog decreases the amount of stress and
allows students to perform better on tests. Which of the following is an extraneous variable?
a. Student’s feeling towards the cat or dog c. Test scores of students
b. Amount of time spent with a cat or dog d. Amount of stress
______ 43. A research report states that Group A was exposed to a new teaching method and Group B was exposed to a
traditional method. At the end of four months, each group was given the same achievement test. Group A had a
mean score that was higher than the mean score for Group B. The dependent variable in this study was the _____.
a. achievement scores of the students c. type of teaching
b. motivation of the students d. length of the period of instruction
______ 44. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the importance of Quantitative Research?
a. It helps educators identify ways to improve learning
b. It helps improve crop production using safe organic fertilizers
c. It helps pharmaceutical companies explore safe and effective medicines
d. It helps understand victims of domestic violence perception of satisfaction
______ 45. "Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve at a higher level than those taught first aid by the
traditional method." The independent variable in this hypothesis is ____________
a. Students b. level of achievement c. programmed instruction d. method of instruction
______ 46. Which of the following research questions could be answered by using quantitative research methods?
a. What is the most popular social media platform used by Senior High School students?
b. How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected career choices among college students?
c. What are the factors affecting depressive behavior?
d. None of the above.
______ 47. Which of the following is a good research title?
a. Modules in Distance Learning c. The Use of Modules in the Distance Learning
b. Effectiveness of Modules in Distance Learning d. Distance Learning in Education in the Philippines
______ 48. Which of the following can be considered as a good title?
A. Vegetarianism C. Body, Health and Lifestyle Issues
B. Corona Virus Pandemic D. Portfolios: A Tool for Reflective Thinking in Teacher Education
______ 49. It is a reference done within the text/paragraph in the paper.
a. list of references b. in-text citation c. bibliography d. source
______ 50. In which kind of quantitative research does the topic belong?
“Determination of the degree of satisfaction of parents, teachers, and students on the online and modular blended
a. Correlational b. Quasi- experimental c. Descriptive d. Experimental

~~~~~~~~~ Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venus Williams
Prepared by:
Parent/Guardian’s Signature and Date

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