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Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

Dynamic analysis of steel frames with flexible connections

Miodrag Sekulovic *, Ratko Salatic, Marija Nefovska
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Received 1 June 2001; accepted 14 February 2002

This paper deals with the effects of flexibility and damping in the nodal connections on the dynamic behavior of
plane steel frames. A flexible eccentric connection is idealized by nonlinear rotational spring and dashpot in parallel.
Thus, the effects of viscous and hysteretic damping on dynamic response of frame structures are taken into consid-
eration. A numerical model that includes both nonlinear connection behavior and geometric nonlinearity of the
structure is developed. The complex dynamic stiffness matrix for the beam with flexible connections and linear viscous
dampers at its ends is obtained. Several examples are included to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of the present
model. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Steel frame; Semi-rigid connection; Nonlinear dynamic analysis

1. Introduction nonlinear behavior of connections have been formulated

and broadly used in research practice [8–11].
The conventional methods of analysis and design of So far, most experimental and theoretical work is
frame structures are based on the assumption that the limited to static analysis of steel frames with flexible
joint connections are either fully rigid or ideally pinned. connections. Very few papers have been devoted to the
The models with ideal connections simplify analysis dynamic analysis although the flexibility of connections
procedure, but often cannot represent real structural with energy dissipation has a great influence on dy-
behavior. Therefore, this idealization is not adequate as namic behavior of these types of structures. Under cy-
all types of connections are more or less, flexible or semi- clic loads, the connection hysteresis loop increases the
rigid. It is proved by numerous experimental investiga- energy absorption capacity and hysteretic damping may
tions that have been carried out in the past [1–4]. significantly reduce dynamic response of real structures.
Based on experimental study due to static monotonic Therefore, modelling of the nodal connection is impor-
loading tests for various types of connections, many tant for the design and accuracy in the dynamic frame
models have been done to approximate the connection structure analysis. However, as the experimental data
behavior. The simplest one is the linear model that has for the connection behavior under cyclic loading are
been widely used for its simplicity [5–7]. However, this rather poor, it is difficult to make corresponding math-
model is good only for the low level loads, when the ematical model. The experiments carried out by Popov
connection moment is quite small. In each other case, and coworkers [12–16] and also in Refs. [17,18] show
when the connection rigidity may rapidly decrease that the hysteresis loops under repeated and reversed
compared with its initial value, a nonlinear model is loading are very stable, so the moment–rotation func-
necessary. Several mathematical models to describe the tions obtained by static tests can be extended to the
dynamic analysis.
The dynamic analysis of frames with flexible con-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +381-11-3218552; fax: +381- nections using linear moment–rotation relationship has
11-3370223. been studied in several papers [19–21]. Kawashima and
E-mail address: (M. Sekulovic). Fujimoto [20] obtained the complex dynamic stiffness

0045-7949/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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936 M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

matrix for a uniform beam element with linear rota- are the same as for the system with rigid connections.
tional springs and dashpots at its ends. The influence of Besides, the consistent mass and damping matrices
the flexibility and eccentricity in the connections on are derived. These matrices are based on the physical
dynamic behavior of plane frames within the linear properties of the member and given in an explicit
theory was investigated by Suarez et al. [21]. Although form. The present matrices are more general than the
the linear constitutive model of nodal connections is corresponding matrices previously obtained by other
very easy to use, it is inadequate in the term that it is authors.
applicable only to a small range of the initial rotations Energy dissipation exists in frame structures under
and because it cannot represent hysteretic damping to be dynamic loads. The primary sources of energy dissipa-
a primary source of passive damping in the frame tion, is known, may be hysteretic behavior of connec-
structures. A bilinear moment–rotation function, which tions and the friction between elements forming the
is also accurate only for a small rotation range, was used beam–column assemblage. In addition, different types of
by Sivekumaran [22] and Yousef-Agha et al. [23]. The energy dissipation devices can be installed into connec-
effect of hysteretic damping resulting from the nonlinear tions in order to increase the structural energy absorp-
flexible connection on the dynamic response of the frame tion capacity. For this reason, in the present model, the
was studied by Shi and Altury [24]. They developed a total energy dissipation is confided to the joint connec-
numerical model based on the complementary energy tions. Two types of energy dissipation are assumed.
approach using the Ang and Morise [6] function for the They are: hysteretic damping due to nonlinear behavior
moment–rotation relations at connections. Chan and of connections and viscous damping at the connections.
Ho [25] proposed a numerical method for linear and In general, the effects of these dampings are coupled.
nonlinear vibration analysis of frame with semi-rigid Also, they can be considered separately using either
connections. They adapted the conventional cubic linear constitutive relation for the connections or zero
Hermitian shape functions for a uniform beam with end value for the viscous damping coefficients at the con-
springs and derived the element matrices using the nections. As it is assumed that all structural elements,
principle of total potential energy. The influence of both except the connections, remain elastic through the whole
hysteretic and viscous damping at connections on seis- loading range, the energy dissipation at plastic hinges
mic response of the steel frames was considered by cannot be observed. Also, energy dissipation due to ra-
Sekulovic et al. [26]. The combined effects of material diation damping at the supports is not included in this
yielding and connection flexibility in static and dynamic consideration. The other types of energy dissipation that
problems have been discussed in detail by Chan and may exist in real frame structures can be included in the
Chui [36]. Several nonlinear flexible connection models present model in the usual way, by mass and stiffness
under cyclic loading were established in the past decade proportional damping matrix.
[27–30]. Based on theoretical problem formulation, a com-
The present study is an extension of the author’s puter program was developed in order to increase dy-
previous work [31], regarding static analysis of flexibly namic analysis efficiency and design of steel frames. A
joint frames, on a more general case of the dynamic parametric study has been performed in order to esti-
analysis. Two types of nonlinearities are considered: mate the influence of nonlinear connection flexibility
geometric nonlinearity of the structure and material and viscous damping at connections on the frame dy-
(constitutive) nonlinearity of the connections. These namic (seismic) response. The present numerical model
nonlinearities are interactive. The eccentricity of the is restricted to 2D frame systems. It can be extended on
connections is also considered. To describe the nonlinear a more general case of 3D analysis without difficulty.
behavior of the connection under cyclic loading, the Besides, the proposed beam element can be easily
independent hardening model is used. So, the effect of incorporated into existing commercial programs for
hysteretic damping on dynamic behavior of the structure structural analysis.
is directly included through the connection constitutive
relation. Moreover, the influence of viscous damping at
connections on dynamic response of frame structures is 2. Formulation of structural element
considered. For a uniform beam with rotational springs
and dashpots attached at its ends the complex dynamic A beam element with flexible, eccentric and viscous
stiffness matrix is obtained. The stiffness matrix has been damping connections is shown in Fig. 1. The flexible
obtained based on analytical solutions of governing connections are represented by nonlinear rotational
differential equations second order analysis, so that each springs at beam ends. Thus, only the influence of
beam represents one element. Nodal displacements and bending moment on the connection deformation is
rotations are chosen as the primary unknowns, while considered, while the influences of axial and shear forces
displacements and rotations of the element ends are are neglected. The connection spring element is assumed
eliminated. Thus, the number of degrees of freedom massless and dimensionless in size. The eccentricity is
M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955 937
2 3
0 De1 0 0
16 g g22 g23 g24 7
G¼ 6 21 7; ð2cÞ
D4 0 0 0 De2 5
g41 g42 g43 g44

denoting the matrix of interpolation functions obtained

based on the analytical solutions of the second order
analysis equations [32], the nodal displacement vector
and the correction matrix, respectively. Interpolation
functions Ni ðxÞ, i ¼ 1; . . . ; 4 and elements of correction
matrix G are given in Appendix A.
Stiffness matrix for the beam element with flexible
eccentric connection is obtained through the total po-
tential energy, that can be written as

U ¼ Ua þ Uf þ Us ; ð3Þ

EI 2 4
Ua ¼ k l; ð4aÞ
Z l
Uf ¼ v2;xx dx; ð4bÞ
2 0
Fig. 1. A beam with flexible, eccentric and viscous damping
connections. X
Us ¼ ci a2i ; ð4cÞ

modelled by short infinitely stiff elements whose lengths denoting strain energy of the beam, axial (Ua ) and
are e1 and e2 . The linear viscous damping at nodal flexural (Uf ) and strain energy of the springs (Us ). Strain
connections are modelled by dashpots acting at beam energy due to axial deformation and bending are cou-
ends. pled since parameter k 2 includes derivatives of both axial
and lateral displacements [31]. With the assumption that
2.1. Stiffness matrix and nodal force vector k 2 ¼ const., these two part of the strain energy can be
expressed independently. Thus, after substituting Eq. (1)
The stiffness matrix and the nodal force vector for the into Eq. (4b) the following can be obtained:
flexible eccentric beam have been represented in a pre- Uf ¼ 12qT ðkII þ kef Þq; ð5Þ
vious work by the authors [31]. It will be briefly sum-
marized herein. Joint displacements and rotations are where matrices kII and kef are defined as
the primary unknowns, while displacements and rota- Z lh i
tions of the beam ends can be eliminated as has been kII ¼ EI ðN00 ðxÞÞT N00 ðxÞ dx; ð6aÞ
shown in [31]. Thus, the number of degrees of freedom is
the same as for the beam element with fully rigid con-
nections. Consequently, the function describing lateral kef ¼ GT kII þ kII G þ GT kII G; ð6bÞ
displacement vðxÞ for the element with flexible eccentric denoting beam stiffness matrix with the rigid connec-
connections can be written in the usual way by inter- tions according to the second order analysis and cor-
polation function matrix and nodal displacements vector rection matrix that accounts for the effects of flexibility
as: and eccentricity, respectively. Analytical expression for
e ðxÞq; the elements of matrix kII and the appropriate expan-
vðxÞ ¼ NðxÞðI þ GÞq ¼ N ð1Þ
sions in the power series form, convenient for the nu-
merical analysis, are given by Goto and Chen [33].
The simplified form of this matrix, corresponding to
NðxÞ ¼ ½ N1 ðxÞ N2 ðxÞ N3 ðxÞ N4 ðxÞ ; ð2aÞ the linearized second order analysis, can also be used. In
that case, the stiffness matrix has the form
qT ¼ f v1 u1 v2 u2 g; ð2bÞ kII ¼ k0 þ kg ; ð7Þ
938 M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

where k0 is the conventional stiffness matrix and kg is the 2.3. Complex dynamic stiffness matrix
geometric stiffness matrix of the uniform beam. In this
case, the simplified form of the matrix G, with functions Apart from nonlinear rotational springs, rotational
/i , i ¼ 1; . . . ; 4, are replaced by 1.0, can be used. viscous dashpots are attached at beam ends, as shown in
The strain energy of the springs can be expressed in Fig. 1. The total moment at each nodal connection
the form (i ¼ 1, 2) can be given in terms of relative rotation h
between beam end and column face and relative angular
Us ¼ 12qT ks q; ð8Þ velocity h_ðtÞ as:

where Mi ðtÞ ¼ ki hi ðtÞ þ ci h_i ðtÞ; i ¼ 10 ; 20 ; ð15Þ

T where ki and ci are rotational spring stiffness and rota-
ks ¼ G CG: ð9Þ
tional viscous damping coefficients, while dot over the
The explicit form of matrices G and C can be found in symbols denotes differentiation with respect to time. The
[31]. From Eqs. (5) and (8) the total strain energy due to tangent or secant form of the above relation may be
the bending for the beam with flexible and eccentric written if nonlinear springs and/or dashpots are con-
connections can now be written as: sidered. In the case of periodic response with circular
frequency x the following relation between the ampli-
U ¼ Uf þ Us ¼ 12qT ðkII þ kef þ ks Þq: ð10Þ tudes may be derived:

The equivalent generalized end force vector due to Mið0Þ ¼ ki h_ið0Þ ; i ¼ 10 ; 20 ; ð16Þ
distributed loads along the beam pðxÞ is obtained in the
where complex flexural stiffness ki of the connection is
usual maner:
defined as the ratio between moment and relative rota-
Z l Z l tion amplitudes:
Q¼ e T ðxÞ dx ¼ ðI þ GÞT pðxÞNT ðxÞ dx: ð11Þ
pðxÞ N
0 0 Mi ðtÞ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ki ¼ ¼ ki þ jxci ; j¼ 1; ð17aÞ
hi ðtÞ
Components of the vector Q, for some simple load
distributions and temperature change are given in the
hi ðtÞ ¼ hið0Þ ejxt : ð17bÞ
closed form in [32]. In general case, elements of the
vector Q are computed numerically. The beam end force vector RðtÞ can be expressed in
qðtÞ and relative
terms of the end displacement vector 
2.2. Element mass matrix end rotation vector hðtÞ as:

Assuming that the mass density q is constant, the RðtÞ ¼ kf

qðtÞ hðtÞg; ð17aÞ
element consistent mass matrix m can be formulated as: where
m ¼ qN e T ðxÞ N
e ðxÞ dx; ð12Þ RðtÞ ¼ f T 1 ðtÞ M 1 ðtÞ T 2 ðtÞ M 2 ðtÞ g; ð18Þ

e ðxÞ is the matrix of modified shape functions qðtÞ ¼ f v1 ðtÞ u

  1 ðtÞ v2 ðtÞ u
 2 ðtÞ g; ð19Þ
where N
defined by Eq. (1). After substitution of Eq. (1) into Eq.
(12), the consistent element mass matrix, for the uniform hT ðtÞ ¼ f 0 h1 ðtÞ 0 h2 ðtÞ g; ð20Þ
beam with flexible eccentric connections, can be written are end force vector, end displacement vector and rela-
as: tive end rotation vector of the member respectively (Fig.
m ¼ m0 þ mef ; ð13Þ 1), while k is the classical or the second order flexural
stiffness matrix of a uniform beam, that depends on the
where type of analysis.
Z After the elimination of relative end rotation vector
m0 ¼ qNT ðxÞNðxÞ dx; ð14aÞ hðtÞ, Eq. (17a) transforms to:
RðtÞ ¼ k qðtÞ; ð20Þ

mef ¼ GT m0 þ m0 G þ GT m0 G: ð14bÞ where

 ¼ ðI
k SÞT kðI s S ¼ k þ k1 þ k2 ;
SÞ þ ST k ð21aÞ
In the above relations, m0 denotes conventional mass
matrix for the beam element and mef denotes the mass
correction matrix. k1 ¼ kS ST k; ð21bÞ
M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955 939

k2 ¼ ST ðk þ KÞS; ð21cÞ

qðtÞ ¼ qð0Þ ejxt :


The explicit forms of matrices k1 and k2 are given in

Appendix A. The matrix S can be obtained from matrix
G putting e1 ¼ e2 ¼ 0, and it can be found in Appendix
A. The matrix k is a complex flexural stiffness matrix of
uniform beam with flexible connection according to the
linear or second order analysis, including both flexible
and viscous phenomena. The elements of this matrix
corresponding to the linear analysis are given in Ap-
pendix A.
Expanding the elements of the dynamic stiffness ma- Fig. 2. Relationship between coefficient ci and modal pseudo-
trix in series with respect to the circular frequency x and relative damping factor 1i .
neglecting higher terms than the third order, the fol-
lowing expansion is obtained in the decomposed form: The corresponding pseudo-damping factor 1i is:
2 ei
k ¼ k þ jxc x m; ð22Þ
1i ¼ : ð25Þ
where k is the static stiffness matrix; c, the damping
matrix and m, the mass matrix for the uniform beam Based on the parametric study, the relationship between
with flexible springs and dashpots at its ends. coefficient ci of viscous damping in joints and modal
It should be noted that if neither eccentricities nor pseudo-relative damping factor 1i for i mode shape can
springs and dashpots are present, the matrix k trans- be obtained, and the corresponding curve is presented in
forms to the classical beam element flexural stiffness Fig. 2.
matrix k0 . The matrix c is consistent element damping
matrix, which is based on physical properties of the
member. The elements of the matrix c and matrix m for 3. Semi-rigid connection modelling
a uniform beam according to the linear analysis are
provided in Appendix A. Numerous experimental results have shown that the
The proposed viscous damping at beam ends causes connection moment–rotation relationships are nonlinear
that viscously damped system does not satisfy Caughey over the entire range of loading for almost all types of
and O’Kelly’s condition [34]. The response of a multi- connections. To describe connection behavior, different
degree-of-freedom system cannot be expressed as a lin- mathematical models have been proposed. In this study,
ear combination of its corresponding modal responses. the three parameter power model proposed by Richard
So, the system is nonclassically damped and it generally and Abbott [8] and Kishi et al. [27] is used to represent
has complex valued natural modes. It is necessary to moment–rotation behavior of the connection under
elucidate physical interpretation of solutions represented monotonic loading. This model can be formulated as:
by complex conjugate pairs of characteristic values. In
order to establish the relationship between coefficient ci k0 h
M¼ ; ð26Þ
of viscous damping in joints and modal relative damping ½1 þ ðh=h0 Þn 1=n
factor fk for k mode shape, a specific procedure has been
established. where k0 initial connection stiffness; n, the shape pa-
Provided that the amount of damping in the system is rameter; h0 ¼ Mu =k0 , the reference plastic rotation and
not very high, the characteristic values occur in complex Mu , the ultimate moment capacity. Accordingly to Eq.
conjugate pairs with either negative or zero real parts. (26), M–h functions for the two types of connection
Let ki and ki be a pair of characteristic values defined by: (double web angle (DWA), top and seat angle with
double web angle (TSDWA)) are shown in Fig. 3a. The
ki ¼ ei þ jxdi ; ð23aÞ first of these connections are rather weak and the second
is relatively stiff. The details of these connections can be
ki ¼ ei jxdi : ð23bÞ found in Ref. [35].
The independent hardening model was adopted to
Further, let x  di be the modulus of ki , i.e.:
simulate the inelastic connection behavior under cyclic
loading. In this model, the characteristics of connec-
 di ¼ e2i þ x2di :
x ð24Þ
tions are assumed to be unchanged through the loading
940 M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

in which c M is the mass matrix, C b is viscous damping

matrix and K b is static stiffness matrix for the system of
structural elements. The time dependent vectors U €, U
and U are the relative node accelerations, velocities and
displacements respectively, while the vectors F and U €g
are externally applied loads and ground accelerations.
The equations of motions are integrated using step-by-
step integration, with a constant acceleration assump-
tion within any step.
To solve the nonlinear equations, that are nonlinear
in terms of the displacements as well as the axial force,
secant stiffness method is used. This method is very
simple in computer implementation and also gives con-
vergent solutions for design loadings. In each time step,
the load increment DF or DU € g is divided into a few
smaller subincrements (Fig. 4) and iterative procedures
are employed. The iterative algorithm is based on eval-
uating secant stiffness matrix, which depends on the
stiffness of connections, represented by slope of its mo-
ment–rotation curve at any particular moment value.
The convergence is obtained when the differences be-

Fig. 3. (a) Three parameter power model and (b) independent

hardening model.

cycles. The moment–rotation curve under the first cycle

of loading unloading and reverse loading remain un-
changed under the repetititon of loading cycles. The
skeleton curve used in the model was obtained from
three parameter power model. The cyclic moment–
rotation curve based on this model is schematically
shown in Fig. 3b. The independent hardening model is
simple and easily applicable to all types of steel frames
connection models. More information about this model
can be found in Refs. [35,36].

4. Numerical procedures

The equations of motion of a frame subjected to

dynamic loading can be written in the following form:
€ þC b U ¼ F;
_ þK ð27Þ

Fig. 4. Secant stiffness method in a case of nonlinear connec-
€ þC bU ¼
_ þK c
MU€ g; ð28Þ tion behavior.
M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955 941

tween two consecutive cycles displacements at all joints

reach the prescribed tolerance. The current connection
stiffness becomes the starting connection stiffness for the
next load subincrement. The convergent solutions for all
load subincrements are accumulated to obtain the total
nonlinear response within time step.

5. Numerical examples

Based on the above theoretical considerations, a

computer program has been developed and dynamic
analysis of plane frames with different number of stories
and bays, as well as different types of connections and
loads, has been performed. For illustration, only some
typical results are presented herein.

5.1. Ten-storey single bay frame

Ten-storey single bay plane steel frame 40.00 m high

and 8.00 m wide has been analyzed. The geometrical and
material properties of this frame are shown in Fig. 5.
Two types of semi-rigid beam-to-column connections
(TSDWA and DWA) with both linear and nonlinear
moment–rotation relations were considered. For com-
parison the same frame with rigid joints was analyzed.
Linear (first order) and a geometrically nonlinear (sec-
ond order) analyses of the frame were carried out for all Fig. 5. Layout and properties of single-bay ten-storey frame
aforementioned connection types. The results of linear investigated.
and nonlinear analyses of the frame with fully rigid
joints obtained by this study have been compared with
the corresponding results obtained by the known soft- tor) is shown in Fig. 6. The natural frequencies are
ware package SAP 2000 [37]. These two sets of results normalized by dividing their values by the frequencies
are quite close to each other. For the semi-rigid type obtained for the frame with rigid joints and fixity factors
connections database developed by Chen and Kishi [38] are defined as:
was used. The following examples include vibration and  
3EI ci
transient analysis of steel frame shown in Fig. 5, if ki0 ¼ ; ð29Þ
l 1 ci
subjected to uniform and seismic ground excitations.
where ki0 is initial connection stiffness that varies from 0
5.1.1. Natural frequencies in the case of pinned connection to 1 for the case of
The natural frequencies and the corresponding peri- fully rigid connection and ci is fixity factor whose values
ods for the first three modes are determined for the cases are normalized form 0 to 1.
of fully rigid and linear semi-rigid connection (DWA, As seen in Fig. 6, the connection flexibility has a sig-
TSDWA) and shown in Table 1. The change in natural nificant influence on variation of the natural frequencies
frequencies due to variation of joint stiffness (fixity fac- particularly on the lower frequencies. This fact can be

Table 1
Natural frequencies of the frame investigated
Type of Natural frequencies (rad/s) Periods (s)
connection First mode Second mode Third mode First mode Second mode Third mode
Rigid 6.328 17.523 31.116 0.993 0.359 0.202
TSDWA 5.727 16.088 28.611 1.097 0.391 0.220
DWA 4.647 13.519 24.247 1.352 0.465 0.259
942 M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

5.1.2. Transient analysis

The transient displacement analysis of the frame
shown in Fig. 5 has been performed for the two cases of
ground motions: two steps sudden acceleration and an
earthquake excitation. Gravitational loads are also in-
cluded and they are considered as additional lumped
masses at the beam nodes.

5.1.3. Two-steps ground acceleration

The frame is assumed to be subjected to the sudden
discontinuous two-steps uniform ground acceleration
shown in Fig. 10. The transient response analysis of the
frame with various connection types according to the
first order and second order analyses has been carried
out. Characteristic results of the lateral displacements
and accelerations at the top of frame as well as bending
moments and shear forces at the base of the frame for
the various types of connections are presented in Table
2. The effects of viscous damping at joint connections on
Fig. 6. The influence on connection flexibility on the natural the deflection and internal forces of the frame are also
frequencies. included. The envelopes of lateral displacement and
shear force of the frame with various connection types
according to the first order and second order analyses
very important for seismic analysis of frame structures, are plotted in Figs. 8 and 9.
as the lower modes may generally have the principal in- It can be seen from Table 2 and Figs. 8 and 9 that the
fluence on seismic response of buildings. frame with semi-rigid connections has a larger lateral
Fig. 7 shows the influence of eccentricity beam- displacements, but smaller shear forces when compared
to-column connection on the variation of natural with the fully rigid connection. These differences in-
frequencies. It can be seen that the eccentricity of con- crease with decrease in the connection stiffness. Conse-
nections may have a practical influence depending on quently, the difference in maximum displacement at the
the type and size of the connection. top of the frame with rigid joints and semi-rigid type of
joints are (in percent): 15.1 and 48.6 for linear or 19.1
and 64.0 for nonlinear types of TSDWA and DWA
connections, respectively. The differences (in percent) in
the shear forces at the base of the frame are: 3.9 and 13.2
for linear or 5.5 and 20.9 for nonlinear types of TSDWA
and DWA connections, respectively.
It is obvious that there is a significant difference be-
tween the results obtained for the frame with rigid joints
and the frames with semi-rigid (DWA and TSDWA)
connections especially in the case of the weak connec-
tions type (DWA).
The time histories of the lateral displacements at the
left top node of the frame with various connection types
according to the first order and second order analyses
are plotted in Fig. 10. It can be seen from Fig. 10 that
the frame with nonlinear connections has longer am-
plitudes and period when compared with the rigid joint
case. The displacement amplitudes and period increase
with a decrease in joint stiffness. They are longer in
DWA connection case than in the TSDWA connection
case. Besides, the nonlinear connections dampen and
produced nonrecoverable deflection due to the presence
Fig. 7. The influence of connection eccentricity on the natural of permanent deformations at connections. On the
frequencies. contrary, the frame with either fully rigid and linear
M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955 943

Table 2
Maximum displacements and internal forces of frame investigated
Type of Maximum displacement Maximum bending mo- Maximum shear force of Maximum acceleration
connec- of node A (cm) ment of node B (kN m) node B (kN) of node A (m/s2 )
tions First order Second order First order Second order First order Second order First order Second order
Present 2.84 3.10 161.16 166.59 58.00 55.86 0.863 0.736
SAP2000 2.85 3.10 161.50 166.60 58.13 55.81 0.905 0.953
Linear 3.27 3.58 164.33 174.39 53.39 51.98 1.23 1.31
Linear 2.96 3.24 154.49 162.27 50.26 48.47 0.696 0.767
c ¼ 50; 000
Nonlinear 3.38 3.66 166.39 176.23 52.43 50.39 1.05 1.13
Nonlinear 3.00 3.30 153.66 161.98 48.10 45.95 0.673 0.709
c ¼ 50; 000
Linear 4.22 4.60 178.02 182.67 47.59 42.61 1.38 0.712
Linear 2.96 3.46 137.93 153.12 37.64 36.34 0.475 0.479
c ¼ 50; 000
Nonlinear 4.66 5.66 177.51 203.79 40.03 34.95 0.705 0.765
Nonlinear 3.68 5.36 150.98 192.86 35.58 34.45 0.460 0.465
c ¼ 50; 000

Fig. 8. Lateral displacement envelopes (a) and shear force envelopes (b) according to the first order analysis.

connection types produces no hysteretic damping. Fig. magnifies the aforementioned nonlinear effects on the
10 shows also that the second order analysis further frame deflection response.
944 M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

Fig. 9. Lateral displacement envelopes (a) and shear force envelopes (b) according to the second order analysis.

Fig. 10. Time history displacement at the left top node of the frame with various connection types. According to the (a) first order
analysis and (b) second order analysis.
M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955 945

The influence of viscous damping at connections on nent motion shown in Fig. 13b. The peak ground ac-
displacement response of frame with some types of celeration was 0.4 g at about third second. The
connections is shown in Figs. 11 and 12. These figures displacement response at the top of the frame with two
show that viscous damping alters the deflection response types of nonlinear connections and rigid jointed frame
of the frame significantly, particularly in case a weak according linear and second order analyses plotted in
connection type (DWA). It is obvious that the dis- Fig. 14. This figure shows considerable difference be-
placement response of the frame decays with time for tween the responses of rigid jointed frames and frames
both linear and nonlinear types of connections. In the with nonlinear connection types. The main reason for it
linear type connection case plotted in Figs. 11a and 12a is hysteretic damping which exists only in nonlinear
there is only viscous damping, so the frame oscillates connection case. It reduced transient deflection response
about its initial position. In the nonlinear type connec- gradually decreasing its amplitude with time.
tion case plotted in Figs. 11b and 12b, there are both Fig. 14a shows that in both TSDWA and DWA
viscous and hysteretic damping, so the frame oscillates nonlinear types of connection there are permanent de-
about its permanent drift position which exists as a re- flection drift (due to large connection rotation) to the
sult of the permanent nonrecoverable rotations of con- positive side (forward permanent deflection) in the first
nections. case, and to the negative side (backward permanent
deflection) in the second case. Fig. 14b also shows that
5.1.4. Earthquake excitation the frame with DWA connection demonstrates re-
The frame is assumed to be subjected to the first four markably different response from the others. After
seconds of Montenegro earthquake (1979) NS compo- about 3 s in this case, the frame deforms suddenly to a

Fig. 11. The influence of viscous damping at connections on displacement response of the frame with TSDWA connections. (a) Linear
type of connection and (b) nonlinear type of connection.
946 M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

Fig. 12. The influence of viscous damping at connections on displacement response of the frame with DWA connections. (a) Linear
type of connection and (b) nonlinear type of connection.

Fig. 13. Lateral load history. Accelerogram (a) and spectrum (b) for Montenegro earthquake (1979), Petrovac NS component.
M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955 947

Fig. 14. Time history displacement with various connection types according to the (a) first order analysis and (b) second order analysis.

peak value that reaches over 60 cm, and oscillates about within the range of predominant frequencies of the ap-
this permanent deflection. The main reason for this is plied earthquake (Fig. 13b). It obviously has a great
the appearance of large rotational deformations at the influence on displacement response of these frames.
joint connections. Time history acceleration responses of the frame with
The lateral displacement and shear force envelopes of rigid and two types nonlinear (TSDWA, DWA) connec-
the frame with the previous connection types obtained tions according to linear and second order analyses are
according linear and second order analyses are shown in shown in Fig. 17. It is obvious that there is a substantial
Figs. 15 and 16. The frames with flexible nonlinear con- hysteretic damping effect on the acceleration response of
nections under applied earthquake motion have smaller the frame with nonlinear connections. On the contrary,
lateral displacements and shear forces when compared in the case of rigid jointed frame, the acceleration re-
with the rigid jointed frame. It is necessary bear in mind sponse is not dampened, so the large amplification of
that any earthquake is an excitation with a wide range of the acceleration response exists. For the applied
frequencies. The predominant frequencies of the applied ground motion, the acceleration is amplified from the
earthquake are within the range from 2 to 10 Hz (peri- base to top of the frame by factors 6.5, 3.9 and 1.7 for
ods 0.1–0.5 s). The lowest natural frequencies of the rigid, TSDWA and DWA case of connections, respec-
investigated frames (rigid, TSDWA, DWA) are much tively.
higher than the predominant earthquake frequencies, The hysteresis M–h loops at joint C of the frame with
while the second and the third natural frequencies are TSDWA and DWA type of connections are shown in
948 M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

Fig. 15. Lateral displacement envelopes (a) and shear force envelopes (b) according to the first order analysis.

Fig. 16. Lateral displacement envelopes (a) and shear force envelopes (b) according to the second order analysis.

Fig. 18. It can be seen that the connections undergo frame were investigated by Chan and Ho [25] and Chan
strong rotational deformations during the applied earth- and Chui [36]. They applied the numerical model based
quake motion. on the linearized second order theory assuming the lin-
ear and nonlinear types of connections. The stiffness and
5.2. Single-bay two-storey frame geometric matrices of the uniform beam with end
springs were obtained using conventional cubic Hermi-
For the purpose of comparison of the analysis in this tian shape functions. Two elements per beam and one
paper with existing computational methods the single- element per column were applied. The flush end plate
bay two-storey frame shown in Fig. 19 has been ana- flexible connection type was assumed and modelled by
lyzed. Vibration and transient response analysis of the Chen–Lui exponential model [39] shown in Fig. 19b.
M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955 949

Fig. 17. Time history acceleration with various connection types according to the (a) first order analysis and (b) second order analysis.

Fig. 18. Hysteresis M–h loops at joint C of the frame with TSDWA (a) and DWA (b) type of connections.

The transient response of the frame was performed for The same frame has been analyzed by the present
the two cases of lateral loads (cyclic and impact) with numerical model and the results compared with those
and without the presence of gravitational loads. previously obtained by Chan and coworkers [25,36].
950 M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

Fig. 19. Single-bay two-storey frame. (a) Layout and (b) moment–rotation curves of flush end plate connection.

Table 3 nonlinearity of the structure has been developed. The

Natural frequencies of the single-bay two-storey frame complex dynamic stiffness matrix for a prismatic beam
Type of Natural frequencies (rad/s) with rotational springs and dashpots attached at its ends
connection Present work Chan and Ho was obtained in an explicit form. The stiffness matrix
was based on the analytical solutions of the second order
Rigid 10.50 10.35
Flush end plate 7.28 7.30
equations, so that each beam corresponds to one finite
TSDWA 7.11 7.13 element.
On the bases of the above theoretical considerations
and the results of the applied numerical analysis, it is
evident that the flexible joint connections greatly influ-
The natural frequencies of the frame for the fully ence the dynamic behavior of steel frames. The connec-
rigid and linear semi-rigid (flush end plate and TSDWA) tion flexibility may significantly alter both vibration
connections have been determined and shown in Table and the response of frames. An increase in the connec-
3. It can be seen that they are agree well with the results tion flexibility reduces the frame stiffness, and thus the
by Chan and Ho. eigenfrequencies, particularly the lower ones, which may
The time histories of the displacement at node B and have a primary influence on dynamic response of the
the hysteretic loops at node A of the frame under the structure.
lateral cyclic loads obtained by Chan and Chui and in From the results of numerical examples it can be
the current study are shown in Fig. 20. It can be seen concluded that the structural responses of the frames
that the response curves are very close. with nonlinear connections and the frames with con-
Displacement response of the frame subjected to the ventional type of connections (rigid or linear) are con-
impact loads obtained by Chan and Chui and by the siderably different. It shows that the effect of hysteretic
present study is shown in Fig. 21. damping on structural response is significant. Therefore,
It can be seen that the response curves have the same the nonlinear constitutive model for connections should
character, but there are some differences between their be used in design and response analysis of real frame
amplitudes and periods. These differences are small at structures. The linear model is inadequate as it cannot
the beginning and they gradually increase with time. As represent a hysteretic behavior of connection under cy-
expected, they are larger in the case the presence than in clic loads.
the case the absence of gravitational loads. The frame From the results, it can also be concluded that the
analyzed by the present study has smaller amplitudes viscous damping at connections may considerably re-
and nonrecoverable deflections, as well as shorter peri- duce the displacement response and internal forces of
ods when compared with the same frame analyzed by the frame, particularly in the case of weak connection
Chan and Chui. types. The influence of the geometric nonlinearity in-
creases with the gravitational loads and the lateral frame
deflections. It is higher in the frame with flexible con-
6. Conclusion nections than with rigid joints.
The connections are vital structural components that
An efficient method to perform dynamic analyses of are very often responsible for the behavior and safety of
steel frame structures with flexible connections has been frame structures subjected to strong dynamic (seismic)
presented in this paper. A numerical model that includes loads. Therefore, connection design and modelling have
both nonlinear connection behavior and geometric a great practical importance.
M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955 951

Fig. 20. Dynamic behavior of two-storey frame under cyclic loads. (a) Displacement response at node B and (b) hysteretic loops at
node A.

Appendix A. N3 ðxÞ ¼ D 1 ½1 cos x xn sin x þ sin x sin xn

ð1 cos xÞ cos xn;
The interpolation functions Ni ðxÞ, i ¼ 1; . . . ; 4, for the
compressive member ðN < 0Þ, are:
N4 ðxÞ ¼ lðDxÞ 1 ½sin x x þ xnð1 cos xÞ
N1 ðxÞ ¼ D 1 ½1 cos x x sin x þ xn sin x ð1 cos xÞ sin xn þ ðx sin xÞ cos xn;
sin x sin xn þ ð1 cos xÞ cos xn;
N2 ðxÞ ¼ lðDxÞ 1 ½x cos x sin x þ xnð1 cos xÞ
þ ð1 cos x x sin xÞ sin xn x jN j
D ¼ 2ð1 cos xÞ x sin x; n¼ ; x¼l :
þ ðsin x x cos xÞ cos xn; l EI
952 M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

Fig. 21. Displacement response of two-storey frame under impact loads. (a) Without gravity and (b) with gravity loads.

The shape functions for the tensile member ðN > 0Þ can 6

g41 ¼ g43 ¼ ½g2 þ 2g1 g2 ð2/3 /4 Þ/2 ;
be obtained from the foregoing expressions replacing lD
x ¼ jx, and using the relations shx ¼ j sin jx and
chx ¼ cos jx. 6e1
The elements of the correction matrix G are: g42 ¼ ½g2 þ 2g1 g2 ð2/3 /4 Þ/2 2g2 /4 ;
g21 ¼ g23 ¼ ½g1 þ 2g1 g2 ð2/3 /4 Þ/2 ;
g44 ¼ ½g2 þ 2g1 g2 ð2/3 /4 Þ/2 4½g2 /3
6e1 lD
g22 ¼ ½g1 þ 2g1 g2 ð2/3 /4 Þ/2 þ g1 g2 ð4/23 /24 Þ;
4½g1 /3 þ g1 g2 ð4/23 /24 Þ;
D ¼ ð1 þ 4g1 /3 Þð1 þ 4g2 /3 Þ 4g1 g2 /24 ; gi ¼
6e2 lki
g24 ¼ ½g1 þ 2g1 g2 ð2/3 /4 Þ/2 2g1 /4 ;
lD i ¼ 1; 2:
M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955 953

The elements of matrix k1 according to the second 6EI 4EI

k12 ¼ k23 ¼ ð1 þ 2g2 Þ; k44 ¼ ð1 þ 3g1 Þ;
order theory are: l2 D lD

k1 11 ¼ k1 13 ¼ k1 33 ¼ 12l/2 ða þ bÞ; k22 ¼ ð1 þ 3g2 Þ; k24 ¼ ; kjk ¼ kkj
l3 D lD lD
EI 2
k1 22 ¼ 4l ð2/3 c þ /4 f Þ; pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
l3 D EI 1
gi ¼ ; ki ¼ ki þ jxci ; j ¼ 1;
l ki
EI D ¼ 1 þ 4g1 þ 4g2 þ 12g1 g2 :
k1 12 ¼ k1 23 ¼ ½6l/2 ðc þ f Þ þ 2l2 ð2/3 a þ /4 bÞ;
l3 D
EI 2
k1 44 ¼ 4l ð2/3 d þ /4 eÞ; The elements of damping matrix c are:
l3 D

EI c11 ¼ c13 ¼ c33

k1 14 ¼ k1 34 ¼ ½6l/2 ðd þ eÞ þ 2l2 ð2/3 b þ /4 aÞ; 36EI
l3 D ¼ ðh1 þ h2 þ 4g1 h2 þ 4g12 h2 þ 4g2 h1 þ 4g22 h1 Þ;
k1 24 ¼
EI 2
2l ½2/3 ðe þ f Þ þ /43 ðd þ cÞ; l3 D2
l3 D
c12 ¼ c23 ¼ ð2h1 þ h2 þ 2g1 h2 þ 10g2 h1 þ 12g22 h1 Þ;
k1 jk ¼ k1 kj : l2 D2
The elements of matrix k2 according to the second 12EI
order theory are: c14 ¼ c34 ¼ ðh1 þ 2h2 þ 10g1 h2 þ 12g12 h2 þ 4g2 h1 Þ;
l2 D2
k2 11 ¼ k2 13 ¼ k2 33
EI a2 b2 c22 ¼ ð4h1 þ h2 þ 24g2 h1 þ 36g22 h1 Þ;
¼ 2 4/3 ða2 þ b2 Þ þ 4/4 ab þ þ ; lD2
lD g1 g2
k2 12 ¼ k2 23 c24 ¼ ðh1 þ h2 þ 3g1 h2 þ 3g2 h1 Þ;
EI ac bf
¼ 2 4/3 ðac þ bf Þ þ 2/4 ðaf þ bcÞ þ þ ; 4EI
lD g1 g2 c44 ¼ ðh1 þ 4h2 þ 24g1 h2 þ 36g12 h2 Þ; cjk ¼ ckj ;
k2 14 ¼ k2 34 where hi ¼ ðci EIÞ=ðlki2 Þ, i ¼ 1; 2.
EI ae bd The elements of mass matrix m are:
¼ 2 4/3 ðae þ bdÞ þ 2/4 ðad þ beÞ þ þ ;
lD g1 g2
m11 ¼ m13 ¼ m33
EI c2 f 2 36EI
k2 22 ¼ 2 4/3 ðc2 þ f 2 Þ þ 4/4 cf þ þ ; ¼ 3 3 ðg2 h21 þ 8g22 h21 þ 20g23 h21 þ 16g24 h21
lD g1 g2 l D g1 g2
EI e2 d 2 4g1 g2 h1 h2 8g12 g2 h1 h2 8g1 g22 h1 h2
k2 44 ¼ 2 4/3 ðd 2 þ e2 Þ þ 4/4 ed þ þ ;
lD g1 g2 16g12 g22 h1 h2 þ g1 h22 þ 8g12 h22 þ 20g13 h22 þ 16g14 h22 Þ;
EI ce df m12 ¼ m23
k2 24 ¼ 4/ 3 ðce þ df Þ þ 2/4 ðcd þ ef Þ þ þ ;
lD2 g1 g2 12EI
¼ 2 3 ð2g2 h21 þ 18g22 h21 þ 52g23 h21 þ 48g24 h21
l D g1 g2
where a ¼ g21 ¼ g23 , b ¼ g41 ¼ g43 , c ¼ g22 , d ¼ g44 ,
6g1 g2 h1 h2 8g12 g2 h1 h2 16g1 g22 h1 h2
e ¼ g24 , f ¼ g42 and e1 ¼ e2 ¼ 0.
Analytical expressions for the functions /i , 24g12 g22 h1 h2 þ g1 h22 þ 6g12 h22 þ 8g13 h22 Þ;
i ¼ 1; . . . ; 4 can be found in Ref. [35].
The elements of complex dynamic stiffness matrix k m14 ¼ m34
according to the first order analysis are:
¼ 2 3 ðg2 h21 þ 6g22 h21 þ 8g23 h21
l D g1 g2
k11 ¼ k13 ¼ k33 ¼ ð1 þ g1 þ g2 Þ; k14 ¼ k34 6g1 g2 h1 h2 16g12 g2 h1 h2 8g1 g22 h1 h2 8g1 g22 h1 h2
l3 D
6EI 24g12 g22 h1 h2 þ 2g1 h22 þ 18g12 h22 þ 52g13 h22
¼ ð1 þ 2g1 Þ;
l2 D þ 48g14 h22 Þ;
954 M. Sekulovic et al. / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 935–955

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