Crpto Week 3 Abstract Algebra

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Addition = 0 identity element and Multiply = 1 identity element

Properties of divisibility (above)


Modular arithmetic
Addition = 0 identity element and Multiply = 1 identity element

So what is known as congruence?

Eg so 10 mod 3 = (remainder = 1 )
4 mod 3 = (rem = 1 )
So 10 and 4 are congruent so its written as 10≡ 4 mod 3
Addition = 0 identity element and Multiply = 1 identity element

Here you can see in the 3rd line of the example we have done the 21 – 6 vala-
step why bcos of the property of congruency just to know that if
6 ≡ 21 mod 3 then the difference i.e a – b = 21 – 6 = 15 (the answer which u
get after the subtraction should be a multiple of ‘n’) in this case 15 yes it’s
the multiple of 3 so it satisfies the property of congruency

Extended Euclidean algo example 1

Addition = 0 identity element and Multiply = 1 identity element
Addition = 0 identity element and Multiply = 1 identity element

The black dot stands for (operations eg plus, minus and etc) Till the blue
covered things its knows as the Group and if the last property also gets
satisfied then its known as the Abelian group
Addition = 0 identity element and Multiply = 1 identity element

RING ({R,+,*}] (A ring must be a group as well a Abelian group)

Addition = 0 identity element and Multiply = 1 identity element

Addition = 0 identity element and Multiply = 1 identity element

So here basically the meaning is the Group is known as cyclic when one of the
element is a generator element (i.e in the eg u can see omega and omega^2)
we can generate the 3 elements (G = {….}) this once from the omega ang
Addition = 0 identity element and Multiply = 1 identity element

The tables are similar to the XOR operation

Addition = 0 identity element and Multiply = 1 identity element

The middle one is the modulus table

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