Tugas IT 4 September

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Nama kelompok:

Axxel darrent benedick/ 00000076879

Fitho Yushar Yahya / 00000075713
julies susanti saleh/ 00000077260
muhammad farid nabil/00000076818
Kilyon christoper/00000076997

Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) products have been popular in every country in the world

today. Indonesia is one of the countries that have been positively affected by this technology.

One of them is the realization of a lifestyle paradigm, namely smart living. This study found

that there are five main sectors in smart living, namely entertainment, health, energy

management, security, and retail. The functionality of IoT products has become an important

part of the impact of implementing smart living.

I. Introduction

By definition, IoT is objects (“things”) that are connected to back-end systems via the


Based on this research, it is proven that IoT products can help people to make their work

easier. In its application, IoT requires regulations from the government to regulate data

security and privacy aspects. This regulation is necessary because IoT applications and

products can handle personal information along with public information. In this case, the

Indonesian government has made regulatory policies related to data communication.

Networks in IoT are divided into two types, namely mobile networks and coverage sorting

networks. So far, nb-iot(edge), 3g, 4g and 5g are used as cellular networks. In contrast,

Bluetooth, Zigbee, RFID, and NFC are widely used for sorting networks [12], [13]. Both the

cellular network and the sorting network have been accommodated in terms of usage and

procurement regulations by the Indonesian government.


Smart Living is a concept about lifestyle. In recent years, smart living is closely related to the

concept of living life using information technology

In terms of functionality, information technology products (integrated with the definition of

Internet of Things) can individually and collaboratively carry out

monitoring/management/controlling/automating one or more services remotely

A. Smart Life Sector

By definition, smart living technology allows users to find out and get the results of the

analysis of information related to their lives. especially about personal self, such as personal

conditions (health) and living conditions (electronic security and control) A clear example of

the advantages of adopting this technology is the new experience of consumers in obtaining

product information (price, expiration date, content, etc.) and experiences during shopping

integrated. A popular example of a smart object is a smartwatch. Initially, smartwatches with

body condition identification features were only classified into the health/health sector. But

over time, with changes user experience, the reason for owning a smartwatch has become a

part of the Entertainment sector in daily life (which is generally filled with the entertainment

sector such as toy robots, televisions, audio systems, etc.


Using IoT products in the Smart Living sector can make people's lives easier. In survey

techniques, data collected from multidimensional respondents' backgrounds can help improve

the quality of the results of the analysis process. In addition to the survey, a literature review

was also conducted. The things reviewed are papers related to this research.

It also uses qualitative and quantitative methods.

Quantitative methods are used to obtain results from the scale given by the respondents.

Quantitative data was collected using a scale-based online survey. By using surveys,

researchers are expected to receive scale-based information provided by respondents

While qualitative methods are used to obtain results by reasoning. Qualitative data retrieval

was carried out using an open text-based online survey. By using the survey method,

researchers are expected to obtain descriptive textual information [36]. Qualitative methods

are also used to strengthen the respondents' reasons.


A. Demographic Data Results

The distributed questionnaires were collected during October 2019. The distributed

questionnaire received results as many as 134 respondents. The target respondents of this

questionnaire are people between the ages of 20-35 years.

B. Smart Living Technical Readiness

The first question in the survey aims to gain knowledge about the concept of smart living, as

well as an assessment of the knowledge of the concept. The results of understanding the

concept of smart living are obtained

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